, ... -, 6 • ~. . 0 S , . ~ , tlAt.., -04T.'n",5,7-7,7:71 1 1.Ap A ..L.,ze. , ..-yx,...,.. • , •,.._ -...,..,, ~..,,,,J,„..,...... ;., 1 :-.. ..= 104.7---. * - &• , i0 . * ' '' ..p.' , "! : .:' .-dt ----- ", ( P .- ‘i t . --1 , . -. ,; -- ~., r, :: ".. 40 n • Ai , c, i • 0 0 : ~....,...1 _. V ( - : , -4 - 4 ~, \\ \---\ ,\\ „.'' , ' . ~. , s .4" ' 4,/ -' . li , I kl i t l i lt Jii \ t ( I FIT . : "' ` - 1 3 ' . ''' : V , =.9. , ;: - *P" , " ( - ,*_)(l\\.. , , si)o 1 j '1 l'i t 1 ,.., dr ,cl a I ,i, I, ~,, U 4,4 1 r- 1 ' 0 44.F.-___..„.......40 piipvt. (. ) I I) .-- --n2 4)` l llo' • ' , A' / ' '".r) . ' .6ii." -- .A-', ' VOLUME XVI. J. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. S. D. WILLIADAS dt. Co., Wholesale Grocers and COMMiSS;OII laferchorose on Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg ilontyartures, No. lie, Wood Street, Pittsburg. "ri AVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive Oil 11 week, the following goods, of the most re sent importations, which are offered on the most reasonable terms: 1.15 catty boxes prime Green Tea. 45 half chests do do 46 " t hiking and Chubut. 100 bags Rio Coffee. 15 " Laguyra and Java. 60 boxes Ers, s's, and Ilb lump tobacco. 35 bids. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel. 20 and .4 do No. 1 do 2 and tdo Salmon. $0 vexes scaled Herring. 1300 lbs extra Madder. 3 bales Cassia, I bale Cloves, 6 hags Pepper & Alspice, 1 bbl ' Nutmegs, 2 bids Ground Ginger, 1 bbl ground pepper, 1 bbl Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard 10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves, 2 bids Garret's Stud, 45 has Stearin Candles, 20 bag Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do 100 dos Masons lilack'g 100 PM sup. Rice Flour, 100 11)8 S. F. Indigo, 20 don Ink, 150 doz Corn Brooms, 125 doz Patent Zinc 50 has extra pure Starch, Wash Boards, 25 ,in iesstu,., 75 bhls N. O. Molasses, i 11. Molasses, 10 do (101i1C11 Syrup, 25 do ernAlied, 55011 is seedless Raisins, & Powdered Sugar, 50 drams Smyrna. Figs, 20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 Ilis Sicily Fetuses, 5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons, 10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond 12 do% Military Soap, Soap, 1 ishl sup. Carl, Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar, 1 case Pearl Sago, 2 cases Isinglass, 2 cases Sicily & Relined 1 case Arrow Root, Liquorice, 150 Bath Brick, 1 bid Flour Sulphur, 100 gross Matches, 100 doz Extract of Lem- 5 doz Lemon Sugar, on, Rose & 1 cask Sal Soda, Glass, Nails, White Lead, Lard oil, &c. Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son, Fisher & M'Murtrie, •, Charles Miller, cs Honorable John Yee, Huntingdon. May IS, 1251.—1 y. FITS, FITS, FITS. .1011. V .4. KISG Begs leave to return his sincere thanks, for the very liberal patronage lie has heretofore received, and at the same thou informs a generous public, that he still continues the TAILORING BUSINESS, at the old stand of Jacob Snyder, where he will b• pleased to have his friends call and lea's their mettellreS. Every garment is warranted to !It neatly, and shall be well made. JOHN A. KING. Hunt., July, IESI GRAND COMBINATION OF 'rug Useful, Beautiful and Ornamental !! EDMIIN 0 SNARE BEGS LEAVE to inform the people of Hun tingdon, and the rest 'of mankind, that he has bought, brought and openpd the 'whoa, largest and cheapest assortment of WATCHES &JEWELRY •ver beheld in this itir•ridian In addition to his unprecedented stock Watches and Jew.lry he isjust opening a most excellent variety o miscellaneous BOOKS,• as well as School Books and STATIONARY, which he is de termined shall be sold /over than ever sold in Huntingdon. . . . _ Call in and see if this statement is not cor. rect. Store formerly occupied by Neff & Isr. n7 - 01d Gold and Silver wanted. April 21, 1851. TO OWNERS OF TNPATENTED LANDS.—MI persons in pos t) session of, or owning unpainted lands with in this Commonwealth, are hereby notified that the act of asseinhly, passed the 10th of April, tan, entitled' An Act to graduate lands on which motley is duetted unpaid to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,' and which act has been extend ed lives to time by suppLmientary laws, WILL EXPIRE ON TILE EntsT DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, after which time no Abutemennt can be mule of any interest which nosy intro accrued upvii the criginnl purelinau intoner. It will therefore be highly imports:it to tfosc in srested to secure their patents and the henOtitb ache said aet and its swpplements during the time the same will continue in force. WILLIAM HUTCHISON, ISAAC r PAO lITAL, BENJAMIN LEAS, Commissioners. August 28, 1851. A Beautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets, large end small. Also, children's Flats for isle by J. I• IV. Saxton. May 29, '5l. BAWAY'S Superior (iuld Pens, in gold and giver patent extension eases, warranted to giro emirs aatisfAction, for aide at . Seett'a Clienp Jewelry Store. SSPOO?.:S of the latest patterns can be 10 had at _ _ . - B. Snare's Jewelry Sterol PORTE NIONNAIES--- , or 10 different kinds; from 25 cants to 3 dollars at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. QIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents for the largest " Gold Pcdoile, at Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store. 1E best assortmoot II( Hardware in town, for sal* by J. t W. Sarnia. May 55,'51. ONE first rata 4 octave, harp stand MELO DEANN for sale at las now. en. PNARE'S. HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1851. 1 THE IRISH EMIGRANT'S LAMENT. IS l' )11811 BLACKWOOD. I'm sitting on the style Mary, Where we sat side by side, One bright May morning long ego, When you were first my bride; The corn was springing fresh and green, And the lark sang loud and high, And the red was on your lip, Mary; And the lore-light in your eye. The place is little changed, Mary, The day is bright es then— The lark's lowl song is in my ear, . And the corn is green again ; But I miss the soft clasp of your hand, And your breath warm on my cheek, And I still keep Ilse:ling for the rtal. , , For the words you nevermore may speak. 'Tin hut a step down yonder lane, And the little church stands near— The church where we were wed, Mary, I see the spire from here; But the grave-yard lies between, Mary, And my steps might break your rest, For I've laid you darling, down to sleep, With your baby on your breast. I'm very lonely, now, Mary, For the poor mike no new friends, But oh, they love the better still, The few our Father sends And you were all I hail, Mary, My blessing and toy pride-- There's nothing left to me for now, Since my poor Mary died. You 4 s was a brave gum! heart, Mary, That still kept Itopilmin, When the tr ust in God had left my soul, And my arm's youm; strength had gone; There was comfort ever on your lip, And the kind look on your brow— I Ideas you, Mary, for that same, Though you can't hear me now. I thank you ttr the patient smile, When your heart was fit to break, When the hunger-pain was pluming there, And you hid it for my sake; I bless you for the pleasant word, When r•nur heart was sad and sore— Oh! I'm thankful •nn are gone, Maly, Where grief can't reach you more. I'm lidding you a long farewell, My Mary—kind and true! But I'll not forget you, darling, In the hunt I'm going to. They say there's bread and work fur all, And the sun shines always there, But I'll not forget old Ireland, Were it fifty times as tuir! And often h 1 those grand old woods I'll sit, not shut my eyes, And my heart willirarel back again To the place where Mary lies; And I'll think I see the little stile, Where w•e sat side by side, And the springing corn and the bright May morn, When first you were my bride. Give me a Friend. Give me n friend to love me— A friend that I can lore— And let the storm around me blow, The sky be dark above— The breathing of that gentle heart, The light of .that bright eye, Shall be to no a world of wealth, The rainbow of my sky. A REFORMED DRUNKARD. THE EXPERIENCE MEETING. A. great 6experience meeting' was held one evening in S—church, where the speakers, as usual, were to be reformed drunkards. An estimable woman whom we will call Alice, was induced to attend. When the meeting was somewhat advan ced, a late member of Congress arose with apparent sadness and said :-431r. Presi dent, although I had consented, at your urgent solicitation, to address this large assembly to-night, yet I felt so strong a reluctance to doing so, that it has been with the utmost difficulty I could drag myself forward. But I had passed my word, I could not violate it. As to rela ting my experience, that I do not think I can venture upon. The past I dare not recall. Would to heaven that just ten years of my life were blotted out.' ' The speaker paused a moment, already much affected. Then resuming a firmer voice he said : But something must be said of my own case, or I shall fail to make that impres sion on your minds that I wish to pro duce. 'Pictures of real life touch the heart with power,'while abstract presentations of truth glitter coldly in the intellectual re gions of the mind, and then fade from the perception, like figures in a diorama. 'Ysur speaker sass among the first members of the bar in a neighboring State. Nay, more than that—he repre sented his county three years in the As sembly of this Commonwealth, and more than that still—occupied a seat in Con gress for two Congressional periods.' At this moment the stillness of death pervaded the crowded assembly. 'And yet more than that,' he continued, his voice sinking into a thrilling tone—'ho once had a tenderly loved wife and two sweet children. But ull these bleSsings have departed from him, he continued, his voice growing louder and deeper in his ef forts to control himself. 'He was unwor thy to retain them! His constituents threw him off because he had debased him self and disgraced them. And more than all—she who had borne lain two dear babes, was forced to abandon him, and seek an asylum in her father's house. And why ? Could I become so changed in a few short years 1 What power was there so to abase me that my fellow beings spurn ed, and even the wife of my bosom turn ed away heart stricken from we ? Alas ! my friends, it was a mad indulgence, in toxicating drinks. But for this, I were now an honorable and useful representa , ties in Congress, pursuing after my coun try's good and blest in the home circle with wife and children. 'But I have not told you all. After my wife separated from me, I sank rapidly. A state of perfect sobriety brought too many terrible thoughts, I therefore drank more freely, and was more rarely, if ever under the bewildering effects of partial in toxication. I remained in the same vil lage for some years but never saw her once during that time—nor a glimpse of my children. At last I became so aban doned in my life, that my wife urged on by her friends no doubt, filed an application for a divorce, and as cause could easily be shown why it should be granted, a separa tion was legally declared. To complete my disgrace, at the next Congressional canvass, I was left off the ticket, as unfit to represent the district. 'Three years have elapsed since then.— For two years of this period I abandoned myself to the fearful impulse of the appe tite I had acquired. Then I heard of this new movement—the great temperance cause. At first I sneered, then wondered, listened at last and finally threw myself upon the great wave that was sweeping on ward, in hope of being carried by it far out lof the reach of danger, and I did not hope with a vain hope. It did for °me all and more than I could have dreamed. It set me once more upon my feet—once more made a man of me. 4 year of sobriety, earnest devotion to my profession, and fer vent prayer to Him, who alone gives strength in every good resolution, has re stored much to me that I have lost—but not all—not my wife and children. Ah ? between myself and these the law has laid its stern itupassible irterdietion. I have no longer a wife; no longer children; though my heart goes out towards these beloved ones with. the tenderest yearnings. Pictures of our early days of wedded love are lingering in my imagination_ I dream ed of the sweet fire-side circle; I see even before me the once placid face of my Al ice, as her eyes looked into my own with intelligent confidence. I feel her arms twined about my neck; the music , of her voice is ever sounding in my car.' Here the speaker's emotions overcame him. His utterance became choked, and he stood silent with bowed head and silent limbs. The dense mass of people were hushed into an oppressive stillness, that was broken here and there by half stifled sobs. At this moment there was a move ment in the crowd. A female figure be fore whom every one appeared instinctive ly to give way was seen passing up the aisle. This was not observed by the speaker until she had come nearly in front of the platform on which he stood. Then the movement caught his ear, and lifting his eyes they instantly fell on , Alice—for it was she that was passing onward—he bent forward towards her with sudden up lifted hands and eager eyes, and stood like a statue until she had gained the stand and advanced quietly to his side.— 'For s moment or two they stood thus: the whole audience, thrilled with the scene, were on their feet & bending forward, when the speaker extended 'his arms, and Alice threw herself upon his bosom with a quick, wild gesture. Thus for the space of a minute they stood—every one fully, by a single intuition, understanding the scene. One of the ministers then came forward and separated them. no,' said the reformed Congress man, 'you cannot take her away from me.' 'Heaven forbid that I should do that, replied the minister. 'By your confession she is not your wife.' 'No, she is not,' returned the speaker mournfully. 'But she is ready to renew her vows again,' Alice said smiling through her tears, that now reigned over her face. Before the large assembly all standing, • and with few dry eyes, was said in a bro kent voice the marriage ceremony that gave the speaker and Atka to each other. As the minister, an aged man with his thin white locks, finished the rite, he laid his h6ds upon the heads of the two he had joined in hol l y , hands, and lifting up his aged eyes that streamed nith dorps of gladness, he said in a solemn voice:— 'What God has joined togethed, let not RU.3I pot asunder.' 'Aims; was cried by the who le assem bly, as a single voice. To Cure a Wife of Gambling. According to the French journalists, the I passion for gambling has reached almost the same heighls as when, under the re gent, so many were ruined by this profli gate practice ; and it has extended its do minion over that sea who should be least subiait to its influence, because its exhibi tion in woman seems to be so disgusting and so thoroughly opposed to all the gen tle and delicate attributes which give her' her peculiar charm. if we may believe accounts which are said to be drawn from the most authentic sources, a very ene tive lesson has lately been taught by a husband to a wife who was busily engaged in the satisfactory employment of ruining her husband's estate by enormously high play. M. X., the son of a general of the empire, left with the title of baron and a handsome fortune, had married a young and charming wife. After three or four years of happy wedded life, Mdme. la bar oune X, who had hitherto exhibited a gen tle disposition, clouded by scarcely a sin gle fault, changed f all at once ; her humor became fitful an l quiet pleasures possess ed no charm for her. Arrive dat the prime of her youthful years, at a period when all the powers fully develop them selves, a restless and ardent disposition manifested itself ; she betrayed an undue fondues for admiration, and a passion fol. play displayed itself in her character with a violence not often met with. The hus band suffered and trembled in silence.— Mduie. X had already lost large sums of money, and had sold her diamonds and re placed them with false brilliants. Great was the perplexity of the poor husband, when a lucky inspiration or a happy sug gestion of a friend came to his aid.— Amongst the elegant saloons of the world of fashion devoted to the worship of cards, there was one more dangerous than all the rest, where the play was ruinously high, and the company anything but se lect. M. X., consented to be presented, and, in company with his wire, walked resolutely into this abyss. Madame has tened to secure a seat at the table where the largest pile of gold was glittering; immediately, as she . took her place, a gen tleman of respectible ago and appearance, carrying at his buttonhole a ribbon of ma ny colored stripes, seated himself opposite to her. At the first turn of the cards this adversary won twenty five louis and soon the loss of the gambling beauty amounted to twenty thousand francs. "Double or quits!" said the respectable gentleman. " Done," said she, endeavoring to look unconcerned. Again she lost. " Double or quits !" This refrain, and the sumo unlucky result were several times repeated. At first frightened, Mime X. next thought that she was playing with a gallant adversary, who, from motives of generosity, was playing until the luck should turn in her favor. But when the debt amounted to ono hundred thousand, crowns, the gentleman declined rlayini any longerr, under the plea of sudden ill-1 ness, and rising, said : " We will stop. here, if you please, mad awe; I believe you owe we just th deed thousand francs " There was a sensation produced among the crowd by this announcement, and madame retired with despair iu her heart. For the first time she feared her husband. Still, the terrible avowel must be made, and she made it, pale, - treu,bling, and on her knees, "Rise, my dear," said the husband, in a sad but kind voice. " The evil is done —all that is left to pay the debt ; it is true we shall be nearly ruined, but our honor will be safe." Tho adversary soon made his appear ance, and was accompanied to the notary's dice by M. X., who, on his return, said to his wife, "There is left us now only my small farm in Auvergne ; I. can be well content there, but you will find it a dull abode, and that is my only grief." Touched by so much kindness, Madame X. left Paris without a regret for its ruin ous pleasures. After so many stormy onto tions, her soul found the life in the coun try calm and sweet, and she soon acquired a love for its tranquil pleasures, and was perfectly happy. They lived there ten years. "Those were the happiest years of any life," saiJ 31thlie. X., "and nothing ever gave :ne trouble except the thought that I had caused you to pay so dearly for thew." 44 Console yourself, my dear," said her husband, 46 out sayings would more than pay your loss, but you really lost nothing, and our fortune is doubled. The gentle man who played with you was one of those, respectible persons who can always win if they please—and he played for the hus band?"—Parker's Journal. MY MOTHER, It has been truly said—" The first being that rushes to the recollection of a soldier or a sailor, in his heart's difficulty, is his mother. She clings to nis memory and affection in the midst of all the forgetful ness and hardihood induced by a roving life. The last message he leaves is for her, his last whisper breaths her name.H The mother, as she instills the lesson of piety and filial obligation into the heart of her infant son, should always feel that her labor is not in vain. She may drop into the grave, but she has left behind her influences that will work for her.— The bow is broken, but the arrow is sped, and will do its office." Female Society. Of all the refiners of the course nature of man, true, female society is the most effective. There is a respect for the soft er sox implanted in us by nature that makes us desire to appear well in the presence of delicate and intelligent females, and has a tendency to elevate our feelings, and make us assume a gentleness and propriety of deportment totally at variance with all coarseness and vulgarity. Such is the influence of the intercourse of which we speak; in forming character, that we do not recollect ever having seen a young man devoted to the society of ladies of his own age, that did nor nun out well and prosper in life; while on the other hand, wo have observed many who, by confining themselves to associa•ions with the mem bers of their sex, acquired a roughness and uncouthness of manner that entirely unfit , ted them for the intercourse of li c. We are perfectly aware that a foolish timidity • I ts at the bottom of this; we ilsteew it a great defcst of character. If the ladies were only aware of the power they right fully possess iu forming the habits and manners of men, they would take pains to allay the sensitiveness which produces want of case in their presence, and by be coming affability and kindness, cherish con- 1 fiileuce and self possession. The matchers of the two sexes were invited by their Ma ker to be companions for each other, and the more easy and free their -intercourse NUMBER 45. can be—duo regard being had to strict propriety—the iuere delicate and refined will be the sentiments of all concerned. 117'A connitythan once brought a piece of board to an artist, with the re quest that ho would paint upon it, St. Christopher, as large as life. "But," re turned the ert ist, "that board is much too small for that purpose." The coun tryman looked perplexed at this unexpect ed discovery. "1 hat'a bad job," said he, "but lookee, sir, ye can let his feet hang down over the edge of the board!" e hun- llicn.--Alrou seem animated by this fine autumn scene, my dear Annie,' said a lover. 'No,' said she, •I never shall be .V nnie-mated till I an your Wife, dearest,' and he gave her such a kiss that Jemima vowed she thought somebody had hit against our barn door with the heel of a wet shoe, it made such a noise. Gising the Hag This is well known to be a cant phrase among the girls, equivalent to discarding a beau. A young gentleman went to make an evening visit to a young lady, and up on entering the room found her laughing at something right merrily--of course he enquired the cause—she told him her mother had just been making a pillow case, and. had sewed up both ends! Well, said the gentleman, it is a pity she had'nt sewed you up in it—yes, pertly annswered Miss, and then I suppose you would have wanted her to "give you the bag." L" We always heard that negroes had thick skulls, but wo have deemed it a slanderous reception. A "correspondent, however, tells us a story that, if we credit him, must lead us to the opinion that it was not all slander. He says that ouo of our sable brethren was passing through the streets a few days since during a thun der shower, when a flash of lightning struck him on the head. He clapped his hand to the spot, and looking round him ex claimed. 'I thought I heard suthin drop on my head!' His skull was so thick and hard that lightning, unable to crack it, passed into the ground. VULGARITY Or IlEALTlL—lkaitli is getting to be vulgar, and is confined prin cipally to servant girls. No "lady" can possibly plead guilty to being well, with-: out losing caste. Spinal complaints are just now in the ascendant—no female be ing considered good society who possesses sufficient strength to raise a smoothing iron. 'Timothy,' said a certain Grocer to his ,clerk, 'l've joined the Temperance Society and it won't look well to sell liquor, in •future, before folks. So, if any person calls for any, you must take them into the back room.' 11.7" A rainzed urchin of the sister king dom being broa:.;ht before a magistrate for some offence, was asked who his father was? 'ls it toy father yo'er axin for wait awhile ;' and after tal:imt a little time to recoiloct himself, ho replied, , Plaz , ! your honor, I can't mind the gintleman't name. One or Tother. dozen children may seem a large family with our folks, who aro moderate,' remarks idrs. Parington; 'but soy poor dear husband used to tell a story of a wo man in some part of the world, where he stopped one night, who bad nineteen chil dren in five years, or five children in nineteen years, 1 dun't recollect which-- but I remember it was one or t'other.' HELEN AND CUARLES—A lIRIEF TALE.—The Boston Post observes that it was a warm but delightful day, when. the beautiful !Nen was seated at an open Window. The inq assioned sun shone full upon her face while the amorous zephrys nontonly played among her clustering ritilets. Charles Augustus, her devoted. and favorite lover, gallantly offered to close the blinds, , No, no, my dear Charles, she latt Lash i ugly - responded—Al hacl er have a little rrx, than no atit at all.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers