Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 26, 1852, Image 3

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    VT. Judge Barton, formerly of Phila
delphia, mysteriously disappeared from
San Francisco en, Christmas night, in a fit
Of teldpi,r;try - insanity, and has not been
heard of since. He was a man of fine tal
ent; but the sparkling wino-cup has no
doubt Seat him to an early grave!
3 DB.!' lloost.Awns-: GIRMAN BtrrEns.-- , -This
celebrated medicine is one of the very licsijn the
country, and its good qualities only need to be
known, to•give it precedence over nil others now
in use. We have's'eon itszood effects lately, after
the total failure of Many others. This is saying
more than we can for any Other Medicine within
our knowledge, and we felt it a ditty to incommend
the Bitters to the notice of oar friends. The gen
uine is prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. Phila.
• Plili.4oka.putA, Jan. 21, 1852.
Floor per bbl. $4 50
. White Wheat per bushel 102
Red ' do' 92
Rye 72
Coast 65
Cloverseed 4 94
On the 17th inst., by the Rev. H. fleck
erman, Mr. TuomAs S. ItOBB, of Porter,
township, to Miss MARMA A., eldest
daughter of James Campbell of MoCon
nelstown, Huntingdon County, Pa.
On the 10th inst., by tho Rev. W. R.
Mills, Mr. .WILLIAM BENTON to Miss
MARGRET FUNK, all of this county.
On the 18th by the same, Mr.
N ADAY, both of Walker township, Hunting
don County.
On. the 19th inet4 by the same, Mr.
HAMPSON, all of this borough, . ,
The prioter was duly remembered with
a bountiful supply of calm. Wb hope the
shadows of both the bridegrboin and the
bride may at least, never grow less.
On the 22nd inst., by the same, Mr.
am, all of Blair County, Pa.
The Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, to the widow and heirs of Simon
Smalley late of Shirley township, Huntingdon
comity, deed—Greeting:
On the petition of Peter Etneir, and Elizabeth
Etneir, formerly Elizabeth Smalley, a legatee un
der the Will of Lewis Smalley, late of Shirley
township, dec'd, at an Orphan's Court of Hun
tingdon at November term 1851, a citation was
granted on the widow and legal representatives
of said deed, to come into said Court, and show
cause why the real estate devised to the said Si
mon Smalley, dec'd, by the last will and testa
ment of Lewis StriallbY, deed, should not be sold
for the payment of one third of the Levey, be
queathed to the Petitioner (Elizabeth htneir) by
the lain will and testament of Lewis Smalley,
ilec'd, or why the payment of said legacy should
not he enforced, and whereas the said citation was
returned to the present Term, by the Sheriff of,
said county, stating that the parties named in said
writ, was not in his bailiwick. Whereupon, on
motion of William P. Orbisott, Esq., the Court
awarded an alias citation, ou the said parties, and
directed the same to be published in one paper
published in Huntingdon county. All persons
interested are hereby notified to conic into said
Court on Monday the 12th day of April next, and
chew cause if any you have, and abide the order
and decree of said Court.
B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
- Sheriff's Office,
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1852.
To the heirs and loyal repreaentatires of PHILIP
.511 ULTZ, lute of the borough of Hun
tingdon, deceased.
In pursuance of a writ of Partition or valuation
issued out of the Orphan's Court of Hantitigilott
county, 1 will holtLan inquest to make partition
or valuation of the rout estate of wide!' Philip
Shultz dee'd was seized, situate in Henderson
township, Huntingdon county, on the premises,
on Saturday the 27th day of bland' 1852, when
and where all persons interested may attend.
WM. 13. ZEIGLER, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office,
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, '52.-41
AdministratoroO Notice.
Estate of LUD WICK KEL9TER,lateqf Spring
field township, Huntingdon eo., dec'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis.
(ration have been grunted to the subscriber utt the
above estate; therefore all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will make itnmedi
ate payment, and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
Feb. 26, 1852.-6. •
Having concluded to leave Huntingdon, I have
placed in the hands of Col. S. S. WllllllOll all my
professional papers, in whose ability and integrity
I have full confidence, and have also transfered
and assigned to him all my notes, and accounts,
for his own use. A. IC CORN YN,
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1852.
