Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 18, 1852, Image 1

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IXTILERE may be obtained the most speedy re
♦♦ V medy for
SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets, Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
Of the Kidneys, and all those Peculiar Affections
arrising from a SECRET HABIT, particularly the
loath of both sexes, which if not cured, produces
Coastitutional Debility, rendering Marriage impos
eible, and in the end destroys both Mind and
YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become
the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and
destructive habit which annually sweeps to an un
timely grave thousands ofyoung men of the most
exalted talents and brilliant intelect, who might
otherwise have entranced listning Senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy
the living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married persons, or those contemplating marri
age, being aware of physical weakness, should
immediatedly consult Dr. J., and be restored to
perfect health.
serving.the NAME and NUMBER. or you will
mistake the place.
Take Notice—Dr. Johnston's Office is in his
dwelling, or THE STEPS. •ills very extensive
practice is a sufficient guarantee that he is the on•
ly proper Physician to apply to.
DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal Col
lege of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of
the most eminent Colleges of the United States,
and the greater part of whose life has been spent
in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia,
and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as
tonishing cures that were ever known, many
troubled with ringing in the cars and head when
asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud
den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing, attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CERTAIN DISEASE.—It is a melancholy
fach that thousands fall Victims to this horrid dis
ease owing to the Unskillfulness of ignorant pre
tenders, who by the use of that deadly poison
Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most
serious symptoms of this dreadful disease to make
their appearance, such as affections of the head,
throat, nose, skin, etc., progressing with fright
ful rapidity till death puts a period to their dread
ful suffering, by sending them to that Bourne
whence no traveler returns.
men who have injured themselves by a certain
practice indulged in when alone—a habit frequent
ly learned from evil• companions, or at school—the
effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and if not cured renders marriage impossible, stud
destroys both mind and body.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of Isis
country, and the darling•of his parents should be
snatched from all prospects - 0d enjoyments of life
by the consequences of deviating from the path of
stature and indulging in a certain secret habit.—
such persons before contemplating.
MARRIAGE, should reflect that a sound mind
and body are the most necessary requisitsts to
promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without
these, the journey through lifo becomes a weary
pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the
view; the mind becomes shadowed with dispair,
and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the
happi-ness of another becomes blighted with our
addresses young men, and cell who have injured
themselves by private and improper indulgence.
IMPUISSANE.—These are some of the sad
and melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs,
Pains in the head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys
pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption, &c.
Mentally—The fearful effects on the mind aro
winch to be dreaded; Loss of Memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings,
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, &c. are some of the evilt produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages, eon pow judge
what is the cause of their declining henlth. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia
ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes,
cough and symptoms of consumption.
Married persons, or those contemplating marri
age, being aware of physical weekness, should
immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to
perfect health.
STREET, Baltimore, -1/d.
FORMED.—N. 11. Let no false delicacy pre
vent you, but apply immediately either personally
or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured.
TO STRANGERS. —The many thousands cur
ed at this Institution within the last ten years,
and the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr. J., witness Icy the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which have appeared again and again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
willfiud a skillful and honorable physician.
As there are so many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Pldsicians, ruining
the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
say to those unacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
stair cured, and full vigor restored.
Jan. 8, 1852.-Iy.
Hardware Cheaper.
JOHN A. NEFF, for many years in the house
of Mr. Buehler & Bro., desires to inform
his friends of Huntingdon county that he has
connected himself with the firm of Messrs.
Lower & Barron, No. 174, North Third Street,
3rd door above Vine Street, where he will be
pleased to oiler every article in the HARDWARK
Line AT MUCH LOW. Pale. than ever before
sent to bin native county.
Philad'a, March 20, 1851.—tf.
Are you Insured ?
F not, insure your property at once in the Cum
berland Valley Mutual lusurance Company.
Apply to Goo. W. SPEER, Agent,
Bridgeport, Pa.
ril,ntingbl:l - 1
To the Honorable the Judges of the court of
Quarter Session of Huntingdon county, at April
Term 1852:
The Petition of Robert Kyle of the township
of Brady (at Mill Creek) in said county, respect
fully sheweth; that he has rented the well known
Brick House lately occupied by James Ilattipson,
as a public house of entertaietnent; and the said
Robert Kyle wishes and intends to continue said
public house. He therefore prays your honors
to grant him a license to keep a public house at
the place aforesaid for the ensuing year. And ho
will pray. ROBERT KYLE.
