N. 4 ' 444 .r 4 i#1)1 :4\5, 4.4 4 ,t A7,1;14, • • TIIE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA• Thnrsday Morning. Fel% 1452. J. SIMI:Lb 6•1 mvAirr—El,,,,,,. ..TEhms or PITRILIa ATION: TR It "lI:NTiIiGDON Jai; IiXAL " is the following rate,:, viz: If pnid in advaner, per - nnnnm, If paid clnring the year, 1.7:5 If pint after the expiration of the rem•, • 2,59 To CI ols of ti Fe or more, in advance, • • 1.25 'rise shove Terms will be adhered to in all eases. No subscription will be taken fora loss period tlinn six 'nand., and no paper will be I wontinne , l un 11l all are paid, unless at tie option of the publisher. V. 11. PALMER Is our Authorized agent in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements, and any persons in those cities wishing to ndver tis• in our colunms, will please call on him. FOR TIM PIIMIIANCY IN 1852; WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY. EOR VICE PRESIDENT IN 1852, JAMES C. JONES, TIINNESSER WHIG STATE CONVENTION, A Whig State Convention will be hold at Harrisburg, on the 25th of March, 1852, for the purpose of nominating a Canal Commissinter, forming an Electoral Tick et, and choosing delegates to the National Convention. The Whigs of the various counties of the Commonwealth arc hereby notified to elect delegates equal in number to their representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives, to attend said Convention. NER MIDDLESWARTH, Pres. Clamors TuomsoN JONES, Secretary . CP' See new advertisements. ..Birmingham" neglevted to send tie Lie name with his cemmanication. IrrWe return thanks to W. B. Smith and S. R. McCune Esq., of House, Col. MoMurtrie, Maj. Raymond and A. W. Benedict, Esil., of the Senate—Hon. Jas. Cooper of the 13. S., Senate, Hon. 11. M. Fuller and A. Parker of the House of Representatives of the U. S., for docu ments, speeches, &c. Co!. Wharton. We call attention to the advertisement In annother column, announcing that A. K. Cornyn has transferred his business and business papers to our friend Col. S. S. Wharton. The Colonel has for some time back been paying attention to the improve-. meet of his very fine mill and farm prop arty situated in Woodcock valley, and we are glad to see him resume the practice of , the law, heretofore interrupted by his agricultural engagements. We wish him a full share of legal business, and recom mend him to the confidence of those having such in our courts, which we doubt not he will properly and promptly attend to. (17 - Graham's Magazine for March is a beautiful number, finely embellished and what is batter still, very instructive. The contributions are from the best pens. tig'llodey's Lady's Book for March is at hand, with beautiful embellishments and well written articles. We prefer the "Soldiers Dream of Home" because of its spiritualism. Cottage Scones very goner (ally look a good deal better on paper than In Nature—Both however are very beau tiful and tasteful. Tax Ptinue Wonizi.:—The resolution of Senator Muhlenburg calling for an inves tigation into the management of the public works, has been answered by the Auditor General and State. Treasurer—afterA fash ion. They scon3-to have shirked the is sue in treLocofoco style. The Harris burg Correspondent of the Philadelphia Leder speaks of the report as follows: "The statement does not cover the object of the resolution, while furnishing the in formation demanded—the account furnish ed being nothing more nor less than tabu lar statemente of the annual reports of the Board of Canal Commissioners, Auditor General, &c. The alleged frauds arising from the present management of the State Works can only be remedied by the intro duction of a bill changing the entire sys tem. Investigation will amount to little or nothing, while the vouchers and other evidence of uneworn debt aro buried in the pockets of Supervisors and Superin tendents." CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN RHODE LH.- AND.