Tho subscribers, about to close business at this
place, will oiler at Public Sale
Oa Tuuday the 2d day of Varoh, next,
Five Teams of Mules,
with Harness, Wagons, Oro Beds, Coal Beds,
&d. The mules will be offered in teams or sop
crate. to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock of said day, when terms of sale will be
made known by
Union Furnace, P., Feb. 26, 1852.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
David Friedley, either by note or book account,
are hereby notitiee that they must coil and settle
their respective accounts on or before the let day
of April, otherwise they will be placed in the
hands of an officer for collection.
Fob. 26, 1852.
All persons indebted to Neff & Miller by note
or book account, are requested to call on the un.
dersigned and make payment before the April
Court. By so doing you will save cost.
11. A. MILLER,
lluntiumlon. Feb. 26, 1852.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court or
Quarter Sessions of the PutteO ter the county of
Huntingdon,' the petition of bane Ashton res ,
peetfully showeth
That your petitioner occupies a commodious
house situated in the village of Cassville in the
township of ,Cass told county 014resaid, which is
well calculated for a public house of entertainment
asfrom its neighborhood and situation is suitable
as well as neeessaryfor the accommodation of the
public, end the entertainment of strangers and
travellers. That he is well provided with stabling
for horses and all conveniences necessary for the
entertainment of strangers and travellers. lle
therefore respectfully prays. the Court to grunt
him a license to keep nu Inn or public house of
entertainment there: and your petitioner will
Pray, fir,, ISAAC ASHTON.
Feb. 28, 1852.
We the undersigned citizens of the township of
Cass, aforesaid, being personally acquainted with
Isaac Ashton, the above named petitioner, and
also having a knowledge the house which
- - -
the license isprayed, du hereby certify that such
lms.: is necessary to aecommuuatc the public and
entertain strangers ur travellers; that he is a per
son of good repute for . honesty and teniperanei,,
and that lie is well provided with house room and
conveniences Ihr the lodging and accommodation
of strangers and travellers. We therefore beg
leave to recommend him for a license agreeably
to his petition
Lae; neither, A. W. Clarkson, P. 1). Stevens,
N. Miller, John S. Gehrett,ll. L. Brown, Robert
Speer, Andrew Park, Lemuel Green, George
Aberley, Isaac Brumbaugh, Lewis Stever, Beoj.
Fink, Jacob Gehrett.
Valuable Real Estate
- AT
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Huntingdon county will be exposed to Public
Sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 20th day
of March, 1852, the undivided interest (being
the one third) of Arahell Vandevander, a minor
child of Abraham Vandevander, late of Brady
township, deed. in the following real estate,
viz :
A certain plantation situate on both sides of
the Pennsylvania Canal, and of the Pennsylvania
Rail Road, about seven miles East of the borough
of Huntingdon, and two miles East of the Village
of Mill Creek, in Brady township, bounded by
lands of Gen. James Irvin on the East, the Ju
niata river on the south, land of James Entrokin
on the west, and land of Andrew Wise, on the
north, nontaining about Two Hundred Acres,
more or less, having thereon a two story log house
awl kitchen, a large frame barn, with stone sta
bling underneath, a waggon shed and corn cribs,
a stone spring house, a smoke and drying house,
a cider milt and p ress, mid other improvements.
About seventy acres of this land is cleared and
in a good state of cultivation, and a considerable
portion of the residue is well timbered.
. -
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on the confirmation of
the sale. Oue third thereof in one year thereaf
ter, with interest, and the remaining one third at
and immediately after the death of the widow of
said decd, the interest of which third payment to
he paid to the said widow, annually and regular
ly during her life, the whole to be secured by the
bonds nod mortgage of the purchaser. Sale to
commence at to o'clock A. M. of said day, at
tendance will be given by
JACOB MILLER, Guardian &c.
N. B. At the same thee and place, the inter
est of the undersigned, the widow and other heirs
of said dee'd: will be ekposed to sale, upon the
terms above stated, and upon confirmation of elm
said minors interest we will join with the said
Guardian in a l)ucd, convoying the whole of said
Feb. 20, 1852—ts.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of DAVID FREAK ER, late of the borough
of Shirlelisburg, deed.