March 4, 1852.
The subscribers citizens of the township of Bra
dy, in the county of Huntingdon recommend
the above petitioner, and certify that the Inn or
tavern above mentioned, is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strangers or travel
lers; nod that the petitioner above mentioned is
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and
is well provided with house room and conveni
ences for the lodging and accommodations of
strangers and travellers.
Samuel G. Simpson, J. IC. Hampson, Isaac
Witinan, E. L. Plowman, Benjamin Platt, Sam
uel Sharnt, Samuel P. Foster, Robert Mattson,
Frances Holler, Thomas B. Miller, Christain
Miller, Benjamin Yoder, Jesse Yocum, Dickson
Hall. James McDonald, Thos. H. Morrison, Mar
tin Gets, Adam flower, John S. Weston.
To the Honorable the Judges of the court of
Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county at April
Session 1852:
'rite petition of Joseph Forrest of the borough
of Petersburg in the said county, respectfully
showeth that he continues to occupy in the said
borough, that large and commodious house, now
and heretofore occupied by him as a house of
public entertainment, and is desirous of continu
ing to keep a public house there. Ho therefore
prays the Court to grant him a licence to keep a
public house at the place aforesaid for the ensuing
March 4, 1852.
The subscribers citizens of the borough of Pe
tersburg in the county of Huntingdon certify, that
the Inn or tavern, proposed to be kept by the said
Joseph Forrest at the place aforesaid is necessary ,
to accommodate the public and entertain stran
gers and travellers, and that the said Joseph For
rest is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
I and is well provided with house room and conve
niences for the accommodation of strangers and
Jno. li. Hunter, H. Orlady, Geo. W. Car
swell, Joseph Johnston, Jno. Y. Murphy, Hen
ry Neville, H. A. Wakefield, Jonathan Isen
berg, William Temple, Wm. B. Megahun, Bar
nabas Zigler Sen., Thomas Hyler, John H. Rit
ter, Geo. W. Whitaker.
e.. 0 cu ci) cr)
For the Man what struck Billy Pat-
The attention of the public generally is invited
to the fact that
have just received one of the largest assortments
of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this
place; all of which they oiler at prices so greatly
reduced as to make their store
Their supply embraces all the usual variety of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets and Vesting;
Muslim, Prints, Flannels, &c. &c., to
gether with the latest styles of
Consisting of Silks, Merinos, Par-
motto Clothes, de Ludas, Ginglninis, to-
niery, S:c.; nod , a •dry hirgenssoronent of
Ladies, Misses and . Cfinifren's Shoes;
111111 also of MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND
SHOES of every description. They also invite
particular attention to their stock of
And the best stock of HARDWARE in town.
They have also
of the very best quality, which they will sell at
a very small advance on cost. Call and exam
ine for yourselves. They have also a beautiful
article of
Carpeting, and every other article usually kept in
country stores. No will receive and store
grain, and also pay the highest market prices for
it and it is admitted by all that we have the
must convenient place to unload grain in or about
town. Oct. 6, '5l.
Constantly on hand, and for sale the most
highly unproved Durham Short Horn cattle,
Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswald and
Leicester Sheep.
The subscriber now offets for sale several very
fine Durham Short Horn Bull and heifer calves;
two Chester Boars; about five months old, which
took the first prembun for pigs of that age at
the late State Agricultural Fair also, sixteen
young thorough bred Pigs of the same breed,
about three weeks old; also, eight thorough
Buck and Ewe Lambs of his South Down flock.
The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that
for all the stock which he exhibited, at the State
Agricultural Fair, be received the highest pre
miums for South Down and Leicester sheep and
Chester Hogs.
Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry P. 0.,
Huntingdon Co., Penna., will be attended to.
RonEitT muth
Nov. 20, 1851.
Paint Brushes, Sand paper &c. & &c., at the
cheap store of BRICKER. & LENNEY.
