a cog' t 9 _ l A _ Q i ftsSels" f,, . =__, . 0 Al i t "Iv ''l4l(4)Cl /14 O_,N, VOLUME XVI. Audit. r's Nctice. The nndersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of Benjamin Leas, Admr. of Mary Barton, dee'd. to and among those entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose at his Office in tho Borough of Huntingdon, on Monday the 29th day of Decem ber next, when and where all persons interested can attend if they think proper. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1851. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of Ja cob Shoup, Executor of Philip Shoop, deed. to nod among those entitled to the same, will erten(' for that purpose at his Office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on &mutiny the 27th day of Deceit,. her next, when mid where all persona interested can attend if they think proper. JACt )11 ILLER, auditor. Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1851. )i!',S, GLIM, TURPENTINE, Sand, Paints, Bra Ales, Saul paper, &c. &c., at the ,tore of 1 ii:eliltat &LENNEY. PHEl6tiNws DOUBLE REFINED SY lI 'IIP4 New Orleans, and S. fl. Molasses, fur sale cheap at the now store of BRICKER & LENNEY. POFFEE, Sitgar, Hire, Cho.)bite, Tea, (linger, Puppet.. Cloves, Ci/1113111011. Allspice, Tohne• co, Cig,rl, Stud, &e. &e., fir sale nt the new store of BRICKER 4. LENNEY. TIUTTEIR. Fees. Hogs, Lard, Clover Seed, Grain, Potatoes, &e., &e., when in exchange for goods at Mill ket prices at the new• store of BIIiCKER & LEN;\IY. A RARE I'IIANCE! MR. G. ItUSSIELL. DAGUERREAN OPERATOR, Is in Hrniin,ilon and will remain a few days. in order to oxford persons desirous of procuring good - Daguerreotype likenesses an opportunity of doing so. Mr. IL has availed himself of all the recent improvements in the art, and assures the piddle that he is prepared to tithe Likenesses as quick and as well, as ally operator ii, the United titates. Ladies and Gentlemen who vivit the room for the purpose of having !denims taken are respect fully requested to dress in dark or figured material, avoiding white or light blue. The most suitable time for children is from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Grown -persons any time, front 8 A. M. to 4i P. M. Nov. 20, 1851. IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on hand, and for sale the most highly improved Durham Short Horn cantle, Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswald and Leicester Sheep. The sill:scriber now offers for sale several very fine Durham Sbort nom Roll and heifer calves; two Chester Boars; clout lire months old, which took the first premium ter pigs of that age at the late State Agricultural Fair: also, sixteen young thorough hrol Pi4s of the same breed, about three necks old; also, eight thorough Bock nod Ewe Landis of his South Down Huck. The teelersigeed wkea plematre iu statiukt that for MI the stuck which lie Exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, he received the highest pre miums for :south Down mid Leicester sheep and Chester flogs. Any letters directed to En le Foamlry P. Ou Muting(lun Cu., Penna., will be attended to. ROBERT HARE PowEL. Nur.'2o, 1851 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Spruce Creek and Philipslatrg 'Turnpike Hood Company, that au election will be held at the house of James Chitinherliti, Warrior,inatk town hip. Huntingdon County, wt Monday, the Silt day of beeenthertiext, between the hours of 1,110 and six o'clock, P. M., to elect one President, tire Alone kers mai eke Trcastirer,to serve the ensuing year. lie order or the heed. B. F. .PArr UN, Treater. Nov. 20, 1851, l'ablic Sale. Agreeable to the last Will and Testament of John Flasher, Sr., there will he sold 01 public outcry en the premises of said deceased, on Suter day, die 10th day of January I 852,,it 10 o'clock in the forenoon, EIGHT ACRES OF LAND, more or less, under a good state of cultivation.— The improvements are a Lug House with a stone Kitehen, and it small Barn. Possession will he given on the lot of Ap newt. Terms made I known on day of sale. AARON STAINES, JOHN SHOP E, S Exeentor. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. The undersigned is just opening another large assortment of the alcove articles, atitian p r i ces , .and earnestly invites every body to eall• and ex amine for themselves. _ Watches, Clocks, And Jewelry, carefully and promptly. .repaired, and warranted tor one year. J. T. scow. Nov. 6, 1851.—tf. CHEAPER Than Ever!! If von want to get the worth of your money, Yt2 y ; ruin GEO. OWIN, vr.l find the LARGEST, BEST and :..t assurnni•ia Lei goods that the town can produeei and that, too, at such low prices, that all who purchase are filly satisfied that our motto is true, "a quick sixpence is butter than a slow shilling." Huntingdon, Nor. 3, 1851. Aulitor's Notice, The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court distribute the assets in the hands of timtins, Admr. of Jolt I'. Dean deed., tonna anion,. Musa entitled to the same, will at tend for that purpose at bis.olliee in the Borough of Huntingdon on Monday the 22nd day of De cember next, when and where they call attend if they think proper. JACOB 51.11LER, Auditor. Hunt. Nov, 27, 1251. SELLING OFF AT COST. As I am determined to sell all my goods at cost or less, consisting of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, HOOTSAND SHOES, • I would respectfully invite all persona wishing goods at first cost to call cold examine 'fly - , t; ek before purchasing elsewhere. 1 wilt sell lower that; goods have ever been heretofore offered in the county. For instuce, - • 21 cent Delanes at from 12 to 18 cents. Cottee 10 cents; Sugar from 1 to 8 cents. 390 pieces of Calico at from 3 to 9 vents. Wool Shawls from 50 cents to 7 dollars. 50 pieces of Ginghams from 10 to 18 cents. Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinetts, Tweeds & Jeans. 20 pieces white and red flannels ut from 121 to 23 cents. 40 pieces of ldeached muslin.; frotn 3 to 8 cents. Brown muslins from 3 to 8 cents. Diapers—table and porting, Linseys and tickings from ti to 12} eents. Hosiery and glores. Nee. silk, eotton and linen, together with an assortment of all other goods usually kept in a country store. JAMEI MAGUIRE, Huntingdon, Nun•. 6, 1b51., ASSIGNEES' SALE. Will be otii,ed at piddle sale ou the premises on Smarties, the 20th tit Dec., MI, the property, situated in Mel:motel[swam :—TWO LO I'S OF IatOUND; • the improvements unit tine Log House too storys high, with Basement • and Cehor, fronting on the Bedford Road, and ad joining the swing lot on • the east, and lots of A. Fraker, Esq., on the west. Also a lot of of an acre, Situate d in the village laid out by Mr. Situ giou and adjoining 111Touttellstown. The above locations arc desirable and w ell worthy of tlui no tice of persons wishing to purchase propetty.— Also, at the • Same time and place a lot of Sole Loather, Upper, Harness Nips, °fa good quali ty. Terms made known on day of sale. J. B. 61VEN, JOHN ISN 114:11, Assignees of 1). Prutzwan. Nov. 13, 18.51.—t5. WATCHES, C1.0g3 1 AND The sitli,eriber lin, by extreme exertiini,iinil with tbe assistance of u few fritunk, ut but bUC- Certillil in opening an lingortnielit of CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY,' • in the formerly ()coupled b y Dr. It. K. Neff and Brother, cue 'four east of Mr. Livingston'S Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon, where he otters for sale a great variety of the above articles at very low price, Clucks, Watches and Jewellry will he repaired in the very he,t manner, all of which he will war rant for one year. He hopes, by selling at low prices and paving strict attention to business, to merit a libera share at' public patronage. JOSEPH RIGGER. Huntingdon, Aug. 14, 1851,--11: •___. TEN DAYS . LATER! CUBA IS IllEE!! An account of the whole artir may he seen at thestore of HENR' CORNPROBST, in Nils town, together with the largest and cheapest as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever offered in thitt or any Either village in the volley of the Juniata. His stock consists of every article itsuolly found iu retail stores. he has a complete itssurtnnua of DRY GOUDS, liiIOCEIIIES, HARDWARE, QUEEN:MARE &e. 111 of which will be disposed of ut a very slight advance on cult. CAgTINGS °r every dc , cription always on hand and fur sale at the lamest cash prices. Sept. 25. 1851. FARM & SAW-MILL AT FItIVATE SALE. The undersigned will sell that tract of land sit uate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lauds or Martin Grimly, James Duff. A. U. Curtin, Joint 'Weaken. end land lately owned by William Magill, containing TWO HUNDRED/I.IV - .0 TWENTY diCRES 'and allowance, now occupied by John L. Walker with one good frame house, plusteriel itt the in side, with a fountain of pure, soft and very cold water running at the doer, on e l og h ous e mo u i bi e fitr a tenant lintue, it squared log barn with a shingle roof, it good saw-mill and other buildings then:On erected, May or sixty acres of sail land are cleared nail under knee aniline good state of cultivation and nearly all the lialtinee Call he cleared and cultivated. A eonsideraldaportion of the uncleared Itart is Frirtoin land of as goodquial ity us eau be fomel iu theeounty. The tract also contains at good limestone quarry. The Is turned by the east brunch of Stone Creek, a never failing stream which is used seveat tunes above to (Ines Greenwood Furnace, anti is Mann . one and three fourth miles from tile smile branch of Stone Creek, which ti a navig.oile stream emp tying into the Juniata at Ilutittn,tilit. The prop erty is situated ne.ir tic Immo of Stone Mountain, which affords an unequalled range tier There is timber coon!' on the property to pay fur it two ur three times over. Au undoubted ti tle will be given. Tams to suit the purchaser. J. SEWELL, STEWART. Nuntingdon, Dee. 1801. ACKEHEL, CODFISH, Constantly on hand, Se SHAD, SA TAR/N. I fur . sale by - 111.11111N65, ). J. PALMER 8, CO. PORK, I Market street Wharf HAMS AND SIDES, 1 PHILADELPHIA. SHOULDERS, I LARD St CHEESE, .1 Oct. 9, 1851. HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1851. PETITION. To the Honorable the Juqgee of the Court of Quarter Sessions of dtintingdon county, et January Term, 1852: The Petition of George Householder,'. of the township of Penn, (villnge of Marklesburg) in the said county, respectfully sheweth: That he continues to occupy in the said township, that frame house, which has heretofore been used and. occupied by him as a public house of entertain ment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a pub lic house therein. Ile therefore prays your Hun ' era to grant hint ,a license -tu keep a public loose at the place aforesaid for the ensuing year. And he trill ever pray, hr. • dEORGE HOUSEHOLDER. The subscribers, eitiiens of the township of Petm. in the county of Ilunting,dun, recommend the alaive petitioner and certify that the • him or Tavern :Move mentioned is necessary to ticcom modate the public and entertain strangers and travellers; and that tile petitioner above named is of good repine fur honesty and temperance and is well provided with house ilium and Ml.', niences fur the lodging and accommodation of strangers and trove tiers. . . lia7lii) Gainer, Sr., Gottlca, Aupperle, Mathew 31'0.11, Jacob Uio'c, 11,ilip Mavis; Soloniam 9a.) era, Adam Ziegler, !saute elitner, eulardal Seare, Abraham) Grubb, Au- Ilrew Grove, George Shell, Benjamin Grove, Ja cob S. Grove, Julia Peightel, Ludwig Hoover, John !louver, Benjamin U. hoover. PETITION. • To the liononthle, the Judges of the court of quarter Sessions of the Peace fur the cotinty oilluntingdon: • The petition a: John Stahl seslacetfully show ed': Thit your pvt.tioner continues to occupy the house heretofore kept by Wat. a laublie house of eatertaininent,situate in the village or Shot . - tersv.l.e, iu the township of Morris, whicil trout its neighborhood and situation is neessary tar the aceuniudatiun of tile l'athiie, and tire entertain. 'neat of strangers and travelers. That he is well provided with stabling for 110.e4 and all ethavenianees neressary fur the en tertainment of strangers Mill travellers: he there hare respeettially prays the Calm ;IA grant hint s License to keep an Inn, or Public !Louie of en ter...eat Were. And your petitiuner still I pray, Sc. We the undersigned citizens of the Vihtge and timuship aforoitnit, hcing personaliy acquainted with John Sta ti.e above named tietitioner„ and also having . a kataidedge of the house tor which the license is pwed, It,, hereby certify that seek liithse is necessary to twevonmeod in the public unit entertain strangers or 'rat eters, that he is a pet,. of gout! repute fur honesty and ttt4 hots well provided with hou,te MOM and fur the lodg tic, and acconiunalation•uf strangers and travelers. We therefore beg lease to reeuumneud hint fur a License agreeable to his petit on. • Robert Kinkead, John Renner, Peter Sindier, Samuel Hildahrtin, Casper Weight, James Carl ' gen, John John Alvtiner, John Pow, Samuel !tarnish, George Haupt, Jacult Dar nish, David Garnish, Joseph Luker, Peter Gin- I ter, A. Melintick. Estate of Samuel Steel, Esq., decd. Last Notice. All persons indebted to the: estate of Sstnuel Steel, Esq., late of the Borough of 11111111iTaillUll. ded., are requested to make payment in jell of the claims respectively due front 111C91 4,11 or be fore the second Monthly of November next. . Persons neglecting to comply with the shove notice need not expert nny further indulgence. 3Aims dwiN GEIMGE A. ~TEFL.-Ex'rx, UItAND OPENING Fall and Winter Clothing AT THE lIUNTEVGDON CLOTEI MG STORE. , • A. WILLOUGHBY, has jtmt rernrnefl from the enst'with at large and snletaliq assortment at • Fall and Winter Clothing for 17101. Mid hays, reed° in the ; ate , f as hi on an d in the most durable manlier. Who ever wants to be dressed Maior and cheaper then any !only . else in town, let him call of WilloughhyN cloth ing store, one doer West of Thos . . Reed & Son, drug store in Huntingdon. Call end see ior. yourselveo. Het. 9, 1831. NOTICE. AMAN & MARKS inform the !midi, that they • still enutinue to make coffins at the u 54 stale' formerly wimple,' by Ttnmmr Burehinell in the reor 4. the Sent of Temperance Hell, fronting on Washington Zitrect, mot attend funerels either in , Mom or eon try. They heel, a splendid Hoarse fur the accommodation of their eu , tomers. July 17, 18;A.—tf TO PHINTERS.AND PUBLISHERS. TnE untlesigned begs leave to call the atten tion or Printers and Publishers, to the fact Hutt he continue: to manufacture all kind , or BOOR, NEWSPAPER, .101 l and FA NCY TYPE, at Ids all ,t,oul, N. W. Corner of Third & Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, at his usual low prfens tar cash. lie ha,, just introduced a large quantity of new style 4011 & FANCY TYPE. ell of whirls are made of the hest metal ; and for !seamy of finish mut ihsralsilitv, contest he surpass ed hy env other foundry in the Union. His long Co Perieuce. in the different isranches of the trade us smell as in the mixing of metals, will. he flatters himself; enabled him to make a better article and ate tinsels less prime then any of his competitors. lle keeps co,tantly on howl at large variety of Cases,Uhases,einmsosingtitieka,hapesing.stottea, Common and Brass Galleys. Stands, fisaltius, Brass Rides, Leads, Printing Presses, Furniture, and all tither articles required in It Printing Office. (11l Type taken its exchange fur new at nine crusts ter tamed. • Printers are requested to cull and examine his speciments bethre purchasing elsewhere. Alt or tiers thankfaliv received soul promptly attended to, Ast. lilt Pisi , ,,mlphiss Type Foundry, curter of Third and l..;,sestnut streets. July 3, 1851.-ly. Zv 0': I All persons Wing unsettled account.; with the late hint of Dorsey i Aluguire are respectfully re quested to call and have the slllllO satisfactorily arranged, as they are determined to hare the ac counts settled without respect to persons. Huntingdon July 31, 1841. Mk LAhlitS & kSbI ASSONTAIENT OF NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY George (win, At his Cheap store in the Diamond. GEO. GWIN respectfully intimts the citizens, of the borough and minty of Iluntiogdon, tl,et hello just, received an tumially huge stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. consisting' of every variety of Lades' E. Gentlemen's Dress Geeds, OF THE NEWEST STYLES; and rill ,)ther articles in.the Dry-Goods line, Oct: iNEs, QuEENsII'AILE ti ird .4 7 1,1.5 S IV ARE, . 11UOT ).4 . ,` i OES' 114 erc. and in flirt every variety of Goods to suit this market. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or per ish, I ;UN detcrmincd u , .t to he i th il e rs o ld I.y nor CSIIIIIHAMIVIII ill !Ilk section oldie country, and this is no hum tog, no, is it intended to deceive. (live me it tall and 1 ' , ill convince you that tny• statements are sttictly trite. Call and examine my stock and judge titr yourselves, mid without moment's hesitation 'you will be eorivinced • that 1 purpose meeting my pledge. my stock is en tirely new and of the latest styles. 1 hike pleas tirein showing theta ut all times free of charge, feeling thankful for past favors, I hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the saute. Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 1851 ''.)- 9 0 0 (I) RE WARD For the Mau what strucklly Pat- FALL AND DEM It GOODS. The attention of the public generally is invited to tho tact that & W. SAXTON JOHN STAHL, have just received one of tl.c large, assortments or Fall and Whiter ( io..k ever lwencht to this place; nil or which ti ey i'Per at price; so greatly rethwell as to make t ken. Marc B.EAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS ! Their supply caihraeus all the usual variety of Cloths, Citssitourcs, Sattinets and Vesting; . 111uslins, Prints, Flannels, &c. . to gether with the latest styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Silks, Me!inos, l'ar , Inettu, Cloths, Ito Lanes, 6Ln:tame., Ho- Fiery, &c.; and ti very large am:minima of Ladles, Misses anti Children's Shoes; and Ni EN'S AND lIHYS' 13001'S AND /LS of every description. They also invite paiticid,r attention to their stock of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, And the best stuck of HARDWARE in town. They have al,o FRESH GROCERIES, of the very 14,4 quality, which they will tell nt a very small ildrance On post. Cult and event ine for yourselves. They have ulna a beautiful article of • C....tat3• C 2 Carpeting, and evert other articki email• kept in cuiniiry c 6" We will receive awl store grid. ? and alai pay ti,e bigLe,t prices fi. it ;tit 1 it is irlihtte.t by all that a•u have ti,e must cuilveilient place to unload groin in or about Oct. a, r EXiI'IIEMENT!! WHAT A TREMENDOLS RUSH TO WITNESS THE GRAND EXIIIIIITION OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT THE Cheap Clothing Store. JAC4)I3 tiNY It l K has just Nturned from the Kant with the cliviiite,t and best :1St:11111.11i of Clothing ever offered to the citizens of liontipg doe eonety, con. , isting is port it CUATS--111.tek awl brown cloth, piibt end felt cloth of the latest rut met style. PA NTALOONS-I,llftek nild fancy eassimere, doeskit,atinett; corduroy' and keavy tweed: yEsTs.—A vvry general ssi,ortment of silk satin, ca ,, iniere, velvet, Moth, black titney, and an cudlc, variety of other styles, which can not he enumerated' in nu advertisement. in ivalit *of ...ay article littewin Nita it gn.atly to their inivitrltag . , to call at SNY -I)Eli'S for lie is deterntine.l to sch cheaper thou any whir estahli,hinent in thin section of country. ict. 1801.—ti School. Rocks. lmer..ol's 1 2 3 claw; Render+, • Primary Gomm! 7.V, Geography and Atlas, C,onstoek's l'hilusuphy, Wilt's ' do I & 2 polcis, Smith', G 111111111411% irlittS on the Mind, :lenient's blev.mphy of the Heavens, Williard's U. S. flistOrS, Emer.on's Arithmetic 1 2 & 3 part, ;`.l,h'. New Speller ' Song Books for the School Room, For sale nt the store. of Geo. Gwi.n, M. & J. 111. HOWE. witor.Esmx DEALERS. No. 111 N. M . ,/ St.. 3d Am. btl.oto Rae', _ PHILADELPHIA. 00,010 fm•u lir:;.7l;l;7B7K74l(;:r..f ; liiitetl 130p1019, 60).nests Ce.l.lr Tubs, 6UO C;eoar Cluirns,4oo 800 worts Willow Baskets.— Also, tvery description of thistle Briishes, nits, Easton, Wood, and Willow Warn at the Itmestmiiiiitiictitrers' cash prices. N. I.—Orders promptly tilled. .Aiii,ust 28, 1851. L. PELOUZP. 10 Half Barrels Herring for sato by J. 6- W. Saxton. liar 19, 'SI. Enfrred arrontliv to Aet of Norm., In the me Ibsl, by J. 14. lOUMITON, M. D., lo the clerk's Of3cc of the Dirtect Court for the Eastern District of Penneylieule. Another Scientific Wonder! GREAT OURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! Dn. J. S. HOUGHTON'S - - -p , ------ - - "- -t, ~., itrp , ~..4, 4 , , .., 1) DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR, G.ts'lltlC JUICE. Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the ox, utter directions of Baran MOM:, tl.e great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton. M. I). Pn. • . Thi s n truly wondertni remedy f u r Indigestion, Dysisep,iii..humthre, Liver C. 1111 1111111, Conqi patb.n. and Dehility. Curing lifter Nnture's oun method, by Noures own Agent, the Gastric Juice. Half a teaspoonful of PEPSIN, infoed n• - tcr, will digest or Iloinive, Fire Pounds of Roast Be«f in (shout too hours, our of 11.0 stomach. GEO. GIVIN. PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great Digest ing Principle of the Gastric Juice—the So/cent o- Me Food, the Pugging, Preserving, and Stimuli:l tint) Ageut of the Stomach and Intestines. It isextracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming nn Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in its Chemical powers, and furnishing a Complete and Perfect Substitute for it. lie the aid of this preparation. the pains and evils of Indigestion end I)vspep•ia are removed, just as they would he by a * healthy St0111:101. It I. doing wonders for Dvs peptic,. curing cases of 1 /chility. Emaciation, I,fer vils Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption, sup -1)(0.1 to be un the verge of thegvave. Tito Scientific Evidence upon which It is based, is in the highest degree Cnriiiii.4 taut Remarkable. terson. . BARON l.11:1111O in his celebrated work on Chemistly, says: "An Artificial Diges tive Fluid, analogou. , to the Gastric Juice, note lie readily prepared from the meat and eggs, will b e softened, changed, and digested, just in the Mille manner as they would he in the human stomach." Dr. COMB& in bin valuable writings on the "Physilogy of Digestion," observes that '• a dintiLittion of the due quantity of the Gastric faire in a prominent and all-prevailing entre of Dyspepsia ;" and he states that " a ditinguished prufesner of medicine in Loudon, who was severe ly afflicted with thi. , complaint, finding everything else to fail, hail recourse to the Uastrie Juice, oh tained from the stomachs of living animals, which proved elunpletly successfid." _ . Dr. 1atX11...01 - , author of the famous works 011 .'Vegetable Diet„" says : "It is a remarkable filet in physiology, that the rtomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the pmp erty of dlesnlcing various articles of foodonal of etlecting a kind of artificial digestion or them hi nu wbm different front the nutural digestive pro cess., fir Call on the Agent, and get a Deteriptive • Circular, gratis, giving a large amount of' Seien title Evidence, similar to the above, together with Reports of Remarkable Cures, tiom all parte of the United State , . AS A DYSPEPSIA erREIT, Rr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN hos. ',minced tie most 111111,40 ts etticetii, in curing eases of Debili ty, Emaciation, Net - veins Decline, and Dyspeptic Umisninptinst. 11 is• impussible to give the details ()ft.., in tl u lbaits uithis talvertisemcnt ; hut anthem wa.ed certilicatmi hire been given amore than Twn Winked Remarkable Cu re s, in Phila. delida, New and Ruston alone. These acre nearly all Ilesi.erate ot,es. nail the cares were nut only rapid nod wondeatti, hot perma nent. It is a great Ncrvott4 Antidote, and pnrtieclarly useful fi n • tendency to Bilious disorder, Live! Compleitit, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fe ver and tic evil elicits of Quinine, Statuary, and other drags spoil the Jiigestive OlpOls, after long siekiless. Also, lot exetssa iu e, ing, mil the WO free use of ardent spirits. it .ilinust recon ciles Ltetiit/i with litteuipercuire. WA) . STOMAeII (20:111'LAINTS, Thor.. is 110 tin m id . 1 iiii Wilk+ it does 1114 scan to retii li :Mil remove at once, No matter' hew leul they may he, it Gives Itistunt.Relief: A oinfik , dose MIN. F oil MP en piertsme ofporkmbo: and it curtly needs to he repent ed for n 91.0 rt limo to inah. thc,egf)od (•tkets per manent. ]'unity uF 1311/11 1 1 and Vigor of lively fol low et once. It is particularly excellent its eases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the distress after eating, low. cold state of rite Blood, Heaviness, Loa m>, of . Spirts, Despot, dimity to Insanity, Shield°, &c. rlinikitini'; Pepsin,' is sold by nearly all the denTersiti tine drugs iind.Pripitlitr Medicines, liriabzliiitit the United States,. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid ihrin—itnil in Prescription vials for Clio nee of I'lip:44,ms. • l'riridc Circulars for the nee of Physirians, may ho obtained of lb.. ltoligliwn or his Agente, ai the whohi H . III•CS4 of prepairsiii•n. awl tho &tinhorn it, ni,on o Lich ti,c claims ot this now remedy: As it is u t it Ferret Remedy, nu obiecOons can nl,iitiet its use by .Physiehti, in ri,pecbdile standing and reiiiittir practice. frier, /Nl.l 1)111.1.Aqt per hottl, OBSERVE 'nits !—Every bottle of the getonne. I'eli-in ' , coin the written signotore ol• J. ti. ilunghton, Al. 1)., Philadelphia, Pa. Copy right awl Trade Mark secured. lk , r Sold by nil Druggi•ts and Deniers. in \ludo ices. foe sale by Thomas Reed & Son, Mutt ingduu, l'a.; Julat Luts, Slarleritturg .1 11 9 11 . 1 4'. E. ( I rbisuu, (Mason's. 'N..; J. $6. .1, Kelly Runt Calans, ra [Nue. 13, 1145L-ly. A Splendid assortment of Laditt4 Slippers tta. 13. sale by J. W. Stirton.. May :9, '3l. GOLD PENS—Er or 10' diflbrent kinds, from 64 et, to 10danrs. nt Scott's Cheap Jnwelry Store. F ANCY Articles in ondleas variety at Snare's Store. B OOKS and STATIONAI;tY of all kinds 1 j Ed. Snore" Stern, THE SCIENTFIC EVIDENCE! NUMBER 47. .1. D. WILLIAMS. -JOHN HAFT, /R. Z. D. WILLIAMS & Co., W &dude Grocers and Commission Merchant* OA Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg enyitetures, No. I 16, Wood Street, Pittsburg.. HAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this week, the following goods, of the most re cent importations, which are offered on the moss. reasonable tersnen 115 catty boxes prime Green Tea. 45 half chests do do 46 " Oolong and Cbulan. 100 hags Rio Coffee. 15 .‘ Loguyra and Jars. 60 boxes B's, s's, ..tritild I it lump tobacco. 35 Otis. Nos. I anal 3 Mackerel. 20 and do Nu. 1 do 2 and tdu Soloist,. 50 coxes soiled Herring. 1300 Ito extra Madder. S bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves, 6 bags Pepper & Alspice, 1 blill'Cartnegs, 2 'ibis Groins.l Ginger, I bbl ground pepper;• 1 bbl Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard 10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Closes, 2 bbls Garret's Snuff, 45 leis Stearin Candles; 20 lots Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do 100 disc Masons Black'g 100 lbs sup. Rice Flour, 100 Ibs S. F. Indigo, 20 din Ink, 15U dim Corn Brooms 125 slot Patent Zinc 50 lixs extra pure Sta rch, Wash Boards, 25 do Saleroom, 75 Ibis N. 0. Molasses, 15 bids S. 11. Molasses, 10 do Golden Syrup, 25 do Loat; Crustiest, 550 Ilia seedless Ridsins, & Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs, 20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Prunes, 5 boxes Ruck Candy, 2 boxes Geniis Citrons, ludo Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 du Castile & Almond 12 slue Military Soap, Snap, 1 bbl sup. Carl. Sochi, 1 bbl Cream Tartar, 1 MC Pearl Sign,2 elves Isinglass 2 cases Sicily & Rfined 1 case Arrim . . 150 Bath Brick, ill Flour Sulphur ; WO gross Matches, lOU doz Extract of Lem- 5 tit. Lemon Sugar, on, Rose dc, Vella.la, 1 cask Sal Soda, Glass, Nails, White Lead, Lard oil, &e. Refer to Merchants Thomas Rend & Son, " Fisher & M'Murtrie,, .‘ Charles Miller, " Honorable John Ker, . Huntingdon May 15, 1851.-ly FITS % FITS, FITS, JOHN A. ,CLING Bev leave to rethrn Ids sincere thanks, for the very liberal patron:lgo he has heretofore received, lOW at , the same time a generous public, thathe still continues the TAILORING BUSINESS, nt the old stand of Jacob Snyder, where he will he pleased to have his friends mill and leave their measures. Every garment is warranted, to fit neatly, end shall bu well made JOAN A. lING.. tr Hunt., July, 1951 FRESH OYSTERS AND• REFRESHMENTS. F. &. 0. SNYDER Take this method of informing the puhß that they are now receiving and are prepared to fur nish CI) • - •ea' Z2l M with evetything else eunneeted with a well rage , ldted Eating We *lre determined to spare no efforts to make our estaldi.l.ment an agreettule place of resort. Our sma of FRUITS, CONFECTIO.A74 RIES,. GROCERIES, CIIKES, aVUTS , , is unrivalled. We •aish every person to givens a call, wlam, we are certain, we shall have the•ex ironic pleasure of having them 'amine again, and a g ain." F. & C. SNI DIAL Sept. 4, 1851.—tf. TO OWNERS OF UPATENTED LANDS.—A II persons in nos session of, or owning unpateintaS lands with in this Conanonawitd, arc herchy unfilled that tho act of asscilibly, passed tho 10th of April, leM,entimai - An Ar, ici gi lands on which money is due and unpahl to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,' nut whirl; act haii Mien extend ed from time to tune he supplumentary laws, \l'll.l, EXP.! itE ON T FIR,,IT DAY Oh' DECEAI HER NEXT, after which time no abatcuamint be :::...le Many 'merest which luny hero accrued putt the original purchase money. It will therefOre he highly important to those in terested to secure their patents and the benefits of the said net and its supplements during the time the same will continue in force. WILLIAM MUTCHISO:I, ISAAC PEIGIITAL, BENJAMIN LEAS, • Commissioners. August 28, 1851 THE best assortment of Hardware in town, for sale by J. 4. H). Saxton. May 20, '5l. OXE 111,4 rite 4 octave., harp stand MELO DEAN tor rale at Sept 11-0851 ED. SNA.R.E'S. A Beautiful lot of du latest style of Bonnets, ri large and small. Also, cli4lren'n Flats for wale I.y J. o. W. Saxton. May 29,'31. 101tAM.F.T'S Superior fold Pons, in gold and Biker patent exten.lon cogs, warranted to giro entire eatiafiletion. for sale nt Scott's Clienp Jewelry Store. QTLVER SPOONS of the latest patterns can ho k 2.7 had at E. Senree Jewelry Store, PORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 different from 2S coots to 3 dollars at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. QI.X DOLLARS and Fifty cants for the largest Gold Pencils, at Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers