THE LARGEST & BEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY George Groin, At his Cheap Store in the Diamond. GEO. GWIN respectfully informs the citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, that he has just received an unsually large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. consisting of every variety of Ladles' & Gentlemen's Dress Goods, OF THE NEWEST STYLES; and all other articles in the Dry-Goods fine. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE HATS and CAPS, GLASSWARE, BOOT and SHOES' HARDWARE, ,kc. and in fact every variety of Goods to suit this 'Market. Sink or swim, live or die, survive di per ish, I ant determined not:to be undersold by env bstablishment in this section of the country, null this is no humbug, nor is it intended to deceive. Give me a call and I will convince you that my statements are strictly true. Call and examine my stock and judge for yourselves, And without a moment's hesitation you will be convinced that I purpose meeting my pledge. My stock is en tirely new and of the latest styles. I take pleas ure in showing them nt nll times free of charge, Feeling thankful for past favors, I hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. GEO. GNV IN, Huntingdon, Oct. 9, Mt VALUABLE 11141/11 Tit OTERIPZ LZ 3 CID Lt. a 3 Ella 1.21 . A s,the subscriber intends to leave town, he will bell that valuable property situate on Railroad street in the most business part of the borough, near the Railroad Depot. The hnprov ements are extensive and in the best condition—part being entirely new, and the dwelling having lately un dergone thorough and convenient repairs. The dwelling house is a three story brick convenient for a large funnily. The adjoining building is a two story brick in front and one story and a base ment back, all new, and occupied as a bowling saloon with three alleys, a billiard saloon in the second story in front, and the first story as a re freshment rdem: _ . . The above property dill be sold at public sale on Wedhesilay of the first week of November Court, if nasold at private sale before that day. The property will rent at the rate of 12 per cent. Possession of the business part will be given on confirniation of sale, and of the dwelling on the tot of April next. For farther intitrulation and terms inquire of the subscriber SetINEIDEit, Il.tingdon, Oct. U, cu REWARD For the Man what struck terson. FALL AND 'WINTER GOODS, The attention of the public generally is invited to the fact that W. s vivrcoN have just received one of the largest assortments of Fall and Winter Goods ever hrotight to this place; all of which they other at pricks so greatly reduced as to make their Moro HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS ! Their supply et br,ces all the usual variety of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets and Vesting; Muslins, Prints, Flanels, &r. &0., to gether with the latest styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Silks, Merinos, Par mem Cloths, to Lanes, Ginghoms, Ho siery, &c.; and a very largo assortment of Ladies, Misses and Children's Slices; and also of MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES of every description. They also invite particular attention to their stock of QUEENSWARE ANT) GLASSWARE, And the best stock of HARDWARE in town. at They have also FRESH GROCERIES, a the *.e4 best quality, which they will sell at a very small advance on cost. Call and exam ink fdi• yonrselves. 'they have also a beautiful Article of W aka Ctac LPZ39 Carpeting, and every other article nstially kept in conntry stores. (firWe trill receive and store grain, and also pay the highest market prices for it aril it is rt boatel by alt that Wt., have the most convenient plate to uuload grain in or about town. Oct. 6,'51. NOTICE, The stockholders of the Shirleysharg "einele Semiitary are hereby notified that nit instalment of five dollars on each share of stock is requested to ha paid into the hands of Benjamin Long, l'mtA urer, residing in the town of Shirlrysburg, on or before the first day of November next. HENRY BREWSTER. , . Pres't B'rd Trustees. WM. B. LEAS, Secretary. 18 51 . Slia.alz7 , cC3crE).4-...r. Catne Lo the residence of the subscriber, at the junction 6f the Juniata river, several weeks ago, a brown cow with a white face and four white legs. She is supposed to be about 4 years old. The baiter is requested to come forward, prove property hay charges and take her away, or she will be exposed to sale according to law. HENRY GRAMS. Oct. 9, 1851.-31. Notice to School Teachers. , Six Competent Teachers are wanted to teach the common schools of Brady township Hunt. Co. to commence on the let . Nov. One of the number is wanted to teach Beglish and German. None need apply unless they den come well recommen ded. Liberal wages will he paid. JOHN WATSON, Pres't Board Dircsctors. H, S. Mc'Carthoy Sect. Oct. 9,1851 r IUTACKEREL, lvi CODFISH, SHAD, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK g i t4IEitN E I? t 3IDES, LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand, S. for sale by J. PALMEri CO. Dlarket street Wharf PHILAD*LPHIA. Came to the residence of the subscriber in Portstown near the borough of Huntingdon, on the 12th day of September, a Gray mare sup posed to be from 12 to 15 years of age. The owner is requested to come forward, prove prop erty, pay charges and take her away, or she will lie disposed of according to law. TIOOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at I HENRY CORNPROBST. Ed. Snare's Store. Sept, 25, 1851,-4 t. Oct. 9, 1851 Was lost, on the 28th ult., a steel bound Port Monai, containing Thirty Dollars in money and promisary notes to the amount of 92 dollars, to gether with other papers which aro of no use to ally person but the subscriber. The above re ward will be paid to any person who may find the same and deliver it to Ihe subscriber. LOST.--sls.oo REWARD. SAMUEL FRIEDL Y. Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 'sl.—lt /2-)xmaaDatl crai aallas.. By virtue of the last will of Samuel Stool, Esq., late of the Borough of Huntingdon, de ceased. will be offered for sale, on the premises, at 2 o'clock of the afternoon of the 22d day of November next, all that certain lot of groufid situate on the corner of the Market square, front; ing on Hill Street fifty feet and running at right angles to Allegheny Street two hundred feet, adjoining a lot of F. B. Wallace, Esq., on the East and of John MeCalian, Esq., en the West, in the Borough of Huntingdon, numbered 68 in the plan of said Borough; thereon erected a Log House weather boarded, and a Log Stable, there is also a good well of water on the prem ises. Persons wishing to secure a good location for public business would do well to attend on the day of sale. Terms ofsale.—One third of the purchase money to he paid on the first day of April 1852, when a Deed will be made, the residue: in two equal annual paymentS, to wit: on the first day of April 1853 and 1854 with interest from the first day o April 1852, these two payments to be secured on the premises by the Bonds and mortgage of the purchaser, to be excuted at the same time the Deed and first payment is made. JAMES GAVIN,. GEORGE STEEL, Exrs. Oct. 2, 1831.—ts. For sale, or Rent. The Farm, on which I at present reside nearly opposite the Borough of Huntingdon. JOHN MoCA HAN. Oct: 2, 1851.--tf. $3O REWARD, Was stolen from the subscriber, in the village of Marklesburg, in this county, on the 19th of Sept. A DARK BAY HORSE, 14 or 15 hands high, with a small star on his forehead, and a little white on his left hind pasture joint. He is a natural racker, and is 7 years old. The above reward will be paid for the ap prehension and delivery of the Thief and Horse to the subscriber, or 15 dollars will be paid for the delivery of the Horse alone. J. P. ASHCOM, Oct. 2,1851.-4 t. WHOSE HORSE? $5O REWARD. A dark hay Horse, with black legs, main and tail; is about 11 hands high, and supposed tb be lb years old. The linek of his neck is a little sore frbm the collar, and has some marks on his nose_ from the halter or nos-build of the bridle, and is natural trotter. No tithe• marks use visible.— There is no white nhotit him whatever. Tlie shore described Horse Was left by some unknown person iii the field of the subscriber on the Might of the 20th hist., and is supposed to lace bruit stolen some where east of this plade. 'l'll Owner is re quested to eoind forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. On the same night a large black horse 0 panne old with a solute face, and the Hi hind foot white, was stolen frosts the same tiel.l. Said horse be longs tt, the undersigned. who others $5O reward for the Horse and the Thief. DAYID GOOD, Woodbery Towitship Blair CO. he, Oct. 2, .851.-2 t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: Estate of the ken: Janes Y: .1k (Throes lute Of Lublin township. Letters of administration having lieMi granted to the andersignml on limn aboite dstate, all persons indebtdd are requested di Make ithineditite pay ment, and all persons having chains will present them for settlemnt. BRICE BLAIR JOHN 11. W. McGINNIL3 Admrs' Oct. 2, 1851.-6' Paitipidet Law& Pretlionotary's Offlee, ? Iluntingdtit, Sept. 25, 1851. 5 The Pamphlet Lows Of the Session of 1851 have been received at this office, and are ready 'for distribution to the persons entitled to receive them. . . THEODORE H. CREMER, Prot'y TEN DAYS LATER! CUBA IS FREE!! An account of the whole affair may be seen at the store of HENRY CORNPROBST, in-Ports town, together with the largest and cheapest as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever offered in that or any other village in the valley of the Juniata. His stock consists of every article usually timed in retail stores. He has a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROt7ERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEN:MARE &e. All of which will be disposed of at a very slight advance on cost. . . CAsidos of every description always on hand and for sate at the lowest , cash prices. Sepi. 25, 1891 FRESH OYSTERS Ali b REFRESHMENTS§ F. &. C. sNyDErt Take this method of informing the public that they are now receiving and are prepared to fur nish 0~~~~~~ with everything else connected with a well regu lated Eating House. We are determined to spare no efforts to make our establishment an agreeable place of resort. Our stock of FRUITS, CONFECTION3RIES, GROCERIES, CaKES, NUTS, Bcc. is unrivalled. We wish every person to givens a call, when, we are certain, we shall have the ex treme pleasure of having them "dome again, and again." F. & C. SNYDER. Sept. 4, 1851.7--tf. Stray Mare. ."~. ~` ~~~ lill~~ ~ "~ ,~ t ~"_ E - f C/D I-D HALL OF FASHION AHEAD WITH NEW CLOTHING! B. & W. SNARE inform the public that they have just returned from the eastern cities with a large and splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER•CLOTHING for men and boys, consisting of Black, Brown, Drab and Blue Overcoats; Black and Blue Dress and Eiock Coats; black satin and figured vests; cassimere and cassinet pants; shirts, suspenders, drawers, socks, &c. ALSO, New York Hats and Boston Boots ; trunks, carpet bags, umbrellas, caines, &c.; allot which were purchased extremely low for cash, which will enable us to sell much lower than merchants who buy on credit. 'We will, as here tofore, sell very cheap for cash B. & W. SNARE. Sept. 18, 1851.-3 m. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County will be exposed to Public Sale on the premises on Wednesday the 15th day of October next, 1851, the following Real Estate, late of Samuel Long, of Walker township, dec'd. A certain Real Property, situated in Walker township, iii said county,. about three miles from the Borough of Huntingdon, surveyed on a War rant granted to William M. Patton, adjoining land of Benjiman K. Morgan, James Simpson and other land of the sold William M. Patton, Containing .CIMO .Al.=•l.3ZEtr) neat measure, about thirty acres of which are cleared, having thereon a small log house and barn, and a number of taces hearing excellent fruit of different kinds. Terms—One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation Of the sale, one third in one year thereafter with interest, and the remaining third at and immediately after the death of the widow of said dec'd., the interest of the said third payment, to he paid to the said widow, an nually and regularly during her life, the whole to be secured by the Bonds and Mortgage of the pur chaser. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, attendance will be gven by JACOB MILLER, Trustee. Sept. 18, 1851.-41. Valuable Real Estate AT PUBLIC SALE. In porsuanco of an order of the Ophan's Court of Huntingdon County will he exposed to Public Sale, on the promises, on Thursday the 16th day of October next, 1851' the undivided interest (be ing the one third) of Arabell Vandevander, a mi nor child of Abraham Vandevander, late of Bra dy Township, dec'd. in the following real estate, viz : A certain plantation situate on both sides of the Pennsylvania Canal, and of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, about seven miles East of the Borough of lisintitigdon ' and two miles East of the Village of Mill Creek, in Brady Township, bounded by lands of Gen. James Irvin on the East, the Ju niata river on the south, land of James Entrain on the West, and land of Andrew Wise, on the North, Containing about Two hundred Acres, More or less, hai•ing thereon a two story log House row kitchen, a large .frame barn, with stone stabling. Underneath, a Waggon Shed and Corn Cribs. a Stone Spring-house, a smoke and drying house, a Cider Mill and press, and other improve ments. About seventy acres of this land is clear ed, and in a good state of cultivation, and a con siderable portion of the residue is well timbered. TERMS OF SALE.—Ono third of the pur chase money to be paid on the Confirmation of the sale. One third thereof. in one year there, after, with interest, and the remaining one third at and immediately after the death of the widow of said deed. the interest of which third pay ment to be paid to the said widow, annually and regularly during her life,—the whole to be ee -1 cured by the Bonds and Mortgage of the pur chaser. Sale to ccmmence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, attendance will be given by JACOB MILLER, Guardian &e. N. B. At the same tissue and place, the interest of the undersigned, the widow and other heirs of said dee'd. will be egposed to Sale, upon the terms OM VO stated, and upon Confirmation of the said ! minors interest we will join . With the said Guar I than in a Deed, conveying the whole of Said I land. REBECCA VANDEVANDEIi, MARGARET ANN KESSLER; P. F. KESSLER, PETER VANDEVANDER. Sept. 18, 1851.-3 t VALUABLE PROPERTY In Town add Country, FOR SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale a BRICK HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, situated on the north side of hilt street. and immedately op posite the Presbyterian Church, in the borough of Huntingdon—adjoining property of the Hon: George Taylor on the west, and numbered 103 in plan of said town. The house is well finished throughout—the yard contains some of the choi cost &Aga the country, with a tine well of water, and the garden is of the best quality. The loca tion is one of the most pleasant in the town—pre testing an unobstructed view of the Bail Road— the canal—the river—:and the surrounding sce nery. Also, a house and lot of ground stinated on the south side of Hill street, and extending back to Alleglumey street, in the aforesaid borough—ad joining property of Mrs. Borland on the East and John Hildebrand Esq., on the West. The house is wbatherboarded, and well finished with every convenience for a dwelling—There is also a store room and warehouse on the property, with other improvenletits: . . . . Also a Ftirni-- , •situated in Henderson township, about one mile Irons the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of John McCahan Esq., and lands belonging to the heirs of Alexander Owin Esq., deed., Consisting of ONE HUNDRED ACRES more or less, about seventy of which are cleared and under a high state of cultivation. There is a good dwelling house, a frame bank barn, a good spring of water, and all the necessary out buildings. The Orchard, which is about four years old, contains the most choico collection of fruit frees—and bids fair to be one of the finest in all this section of country. Terms will be made easy to suit Purchasers.— For further iuformrtion Wilke of the sub Scriber at his residence id Huntingdon'. %TM. SWOOPE. Sept. 18, 1811.-1 !IL GOLD PENS-8 or 10 different kinds; front 621 ets. to 10 dollars, at Seott's Cheap Jewelry Store. Ophan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, the Subscriber, Guardian of the Minor Children of William Ward, late of Walker township, deed., will expose to sale on Thursday October 30, 1851, A Lot of Gtound, Late the property of said deceased, situate in the borough of Huntingdon., being part of lots No 84 and' 85 in the plan of the town of Hunting don, having thereon erected a TANNERY BUILDING; TAN YARD and Fixtures, and a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and two tenements. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur chase money to be paid upon Confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual pay ments,with interest from Confirmation. . M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk of Orphan's Cottrt, THOMAS FISHER, Guardian. Sept. 11, 1851.—t0. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND The subscriber has, by extreme exertion, .d with the assistance of a few friends, at lust suc ceeded in opening an assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES 1 / AND JEWELRY, \ in the7 - ;l,up formerly occupied by Dr. H. K. Neff and Brother, one door east of Mr. Livingston's Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon, where he offers for sale a great variety of the above articles at very low prices. Clocks, 'Watches and Jewellry will be repaired in the very best manner, all of which he will war.: rant for one year. He hopes, by selling at low prices and paying strict attention to business, to merit a libera share of public . . JOSEPH RIGGER, Huntingdon, Aug. 14, 1851.—tf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the orphan's court of Huntingdon, to distribute the balance its the hands of Alexander Carniont . , ad ministrator de bonis non cum Testatnento annexe of the estate of John Carmont, late of Barren township in said county, deed. amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he has appointed Friday the 24th day of Ootober next at ten o'clock A. M. at his Office in the borough of Hunting don, for the hearing of the parties interested in said distribution. . . JOHN REED ; Auditor. Sept. 25th, 1 g 5 1.-4 t. Orpha&s Coati Sale. in purstiance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, the undersigned as Guar dian of the minor children of Samuel N. Wharton deed., will expose to sale at public outcry on the premises, on Saturday the 11th day, of October next at 1 o'clock P. M their interest in a lot of ground situated in the village of Orbisonia in the township of Cromwell in said county, fronting 50 feet on Cromwell street extendeng in depth 140 feet to an alley, adjoining a lot of William Smith on the north west, and ass alley on the south cast, being numbered 22 in the recorded plan of said village, and having thereon a frame plastered house, one and a half stories high, and a frame shop. _ _ . Terms of sale—One third of the purchase mon ey to he paid on the confirmation of the sale— one third in one year thereafter with interest, and the remaining third at the death of the widow, the interest thereof to ho paid to her regularly during her life, Mid tO be secured by the Bonds and Mortgage of the purchaser. DAVID BURKET, Guardian. Sept. 18, 1851.—ti; FRESH ARRIVAL NEW GOODS AT THE ENLARGED STORE OF Ja. 7 IIES Market Square, Huntingdon; Pa. J M. informs the Public generally that he las just receiired, and is opening, a large and sell selected stock of NEW GOODS, FOR FALL AND WINTER, . • of the fi nest and cheapest ever brought to Hun tingdon, consisting of every variety of LADIES' AND GENTLEITIEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of all descriptions and of the newest styles, consisting in part of Gingham', Calicoes, lara . ges, Lawns, Silks ; &c.; Muslins, Checks, Linens, Oil Chintzes ; Linen Diapers, Bonnets of the latest styles, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, and everything in the no tion line. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, Embracing Cloths, Casimeres, Saiineti, Kei tacky Jeans, &c, He has also on hand a Very large and general assortment of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GLASSWARE, Together with all kinds of Goodd generally kept in a country store. A word to the wise, and my friends in par ticular—call and see inn before purchasing elsewhere, as I am deterthined to give bar gains. 0:7 - Please remember MAGUIRE'S Cheap Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon. Sept. 11, IBM. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Joseph Parsons, late of Tell Township; deci'd. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are requested to present their accounts properly authenticated for settlement, and all per sons indebted to said estate will make payment without delay. ELIZABETH PARSONS, Adminisfratrir. Sept. 4,185 l Estate of Samuel Steel, Esq., decd. Last Notice. All persona indebted to the omit° of Samuel Steel, Esq., late of the Borough of Huntingdon. decd., are rentiested to make payment in full of the claims respectively due from them on or be fore the second Monday of November next. Persons neglecting to comply with the above notice need not expect any further indulgence. JAMES GiWIN GEORGE A. STEEL,--Ex'rs. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE• BY virtue of authority conferred by a special act of Assembly, I will expose to public sale Thursday, 6th November, 1851, upon the premises, in West township, Hunting don county, the farm of the late Andrew Newell, deed. ' situate about six miles from the Baunsyl vania Canal and Railroad, a abort distance frum the public rood leading from Huntingdon to Belle fonte, and in the immediate ~neigliberhoed Of Moore's and Nefra Mills. It contains A74.4ici) and allowance, about 40 acres of which is wood land and well timbered, and is one of the best wheat farms in the valley of Shavers Creek. The improvements are a large BANK BARN 100 11:Ct king by 40 feet deep, a large two story DWEL LING HOUSE bath nearly new, and a large Orchard of excellent fruit trees. There am about 30 acres of meadow; there is water in alincelt every field, and the whole farm is in a good state of cultivation, and under good fence. Its vicinity to market, to school, to plate of wor ship, to public roads, and to mills, its improve ments, and the quality of the laud, render it one of the most desirable farms now before the public for sale. Terms (which will be easy) made known ou day of sale. MARGARET NEWELL, Executrix. . _ _ Sept. 4, 1851. N. B. Any information desired will be given by the Executrix on the premises, or by William Dorris, or John Scott Esq's., of Huntingdon. GENERAL ELECTION. SIFIERIFF 9 S PROCLAMATION. DURSUANT to an Act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An aet relating to the elections of this Commonwealth 7 approved the second day of July A.D. 1839, 1, WM. B. ZEIGLER, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Penn sylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a Gen eral Election will be held in said county of Hun tingdon, on the SECOND TUESDAY (14th day) OF OCTOBER, 1851, at which time State and County officers, as follows, will be elected : ONE reason to fill the office of Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaiiiit. ONE PERSON to fill the office of Canal Cortiniis sioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. FIVE PERSONS to fill the offices of Supreme Judges of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvanio. ONE PERSON to fill the office of President Judge in the district composed of the counties of Hun tingdon, Blair and Cambria. TWO PERSONS to fill tho office of Associate Judges of Huntingdon County: Two Peitsoss to represent the counties of Huntingdon and Blair in the House of Represen tatives Of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSOiI . to 1111 the office of Prothonotary of the county of Huntingdon. ONE PERSON to fill the office of Register and Recorder of the county of Huntngdon. ONE PERSON to fill the office of Treasurer of the county of Huntingdon. Two PERSONS to fill the office of county Com missiohers for the county of Huntingdon. Oxr r.soN to fill the office of Coroner for the county of Huntingdon. ONE rtusox to fill tho office of Auditor for the county of Huntingdon. THREE PEIISONB to till the office of Directors of the Poor for the county of Hentingdon. In pursuance of sold Act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid general election in the several elec tion districts within thesaid county, are us follows t Ist district, composed of Henderson township; and all that part of Walker township not in tits 16th district, at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon. " 2d district, composed of Dublin township, at the house of Mathew Taylor, in said township. 3d district, composed of so melt of Warriors mark township as is not included in the 19th dis trict, at the school honk) adjoining the town of Warriorstnark. 4th distrct, composed of the township of Hope well, at the School House at Rough and Ready Furnace its said township. sth district, composed of the township of Barree, at the house of James Livingston (formerly John Harper), in the town of saulsbury, in said tp. Gth district, composed of the township of Shirley, at the house of D. Frisker, in Shirleysburg. 7th district, composed of Porter and Walker Iwnships, and so much of West township as i 4 hi- eluded in the following boniidaties, begin ning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufman's farm on the bank of the little Juniata river, at the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thatiee in a north easterly direction to the most southernly part ofthe farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees . west to the top of Tassey's mountain, to intersect the lint of Franklin township, thence . . 'long said line to little Juniata river, thenCe down the iiune to the place of beginning, at the public school house opposite the German Ref. Church, in the borough of Alexandria. Bth district, composed of the township of Frank lin, at the house of Jacob Matters now occupied by Geo. W. Matters, in said township. 9th district, composed of Tell township, at the Union School House, near the Union Meeting House, in said township. 10th district, composed of Springfield township, at the school house near Hugh Madden's in said township. 11th district, composed of Union tp., at the school house uear Ezekiel Corbin's in said town ship. 12th district, composed of Brady, township, al the mill of James Lane, in said tp. NOTICE. To the heirs and legal representatives of John Simpson, dec'd:, take notice that at an Orphan's Cuurt held at Huntingdon in and for the County of Huntingdon, the second Monday, 11th day of August, 1851, on motion of William P. Orbison, Esq., the Court grunted a rule mt the heirs and legal representatives of John Simpson, dee' d.. to come into court the second Monday of November Term next and accept or refuse to take the real estate of said dec'd ,at the valuation thereof, or then and there to show cause if any yon have why the same should not be sold. This is therefore notice to all interested to attend at the time aid place above designated if they think proper. Wlll. ZEIGLER, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Sept: 18, 1851.-4 t. NOTICE. To the heirs and legal representatives of Peter Swoope, dec'd., late of the Borough of Hunting don. In pursuance of a writ of partition or val uation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Bon-. tiegdoit County, I will hold an Inquest on the premises on Tuesday the 28th, day of October next, to make partition of valuation of the real estate of said dec'd., according to the act of the gen eral assembly in such cases made and provided, when and where you may attend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Alerlyr. • She'riff's Office, Sept. IS, 11351.-- 4t. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at the house now occupied by Abraham Moyer, (Inn keeper,) late Alex. Lowry, Jr., in the village of Wftterstreet, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West tp., not included in the 7th district, at the public school house on the limn now owned . by. Miles Lewis, (formerly Owned by James Ennis,) in said tp. 15th district, composed of thtit:part. of Walker township lying southwest of a. line commencing opposite David Corbin's house, at the. Union tp., line, thence in a straight line, including said Cor bin's house to the corner of Porter township, on the Huntingdon and Woodcock valley road, at the house of Jacob Magahy, in said tp. .16th district, composed of the towhsbip of Tod, at the Green School House in said tp. 17th district, composed of that part of West tp., on the south-east side of Warriorridge, beginning at the tine of NVest turd Henderson townships, at the foot Of said Ridge, to the line of Barree town- Chip, thence by the division line of Barree and West townships to the summit of Stone mountain, to intersect the line of Henderson add test town ships, thence by said line to place of beginning, at the house now occupied by Benjaniin Corbin, on Slurry's Riiin 18th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at the holm now occupied by David Etnire, Orbisonia, Ipth district, composed of the Borough of Bir minghain, with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the same, now owned and occupi ed by Thos. M. Owens, John R. M'Cahan, A. Roherson, John Gensimer and Wm. Getientier, situate in the township of Warriorsmark, at the public school house in said Borough. 20th district, composed of Cass township at the public school house in Cassville, in said tp. 21st district composed of Jackson township, at the house of Robert Barr, now occupied by John Hirst, at MeAleavy's Fort, in said tp. 22d district, composed of Clay township, at the house of Joshua Shore, at the Three Springs, in said township. 23.1 district, composed of Penn Township, at the school house on the farm of Jacob Brumbaugh, in said townsbp. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the the aforesaid net I am di directed, " that every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointmet of profit or trust under the government of the U. States, or of this State, or of any city or incorpo rated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the le gislative, executive, or the judiciary department of this State, or of the U. States, or any city or incorporated district, and also, that °yeti member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select or cenimoti council of any city, •cotti missioners of any incorporated district, if by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment ofjudge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be then eligible to any office to be then voted for." .Also, that in. the 14th section of the act of As setribly entitled "'Act relating to executions and for other purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it is en acted that the aforesaid 13th section. ". shall not be construed as to prevent any militia officer or bor ough officer from serving as judge, inspector, or clerk, or any general of special election in this Commonwealth." Pursuant to the previsions contained in the 67th section in the act aforesaid, the judges of the afore said districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respect rive districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each district, at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after the day of the election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, the 17th Of October text, then and there to do and perforth the duties retFidied ' by law of said judge,. Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate of return aforesaid shall he taken charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said district, and shall do and perform the duties re ' (piked of said judge unable to attend. Also, in the 61st section of said, act it is enact , ed that " every general and special election shall be Opened between the bents of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed," • Given under my hand at Huntingdon the 4th day • •of September, 1851, and of the Independence of the United States the seventliy-fifth. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. ; Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, September 4, 1851. M. & J. M. ROWE. WHOLESALE DEALERS. No. 111 N. Third St., 3d door below Race, PHILADELPHIA. 20,000 Corn 13ri;c;niTaiicTdOi.faintod Buckets, 500 nests Cedar Tuhs, 600 Cedar. Churns, 400 boxes Clothes Fifis, 800 nests Willow Baskets.— Also, every description of Bristle Brushes, Mats, Eastern, Cedar; Wuod, and Willow Ware at the lowest inanfacturers! cash prices. N. B.—Orders promptly tilled. August 28, 1851. WANTED. A JOURNEYMAN CARRIAGE MAKER, to work chiefly on bodice and *heels. Address the sabscriber, at Alexandria, Huntingdon en., Pa. . . JOSEPH PIPER. Ang. 28, 1851 DRANT'S INDIAN HIMORRY IMAM, The Great COUGH REMEDY. Men, rears of experience, Rod tnore then a Hundred ' p r r i g i ert i rno e t i tgo l tiet r ociliTATtlifl ' o r i C arr gl:n i a . ' w71,1 have become acquaiutad with tide wonderful remedy, that it te greatly ruperior , ben.. It is soothing and healing, and. mare certain to cure Consumption of the ping.; Mau any other Remedy to the world. We itoow, ye shred. that lei :IVo i jut i i t i tt iAt fCo aono 'ton c eV, not iit soma not attempt to argue with such, out thiswe wig say, and do assert as n fuct,WiaCil ceo be proved in thousands of eases, diet this medicine has cared Congas end Ma oism which. before WO cures were effected, were called real re attended with le Soma Ear r=i d e i d o , l ttitil tn i!.+Vi n il l .71 respect. like the 'V I ;ome of them, who die, and when dead are said to Mice ' s: l L ' wan that Blot diadems Comiumptlon. This /Salm= hit cured thousands of intone who were said to be hopelessly and. cd—who had hard, dry, racking (I neghn—Poine in the liranst, Side, and Bork—Hittleulty of lireathiun— Pursdent Expectoration —Hectic Fever— Night•Sweate—end wasting tawny of the Flesh and Blood. Persona haying such complaints have been cured eller It wit acid they could not live a week . Imager. 'eh, Mad:eine ha., cured some who were supposed to to in a dying state, but, by the non of this remedy, they now live, and enjoy good health. • This lanlanni in Purdy a vegetable emstpound. It le pleasant io ,alto, and never don MO, in any stage of.dis. ease or unites nnyiciecumstarices. it sheets its wonderful and almost miraculous Caine by Purifying, Sire:ye& ening, and InVintoratlng tho whole system —by .quota. sing the circulation, and producing • asolds action—thus aliening Cough—soothing Me Nervee--and aiding and fueditiahie Expectoration. , It Cures the following Ms- Pale, VI.. Consumption, (3117(111S and Cold, lironeltitie,-lannia, Spilling q/ Blood, 'Pealing at the Lunge, Prtini fn. Breast Side, and Chat, Neeoninas, Night Swale. Palpitation qf the Marl, and all FEIVIALK WEAK,NESSES and Complaints arising thereftOnit Cholera. llorantom. tee. PP' For Proof and parocudara or Cure., see our Pamphlet' and HandblUa—all our Agents have thorn ta glee away. For stile by T. K SIMONTON, Huntingdon; J. N. SWoope, Alexandria; J. Lutz, Shirleysburg; J. J. Kelly Burnt Cabin; James Kelly, Santa Fo; and by Merchants and Druggists generally. All orders must be addressed to Wallace & Co., 304 Broadway, NOV York Jan. 30, '5l