BUT'L'ER, Eggs, Rags, Lard, Clover Seed,
Grain, Potatoes, &e., &e., taken in exchange
for goods at market prices at the new store of
131111;1MR & LENNEY.
1-) and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices.
. received a Scot's Chea».feweinl Sore,lllNo
Would respectfully Wolin his friends and the
public, that ho has on hand and is receiving for
the coining season, a fine assortment of
Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, &c. Together with hieselebra
ted and unrivalled
Which is equal if not superior, to any now in use.
Each Pen is Engraved with his own name,
mid every Pell Warranted.
Oh did you ever, no I never !
Mercy on us what a treat;
Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen !!' Where did you get it I
Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat;
Yes, my friends, there's no humbuging
In Read's Gold Pens of North Third Street!
irßead's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North
Third Street, below Arch East Side.
Piladelphia. Jun. 8, 1852.—tf.
4 - 1 •
At his Cheap Mere in the Diamond.
GEO. GWIN respectfully informs the citizens
of the borough and county of Huntingdon, that
he has just received and unusually large stock of
consisting of every variety of
Ladles' & Gentleman's Dress Goods.
and all other articles in the Dry-Goods line.
and in fact every variety of Goods to snit this
market. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or per
ish, I am determined not to be nudersold by any
establishment in this section of the country, and
this is no humbug, nor is it intended to deceive.
Give me a call and I will convince you that my
statements arc strictly true. Call and examine
my stock and judge for yourselves, and without a
inotneut's hesitation you will be convinced that
purpose meeting my 'pledge. My stock is entirely
new and of the latest styles. I take pleasure in
showing them at all titnes free of charge.
Feeling thankful for past favors, 1 hope, by
strict attention to business, to merit a continuance
of the same.
Huntingdon, Oct. 9,1851,
J. D. w=LL=AMs & Co.,
Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants an
Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg
No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg.
HAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
week, the following goods, of the most re
cent importations, which are offered on the most
reasonable terms:
115 catty boxes prime Green Tea.
45 half chests do do
46 " Oolong and Chubut.
100 bugs Rio Coffee.
15 " Laguyra and Java.
60 boxes B's, 5 ,,
s, and Ilb lump tobacco.
35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel.
20 and I do No. 1 do
2and do Salmon.
50 ,oxes scaled Herring.
1300 lbs extra Madder.
3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves,
6 bags Pepper & Alspice, 1 1,1,1 Nutmegs,
2 bbls Ground Ginger, 1 bid ground pepper,
1 1,1,1 Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard
1011egs ground Cassia, 10 do do Ctovelt,
2 bids Garret's Snuff, 45 bxs Stearin Candles,
20 bxs Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do
100 doz Masons Blatk'g 100 lbs sup. Rice Flour,
100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 doz Ink,
150 duo Corn Brooms, 125 don Patent Zinc
50 has extra pure Starch, Wash Boards,
25 do Saleratus, 75 blob N. 0. Molasses,
15 bbls S. 11. Molasses, 10 do (,'oldest Syrup,
25 do Loot; Crushed, 5501bs seedless Raisins,
& Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs,
20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Prunes,
5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons,
10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond
12 doa Military Soap, Soap,
1 I,bl sup. Carl, Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar,
1 case Pearl Sago,2 cases Isinglass,
2 cases Sicily & efined 1 case Arrow Root,
Liquorice, 150 Bath Brick,
11,1,1 Flour Sulphur, 100 gross Matches,
100 don Extract .I'l,ll,- 5 doz Lemon Sugar,
on, Rose & 1 cask Sal Soda,
Wags, Nails, \V hde Lead, Lard oil, &e.
R e f e r to 51 -i -hants Thomas Read & Son,
Fisher & M'Murtrie,
El •' Charles Miller,
Honorable John Ker,
May IS, 1851.-Iy.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
David Friedley, either by note or book account,
arc liereioy notilieti that they must call and settle
their respective accounts on or before the Ist day
of April, otherwise they will be placed in the
hands of au officer for collection.
Feb. 26, 1852.
All persons indebted to Neff & Miller by note
or book account, are requested to call on the nn•
dersigned and make payment boihre the April
Court. By so doing you will save cost.
