Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 04, 1851, Image 3
ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. By virtue of en order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to pub lic sale on the premises, on Thursday, 25th December, 1851, at 12 o'clotpk, noon, the following described prop erty. late Iff Joseph Parsons, dec'd., to wit: A certain n,essuage or tract oeland, situate in the township of Toll and county of Huntingdon, ad- joining lands of D avid Parsons, Alex. Scott, Alex. 'Magee, John Walters and others, contain ing aCDZ> more or less, about 18 or 18 acres of which are well covered with timber, and the remainder is cleared and cultivated, of which about five acres are meadow; there is a double Log I)a•elling Rouse and a small Bank Barn thereon erected. This property lies within three miles of the Shade Gap, is in a good state of cultivation, and Is altogether a very desirable farm, in a healthy and improving neighborhood. TERMS OF SALE—One third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest from confirmation, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. ELIZABETH PARSONS, Adm'x. of Joseph Parsons, dec'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Dec. 4, 1851. PETITION. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county, at January Terns, 1852: The Petition of George Householder, of the township of Penn, (village of Marklesburg) in the said county, respectfully shewetla That he continues to occupy in the said township, that frame house, which has heretoibre been used and occupied by him as a public house of entertain ment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a pub lic house therein. He therefore prays your Hon ors to grant hiss a license to keep a public house at the place aforesaid for the ensuing your. And he will ever GEORGE HOUSEHOLDER. The subscribers, citizens of the township of Penn. in the county of Huntingdon, recommend the above petitioner and certify that the Inn or Tavern above mentioned is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain strangers and travellers; and that the petitioner above named is of good repute .for honesty and temperance and is well provided with bouse room and conve niences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. Philip Garner, Sr., Gottleib Anpperle, Mathew M'Call, Jacob. Grove, Philip Garner, William Davis, Solomon Moyers, Adam Ziegler, Isaac Ulmer Conrad Snare, Abraham Grubb, An drew drove, George Shell, Be Mumin Grove, Ja cob S.'Grove, Joint Puightei, Ludwig Hoover, John Hoover, Benjamin G. Hoover. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE At Public Sale. THE subscriber will positively sell at Public Sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY the 19th day of DECEMBER nest, at 12 o'clock 91., the following valuable Real EAate, to wit: • Two Tracts of Land situate on the banks of the little Juniata river, one mile below Birminglum, and within four miles of the Pennsylvania Canal at Waterstrect, and the great :Central Rail Road passes through it. One tract situate in Warriorsmark township, Hunting, don county, the other tract situate in Tyrone township Mail.' county, the river being the line between Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known as the property of Andrew Robeson of Warrior:mark township, now deceased. THE .11.1INVON in Warliorsmark township, Contains 200 acres of exceilent limestone l and, about 160 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, with TWO DWELLING HOUSES, . . a Stone Barn and a good Apple 'Orchard thereon. - THE OTHER TRACT, in Blair county eantains 400 acres (df excellent timber land, with a small house end stable there on erected; there is ,at Ore Bank on this tract, front which Li quantity of Iron Ore of an excellent quality has been raised. A large part of this tract is good limestone land fur farming. Ott these two tracts 41.0 To;;;Wiltiaiions for Furnaces or For- gas, perhaps the hest sites in the State. There is a number of springs on the two tracts of never tailing water that keep the river free front ice for moll than a mile. _ The last tracts is all woodland. and well covered wi a timber. TERMS—One-thin! of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and the balance in three equal annual payments, with interest, to la, secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. Persons wishing to pnreltase are inviied to call and examine the premises. Attendance will be given by DA VII) ROBESON, Survivinz Executor of Andrew Robeson, deceased. Dec. 4, 1851.—t, Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County to distribute the funds in the hands of John Porter, Executor of Jonathan Johnston, lute of Porter township, dec'd. among the creditors of said dec'd., hereby gives notice that he will attend at his residence in the Borough of Alexandria on Saturday 27th Decem ber, for the purpose of discharging Co duties of his appointment, when and where all persons interest ed can attend with their claims if they ace proper. NICHOLAS CRESSWELL, Auditor. Dec. 4,1851.