Letters of administration have been granted to
the undersigned, upon the estate of said tlee'd;
all persons knowing themselves indebted are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having Claims will present them properly authen
ticated for settlement.
Feb. 26, 1852,-6t.•
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Huntingdon county, to ascertain
and repute the liens against the real estate of
Jos. Parsons, late of Tell township, Huntingdon
county, dee'd, and to distribUte the proceeds of
sale of the said real estate tti and among the lien
creditors of said deed., will attend fia• that pur
pose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon,
on Saturday the 57th day of March next, when
and where all persons interested can attend.
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1952.
The undersigned will offer for sale, at the Cour
House, in Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 3d
day of Match next, at one o'clock I'. M., the fol
lowing real estate, to wit:
A tract of land, situate at the mouth of the
Raylitown Branch, in the township of Walker,
and comity oflluntingdon, bounded by said Rays.
town Branch and the Juniata River, and by a sur
vey of Smith B. 1)., containing one Ann
tired and Ihrly six acres and one hundred and eighty
perches about seventy acres of which aro (loured
and in a good state of cultivation, and having a
good frame Dwelling llouse, frau,. Barn, and
.t buildings, thereon erected, with an orchard of
choice fruit, cider press &c.
ALSO, the following described tracts of unseat
ed /and, situated in said township, along the said
Raystowtaranch, to wit:
ONE TRACT surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Rebecca Smith, containing 40 acres, and
140 porches.
ONE TRACT surveyed on it warrant in tho
name of John Henderson, containing 110 acres
and allowance.
ONE TRACT surveyed On a warrant in the
name of George Fee, containing 420 acres and
67 perches.
ONE TRACT adjoining the above, surveyed
on a warrant to William Foa, containing 355
acres and 116 porches.
ONE TRACT adjoining the above surveyed on
a warrant in the name of David Fan, containing
414 acme and 37 perches.
ONE TRACT surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Robert Fes, containing 181 acres and 78
This property has a valuable water power,
whirl!, with but slight expense, can be made
available, & fur the purpose of Erecting a Saul Mill
or Tannery upon it, affords facilities that cannot
be equalled.
TERMS OF SALE—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on the let day of April
next, when possession will be given, and the resi•
duo in two equal annual payments with interest
to be secured by Routh and Mortgage.
Jam 29, 1852.—te.
T“ the llonorables;the Judges of the Court of
Qmn•ter Seseions'ofthe pence for the county a
The petition of John G. Stewart respectfully
showeth: that your petitioner has rented the
house heretofore kept as a public house of enter
tainment, situated in the village of Snulsburg, in
the township of 13arrem that he is well provided
awith stabling for horses and all conveniences ne
cessary for the entertainment of strnitgers and
travellers, he therefore respectfully prays the
Court to grant him a license to keep an Inn or
public house of entertainment there, and your
petitioner will piny, &e. •
.y . (214 . 19, JOHN O. STEWART.
We the' undersigned citizens of Barren town-
ship. aforesaid, being personally acquainted with
John G. Stewart, the above named petitioner, and
also having a knowledge of the house for which
the license is prayed, do hereby certify that such
!muse is necessary to accommodate the public and
entertain strangers and travellers, and that he is
a ta,rsuti agouti repute for.lionesty and temper
ance; that he is well provided with house room.
Jur the lodging and accommodation of strangers
and travellers. We therefore beg leave to re
commend him for a license agreeable to his peti
Samuel Coen, Thomas Bell, Silo, A. Cress
well, Job Slack, James Forrest, Jas McGregor,
John Harper, Gilbert Cheney, Christian Peigh
tal, John Hirst, Peter Livingston, George Bell.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Or
phans' Court, to distribute the fund in the hands
of James Perry, Administrator of William Baum,
late of Tyrone township, Huntingdon (now Blair)
county, deed., to rind among those entitled to
the same ; will attend for that purpose at his office
in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday tho
llth day of March next, when 111111 where all per
sons interested can attend.
Huntingdon, Fob. 19, 1852.
. Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, appointed Auditor by tho
Court, to distribute the fund in the hands of IVm.
B. Ziegler, Sheriff, arising front the sale of the
personal property of Lindley Hoopes, to and
among those entitled to the same, will attend for
that purpose at his office, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, on Monday the 15th day of March next,
when and *here all persons interested can at
tend. JACOB MILLER, Auditor.
Huntingdon, Feb. 19, 1852.
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to
the lato firm of Dorsey d• Maguire will please
cell and hey* their several accounts satistlictorily
adjusted, without regard to persons. By attend
ing to this notice will save further trouble and
expense. JAMES MAG Ul RE.
Huntingdon, Feb. 12, 1852.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
XI OTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inns
IN and Taverns within the county ut Hunting
don, that the Judges of the Court Of Quarter Ses
sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of
such Inns and Tun erns that they clOse their res
pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from
selling or dealing out liquors ott that day ; and
the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this
injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to
the Act of Assembly in snch case made !tut] pro
vided upon the fact of such violation coming to
the knowledge of the Court.
By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852.
THEO. 11. CREMER, Clerk,
Feb. 12, 1852.
Orphans' Court Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, tho undersigned Execu
tors of Peter Swoop°, deed., will expose to pub
lic sale, on the premises, 00 Saturday the 13th
day of March next, at 19 o'clock, A. M., the fol
lowing described real estate, of which (enter alma)
the said Peter Swoops died seized, to wit : A
House and Lot of ground in the borough of Hun
tingdon, 'icing the whole of Lot No. 22 in the re
corded plan of said borough, and part of Lot No.
21, in said plan, adjoining a lot of Will. P. Orbi
son on the east, and that part of lot No. 21 owned
by David Blair, Esq., on the west, fronting on
Hill street, and extending back to Washington
street, having thereon a large two story house, a
log stable, carriage house, and other buildings.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to
be paid on the confirmation of the Sole, and the
residue in two equal annual payments thereafter
with interest from the confirmation, to be secures!
by the bonds nod mortgage of the purchaser.
WM. SWOOPE, S Executors,
Fob. 12, 1852.-41.
Administrator's Notice.
Estato of GREENDEIIRT DORSEY, Into of tho
borough of Huntingdon, dee'd.
Letters of administration haring been granter
on the said estate by the Register of Huntingdon
county to the undersigned, all persons indishied
are hereby notified to make immediate payment ;
and those having claims will presbut them proper.
ly authenticated for settlement.
JOHN P. AIcOAIIAN, 5 itlm're,
Huntingdon, Feb. 12, 1852.—GL
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
pheus' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute
the balance remaining in the Muni,. at' Jacob Mil
ler, Trustee uppointed by said Court, U.) MAO
tale, Cie., of the real estate of John Miller, Esq.,
lute of the borough of liun tingdon, dec'd, amongst
those entitled to receive the sate, hereby gives
notice that he will attend for the purpose afore
said on Friday the sth day of March next at 2
o'clock, Y. M., at his office in said borough, when
and where all persons interested can attend if they
think proper.
. _
JOHN REED, Auditor.
Feb. 12, 1852.-4 t.
To Owners of Unpatented Lands.
Take notice that the act of Assembly passed
the 10th day of April 1835 entitled as act to gra
duate lands on which money is due and unpaid
to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and said
act having expired on the 15th day of December
last by limitation, has now been extended to the
Ist day of February 1853, of which all interested
will take notice.
Hunt. Feb. 5,1352.-3 m.
Application having boon made to the Court of
Common Pleas of „Huntingdon county at January
Term, A. 1). 1852, in pursuance of the act of As
sembly passed 13th of October A. 1). 1840, fo•
the incorporation of the "CAssvxmx SEMINARY"
-wherefore the Court order and decree that no
tice of the said application he given in one news
paper published in the county at least three
weeks before the meeting of the next court at
April Term, 1852, and in pursuance of said or
der and decree notice is hereby given.
THEO. H. CREMER, Prothonatory.
Hunt. Pelt. 5,1852.-3 t.
T •• •-• u...-:114 at the Chou;
• •
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Huntingdon County, there will be sold at public
yeriduc or outcry, on the promises on
- -
Thursday, the 26th day of February, 1852,
the following described real estate, situated in the
village of Shade Gap, Dahlia township Hun
tingdon County, the property of the lien. J. Y.
M'Ginnis, Intl. of the township and county afore
said, deed., to wit:
The undivided interest of the aforesaid Bey.
J. Y. M'Ginnis dec'd., in 'MI I..NWOOD 'ACA
DEMY," and the two certain lots aground up
on which the setae is !milt, the said interest being
nearly the undivided half; to wit; seven and a
half shares of sixteen sharos of joint stock at Ono
hundred dollars per share in the said Academy niul
the two certain lots of ground aforesaid upon
which the same is built—each of said. Aeadbttry
lots lying and being sixty feet in front on the road
or street rotating from Shade Gap towards the
Burnt Calpins and extending hack at right tingles
with the same, one hundred and forty rem, adjon-
Mg each other, and upon which is erected as
aforesaid a large Stone Building forty eight feet
front by thirty eight back, three Stories high
designed and. built, and occupied and knoWn as
"Milnwood Academy."
Also the interest 01 the said dec'd its the follow
ing dese.sibed lot, of grossed— the same wing The
fee simple estate of mad dee'd., in the whole of
the following described lots of ground, and the
buildings thereon created, to wit: One other lot
adjoining the above described Academy lots on
the north, 60 feet front and extending buck 140
feet; upon which is erected a largo item building
for students' rooms and dormitory 4, Also one
other lot adjoining the Academy lots before de
scribed, on the south 60 feet in front and exten
ding back 140 feet, upon which i, erected a large
school room and hall 6.e.
Also two other unimproved lots, lying and
being on the same side of the road or street afore
said as tho above described lots, south of the
Academy and numbered eleven and seventeen in
the surveyed plot and plan of the village atbresaid
each of said tots being 60 feet 11y 140 feet back.
Also one other lot of improved bottom land
lying and being on the east side of the road or
street aforesaid, directly opposite the residence of
the said deceased, containing :shout three acres
and throe quarters, inclosed and cultivated and ad
joining land formerly owned by Brice Blair, laud
of James Hudson and others.
Also one other lot or parcel of hind lying on the
west side of the road aforesaid opposite to the lot
last described, containing several acres, upon which
is erected a cottage—the residence of the late Mr.
M'Ginnis, with ambling and other improvements,
all in good style and good order.
WOOL AOADZMY is one of the most flour
ishing and popular institutions of the kind in the
State, and it tt ith all the above described proper
ty is situated in the most thriving village and
neighborhood in the county.
TERMS or• Sane.—One third of the pnrchaSo
money to bo paid on confirmation of the sale,
the residue in two equal annual payments, with
interest, to bo secured by the Bonds and Mort
gage of the purchaser.
J. IL W. M'GINNIS, Adtnee,
By order of the Court,
Jan. 22, 1852.
Orphan's Court Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the orphan's Court,
of Huntingdon County, will be exposed to Public
Sale on the premises, on
Saturday, the 2814 day of February next,
at ten o'clock A. M.
The following described Real Estate, to wit:
A Lot of Ground situate in the Borough of
Alexandria, fronting 00 feet ou Front Street, and
extruding hark along Ihrts-log Street 200 feet,
being Lot No. •_'o in the plan of said Borough,
A Large Two Story Brick House,
frame Were House, frtune Shop, end frame, Stn•
hie, thereon erected.
ALSO: Two Lots of ground, in said Borough,
on the North aide of Front Street, fronting on
said street 60 feet and extending bock across the
Penna., Canal, 200 feet to an alley, and being
Lot Nu. 3? in the - plan of said Borough.
ALSO: Two Lots of ground, in said Borough,
a , uoining each other, and bounded by lots of
Samuel humor and Enoch Cline and being lots
Not. 7 & 8, in tho plan of raid Borough.
ALSO: A lot or pioco of ground in said Bor
ough, South of the Mansion House and lot abbve
described, containing 127 perches.
ALSO: A lot or piece of ground, situate in Por
ter ownship, adjoining the Borough of Alexan
dria, bounded by lands of Conrad Burlier, lots of
John Crosswell by tho road front Alexandria to
Petersburg, and the Juniata River, containing two
acres more or less,utd having a Large Frame
Warehouse thereon meted.
ALSO: A lot or piece of ground situate in the
said township bounded by a lot of Semple Flem ,
ing, dee'd., the lot above described, and the
turnpike, containin g perches, Wore or
ALSO: A tract of land, situate on Warriors
mark Ridge, in skid township, adjoining. lands of
John Swoopc, Henry Swoops and John S. kept,
containing 176 acres and 111 perches.
TERMS OF SALE:—Ono third Of the Ow
chase money to he paid on the confirmation or
the sale; tiny 'residue in two cuttal • annual pay
ments, with interest, to be secured by bonds and
By order of the Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk,
Jun. 29, 1852.
Birmingham Female Seminary.
The liberal patronage which this School bas
received in the past, encourages the proprietor
and friends of female education, to expeet by
proper exertion to mate it both a premaitent and
important Institution; and no pains will by spar
ed to sustain its growing reputation.
Among ether considerations which itopire hope
as wits future sums, the location is not unim
portant. Three years actual experiment has de
veloped u more philosophical, if not a true• reas
on for the existence-of Birmingham than many
which have been assigned—that it is the situation
for a Female Seminary, surrounded es it is by
most romantic scenery—retired—healthful—,easy ;
of access and in itself a place where one might al
most grow wise in the study of Nature alone un
mocked by the works of Art.
The school year is divided into two Sessions of
twenty-two weeks each ; the summer term Com
mencing the last Tuesday in April, the winter
term the last Tuesday in October.
Charges to date from time of entering, and no
deductions made for absence except in case of
Tuition $4,00 awl $5,00 per quarter—boarding
$1,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw
ing, Ste., extra. •
1 . 1. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. M., 'Principal.
Rol. THOMAS WARD, A. M., Associata.
Jan. 15, 1852.
COFFEE, Sugar, like, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger,
Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac
co, Cigars, Snuff, &c. &c., for sale at the new
store of BRICKER 6. LENN NY.
SILVER SPOONS of the latest patterns van ho
had a
E. Snare's Jewelry Store
Would respectfully inform hiM friends and the
politic, that he has on hand and is receiving for
the coming season, a tine assortment of
O s as) CID aupu• o
Consisting of Watehes, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin.
g e r Rings, Ear Bing., Pencils, Keys, Thimbles
Studs, Medallions, Ste. 'together with his celebra
ted and unrivalled
rvt (01 It, •
7D pTV ,
Whiell is' equal irnot superior, tunny nou in n.
Eaelt Pen i 4 Engraved With bin own name,
and evei.y Pen \Val ronted,
Oh did you ever, n, 1 never !
Mercy on n 3 what a treat;
Get Head', Gold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only fund lit Nord: Third lin co.
A sl ,l ew/id Pei; !I . Where did you get it 1
Pam Diamond Pointed, can't he ht,a,
%'es, my fi•icndy, there's uu lonalowing
Ilead's Gold l'ims iif North 'third tilted
farßenirs Gold Pen (blind only nt. n 5 North
Third Street, below Arch linqt
8, 1852.-tf.
TIN ! TIN !! TIN !!!
In Alexandria.
The undersigned, having bought out the Tiu
neiy Establishment of Robert Grafitti:l of Alexiim
dein, continues to carry on
The Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Business,
in all its various branches at the old stand in Main
Street, where he keeps constantly on hand a full
and splendid assortment of tin-ware mid every
thing else in his line of business, all warranted to
be as good, if not better inanuflicture l. than any
in this or the adjoining counties—spouting put up
at 12% cents per lbot any place within thirty miles.
lie particularly calls the attention of merchants,
who purchase by whole-sale, to examine his splen
did assortment of ware before purchasing else
where, as he is determined to sell low tar cash.—
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for work—all orders will be promptly attended to,
and he hopes by a close attention to business to
receive a liberal share of public patronage.
Alexandria, Jan. 8, 1852,--2m,
Thu undersigned will sell that tract of land sit
uate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining hindspf Martin Orlady, James Duff,
A. G. Curtin, John M'Cahan, and land lately
owned by William Magill, containing
and allowance, now occupied by John L. Walker
with one good frame house, plastered in the in
side, with a fountain of pure, soft and very cold
wittily running at the door, one log louse suitable
fur a tenant house, a squared h,g burn with a
shingle roof, a good and other buildings •
thereon erected. Fifty or Siitty acres of said laud
are cleared and under fence and in a good state
of cultivation and nearly all the balance can be•
cleared and cultivated. A considerable portion of
the uncleared part is button land of as good qual
ity as can be found in the county. The tract also
contains a good limestone qtlarry. The saw-mill
Is turned by the oast branch of Stone Creek, a
never Riling stream which is used seven miles
above to drive Greenwood Furnace, Mid is about
one ontl three fourth miles from the main branch
of Stone Creek, which is a navigable stream emp
tying into the Juniata nt Huntingdon. The prop
erty is situated near the base of Stone Mountain,
which affords an unequalled range fur cattle.
There is thither enough on the property to pay
for it two or three times over. An undoubted ti
tle will be given.
Terms to suit the purchaser.
Huntingdon, Dee. 4, 1851.
Oct. 9, 18)1.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c.
The undersigned is just opening another large
assortment of the above ankles, at various prices,
and earnestly invites every body to Cull and ex
amine liar themselves.
Watches, Clocks, and Jawelry, carefully and
promptly repaired, and warranted for one year.
Nov. 0, 1851.—tf.
The great Atlantic, the blue Pacific, and the
Niagara Palls all combined together, cannot he
compared with Beaton 6. Willet's splendid assort
ment if FALL AND WINTER Gonna opened out
at Bridgeport, which they intend to sell cheap fur
cash or produce.
Bridgeport. Jun. 13, 181,2.
Watch Repairing,
Persons desirous to have their w;teltes repaired
in a neat and substantial manner, will to well by
leaving them at Ed. Snare's Watch Store, as he
has secured the services of a workman, who, hav
ing worked in all the principal eiiics of Europe
and America, is perfectly acquainted with every
branch atilt) business, and he dirdlenyes this sec
tion of country to produce a superiin•.
All work warranted. Jnn. 25, '52.
Mays von unsettled acconlits with the late
.James Clark's estate for advertising and jol,
world All such accounts us remain unsettled,
on the lot day of March next, will then be placed
in the hands of a Justice for collection. After
that time the undersigned will havo no control
over theiri.
Hunt. Feb. 5, 1552.—HW. F. ORBISON.
Gold Pens.
A very superior lut ofßagley's celobratetl Gold
Pens (silver cases) at Etl. Snare's Jewelry Store.
Jan. 29, 1852.
50 Ts i.s. F l47G bl i s li e , ceived 1%141J:
2 . 9 43 2. by
A LLENS REVOLVERS, eta various other
21 kinds ofeistols, nt the lowest rrices, at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
lf1(1 Itarrels groutal oat of
Wheat, 0,
piessly for family use, for sale at the
Wore ut GEO. (TWIN. Ilcb. 12, 1852.
Asoltri'lliENT OF NEW GOODS.
C4emage (twin,
At Ws Choap Store in the Dimond.
). WIN respect rally iniiirniN the citizens
Of the ilortingli and county of Iluntingdwi, that
he has just received an nnsually large Mock ot
c.sist:ng of every variety of
Ladies' kGentlemen's Dress Goods,
and all other articles in the Dry-Comb] line.
Ill:Orb:WKS, (11 - ERAw IVA
/O 7'imrt ,u://OE. , T
snit lit tart every virlety of (Mods to snit this
non - Vet. Sink or rWltm live or die, survivo or par
ish, I inn dceertnio , d not to be under:4,4 by coy,
htabli:donent iti this til•etioti or ilia country, 1111 . 1 i
thjv 1 ,, no :lvr is it hiteioled to tieceive ;
Oise roc a call cod I will convince you that my
stow uments are strictly true. and C‘11,116111
tnc st,wk and hugs litr yourselves mal without a
mamma's hesitation yon will bu convinced that
I purpose meeting my pledge. My stuck is en
!Indy new and . of the huvst styles.l take Oeits
nre in showing them at nil tittles free of aargii,
Feeling thankful for past thvora, 1 hope, I,y.
strict attention to bosiness, to merit a continuance
of the canto.
Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 18 M
For the Nan what struck Piny Pal,
Cho attention of the publie generally t 9 invitai
to the fact that
ha vi! last received one of the largest assortments'
of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this
place; all of which they oiler at prices so" greetlV•
reduced as to make their store
Their supply embraces all the usual variety of i ,s
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattincts and Vesting;
Muslim, Prints, Flannels, Sc. &t tq
gether aith the latest styles or
Consisting of Silks, Merinos,. Par
metto Cloths, tie Lanbs,
&c.; and a very large assortment or
Ladies, Misses and Childrcies glwes;
SHOES of every description. They also invite
particular attention to their stock of
And the best stock of HARDWARE in towh.
They have also
of the very hest quality, which they will cell at
a very small advance on cost. Call and exam
ine for yourselves. Thay have also a beautiful
tinkle Of
UUEI3.(kG:3 cIZ: C:teiial)l29 o
Carpeting, and every other article usually kept in
country stores. tarWe will receive and store
grain, and also pay the highest, market prices for
it and it is admitted by all that we have the
most convenient place to unloa' grain in or about
town. Oct. G,
Constantly on Itaiid, and for ante the loo,t
highly improved Durham Short Horn cattle,
Chester Hogs, South DoWn, Cotswold and
Leicester Sheep.
The subscriller now oilers for sale several very
tine Durham - Short Horn 13u11 and heifer calves;
two Chester Boars; about five Months ell, which
took the first premium fer piga Of that age at
the late State Agricultural Fiat also, sixteen
young thorough bred rigs of the seine breed,
shout three weeks old; also, eight thorough
Buck Mid Ewe Lambs of his Smith Down flork.
The undersigned takes ideasure in stating that
for nil the stock which he exhibited, ut the State
Agricultural rah*, ho received the highest Tire
miunis tLr South DoWn and Leicester sheep and
Chester Hogs.
Constantly on
. band, &
fur sale by
Market street Wharf
Ally late; directed to' Eagle Foundry r. 0.,
Huntingdon Co., Penna., wilt be attended to.
Nov. 20, 1851
D. WILLIAMS. .1011 N 11AFT, Jr •
Z. D. WILLIAMS di. Co.,
holesale Grocers and Cunana , Sion 'Thaws an
Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg
No. 116, Wood Street, Pilt,bdrg.
HAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
week, the following goods, of lb' most re
cent importations, which are Oared un the most
reasonable terms: •
115 catty boxes prints Green Tea.
45 half chests do de
46 " Oolong and Chelan.
100 bags Rio Coffee.
15 " Laguyra anti Java.
60 boxes s's, and Ilb lump tobacco.
35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel.
20 and do No. I do
2 and do Salmon.
50 oxes scaled herring.
1300 lbs extra Madder,
3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves,
6 bags Pepper & Alsnice, 1 bbl Nutmegs,
2 bbls Ground Ginger, 1 bbl ground pepper,
1 bbl Ground Pimento; 10 kegs ground Mustard
10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves,
2 bbls Garret's Snuff, 45 bxs Stearin Candles,
20 bxs Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do
100 don Masons Blnck'g 100 lbs sup. Rice Flour,.
100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 dim Ink,
150 don Corn Brooms, 125 doz Patent Ziae
st) bxs extra pure Starch, Wash Boards,
25 do Saleratus,7s lads N. 0. Molasses,
15 bids S. H. olasses, 10 do Golden Syrup,
25 do Loaf, Crushed, 550 lbs seedless Raisins,
& Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs,
20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Primes,
5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons,
10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond
12 doz Military Soap, Soap,
1 bbl sup. Curb. Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar,
1 case Pearl Sago, 2 cases Isinglass
2 cases Sicily & Relined case Arrow Root,
Liquorice, 150 Badaltrick,
1 bbl Flour Sulphur, 100 gross Matches,
LOU duz Extract of Lem. 5 dos Lernon Sugar ;
on, Ruse & Vanilla, 1 task Sat Soda,
Glass, Nails, White Lead, Lard oil, &e
Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son,
50 Fisher & Mlturtrie,
•, Charles Miller,
Honorable John Ker,
May 13, 1851.-Iy. Huntingdon.
I: l' I'MS,--The ladies can see a splendid
varlets , at Ed. Snake's. deelB-51
GEO. G*lg,
a.) 9 CO (D CSIO