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1852.
cIIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents for the largest
LJ Gold Pencils, at
Bd. Snare's Jewelry Store.
For sale, or Rout.
'rho Farm, on which 1 at present reside nearly
opposite the Borough ul'Hunti nl l.on.
A Lady's Visit to a Printing Office.
'So you set there all day and cut pieces
from the newspapers; I think I should like
that, it is so much like patch work.'
'Yes, madam, we exci - ssorizo some, the'
we are obliged to weave considerable cloth
ourselves. Suppose you occupy our chair,
and give the public your ideas of editing a
'Me! goodness! I wouldn't sit down
here and write where every body is writing,
alone, for the world; writing makes a per
son so cross. Besides, your table is all
ink, it would soil my new dress; why don't
you have a nice mahogany table and nice
white curtains at the windows? What
makes you hang those dusty old papers in
the room? If I was obliged to stay here,
the floor should be washed and a carpet
laid down; it must be dreadful to live in
such a manner.'
'O, those are our files; we couldn't dis
pense with them very well; and as for a
carpet, we fear it would frighten away our
'Dear me, the gentlemen are so careless
about everything nice that I don't think
they are comfortable unless their rooms
are all littered up. Did you write all
these sheets to day?'
'Certainly, and we are not through yet.'
'Why it takes me a whole day to com
pose and copy a letter. I hope you don't
scrawl and blot so when you write to the
'We never had that pleasure, madam.'
'No—you don't write for them either,
or you would not print such dry stuff as
you do.'
'Don't put anything more about that
Oregon or Congress in the paper, will you
—it is so dull. But what are those men
doing in the other room, with their sleeves
rolled up, and making . motions as though
they were going to fight somebody.
'Those are our compositors setting type;
you see they have a stick in one hand, and
they place the types in with the other.'
don't see any sticks, unless you call
the little piece of iron so; what names
you have; I always thought a stick was to
walk with.'
'Wall hours makes the words walk,
those little boxes that we call cases, con
tain the letters, and the printers put them
together into words and sentences by the
aid of that litlle piece of iron you speak of.'
'Well, I declare! Doctors and lawyers
I knew had cases, but 1 never knew that
printers had before.'
'Certainly, madam; they sometimes aro
foul cases and hard cases, too; but what
I can be expected of those who lead the life
of devil.'
'Why, do they? I'm sorry to hear it.
Do tell me what that man is filling that
trough with water for.'
'lre is going to wet paper, you know—'
-4 0 yes, - I
tl7ought yOu &prialed your pa
pers and ironed them, to make them look
so smooth; and I suppose this great gal
lows looking machine is your wangle.'
'That's the press, madam, and this han
dle hero is the Archimedean lever which
moves the world. Just notice its power,
you preceire it is a broken lever —'
'Why in the world don't you have it
mended. The men are always so slack;
but what are those things that rest►able
pklbure' frames?'
'Those are what we term galleys.'
'You have galleys, hey? I did'nt know
that printers were so much like Romans
'Look yonder—what is that boy doing!'
'Oh, lie is distributing a handful of pi.'
shouldn't think a handful of pie would
be much amongst so many.'
'What are you. going to do with those
slips of printed paper?
'These are proofs, and we are obliged
to read them ; won't you sit down and help
'No, indeed! I can't tear to road any
kind of proof, unless sometimes in trials
for breach of promise. I don't believe
the ladies would snake very good prin
'Pardon us, madam, but we think they
would. Their slender fingers would be
the very things for handling small caps,
nonpareil, agate, pearl and minion; they
might do well with long primer.'
. . ..
l'Psliaw, don't mention it,l . nover could
bear the name of long primer since ma
used to make me learn the catechism out
of it. Oh, good gracious? if I havn't
spoiled my gloves, by touching seine of
your old typo! What an awful thing it
would be to get your ink on my hand.—
Good morning.'
AN ANSWER.--A correspondent asks us
" why should marriage and death notices
be paid for I" For the very best of rea
sons—ono is uu advertisement of co-part
nership and the other is a notice of disso
lution. Business is business.
ru- What medicine does a man take for
a scolding wife Ho takes au elixir. (Ho
takes and ho Halts her.)
ar Two things wade to bo lost—siu-
c4i, o 011rittgr
The Cultivation of Basket Willow
In the United States appears, from facts
which have come to our knowledge, to be
a subject deserving serious toimuleration.