—Governor Allen has signed the bill abolishing capital punishment, and it has now beannne a law lr There has boon more humbug ex hibited in Washington in the present Con gress than any other since the foundation of the government. Every presidential aspirant is making speeches remarkably barren of ideas, but plentifully loaded with 011-trap. They are remarkably auxiQus to say hut little directly on any subject, while they talk around a great many in such a way as to defy comprehension: Mr. Cam has resolved that we cannot look with indifference upon the interference of Russia in the affairs of a country desiring freedom, but does not either advocate or deprecate intervention on the part of this government. Mr Douglas holds the same lofty reserve on this question as well as ni any others. Mr. Houston is unwilliug to say a harsh word against the Free Sellers and continuos still to lecture on temper ance and democracy, ZS being fine subjects in which to show himself to the country. In fact all the topics thus far discussed in congress by the said aspirants, as well as by their respective friends are replete with that expressive word humbug. The first piece of nonsense was the introduc tion of the compromise resolutions into the senate, which nobody seined to love or hate very much: Then Kossuth and in tervention kept humbuggers in talk. Out of this sprung a new kind of intervention, that is, the kind offices of our government with the goverment of Great Britain for the release of Smith O'Brien and others transported to Australia for raising distur bance in Ireland. It was also proposed to petition the French government to pro cure the release of Abdel Kader, the van quished Arab. But the latest instance of either bur lesque or humbug is the petition of two Russians, peseuted in Congress, requesting that body to procure the freedom of some relations banished to the mines of Siberia by a decree of the emperor of Russia. If • they goon at this rate much longer, every I body will be every body's friend and the Irish will not know whom to vote for:— Butive discover one very gratifying cir cumstance, which is, that Gen. Scott is almost certain to be the Whig candidate for president, and if James C. Jones of Ten nessee, ono of the very best whigs of the Union, should be put on with him for Vico President, they will form a ticket, which will over-ride all humbugs both groat and small. Cg — Judge Taylor of the Huntingdon and Cambria district presided over our courts last week. Wo have never known a gentleman (coming among us, as he did, almost an entire stranger) who made a more favorable impression, not only upon the bar, but the throng of our fellow citi zens attendant upon the court. His courteous and urbane deportment upon the bench, his persevering and unceasing ef forts to urge forward as fast as possible the business of the court, his simple and lucid charges to the jury, and his amiable and kindly qualities in the social circle, made an impression upon all with whom he was brought into intercourse; and we have heard the desire generally expressed that he may be induced to hold such other of our courts as will require the presence of a neighboring judge.—Somerset Herald. Tennessee 'whip State Convention. . The Whig State Convention of Tennes see adjourned sine die on Tuesday eve ning, the 11th inst., after a harmonious session. The Convention appointed dele gates to the National Whig Convention, and instructed them to support Millard Fillmore for President, and James C. Jones, of i f enn., for Vivo President. The Grand Jury of the Baltimore coun ty court has fouud a true bill against Mc- Creary for the false arrest and imprison ment of the black girl, Rachel Parker, the alleged slave of Mr. Schofield. This is the same diffiouly out of which grew the murder of Mr. Miller, with which the reader is familiar. It would seem from this that the affair is not yet settled. (1 -- -Tlio Whigs of Now York aro bogin ning to move for Gen. Scott. A meeting was held in Gennessce county a few days ago, at which strong resolutions for Scott, were adopted. A Whig Convention for Lk° Congres sional district composed of Gennessee, Wy oming and Allegheny counties, N. Y. has elected C. B. Thompson, editor of the Boy Gazette, delegate to the National Convention, with J. A. Malwand as sub stitute. Both are for Scott. trp. The prisoners in the Ohio Peniten tiary are in receipt of 40 acute per diem for their labor. For lke Journal Temperance Meeting. A large and interesting meeting in favor of the Temperance cause was held in the court house on Monday evening last.— Wm. Orbison Psi., was called to the chair, George Glazier and Jacob Fockler appointed Viee Presidents and James 7'. Scott Secretriry. After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Haws and an address by John Scott Esq., the committee of thirteen re ported a series of resolutionS, endorsing the Maine Liquor Law. This led •to an animated discussion, in which Messrs. J. 0. Miles, D. Blair, Jno. Scott, J. Sewell Stewart, E. 0. Bill and several other gentlemen participated. It was continued until a late hour, but without taking a vote the meeting adjourned until FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, when the debate on tho relative merits of the Maine Liquor Law and an amendment to the constitution sub