Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 25, 1851, Image 4

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idelphia Medical House s
smultisuzD 15 YEARS AGO DT
A TV. Corner of Third and Union Streets,
Between Spruce and Pine Streets
latlPT.Kll4i,yearg of extensive and.wainterrnpted
• practice spent in this city have rendered Dr.
R. therapist expert and successful practitioner
• and ! rtear, in the treatment of all discuses of e
private nature. Persons utllieted with ulcers up
on the body, throats or legs, pains in the head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel,
disease arising front youthful excesses or impuri
ties of tho Mood) whereby the constitution lass be
(tome enfeehhid„ are all treated with success.
He who places himself nutter the rare of Dr.
X., may religiously confide in his honor as a gen
tleinan, and confidently rely upon his skill as a
Young talon is ho have injured themselves by
eertain practice indulged in—a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school—the ef
fect of which are nigutly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body, should apply
immediately. Weakness and constitutional de
bility, loss of m acular energy, physical lassitude
and general prostration, irritability and all ner
vous one. ions, indigestion, sluggishness of the
liver, and every disease in any way connected
with the disorder of the procreative functions cur
ed, and full vigor restored.
A, Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death.
Kinkilin on self Preservation. Only 25 cents.
This Book just published is filled with useful
information, on the infirmities and diseases uf the
Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to
should be rend by all.
The raleo,iitivicemmrimpressive warning it
gives, willlifre*ent . ) , Oms of Misery and suffering
and sure annually thousands of lives.
Parents* readitig it milt learn how to prevent
the destruction of their children.
A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a let
ter, addressed to,PH. KINKELIN, N. W. corner
of Third and 'Chien streets, between Spruce and
Fine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under en
velope, per return of mail.
Fero at a diet:leo may address Dr. K. by
letter, (post-pditf) and be eared at home.
rack Ages of• Medicines', Directibn, &e., for
warded, by sending a remittance, and put up se
cure from damage or curiosity.
From the Laboratory of the Celebrated
Dr. J. S. ROSE, of Philada.
ical cure of Scrofula, Diseases of the
Bone, stubborn Weer., Liver Complaints, old
Eruptions, Rhetimatism, and every Disease
arising iron) an impure state of the blood.
The great power 6! this valuable Medicine
being now lolly established by the many cures
it has effected of CONSUMPTION, BRON—
rities of the blood, has sufficiently proven to
the superior panateal power above
all nostrums now in use. Price SI.
T. Lrvnn, being the larp;st gland in the
•iuman body, is noire frequently deranged in
its healthy action thah Any utter. The con-.
sequences Of this derangimient are first Dy's
pepsia, known by costiveness belching up of
wind, soar stomach, and sometimes Diarrheia
or looseness or the bowels, head-ache, nervous
feelings, cold feet, wakefulness, and variable
appetite, Ike. Secondly, if the above symp
owe are allowed to go on long without thin
Medicine, (which will always cure or remove
them,) 11,91 milows debility of the lungs and
predisposition to consninialon.
Dr. If . ifse Las been culled on by over TliftEl
THOUSA..I, cAsv.s within the last rein years, and
many o f 11,10 hid ii jell the various b.tter coin
poundslo their delusion; fortunat.dy the most
were ill little sod wed, -Jon cured by tin:above
compound, w:den codfdois no mercury, alit
doe. not mime, nut 1101OOVes th, CV0 ....a1ai.,
....alai., as thousands curl test.iy. Price JO
This prelim ut oi. ia. b, ell uaru by
me in a full prarto, 01 tittrty pears Is the city
of Pluladelpluu, and is a never-tailing remit!) , tor
choir r4-rnorltu,, tlyst•titery, bowel, complaint,
flat ulency , Pi ice dJ colts.
This eoinpoiniti having been used by me in 'a
full practice o. ritithry-six years, wan (lie must
beneficial results in C 461. of WWI... bad SO
established its superiority above moot other
worm Voedieol..s that its oeindutl has imreaie,l
beyond all ial..tilstion. All should
be prepared by a physician unit liemist. It is
true trat Illally al txles are now sold. as LutioJ
for worms, butt it should be remembered that
many.arelois it,oweriul for the constitution of
young ci.lithen. Price 2•i
. ,
These pills are confh:ently recommended for
Dy,p , ci the Liver, Co.tiveness,
and tar the con=tent use of laniiiies, us Miry ure
mild, and certain in their opetation,
pin or uneusiness, leaving the bOWdei pertect
ly free from costivemss. Price 25 aunts.
SYRUP, a certain cute fur t,, diseases of the
lunge, spitting of blood, bronchitis, asthma,
colds, coughs, and consumption. This syrup
has no equdl. Fifty cents and $1 per bottle.
