meats of the Government, and upon every eitizen of the United States. Congress, however, must, from necessi ty, first act upon the subject, by proscri bing the proceedings necessary to aseer tain that the person is a fugitive, and the means to bo need for his restoration to the elaimant. This was done by an sot passed during the first term of President Wash ington, which was amended by that enact ad by the last Congress, and it now re mains for the Executive and Judicial De partments to take care that these laws be faithfully executed. This injunction of the Constitution is as peremptory and as bind- ing as any other; it stands exactly on the foundation as that clause which provides for the return of fugitives from justice, or that which declares that no bill of attain-I der or ex post facto law shall 'be passed, or that which provides for an e.tuality of taxation, according to the census, or the elausa declaring that all duties shall be uniform throughout the United States, or; the important provision that the trial of all crimes shall be by jury. These sever al articles and clauses of the Constitution, all resting on the same authority, must stand or fall together. Some objections have been urged against the details of the act for the return of fugitives from labor; but it is worthy of re.nark that th e main opposition is ai.ned against the Constitu tion itself, and proceeds from persons and classes of persons, many of whom declare their wish to see that Constitution over- turned. They avow their hostility to any law which give full and practical ef- feet to this requit;ment of the Constitution. Fortunately, the number of these persons is comparatively small, and is believed to be daily diminishing, but the issue which they present is one which involves the su premacy and oven the existence of the Constitution. - Cases have heretofore arisen in which I individuals have denied the binding author- ' ity of acts of Congress, and even States have proposed to nullify such acts, upon the ground that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land, and that those acts of Congress were repugnant to that instrument; but nullidcation is now aimed, not so much against particular laws as be ing inconsistent with the Constitution, as against the Constitution itself; and it is not to be disguised that a spirit exists and has been actively at work to rend asunder this Union, which is our cherished inheri tance from our revolutionary fathers. In my last annual message I stated that I considered the series of measures, which had beau adopted at the previous session,' in reference to the agitaion growing out of the the Territorial and slavery ques-I dons, as a fiscal settlement in principle and and substance of the dangerous and ex citing kt.ljtcts vlitb thy (Ithaca; I recommended adherence to the Adjust ment established by th . ose measures, until ! time and expeti :nee should demonstrate: the necessity of further legislation to guard a7ainst evasion or abuse. I was not in duced to incite this recommendation be cause I thought those measures perfect, for no human legislation can be erfect.— Wide differences and jarring o; inions can only be reconciled by yielding so.nething on all sides, an! this result had been reach ed utter an angry conflict of many months," in which one part of the country was a - , rayed against another, and violent convul- sloe sccmed to ht. L. n inent Lt okirg at the interests of the whole country, I felt it' to be my duty to seize upon this Compro mise as the best that could be obtained amid conflicting interests, and to insist up on it ass final settlement, to be adhered to by all who value the peace and welfare of the country. A year has now elapsed since that recommendation tvas made. To that recommendation I still adhere and I congratulate you and the country upon the general acquiescence in these measures of peace, which has been exhibited in all parts of the Republic. And not only is there this general acquiescence in these measures, but the spirit of concilliation which has been manifested in regard to them in all parts of the country, lies re moved doubts and uncertainties in the minds of thousands of good men concern ing the durability of our popular institu tions, and given renewed assurance that our Liberty and our Union may subsist to gether for the benefit of this and all suc ceeding generation/. MILLARD FILLMORE. WitsimiaTox, December 2, 1851. Curious Fact. There is a venerable citizen now living in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, who, being in his eighty-sixth year, can remem ber the signing of the Declaration of In- dependonee. Ho has voted at every pros idential election since the organization ofl TrTHE PRESIDENT'S MESSAUE is 11. fine the Government. The commortiul says:— business document, filled with very instruc " He descended the Ohio river, and o • ass " tied facts, and a great many of them. It ed the point where Cincinnati now stands, upon is a pure State paper with scarcely a die , before a single tree had been feller) cernible partizan cast, and reflects great the spot; and before oven a thought of credit on ite~ author. We invite for it a our present power had entered into the careful perusal. Its great length has dreamy phantasies cf prophetic specula- crowded many things out of our paper this tion. Think of it: One now among us' week. one among two hundred thousand in the busy uproar of business—one who stood CCrThe Locofocos of Blair County upon the ground where we now stand be- have called a meeting to take measures to fore Cincinnati was born! We can obtain a 'modification of the tariff of 1846. scarcely realize it ; but yet it is so. The We aro glad to hear it. Bettor late than onward march of impetuous civilization I never. The times are so hard now, that has worked wonders in this groat country it is a real favor to get a good live dollar of ours. This old man can yet see to note changed into counterfeit small notes. read without glasses, and is possessed of i We observe the party doing the same the vigor of middle life." thing in different parts of the State. 4 . 1---- jk . • T ' J 0 RN AL THE HUNTINGDON, PA. Titnrsday Morning, Dec. 11, N5l. J. SEWELL STEWART—EmTon. TERMS OP PUBLICATION: " HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at the following rates, viz: - If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50 If p-tid during the year, 1,75 If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50 To Clubs of live or more, in advance. • • 1,25 THE above Terms will be adhered to in all Notes. No subscription will be taken ibr a less period than six months, and no paper will he discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. V. B. PALMER Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, Now York and Baltimore, to receive attivertisetneut , and any persons in those cities wishing to Adver tise in our columns, will please call on him. FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1852, WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY FOR VICE PRESIDENT IN 1852, JAMES C. JONES, OF TENNESSEE, SONS OF I"ENIPFRANCE. The members of Standing Stone rivis ion, Sons of Temperance, are requested to meet at their Hall on Wednesday evening, 10th inst., at the ringincr of the bell. A. general attendance k requested, as there is business of importance to be transacted. R. WOODS, W. P. New Advertisements. We invite•attention to the advertisement of our esteemed and worthy friend Alex. Carmon. Such a man as friend Cannon cannot fail to do a good business.—See Advertisement. The Sheriff offers valuable property for sale. The Administrators of J. S. Mattern, dec'd. offers valuable real estate for sale. John C. Wilson advertises the property of James Davis, dec'd., for sale. Notice to the heirs and legal representa tives of Rees Thompson, deed. The Card of the gentlemanly and ac commodating Agent of Adams & Co's Ex press is published in another column. Auditor's Notice by John Reed and David Blair Esti' rs. AMERICAN ART MON. Distribution of Paintings Siv., on Fri day, 19th inst. Every member is certain of receiving six fine engravings, viz: Mexican News, Marian crossing the Pedee, Mount Wash ington, Old '76 and Young '4B, Bargain ing for a Horse, and a Harvesting Scene; executed in the highest style of Art, from favorite American subjects, illustrating either the scenery, manners or history of the country. Specimens, of three of these engravings, have just been received, and may be seen at Scott's jewelry Store. Several hundred valuable Paintings and other works of Art will b 3 distributed by lot amongst the members on the day above stated. Information given and subscriptions re ceived until the 19th inst., by James T. Scott, lion. Seery. Ltd Godey's Lady's 13)ak for January, 1852, is at hand, beautifully embellished.' The engravings are, Preparing for Winter, Emblematic Title Page, the Parables of our Lord, The Happy Family, the Pet Bird and Fashions for January, with • cos tumes, model cottages &c., through the number. The contributions aro interes ting, delicate and instructive, and the book is well calculated to inform the mind and sweeten the heart. No lady should be without it. It is published in Philadel phia monthly at $l,OO a year. Each number contains near one hundred pages. Doings in Congress. Congress assembled on Monday the first of the present month and the House of Representatives organized by the election of Lynn Boyd, (Dent.) of Kentucky as Speaker and John W. Forney, Dditor of the Pennsylvanian, as Clerk. The various , Standing Committees have not yet been ap pointed, which is likely to be a difficult task, as there appears to be discordant ele ments in the Locofoco party. The Whigs of the House met in Caucus, before the organization and passed a resolu tion in favor of adherence to the Compro base measures and against further agita tion of the slavery question, while a simi lar resolution was defeated in the Looofe co caucus. The Locefocos are courting the abolitionists and have got the princi pal part of them, and are regulating their course in such way as to conciliate both the Free Sellers and the Ultra slavery men, for a harmonious run in the next residential election. It is niece than probable that the Union will be saved as long as the government has anything to steal, which is a most powerful bond of union. The Texas, Arkansas, California and other distant members of Congress will stick to it, as long as they can plun der the Treasury of three or four thousand dollars a year in the shape of constructive Mileage. There has been no business done in the House of a public nature. The Senate has been doing more than the House. Tutee contests the seat of Mallory from Florida, which is a novelty in the Senate. Several members have What We Thmt . given notice that they will introduce bills Deploring the approaching 'hardness of on various subjects—one to appropriate the times,' a friend enquired the other day lands to a railroad in Alabama, one for — ,, Wh a t do we want to make us prosper the same purpose from St. Louis to the ous ?" Tim proper answer is easily given. western limit of the State of Missouri, an- We want Home Markets. We want menu- 1 other for the construction of a Railroad to facturers and artizans of all sorts to be ' the Pacfic Ocean and ono to establish a sustained. They consume—we want their mint in San Francisco, together with some numbers increased so that the farmers may other matters of minor importance. Mr. readily dispose of their products. We Foote offered resolutions pledging adhe- want to pay the men who weave and spin, .enee to the Compromise measures as a and who eat, upon our soil. We do not I"totality and a finality" on the ground want to pay those who eat the products of very probably, that an Act of Congress English, Belgian, German and French far duly passed m d approved is not valid un- mers, on foreign soil. We want the pro less backed by a resolution pledging ad- ducts of Loonms and of all sorts of mechan hereneo to the law. They were to come iis l i but we want those who make them to up on Monday last for discussion. I live wills us—we want to pay the money Ha also moved the Senate that congress at Am, not abroad. Our own farmers, • award, to Kossuth, the great Hungarian'l not the farmers of other nations, should exile, a grand reception in Washington af- receive our money. We ought to realm ! ter his arrival in this country, also declaring b ar always, that we have twenty-five mil the sympathies of this people with the op- lions•who buy of our farmers all Vie time pressed of Europe in the great conflict of —every day. We on pht to post up in liberty and slavery. Mr. Hale moved to printed letters, or engrave on our memo amend by adding—"and the•vietims of op- ries, that the foreign use of our farm pro pression everywhere"—but as he is a Free duets are nothing compared with our home Seiler it was feared his amendment might use; and that a jadicions Tariff would, in include southern negroes—a class of pee- five years, create an adtlifonal consuump ple which Mr. Foote's proposition was not tion on our own soil equal at least to our intended to embrace. Mr. .Dawson and foreign sales. Our wants are clear and Mr. Underwood were not aware of any imperative—and notwithstanding the else great battle in which Kossuth had distin- tion of a Free Trade candidate for Gover guished himself—that such stupendous and eerie Pennsylvania, continue lobe wants. 1 unheard of honors should be conferred up- , ..5.......„...........„_,,,,..,„.„...,_,......„ on him. The motion was withdrawn. i Auditor's Notice. The same gentleman also offered up hi .s. The undersigned appointed by the Court of sympathies to Smith O'Brien and Thomas Common Pleas or Huntingdon County, lit a k ter,iti:iumte th e or p t Meagher, two men convicted and transport- F.:UncilF.nttitlitmeeeBlllcert.rirers solo n ‘tri t t he r e al lie ed to Australia by the Brit "\h government inniata Forge property and lands thereto uttneh lit,:hrgoing native e t t i t ii t , i t titi i i a l t , o , i r i r . i i ,, v is e iii t t he in nt i e t: for inciting rebellion and disturbances in Ireland. Mr. Foote was evidently carry- pnrpose aforesaid, on Saturdav the 3d day 4 Jao - ing a very heavy load of human liberty, t u l'iC Y bo n r e ol t g a n t or I It i' t . t e t l it ° .lo,. , I ti: t i t u l t: i l li :l th ieZ a l ; enough to weigh down a good deal larger persons interested may attend if they think proper. JOHN REED Auditor. man, and the superincumbent weight actu- ' ally did break him down Arrival of liossuth—llis Splendid It elcome. Kossuth arrired at New York on Friday morning last, in the Limbolt, and on Sat urdy was welcomed into the city of New York by the most magnificent display of pageantry and enthusiasm that has boon witnessed there, since the memorable visit of La Fayette. The Hungarian and Amer ican flags were flapping from every window and house-top —arches and festoons and all manner of gorgeous decorations were thrown across the streets through which he was to pass—ladies waved their snowy handkerchiefs and scattered their laughing blushes—gentlemen swung their hats and yelled like Stentors—bands play ed, drums beat and cannon thundered—the military were out in all their glory and with all their gewgaws and baubles—ora tory and rhetoric wore pruned for intel lectual boquets to be thrown on the ima gination and heart of the illustrious visitor —poetry pavilioned the scene with the splendors of her seventh heaven—and two hundred thousand people marched with him in procession through the streets. Our readers will naturally ask for the cause of all this enthusiastic idolatry.— Austria attempted to absorb the former independent Kingdom of Hungary and govern it by Austrian law, as a province of the empire. Hungary resisted the de struction of her nationality and raised en army to maintain it as an independent Kingdom, to be governed by the old laws and usages of the monarchy. Kossuth was appointed governor of Hun gary for he purposes of the revolution, several battles were successfully fought. Finally Georgey the commander of the ar my, turned traitor and surrendered to Austria and the struggle was over. Kos ' suth and Lis companions fled and threw themselves on the generosity of the Turks, who kept them in custody for about • two years and refused to deliver them up to ilte . Emperoi of Austria who thirsted for their blood. Ile is now here by the aid, in part, and request of, the American government. He started out, with tne intention of pre serving a monarchy, and from his recent speeches, he is likely to end in a republi can. Ilis triumphant return from exile, not to his own country but to this, has im pelled the European republicans to him as the most intfluential embodiment of their principles Whatever respect shall be paid to him here, will be in consequence of our sympathy with thos3 principles. iii The barn on the place formerly owned by • Christain Oyerin Barree town ship in this county was consumed by fire one night last week. It was filled with grain and was the work of an incendiary. This is the third barn which has been burnt in that immediate neighborhood since harvest. Dec. 11, 1851 Auditor's Notice. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Ornlten'g .. .Court at tie comity of Iluntingdon. to tkitritotte the balance in the hund: of John Sha rer, nilininistrat, of Alex. 0. lino ~, im e of the ~,,, ugh of Shirley.hurg, deed. herchy gi% no tice. to all perAotp, intere4ted, that he oill attend thr the ' , crone° nforemid. on l'intr,day the Eth day of January next. lit to o'clock A. M., at hi' office in the ilorough of Huntingdon, when and where all .persons iut:rceted may attend if they think proper. DAVID BLAIR Auditor. Dec. 11, it3sl. NOTICE. To the heirs and Is_•d representatives of Jam es It 144 trite of Bra ly to vmhip dee'd. A Rule was granted by at., Orphan's court of it inu i ng ,l on county It Novemher Term last on the' he N the said James Ilow deed., to appear in', said court on the second Monday uf.lenmu•v nest to accept or refuse the real estate of wid deceased at the valuation or show eau. why the same shLuld not be sold. . . WM. 13. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Iluatingrlos Dec. 11, 1831. NOTICE. To the Heirs end legit RepresentittiveA of Rees Thomp .n, Into of Cminwell tow nfitip, in the count; of ;Imitigdon, *We'd. Mott Orphun's Court hell at Iftmtimplon on the 10th day ofNorent!mr ' A. 1). 1851, on motion uf 1). 11 Esq., the sold court grunted a • Rale on the heirs and lugril representatives of Rees Thompson, lose of Cromwell township. in toll county deed. In come into court un the second,' Nlumlny of Jonnry next (1852.) to accept or re reset.. lake the real estate of ;mid deetteo.4 et the vsloation thereof. (to wit: $1434 00) or to show muse, ifany they have, why the rerun should nut I.lte sold. }rum the Record, 22t1 N0v,1851. M. F. CAMPBELL, CIL December n, 1851. THE ELEPHANT , - -E.,, 4 .,.., ftip!:', t - ,-:',. , ‘P1i , t , ' ,,, = ,, 5 . ' ' ;,.. i . .;,.., ~:::, ,,v , ~ ...-...r , ; 4 , 6 7 ,' ,, ' - ‘ j , :ti , •: i.,:;0 1 ,;;', , ; ; '; C'-' ..10 ' , ' 4 ": ,'• .: , : ~.-'1 7.,!, _,-,.. .;0.,,,J.44 , , t..4 4 4,1 , a '..,,,,, : ::'''4.) - aßkii,,:.l l : ~ . . .)....., i ( (..y. '. i p,..E ~ z 1.?.:. ~2p..... StTi:,..l '.' ---.* ir'' -- ?*l7 liii.lealeig REVIVED! The public me hereby infltrmed that the sub scriber 110 leased that popular and well known store room in the Elephant building, opposite Wallace's Hotel and next door to the office of the "Huntingdon Journal," on Rail Road street, where he has just received end opened the latest and hot supply of FALL AND WINIER GOODS in town. His stock consists of evert• virietv of DR r GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QuEN's WARE:, BOOTS, • SHOES, &c., &c., all of which will be s,bl bet f, the "dug," o r exchenee:l for country produces Ladies :mil gentlemen are re4peetfully incited to call and ..see the Elephant," at le., t, ne no charge is made for exhibiting the !min.!. ALEX. CARSION. Dee. 11, 1851. ADAMS & CO.'S EXPRESS. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and geode of all kinds, re ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company. to all the cities and principal towns in the United State+. dee. Yt, '5l. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. • By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, we will expose to public sale on the prenikes, on Saturday, the 3.1 day of Jan. wiry, Ifin, the following. described property, be ing a part or the real estate of ,T, S. /damn ) , dee'd.. viz: The 1111dMiled bolt of a lot of ground containing about eight acres, situate in the village of Mechanicsville, in said comfy, wljoinims lamb. ofS.imeel Mattern,• Win. M'livain and others, having thereon erected a large frame WOOLLEN M ANUFACTOItY, double two story Ironic DWELLING HOUSE, and a small triune stable, awl containing the ne ce.sary machinery fur the manufacturing busi nes4; there is a good substantial dam and a never filling water power. It is on the Waterstreet Turnpike nunl, about four macs from the Cen tral Hail Hoed. TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to be paid on continuation of sale, and the hal coca in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by imuds end mortgage. J. WA EFIAM MATTERN. SUSAN MATTERN, Adm'rs. P. S.—At snme time and place, will he offered for sale, one share ofstock in Spruce Creek and Paillipshurg Turnpike. and seven shores t.l• stock in Spruce Creek and Waterstreet Turnpike. _ . _ liec. 11, 1851. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. will he exposed to sale at public volatile, at the court holve in the borough nflinntitigtion, on Monday the 12th dos of Jahn:lnv, 1852. at 2 o'clock, P. M., the toLowing described property, to wit: All that certain tract of land in Cromwell town. ship, omtaining 177 acres, more or less, hounded hp lands ~f benjamin Beers' heirs on the west, I\i'lLtire on the Lorth. lands of Martha Pennock's heirs en the smith and east, having shoot 70 acres cleared 1,11,1 under fence, and lowing thereon e rected a two story log house and a frame hank barn. Seized, taco in execution, and to be sold us the praperty at Aaron Stains. ALSO.--All that certain lot of gronnd sitnate in Birmingham Borough. Warriormark township, nutingdon county, adjoining a lot ef,Jaeob Yea ger, fronting on Tyrone street 66 feet and run ning hark 166 feet to Vineyard alley, being No. he in the plan of said borough, haying thereon erected a ono and a half story frame pt altered dwelling house with other itdprovements. Seiz ed, taken in execution and to be sold as the prop erty of John J. Wood, Jttlllei Wood, and Potter Wood. ALSO,—AII that lot aground in Scottsville. Clay township, Huntingdon county, euntaining about one acre, be the same more or less, hound ed on the west by Hudson street, on the north by lot of.losepli Bank:, on the east by lands of Da vid Hunter, em the south by a lot of George Dix on, hitting thereon erected a two story flame lionse, weatherbuttriled, and a kitchen, with other improvements. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel B. Young. ALSO,—AII the right, title and interest of William J. Franks in and to a lot or piece of ground in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less, adjoining lands of Basil S. Bell, 011 tilo 1101111 and north west, by the pnblic rood on the south, end by Stainlimg Stone Creek on the east, having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, weedier hoarded, and o cabinet maker shop, with other improvements. Also one other lot in same township, Containing one fourth of tin arse, more or less, bounded lay the public road on the north, on the ea-t by JlllllO , Mclthatten, 011 the south, lay latck of toe estate 4.1. W. Jlyton ilec'd., wt the west by at lot of Eaninger Stewart, having thereon an old stable. Seised and taken in exe cution 1110 i to bo mkt an the property of Franks and Randulph. alefeachnti rigtit, title and interest in and tit one traet of lan 1 situ ate in Cromwell 113 acre; of lan I, an aro or less, adjoining Loads of Summed Hockeliberry, Asp!a l'rien toad others, with a log hum. Lind small barn thereon. One other tract situate in same township, eanatatiating 44 acres, more or less, adjoining duels of Dutton Lane and a tract in the name of Sandi Ashman, unimproved. Seized and taken ha execution mad to he sold us the property of Hooper. t iliac of a writ of Levari Facies will lie sold at Lie saute time and place the follow ing alvsea,bval property, to wit; all the one undi vided Luau half of at tract of land situate in Spring field township land county aforesaid, containing ninety-five acres or titereAliouts, being part of larger tract surveyed in pursuance Lit it warrant ta,G ear4 , data i 7th July, A. D. 7762, togetaer with the her 'abutments and ap purtenances. S dzed taken in exec tot and to he sold its the property of John ALSO,—AII the right, title and interest of Jollies Franks to a certain toad of land situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, contain ing one hundred acres, wore or less, adjoining holds of tiell.y Len, 011 1110 1101101, Jolts Alexan der oat the seat, Bethel mountain survey on the north, and loots ofJolin A. Wright & CO.Oll the east, having haerenn erected 2 eahan houses dud a frame bank barn, twenty five or thirty acres of Which are cleared and under fence. Seized, ta ken in execution, and to he sold as the property of James Franks. WU. B. ZEIGLER, 810. f. Dec. n,ISSI. L ADIES Gold Pens and Pencils at the Chap Comer Jewelry Store. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court o Huntingdon county, a certaiu LOT of GROUND, situate in the town of Petersburg, in said county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, o Saturday, the 3d day of January, 1852, at one o'clock in the afternoon, es the proper,ty of.litines Davis, late of the borough of Petersburg, dee'4. Said lot of ground lies between Washington and King streets, fronting sixty feet on each, and ex ' tending in length between said streets one hun dred and fifty feet, designated in the reconied plan of said town by Nu. 64, and having thereon erected a two story DWELLIN G ROLFE. TERMS OF SALE—One half of the pur chase money to he paid on the confirmation of said sale. and the residue, within one year there after, with interest, to be secured by the bonds. and mortgage of the purchaser. JOHN C. WILSON, Admit'. By order of Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Dee. 11, 1851.—ts. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. By virtue of nn order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon count•, there will be exposed to pub lic sale on the premises, on Thursday, 25th December, 1851, at 12 o'clock. noun, the following described prop erty, late of Joseph Parsons, dec'd., to wit: A certain mcssnage or tract oeland. situate in thcr township of Tell and county of Huntingdon, ad. joining lands of avid Parsons, Alex. doom Alex. Magee, John Walters and others, contain ing acr) ,Az.aszlaUl3M 9 more or less, about 16 or 18 acres of which are well covered with timber, and the remainder ls cleared and cultivated, of which about tire acres are meadow; there is a double Log Dwelling House and a small Bank Barn thereon erected. This property lies within three miles of the Shade Gap, is in a good state of cultivation, and is altogether a very desirable farm, in a healthy and improving neighborhood. TERMS OF SALE.--Guo third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest fromconfirmation, to In secured by she bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. LLI2ALLIII Adm's. of Joseph Parsons, dee'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Dec. 4, 1851. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE At Public Sale. THE subscriber will positively sell at NAM, 1 Sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY tho 19th day of DECEMBER next, at 12 o'clock M., the following valuable Real Estate, to wit•. Two Tracts of Land situate on the banks of the little Juniata ricer, one mile below Birroinghrm, and within four miles of the Pennsylvania Canal at Waterstrect, end the great ',Central Rail Road pastes through it. Ono tract situate in Warriorsmark township, Hunting don counts, the other tract situate in Tyrone township Blair county, the river• being the line between Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known as tho property of Andrew Robeson. of Warriorsmnrk township. now THE .VA✓YSION TRACT, in War! iursmark township. contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land, about 160 acres cleared, and iu a good state of cultivation, with TWO DWELLINCI HOUSES, a Stone Barn and a good Applo. Orchard • thereon. THE OTHER TRACT, in Blair county cantahis 400 acres of excellent timber land, with a small house and stable there ou erected; there is an Ore Bank on this tract, from which a quantity of Iron Ore elan excellent quality has been raised. A largo port of this tract is goal limestone land fur farming. On then two tracts aro Four .Situations for Furnaces or For• ges, perhaps the best sites in the State. There is a number of springs on the two tracts of never failing water that keep the river free from ice for Isere then a mile. The last tracts is all woodland. and well covered with timber. TERMS—Ono-third of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and the balance in three equal autnual payments, with interest, to be secured by the howls and mortgages of the purchaser. Persons wishing to purchase are inviied to earl and examine the premises. Attendance will be given by DAVID ROBESON, Surviving Executor of Andrew Robeson, deceased Dec. 4, 1851.—t0. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County to distribute the funds in the hands of John Porter, Executor of Jonathan.lohnston, late of Porter township, dec'd. among theereditors of said deed., hereby gives notice that he will attend at his residence in the Borough of Alex.oulria on Saturday 27th Deccm ' her, for the purpose of discharging the duties of his appointment, when end where all persons interest ed e,m attend with their claims if they cue proper. NICHOLAS CRESWELL, Auditor. Dec. 4, 185L-4t MONEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. BRICKER & LENNEY Take this method of informing the peopled Inn, ting.hio ;u.l the surrounding neighborhood, that thry have opened it large and well selected stock. or GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HARD WARD, DRUGS, NoTioNs, CGNFECTION- Mil Es. MoltoCCO, KID, LINING AND' BINDING SKINS, with a groat many other ar ticles too numerous to mention,. in the old stand ofP. Swoope on Main street. They will dispose of their stock very low ibr cash or country pro duce. Ail are respectfully invited to call and ex• amine tic *welt. BRICKER & LENNEY• Huntingdon 'Nov. 27, 1851. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of Tho. E. Orbison, Thu. W. Holy and 'Wien Madden, Assignees of Blair & Moisten on settlement of their final trust Account, to and among those en titled to the same, will attend for that purpose at his Office in the Borough of Huntingdon on &nullity the 20th day of Deceinher next, whets and where all persons interested can attend if they think proper. Huntingdon Nov J . A 2 C 7, o l ß Bs ll i t . tuzn, Auditor. For sale, or Beat. The Farm, on which I at prevent reside UNlT opposite the Borough of Huntingdon. JOHN MoCARAN. Oct 9, 1551.-4