It is stated, upon the best information,
that the value of the annual importation of
the article into this country amounts to
nearly five millions of dollars, and that
large as the quantity may seeni, it does not
satisfy the consumption. The supply is
derived from France and Germany, and the
price paid her ranges from $lOO to $l3O
per ton weight. There are three varieties
of the plant regarded as best suited for
basket making, farming, tanning and fen
cing. Of these, the Salix Viminalis is
most used in the manufacture of baskets,
and, under favorable circumstances of soil
and culture, an acre of ground will yield
at least two tons weight per year, costing,
when prepared for market, about $35 per
ton. The species is the Salix Cupua, or
Huntingdon willow, adapted for basket
making, but more extensively employed by
,English farmers for hoop poles and fen
cing. When used for the latter purpose,
the manner of planting is described to be
"by placing the ends of the cuttings in
the ground, and then working them into a
kind of trellis work, and passing a willow
withe around the tops, so as to keep them
in shape for the first two years. The tops
are afterwards cut off yearly, and sad to
basket makers, thus obtaining a fence and
crop front the same ground." The hurdle
fences of England removable at the pleas
ure of the proprietors, are also made from
the Salix Capua. The third kind of wil
low to which we have reference, is the
Salix 416 a, or Bedford willoW, which is
held in high esteem as a shack tree, and
very generally cultivated for this use in
England. It is remarkable for its beauty
and rapid growth—affording a Food shade,
it is said, in two years after planting. The
bark is, also, much prized for its superior
tanning properties, while its wood, from its
fine grain and susceptibility of a polish as
fine as that made of rosewood or mahogany,
is in extensive requisition for shoemakers'
lasts, boot trees, cutting boards, gun and
pistol stooks, and house timber. This,
too, is the willow that is chiefly used
in England in the manufacture of gunpow
der. An acre of the wood, after ten years
'from planting, has sold for £155.
As respects the practicability of growing
in this country the willows enumerated ex
periment by a number of enterprising, far
mers and horticulturists in New York and
other States, has been made successfully
on a small scale. The soil and cli
mate of the United States are, in many
;Places, favorable to the cultivation of the
plant, and but little care is necessary to
bring it to perfection. Those persons who
have engaged iu the enterprise, and have
experience in the work of raising this spe
cies of vegetable for manufacturing pur
poses, assert confidently that it can be
grown profitably in numbers of the States,
at $5O per ton weight. It ii also said,
upon well ascertained data, that there are
hundreds of thousands of acres of land
here, either not improved at all, or yield
ing but a very small per cent per annum,
which could be made, by occupying them
with the ozier, productive of immense pro
fits. On this point, an intelligent gentle
man who has a practical acquaintance
with the subject, says:
"Every farmer will acknowledge mead
ow land to be poor that will not yield a
ton of hay to the acre, which, when cured
and in market, seldom sells for more than
$l2. All men who are acquainted with
the growth of willow for market, well
know that an acre of land ought to yield
at least one and a half tons weight of it.--
The cost of preparing willow for market
would not exceed $4O per ton. Now, vs
timating hay at $l2 per ton, and willow
at $l2O, deducting from the willow $4O
per ton for preparing for market, there is
a balance in favor of the willow of $BO
per acre:"
TLe feasibility of the cultivation in the
United States.has been, hitherto, and very
naturally, decried by importers, who have
represented the crop to be liable to damage
from flies, and have also alleged the price
of labor to be too high to allow of fair re
numerating returns. In contradiction of
this, we hero cite the testimony of Mr. W.-
(1. Haynes, of New York, who is occupied'
in the production of the willow for mechan
ical uses. Ho says:—.l have grown as
good a quality of willow as is raised in any
part of the world. That taken front two
acres, cut last year, yielded me,
clear of
all expense, the snug little sum of $333 . 75 t
If I had the means, I would purchase
lands and plant thousands of acres of wil
low, and find a ready market for it."