This inval,lab:‘ , compotiiiti fur the hair has
been used and lo & -.hly recommended by the late
and truly great Dr. Physic, of Philadelphis.--' ,
Price 59 cents.
. -
There h.s been many remedies compounded
for the cure of Croup or Hives. The discus,:
le particularly prevalent among children, and
often fatal; hut as I have never leen a case
terminate, fatally or continue long Where this
syrup was used, 1 can recommend it with the
highest confidence. Price 23 cents. See di
The afflicted are invited to call upon the
Agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's
pamphlets giving a detailed account of each
remedy end its application.
These medicines are in high repute, and can
be relied upon as suiting the diseases for which
thee are iecommended, as they are the result of
an extensive practice for 'the last thirty years
iu the.eity of Philadelphia.
(17 - None genuine without my written signa
ture, J. S. ROSE, M. I).
For sale by T. Ram) & Sea, Huntingdon.
All persons having unsettled accounts with the
fate Oa of Pureey, 4 Maguire are respectfully re,
quesled to call and have the same satialactorily
arranged, as they are sietermined to have the as:-
wants settled without respect to persons,
Huntington July 31, 134/1.
'legs leer, to return his sincere thanks, for the
eery libernl putrounge he has heretofore received ;
ind At the same time informs a geriertias public,
that he still continues the
at the old stand of .Jaeoh Snyder, dere he will
he pleased to have his friends call and leans their
Every garment is wartanted to fit neatly, and
shall bo well nutdo.
Hunt., July, 1851.
FANCY Articles in endless Yarictyat
E. Snare's Store.
11. K. NEFF, M. D..
TJAvna located himself in Wangtonsmanit,
1 - 1 - in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the eountry adjacent.
.1. E. Luden, M. 1). Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Nm. I'. Othision,Esq.
J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Owinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott,' Esq.
Hon. George Taylor.
Huntingdon, Pa.
Jacob M. Gemmill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, " Petersburg.
Splendid Stock of New and Cheap
Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry,
At Phiadelphia Prices.
J. T. Scott has just received from Philadelphia
and is now opening a new anil very lane assort
ment of Gold and Silver Watches, 8 day and thir
ty hour Clocks, Jeweley; and a great variety of
other articles; whielr ho is enabled to sell at rates
min+ lower than usual: " Quick sales and small
profits" is hiS motto,
the ptoof of which will he
found on exaMininghis excellent assortment
April lOth.'
AND ALL 'tliseases acising from n disordered I Central Penn'a. flanking House,
Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation ' Inward /AV BRYAN, GLEI M Bt. CO.— Office on Alto
Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity k / gheuy street, a few doors west of'the Court
the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-Intim, Disguq for House, and nearly opposite. the Post Office, Hol-
Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour lidaysburg, Pa.
Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of The Company is now ready to transact baqi
the Stomaeh, Swimming of the Head,. Hurried fleas. Upon money deposited for a specific
and diflicult-hreathing, Fluttering at the 'kart, period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in.
Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying ' terest will be paid at such are usually
posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before allowed by Saving? Institutions. Transient de.
the Sight, Fever and dull pain in the Head, Deli , posites received, payable on demand..'
cleric) , of perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin R. R, BRYAN, Cashier.
and Eyes, Pain hr the Side,' Back, Limbs, 4e., Hollidavaburg,.May 21, 1850.
Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning M. the Flesh, j •
Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great depres
sion of Spirits, can be e ff ectually cured by J RARE • AND EXCELLENT:
CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, EI ! RY are going off ranidly, at the low rates
at which he sells. i
stock s new, large and
Prepared by ; well selected, and people find it advantageous to
DR. C.. DI. JACKSON, call with him before makingpurchasea elsewhere.
AT THE GERMAN 'MEDICINE sTottg, ! Nov. 12, 1850.
120 Arch Street. Philadelphia. : • .
Their power over the shore net ex - State Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
celled—if equalled—by any other preparation ill
the United States, as the caret attest, in many I HARRISBURG PA. • "
cases after skilfutphysicians
These Bitters are worthy the attention of lava- '• Guarantee Capital deer $lOO,OOO
tits. Possessing great virtues in the rectilication 1 Surplus Cash ~ 25,000
of,diseases ut the Liver and lesser glands, exer
the snout searching powers in weakness and rpIIIS Company has been doing business about
• affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, , 1 .1- a year and has accumulated an earnest
sate, certain and pleasant. '. • j Capital 01 over $125,000 above all , losses and
READ AM) BE CONVINCED. 1 expenses, with a surplus in Cash of over
, From the " Boston Bee." , , i $25,000 on, band.. The Premiums are as tow
The editor said, Dee. 22nd , as in any other good and responsible Campany.
