1r" • ~b , 4. 1 .0111, nu' W. 0- ° 0 2 n i tf /n 9 t Ati4 .1 •• - 1 1 --52Litiee VOLUME XVI. 3. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. Z. D. WILLIAMS AL Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants to Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg. TT AVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this 11 'week, the following goods, of the most re cent importations, which are offered on the most reasonable terms: 115 catty boxes prime Green Tea. 45 half chests do do 16 Oolong and Chulan. 100 bags Rio Coffee. 15 « Laguyra and Java. 80 boxes B's, s's, b and 1 lb lump tobacco. 35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel. 20 and do No. 1 do 2 and #do Salmon. 50 boxes scaled Herring. 1300 lbs extra Madder. 3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves, 6 bags Pepper & Alspice, I bbl Nutmegs, 2 bbls Ground Ginger, 1 bbl ground pepper, 1 bbl Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard 10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves, 2 bbls Garret's Snuff, 45 bits Stearin Candles, 20 bxs Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do 100 doz Masons Black'g 100 lbs sup. Rico Flour, 100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 dd. Ink, 150 don Corn Brooms, 125 doz Patent Zinc 50 bxs extra pure Starch, Wash Boards, 25 do Saleratus, 75 bbls N. 0. Molasses, 15 bbls S. H. Molasses, 10 do Golden Syrup, 25 do Lost; Crushed, 550 lbs seedless Raisins, & Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs, 20jarii Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Prunes, 5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons, 10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond 12 dos Military Soap, Soap, 1 bbl sup. Carb. Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar, 1 case Pearl Sago, 2 cases Isinglass, 2 cases Sicily & Refined 1 case Arrow Root, 'Liquorice, 150 Bath Brick, .. - 5111sbLElotir Sulphtir, 100 gross Matches, 100 doz Extract of Lein. 5 dos Lemon Sugar, on, Rose & Venilla,l cask Sal Soda, Glass, Nails, White Lad, Lard oil, &c. Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son, Fisher & M'Murtrie, •‘ Charles Miller, Honorable John Ker, May 13, 1831.—1 y FITS, FITS, FITS. JOHN A. KING Begs leave to return his sincere thanks, for the vary liberal patronage he has heretotbre received, and at the same time informs a generous public, that he still continues the TAILORING BUSINESS, at the old stand of JaCoh Snyder, where he will be pleased to have his friends call and leave their measures. Every garment is warranted to fit neatly, and shall be well used.. JOUN A. KING. Hunt., July, 1851 ' GRAND COMBINATION ob"rilE Useful, Beautiful and Ornamental !! EDMUND SNARE BEGS LEAVE to inform the people of Hun tingdon, and the rest of mankind, that he has bought, brought and opened the richest, largest and cheapeet assortment oS WATCHES &r JEWELRY ever beheld in this meridian In addition to Ins unprecedented stock of Watches and Jewelry he is just opening a most excellent variety o miscellaneous BOOKS, as well as School Books and STATIONARY, which lie is de termined shall be sold lower than ever sold in Huntingdon. . . . _ Call in and see if this statement is not cor rect. Store formerly occupied by Neff & Mil• ler. 07 - 01 d Gold and Silver wonted. April 21, 1831. TO OWNERS OF U.NPATENTED LANDS.—AII persons in pos session of, or owning unpatented lands with in thin Commonwealth, are hereby notified that the set of assembly, passed the 10th of April, 1835, entitled "An Act to graduate lambi on which Money is due and unpaid to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,' and which act has been extend ed from time to time by supplementary laws, WILL EXPIRE ON THE FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, after which time no abatemcnnt can be made of any interest which may have accrued upon the original purchase money. It will therefore ho highly important to those in terested to secure their patents and the benefits of the said net and its supplements during the time the same wilt continue in force. WILLIAM liuTcmsoN, ISAAC I'EIGHTAL, BENJAMIN LEAS, Commissioners. August 28, 1851. TILE best assortment of lianiware in town, for sale by . J. IV. Saxton. May 29, '5l. DOOE first rate 4 octave, harp stand MELD DEAN for sale at Sept 11,1851 ED. SNARE'S. ABeautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets, large and swell. Also, ehilaren's Flats fur sale by J. 4. W. Saxton. May 29,'51. BAGLEY'S Superior Gold Pens, in gold and silver patent extension cases, warranted to give entire satisfaction, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. QILVER SPOONS of the latest patterns can he $0 had at E. Snare's Jewelry Store. DORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 differeut kinds; A from 25 tents to 3 dollars at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. SIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents for the largest Gold