-4 t MONEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. BRICKER & LENNEY Take this method of informing the people of Hun tingdon and the surrounding neighborhood, that they have opened a large and well selected stock of bROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARD WARE, DRUGS, NOTIONS, CONFECTION ARIES, MOROCCO, KID, LINING AND BINDING SKINS, with a great many other ar ticles too numerous to mention, in the old stand of P. Swoops on Main street. They will dispose of their stock very low for cash or country pro duce. Ail are respectfully invited to call and en amine the stock. BRICKER & LENNEY Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1851. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of Tho. E. Orhison, Tho. W. NW,' and Robert Madden, Assignees of Blair & Madden on. settlement of their final trust Account, to and among those en titled to the sumo, will attend for that purpose at his Office in the Borongh of Huntingdon on Saturday the 20th day of December next, when and where all persons interested can attend if they think proper. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Huntingdon Nov. 27, i P5l. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of Benjamin Leas, Admr. of Mary Barton, dec'd. to and among those entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose at his Office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Monday the 29th day of Decem ber next, when and where all persons interested can attend if they think proper. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1851. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of Ja cob Shoop, Executor of Philip Shoop, dec'd. to and among those entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose at his Office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 27th day of Decem ber next, when and whore all persons interested can attend if they think proper. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1851. OILS, GLUE, TURPENTINE, Sand, Paints, 1 - 1 Paint Brushes, Sand paper, &c. &c., at the cheap store of BRICKER & LENNEY. RHEISTINE'S DOUBLE REFINED SYR UP, New Orleans, and S. H. Molasses, for sale cheap at the new store of BRICKER & LENNEY. (TOFFEE, Sugar, Rico, Chocolate, Tea, Ginger, vv Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Tobac co, Cigars, Snuff, &e. &c., for sale at the new store of BRICKER d• LENNEY. BUTTER, Eggs, Rags, Lard, Clover Seed, Grain, Potatoes, &e., &c., taken in exchange for goods at market prices nt the new store of I3IUCKER & LENNEY. A RARE CHANCE! MR. G. RUSSELL. DAGUERREAN OPERATOR, Is in Huntingdon and will remain a few days, in order to alford persons desirous of procuring good Daguerreotype likenesses an opportunity of doing so. Mr. R. has availed himself of all the recent improvements in the art,tand assures the public that he is prepared to take likenesses as quick and as well, as any operator in the United States. Ladies and Gentlemen who visit the room for the purpose of having pictures taken are respect fully requested to dress in dark or figured material, avoiding white or light blue. The most suitable time for children is from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Grown persons any time, from 8 A. M. to P. M. Nov. 20, 1851. IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on hand, and for sale the most highly improved Durham Short Horn cattle, Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswald and Leicester Sheep. That subscriber now offers fur sale several very fine Durham Short Horn Bull and heifer calves; two Chester Boars; alma live months old, which took the first premiums, for pigs of that age at the late State Agricultural 'Fain also, sixteen young thorough bred Pigs of the same breed, about three weeks old; also, eight thorough Buck and Ewe Lambs of his south Down flock. The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that for all the stock which he exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, he receited the ,highest pre nthuns fur 'South Down end Leicester sheep and Chester Hugs. Any letters directed to Eagle Ponndry P. 0., Huntingdon Co., Penna. will be attended to. ROBE ' RT HARE ro WEL. Nur. 20, 1831. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Spruce Creek and Philipsburg Turnpike Road Company, thatau election will be held at the house of James Chamberlin, Warrimsmark township, Huntingdon County, on Monday, the Bth day of December next, between the hours of one and six o'clock, P. M., to elect one President, tire Mana gers and one Treasurer, to servo the ensuing year. By order of the Board. T 3. F. PATTON, Tress',. Nov. 20, 1851. Public Sule~ Agreeable to the last Will and Testament of John Flasher, sr., there will be sold at public outcry on the premises of said deceased, on Satur day, the 10th day of January 1852, at 10 o'clock in the flmenoon, EIGHT ACHES OF LAND, more or less, under a good state of cultivation.