To convince those who have not investi-1
gated the subject of the lucrative nature
of the trade, it is sufficient to state that
the large importation of baskot-willow,
made during last summer, by four or five l
hoses iu New York, was not equal to oven
half the demand, which is increasing every
13.-4 :f hn• hoar,. tligenVer.
ed by one who has industriously collected
the statistics, that the amount of money
paid for willow-tirskets alone, in the city
of NeW eiceeded $1,000,000, and
that the stun paid for baskets shipped to
to the Southern and West India markets,
probably reached $2,000,000 snore.—
These fads are certainly important and
well worth the reflection of nice who are
properly situated for embarking in a busb: -
ness which, in all points of view; promises
advantages so decided and great. Tho
native product would always command zr
sale here, in preference to that imported,
by reason of the cleanness of the crop and
its freedom front the bruizing and break
age occasioned by packing iu a ship's hold,
not to mention that the imported article
is the mere refuse of the foreign crop,
which is generally carefully picke by the
French and German basket-makers, who
retain the beat qualities for their own
manufacture into fabrics subsequently ex
ported to this country.
Besides the inducements which an ex
tensive domestic demand for the willow
holds out to our agriculturists, Great Brit
ain annually imports from the continent a
large quantity of it, and there is no.',•feason
why producers of the raw material here
should not supply the consumption of gfig ,
land as well as of the United States. In'
short, the project of cultivating the Salia 4
Vitninalis, and other species of the plot'
adapted to manufactures, appears worthy
to claim the earnest attention of the Amer?
loanfernier; and, in view of the obvious
rewards which it would yield flit labor and'
capital ; we are surprised the subject has
not long since been discussed in the agri
cultural societies of the lead, and fried'
thoroughly by liberal and enlightened ex
periment. It is not yet too late to render
it a valuable source of private and nation
al revenue.—North .firneri can:
Printer's Language,
Every profession has its technical terms,
of course the Printers have a "small smat
tering," which is - only intelligible to the
craft. The foll Owing from the Delaware
Republican, is a'specimen; it don't mean,
however, as much as it seems to the unin
“Jim, put Gen. Washington on the gal
ley, & then finish the murder of that young
girl you commenced yesterday. Set up
entire the ruins of Herculaneum; distribute
the small pox; you need not finish the ruri- -
away match; have the high• water• in the
paper this week. Let the pie alone till af
ter dinner, but put the political barbecue
to press; throw those old typo in hell,-and
then go to the devil, and he will tell•you
about the work for the morning.•
0-7 - A sailor being about to sail for In
dia, a citizen asked him where his father
'ln shipwreck.' .
'And where did your grandfather 'die?'
'As he was a fishing, a storm arose; and
he with his companions perished:'
'And your great grandfather?'
'lie also, perished from shipwreck.'
'Then if 1 were you, I would never , go
to sea.'
'Pray Mr. Philosopher, where did your
father die?'
'My father, grand father, and great
grand father died in bed.'
'Then if I• were you,•I• would nevc+i• go
to bed,' retorted the'scni of Neptune.
Dom' Two Irishmen, in Crossing a field
not a hundred miles from this pitied, came
in contact with a• jack, who was snaking
daylight hideous with his unearthly bray
ing. J ennny stood a moment in astonish
ment, but turning to Pat, who seeintd as
much enraptured with the song as hiniself,
remarked,• 'lt's a tine large ear that bird
has for music, Pat., but sure he's got a
wonderful• eowld:'
trrA: Buck while being moaioired• fot a
pair of boots, observed:
"Make them cover the'cail."
"Heavens!" exclaimed the astonished
snob, surveying his customer from head to
foot, "I have nut leather enough:"
Hottentot once got up wpahiting
of Ileaveti. It was inclosed with a fence
made of sausages while the centre was
occupied with to , fountain that squirted
It'/Sale of Intoxicating Liquors in Lou
isiana. The liecnse law that has uow pass
ed both houses of the Louisiana Legisla
ture, gives the exclusive power to police
juries and to the mayors and alderman of
cities, to make such laws and regulations .
for the sale, or prohibition of the sale of
in toxic:ding liquors as they nary deem ad
visable and to grant or withhold licenies
from drinking houses or shops as a major
ity of the citizens and voters of any ward,
parish, town ur city, may determine by
ballot. This act takes affect immediately