Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 25, 1851, Image 2

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    implanted, and deeply rooted and fixed,
are the only security at this important
crisis, this forming period in human life
and human destiny. The hallowed influ
ences of the fireside ; the vigils and teach
ings, and prayers prompted by parental
Siety and love, with the labours of the
abbath-school instructor, are the most
efficient safe guards and preservatives
which can be cast around the child, the
most potent means which can be employed
for his safety. And who can form any
estimate of the vast amount of vice, and
of misery and degradation, its certain and
bitter fruits, which have thus already been
prevented?—or bow much more may yet
be averted? How many, to refer only
to a single vice, a single danger, and a
single source of sorrow and suffering, have
been saved from the miseries of a DRUNK
ARD'S life, and the unimagined horrors of
a drunkard's death? who can tell? And
oh! if but one of those little boys may be
saved by your teachings, and the power
of that truth which you are patiently and
prayerfully instilling into their minds, from
that dreadful vice of intemperance, which,
when it has once enthralled, seldom ever
releases its enslaved and pitiable victim,—
ay, only ONE of those little boys,—surely,
surely, you will not have laboured in
As a scheme of benevolence, then, the
disinterested and self-denying labours of
those engaged in this effort for the moral
insrtuction of childhood and youth, suffer
no disparagement in comparison with those
which embalm the memory of a Howard.—
And it may safely be affirmed that the
SABBATH SCHOOL stands unrivalled by any
of the various enterprises of the present
day, having for their aim, to bind up the
broken heart; to wipe away the scalding
tear ; to allevite the cares and sorrows of
this mortal life ; and to smooth the rugged
pathway .4' the forlorn and wretched to the
peace and quiet of the tomb. And yet
more than this, it is my deliberate and sol
emn conviction, that our Sabbath school
teachers, and others engaged in furthering
the work of Sabbath school instruction,
have done more, and are at this day doing
more to perpetuate the liberties of this
country, and to preserve our glorious union,
than all the statesmen in the land.
But the aim of the Sabbath school is
still more lofty than to preserve the dear
children it has in charge from the pain, and
sorrow, and shame and misery of a vicious
life ; and instead to make them OOOD CITI
ZENS ; and prepare them to act well their
parts in the several posts which providence
shall here assign them. It looks beyond
the limits of this moral life. And oh ! how
does the office of the Sabbath school teach
er swell in the magnitude of its impor
tance, when the solemn truth so oft lost
sight of and forgotten amid life's cares,
pursuits, and pastimes, breaks in upon us,
as if wispered by some warning, invisible
"It is not all of life to live,
Nor all of death to die"!—
when we look upon a - little child, and re
flect that though there was a time which
date, the origin of its existence, there is
no i ~int in the illimitable future when it
will cease to live!—when we view these
children as IMMORTAL BEINGS, and the
moral instruction which they receive in the
Sabbath school, as tending to mould their
character for eternity, and to direct and
shape their everlasting destiny ! What
more can I say to magnify the importance
of the Sabbath school teacher's office and
mission ? Here language fails ; and ima
gination falters ! Mortals have no words
to portray, finite conceptien cannot meas
ure, eternal realities. -The other tenden
cies of Sabbath school instruction which
have been dwelt upon, vastly important as
they evidently are, dwindle into mere inci
dents, when• we view it in this its direct & all
absorbing aim, and regard its teachers as co
workers with the ministers of the everlas•
ting gospel, in pointing and directing and
beckoning on undying spirits to a blissful
Such, my friends, is the enterprise in
which you are engaged ; and which it is
your desire, by this festival, to further.—
Is it a vain wish ? Try it by a comparison
with the achievements which absorb and
crown the energies of the most gifted and
fortunate of the busy multitude in this
transient life. One toils on with unfr 3ing
purpose to hoard and amass earth's glitter-,
ing wealth ; and yet how soon will his pos
sessions be reduced to those of the poor
beggar that reposes in the lonely church
yard by his side. Ambition exhausts the
life of others, in a struggle and rivalry for
distinction among men ; and what, to those
who are most successfub will soon be the
highest honor and the most dazzling fame !