Pencils, at Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store. [From the Louisville Journal.] TO ;AUSTRIA On hearing of her extraordinary proceedings in consequence of the liberation of Kossuth. BY O. IL PERO:VAL. Well! what's the mattes i en, thou snarling em pire, That sit'st amongst the stations as a vampire, Sucking the blo'od of fallen Hungar3l Thou seem'st determined never to be suited, Whether thy heroes are "caviesed or hooted— What can we do t' apilasi thy majesty? Thy pet, the valiant woman-whipping Bayne's— Pray, at the thought vexatious, do not cry now! Once going forth to take a little ride And see how others whip tw slay men, Himself got soundly whippefl by English draymen, And scented and hissed by all the world beside. Ho snaking home, complaining to his mammy, it h We_ rd thy loud, 'inpatient, furious "dant'me!" It o fi ercely through both hemispheres! Not ci n t alarmed, yet liking not the pother, We thought it'licst, (thy angry grief to smother) To greet the next that came with nine good cheeps! Kossuth come next, whom than hest niTtde a hero, Striving to keep his noble soul at zero: He scarce can reach our hospitable shore, Ere the whole land the voice of welcome raises, And high and low are eloquent of praises— But strange to tell thotert madder than before! At Turkey, who'd no longer be thy jailor, Thou shak'st the fist, as if thou wouldst assail her— Then burn'st the great Kossuth in effigy— Then tell'at America, in hopes to grieve her, That Hulseman shall to the Devil leave her, It' she receives that son, of Hungary. Don't strike at Turkey, fur unless thou missed her, Huntingdon The blow, perhaps, weal but thy knuckles blis• That effigy has set thy thrown a-lire! For Hulseman, A should regret to lose him, But still his passports ire will - not refuse him, When, at thy orders;he shall them desire. What shall we do, ill-natured hag, to please thee? One thing we'll promise—may it serve to ease Thou hest our free, unqualified consent By turns to rage and whine, lament and bluster, And round thy borders act the FRMuster, And play the fool to thy own heart's content. Still may thy fierce, lugubrioni lamentation s They prove a treat most racy, rich, and rare! And since thon'rt weak at lighting and at howling, Call in, once more, to aid thee with his growling, Thy gristly ally, the old Russian Bear! from Arthur's Home Gtmetto. Our sensible correspondent H. gives us a very sensible article on the subject of would-be-fashionable morning calls, If the cap fits some of our fair friends, we hope they will wear it with good grace and good humor. Who will not recognize the picture here drawn"! MORNING CALLS. Among the many good old customs which have been sw3rificed to the increase of lux ury, form and ambitious. pretence, the hearty friendly visiting of our fathers and mothers has suffered.—John Brown and James Smith, for instance, live as each knows of the other, in a "plain way."— There is in each hipse a holiday parlor in: which the family do t not feel quite at home, except on Sundays. The sitting room, which is also the dining-room, and, some times, on "coffee-dinner days," serves as kitchen, is the more comfortable. In mid winter, when they ace "sure nobody will be in" at breakfast, that meal is taken in the kitchen for comfort, and convenience of the rapid transit of the cakes from the griddle to the table. The absence of cere mony promotes ease, for whatever is to be done is readily assisted in by all.—Even Mr. Smith, or Mr. Brown, do not disdain to go for coal and stir up the grate, and both gentlemen can put a foot upon a kitchen chair and rub their own boots, while the wife tells them what they may bring or send home from shamble or gro cery store. Now if Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. James Brown followed their own native impulses of good seuso and convenience, all would go pleasantly from January Ist to the same day in the year next ensuing. But there are exceptions to comfort.— Both of the ladies choose to spend part of their time in a ridiculous wasp erade.—d Both shall rise—say tomorrow morning—' as early as it is light. The maid of. all work washes off the pavement, and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brown, standing inside of the house with the door open, polish the HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1851. knobs thereof, while they squint out an eye at the respective maid servants, dod ging suddenly back as passengers ap proaoh.—Mrs. Smith fears Mrs. Brown should detect her at work; vice versa.— Then they make bread, or pies, and do whatever else calls. When they dust par lors, keeping away from front windows, or wearing slouched bonnet to conceal fea tures from the fuith , e peeps of the passing Smiths, Browns, !Ind Joneses, of their ac quaintance. Then they go to market, or if the marketing has been sent home, in spect the basket. That bit of beef is meant to put in pickle, and is pickled ac cordingly. Other things are otherwise of, like thrifty housewives. NoW, Mrs. Brown arranges the meat for baking—for "roast is really roast no more," though grease may still be living grease; the poet to the contrary, notwith standing. Mrs. Brown calls the servant of all work, abovementioned, from her dish washing. She tells her at what precise hour to put the meat in the oven, and gives minute directions as to all other par ticulars. Up stairs she hurries. She makes her own bed. She tosses the slouched bonnet in a corner, steps out of the work frock and—but wo must not be -too praticular in describing toilet arrange ments. Suffice it to say, that over the damp hands the gloves are, with great difficulty pulled, as the last touch. Ar ranged in silks and satins, with card case in hand, Mrs. Brown comes down, and pauses a moment in the pantry to call Bridget. "Now mind," she says, "those things I charged you about." "Yes'm," says Biddy, but inwardly vows rebellion, since she is left with "the whole dinner to get." Mrs. Brown steps out into the stret, Bridget looking after her with a grin as she sees a f6ther sticking to her skirt, or some other mark of hurry in costumary.— Mrs. B. is in no hurry now. She moves With a slow dinity like a lady of leisure.— She meets and recognizes Mr. Jones. She is all smiles, and so is ho. They pass with a graceful recognition—she, poor soul! little suspecting that his is a smile of won der "how the dickens" she could got dress ed so soon, when he is sure he detected the "end of her nose" under the starched bonnet already mentioned, as he passed her house fifteen minutes before! he scorning nal Mrs. Brown rings at Mrs. Smith's door bell. "Betty !" cries Mrs. Smith, who is up to her elbows in pastry—"see who that is. Toll 'ow I'm not at home. No ! Show 'em in the parlor.' The countermand is made—not to serve the truth, but because Mrs. S. knows that "not at home," will be interpreted to mean "in the kitchen." Up stairs she hurries, and robes herself in a graceful morning dress, and sails down, to meet Mrs. Brown, as if she had only been stringing pearls in her boudoir; and the two ladies set fifteen minutes to dis cuss how "difficult it is to find good ser vants." Mrs. Brown goes. Other ladies of the same set come in and in, Mrs. Smith dancing attendance between kitchen cham ber and parlor, while the house is filled with the smell of things burning in the kitchen oven. So the morning passes with Mrs. Smith. Now let us follow Mrs. Brown home.— It is nearly time her husband was back to his dinner. Up stairs she hurries, and metamorphoses herself as suddenly as Cin derella changes from fine lady back to kitchrn girl, in the fairy tale. An omin ous odour saluted her nostrils the moment she entered the house. Alas! poor Brown's dinner! It is "done brown," and so is he, if he has deluded himself with the hope of any thing fit to eat. Mrs. Brown scolds Bridget, and she "gives her warning."— Mr. Brown looks black at the dinner, but makes peace between his wife and the girl of all work, fear she should go away, and he fare still worse with a new Bridget. At Smith's there is little better enter tainment, except that on this day she has the best excuse, being the aggressed upon, not the aggressor. To-morrow she will re taliate upon Mrs. Brown, by "returning her call," and so on till poor Brown and Smith come to the conclusion that " good servants are scarce," and to the suspicion, mo reover, that there is no superabundance of good wives. Now we put it to the common sense of our readers—what 'Ls the use of all this?— What is gained by it Who is deceived by it ? Sensible woman who do not wish their husbands to toil on forever, must be content to help them, by managing in doors, while the husbands labor whithout. Why not go comfortably on, and dispose of the days avocations, and then step out, if need be, and all in a pleasant, social way, on others, who, like themselves, having finished their domestic duties, have lei' ' sure to entertain guests? Why should people of modern incomes—why should any American indeed—ape foreign follies? Why cannot we have independence enough to be happy in our own social relations, and good sense sufficient to attend to our own comfort, and that of our families?— Never, till we do—never till wives save for their husbands —will there cease to be periods of "two per cent, per mouth." From the Philadelphia Enquirer, Modern Extravagance. YOUNG MEN AND MATRIMONY. In the course of a recent conversation with a careful but somewhat cynical obser ver, he took occasion to compare and con trast the condition of affairs in the social life of the present day, with the custom and system of the olden time; and to de nounce the former, as reckless, extrava gant, and fraught, with deplorable conse quences. 'Young men,' he argued, 'who are honest and industrious, temperate and active, and who desire to enter the matri monial state, are, in many eases, prevent gd from so doing, apprehensive of. 'the fu ture, intimidated by the luxurious mode of living which so generally prevails, and by the spirit of social rivalry which exists to so fearful an extent in the community. Tho consequence is, that the change is postponed from year to year, until habits of bachelor life and single blessedness be come fixed, and thus matrimony is defer , red or avoided altogether.' Our friend is himself a bachelor, on the shady side of fifty, and although now quite independent in pecuniary circumstances, it is more than probable that his philosophy, as above quoted, is founded upon positive experience in his own case, and in the ear lier part of his life. Certain it is—his views are correct. Hundreds, nay, thou sands of young men of fine feelings, noble sympathies and proper principles, are in timidated by the extravagance, the fashion and the folly which are so characteristic of the present time, and thus with the keenest anxieties and the liveliest affec tions, are deterred from entering into the holy state of wedlock. In the language of the Scriptures, a wife should be a 'help meet for man.' She should not only share his joys and his sorrows, but she should arouse his en ergies, and contribute to his fortunes.— But we fear that a sad error prevails, and that with too many of the gentler sex, the idea of matrimony is associated simply with a splendid establishment. Tho heart has little to do with the matter. The in terests, the cares, the responsibilities of the husband are too lightly considered.— All that is sought for is distinction in the Isocial and fashionable world, and thus the power to triumph over others who have been or may he less fortunate. The true duties of matrimony aro not properly es timated or sufficiently regarded. An ele gant mansion and splendid furniture are more potent than a spotless character, a thriving business and a generous heart.— And this to, is the doctrine inculcated by many parents—too many by far. II is sadly erroneous. Young men, it should be remembered, have, in a great multitude of cases, to carve their way through life, to struggle for years, even in the hope of obtaining pecuniary position and indepen dence—they are beginners in the world. They see the chances and changes of trade, and if prudent and sensible, they soon discover that economy, patience and perseverance are essential to suceess.— But how, under such circumstances, can they venture to enter the field of social rivalay that exists to so ruinous an extent, to occupy a mansion at the rate of six or eight hundred dollars a year, to furnish it at a coat of two or three thousand dol lars, and to live accordingly I The thing is impossible. And yet, on being introdu ced to most young ladies of respectability and pretension, they are soon given to un derstand, that nothing less than such an establishment would induce them even to listen to a serious offer. The young mer chant, manufacturer, store keeper, physi , ciao, lawyer or printer, seeing the impos sibility of any realization of such a pros pect, is at once intimidated; either aban dons the pursuit altogether, or looks elsewhere. Another mistake is, that young ladies in dulge the mistaken notion, that they should beg-in where their parents leave off—in other words, their dwellings, servants, and household expenses, even at the commence snout of life, should fully equal in size and extent, their fatheis, "no matter how wealthy—although the beginning might have been humble and secure. This too, when as in many cases, there are half a dozen of daughters. Each would not on ly rival, but surpass the old establishment. The folly of all this, as a matter of common sense, must strike every intelligent reader. Nay, so deluded and misguided aro even many parents on this important point, that they absolutely prohibit their "gentle ones" from associating with any young men, who are not either rich in reality, or by expectation. In most cases, too, the poli cy is practised by individuals who in early life were compelled to struggle under ma, ny privations, and who therefore had been the architects of their own fortune. Their pride increases with their means, and as if ashamed of their honest poverty, and of the honorable industry by which they won their way to a more fortunate position, they look with contempt upon all who are pursuing the same path. In brief ; they have become monomaniacs in relation to fashion and all its empty pa geantry, They aspire to lead where be fore they were content to follow, and in dulging in this morbid vanity they not on ly waste their substance, but expose them selves to bitter and merited ridicule. Let us not be misunderstood. Respectibility, social position, unsullied character and hon est fame, are every way desirable. But we should not mistake the shadow for the substance—we should not forget that there affections and sympathies, as well as hol low mockeries and unmeaning pretensions, and if we have been favored by fortune, we should look back through life to all its changes, struggles and reverses, and remember that the great multitude of those who prosper fully and permanently, may be found among the numerous class— the thousands, indeed; who commenced moderately, economically, confidingly, and hopefully—to whom affection and truth, and not hypocrisy and heartlessness, were the real bonds of union, and the true sources of wedded bliss. Better, far bet ter, to begin properly and prudently, and continuo on in a steady path of right and prosperity, than to flash for a moment be fore the excited and envious world, and then meteor-like, sink into obscurity, dark ness and oblivion. Loveliness. Young ladies, it is not your neat dress, your expensive shall, or your golden fin gers, that attract the attention of men of sense. It is your character they study.— If you are trifling and loose in your conver nation—no matter if you are beautiful as an angel—you have noattraction for them. It is the• true loveliness of your nature that wins and continues to retain the affections of the heart. Young ladies sadly miss it who labor to improve their outward looks, while they bestow not a thought on their minds. Fools may be won by the gew gaws, and the fashionable by showy dress des; but the wise and substantial are never caught by such traps. Use pleasant and agreeable language, and though you may not be courted by the fop and the sap, the good and truly great will love to linger in your presence. ~~ NUMBER 46. To Bone a Fowl. Clean the fowl as usual. With a sharp and pointed knife begin at the extremity of the wing, and pass the knife down close to the bone, cutting all the flesh from the bone, and preserving the skin whole, run the knife down each side of the breast bone and up the legs, keeping close to the bone; then split the back half way up, and draw out the bone; fill the places whence the bones were taken with a stuffing, re storing the fowl to its natural form and sow up all the incisions made in the skin. A Penecnted Man. Hamilton, of the Maryville Tribune s was travelling in the cars the other day from Bellefontaine to Kenton, when he fell in with a decided character. He was tolerably drunk. Let Hamilton tell the rest : He said he lived in Urbana; that the Methodists had a great revival there a year or more ago, and that more than a hundred were converted; that he had been converted some years before, and had joined the church. We asked him if he still belonged to it. '•No," said he, "they turned me out for the most frivolous thing in the world; if I'd know'd they d a turned me out for such a little thing as that, I'd never joinetl."' Said we, "What did you do'?" • "Oh, nothing—only I bet my horse would outrun another fellow's; I won the money, and then got drunk, and had, tyro fights. That's all. And they put Me out for that !" TrA man in New York has got him self into trouble• by marrying two wives. A man in Massachusefts ilia a similar thing once, by marrying one. [lf you don't wish to fall in love, keep away from the women. It is impos sible to deal in honey and not taste of it. GI - P""I say Caesar, you look as if you'd had a sick of fitness. You better go to a shottecaty pop and buy a bottle of Perry Ohectoral." Cam" It is said that when a Russian hus band neglects to beat his wife far a month or two, she becomes alarmed at his indif- ferenoe. JAn unkind word from one beloved, often drawn blood from the heart which would defy the battle axe of hatred, or the keenest edge of vindictive malice.' • flg — A High Churchman was once asked "what made his Library. look .so . _ . • Hie reply was: "My boob all keep Lent." I:GGood reader did you ever drive a pig to pasture—and if so, didn't you al ways find it necessary to drive bim . in an opposite direction? Well, just so it is with an obstinate woman. If you want to have her do a certain thing, tell her not to do it, and you will be sure to get it done. t( To make money plenty and cheap, has been the study of statesmen for the last ten centuries; and yet when a counterfeit. er steps in and shows them how it's done he is bundled off to a State prison, for a dozen years or more. What an ungrate ful world! al — The editor of ono of our exohangee has insulted the whole female sex. He says that ladies wear corsets from a feel ing of instinct, having a natural love of being squeezed. • 11 - 5 3= - "3ly dear," said an affection spouse to her husband, "am I not your only treas ure?" "Oh, yes," was the reply, "and I would willingly lay it up in heaven." f_CrWhat kin is that which all Yankees love to recognize, and which has always sweet associations connected with ii Why a pump-kin, to be sure, [Z To remove Ink from Linen.—Jerk a printer out of his shirt. „ too you retail things here,” asked a green looking specimen of humanity as he poked his head into a store on Main street the other day. "Yes," wag the laconic reply. "Well, I wish you would re-tail znytrog —he had it hit off about a week ago."