— The improvements are a Log House with a stone Kitchen, and a small Burn. Possession will be given on the lot of Ap it next. Terms made known on day aside. . - - AARON STAINES, ? JOHN SHOVE , S Executor. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. The undersigned is just opening another large assortment of the above articles, at various prices, and earnestly invites every body to call and ex amine for themselves. Watches, , Clocks, and Jewelry, carefully and promptly repaired, and warranted for one year. J. T. SCOTT. Nor. 6, 1851.—tf. STRAY MULE. Came to the residence of the subscriber, living in West township, near the Warm Springs, on the 24th ult., a small brown little; the right shoul der is somewhat marked with the collar. The owner is requested to come tbrward, prove prop erty, pay charges and take hint away, otherwise he will he disposed of according to law..---_._ N. ArDIVITT, Nov. 6, 1851 CHEAPER Than Ever!! If you want toget the worth of your money, hut• from GEO. GWIN, Where von will find the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST assortment of goods that the town can produce; and that, too, at such low prices, that all who purchase are fully satisfied that our motto is true, "a quick sixpence is better than a slow shilling." liuntingdon, Nor. 3, 1851. A Beautiful lot of Parasols for sale by .1. i l. W. Saxton , May 29, 51. Auditor's Notice, The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court to distribute the assets in the hands of, William Grains, Admr. of John I'. Dean dec'd., to and among those entitled to the same, will at tend for that purpose at his Office in the Borough of Huntingdon on Monday the 22nd day of De cember next, when and where they can attend if they think proper. JACOB MIiI.RR, Auditor. Went. Nov, 27, 1851. SELLING OFF AT COST. As I am determined to sell all my goods at cost or less, consisting of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, I would respectfully invite all persons wishing goods at first cost to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. I will sell lower than goods have ever been heretofore offered in the county, For instance, . _ 25 ceni . Delanes at from to 18 cents. Coffee 10 cents; Sugar from 5 to 8 cents. 300 pieces of Calico at from 3 to 9 cents. Wool Shawls from 50 cents to 7Clollars. 50 pieces of Ginghams from 10 to 18 cents. Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinetts, Tweeds & Jeans. 20 pieces white and red flannels at from 124 to 25 cents. 40 pieces of bleached muslins from 3 to 8 cents. Brown muslins from 3 to 8 cents. Diapers—table and towling. _ _ Lineeys and tickings from g to 12i cents. Hosiery and gloves, lace, silk, cotton and linen, together with an assortment of all other goods usually kept in a country store. JAMES MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, Nov. 6,1851. ASSIGNEES , SALE. Will be offered at public sale on the premises on Saturday, the 20th of Dec., 1851, the following, property, situated in McConnellstown :—TW LOTS OF GROUND; the improvements are a fine Log House two storys high, with Basement and Cellar, fronting on the Bedford Road, and ad joining the opting lot on the east, and lots of A. .Eraker, Esq., on the west. Also a lot of jof an acre, Situated in the villago laid out by Mr. San gre,' and adjoining M'Connellstown. The above locations are desirable and well worthy of the no tics of persons wishing to purchase property.— Also, at the Same time and place a lot of Sole Leather, Upper, Harness & Kips, of a good quali ty. Terms made known on day of Side. J. B. GIVEN, JOHN SNYDER, Assignees of D. Protzman. Nov. 13, IBsl.—ts. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale on the premium, on Saturday, the Gth day of December next, at one o'clock, I'. M. of said day:—That piece or parcel of land, situate in West township, in said county, on the waters of the Globe Run. adjoining • lands of John Henry, Williantßced, Esq., and Jacob Eberle, contain ing THREE AND A HALF ACRES, more or less, having a log dwelling house and frame Sta ble thereon erected—being part of the Real Estate of Joseph Thompson, dee'd. The above property is eligibly situated in a good neighbor hood, and affords a good investment to a mechan ic, or other persons desiring to purebase. Terms made known on the day of sale. By order of the Orphan's court M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance on day ofsale by JNO. W. THOMP SON, acting Administrator of Joseph Thomp son, dec'd. Nov. 13, 1831-ts. Shirleysburg Female Semivary. The first semi—annual commencement of this Institution will take place (Providence permit ting) on Tuesday, the 2d day of December next. Parents and guardians desirous of sending their daughters and wards to this institution will please bring them