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BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL WHERE may be obtained the most speedy re medy for SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys, and all those Peculiar Affections arrising from a SECRET HABIT, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces Constitutional Debility, rendering Marriage impos t' ibl e and in the end destroys both Mind and YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of /Wary rice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an un timely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intelect, who might Utheririso have entranced listning Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to testacy the living lyre, may call with dill confidence. Harried persons, or those contemplating marri age, being aware of physical weakness, should immediutedly consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. DR. JOHNSTON, Office No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, SEVEN DOORS FROM BALTIMORE STEET,Eust side UP 'THE STEPS. Er BE PARTICULAR in ob serving the NAME - and NUMBER. or you will mistake the place. A CURE WARRANTED, on NO CHARGE MADE, IN FROM ORE TWO DAYS. Take Notice—Dr. Johnitton's Office is in his dwelling, Ur THE STEPS. His very extensive practice is a sufficieut guarantee that he is the on ly proper Physician to apply to. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal Col lege of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in the ears end head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud den souuds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush ing, attended sometimes with derangement of &tied, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE.—It is a melancholy fach that thousands fall Victims to this horrid dis ease owing to the Unskillfulness of ignorant pre tenders, who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of this dreadful disease to make their appearance, such as affections of the head, throat, nose, skin, etc., progressing with fright fnl rapidity till death puts a period to their dread ful sutTering, by sending them to that Bourne whence no traveler returns. TAKE PARTICULA It NOTICE.—Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone--a habit frequent ly learned from evil coast panions, or at schuol—the effects of which are nightly felt, oven when asleep, mid if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prosi•ects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of mature and indulging in a certain secret habit.— Such persons before contemplating. MARRIAGE, should reflect that a sound mind .d body are the most necessary requisitsts to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life beet/11108 a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with dispair, and filled with the inelanchuly reflection, that the happi-ness of another MA:times blighted with our u.... CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY.-Dr. J. addresses young men, and nil who have injured themselves by private and improper indulgence. IMPUISSANE.—These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, visa Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Dei angentents of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Jientolly—The fearful °lnlets on the mind are mach to be dreaded; Loss of Meinery, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli %tide, &c. are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining herdth. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Married pawns, or those contemplating marri age, being aware of physical weekness, should i iiiiiiiiiiiii consult Dr. J. .d be restored to . perfect healt h. OFFICE, NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, tialtiniore, Md. ALL SCIIUICAL OPPERATI N S PER YORMED.—N. B. Let no false delicacy pre vent Yoe, hut apply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured. TO STRANGERS.—The many thousands cur ed at this Institution within the last ten years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witness by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, uosicea of which have appeared again and again before the public, is & sufficient guarantee that the afflicted will find a skillful and honorable physician. , As there are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselres as Phisicians, ruining the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials es Diplomas always hang in his office. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS lima stekured, and full rigor restored. ALL LETTERS POST PAID--REME DI SENT BY MAIL. Jan. 8,1852.—1 y. Hardware Cheaper. JOHN A. NEFF, for many years in the house of Mr. Buehler & Bro,, desires to inform his friends of iluntinplon county that he tas connected himself with — the firm of Messrs. Lower & Barron, No. 114, , North Third Street, and door above Vine Street, where he will be pleased to offer every article in the Ifonowona LINE aT talon LOWER PRltaa than ever before seat to his native county. Philad'a, March 20, 1851.-g. Are you Insured 1. I! not, instill., your property at once in the Cum. barked Valley Mutual insurance Company. Apply to Goo. W. Seratt, Agent, Bri44eport, Pa. H. W. 8111ITH, DENTIST, HU.IVTI,ArG DON, PA. (Moe opposite Couto' Hotel, Market at. The Printer any. 11Y JESSE HUTCHINScON. :Written for the Alleghonians and sung by them at the Printer's Festival, New York.] I'll sing you a song of a Printer's boy Whose bright and honored name Stands out in glowing CAPITALS. Upon the scroll of fume— Who in the days that tried men's souls, In freedom's darkest night— Stood manfully with Washington, And battled for the right. Ben Franklin was that Printer Boy, one of the olden time. And 'twos that boy who flew his kite To the thunder-clouds on high— And brought the forked lightning down From regions of the sky; 'Twos he who caught this fiery horse, And trained him for the chase, 'Till now he's driven safe by Morn' light into the Printer's Case. Ben Franklin was that Printer Boy, one of the olden time. Long shalt the world extol his name, The patriot anti sage, Who fully justified by faith, Was proved on every page; His form corrected and revised, Is now worked off and pressed— A new edition in the skies, A • among the blest. All honor to that Printer Boy, one of the olden time. And now my brother Typos, take This leader for your guide, Follow corrected copy, and All errors mark outside— Bo frugal, chaste and temperate, Stick to the golden rule. And you shall shine among the • • • In the Printing Office school. Just imitate that Printer Boy, one of the olden time. DOSING A TRAVELLER. A HOTEL SCENE, JIY U. KOSHOOT, It was ono of the ,extonsive hostelries which are to be "tied up to" in most of the largo towns in the interior of New York, that the following scene actually oc curred, as can be proved by a cloud of witnesses who have heard the landlord tell the story. The hotel referred to was, on the occa sion of which we aro speaking rather full and the nephew of the Landlord lay sick in one of the rooms on the third floor. He was to receive medicine during the night from the hands of a person who had been procured to "watch" with him. The land lord had instructed the aforesaid watcher to admiuistor a portion of some little phys ic to the patient at 12 o'clock; the dose to be repeated at certain hours of the night. "He is rather teohy," said the landlord, "and you had better keep out of his room until you go up to give him the medi cine." "Oh; for that mutter," replied the watcher, who was a novice in the vocation, "I prefer to sit hero;" and ho eyed a sofa whioh was in the apartment, in a suspi cious scanner. "Well," said the landlord, “you won't forgot the number of his room?" ‘'i . No sir." "And tell him ho must tako his medi cine without Making such a confounded fuss as ho made with the last dose. Tell him that I say he must tako it—it's good for him." "Yes sir." "Good night." "Good night." Boniface ;eared and the watcher de posited himself on the sofa from which he was roused by his own snoring at a quar ter before one. In dismay and confusion he seized the potion and hurried up stairs. The sick man was lodged in No. 52, but the nurse in the haste mistook No. 53 for it and entering the latter, ho saw a person lying in bed, face upward, with his mouth wide open, respiring with that peculiar gurgle in the throat which indicates strong lungs and a plethoric habit. "Ah!" mentally exclaimed the astute watcher, "ho makes a fuss about his me dicine, does he'? blowed through if he dont take one dose quietly—before he wakens up in fact!" The idea of giving a potion of bitter physic to a somnolent patient was suffi ciently ridiculous; but when we consider that the watcher had entered the wrong room and was about to administer it to the wrong wan, the affair becomes still wore ludicrous. Our friend, the watch, acted promptly, and haring filled the bowl of a large spoon with the nauseating mixture, ho forced it down the throat of the sleeping traveller, who happened to boa healthy Hibernian that had never tasted physic before i his life. The Irishman struggled and bit the spoon severely, but the watcher plunged it still HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1852. deeper in his throat saying as ho did so. 4 , 0 h but you must take it--the land lord says you must!" The nasty dose went down but when Patrick recovered from his breath and be gan to pour forth his objurations in his own peculiar rhetoric, the watcher discov, ered that he had committed an .egregious blunder, and seizing his light fled from the room. The astonished and enraged traveller sprang from his bed, and was soon hoard rushing about in search of the landlord swearing vengeance against him and all connected with his house. On he came tearing through the passages, banging the doors, and roaring like a grizzly—bull. ..„ . . "00-00-oh! it kilt Tam; bo dad, any how. Au-uh! I'm chawked with poi son. Divil a bit iv n, farm in the wist horn country will I buy now—for I am a dead man! The poison is sting me up just. Och! it's enough to snake a dog throw his father in the fire! Ilooly Saint Patrick? Landlord' landlord, land-10-o-o -o-r-r-rd!" Pat had by this time descended to the floor on which the landlord's apartment was situated and the worthy host, hearing the hillabulloo, opened his door and asked what was the matter? "Ah! is it there yo are! Como out for a bating or lot me come tell ye! A d poorty house yore kapen, to sind yore man into an honest travellers's room to pison the innocent Divil in his slope! Ugh! the bitter nasty pison !—come ant here, and I'll lather ye like blazes!" What's the matter, my good friend!" inquired Bonifo.ce. "Ow! the matter is!—when I was waked from my swate slope and a big dirty brag gard stood fornint me rannuin a big la-dle down me trote full ov pison—and sez he, you must take it, the landlord, sez so: Au' now, what's tho matter, sez you! An' that's ono of yor thricks on travellers!" Como out here an' I'll bate ye. Be the blood of the hooly 'northers, I'll brake ivory bone in yer 'ugly body!—l'll tache ye to poison a docent thravoller, that's going to buy land in the wisthern eoun thry! The Irishman here became entangled in the meshes of a wooden settee which stood in his way, and, at the same time the landlord's wife seized her wrathy lord —although a host in himself, she was not willing to risk him iu a rough and tumble fight in the dark—and having plucked him back into her sleeping apartment, she locked the door and bolted it securely. The prospective purchase of "wisthern lauds" having extricated his legs and arms from those of the settee, still thirsted for the landlord's blood. "Bring me till the murtherin ould till yan; let too come at him!" At this juncture, however, Mick, the hostler, made his appearance with a lan-. tern, which he held up to the physic-smear ed face of the enraged traveller with polite request that he would hold his' tongue. But Mick was : at last compelled ) to give his fellow countryman a good beat ing, which had the elkot to restore him to good humor, and when he found that he was not poisoned after all, he retired once more to his bed to dream of his "forum" which he was going to buy in the "wist born couuthry."—Boston Daily Times. A True Story. Tho following remarkable story has all the interest of romance) yet it is true and the parties are still living: It was in the memorable year 1814 when the allied armies were concentrated about Paris. A young lieutenant of dragoons was en gaged with three or four Hungarians who after having received several smart strokes from his sabre, managed to send a ball in to his shoulder, to pierce his chest with a thrust from a lance, and to leave him for dead on the bank of the river. On the opposite side of the stream, a boat man and his daughter had been watching the unequal fight with fears of desperation. But what could an old unarmed man do, or a pretty child of sixteen? However the old soldier—for such the boatman was —had no sooner seen the officer fall from his horse than ho and his daughter rowed over most vigorously for the other side. Then when they had deposited the wounded man in their boat, these worthy people crossed the river again, but faint hopes of reaching the military hospital in time. "You have been vory badly treated my boy," said the old gentleman to