And though monuments, when plaudits
oannot reach and "sooth the dull cold ear
of death," may say to the passing behol
" Itere lies the great"!
there will be enough in each surrounding
memento to provoke the response—
"laise marble l—wlisar.?
Nothing hut &ord.' dust lies here!"
of all our works, none will survive the
tomb with us, but the GOOD which God
may enable us to' de. But there ARE
achievements which' will not perish with
the mortal energies which , perform them.
There are those who, when. they a rest
from their labours, THEIR WORKS DO FOL—
L , Ni THEM". There are chaplets which
will grow brighter and fairer after every flow•
cr of earth shall have faded, and every work
of human pride and folly shall have moul
dered away. There are those who, as the
fruit' and the reward of their toil upon.
earth, shall shine as the stars forever and
ever—ln this great truth, the devoted
sabbath school teacher has an incentive to
labor ; and his promise of reward.
- .
• •
Thursday Morning, Sept. 25, 1451.
THE " HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is lalblisla,l at
the following rates, viz :
If paid h. advance, per annum, *1,50
If paid during the year, 1,75
If paid after the expiration of the year, •2,.50
To Clubs of live or more, in advance, • • 1,25
TuE above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken fora less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements,
and any persons in those cities wishing to adver
tise in our columns, will please call on him.
WM. M. MEREDITH of Philadelphia.
RICH. COULTER of Wesinoreland.
JOSHUA W. COMLY of Montour.
WILLIAM JESSUP of Susquehanna.
Associate Judges,
HENRY BREWSTER, Shirleysburg.
SETH R. M'CUNE, Blair County.
Register & Recorder,
MATH. F. CAMPBELL, Henderson.
JOHN MARKS, Huntingdon.
ROBERT STITT, Huntingdon.
DAVID PARKER, Warriorsmark
Directors of the Poor,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
JAMES SAXTON, Huntingdon.
117' We request the attention of our
readers to the address of the Hon. Geo.
Taylor, published in to-day's paper. It
is a very able one and will fully repay a
careful perusal.
call the attention of everybody
to the advertisement of our esteemed friend,
Henry Cort►probst. He is deserving of a
very liberal share of the patronage of our
(IThe friends of Mr. Campbell are
endeavoring to make the impression that
he will get thirty Whig votes at this box.
We think we have as correct information
on this subject as they possibly can have,
and we now inform the people of this judi
cial district that Judge Taylor will be the
highest candidate in this election district.
Let our friends not be deceived by this
system of boasting to bolster up their ac
tual weakness.
We authoritatively inform the editor of
the Globe, that his insinuation, that John
Marks, our candidate for Treasurer, will
employ a deputy to do the business for
him, is unqualifiedly false. Mr. Marks is
as well qualified to fill that office as Mr.
Miller. He is a correct and honest busi
ness man, and has never suffered his own
business to get ahead of him. We call on
the Whigs to rally around him. Dont be
deceived by malicious and false statements,
published by locofocos for interested pur
poses. Your candidate is entirely worthy
of yeti!. support.
is hereby informed that we tell no lies, and
if we should be unwittingly led into a
mis-statement at any time, we will prompt
'ly correct it, when discovered. Wo believe
we have shown to the satisfaction of that
print, that Col. Bigler said substantially
when he voted for the jail closing act of
'47 he did not know what he was doing.—
It has not, at least, condescended to an
swer the high authority which we adduced
in support of our position. In relation to
the matter in controversy between us, we
still firmly believe, that we told the truth.
It is a convenient, and the common resort
of the ignorant and the debased, to ten an
adversary that he lies, when unable to
controvert his positions. Whenever our
cause cannot be sustained by truth and
righteousness, we are free to say that we
will desert it. We love truth because of
her beautiful proportions and heavenly en
dowments, and sorry will we he, should
any act of ours, contribute in the least, to
deform her celestial figure.
As this altercation, (judging from the
Standard's last article), is likely: to close,
Ice say to the editor, tvithod using toward
him any ungentlemanly epithets, that we
fully appreciate his kind hope,—that "the
angel of truth may take pity on us, bofore
we tumble off that ladder the foot of which
is located in a rather warm climate, and
are irretrievably lost." It affords us
pleasure however to inform him l that our
footsteps are directed up that other ladder,
the top of which is hitched in heaven ; up,
down and arround which, the angel of truth
ascends, descends and hovers without fear
or distrust ; her face glowing with the
brightness of the empyrean world; her,
robes whiter than the fleecy cloud and light
er than the ambient ether; and her wings tin
ted with the golden rays which flash from
thetemple otthe city of life. We hope
the editor ill occasionally direct his
thoughts from the mud-puddles and quag
mires of this dirty earth, to the brilliant
home of the blest, where images of truth
and beauty may be faintly figured in his
imagination, and thus tend in some hiiper
feet degree to molify his soul, polish his
heart and sweeten his tongue.
(r.r During. the latter part of last week,
we paid a visit to the cove in Blair Coun
ty, and were gratified with the political
prospects in that quarter. We discovered,
that the loc ofoco watch-cry of slavery
and death, had failed to disturb the aqua=
nimity of that honest and industrious peo
ple. We observed the same in our short
journey through our own county. Every
person who spoke of politics was exulting
at the prospect of the ultimate payment of
the State Debt and the probability of di
minishing the public taxes. We found
several democrats, who would vote for
Gov. Johnston on account of the masterly
manner in which be has regulated the peo
ple's money. They are very tired paying
big taxes, and it is refreshing to observe
a glimmer of relief.
We were present at a Whig meeting in
Williamsburg on Friday evening at the
house of Maj. Shull, which was addressed
successively by E. Hammond, D. Hofius
and S. Calvin Esq'rs., in able and impres
sive speeches. We had the pleasure of ta
king by the hand, that steady, reliable
and efficient Whig editor, John Penn Jones
of the Register, who was present on the
occasion. Our candidate for the legislature
from Blair County, Seth R. McCune Esq.,
was also present, with his rosy health and
good heart. He informed us that he would
be in Huntingdon on Friday evening to
bear Gov. Johnston, when he will be pleas
ed to exchange congratulations with his
many friends of this county. •
Whigs of Huntingdon County,—we have
bright prospects before us, if we do our
duty at the election. Let no one falter.
See how they Trip Theibselnes.
One of the clearest proofs that the Lo
cofocos are falsifying about the public debt
is, that their different statements contra
dict each other.
The Gettysburg Compiler of the Bth inst.,
in one column contained an extract from
one of Mr. Snowden's recent letters, as
serting that Gov. Johnston had, in two
years, paid $158,874 58 of the public debt,
and in another, contained an article from
the Hollidaysburg Standard, stating that
" Gov. Johnston has not paid one cent of
the State debt, neither have his friends
made any particular effort to do so."—
' Here is a direct contradiction—one asser
ting that he paid $158,000, and the other
asserting that he had not paid one cent,
and did not try to pay any ! Whoever can
be deceived by such lying, ought to be a
WILL BE Ochivhb here, by a Com
mittee appointed for the pnrpose, when the
Eastern Train arrives on Friday evening.
Lig — After the trial, conviction and sen
tence of Alex. Hutchison, some ReVerend
and other gentlemen about Hollidaysburg
believed that he was too weak in mind to
he amenable to the highest penalty of the
law. They first asked the Governor to
pardon him, and failing in that, his case
was laid before the Legislature. Au act
passed the lower house to commute his
sentence to imprisonment for life, and was
sent to the Senate for action in that branch,
tut *as not reached for want of time, be
fore the adjournment. As the legislature
has interfered in the matter, Gov. John
ston has deferred issuing the death war
rant until that body has finished its action
in relation Ao the subject.
Whigs and Factiousness,
We have observed that all factious op;
position, to regular Whig tickets in this
county, is made by persons who have been
recipients of party favor. When they
were before the people, it was terrible trea
son to oppose any one on the ticket, but
when they have grown so fat in office that
the grease is streaming down their cheeks,
it appears to break their hearts to see a
drop of oil poured on the head of any of
their neighbors and old supporters. It
cannot possibly be true that theie is some
thing in holding office calculated to brutify
the oCcupant, and yet, as soon as he is out
of place; his bowels of commpassion cease
to yelirn toviards his old friends.
W 6 have seen these party irregularities
fall with terrible vengence on the heads of
those who were guilty of them. We have
seen Whigs labor to dcfcat part of a ticket,
and when they wanted any thing thenf
selves afterwards they were repaid With
compound interest and compound ven
geance. Let the Whigs hang together
like brothers, and look over minor faults,
to vindicate the great principles of from's
ty and liberty which we profess.
It We have been presented with some
white egg plums grown the yard of
Mr. William Dorris of this borough.—
Two of them, each measured 71 inches one
way and 61 the other, and a third 7
by 61 inches. Five weighed 161 ounces.
We would like to see them beaten; who
can do it?
how it Works.
When the Locofocos passed the Tariff of
1846, they said it would benefit the Far
filer by increasing the price of grain, and
giving him a new market in England. The
tariff of 1846 was passed. The Farmer
has his boasted market, and what are the
prices of grain 1 The Ledger of the 27th
ult., gives the following, as the prices in
New York
" Amt.—There waS less' doing in
Flour to-day but the market for Ohio and
Michigan is firm. Sales of good barrels
at $3 811 to $4, for Michigan—s 3 871 to
$4, for Ohio, and $4 12/ for prime Ten
Wheat is quoted :
" Sales of 2,500 bushels red Ohio, at
about 84 cents, and 800 bushels Chicago
60 cents."
Wheat from 60 to 80 cents a bushel !
Excellent markets! Admirable Free-trade!
How rich our Farmers will become !
How prosperous in all their ways ! Thus
it always is with Locofoco promises.—Bro
ken almost as soon as made.
So it Goes !
The Pacific Steam-ship which arrived
at New York, on Saturday last, from Eng
land, brought the following item of news :
Breadstuffs are greatly depressed, and
difficulty experienced in making sales.—
Flour declined 6d. a ls., and Wheat id.
a2d. Corn is in limited demand and low
Glorious that for the Farmers !
SOUND THE TRUMPET ! Pour forth a
loud, but doleful strain ! ! LIGHT WATCH
FIRES on every hill !! ! The enemy is
not only coming, but he is HERE; he is on
his way ; he is in countless numbers all
around us ! Let the alarm cannon thun
der from every mountain top !
•'O, that my power bore any proportion
to my zeal !" " The spirit of our Fathers"
should start from every man, and rise from
every field.
The British Tariff is hurrying us down,
DOWN, DOWN the broad way to Ruin with
railroad speed. Like a highway robber it
is stealing away our Gold ! Like a swind
ler it is cajoling us out of our watch, with
smiles under false' pretences: Like a mil
lion of leeches, or the horrible bat of the
Indies, it is drinking up our life-blood.
[Wilkcsharre .idvocate.
Irr The Grand Lodge of the I. 0. of
0. F. is in session in Baltimore. An
amendment to their constitution was adopt
ed, which fixes the representative fee at
$5O instead of $2O as heretofore. Provis
ions were adopted, requiring that all candi
dates for Grand Sire shall be members of
some subordinate Encampment ; that a
majority of the representatives in the
Grand Lodge shall form a quorum, al
though the Lodge Is allowed to organize so
far as to receive credentials without a quo
ruin being present; and that the * proceeds
of the sales of books, cards, diplomas, cer-•
tificates, &c., should be a source of reve
nue to the Grand Lodge.
Let the People Remember.
That the Locofoco party created our enor
mous State Debt of over Forty Millions of
That Gov. Johnston has paid in the two
years and a half since lie was inaugurated
six hundred and fifty-nine thousand, one
hundred and twenty-two dollars and
ninety-eight cents, (659,122 98) of the
funded part of this Locofoco Debt ! !
That every Tax now borne by them was
imposed under thi Administration of a
Locofoco Governor. • !
That previous Locofoco Administrations
collected these Taxes, but did not pay the
That without increasing the burthens of
the laboring and producing classses of
the community, Gov. Johnston has in two
years and a half reduced the claims upon
the Public Treasury over SEVEN HUN
Proclamation by the GOvernor.
Gov. Johnston having received informa
tion that some of the rioters at Christiana
are still at large, has issued the following
proclataation.• The Governor in this, as
in every Other
. act of his official career,
exhibits an invincible' determination to
maintain the supremacy Of . the laws, and
to vindicate the of justice
In and by the authority of the Coinnuln
wealth of Pennsylvania, I; WILLIAM
F. JOIINSTON;Governor of said Cora-;
monwealth; do hereby issue this
WHEREAS, it has been represented . to
me that a flagrant violation of the public
peace has occurred in Lancaster, county,
involving the murder of Edwa'rd Gorsuch,
and seriously endangering the lives of oth
er persons ; and whereas, it has been rep
resented to me that some of the participa
tors in this outrage are yet at large ; now,
therefore, by virtue of the authority in me
vested by the Constitution and laws. I,
of Pennsylvania, do hereby offer a reward
the arrest and conviction of the person or
persons guilty of the murder and violation
of the public peace, as aforesaid.
Tn'testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the great seal of
the State this fifteenth day of September,
in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-one.
Attest :—A. L. RUSSELL,
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Specie for Europe.
A New York letter of IVednesday,.
" The quantity of specie shipped by the
Asia to-day, is enormously large, and as
such, justifies the reports yesterday, that
near a million would be sent. The exact
amount was $995 896.
" The Atlantic, which leaves here on
Saturday, it is believed,•will carry out
half a million, at least, and the City of
' Glasgow, from Philadelphia, it is said, will
have about $225,000 on board."
So it goes ! A million and three quar
ters of dollars in hard specie—California
gold—sent off to Europe from two of our
sea ports in a single week to pay for
British coal, cloth, calico, cutlery, iron,
and French silks, porcelain, and other gim
crackery, while our domestic industry is
languishing, and agricultural produce is
down to the lowest figure. A beautiful
exhibition of the operations of the Looofo
co Tariff of 1846, which is draining our
country of money ; filling it with foreign
merchandise ; running us rapidly in debt to
Europe, and leaving our grain and flour
almost a dead weight upon the farmers'
hands, because England will not buy it,
having raised enough to feed herself,
and our home market is destroyed by the
prostration of our iron works and facto
ries. Will not the people look to these'
things at the next election? Give us a
good Protective Tariff; and we will keep
our specie at home, give the farmers a mar
ket at home; make our own clothes at
home ; support our home labor, and make
home prosperous and happy.—York Re
[rr The Difference between the Testi
mony of a Sworn Officer and Unscrupu
lous Editors.—The Locofocos call Gov.
Johnston's Sinking Fund a 'humbug, and
a 'cheat.'
It has paid over HALF A MILLION
of the State debt, and will pay more be
fore the fiscal year expires. Gen. Bickel,
the opposition State Treasurer, who is
competent to judge, says the Sinking Fund
ACTMENT," and that if undisturbed,
Mr. Bigler, and the Looofoco press gener
ally, have taken ground ages nst this Sink
ing Fund.
Those opposed to its repeal will do well
to reflect long before they vote against
Governor Johnston.
117' The rebuilding of the Freeport
Aqueduct in 1848 cost $44,115. Of this
Locofoco officers on the work stole about
slo,ooo—only one fourth of the entire
amount ! Honest, economical Locofocos,
how burthennd, tax-payers hymn your
praises when they hear of your robbery of
the Treasury!
ft The Locofocoe dehounce Governor
Johnston as an Abolitionist, and Factionist,
and proclaim that his eleCtion will be an
Abolition and sectidnal triumph; • At the
moment they utter this libel, William Big
ler is receiving assurances that David Wil
mot will support him for the office of Gov
ernor! Could impudence and reckless
ness lead men further than they are lead
ing the Looofocos ?
DIEM—In Alexandria, on Sunday the
21st inst., Mrs, Henry Fockler, in the 30th
year of her age.
Pamphlet Laws.
Prothonotary's Office,
Huntingdon, Sept. 25, 1851. S
The Pamphlet Laws of the Session of 1851
have been received at this office, and are ready
for distribution to the persons entitled to feedive
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
orphan's court of Huntingdon, to distribute the
balance in the hands of Alexander Carmont, ad
ministrator do Louis non cam Testamento annexe
of the estate of John Carmont, late of lian•ee
township in said county, dec'd. amongst those
entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice
to all persons interested, that he has appointed
Friday the 24th day of Ootober next at ten o'clock
A, M. at his Mee in the borough of Hunting
don, for the hearing of the parties interested in
said distribution.
JOHN REED ; Audittit.
Sept. 25th, 1851.-4 t:
An account of the Othoie aflitir may be seen at
the store of HENRY CORNPUOBST, in Ports
town, together with the largett and cheapest as
sortment of
over offered in that or any other. riillage in the
valley of the Juniata. flit stock comfits or
every article usually found in retail stores. Ile
has a complete assortment of
All of width will be disposed of at a very slight
advance on cost.
CASTINGS of every description always on hand
and for sale at the lowest cast pleas.
Sept. 25, 1851
Stray Mare.
Came to the residence of the subscriber in
Portstown near the borough Of Huntingdon, on
the 12th day of September , a Gray mare sup
posed to be from 12 to 15 years of age. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty, pay charges and take her away, or she will
be disposed of according to law.
Sept. 25, 1851.-4 t.
Removed to No 144 Race Street, (Between
Fourth and Fifth, opeosito Crown St.) PHILA
-1.4.; LPHIA.
WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by in
creased &elides, to supply the growing de
mand for HOVER'S INK, which its wide-spread
reputation has created.
Ink is now so well established in the good
opinion and confidence of the American
that it is scarcely necessary to say anything in its
favor, and the manufacturer takes this opportunity
to say that the confidence thus secured shall not
ho abused.
In addition to the various kinds of Writing Ink,
ho also inanuaetures Adamantine cement for
mending Glass and China, as well as a superior
Hair Dye ; a trial only is necessary to insure its
future use, and a Sealing Wax, well allapted for
Druggist and Bottlers, at a very low price
large or small quantities.
Orders addretireil to JOSEPH E. HOVER,
No. 144 Race Sired,
Between 4th & Sth, crown St.,
Sept. 18, 18M.
Notice of Inqusition.
To the heirs and legal representatives of Rees
Thompson late of Cromwell township, in the Coun
ty of Huntigdon. Take notice, that in a pursu ,
once of nn order of Inquest issued oUt of the Or
phan's Court of Huntingdon County, and to me .
directed, I will proceed to hold an Anquistion of
partition or valuation of the real estate of the said'
Rees Thompson dee,d., situated in' Black log
Volley in Cromwell Townslip, Huntingdon Coun
ty aforesaid, upon the said primises on Friday,
the 31st, day of October next A. D. 1851.
WM. B ZEIGLER, Sheriffi
Sept- 18, 1851.-3 t
To the helm and legal representatives of rioter
Swoops, dec'd., Into of .the Borough of Hunting
don. In pursuance of a writ of partition or val
uation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Hun
tingdon County, I will hold an Inquest on the
promises on Tuesday the 28th, day of October
next, to make partition or valuation of the real
estate of said deed., according to the act of the „len
oral assembly in such cases made and provided,
when and where you may attend.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Shorqr.
Sheriff's Office, Sept. 18, 1851. It. •