No assessments have been made on the In.
Dr. lloofiands Celebrated German Bitters for I sured and it is the intention and expectation of
, thecure ut Lives Complaint, Jaundiet, Dyspepsia,
the Company that none need or shall be made ;
Chronic or Nervous Debility; is deservedly one of
the most popula medicines at' the day. ' rhos .. the surplus cash on hand will always be sills
Bitters have beets used by thousands, and a friend
dent to meet any losses whirls may be toss
at our elbow says lie had himself received an etlec-
tamed, as no risk to exceed $2,500 will be and permanent cure of Liver Complaint frum taken in one locality.
' the use el this remedy. We are convinced that, • 'flu:
,prohts are wholly divided to the mem
in the use of slies t , Bitters, the patient uoh.s.tuutly hers. This Company offer inducements to the
gains strimgth stud visor—a fact worthy or great own ers o f S are•l"FertY ov er moot Companies
consideration. They aro pleasant in taut and in the State. • ••,
smell, luid can be used by persons with the most For further particulars • enquire of the sub-.
1 dutiesite stomachs with safety, under any dream- scriber, DAVID BLAIR, Agent.
I stances. We are speaking rams experience, anil • Ll'itaingdon, June 12, 1551.—ti. „ '
1 to tlic . atilieteil we ativs, Eleie toe, ,
..6corr's IViIEhLY," one ui the best Literary
papers published, SAM Aug.' 25
i —Dn. tikatuAN Bu roes, menu
. factured by lir. Jackson, ore now recommended
by some'in tie most prominent mentheto of the
luculty as an artleic of Innen efficacy in cases of
female weakness. As such is the case, we would
advise all mowers to obtain a bottle, and thus save
' thenaselt;es much sickness. Persons of debilitated
constitutions will find these Bitters Advantageuus
to their health, is we knew from experience the
wham) , effect they have upon week systems."
.The “Philadelphia Saturday Gazette." the best
family newspaper published iu the United. States,
The editur suy s of
"It is seldom that we recommend what are
termed Patent Aleilicinc,, to the eulidence and
patronage of our reader.; and therertire when we
recunimeml Dr. Howland's . Getman Bitters, we
wish it to he distinctly understood that we urn nut
speaking of the nostrum, of tlip day, that are nois
ed about fur a brief period and then forgotten after
they have done their guilty race or mist:Mei; but of
a medicine lung eqablisned, universally priced,
and which has met the hearty approval ut the fac
ulty itself.
Evidence 'men evidence has beeirreceived (like
the liiregoing) from all sections of the UMW!, the
last three years, and the strongest testimony in ita
favor, is, that there is mere of it wed in the prac
tice of the regular Physicians efl'hiladelphia, Clan'
all other nostrums combined, it fart that can easily
be esablished, and hilly proving that a scientific
Preperation will 'alert with their quiet approval
when presented Lccu iu this form..
, .
'flat this Medicine will cure Liver Complaint
and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as
directed. It nets specifically upon the stomach and
liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious dis
eases—the effect is immediate. ;11sey can be ad
ministered to tionale or infant with safety and re
liable benefit sit tiny time.
This medicine has attain,' that high character
which is mei:lffy fur all medicines ;0 attain to
unlace counterfeiters to put forth spurious articles
at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently
Look well to the 'narks of the genuine
I They have the written aignature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, stud his name blown
In the bottle, without which they nee Sptitt . C.S. •
For sale Wholesale and Retale at the.
No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth,
Philadelphia; eI by respectable dealers generally
through the country.
To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the ad
vantages of their great restorative powers:
Single Bottle 75 cents.
Also for sale by Thomas Reed & Son, Ikat-
Ingdou, Pa. ; John Lute, Shippensbure, Pa.;
Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia, Pa. ; J. & J.
Kelly, Mt rat Cabins, Pa. [July 3, 1851.-ly.
Take this method of informing .the, public that
they are now receiving and aro prepared to fur
CD-I.'s - 3M3"023E32.55M
with everything else connected with a well regu
lated Eating House.
We are determined to spate no efforts to make
nor estahlishment an • agreeable 'place of resort.
Our stock of
is unrivalled. We wish every person to give us u
call, when, we are certain, we shall have the ex
treme pleasure , of having them "come , again, and
again." F. & C. SNYDER.
Sept. 4, 1851.—tf. •
Warriorsmark, I'a.
THE undersigned having recently opened a new
Store in the town of Warriorsmark in this coun
ty, can assure the people of that place and our
rounding country, that he will sell Cheap., any
thing in his line, than has ever been sold in the
place heretofore. His assortment of Dry Govds,
Groceries, Hardware and Glassitsire is very com
plete and of the best quality. Per Sons wishing
bargains had better call early as the rush is so
great since opening, or they will be too late.
air All kinds of Grain, Country Proditues and
Lumber exchanged' liar at the highest cash prices.
N. B. A fine assortment of L o wther constantly
on hand, which will he sold cheap forcash.•
July 3. 1851.-tf.
Wail' county. Lancaster e.outity.
DAVID M'AluirraiK, WiLLIA:I4 (kn.,
Huntingdon co. Lancaiter county.
Blair county. Lancaster county.
. ,
Beg leave to inform the community that they are
prepared to furnish Horses and liiiggie,‘ Opts] the
shortest notice to all those who may he disposed
to-avail themselves of this delightful season of the
year to take excursions to the country, or any
place else.
They are, at all times, ready to furnish the hest
kind of stork, and none who call upon them need
entertain any apprehemions as to the quality of.
their stock or their disposition to accommodate.
Hun tingdon, nue 22, 1851.—tt.
N: All operations Warranted.
rIGHT.DAY and thirty-hour brass clocks, in
beautiful mahoyany and rose-wood eases war
ranted to run well;ibr side at
Scutt's Cheap Jewelry Store.
Written and Verbal, will: be received at
SCOTT'S CSanp .huteltll opposite the Sons
of Temperance Hall, for any number of Watches
or Clocks, and any quantity of the Mast titshion
able Jewelry, &c., which he is now prepared to
farni,:h on the very lowest terms, wholesale and
retail, having just returned front the east with
new supply . Vurehusers are respectfully invited
to give him a hid.
B. Watches and Clocku carefully repaired
and cleaned and ,warrauted.
Runt. July 10, IBM. If
Takes this method of announcing to his
friends, and the public generally, that he has
leased the long established and nc-Il known
slant, lately occupied by Col. Johnston, and
flatters himself he prepared to accommodate
all who may honor him with a call, in the most
satisfactory manner.
will always be furnished with the ehoieest vi
ands the mat ket will aflurd, and
Is as hood as can be found in the borough.
Huntingdon, April 34, '3l.—tf.
BAGLEY'S Superior Gold Pens, in gold and
silver patent extension cases, warranted to
give entire satisfaction, for sale at
Boost's Cheap Jea airy Stars.
I ...nwth
Sarsaparilla a* any 16111111. r preparation in America. Price
one dollar per bottle, or sin bottles for Ave dollar*
It has helm * well established fart for years past, that
Sarsaparilla, when pure and properly prepared, wait tht
only true panacea for all diw.•asr. nri vitiating from an
Impure state of the blood, the u•r of mereury, Intoxicating
drinks, evil habits le barreuneee, lr. W. boldly
tweet, that JOHN D'lf • '8
Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla
is the only preparation before the public, that is prepared
nn strictly seientific principles, and of uniform strength.
The ltarimparinit le purelimied without reenni to pile, and
every pound. before bring' tucd, is subject to the strictest
dietnieal testa, and its genuineness ascertained before being
- gaipiparira Elio contains. filet virtues of se,rni
other velualdh .L Heal roots, together forining the hest
compound. and produclog rue ORGATIV4? CURATIVE AGENT
IN TIIa iesereg vonttol This Medicine, when used according
to directions,
&rnilita nr Mlle! Era, Cllnems, TIMM ' Eruptions of
fie Slin, Erysipelas, i'hranie Gore Eyes, Ringworm or
Titters, Scold Iliad, Rheumatism, Mains in Ins
- 1104s;;.1;in(11 Old :9;e; and Ificors, Swelling
of Dee °Murk Nyphila, Dyspepsia. Mt
Rheum, DiMain ry' pee Kidneys, Loss
Appshfc, Diseases arisino from
the toe ,1 Mercury, Pain in Ow
Stifle and Shoulders. Gen.
Lum Amulice, Coativencas, Pore Throat; Drumlin*
Coma's, Colds. Weaknesa of the Cheat. Pulmonary Atha
Conk and all other di.Pl4llll tending to produce
Hein Complaint, gemale Irrogularitien and Complaints.
:tick and der.opa Headache, Low Spirit., Night Sweata•
Eiposure or Imprudence in Life, Chtmnic Constitutional
Di.waioa; and I. q spring and nuinmer drink, and general
male for the nystem, .11 a gentle add pleasant purgative,
tar inperier to Vim Lick or L'engronn water, Salta, or Said
lit. Powders
The 1..1110•1110 Courier lbw' speaks of iartaparillat
We bay., been shown. by Mr. John Bull, proprietor of
that worlibrenowneil preparation. "Bull's Fluid Extract of
Sarsaparilla," an original, genuine, and beautiful letter,
addressed to him by the accomplished lady of one of the
most eminent obi physicians in the Writ, giving a detailed
Recount of one of the most astonishing cures nn record, per.
flr4ed sin!' by We use of "Bull's Sarsaparilla"
This/ most excellent and charming lady r had long muttered
ffnm prolarmits uteri, fluor al bus, piles, and ch ronic diseases
of the' stomach and digestive organs, and dorm/y.9n! of
the syhttle system. attended with dist/vs/dug eutaneolu erup
tion. sick hemdarhe, and violent attacks d cramp. After
exhausting all of her hushand's and applying to many
celebrated niedieal gentlemen, both at home and abroad,
nail aim using great quantities of tt Townsend's. Sarmapa
without the slightest relief, she was induced to use
"Jol;•t 111.11'. Marseperilla.. Aud what was thehappy
revolt? After the um of a few bottle.. a perfect and won
derful cure—the lady restored to perfect health, and to her
usual flow of Spirit,.
Such lettere sa the one we speak of, moat afford Mr. Bull
more rORI gratification, than could the posse■sion of count
less wealth. And whether lie arcutituiates wealth or not
by the vale of his truly valuable Malirine, being It. author
is glory and honor enough; am, he can ray to the world,
without fear of contrailtetion, "1 Isaac in my poverty revs
liere.l tosser human suffering, than did Stephen Girard Or
John Jacob Astor with thoir million...
Let:.:: v.ho are suffering under the agonising tortures of
Rheum:dine rout the following, end see what may be dose
tb r them, if they will use the Infallible remedy:
UNIONTOWN, Kr., May j 2, 1848.
Ma. Joan Nutt Pear Sir,—iur, the last three years, I
have been afilieted with filuninottism of the severest char
acter. 1 wan at tit.s in the greatest agony of pain. 1 tried
every remedy I could presume for the disease; but found no
den snot relief uutil I was ieduced to use your prepare
tint, of 11amigarilla. which has entirely cured me of Rheu
matism, sod greatly Improved my general health more
thou any medicine ever lined.. I ,11.0 heel, free from pain
fur several month, and have nn doubt the cure is perms.
sent; and 1 recommend It as the best medicine in use for
Rheumatism. 1811 AM BRUMES.
It it UNPIN3IS to produce further testimony in favor of ilia
great remedy. It has only to be tried and proved, to oou
vinoo the public of its coperior efficacy.
Notice to Females,
John Bor. Fdrsapariffa to one of the greatest female
medicines now in existence. In those numerous eases
where the constitution Is debilitated, the necrotic energy is
lessened, when the efforts of nature are weak and deficient,
or are profuse old orrrwrought, when the face is pale and
calorie., the strength feeble and yielding, the spirit trou
bled and depromed. the health broken, mind shaken. and
cocwquently the happiness destroyed—then Bull's Sarsa
parilla is N sovereign remedy. It sabots nature in the per
fitrmance of her duty, braces the whole system, renews
permanently the natural energies, removes obstructions,
cheek, excesses, creates pore and healthy blood, and imparts
health and happiness. Were ladies generally to adopt the
use of this Mitlicirtit, we would sec flu• less suffering, disease
and unhappiness among them then now exists, health would
take the phi, of tliorme. Lb. rosy cheek would succeed the
pallid foe: we AMU Id hare smiles instead of team, and per
haps a happy long life Inott ad of one cut short by disease,
or mails miserable by militated suffi•ring and affliction.
At that critical period termed the "turn of life," which to
often attended with su albeit danger, Bull's i 4 oreaparilla to
found to exert a most hrn-•Ocinl effect. All ladies approach
ing this crisis. should IP apprised of this fact, sod avail
themselves of this valuable Medicine.
How we all within' a clear, beautiful, white skin, and a
Tosy colored cheek. now oft.n it we see tenons, not poi
setting this "desuleratom so devoutly to Le NTi re
sort'', to ...IWO., b io. Mitll'o, and coloring
Ittttt•t'taia, to restore In 11...11111,11t11ve or what disease
has denrlvol the-00 or and that, lee, with great nnorY to
the skin. Hull's ~ o rniporilla is the nett l'semetic known.
It beautifies the skits. by minoring carry particle of morbid
and diseased matter from the Mood. making it pot., brai
n', and vigorous. giving no belly to every inlonta Vessel,
and changing the yellow and dark count, hatICN Ur the
bloom and freshness of youth. Indio, niantton the use of
joints and mixtums, to td Sersoporingh the OD/Y
e~erlual remedy. '• A wool to too wise is sena:it:tat," and
a hint is enoutth his the
lime( the. lISUIIIIIIIy V,. Moore.
have lin heeltntlon in saying that 1
believe your Serviiivientit to he the bent article ever manu
factured. for the elme of t:erofuls, l yphilir, and ninny other
Cutaneous or Glen, der A ffeetionv, having axed it with
entire MVP. ill 111111111 r, of the al ove carve.
1,17. JAI 4 .. 31. 110011 E, 31. D.
Emits Dr. L. I'. Emden. , f Chemistry in :Miff.
.I . fibrui 0•11T' •
I have troked over tlio li=t or ingredient. enmpunlng
ainix , l'N 1,7.'1'1t ACT• tti , S A ItSA 1 , 11.1 A,
and have nu liethifithrito ,nyittg that they form a ode inn.
Found. tad one that towline, Bell in thermic disease', to
o hill, it to ttipth able. L. P. YANDLLL, M. D.
Louts, ille, J uue f, 1848.
Fro. Dr. 1144, Phyttan hy :q p ! .. , ,immt to the Louirre7te
Marine - 11.4 ii al.
I,usrl4u, Marsh 20, 1849.
I have examined the preparalioo of the prescription of
JOIN BULL'S FAHFA l'A 1.1. A. and believe the combina
tion . IM au excellent one. and well calculated to prcalube
an alterative inifrecaion on the :loot In. 1 have used it
both in t•til lir atilt l rivnu• practice, n 11411.119 It the best
article of 1 4 artaparilla in In. Dl. P1'1.4.8, 3t. D.,
. 1. ardent Phyeiclau, Mario* llocpital.
MI NS FAR.ArkPIT...—Oo where you will, to Pteamboats
bound for /tilt UIICanA. n. Louis, Cincinnati,
Nlaatiron, Franifort, or for thu Omen hirer country, and
you will find ion..nre aupplles of thin trtparation &Lout
Laing P1111 , 1.1d on
ltut ii;; . l3;ivhs;nl;;imit our ray, In ',bitterer branch of
troole tool - , lb, may be engagtd, but have onion; for
more or Iron of rolls Sarni - I.llla. Lowirtille Drnar!crat.
Manufactured at Dr. JOHN BULL'S Lulorutory
Fl Fourth street, Louisville, Ky.
For Sale et the Store of T. Rum:, & Som„in
the borough of Huntingdon. [Hawk 20, MI.
Hardware Cheaper.
JOHN A. NEFF, ior many years in the house
of Mr. Buehler. & Bro., desires to inform
h i s friends of ihieriii e d on county that he has
connected himself with the firm of Messrs.
Lower & Barron, No. 174, North Third Street,
3rd door above Vine Street, where he will he
pleased to offs every article in the HARDwAnn
Liss AT 3IVCII Low. P.n. than over before
sent to his native county. •
Philud'a, March 20, 1951.—tf.
Are you Insured
F not, insure your property at once in the Com
berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company.
Apply to Ceo. W. SPEER, Agent,
Bridgeport, Pe.
Returns his sincere thanks:to his friends and the
public generally for their very liberal patronage,
and hopes by strict attention to lavdness to merit
3 continuance of the same. ite, would ,embrace
the present opportunity of inflirrnitig the piddle
that he is still prepared to furnieh.'•them with all.
kinds of castings; he has
of every description, for horning either wood or
coal, such as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon. and
Teti Plate Stoves; together with
cx) - uu 3u as
and Plongh Irons of all patterns used in the State;
Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown
flireNhing machine• patterns, and the four and
Iwo horse power patterns of Chambershug, and
all other castings usually made at tbundries, all of
which will be sold very law for cash.
May, VJ,
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidayshurg,ina about one Mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the lot slay of May, the LOTS in said
Town will be open to the public for sale:
It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the same.
The. Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale,
being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Mochitii4ts and other employees of Cie Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
Fot further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to It. A. McMURTRIE,
June 4 ISso—tf.
TN any quantity, and of all the various patterns
I the market affords, may be obtained at No.
51 North 3d Street, six doors north of the City
Hot.% at the Matimheturers lowest cash prices.
Clocks purchased at the above establishment
may be depended upon as being good and dura
ble time keepers, or the money rebutted in case
of the failure of any Clock to perform according
to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is
the time, and here i 3 the place for bargains, and
although I do not pretend to sell Clocks for less
than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does
not admit of complaint on the part of the closest
buyer, and for the simple reason that. I sell ex.
elusively for cook.
No. 55, North Third Street, Philadelphia
Sept. 10, 18:30.—tf.
Temkin' British Plate Powder.