him, "but here am I who have gone further and come home." The silence and the fixed attitude of Lieutenant S---, showed tho extreme agony of his pains, and the hardy boat man soon discovered that the blood which Was gathering about the wound on his left side would shortly terminate hiS existence; ho turned to his youthful daughter: • "Mary," ko• said "you have heard me tell of my brother; be died of just such a wound as this hero. Well, now had there only been somebody to suck the hurt, his life would have been saved." The boatman then landed and went to look for two or three soldiers to help him to carry the officer, leaving his daughter in charge of him. The girl looked at the sufferer for a second or two. What was her motion whoa she heard him sigh so deeply, not that ho was resigning life in the first flower of his age, but that ho should without a mother's kiss. "My mother! my dear mother!" said he, "I must die without— Her woman's heart told her what ho would have said. Her bosom heaved with sympathy and her eyes ran over. Then she remembered what her father said, she thought how her uncle's life might have been saved. In an instant, quicker than thought she tore open the officer's coat, and the generous girl recalled him to life with her lips. Amid this holy occupation the sound of footsteps was heard, and the blushing he roine fled to the other end of tho boat.— Judge of her father's surprise as he conic up with two soldiers, when he saw Lieu tenant S , wn ho expected to find dead open his eyes and ask for his deliverer. The boatman looked at his child and saw it all. Tho poor girl came to him with her bead bent down! Sho was about to excuse herself, when her father, em bracing her with enthusiasm, raised her spirits, and the officer thanked her in these prophetic words! "You have saved my life; it belongs to you." After this she tended him, and became his nurse: nothing would he take but from her hand. No wonder that with such a nurse he at length recovered. Mary was as pretty as she was good. Meanwhile Master Cupid, who is very busy in such cases gave him another wound and there was only ono way to cure it—so very deep it was. The boatman's daughter became Mad ame S . Her husband is not now a simple Lieutenant but a Lieutenant Gener al, and the boatman's daughter is as ele gant and graceful a lady as any that you see' at court. Story For Boys. It is related of a Persian mother, that on giving her son forty pieces of silver as his portion, she made him swear never to tell a lie, and said, "Go my son, I consign thee to God, and we shall not meet again till the day of judgement." The youth wont away, and the party he travelled with was assaulted by robbers. Ono fellow asked the boy what he had got, and ho said, "forty dinars aro sewed up in my garments." Ho laughed thinking ho jested. Another asked him the same ques tion, and received the same answer. At last the chief called him and asked him tho same question, and ho said, "I have told two of your people already that 1: have forty dinars sewed up in my clothos." tic ordered the clothes to be ripped open, and found the money. "And how came you to tell this?" said ho." "Because," replied tho child, "I would not be false to my mother, to whom I promised never to tell a lie." "Child," said the robber, "art thou so mindful of thy duty to thy mother at thy years, and am I insensible at my ago of the duty I owe to my God? Give me thy hand that I ►nay swear repentance on it." Ho did so, and his followers were all struck with the scene. "You have been our loader in guilt," said they to the chief, "be the same in the path of virtue;" and they instantly made restitution of spoils, and vowed repentance on the bo,y's hand. There is a moral in this story, which goes beyond the direct influence of the mother on the child. The noble sentiment infused jute the breast of the child is again transfused from breast to breast, till those who feel it know not whence it (tame. Mrs. Whittleteis Magazine.. NEW WAY TO DON.—The Fond Du Lac Republican gives the following hint to its subscribers: "Spring is hero with her sunny smiles and odoriferous breezes.— The thick-ribbed ice is fast dissolving away like the phantom forms which dance on tho vision floor in our midnight dreams; and the sleigh-bells merry peals are as quick forgotten as the cherry checked sweetheart of a California gold hunter.— The rosy-lingered goddess will soon scat ter her flowers around her prario home, and towering hill—and some of our delin quent subscribers will be dropping in to pay 4 , 4 • . [1,2 - ",The "Tinicum Apple Dumpling" has a "devil" who thinks thin a groat world. Ho says that .at the office they charge him with all the pie they do find, while at the house they charge him with all the pie they don't bud. 110 seeing to doubt the ••prupriety" of the proceedings. Miseries of an Editor, or Recol lections of the ' Crabtown Clarion: The editor has just returned from a tour. During his absence a drunken com positor has been employed a half a day. SCENE—Sanctum: Editor is discover ed seated on his tripod, inditing a polit ical 'crusher.' Editor (reads,) -4 , Who is Jeremiah Jones,?" Nobody! Whore from' No where! Good for what! Nothing!—a more bug!— an ear wig!—whose only chance of Heaven lies in the dead body of somo saint! (Speaks.) That's mysterious enough; rather too mild, perhaps, but I can heighten the effect with an exclamation.—What's the row? (The door is flung violently open, and a stranger rushes in, bearing iu one hand a copy of the Crabtown Clarion, and in the other a huge family umbrella, a la bat tering ram.) Stranger (ferociously,)—You're the edi tor, eh! . Editor (blandly,)--Sometimes sir. Tako a scat. Stranger.—D—n your controversies, sir I'ni from Goshen—a respectable attorney, sir. Don't stir, sir; (shaking the umbrella menacingly,) you shall hear me through, sir, and then (drawing himself out an extra inch,) depend confidently upon a flogging. I am just married, sir—not a fortnight since—and on the happy day (hero the um brella quivered symputhetically,) I for warded you a notice of the same. Though I have hitherto been above poetry, thank Heaven, I added in a moment of weakness an humble verso of my own composition, fitting, I thought, to the occasion. Here's the correct version, sir, (repeats from me ) MAitmEn.—ln Goshon, Fob. 28th, A Oonkoy, Esq., to Miss Euphoinia Wiggins Love is tho union of two hearts, That beats in softest melody, Time with its ravages imparts No bitter fusion to its eestaey. Not much, still poetry, still rhyme.— Next week I got your paper, carried it to my Euphemia; we opened it and turned our eyes together to the marriage list. Blood and thunder! what do we see An abusive, atrocious, d—able—but no sir. Here's your infernal sheet. Hoar what it says, air, and tremble—(Opens the paper and reads : MARRIED.—At Goshen, Feb. 28th. A. Donkey, Esq., to Miss Euphernia Piggies- Jove is an onion of two heads, That beet is soft and mellowy, Timo with its cabbages in carte, No better feedin to an extra day. What do you think of that, sir? (umbrel la raised.) Donkey, oh? Pinins, is it?— .11y poetry, eh? It has unnerved me— driven me mad. I can't take a walk but that the small boys, mere infants, sir, ring the hideous chorus in my ears. Some scourgirol has altered the name on my sign to suit your cursed orthography. Don't apologize—l won't listen to anything. My house just painted, is scrawled over by hor rid portraits and emblems; and all owing to you. You're cornered, sir, don't move on your life. You, the destroyer of my happiness, my life, my Euphemia— With that fond name, the last string of moderation.snapped. Ho advanced a stop —struck an attitude, and thou the editor, we almost said. But no; just as the family umbrella was mid-way in the blow, the door opened, and some visitor entered. The in jured man hesitated. Here wore witnees es. Visous of an action for assault and battery ; with big damages and costs, rose in his mind, and the umbrella dropped harmless to tho floor. Tho lawyer tri umphed ovor the man. He turned on his heels, and strode out of the roomy mutter ing as ho went, 'Failed this time—one thing left—libel, law—catch it. Our Editor, accustomed to such scones, soon collected his thoughts and returned with zeal freshened and scalpel whetted by the little incident, to the dissection of Hon. Jeremiah Jones, whose disjecta membra wore, before .another sunrise, to be scatter ed over three columns and a half pica. WINE MEASURE.—Three spoeinfulls of brandy make one cocktail—three - cock tails, one go—threo goes, one spree—three sprees, a muss with the night roltoo— three musses with the night police, one visit to the penitentiary. Cut it out and paste it in your hat. If you want a favor of a married woman, brag of her baby. If you want to obtain her eternal enmity, lot - her turn round and catch you making mouths at it. To ascertain wliethar a vmeau is pas sionate or not, take a muddy dog into her parlor, or. squirt tebaeco juice on her stove hearth. A wife way ascertain her hus band's equanimity, by using his best clothes brush to clean her gaiters with. tcrTho man Ans attontiviTto the la dies is beau; bet when they don't like him he is a bo-er. ftrd hart produced the groat-. eat luau Jr -4f ay?As"--hlaua. NUMBER 9. Family Secrets. While ascending the Mississippi, some eighteen months since, on board the steam boat Huntsville, the commander of that excellent vessel related the following an ecdote of a couple of worthy desciples of old Father Miller : In Coles county there lived a man na med Dodson, and his wife, who were both firm believers in the prophecy of old Fath er Miller; and not doubting for a moment tho correctness of their Prophet's calcula tions for the eventful day that was to ter minate the existence of all sublunary things. _ _ Alter having 'Net their house in order,' the following conversation took place : 'My dear wife, I believe I have made every preparation for to-morrow. I have forgiven all untie enemies, and prayed for the forgiveness of alba.) , sins, and I feel. perfectly calm and resigned.' 'Well husband, I believe I am ready for the sound of the trumpet.' • am rejoiced to hear it. But my dear wife, I have no doubt there aro many do mestic secrets which wo have hidden frour each other, which, had they been known , I nt the time of their occurrence, might have produced unpleasant feelings; but as we have but one day to livo, I reckon it's right to make a clean breast to each other. I am ready—you begin, husband.' 'No, dear, you begin,' 'No, husband, you begin—l can't,' 'No—you know, my love, Pal 'says, ,'husbands have the right to command their wives.' It is your duty, as a christiam woman, to obey your husband—the father of your children—so, begin love.' 'ln the sight of God I reckon its right, so I will tell you, dear husband—your oldest son, William, is not your child.' 'Great God, Mary! I never drempt of your being untrue to sue! Is that true?' Yes, God forgive me, it is true. I know that I did very wren'' ' , but 1 ani sor ry for it; in an evil hour I fell, but there is no help for it now.' _ not mine! In the name of God whose child is her 'Ho is Mr. Graham's, the constable.— The Lord be near your poor wife!' 'So William ain't my child? Go on.' 'Well, our daughter Mary, named after me, ain't yours neither.' 'Salvation! Talk on, Mary—come right out. Who's Mary's father? 'Mr. Girder, the man that built the meeting house, and went to the lower country.' • 'Well, as there is but one day more, I'll bear it, so go on if you have anything else.' 'Well, there is our youngest—' ' I suppose Jimmy ain't miner 'No, dear husband. Timmy that we both love so well, ain't your's either.' 'Merciful Lord! Is it n 0 In the. name of the Saviour whose is her •_ • 'He is the one-Dyed shoe-maker's who. lives at the forks of the road.' 'Well, my God! Gabriel blow, blow' your horn! I want to go NOW!' If'Nothing like love' and hunger to. drive aluan mad or make him happy.— Next to a feast upon a seventeen year old pair of sweet lips under grape-vines by moon light, is a foray upon a platter of cold beans after fishing rot suckers all day. The one fills the pectin heart, and the other a hungry stomach. Isaac, can you describe a bat?" "Yea sir. He's a flying insect, about the size of a stopple, has Ingin robber wings, and a shoe string tail, and sees best with• his eyes shut." gSardno, wily am do pon dat Gen, Scott writes wid like a ribor in Maina 'Well Ginger, I drops tie subject.' 'Well den, I told you why it am. Be cause It am do Pen-ob-Seott,' (Peuob- Boot.) , (fath me by do liar, C t ingor e I'm gwina to drop.' CALlEottetn Uote.—The entire yield . of California in 1851, is estimated at $75, 000,000. Thu umeunt of gold by the Et Dorado, the last steamer with gold, added to the previous arrivals, make an aggre gate of 7,025,000 since .Ist January, and including the deposits at New Orleans in January makes an aggregate of $7,705,- 000. The exports in the Meantime have been $5,012,000, leaving a balance in fa vor of the country of $,663,000. OLD TIMM—The oldest trees in the world uro in Central Africa—the Boababs, which aro 90 feet in circumference, and i contains the rings which mark the annual growth of the trees to the number of 9,000 q tiling their age at that length of years. JAIL FIILL.—iThe Cincinnati Jail is full, and the authorities aro oompolisd to take their ori►uivals to neighboring pri, sting.