Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 27, 1851, Image 4

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    Philadelphia Medical Hone,
11 •Ifr Corner of Third and Union Sire"
Between Spruce and Pine Streets
HrTRIIIN years of extensive and aciaterrumed
practice spent in this city have rendered Dr.
K. the most expert and successful practitioner
far and near, in the treatment of ell di f a
private name. Femme afflicted with ulcers up
on the body, throat, or legs, pains in the head or
bone', mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel.
....e arising from youthful excesses or impuri
ties of the blood, whereby the constitution has be
some enfeebled, are all treated with success.
He who places hint-.•ell under the cure of Dr.
K., may religiously confide in his honor as a gen
tleman, and confidently rely upon WA skill as
Young Men who have M e wed themselves by a
certain practice indulged in—a habit frequently
learned from evil compunioni or at school—the ef
fect of which arc nigh t ly felt, even when Aitken,
and destroy both tibial and hotly, should apply
immediately. NVeakiless and conctitutiuoni
loss of muucular energy, physical lassitude
and general prostration, irritability and all tier-
TOM affections, indigestion, sluggishness of the
liver, mid every disease in any way connected
with the disorder of the procreative functions cur
ed, and full vigor restored.
A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death.
Kinkilin on self Preservation. Only 25 cents.
This Book just published is tilled with useful
information, on tile infirmities and diseases of the
Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to
should be read by all.
The valuable advice and impressive warning it
gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering
and save annually thousands of lives.
Parents by reading it learn how to prevent
the destruction of their children.
s , s t•A remittance ot• 25 emits, enclosed in a let
ter; addressed to DR. KINK ELLN, N. W. corner
of 'third mid Union so cets, between Sprure and
Pine, Pldiaoclphiu, will ensure a book, under en
velope, per return of mail.
Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by
letter, (post-paid,) and he cured at home.
Packages of Medicines, Directions, &c., for
warded, by sending a remittance, and put up se
cure from &ways or curiosity.
From the Laboratory of the Celebrated
Dr. J. S. RUSE, of Phi
j ',R. ROSE'S ALTERATIVE, For the mi
l) lcal rare of Scroiula, D.seases of the
Bone, stubborn Ulcer., Liver Complaints, old
Eruptions, Rheumatism, and every Disease
arising iroin an impure state of the olood.
The great power of tine valuable Medicine
being now bully established by the many cures
it bas effected of CONSUMPTION, bRoN
EAsk.:, SCROFULA, HIP-J DINT affection,
rities ot the blood, has sufficiently proven to
the public its superior panaceal power above
all nostrums now in use. Price $l.
Tits Las as, being ti,e largest gland in the
bunion body, is more frequently deranged in
its healthy action than an) other. The con
sequences of this derangement are first Dys
pepsia, known by costiveness belching up of
wind, sour Stomach, and sometimes Diarrhcea
or looseness of the bowels, head-ache, nervous
fesliogs, cold teet, wakefulness, and variable
appetite, Ilse. Secondly, if the above symp
oma are allowed to go on long without this
Medicine, (which. will always cure or remove
them,) then tullows debility of the longs and
predisposition to consnmption.
Dr. Rose has been failed on by over T.ILZI
TUOUSAND CASES within the last few years, and
many of them had tiled the various bitter com
pounds to their delusion; fortunately the most
were in tame and were soon cured by the above
compound, which contains no mercury, and
does not iujure, but always improves th, con
stitution, as thousands can testily. Pries SO
This beautitul preparatmn has been used by
lee in a full practice 01 thirty years in the city
of Philadelphia, and is a never-failing reindy thr
eholera-murbus, dysentery, bowel complaint,
flatulency, &c. Nice 23 cents.
This compound 114Y1lig been used by me in a
full practice act Aenty-six years, with the most
leen results in cams of worms, basso well
established its supetiority above most other
worm medicines that the demand has increased
b. , yoial all calculation. All medicines should
be prepared by a physician and chemist. It is
true that many articles are now sold as good
,1 worms, but it should be remembered that
lacy are Lou powerful for the constitution or
ming children. Price cents.
These pills are confi , recommended for
Dyspepsia, disease o: the Liver, Costiveness,
&lid for the consta..t use of families, as they ore
mild, and certain their operdtion, causing no
pain or unessint ss, leaving the bowel perfect
fres from col tiveness. Price 2 cents.
SYRUP, a certain tie for • diseases of the
lungs, spitting of blood, bronchitis, asthma, ,
colds, coughs, mid consumption. This syrup'
has no equal. Fifty cents and $1 per bottle.
This invaluable compound for the — hair has
Leen used and highly recommended by the lets
and truly great Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia.—
Price 50 cents.
There has been manly remedies compounded
for the cure of Croup or Hires. The disease
is particularly preVelent among children, and
Mlen fatal; but as I have never seen a case
terminate Intaity or continue lung where this
syrup was used, i can recommend it with the
highest confidence. Price 115 cent.. See di
The afflicted are invited to call upon the
Agent, and procure (gratis) one at the Doctor's
pamphlets giving a detailed account of each
remedy and its application.
These medicines are in high repute, and can
s relied upon as suiting the diseases for w:lich
they are recommended, 113 they are the result of
an extensive practice I . or the last thirty years
in the city of Philadelphia.
O? None genuine without my written signa
ture, J. S. ROSE. M. 1).
Fir sale by T. Rea; & Son, Huntingdon.
ALII persons having unsettled accounts with the
late firm of Dorsey ** Maguire are respectfully re
quested to call and have the same satistactorily
arranged, as they are determined to have the ac
counts settled without respect to iwavnts.
Henstingdue Jelly 111 114 t .
11. K. NEFF, M. D.,
HAVING located himself in WARIZIORSMAti,
in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that plass
and the *wintry adjacent.
Noss :
.1. It. Laden, M. I). Gen. A. P. Willow,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbisnu, Esq.
J. H. Dorsey, " Ifon. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
lion. George Taylor.
Montinydora, Pa.
Jacob bi, Gemmill, M. D., illerondrio.
John M'Culloch, Petersburg.
Splendid Stock of New and Cheap
Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry,
At Made Jidda Prices.
J. T. Stott has just received from Philadelphia
and is now opening a new and very large assort
ment of Gold and Silver Watches, 8 day and thir
ty hour Clocks, Jewelry, and a great variety of
ether articles, which he is enabled to sell at rates
touch lower than mond. '' Quick sales and small
profits" is his motto, the proof of which will ha
found on examining his exeellentassortment
April 10th '51.-t f
Lldridge , § Patent Corn Sheller
The attention of the Public is invited to this
improvement in Corn Shellers, which is acknowl
edged to be Ihr superior to any other, being on
an entirely new principle shelling the Corn length
wise of the ear, the rob passing straight through
without revolving, thereby requiring no gearing
to increase its speed, which adds so materially to
the cost of other machines. It turns easier and
shells cleaner than any other, and is porta-
Me in size and durable in construction. Persons
interested are invited to call and see it in oppent
tion. The Right of this and other Counties for
sale. For farther particulars address or ap
North W. Cor. 2nd & Dock sts. 3rd story.
July 31, 1851.-3 m.
AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered
Liver t;r SN Constipation, mach, such as Cotipation, Inw , ard
Piles, Fu:lnees or Blood to the Head, i Central Pentea. Banking House, ead, Acidity of
the Stonine:', lqausea, Heart-burn, Di gnat Ihr nF BRYAN, GLEIM Pc CO.- Office on Alb.-
. weight in the Stomach, Sour .1, ; g t ieo y street, a I . es,' doors west of the Court
Food, Fullness' ..
Eructations, Sin Wing or Fluttering at the pit 01 Heine, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol-
the Stomach, Swin.,ning of [he Head, hurried w a ysbuts, Pa.
and difficult breathing, iNttering at the Heart, •
rho Company is now ready to transact busi-
Choking or Sufibeating ~.en, ' "i,?"' 'he" in a lY in g ness. Upon money deposited for a specific
posture, Dimness of Vishm , "ar w e h s l'i';''',e period of three, ix, nom or twelve monts,
the Sight, Fever and (WU pitit."' the Head, bet ' terest will be paid at such rates as are to'nally
Skin Of the
eiency of perspiration, Yellown. , .. A , allowed by Saving , Institutions. Transient de
ntal Eyes, Pain in the Side, lias'it Li mbs, posites received, payable on demand.
Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning 10 too
~'''e " , It. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Constant Imaginings of Evil and Grb It "Prn" 1 Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1810.
sion of Spirits, can he effectually cured AY l _
Prepared by C ELRY are going olYnsi,dly, nt the low rates
a. • ilich ho sells. His stock is new, largo and
AT THE BERMAN MEDICINE STORE, welt ' s olected, and people that it advantageous to
120 Arch Street. Philadelphia. ca ll n ith hint hetbre making purchases elsewhere.
Their power over the above diseases to out ex- Nor. ;2, 1850
celled—it' equalled—by any other preparation in
the United States, as the cares attest, in many
cases alter skilful physicians had failed.
Teen Bitters are worthy the attention of inva
lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, ewer:
rising the most searching powers in weakness and
affections of the digestive organs, they urn withal,
sate, certain and pleasant.
Front the "Boston Bee."
The editor said, Dec. 22nd
Dr. lloofiand's Celebrated German Bitters for
the cure ut Lives Complaint. Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of
the must popular medicines set' the day. These
Bitters have been used by thousands, mid a friend
at our elbow says he had himself received ita effec
tual awl permanent cure of Liver Complaint from
the use of this remedy. We are convinced that,
in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly
gains strength awl vigor—a Met worthy of great
consideration. They are pleasant in test and
smell, and can be used by persons with the host
delicate stomachs with safety, under any circum
stances. We are speaking from experience, and
to the afflicted we advise their use.
"SCOTT'S WEEKLY," one of the best Literary
papers published, 'said Aug. 25
factured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended
by some of the most prominent members of the
faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of
ffituale weakness. As seen is tae 1.746 C, we would
advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and tints save
themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated Beg leave to inform the community that they are
constitutions will find these Bitters advanumeous prepared to furnish Horses and Buggies upon the
to their health, as we know front experience the shortest notice to all those who may be disposed
salutary effect they have upon weak systems." to avail themselves of this delightful season of the
MORE EVIDENCE. year to take excursions to the country, or any
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazelle." the bast ' p late else.
They are, at all times, ready to furnish the best
family newspaper published in the United States, •
The editor says of kind of stock, and none who call upon them need
entertain any apprehensions as to the quality of
"It is seldom that we recommend what are their stock fir their disposition to accommodate,
termed Patent Medicines, to the cotidenee and Huntingdon, June 2. 1851 • tf
patronage of our readers; and therefore when we
recommend Dr. Hootiantrs German Bitters, we
with it to he distinctly understood that we are not
speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are nois
ed about fur a brief period and then forgotten after
they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of
a medicine long established, universally priced,
and which has toot the hearty approval of the fat,
Evidence upon evidence has been received (like
the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the
lust three years, and the strongest testimony in its
favor, is, that there is more of it used in the pr.,
tiee of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than
all other nostrums combined, a that that can easily
be established, and fully proving that a scientific
preperation will meet with their quiet approval
when presented even in thin form.
That this Medicine will cure Liver Complaint
and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt Mier using it as
directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and
liver; it is preferable to calomel iu all bilious dis
eases—the effect is itninciliate. They can be ad
ministered to female or iutint with safety and re
liable benefit at oily time.
This medicine has att,iu d that high character
Takes this method of announcing to his
which is eccesary fur all medicines to attain to
induce counterfeiters to put !hill' spurious articles friends, and the public generally, that he has
at the risk of the lives of those who are I nno c en tly leased the long established and well known
deceived. stand, lately occupied by Col. Johnston, and
Look well to the storks of the genuine flatters himself he is prepared to accommodate
They have the written signature of C. M. all who may honor him with a call, in the most
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his none blown satisfactory manner.
in the bottle, without which they are spurious. HIS TABLE
For sale Wholesale and Retale at the, will always be furnished with the choisest vi-
GERMAN MEDICINE sToitE, ands the market will afford, and
No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, lIIS S TABLING
Philadelphia; and by respectable dealers generally Is as good as can be found in the borough.
through the country.
PRICES REDUCED. Huntingdon, April 34,'51.-tl'.
To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the ad- I --- -
vantages of their meat restorative powers: R. A. MILLER.
Single Bottle 75 cents.
Also for sale by Thomas Reed & Son, Hutt- min i c Tor :r y Tel la%
ingden, Pa. ; John Lutz, Shippensburg, Pa.; di
Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia, Pa.; J. & J. I HUN TING DON, PA.
'Kelly, keret Calsies, Pa. (.1.1, ft, 11151.-Iy. P. 1. All 14w/dines Warritutiii.
Removed to No 144 Race Street, (Between
Fourth and Fifth, opposite Croton St.) PHILA
WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by in
creased facilties, to supply the growing de
mand for HOVER'S INK, which its wide-spread
reputation has created.
This Ink is now so well established in the good
opinion and confidence of the American Public.
that it is scarcely necessary to say anything in it ,
favor, and the manufacturer takes this opportimio
to say that the confidence thus secured shall not
he abused.
In addition to the various kinds of Writing Ink
lie also manuactures Adamantine Cement for
mending Glass and China, no well as a superior
Hair Dqe ; a trial only is necessary to insure its
future nse, and a Sealing Wax, well adapted for
Druggist and Bottlers, at a very low price
large or small quantities.
Orders addressed to JOSEPH E. HOVER,
No. 144 Race Street,
Between 4th & sth, crown St.,
Sept. 18, 1851.
Warriorsmark, Pa.
THE undersigned having recently opened a new
Store in the town of Warriorsmark in this comi
ty, can assure the people of that place and sm.
rounding country, that he will sell Cheaper, any
thing in his line, than has ever been sold in the
place heretofore. His assortment of Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware and Glassware is very coin
plete and of the best quality. Persons wishing
bargains had better call early as the rush is so
great since opening, or they will be too late.
Cr All hinds of Grain, Country Produnce and
Loather exchanged for at the highest cash prices.
N. m A fine as,ortment of Lumber constantly
on hand, which will he sold cheap for cash.
July 1, 1851.—tf.
Blair county. Lancaster county.
iIIIIMiIIEIIOR CO. Lancaster county.
JAMES GARDNER, Rice, R. Baras,
Blair county. Lancaster county.
at ilt tltu greatest agony of pain. I tried
, _mow!) , could procure far th• Mamma; but found no
nermatomt reit•f until I wail luiluee.l to um your peepers.
mai of mbrsai.aritla. which has entirely mired me of Bleu-
State Itlutti.a: Fire hisurance Company, r a inta ;y arti a
. matiy imi.enrwtl gelemal health more
1, - ,r eerwr
th i, - 21SBURG PA.
Guarantee Co ita' over $lOO,OOO
Surplus Cush .6 25,000
rp HIS Company has b,en t:ain g business about I
± a veur and has aceuma latad an earliest
Capital et over $125,000 above all losses and
expenses, with a surplus in of over
$25,000 on hand. The Premiums ..",6* as low
as in any other Bond and responsible Ca 41 P a c l Y • •
No assessments have been made on th. ,
mired and it is the intention and expectatioi.'
the Company that none need or shall be mad.
the surplus cash on hold will always be snifi
dent to meet any lot , ses which may be sus
tained, as no risk to exceed $'2,500 will be
taken in one locality.
The profits are wholly divided to the mem
bers. This Compaily oiler in due ements to the
owners of safe property over most Companies)
in the State.
For further particulars enquire o f t. 4 sub
scriber, DA VII) BLAIR, Agent.
Huntingdon, Jose 12, 18.51.—tf.
EIGHT DAY and thirty-hour lwas clocks, in
heautirul mahogany and rose-wood eases war
ranted to run well, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
Written and Verbal, will be received at
SCOTT'S Cheap Jewelry Store, opposite the Sons
of Temperance Hall, for any number of Watches
or Clocks, and any quantity of the most thsltion
able Jewelry, Sc., which he is now prepared to
furnish on the very lowest terms, wholesale and
retail, having just renamed from the east with :it
new supply . Purchasers are respectfully invited
to give him a bid.
N. B. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired
and cleaned and warranted.
Hunt. July 10; 1851. tt
ADIES Gold Pens end Pencils at the Cheap
A Corner Jewelry Store.
' 4 ,l‘•
Ti Is put up In full quart bottles, and runtalml
the strength of SIX TIM its se much pure Honduras
Sarsaparilla es any similar preparetion to America. fries
one e, or il
dollar per bottliZ bottles for fire doll
. .
It has hewn a wall retabli•hwi fart for years past, that
Banapoirilic when pure and properly prtpared, was the
only true panacea for all Marasea originating from an
impure stein of the blood, tha use of mercury, intoxicating
drinks, evil habits h 'mak barrennem, kc. We boldly
assert, that JOIN lr;t 's
Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla
is the only preparation before the public, that la prepared
on strictly reirentitic principles, and of uniform strength.
The Sarsaparilla is purchased without regard to price, and
pound, before being used, is subject to the strictest
daintiest testa, and its genuineness ascertained before being
Sarsaparll'a also contains the virtues of severel
other valitable medical root., together forming the boot
compound, and producing vim OIRATZ/IT CURATIVE LOINS
IN Tlla 10000 WORLD! This Medicine, when used according
to directions,
Abrofum nr King's Era, fUnesrs, Tumors, Eruptions of
the Win, Erysipelas, Chronic litre E y es, Ringrorot or
Tellers, Suld Mead, Eheuntatism, Pains in the
hones or Joints, Old Soya and Cleers, Siodliny
of the Glands, Syphilis, fhapegaia, Bali
Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Lass
of Appetite, Diseases arising from
thyme of Illenuiry, Ilan in the
Side and Shoulders. Gen*-
Lumbago, .laundlee, COSLIVeIIIPSA, Sore Throat, lltronebltla,
Toughs, Col.ta, Wealtuoma of the Cheat. Pulmonary Alter
lion, and all other dlseame. Landing to produce
Liver Cpmplaint, Vernale Irregularities and Complaint's
Sick an% Nes Sous Headache, Low Spirits, Night Sweats.
Est.osore or Imprudence in Life, Chrenie Constitutional
Sissiesse; and is a siviug and summer drink, and general
trode for the system, and a gentle and pleasant purgative,
far superior to illus Lek or emigres.. water, Salta, or Seid.
lita Powders
The 1A1214.111, Courier thus. 'peaks of Bull'eSareaparMist
WP hays been shown. by Mr. John Bull, proprietor of
that world-renowned ,reparation, Hull's Fluid Extract of
Sams parilla." an or:ginal, genuine, and beautiful letter,
addressed to him by the accomplished lady of one of the
most eminent old physicians in the Weft, giving a detailed
velem: if one ..f the m o st astonishing cures on record, peer
forno.•t •lone by tdin uw of Itoll'e Sarsaparilla."
be. 'nest excellent and charming lady had long suffered
from pridspeon uteri, Mt, album. pare, and ehronle 'Emmett
of :b,• rh nta. It awl r rentis, and derangement of
the whole system. al tercied with distressing rutaneuus erup
tion, oeS. hendechc. 2.141 violent .lucks of cramp. Aft,
exhatioti.:, al; "I' her !midland'. skill, arid applying to many
celeibisted inedleal pentlemen. both at home sad abroad,
mid aie,• using great plant/tie. of "Townnentra Sunapee
erlthrsoi, the ell-Meet relief, she was induced to use
Ito:re 9arsaiar:l4." And What; W;;;; the happy
rwo:t ? After the 11Se Or 6 COW IMMO, a pert,et and won
dello I et,e—t he ta•ly restored to perfect health, and to hew
osoei toe vt
letter * e.a the elle we 'Teak or. most afford lir. Bull
inf,re real ststiticatitim than Could thrposse7;loWof Cott;I; I
Zil• whether be accumulates stealth or not !
4r t !be lisle cir his truly •sinalde Nleilitine, being ha author
is tiii-y end Mm: mmugh; and he can nay to the world.
tc;11 mii fiat id o . w:radial., "1 hare in my poverty re.
miscii ...ore human !uniting, than did Stephen uir,rd or
Jacob Astor with Limit millious."
7.• t are attit.ring under the agonizing torture at
hheuniatiem read tbe following, and ere wiltt may be dun*
roe Uieui, if they will ume the infallible renie4 :
o:nomewa, KT., blay 12, MIL
Jottx 111 . 1. r.: Pear A: 1.1. }ear., I
have been altdek.l with I:lieuniatooti of the 2 , ,erekt ehar
dli•ine rev, r'need. 1 intvey been free 'Min pain
11 , •le I Le. 1.14 i have u•i dmtbt the ellre is perms
cent: eml rectinmend it an the ben medicine in nee for
It hi urel•w to produce further testimony In favor pith's
icett r.nmfy. It leas nnly to be tried and proved, to oon
rine* the public of Ita Ikupe rior efficacy.
Notice to Females,
John Bulls ;sarsaparilla is one of the greatest female
al..dicittPe HOW in existent.•. In those noun rows clues
the constitution is deltlitated. the nervous energy
;awned. when tho effort. of nature are weak and deficient,
or are profuse and, overwrought, when the tare is pale and
et.'oriesp. the strength feeble and yielding • the epictt trou
died and deprossed, the health broken, mind shaken. and
troistoptplitly the happiness htl!rsl Sorsa
porii las is a rowels-it remedy. It Neism nature in the twr
ii•ritialice of It, ditty, braces the WllO6 system, rellews
s.ernitineittly the iicdttral ettergles, TPIIIQTeII obstructions,
r.. eckit I,Ii•NNI,I, crest°. pit re ITlti 11thl bl oo d . httidTts
• " . .1 . an.
'rho Art Union of Philadelphia was established
by its founders, and incorporated by the Legislx-
two of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of extend
lug throughout the Ameriean community that at
tachment to um fine arts which is distinctive of
national refinement and civilization.
er:.• person subscribing live dollars becomes
a inonincr of the Art Union until the siicceeding
annual meeting in December. Subscribers for
Il is year arc entitled to their choice (daily two of
the Mar fial...ving splendid engraving., any nun of
wide!, is w ,rtli tie subscription priest
; 1. Juno KN')X'fl in rat:view wrra ALAAT
Q171,11N on tit.(lll3.
Each subscriber also receives a copy of the
Art Union Iteporter, monthly, Alter his
tine: this slimtid eztrij L . tt,eripti.» Af-
1wA' ;; 4 : , 1 3 8 11 N
~,, „ 1 ..
I ,; k i n , sad I ter payment Of all expenses, the balance of the
now we an a.tto;ro A eh', l .
arum do vv.' "e persona U. 1. . funds arking !'rumsubseriptionA is reprc,entdd by
th,el ,!snooty-,!snooty-to TM price Co, ranging front $4O to $lOllO,
•1.114 t'. "9t Mel pa. .
snd coloring W With arc distributed by bit tl:e meinhe,,
joa 'als!, to restcro to tllrto a tuutlnnro.' L .Warr to on the List week-day in December, and are
-1,1th,, them of, an.l thht, too, with . in• Oilly fol . the Ifill'elitt,o of wolfs of
!:all's N 11,01), 12,ffit IA OW
stt 1
••bra!' I 'fli n s live &tilers each niemlier is sure of
and 1,1 111:ttter In, thottg. i t pun,.
ih. and hieing twn engravings which could not lie par_
the linow and .7.r% t u ti v tt. ol, t
ahandt'n the here with the same matey, and has
I pn,al; tad '"" th e only . Ito donate .I . .l,T:tillin g a tine original paint
..'Aaword to tun wise la autlloiatu," aud "i ii 4 tom B ,lp c i e d f ig
a nail la cootio, for the ladles,
I JO.9N SCOTT, ts the Honorary Spero
STATIOJNI" . tarn tor t hi s comity , and will receive and remit
. mi
THAN WAN 10011 OFF). ICI IN FAVOR ANY 1116.c1.5. subserii,tio:lB.
ht,:yr y
and lisl.piness. Were lad:es gentral!;;;;c;irtti;
6,4:11 . 10., Wi , Mx, far less Suffering, disease
earl .fi i ,, , 11.111..•s among thvlll would
t„, • pl. r Itt env check 1.70111 , 1 succeed the
IHT, instead of tsars, and pur•
ham.: Icio itsti.wl of on. rut short by disease,
• by
continued eultur.tig• end atllictiou.
termed the "turn of Ilfu," which Is
„,, lunch danger, hull's tzareaparllla is
effect. All ladies approach
';;;;;::;:,!,:7;ert a ',., ''prised of this fact, and anal
theuucelvric of this • ) 1'
titre no hraitntiun in saying that I
believe your 4 , orsamtritid to hr 'ln. I eet nrtielo ever mono
fxrtnr,,,. cnr the core Of Sen•ra;, ;!Yi.hilie, and many othrr
Cuteneon. or diondulor AUreth - he• hat.og u.vd it with
auiirr aur4•ol.:u nuialwrx of
.I),,Cii.":i"uoi;E, M. D.
From Dr. 1. f'nfestor e 1 Chet/Wary Louie
vitie Netiicul Oglege.
I hart looked over t h e lint of tug dionca •ompoeing
Jon, 0011 . 0 U, Il rATIIMIT SAI.I4.APA 1111.1. A,
11111 i )411 , 1! 1 0 illlitllooll in raying that they lid.) • ari.`e
pouud. curl one Unit Kunkle. well In chenille diee.w, to
whlch L. P. YANDELL, M.
Lout., ilie, Juno 6, ISMS.
From Dr. Pyles, Phyrietin by appointment to the Louiville
I..tigraLL'Alareb 20, IF
I have esamined the preparation of the presicription of
.10111 1.1:6 NAI‘SAI'Aki LLA, and believe the combina
tion to I o an excel!, nVone. and sell calculated to produce
au alterative hop reseion on the wino'. 1 have nod It
Loth in public and private practice, and think It the beat
article of earraparlilit in lite. M. I'Y I.1:8, 21. It.,
Resident Pliyeician, Ilariue lloapital.
SAPIAPABILLA.—Go where you will, to steamboats
hotuAl for Ntohville, rw unr, E.t. Louie, elneitsuati,
bludiFyn. Frui:kft.rt, t.r tl.r the preen hirer country, And
•ou will f 1:11111111111.1.0 SUITIIea cf thiu I.retirstiou about
. . . . _
lsut rei; . utend,dols rinit onr elty, In whatever branch of
trade rooter nifty In eraeged, bat bate orders foo
more or n ea of hull's Sareaoarlllo. Louisville Immoral.
Manufactured at Dr. JOHN BULL'S Laboratory
Nt Fourth divot, Loulaville, Ky.
For Sale at the Store of T. READ & Sox ' in
the borough or Huntingdon. [March 20, 1851.
Hardware Cheaper.
JOHN A. NEFF, for many years in the house
of Mr. Buehler & Bro desires to inform
his friends of Huntingdon county that he has
connected himself with the firm of Messrs.
Lower /4 Herron, No. 17.1, North Third Street,
3rd door above Vine Street, where he will be
pleased to offer every artiete in the HAMM,.
LINE AT smolt Lowsit mess than ever before
sent to his native county.
Philarra, Mnrch 20, 1831.-If.
Are yen Insured
F not, insure your property et once in the C7urn•
berlittiii linHey Mutual Insurance Company.
' Apply r• Quo. W. STEER, Ayent,
Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the
public generally for their very liberal patronage.
end hopes by strict attention to business to merit
a continuance of the same. lie would embrace
the pre.ent opportunity of informing the public
flirt he is still prepared to furnish them with all
kinds of castings; he has
or e very description, for horning either wood or
voal. 'itch a. Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and
Tan Plata Stove., together with
Q 31 ® , 313.0 a QD , 313. 0 ai 6:3
and Plongh Irons of all patterns used in the State;
Forge, tirist and Saw-mill castings. ' Lewistown
Tlneshing machine patterns, and t he four and
two horse power patterns of Chcmbershug, and
all other castings usually made at fouudrias, all of
which will be - sold very low for cash.
May, 29, 1851.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg,and about one mil, north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 31st day or May, the LOTS in said
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now huiliiiiLt the same.
The Rail Road willbe opned early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
ferinl Lots for sale, bin to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of V.,e Rail
Road Comrtany. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
Foi further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE,
Julie 119al—tf.
I N any quantity, and of all the various patterns
the market afforde, may be obtained at No.
55 North 3d Street. six doors north of the City
!into', at the Mannfaeturers lowest cash prices.
Clocks purchased at the above establishment
may be depended upoil as being good and dura
ble time keepers, or the money refunded in ease
of the failure of any Clock to perform according
to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is
Mu time, and here is the place for bargains, and
although I do not pretend to sell Clocks for less
than eo,t, I eon sell them at a figure which does
not admit of complaint on the port of the closest
buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell ex
clusively for cosh.
No. 55. North Third Street, Philadelphia
Sepl. 10, 1850 —(1.
Tomkius' British Plate Powder.
F OIL eleanaing, polshing, and beautifyin4
Silver, Silver Plated Ware,
German Silver, Albata Prate,
Britannia Ware, Nl•tals,
The undersigned have received from the pa
t•ntee the exelikiee right to manufacture these
pieparatmiis for the Umted 'l'h• Plate.
Powder has been most extensively used for a
number of years in Great Britain, and is now
by most nl the manufacturers ofsilver and
other wares In New York and Philadelphia;
likewise by nearly all respectable families and
hotel proprietors in the Union.
TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers,
23i South Seeonl street, Philadelphia.
For sale at T. B. SixoNToN's Store, Hunt*
don. Po.
1 1 1111.11)1ELPIIIA ART UN ---
A1111:11) AN &KT-UNION
PROGRAMME; Felt 101.
E rery subscriber of live doltt,r•s is member for
the year, and is entitled to,
1. A copy of each nullifier of the Et 2 4 .:T"
(referred to in a•proeceding number,)
be issued in 1851, dining and after toe month
Whicu payment of his subscription shall he made.
This is u monthly piiiiheation, of sixteen or inoco
.:3 1 itirts Pages, of three columns each, illiwtrated
sv.nli Engravings find Etchings from works of the
di , tingnislic•l artist,.
11. A print of Mr..)ffies's line Engraving on
Steel, ,w':••nr:.;: nineteen incurs by twelny-one
Me. es, t..: er Icoodrille' ,,, ,lelwitto..l puiutiug
or Neu's, repre:cfaing a croup at the
d eer o f till,, listening to the reading of account
of the tirst el ex 1.,t0 tunic in War.
ill. A set if , is.•• •uts nsei, finished line En
gravings on ,Ste,l, of the average sizo of eight
inclfest by ten inches, and executed by distin
guished American Engravers, utter the following
paintings, viz. t
• 111,tririn . Cros , ing the Fede, By Ranney,• Mount
Washington, trent the Valley of Conway, By
Kensett, American liarv, song Scenery,• By
Cropsey, Ohl '76 and Young '4e, By Woodville,
Bargaining fur a Borne, By Nionitt.
Titus forming a Gallery of American Art, G 7
ran votiieut one for binding, or fir preservation LI '
a portfolio, instead of framing, if desired.
IV. A share ill tint distribution of seventl bun
fired paintings, sculptures, and drawings in wateei
't•he subscriber lots thus an unequalled oppor
tunity to achieve the triple purpose of obtaining
a valuable return for u small investment—ot• se
earinF, the pussess,On Of* superior work, gratify
ing his taste Ibr Art, un•.l of an . ..wiling encourage
ment to promising Artist/I of his u•rn country.
Honorary Secretary
Huntingdon, July 17,1851.
IRON PUMPS and Lead Pip., fur wall or ci6-
tern, for sale loy J. O. W. Sumo.
Mar 114,'61.
Improvement in Degnerreolyrelng:
VAN LOAN & CO., No. 11E, Chesnut street,
Philadelphia, hare, by recent discoveriec in
their art, enabled themselves to take pictures at
all times. with great certainty—as well in stormy
as clear weather--which are justly pronounced by
artiste and scietitic men, VNRIVALLSD, for depth of
tone and softness of light and shade. By working
themselves, they not only produce pictures which
arc GOOD AND CHEAP!! but by far the best
and cheapest which can be produced at any Geis:
establishment. Their charge for pictures in i:and
some improved cases, range from ONE DOLLAR
to three dollars. depending on the size of the
ture, Icing scarcely one-half the prices charged at
other establishtnents, 'for pictures of equal size—
hut of interior quality. Their GALLakT or Pox-
TRAITS, consistinu of some hundreds, embrac,
worthy the attention of visiters to their rooms,
The collection which ther•had deposited in the
exhibition of the Franklin Institute, was constant
ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who
were loud in their praise of the artists' skill.
To guard against every possibility of mistake,
they guarantee every picture to be of the best ma
terials, and unless it is entirely satisfactory to the
customer, NO CHARGE IS MADE.
!Er h visiting the city call at their room,
whether you wish a Daguerreotype or uot. The
admission is free, and you will be pleased with
your visit. Don't forget the number, 116 Chesnus
street, a few doors below Fourth.
Philadelphia, Nor. 19, 1850.
Saddle, Harness Trunk Manufacturers,
TITHE undersigned are now associated is the
above business, in the old stand hereterere
occupied by Wrn. Glasgow, in Main street, near
ly opposite the store of T. Read & Son. Every
thing in their line will be turnial,ed on the
shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to
suit all. Tney manufacture the most of their
work themselves, and can therefore assure the
public that every article will be made in the best
and must durable manner.
QT A large assortment of superior 54D.
DLES, HEADY MADE, always ow hood.
U" Hides, and country produce, general',
taken in exchange for work.
GI.AIMOW return. thanks for the liberar
patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes
that his old patrons will continue to patronise
the new firm. WM.. GLASGOW,
Au4nst 27, 1850. WM. STEEL.
rlom:nehensive Summary of Universal Elisio
ry. tozether with a Biography of Distin
guished Persons, to which is appended a•
tome of Ilsathen Mythology, Natural Philoso
phy, General Astronomy and Physiology.
Adopted and used in the Public Schools of
Philadelphia. •
_ E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers.
S. W. Corner 4th and Rae. at.. Philada.
Teachers and School Committees addressing
letters to us poet paid, will bs furnished with
copies for examination.
A full and complete assortment of Books
ind Stationary for sal• at the lowest prices.
May 1, 1851.-1 y
- - ,
Pnila.l , lphia Watch and Jewelry Stara, No.
Sri, North Third Str,t.
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS Caret, $3O anil over ; Silver Lever Watches, fall
jeweled, $lO anal over ; Silver Lepine, jeweled,
$ll and over; Silver Quartier Watches, Si tie
$10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2 ; Gold Pencils,
warrented, $1 and ovet
Breast Kris, Fing, Riors, and every dee
cription of Jewelry in like proportion. He
would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon
county, that he has entartvil his establishment,
and greatly increased his already extensive stock
of :mods, which he now offers for sale at soaks
prices that will strike terror to all competitors.
Call and see me; I will chars you nothing for
looking. Don't forgot the RED SIGN, slit doors
North of our friend Ilirst's City Hotel.
No. 55, North Third Street.
Philadelpida, Sept. 17, ISa.
Encourage Your Own Mechanics!
OWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully
aminonce to the pnhlic , that they are sew
carrying. the COACH MAKING BUSINEiN,
in all its various branches, at the old stand for
m .rly ocrupied by Adams & Boat. a few doors
west 01 the Presbyterian church, where they are
now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, &treat,
ches, Rockaways, Dearhorns, Re., in short any
thing, in the line of carriage making, of the very
hest kind of material, and in the latest and most
approved style.
They hay; on hand now several lin4lies and
Rockaway*, finishnl in the latest style. They
have a good asiortinent of Lumber, selected with.
a a rcat deal or, env, !lemon,' for use, and inVitit
tinge who err desirous or purchasing vehicles to
call and examine their work and materials, and
judg. for thermielvcs, as they intend to mak,:
good work soil warrant it to be so. All kinds
of country nrodoce taken in exchange for work.
N. 11.— OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to
his frisnds and the public g enerally, for then
very liberal patronage, sad hopes, by strict at
tendon to to to merit a cootinuance of
came, under the new firm. We have some sec
ond hand work which is ore gaol (pial;tY, whirls
we will sell right. Give us a call. We wit
sell low for cash.
Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1850.
QPlENoll)st , ck of IVATCIIES, CLOCKS,
ki and .11:1c2MHY, at Philadelphia prices.
ja,t r(b,iVOI ut .Scott's Otersp.leivelry Store, three
door, Av,st or T. Read & Sons store. The putdiv
are re , pectildly solicited to will and see.
Respectfully iiiihrins his friends and the pull„
generally, that ho has taken a ..hop one door •t.
Mr Henry Smith's chair nimiuM..tory, where '.*
prepared to manufacture BOUTS AND SHOES
in the most fashionable and durable manner; and
he pledges himself to spare no pains to fit and
please all who may litror him with their .cusstoin
Ito purchases the best materials Lc run got in the
market. Ile Fopes by strict attention to business
to receive s share of ;mblie ?missive.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for work.
Huntingdon, May 8, 1811.
ITAVING located permanently at Mill Crissk,
sl oilers his professional services to thateoos-
Inu nity. All calls trusted to his oars will receive
his utmost attention.
ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various other
kinds of at the lowest prices, at
itsett's Cheap Jewslll %erns.