mitting the question to the people, will be resumed. The Chair appointed 11. B. Swoopo, J. Sewell Stewart, James Steel, David Blair, and Jno. Scott Esquires, a commit tee to invite the celebrated lecturer JOHN B. Gouolt, to visit this place and deliver an address. He is announced to speak in Hollidaysburg in a short time. [Communicated.] Distressing Casualty. A young man named John Ho f fman, the foreman at the Steam Saw-Mill of Mr. John Taylor, near Tyrone, in Blair coun ty, was killed on Wednesday night last, by being caught in the machinery. He had started the engine, and, discovering that the shaft was becoming heated, he went to it and was standing pouring water on it, when a key caught in the pocket of his coat, and wound him around it. If the engine could have been stopped imme diately, his life might have been saved; but the other hands present, although they all knew how it could be done, had not the presence of mind to take the right way to effect it, and before he could be relieved ho was so much mangled that ho died in about twenty nine hours. Two physicians were called, but they could do nothing for him. Mr Taylor was absent when the melancholy affair occurred. The unfortunate sufferer, who was thus called to meet death in the midst of life and health, and under circumstances so painful, was a single man; a native, as it is understood, of Perry county, where his people reside. To his friends, it will doubtless be gratifying to learn that ho was rational during his hours of suffering; able to tell how the distressing affair oc curred; and died in the hope of exchanging this for a better world. From the Saturday leiTeiring Post Philadelphia. A meeting was recently hold in Mont gomery County, in this State in opposition to the enactment of a Temperance law similar to the Maine law. The proceed ings are signed by twenty-one keepers of public houses and among the resolutions are the following: Resolved, That it is well known to us as keepers of public houses that many of the most strenuous advocates of temperance frequently stop at our houses, and under the plea of having the cholio or some other complaint, when they imagine no eye is up on them save the bar tender, call for and drink spiritous liquors at the same time taking down their gullets twice the quantity a temperate drinker would do, and yet cry aloud against the tavern keeper. Resolved, That in order to allow them what they have signed for (many of whom are reeled out of taverns) that we solemn ly pledge ourselves not to sell give or cause them to have in our respective houses, liquor of any kind under any plea what ever. I think the tavern keepers in Hunting don county might with propriety hold ti meeting and pass similar ltesolutions• A SUBSCRIBER, 1:17° A DISASTROU6fIoOd occurred at Burlington, Vt., on the 11th inst., at the North village, in consequence of the break ing away of the great dam above the rail road. The business portion of the village is in ruins. So sudden was the flood, that the people had only time to run out of their houses. The principal sufferers aro . Hiram Richardson, M. Mclntire, Mr. Ball, Mrs. Christy, Messrs. Estes, Cameron, Hawks & Co., Bang, Richardson & Jones, and Win, R. Dutcher. A child of the lat ter was drowned. Mrs. Cain, who lived in the same house with Mr. D., had a nar row escape, and was saved by only clinging to floating timbers. Many of the Louses are laid prostrated. Richardson & Jones's largo batting factory was Ltally destroyed with its contents, and their wooden factory is so shattered as to be worthless. Every dam and bridge in the vicinity is gone. lIPThe corporation of Galway, Ireland, have determined to send a block of native marble with a suitable inscription to the Washington National Monument. trios•. Johnhiiin and the Whig Mem bers of the Legislature. Interesting Correspondence. IianaIEIBURO, Jun. 1(36,1852. To his Excellency Wm. F. Johnston, Governor of Pennsylvanin. :—The undersignA members of the Senate and House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, of the same great political party which has, for some time past, recog nized you as its head, would respectfully address you on your retirement from thin Governorshipof the Commonwealth. We feel, sir, that the distinguished abil ity, single-minded patriotism, and untiring devotion to the best interests of the whole people of Pennsylvania, which have char acterized your official conduct as their Governor, entitle you to sonic manifesta tions of our, and our constituents' appre ciation of iese virtues so signally mani fested by you during the course of your official term. While your example will ever be held up in future generations as worthy•of em ulation, we feel that its salutary influence will be extended and deepened, • by our in dicating, at the present time, the high val ue we, as individuals, and as representatives of a large portion of the citizens of the Commonwealth, set upon your services. On behalf, then, sir, not only of our selves, but of our constituents, we tender you this testimonial to the wisdom, purity, and fidelity you have exhibited in the dis charge of your official duties, now about to close, and beg leave to assure you that we will over point to your example as a stand ard of worth eminently entitled to be fol lowed by future public servants in their eilorts to advance the interests and increase the glory of our beloved . Commonwealth. And whit doing so, allow us to express our most earnest wish that your life in future, may bwprosperous and happy; that the interests of yourself and family may be ever kept in the guardianship of that great Being who, in 'the great day of ren dering accounts, will not be unmindful of the value of an honest and faithful dis charge of public duty. Signed by the Whig members of both Houses. PITTSBURG, January 24, 1852. To .Messrs. Walker, Hart, and others, Senators and Representatives 272 the General assembly : GENTLEMEN :.-A public servant, reti ring from the discharge of official duty, ought not to desire a higher recompense than that manifested in the expression of confidence and kindness by those with whom he has been associated. This rich reward is furnished by your kind letter of the 16th inst. Your approbation of my public actions and social conduct, in the warm terms used in your communication, has filled my heart with the deepest felling of gratitude. With official life, I dissever connection without regret, when thus hon ored with the friendship of those whom long and intimate association in council have afforded um so many reasons to love and respect. In separating, however, from cherished personal friends, by whose agency I have been sustained in the performance of ardu ous and responsible duties, I cannot repress, by any philosophy I possess, a feeling of sorrow and regret. In the constitution of our hearts there is something which binds us to those with whom we have passed ma ny days of our life, even if they were days of anxiety and toil. How much stronger the feeling of attachment when we remem ber many hours of happiness and mutual pleasure. To the Whig members of the Legislature, and permit me to add, to the citizens of Harrisburg, I am indebted for many evidences of kindness which I can never hope to repay, unless they will ac cept my fervent prayers and the sincere offerings of my heart for their welfare and prosperity. Wht?to - ver the future may say of the late administration of our State's affairs, it will be hereafter a pleasant reminiscence that during my term in office, I was sustained by the Representatives of my party with an unanimity which convinced my judgment that the motives influencing my actions wore appreciated and respected, even if a full concurrence of opinion did net always exist. It was to this steady support of friends and their good councils mid advice that my anxious desire for the public good owed much of its success. Conscious that the frailties of humanity, as fully centered in me as in my neigh bors, and frequently placed, by the pecu liar actions and passions of parties, in em barrassing positions, I could not have ex pected exemption from censure, or freedom from error. Still am not, in recurring to the past, aware of any official action which I would desire to change or modify. In conclusion, permit me to declare that, with the warmest feeling of an lion est heart, I love my native Commonwealth. I love her rugged mountains, her fruitful valleys, her glorious rivers. I love her honest people, than whom there is none on earth more willing to do justice to a faithful public servant. • Counnending each of you to the holy keeping of that Providence, without whose guiding influence "our wisdom is folly, and our works vanity," I beg to bid you farewell, with the request that I may re tain your affectionate remembrance. I have the honor to remain your friend and fellow citizen, Wm. K. ()WINSTON. [CJ' Many children, of Columbia, Yu., have died during the past few weeks. New Postage BM In the House of Representatives, on Thursday, Mr. Olds, from the Post Office Committee, reported a bill to amend the act of 1851, reducing and modifying the rates of postage. It was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The bill provides that each newspaper, pamphlet, periodical and magazine, book, bound or unbound, circular, catalogue, and every description of printed matter unconnected with any manuscript or wri ting, and of no greater weight than 21 ounces, shall be charged ono cent postage, and ono cent for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, for any distanoo un der 2000 miles; over 2000, double those rates. All newspapers published regularly, and sent from the office of publication to actu al subscribers and not weighing over ono ounce, shall be chargeable with ono half of the foregoing rates. The postage upon all printed matter shall bo prepaid, either at the office whore it is mailed, or at the office of delivery) otherwise double the foregoing rates shall be charged thereon. All transient printed matter shall be deem ed unpaid, unless paid at the office where it is mailed. Books, bound and unbound, not weighing over four pounds, shall be deemed mailable matter and all printed matter, chargeable by weight, shall bo weighed when dry. The publishers of newspapers and peri odicals may send to each other from their respective offices of publication, free of postage, ono copy of each publication, and may also send to each actual subscriber, en closed in their publications, bills & receipts for the mune, free of postage. The pub lishers of weekly newspapers may send to each actual subscriber, in the county where their papers aro printed and published, ono copy thereof, free of postage. And all the laws and parts of acts inconsistent with provisions of this bill are repealed.—Ex. Riot in Cleveland, On Monday last, the mutilated remains of several dead bodies were discovered in the um-pool of the lloincepathic Medical College in Cleveland, which wore identified by the friends of the dead. A gentleman present recognized among them the corpse of his daughter, who died a short time previous. The alarm bells wore immediate ly rung, and a most infuriated mob soon surrounded the building. To satisfy the public mind, a committee was appointed to go through the building and examine every part—the mob occupying the stairs, pas sages, &AL, awaiting their report. In the dissecting room, the committee found the bodies of a man and woman partly dissect ed, and a dry goods box filled with feet, hands, trunks and other portions of bodies. Ono of the committee recognized the hands of his own daughter by unmistakable marks. The crowd then went iu and ransacked the rooms, casting the contents from the win dows. The students and others attached to the College were obliged to fly for their lives. The building was twice fired, but extinguished by the authorities. The Light Artillery and several military companies were called out to assist the civil authori ties. The mob continued about the build ing all night, and during all of Tuesday day and night; but they wore kept at bay by the military, who made several arrests. On Wednesday the military wore dischar ged from duty, and every thing was quiet. The ringleaders of the riot were under ex amination on Wednesday. SERIOUS RENCONTEE.—WO learn from the Georgetown, S. C., Republican, that a serious and perhaps fatal rencontro oc curred on the sth inst., at or near the re sidence of Mr. Isaac P. Taylor, about 20 miles above that town, between a Mr. Cooper McCutchon and Mr. John W. Sturgess, the latter receiving several outs from a knife in the aria and body, some of which are of the most dangerous character. The cause of the difficulty betwou the par ties, the Republican had not learned, but sayi that Mr McCutehcn had been arres ted and lodged in the Williamsburg jail, and that Mr. Sturgess was lying in a most critical situation. irr*Tho eccentric Thomas F. Marshall made a parting speech iu the Kentucky Legislature, just before its final adjourn ment. 119 described himself as having been ~a young eagle launched into the up per air from the Ashland district. He had represented it in Congress, and enjoyed its confidence. But while ho was spreading his wings in the blue ether of his glory, and bathing his plumage in the sun, his wings had been cropped by a gerrymander ing Legislature, and he, like Lucifer, had fallen from his dazzling height into a barn yard, (meaning the present Legislature,) and now every dung-hill fowl was crowing and flapping his puny wings over him." 117". A bill to prohibit the manufacture and Salo of intoxicating liquors as a hover ! age in the Commonwealth, has been intro duced into the House of Representatives. It is the same us the Maine law on the sub ject. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Destructive fire in .Maine. PORTLAND, Me., Feb. 19.