or send them on by that day, as As important, on account of classing, &c., that the pupils be m attendance on the first day of Mae session. The Board of Trustees have engaged the servi ces of the Rev. James Campbell us Principal —a gentleman lately having charge of a similar In stitution at Athens in the State of Ohio-who comes to us well recommended as a competent and suita ble person to take charge of our Seminary; and under whose auspices, and superintendence we feel confident it will grow up to be a respectable and usefial Institution ; and such as will we trust compare litvourably with similar Institutions over the land, TERMS. Boarding per Session of 22 Weeks including Lodging, Fluid and Light,• • • $4O 00 Tuition for same period, lO 00 Additional for . Chemistry with Ex- periments, 2 50 Ancient and Modern Languages each, lO 00 Lessons on the Plano, l2 50 Lessons on the Guitar, lO 00 Drawing and Painting, each, 5 00 Washing per Dozen. 3O Day schollars will be charged from 6 to 10 dol lars,per Session according to branches taught. A7ll . the Books used in course in the Institution can be had at the Seminary buildings at Philadel phia retail prices. TRUSTEES. Remy Brewster, J. W. Galbraith, Wm. B. Leas, John Brewster, Benjamin Long, T. T. Cromwell, Samuel MeVitty. Nov. 13, 1851.—M. WATCHES , CLOCKS, The subscriber has, by extrem▪ e▪ exertion, and with the assistance of a few friends, at last suc ceeded in opening an assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, in the c wp formerly occupied by Dr. H. E. Neff and Brother, one door east of Mr. Livingston's Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon, where he offers for sale a great variety of the above articles at very low prices. Clocks, \Vetches and Jewellry will ho repaired in the very best instiller, all of which he will war rant for ono year. He hopes, by selling at low prices mid paving strict attention to business, to merit a Mien% share of public patronage. JOSEPH RIGGER. Huntingdon, Aug. 14, 1851.—tf. TEN DAYS LITER! CUBA IS IREE!! An account of the whole affair may he seen at the store of HENRY CORNPROEST, in Ports town, together with the largest and cheapest as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever offered in that or any other village in the valley of the Juniata. His stock consists of every article usually found in retail stores. He has a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE Fcc. All of which will be disposed of ut a very slight advance on cost. CASTINGS of every description always on hand and for sale at the lowest cash prices. Sept. 25, ISM. THE LARGEST & BEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY - •1 4 -- ,cortre (w i n, At his Cheap Store in the Diamond. GEO. GWIN respectfully informs the citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, that he hits just received an unsually large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. consisting of every variety of Ladies' & Gentlemen's Dress Goods, OF THE NEWEST STYLES; and ail other articles in the Dry-Goods line. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE HATS and CAPS, GLA SS WARE, BOOT and SHOES' HARDWARE, fte. and in fact every variety of Goods to suit this market. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or per ish, I nit determined not to be undersold by any establishment in this section of the country, and this is no humbug, nor is it intended to deceive. Give me a call and I will convince you that my statements are strictly true. Cull and examine my stock and judge for youmlves, and without a moment's hesitation you will be convinced that I purpose meeting my pledge. My stork is en tirely new and of the latest styles. I take pleas ure in showing them at all times free of charge, Feeling thankful for past favors, I hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. GEO. GWIN. Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 1851. e>9 CI) CD C) REWARD For the Nan what struck Billy Pat terson. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The attention of the public generally is invited to the fact that J. & W. SAXTON have just received one of the largest assortments of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this place; all of which they oiler at prices so greatly reduced as to make their store HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS ! Their supply embraces ell the usual variety of Cloths, tiassimeres, Sattinets and Vesting; Muslins, Prints, Flannels, &c. &c., to gether with the latest styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Silks, Merinos, Par• metto Cloths, de Lanes, Gingliams, Ho siery, &c.; and a very largo assortment of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes; and also of MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES of every description. They also invite particular attentton to their stock of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, And the best stock of HARDWARE in town. They have also FRESH GROCERIES, of the very best quality, which they will sell at a very small advance on cost. Call and exam ine tbr yourselves. They have also a beautiful article of ..tyamc aD a Carpeting, and every other article usually kept in country stores. ti.ATIVe will receive and store grain, and also pay the highest market prices liar it and it is admitted by all that we have the must convenient place to unload grain in or about town. Oct. 6, '5l. GREAT EXCITEMENT I WHAT A TREMENDOUS ILUSH TO WITNESS THE GRAND EXHIBITION FALL AND WINTEU CLOTHING AT THE Cheap Clothing Store. JACOB SNYDER has just returned from the Cast with the largest cheapest and bast assortment of Clothing ever offered to the citizens of Hunting don county, consisting in part of OVER COATS—Blitek and brown cloth', borer, pilot and felt cloth of the latest cut and style. PANTALOONS—BIack and fancy cassimere, doeskin satinett, corduroy' and heavy tweed. VESTS.—A very general assortment of silk satin, emsimere, velvet, cloth, black and fancy, and an endless variety of other styles, which can not be enumerated in an advertisement. Persons In want of any article in his line will find it greatly to their advantage to call at SNY DER'S for he is determined to sell cheaper than any other establishment in this section of country. Oct. 23, 1851.—tr School Books. Emerson's 1 2 3 class Renders, Mitchell's Primers Geography, Mitchell's Geography end.Atias, Comstock's Philosophy, Swift's do I & 2 parts, Smith's Grammer, Watts on the Mind, Bennett's Geography of the Heavens, Williard's U. S. History, Emerson's Arithmetic 1 2 & 3 part, Cobh's New Speller, Song Books for the School Room, For sale at the store of Geo. Gwin, Administrator's Notice. Estate of David Copenhaver, late, of Henderson township, Huntingdon rountg, Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis tration have been granted to the subscribers on the above estate; therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make im mediate pavment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. JOHN COPENHAVER, ISAAC SWOOPE, Oct. 23, 1851 Executor's Notice. Estate or Archibald Ilutchison doe'd late of Warriormark township. Letters Testamentary on the estate of said de ceased having beeii granted to the undersigned by die Register of Huntingdon county all persons in debted are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those basing claims will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. WILLIAM HUTCHISON, Exr. . _ Oct. 23, 1851. GOLD PENS-8 or 10 different kinds, from 621 Ma. to 10 dollars, at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Stars. FANCY Articles in endless variety at E. Snare's Stowe. For sale, or Rent. The Farm, on which I at present reside nearly opposite the Borough of Huntingdon. JOHN MoCA HAN. Oct 2, 1851.—tr. Pamphlet Laws. Prothonotary's Office, Huntingdon, Sept. 25, 1851. ; Tba,.Pamphlet Laws of the Session of ISM have been received at this office, and are mew : * for distribution to the persons entitled to receive them. THEODORE H. CREMER, Prue), FRESH OYSTERS AND REFRESHMENTS. F. R. C. SNYDER Take this method of informing the puhlic dint they aro now receiving and are prepared to fur nish .ZPF. M with everphing else connected with a well mgt., lated Eating House. We are determined to spare no efrorts to make our establishment an agreeable place of resort. Our stock of FRUITS, COXFECTIONIqRIES, GROCERIES, C.IIKES, NUTS, is unrivalled. We wish every person to givens a call, when, we are certain, we shall have the ex treme pleasure of having them „ "cam; N tifill i f . nd again." Sept. 4, 1851.—tf. NOTICE. AMAN & MARKS inform the public that they still continue to make coiling at the old stand formerly occupied by Thomas Burchinell in the rear of the Sons of Temperance Hall, fronting ou Washington Street, and attend funcrels either in town or country. They keep a splendid Hearse for the accommodation of their customers. July 17, 1851.--tf A MCKEREL , ILL CODFISH, SHAD, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, Oct. 9, 1811. Constantly on band, & for sale by • J. PALMER & CO. Market street Wharf PlutAnnt.rnm BOOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at Ed. Snare's Store. 10 Half Barrels Herring for sale by J. 3. lv. SartOli bias• 29, '9l M. & J. N. ROWE. WHOLESALE DEALERS, Aro. II Third 5t.,.3d . door belou, Race, PHILADELPHIA. 20,000 Corn " drcas,Boo don. Panted Buckets, 500 nests Cedar Tubs, 600 Cedar Churns, 40U boxes Clothes Pins, 800 nests Willow Baskets.— Also, every description of Bristle Brushes, Mats, Eastern, Cedar, Wood, and Willow Ware at the lowest nianfactiirers' cash prices. N. B.—Orders promptly tilled. August 28, 1851. Estate of Samuel Steel, Esq., decd. Last Notice. All persons indebted in the estate of Samuel Steel, Esq., late of the Borough of HuntinVdon, deed., are requested to make payment in AU of the claims respectively due from them on or be fore the second Monday of November next. Persons neglecting to comply with the above notice uced not expectanyfurther indulgence. JAMES dWIN GEORGE A. STEEL,—Mers, A NS—A beautiful assortment at various prices. F Also, Card Cases, Baguet Holders, fancy En iclopes, Note Paper, and other articles expressly for the Ladies, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. GRA.ND OPENING OF Fall and Winter Clothing AT THE HUNTINGDON CLOTH ING STORE. A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from the cast with a huge and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than any body else in town, let hint call at Willoughby's cloth ing store, one door West of Thos. Reed & Son, drug store in Huntingdon. Call and see for yourselves. Oct. 9,1831. ASplendid assortment of Ladies Slippers for sale by J. 6- IV. Sexton. May 29, '5l. BRANT'S INDIAN PILMONHY BALSAM, The Great COUGH REMEDY. Many years ()reseed...3, and mere thane Hundred Thentannd Curees of Countunplive Complaints, have Me r tgm t r. u g°2 l ll,r:t. " Z ` g ," .J*V „P, Vl„ " ,lbV ' 4 LlFlngY:e i g.74 ° rJ tegrat,,T.t"fr a nd 1,76:1°4 Lungs, than any other Remedy In the w0ut1.. ° ,1 , 0 know, b e that it In said by amen that Coneumption can 1101 be cured. Be tool of tn.). ur the few, we shall not attempt to argue u It b botch, but Illid sve will say, and do noel aso act, 404th can he proved to thonmande or caws, that tide medicine has cured Coughs end dim ewes which, Wore the cur. were ed'ected, were called real 'onsnsption, and whirl) were 'Mended with symptoms drat resembled, od were in nil 'opals Ulte the aymetorne of those who die, deed whed dead use .41 to have died with that fund dim.. Coruniturtion. This Balsam has cured thousands of persona who were said to be hupeleaaly afflict ed—who had herd, dry, rock.. Cougrins—Prtin• in the Brener, Bide, and Math-1)1111culty or Brenthlug— Purulent Espectoratlon —Hectic Percr Niyht-Sweate—and wanting away of the Flesh and Blood. Berson. having such complaint. here bowl Cyr.' liner It sees said they could not live n week lunge. This Medicine hw cured some who wore supposed to be Ina dying states but, by the use of Utts remedy, they slew live, anti enjoy good health. Thl• linksam I. purely a t:eyetuble compound. It Is pleaaant to take, and never does mud,' in any stage of dis ease or under any clrcumatances. ft erects ha wonderful and ahead inirnettiouto Cores by Purifying, Strength ening. and luvleariating the whole system—by equal& snag the circulation, and producing a healthy totloll-th. nee ratiliginfiVirlat—crotaitife Nerves -sod die VIZ. Consumption, COUGIIS and Colds, BrJnellitir Asthma, Spitting of Blood" Bleeding at the ..9, Paine in the Breast, ide, and Chest, I_eroomeest, Ni ht Sweats. Palpitation of the Bean et d all PEAIAL W HAHN P.PIWES and Complaint. miming therefrom, Cholera 1 ufnatarn, ha. rir Par Proof end particulars of Cum, see oar Pamphlet. and Handbilk--all our Agent. have Meat to give away. • For sale by T. K SIMONTON, Huntingdon; J. N. Swoore, Alexandria; J. Lutz, Shirleysburgl J. g• J. Kelly Burnt Cabin; James Kelly, Santa Fe; and by Merchants and Druggists generally. All orders must be addressed to Wallace & Co., 304 Broadway, New York Jan. 30, '5l TO PRINTERS AND PIIBLISRERS. THE undosigned begs leave to call the atten tion of Printers and Publishers, to time face that he continues to manufacture all kinds of. BOOK, NEWSPAPER, JOB and FANCY TYPE at Ids old stand, N. W. Corner of Third & Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, at his usual low prices for cash. He has just introduced a large quantity of new style JOB & FANCY TYPE, all of which are mode of the best metal I and the beauty of finish and durability, cannot be Ramm ed by any other foundry in the Union. His long experience in the different branches of the trade as well as in the mixing of metals, will, he flatters himself, enabled him to make a better article tad at a much less price than any of his eompetitore. He keeps constantly on hand a large variety of ' Cases,Cbuses,Composine Sticks,Tmposing-stones, Common and Brass Galleys, Stands, Bodkins, Brass Rules, Leads, Printing Presses, Furniture, and all other articles required in a Printing Office. Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine crate per pound. Printers are requested to call and examine his speciments before purchasing elsewhere. All or ders thankfully received and promptly attended to, at his Philadelphia Typo Foundry, corner of 'fl iril and Chestnut streets. L. PELOIIZE, July 3, 18!".1.-ly, entored ec,ortlin.: to Aet of Coogreeg, In the jar tan, 1., .7. a 11011GHTON, M. U., hi the ek. of the Du.triot Court for the Eastern I'isLriet of Penwyleanta. er Scientific Wonder! OREAT OURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! Dn. J. S. HOUCHTOWS - .... ~, k) [ t -- p - it' 1 ~,,fr...: 4.` L-4.- F ik. „g . 4:7) Ea , i i f tiv;'-- , • P •,, ( - \--, ~.. i•.',,,,,,:V TRTJE DIGESTIVE FLUID, on, GASTRIC JUICE. Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the ox, after directions of Hama Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S- Houghton, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Consti pation, and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. cr Half a teaspoonful of PEPSIN, infused in wa ter'will digest or dissolve, Fite Pounds of Roost Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great Digest ing Principle of the Gastric Juice—the Solvent a the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimulaf ting Agent of the Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in Its Chemical powers, and furnishing a Complete and Perfect Substitute - tor it. By the aid of this preparation, the pains and evils of Indigestion and Dyspepsia are removed, just ns they would be by a healthy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dye peptic,,curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Ner vous Dcline, anti Dyspeptic Consumption, sup posed to be on the verge of the rave. Tho Scientific Evidence upon which it is Moth, is in the highest degree Curium , awl Remarkable. SC I ENTFIC EVIDENCE BARON LEIBIG in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: "Au Artificial Diges tive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the ,atne manner as they would be in the human stumach." Dr. COMM, in his valuable writings on the "Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a (limitation of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he states that " a ditinguisbed professor of medicine in London, who was severe ly with this complaint, finding everything else to fail, had•recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomachs of living animals, which proved completly successibl." Dr. GRAHAM, author of the famous works ou "Vegctah:c Diet„" says t "It is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the rtomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the prop erty of dissolving various nrticles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise different from the natural digestive pro cess." fir' Call on the Agent, and get a Descriptive Circular, gratis, giving a large amount of Scien tific Evidence, similar to the above, together with Reports of Remarkable Cares, from all parts of the United States. AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Rr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN has produced the most marvelous effects, in curing cases of Debili ty, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption. It is impossible to give the details °leases in the theirs of this advertisement; but authenticated certificates have been given anions than Two Hundred Remarkable Cures, in Phila delphia, New York cud Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate eases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma nent. It is a great NCITOILS Antidote, and particularly useful fir' tendency to Bilious disorder, Liver Complaint, Purer and A...vac, or badly treated Fe ver and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive Organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, andthe too free use of ardent spirits. It almost recon ciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS, There is nolbrm of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to . reach and remove at once. No matter how bail the , may he, it Glen. Instant Relief! A single dose 'removes all the us' pleasant sgniptonut; end it only needs to be repeat ed for a short time to make these good ellicts per manent. Privity of Blood stud Vigor of Body fol low at once. It is particularly excellent in cases or Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the Stomach, distress utter eating, low, (mid state of the Blood, Beeriness, Lowness of gpirts, Despon dency to Insanity, Suicide, &o. Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicines, broughout the United States. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid form—and in Prescription vials for the use of Physictans. Private Circulars fur the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, de scribing the whole process of preparation, and giving the authorities upon which the claims of remedy arc based. As it is not a Secret Remedy, no objections can he raised against Its nee by Physicians in respectable standing and regular practice. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. oRsERvE, THIS !..-..Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin bears the written signature of J. S. Houghton ' M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Copy right and Trade Mark secured. 'lr . Sold by all Druggi,ta and Dealers in Medicines. Ale., for sale by Thomas Rood & Son, Huta ingdua, Pa. ; John Law, Slirlevaintrg, Pa.; Thomas E. Orbieon, J. 6J. Kelly Balm Cah., Pa (Nor. IS, ISGI.—Iy,