Sliver, Silver
polshin t
istivnedrbpeirtaititeii Ware, fiyng
Germ. Silver, Albata Plate,
Britannia Ware, And all white; Metals
The undersigned have received from the pa
tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these
preparations for the United States. The Plate
Powder has been most extensively used for a
number of years iu Great Britain, and is now
used by most of the manufacturers ofsilverand
other wares In New York and Philadelphia ;
likewise, by nearly all respeCtable families and
hotel proprietors in the Union.
TOMKINS, i 4 CO., Manularturerm,
23i South Second street, Philadelphia.
For male at T. K. Stmowores Store, Hunting
don, Pa.
• The Art Union of Philadelphia was established
by its founders, and incorporated by the Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of - extend
ing throughout tie American community that at
tachment to the tine arts which is distinctive of
national refinement and civilization.
Every person subscribing live dollars becomes
a member of the Art Union until the succeeding
annual meeting in December. Subscri;,ers fur
this year are entitled to their choice of any two of
the km following splendid engravings, a n y one of
which is fiilly worth the subscription price:
2. RUTH AND 130 AZ.
3. ISlEnev's Ditt, sr.
. .....
Each subscriber also receives a copy of the
Art Union Reporter, monthly, after his subscrip
tion: thin should induce early subscriptions. Af
ter payment of all expens,,, the bal ance of t h e
funds arising 11 . 0111 SiillscriptiOni is represented by
prize certificates, ranging from $4O to $lOOO,
which are distributed by lot flinging tne
on the last week-day in Deceinher, and are avail
able only tin• the purchase of original works or
American Artists.
Thus, for five dollars each member is sure of
receiving, t ue engravings which could nut be par
chased tikewhere with the FlllllO et niey, and hits
also fife ehithed of obtaining a tine o..iginal paint
ing to be selected by himself:
8(1017, Esq., is the Honorary Secre
tary l'or (Ilk county, and will receive and retail
-rm,N PIT M I'S and Lead Pipe, for well or cis
rah, tin ,311 by J. 64. W. Saxton.
Every subscriber of live dollars is a member fur
the year, and is emitted to,
1. A copy of uaclt manlier of the 131:ILEUM
(referred to n a proceeding mutter ) ) which shall
he issued in 1851, during oust after the mouth in
whien payment of his subscription shall be made.
This is a nimithly publication, of sixteen or more
quarto piiges, of three cuminus each, illustrated
with Engravings and Ettatings from works of the
must tle.tingiiistioil artists.
It. A print or 11r. Jones's line Engraving on
Steel, neasuring nineteen inches by twenty-one
after dlr. Woodville's celebrated painting
of Mexieutt News, representing a group at trio
dour of an inn, listening to the reading of account
ui the first battles of lie late Mexican %Var.
lit. A set oh ive Prints from finished line En
' gravingS on Steel, of the average sine of eight,
( inches, by ten inches, and 'executed by distill.
giddied American EngraverS, after the following
paißtings, :
bluriuu Crossing the Pede, By Ramey, Mount
Washington, trom the Vuney of Conway, By
liensett, American Harvesting Scenery, By
Cropsey, Old '76 and Young '46, By Wu.trine,
Bargaining for a Horse, By Mount.
Thus forming it Gallery of American Art, of
convenient sine jrii binding, or for preservation is
e portfolio, insteml of framing, it' desired.
IV. A share in the distribution of several hun
dred paintings, sculptures, and drawings in water
The subscriber has thus an unequalled oppor
tunity to Achieve the triple purpu. of obtaining
a valuable return for a small investment—of se
curing the possession of u superior work, gratify
ing his taste fur Art, and of affording encourage
ment to promising Artists of his own country.
Honorary Secretary
Uuntingdon, July 17, 1851.
Fall arid Winter Clothing
A. WILLOUGHBY, has just. returned.
the east with a large and a ,, sertment or
Fall and Winter ClOthing
for men and boys, made in the latest 11ishlon rind
in the must durable manner. Whn ever waits
to be dressed better and cheaper than any tee e
else in town, let him call at Willoughby's cloth
ing store, one door West of Thos. Reed Fa Son,
drug.etoro in Huntingdon. Call. and see . eu/
yourselves. Oct. 9, 1851.
Improveinent In. bagnerreclypeing I
VAN LOAN & CO., No. 118, Chesnut street,
Philadelphia,' have, by recent discoveries in
their art, enabled themselves to take pictures at.
all times. with great certainty—as well in stormy
as clear weather—which are justly pronenneed by
artists and scietitic men, uls.iiivam.lio, for depth of
tone and softness of light and shade. Hy Working
themselves, they not only produce pictureS which` .
are 000 D AND CHEAP! ! but by far the best
and cheapest which can be produced at any other
establishment. Their charge for pictures In hand.
some improved eases, range from ONE DOLLAR
to three dollars, depending on the size of the pie.
Lure, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at
other establishments, for pictures of, equal size 4—
but of inferior quality. Their GALLERY OF POR
TRAITS, consisting of some hundreds, embraces
worthy the attention of visiters to their rooms,:
which are OPEN AT ALL TIMES.
The collection which they had deposited in the
exhibition of the Frankliiflnstitine, was constant
ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who
were loud in their praise of the artists' skill.
To guard against every possibility of mistake,
they guarantee every picture. to be of the best ma
terials, and unliris it is entirely satisfactory to the
customer, NO CHARGE IS MADE.
. .
air When visiting the city call at their rooms,
whether you wish a Daguerreotype or not. Thy
admission is free, and you will be pleatied with
your visit. Don't forget the number, 118 Chesnut
street, a few doors below Fourth.
Philadelphia, Nov. 19; 1850.
Saddle, Harness, & Trunk Manufacturers.
f I , HE undersigned are now associated in the
above business, in the old stand heretofore
occupied by Wm. Glasgow,
in Main street, near
ly opposite the store of I'. Read & Son. Every
thing in their line will be furnished on the
shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to
suit all. They manufacture the most of their
work themselves, and can therefore assure the
public that every article will be made in the best
and most durable manner.
fly A Wee assortment of superior S AD-
D LES, READY MADE, always on hand.
CO" Hides, and country produce, generanY:
taken in exchange lot work.
War. GLASGOW returns thanks for the libera,
patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes
that his old patrons will continue to patronize
the new firm. WM. GLASGOW,
August 27, 1850. WM. STEEL
Ph iladej ph ia Watch and Jewelry Store, No.
55, North rbird Street.
Gold Lever Watches; full jeweled, 18 caret
rases. $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches, Poll
jeweled, $lO and over ; Silver Lepine, jeweled,
$ll and over; Silver Qoartier Watches, Sr, to
$10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2 ; Gold Pencils.
warranted, $1 ano over.
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des
criplion of Jewelry in like proportion. He
would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon
county, that he has enlarged his establishment,
and greatly increased his already extensive stock
of goods, which he now offers for sale at sash
prices that will strike terror to all competitcirs.
Call and see me; I will charge you nothing for
looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors
North or our friend Hirst's City Hotel.
'rums. READ, Tr.
No. 55, iVarth Third Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. 17, MO.
EntOurage Your Own Illechautics:
(WEN & WM. BOAT ,- would respectfully
announce to the public, that tHey are cow
in all it. various branches, at the old stand for
merly occupied by Adams & Boat. a few , doors
west or the Prc.byterhin church, where they are
now inanufacturing Bugdds, Carrjalcs. Bureau
(hes, Rockaways, Dearborns, &e., in short any
,thiint In the line of carriage mikinit,'ol . iiis \PY
best kidd of material, and in the latest awl flout
They have on hand now several Dit!gies end
Rockaways, finish of in the latest style. 'l'h~'y
have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with
a greet dertlof care, seasoned for use, and invite
those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to
call and examine their work and materials, .aid•
judge for themselves, as they intend to make
good work and warrant it to he so. - A 11 kin , lt
of country produce taken in exclihriqe for work.
N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to
his friends and the public generally, for their
very liberal Patronage, and hop.•s, by strict at •
tention to business, to merit a continuance of•th t
same, under the new firm. We have some sec
ond hand work which in of a good quality; which
we will sell right. Give us a call. We will
sell low for rash.
Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1950.
and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia •price,
jast received at Stott's Cheap Jethelrll Store, threki
doors west of 'l'. Read & Son's srere. The:public
are respectfully solicited to call a n d see.
DR. J. D. sTosEuto4p,
HAVlNG•locatell pi,rmonently at Mill Creek,
oilers his proressional ser , /ices to thateom.
mu pity. .thrills trusted to his yaru will teePive
his utmost attention.
ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various othor
Linda of Pistols, at the lowest prices, at
Scotts Cheap Jewelry, Store. •
Respectfully inibrins his friends and the'Pithlie
generally, that he has taken a shop one door east
Mr Henry Smith's chair manufactory-, where he is
prepared to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES
in the most fashionable awl durable manner; and
he pledges himelf to spare no pains to tit 41#1,
please all who may favor him with their cusstotn
Ile purchases the best materials he can get In the
market. He hopes by strict attention to business
to receive a share,of public patronage. t '
AU kinds of country proclaim taken in nekettge
for work.
Huntingdon, May 8, 1851.