—Four blocks of wooden buildings in Gardiner, Maine, occupied severally by Patrick Mahan, B. King, W. & A. W. Hamlin, G. W. Mich elder, P. Wheeler, and Robinson & Row oll, wore consumed by fire on Monday last. Supposed Mail Robber Jlrrested, GREENSBURG, Pa., Feb. 19.—Samuel B. Lauffer, Esq., Postmaster of this place, yesterday arrested Nathaniel K. Grim, for robbing the mail in Virginia. Hels now lodged in jail. -Maryland Items—Fatal Accident, BALTIMORE, Feb. D.—Yesterday, Fred erick W. Corbitt, gunner's mate, was ac cidentally killed at thu Naval School at Annopolis, by the promatur discharge of a cannon. ho belonged to Portland, Me. The bill uniting the Combo' land and Coal Companies, passed the Maryland House of Delegates today, and also the bill prohibiting the circulation in Mary land of foreign small notes. . Judge Heath, of the U. S. District Court, continues very low, and his physi cian entertains little hope of his recovery. Later from the Rio Grande--The Revolu tionary Movanents in Northern .Mexico. NEW ORLEANS, Fob. 17.—W0 have ad vices from tho Rio Grande to the 10th inst. It is stated that orders have been received at Matamoros from the Mexican capital, directing the levying of an addi tional tax of eight per cent. on all import ed goods. It is thought that the effect of the order, if enforced, will be favorable to Caravajal, and increased strength to the insurgents. !SECOND DESPATCH NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 18.—The steam er Fanny has arrived from the Brazos with dates to the 18th. She brings $50,000 specie. The Fanny reports that the families re siding at Matainoras wore . hastily fleeing across the river to Brownsville, under the apprehension that another attack will be made by Caravajal. The - Mexican general, Avalon, was rap idly fortifying his position outside of the city, where ho intends to oonoentrate his troops. A Mexican war steamer arrived at Bra zos on the 10th, with a large quantity of ammunition and arms for Avalos, but could not get them up the river. She was obliged to put to sea without discharging her cargo. The — Matamoras merchants were in a groat state of excitement, and the alarm was increased by the report that Carava ljal was approaching with seven hundred men. Laic? from gamma efinamisroN, Feb. 19.—The steamship Isabel, from Havana and Key West, ar rived yesterday, bringing dates to the 15th inst., but no general news of importance.— The excitement at Havana arising fioni rumors of another contemplated invasion of the Island, had subsided. The market was poorly supplied with Island produce. Sugar, coffee, molasses and tobacco, were firm in consequence of light receipts. Freights were advancing Election of Alusisaippi U. q. Sena tors. JACKSON, Feb. 20.—The Legislature of Mississippi has elected Walter Brooke, Esq., Union Whig, U. S. Senator for the unexpired torn of (lov. Foote, and Judge Stephen Auams, Union Democrat, for the unexpired term of 'Ron. Jefferson Daiis, now filled by Mr. Mcßae. I SECOND DESPATCH.] JACKSON, Feb. 20.—The Whip and Union Democrats in the Legislature of Mississippi, have a majority of about 20 on joint ballot. 11;: 4- A man named Ronson, a hatter of Now Orleans, accompanied by his wife, a young and handsome woman, and his part ner, Charles Duree, went on an excursion, in August last, to Luke Ponchartrain,And from that time Ronson has been missing.= Duree immediately reported that he had absconded with all the funds of the con cern, and, the story being believed, his disappearance ceased to create remark.- . Subsequently Duree and Mrs. Ronson were married, but afterwards lived together un happily, and, during a recent quarrel, she was heard to threaten Duree in regard to the murder of Ronson. This excited pub lic suspicion, and the body of an unknown man, found on the lake iu November, was disinterred, and indentified as that of Ron son, who had been horribly butchered with a hatchet. The guilty pair wore immedi ately arrested. lr_rA party of Americans have put up a lino of magnetic telegraph from the city of Mexico to Napolucan, a distance of one hundred and fifty miles, or half way down to Vera Cruz, to which it is to be extend ed In loss than three months time. The line already up is doing a very fair busi ness, the receipts averageing $35 per day, and the expenses about $l5. These re ceipts will be largely increased when the lino is finished to Vera Cruz. Another line is in contemplation from the city of Mexico to Acapulco, on the Pacific, 300 miles further, which will connect the At lantic and Pacific. This will be a highly important connection, considering cur Cal ifornia nnaa.vd nr. 11,