4, SPORTSMEN TAKE NOTICE." JOIIN KRIDER, North-Easi cor. Mania & Second Sto.,Phiht. HAS on hand, just received, a complete As sortment of SHOT GUNS, Powder Flasks, Game Bags, and all other Sporting Apparatus of the best and approved patterns. He has constantly on hand SPORTING POW DER of all descriptions, Percussion Cups, Shot, Bullet Moulds, Bull and Blank Cartridges, and a general assortment of materials for Gun Makers, &e. Also PERCUSSION CAPS of a superior qual ity, designed expressly for CI. S. Rifles. An Assortment of FISHING TACKLE always on hand. All the above, and any other articles in his line, the Subscribe; will sell as low as any other estab lishment its the United States. In testimony of his skill 08 a manufacturer, the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, in the years 1840 and 1842, awarded to him TWO CERTIFI CATES— and in the years 1844, 1846, 1847, - 1848 and 1810 FIVE SILVER MEDALS, all of whieh may be seen at his place of business.' - . JOHN KRIDER. Philad'a, July 2-1, ig9l.-3m. Eldridge's Patent Corn Sheller. The attention of the Public is invited to this improvement in Corn Shelters, which is acknowl edged to be far superior to any other, being on an entirely new principle shelling the Coin length wise of the ear, the cob passing straight through without revolving, thereby requiring no gearing to increase its speed, which adds so materially to the cost of other machines. It turns easier and shells cleaner than any other, and is porta- Me in size and durable in construction. Persons interested are invited to call and see it in oppera tion. The Right of this and other Counties lot sale. For further patlieulars address ply to DAVID EL DB Il /GP,. North NV. Cur. 2nd & Dock sts. 3rd story. Philudu. July 31, 18M.-3m. VALUABLE DIEDICINES From the Laboratory of the Celebrated Dr..). S. ROSE, of Philade. IAR. ROSE'S ALTERATIVE, For the rad ii ical cure of Serufula, Diseases of the Bone, stubborn Ulcers, Liver Complaints, old Eruptions, Rheumatism, and every Disertie arising from au impure state of the blood. The great power, of this valuable Medicine being now fully established by the many cures it has effected of CONSUMPTION, BRON CHITIS, GLANDULAR and LIVER DIS EASE, SCROFULA, HIP-JOINT affection, RHEUMATIC, SYPHILITIC, and all impu rities of the blood, has sufficiently proven to the public its superior panaceal power aboie all nostrums now in use. Price $l. DR. ROSE'S DYSPEPTIC COMPOUND Tue LIVER, being the largest gland in the human body, is more frequently deranged in its healthy action than ally other. The con sequences of this derangement are first Dys pepsia, known by costiveness belching np of wind, sour stomach, and sometimes Diarrhrea or looseness of the bOwels, head-ache, nervous feelings, cold feet, wakefulness, and variable appetite, &c. Secondly, if the above sytnp oms are allowed to go on long without this Medicine, (which will always cure or remove them,) then follows debility of the lungs and predisposition to cominmption. Dr. Rose has been called on by over ritaaa Rouser D oases within the last few years, and many of them had tried the various hitter com pounds to .their deldsiOn; fortunately the most were in time and were soon cured by the above compound, which contains no mercury, and does not iujure, btit always improves the con stitution, as thousands call testify. Price 50 cents. DR. ROSE'S CARMINITIVE BALSAM This beautiful preparation has been used by me in a full practice of thirty years in the city of Philadelphia, and is a never-failing reindy for cholera-morbus, dysentery, bowel complaint, flatulency, &c. Price 25 cents. DR. ROSE'S VEGI'I:A BLE VF.RMIFUGE This compound having been used by me in a full practice of twenty-six years, with the most beneficial results in cases of worms, has so well •atablished its superiority above most other worm medicines that the demand has increased beyond all calculation. All medicines should be prepared by a physician and chemist. It is true that many articles are now sold as good for worms, but it should be remembered that many are too powerful fol. the, constitution of young children. Price 25 cents. DR. ROSE'S FAMILY OR SANITIYE PILLS. These pills are confidently recommended for Dyspepsia, disease of the Liver, Costiveness, and for the constant use of families, as they are mild, and certain in their operation, causing no pain or uneasiness, leavirig the bOwels perfect ly free frotn caitiYeneis. Price 25 cents. DR. ROSE'S EXPECTORANT, OR COUGH SYRUP, a certain exile for all diseases of the lungs, spitting of blood, bronchitis, astbnia, colds, coughs, and canstartptinn. This syrup has no equal. Fifty cents and $1 per bottle. DR. ROSE'S HAIR TONIC This invaluable compound for the hair has been used and highly recommended by the late and truly great Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia.— Price 30 cents. AR. ROSE'S CROUP OR HITE SYRUP'. There has been many remedies compounded fot the cure of Croup or Hives. The disease Is particularly prevalent among children, and •ften fatal ; but as I have never seen a case terminate fatally or continue long where this syrup was used, I can recommend it with the highest confidence. Price 25 cents. See di rections. The afflicted are invited to call upon the Agent, and procare (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlets giving a detailed account of each remedy and its application.- These medicines dre in high repute, and can be relied upon as suiting the diseases for which they are recommended, as they are the result of as extensive practice for the last thirty years is the city of Philadelphia. 3 None genuine without my written Cigna. stirs, J. S. ROSE, M. D. For 'ale by T. READ & Sox, Huntingdon. "THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME!" ✓iNOTHER lIRRIV4L OF SUMMER. GOODS. OWing to the great rush for Summer floods, the subscribers have been induced to add to their already extensive assortment Five or Six boxes of goods suitable for Summer wear, which they will be able to sell alitfie lower than any yet offered to the citizens of Huntingdon county. They would be pleased if Ladies and Gentleinen would call and examine their new stock; it is no trouble, but rather a pleagure, to show their goods to their friends. 3. W. SAXTON. May 15, 1851. NEW GOODS AT TUE STORE OP J. & W. SAXTON. J. 4 W. S. have just received and are now openine for public inspection and purchase, u splerdid stock or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. We have better and cheaper Goods than can be found at any other establishment in the county. If you don't believe this assertion, ' , just drop in," and verify it, by examining qualities and prices. To enumerate in detail all the articles we have for sale, would occupy too much spare in the paper, to the exclusion of "marriages," always so interesting to the fairet . portion of our nu: rnerons customers. We have every desirable anti •le of LADIES' AND GENTIJINIEN'S DRESS GOODS. fl The Ladies will not forgbt that their cle f rnent is confined to the store on the corner, apposite Coots' Hotel. BOOTS AND SHOES, FIATS AND CAI'S. A splendid assortment of the above article. FRESH GROCERIES, of which we have the very best, nod will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine for yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENS WARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. . . . . We . will receive and store Grain, and also pay the highest market prices,aho it is ad mitted by all to be the most convenient place td unload Grain in and about town. J. &. SAXTON. Huntingdon, April 24, 1851. LIVER COMPLANT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEI3ILITY, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stordach, such as Constipation, Inward files, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fellness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating senstitiotis whch in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fover and dull pain in the Head, Defi ciency of perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and . Great depres sion of Spirits, can he effecttially inked by DR. 1100FLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by Dn. C. M. JACKSON, AT TILE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Their power over the aboVe diseases is not ex celled—if equalled—by any other preparation in the United Statds, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. . These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exer cising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive Ofgans, thefa - re withal, safe, certain and *agent. otr • BEAD AND BE CONVINCED. From tho "Boston Dec." The editor said, Dec. 22nd Dr. Hoyland's Celebrated German Bitters flu. the cure of Lives Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deserVeffly one of the must popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he had hiniself received an offer tdal and perrhanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We aro convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consideration. They are pleasant in tust and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under arty circum stances. We are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their use. "SCOTT'S WEEKLY," one of the best Literary papers published, said Aug. 25 “Dit. HOOFLARD'S GERMAN BITTERS, manu factured ify Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the Most prominent members of the faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, wo would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find those Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have upon weak systems.. MORE EVIDENCE, The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette." the best family newspaper published in the United States, The editor says of DR. lIOO.FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS "It is seldom that we recommend what aro termed Patent Medicines, to tho coadenee and patronage of our readers; and therefore when we recommend Dr. lloofland's German Bitters, wo wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are nois ed about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the fac ulty itself: Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) front all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its fitvor, is, that there is niore of it used in the prac tice Of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily bo csabilihed, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this form. That this Medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and ' liver; it is preferable to calomel in all billow+ elk rages—the effect is immediate. They can be ad ministered to forriale or infant with safety and re liable benefit at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has atMinad thatTii7,liecaracter which is necesary for all medicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth spurious articles at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks of 1 / a . gettable They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retain at the. GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable dealers generally through the country. PRICES REDUCED. To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the ad vantages of their went restorative powers: Single Wile 75 cents. Also for sale by Thomas Reed & Son, Hunt ingdon, Pa. ; John Lutz, Shippensbur7, Pa.; Thomas K. Orbison, Orbisonia, Pa. ; J. & J. Kelly, Burnt Cabins, Pa. [July 3, 1851.-Iy. ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various other kinds of Pistols, at the lowest prices, at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT THE NEW STORE IN Warriorsmark, Pa. THE undersigned having recently opened a new Store in the town of Warriorsmark in this court ty, can assure the people of that place and sue rounding country, that he will sell Cheaper, any thing in his line, than has ever been sold in the place heretofore. His assortment of Dry Goods, Groreriek, hardware and Glassware'is Amry com plete and of the best quality. Persons wishing bargains had better cell early as the rush is so great since opening, or they will be too late. lir All kinds of Grain, Country Produuce and Lumber exchnued for at the highest cash prices. N. B. A fine assortment of Lambe: constantly on hand, which will be sold cheap fur Cash. . ..... JNO. J, PATTERSON. July 3, 1851.-t f. SPRING ARRIVAL OF New Good. GEORGE GWIN, HAS just received a large and splendidps• sortment of , . SPRING AND SUMMER tkOODS, Which be will sell-at fair and reasonable prices. tle is thankful for the very liberal 'patronage he has received, and hopes to merit a continu ance of the same. His stock of goods consists of every variety of LADIES' AND GE.NTLEMEN 9 B DRESS GOODS, OF THE NEWEST STYLES; GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD IVARE, CLA . SRWARE,IIATS, e*BS, BOOTS AND' SHOE, With a fine variety of goods cif every de scription. Wheat, Rye, Corn, oats, Flour, Cl3verseed cal Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, &c., &c., &c., ta ken in exchange for goods. .11 07 - Call and examine my goods. April i 6, 1851. " • Farm for S alt.. The subsCriber others his ,6rm at private sale, satiate in Woodcock Valley, "Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lauds of Daniel Brumbaugh, Lednard Weaver, and Others, Containing 224 acres, more or less,about 100 acres cleared and in a tolerable good state of cultivation,2o acres of which is meadow; most of the ritainder is well timbered, a con siderable part of which is locust and chestnut ; consijtable of the timber land is tillable, and there }re sevglippllngs of never failing water on the prem with -an apple orchard and Other fruit trees, part of which beat choice fruit. The buildings are, a large frame bank barn, log dwelling house, stone sprittg hetise, frame shop, and a saw mill. Apply to the 'sub scriber on the prendises. JdHN PLUMMER. Dec. 24, 1850.—tf.] Tr Hollidaysburg "Register," " and "Standard," publish until other Wise order ed, and charge this office. THOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FEANKLPN. Blair county. Lancaster county D4i.vin Wl'MularaE, Wii.i.tam GIKTNI, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county JAMES GARDNER, RICH'D. It. JIRYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county. Central Petite& Banking Rouse s n F BRYAN, GLEIk & CO.- Office on A.1(4 7 gheuy street, a fevadoors west of the Court Hduse, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact busi ness.,upon money deposited for a specific perio of three, six, nine or twelve months, in; terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de posites received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850. RUE AND EXCELLENT! dCOTT'S CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW ELRY ara going off rapidly, at the low rates at which he sells. His stock is now, lare and well selected, and people tied it advantageous to call with him before making purchases elsewhere! Nov. 12, 1850. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company, HARRISBURG PA, Guarantee Capital over $lOO,OOO Surplus Cash << 25,000 THIS Company has been doing business about a year and has accumulated on earnest Capital of over $125,000 above all losses and expenses, with a surplus in Cash of over $25,000 on hand. The Premiums are as low as in any other good and responsible Cimpany. No assessments have been made on the In• sured and it is the intention and expectation of the Company that none need or shall be made ; the surplus cash on hand will always be suffi cient to meet any losses which may be sus tained, as rid risk to exceed $2,000 will be taken in ono locality. The profits are wholly divided to the mem bers. This Company offer inducements to the owners of safe property over most Companies itt the State. For further particulars enquire of the sub scriber, DAVID BLAIR, Agent. Huntingdon, June 12, 1351.—tf. 1101 FOR THE COUNTRY! LLlawceaa-V,:. GLASGOW & STEEL, Beg leave to inform the community that they are prepared to furnish Horses and Buggies upon the shortest notice to all those who may he disposed to avail themselves of this delightful season of the year to take excursions to the country, or wijj puce else. - They are, at all times, ready to fiirafili the besi kind of stock, and none who call upon them need entertain aiiy apprehensions as to the quality of their stock or their disposition to accommodate. lluntingdon, Juno 22, 1851.-0: picarr DAY and thirty-hour brass clocks, iu beautiful mahogany and' roes-wood cases war ranted to run well, tar sale at Scott's Chem, Jewelry Store. PROPOSALS. Written and Verbal, will be received at SCOTT'S Cheap Jewelry Slore,oppoaite the Sons of Temperance Hall, fur any number of Watches or Clocks, and any quantity of the most titslaion able Jewelry, &c., which he is now prepared to furnish on the very lowest terms, wholesale and retail, having just returned from the cast With a new supply m . Purchasers are respectfully invited to A. give I..Pivatel a bi ts and Clocks carefully repaired and cleaned and warranted. Hunt. July to, 1831, 7' • • 4► • r tair NI, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA., Is put up in full quart bottles, and contains the strength of SIX TIMES as much pure Honduras Sarsaparilla 11 , 1 any similar preparation in America. Price one dollar per bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. It has been a well established fact for years past, that Skkaaparilia, when pure and properly prepared, was the only true panacea for all dineases originating from an impure state of the blood, the uso of mercury, Intoxicating drinks, coil habits in youth, barrenness, de. We boldly assert, that JOHN BULL'S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla is the only preparation before the public, that is prepared on strictly scientific principles, and of uniform etrength. Tho Sarsaparilla is purchased without regard to prim, and army pound, before being used, is subject to the strictest chemical test., and its gcnuineneas ascertained before being used I . . . . . _ Sarsaparilla also centains the virtues of several other valuable medical roots, together forming the belt compound, and produring ?us 01110.81 CURATaz AGENT la vie KNOWN WORLD! This Medicine, when used according to directions, WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL I ,htuitfula or King's Era, Cancers Tumors, Eruptions of the Shin, Fry:filth's, Chronic Soils Eyes, Ringworm or Tellers, &aid Wend, Rheumatism, Pains. in the Bones or Joints, Old &Ira and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspepsia Salt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys loss of Appetite Diseases arising irons thyWe of MorenrY, Pain in the Sidc and Shoulders, Gene. rot Debility, Dropsy, Iminhego, 3 eundlee, Coetiveuese, Sore Throat, Bronchitle, Coughs, Colds, Weeknees of the Cheat, Pulmonary Atka liens, and MI ether diseases tending to produce CONSUMPTION, Liver Complaint, Female Irregularities and Complaint& Nick as Nerve. Headache, Low Spirit., Night Sweats; S.poitire or Imprudence in Life, Chronio Constitutional Diwititen; and is a spring and rummer drink, and general tonic for the myetvin, and a gentle and plemant purgative, for ruperier to Slut Lick or Congress water, BaNJ, or Said -11 le powders! GOOD 'FESTIPIONY. The brethviile I, melee thug speaks of Bull'. Sarsaparilla! Wy byy.• been shown, by Mr. John Bull, proprietor of Hint worbbrenowned prrporation,"Bull's Fluid Extract of 9ill,11,..11,11(l," MI original, genuine, and beautiful letter, addry ,, ,,l to 101 n by the accomplished lady of one of the meet (tu'telit old physicians in the West, giving a detailed nrn omit f •,o, of the most astonishing cures on record, per form..l ,loot by the use of "BOW. Sarsaparilla." . . This m.s.t eseeliont and alarming lady'llad long suffered from prelm..us uteri, liner aims, piles, and chronic dismiss or lbe rt..illach and digestive nigans,itiol deratmonent of the thole my,tem. attended. with distressing cutaneous erup t:on, nick headache, and 'Mica attacks of cramp: After eximwding 1:11,.f too litudnuni's skill, and applying to man celebrated medical gentlunien, both at home and abroad, and also tieing great quantities of "Townsend'. Sarsapac without thecllght,:strellef,tdmwa. induced to use °John Bull's Sarre And what was the happy result/ After the use of a foe bottles, a perfect and won derful ettre—the Sely restored to perfect health, and to her usual flow of spirits. Seel; letter.:lt: the one we speak of, must afford Mr. Bull MO[: real gra, fleution, than could the possession of count• less weal th . A d tchether he aceurnulates wealth or not hy the sale of t, truly valuable Mettleine, being its author y erd !spun. enough; and he can say to the world, without fear of contradiction, " I have in my poverty re lien .1 mere human iluftering, than did Stephen Oirartl or .101.11 Jacob Astor with their millions." RnEutAtisit CURED ! Let r.l: tbspre suffering under the agonizing tortures of iflictintatistu rend the following, and see what may be done fur thou, it they will use the infallible remeay: UtnoziTown, Kr., May 12,1849: Ma. Jona nol.I.: Pear Sir,—For the last three years, I have been afflicted with Rheumatism of the severest char salon 1 wax at times iu the greatest agony of pain. I trim every remedy I rould procure for the disease; but found no veruianent relief until I w•ns induced to use your prrpardc Zion of Fariquittrilin, which has entirely cured me of Rhea unttiwit. nod ,reatiy improved my general health more than any medicine I ever used. 1 have boon free from pain for several ;Windt., and have no doubt the cure is perm', m•ut: mat I recommend it as the best medicine in use for It licitnintii nt. • ' ISIIAM BRIDGES. It Is wol..mi to pro,luce further testimony in furor of this great remedy. It has only to he tried and proved, to con. inc. the public IC IM superior efficacy. Notice to Females, :ham Boll's . Sitretiparilla is one of the greatest female medicines neiv• in existence: In those numerous cams o bete the mirth:ill:: ix debilitated, the nervous energy Is lessened, alien the effortlt of nature aro weak and deficient, or arc profuse and overwrought, when the face is pale and whirlers, the strength feeble and yielding, the spirit trou bled repeel.eqjio health ,broken, mind shaken, and consequently the IWpittess acetic:yea—then Dull's Sam parilla is a sovereixa remedy. It assists nature in the per- Ilirmance Of her duty, braces the whole system, renews peruumently the natural energies, removes obstructions, eherks excesses, creates pure and healthy bloofi, end Parts tacit happiness. Were ladies generally to adopt the ine of this Medicine, we would sea fur less suffering, disease and unhappilless smug them than now exists, health would take the lance of disease, the msy cheek would lammed the ppallid facet we 0101.1111 have smiles instead of tears, and per. haps a happy long life It:snout of ono cut short by disease, or made miserable by continued suffering and affliction. At that critima period termed the" turn of life," which to often attended with se much danger, Bun Sarsaparilla Is found to exert a most beneficial effect. All ladies approach ing title (wish., shotild Is. apprised of this fact, uud avail Llten.el VV. of this valuable Medicine. A BEAUTIFUL CLEAR SHIN. lion Noo all admire a clear, beautiful, white akin, and a rosy colored cheek. How t,ften do we see persons, not pow serving this "desideratum so devoutly to be wished," re sorting to ',smell., lotions, washes, palms, and coloring 11111liTliti, to re,,tore to them a semblance of what disease box ileprlVed them of, and that, too, with great injury to the skin. Sarsaparilla Is the hest Cosmetic known. it beautifies the skin IT removing every particle of morbid and diseased matter from the blood, making It pure, heal thy and Vigorous, girlie.: activity to every minute vessel, and changing the yellow and dark countenauca to the bloom mai freshness of youth. Ladies, abandon the me of pathts and niistutvs, and we Ball's Sarsaparilla, the only effectual remedy. " A word to the wise is sufficient," and a Lint is enough fur the ladies. ItErTiga i7d6r1.710.»-iIA Brod the. D.dimony rf Dr. Moore. MIN JOHN lien.,-1 Imo no hesitation in saying that f believe your M.rropon'lla to be tho best article ever manor factored, fur the cure of Serohtla, Syphilis, and many other ellialleOUS or (Ilandtdur Affections, having used k with entire success In numbers of the above cases. Louisville, Dee. 1817. JAS. M. MOORE, 111. D. From Dr. L. It rnadellaWeasor of Chemistry in Louis rille Maii,4ll I have looked over the list of ingredients composing Ilett.'s COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, and have us hesitation in saying that they form a safe com pound. and sae that promises well in chronic diseases, tel which it is applicable. L. I'. YANDELL, Dl.l. Louisville, June 0, ISIS. Prom Dr. !glee, Physician by apTainhnent to the Louisulle Marine hospital. tondarn.tc, March 20, 1840. I have examined the preparation of the prescription of .10115 DULL'S NAIItAI'AIIII.I.A, and believe the combine, Don to lie an excellent one. and well calculated to produce un alterative impression on the system. 1 have used it both in piddle eel ;drab, practice, nod think it the beat article of dersaparilla in use. M. PYLES, M. D., Resident physician, Marine Iloapital. Ern 's whore you will, to steamboats hound Nsrhvilic, NPW Orlenno, SI. Louis, Cincinnati. Madison, h - u or for the Green River country, and yen will Out immenne supplies of this preparation about bring shipped on board. lint 114:merelootts vielt our city, in whatever branch of truth. wrier they may be engaged, but Laic enters for more or hot satvaporilla. 'Amirante Democrat. Manufactured nt Dr. JOHN BULL'S Laboratory hi Fourth alma, Louisville, Ky. For 531.! :It ilw Storo of REM) & Son, in th 1,011.01 or flitotiogrlou. I . sfarch 20, 1851. Hardware Cheaper. JOHN A. NEFF, tOr many years in the house of Mr. Buehler & Bro„ desires to inform his ftienda of Huntingdon county that he has connected himself with the firm of Messrs. Lower & Barron, Nd. 174, North Third Street, 3rd door above Vine Street, where he will he pleased to offer every article in the HARDWARE LINE AT AtUCU LOWER rayons than ever before sent to his native county. Philad'u, March 20, 185.1.—ti. Are you Insured ? IF nut, insure your property at once rum berland Valley Mutual insurance Company. Apply to Gt.o. W. SPEER, Aytili, Bridgeport, Lt. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. B. C. McGILL Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally fur their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. He would embrace the present opportunity of informing the public that he is still prepared to furnish them with all kinds of castings; he has STOY,ES of every description, for burning either wood or coal, such as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and Ten Plate Stoves, together with tPacodd&nasii and Plough Irons of all patterns used in the State; Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown Threshing machine patterns, and the four and two horse power patterns of Chambersbug, and all other castings usitallymade at foundries, all of which will be sold very low for cash. May, 29, 1851. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Hollidaysburg,and abriut One mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 2lut day of May, the LOTS in said TOWN will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The Main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sate, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. For furflier information apply to C: H. MA Y ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE; Hollidaysburg. June 4 1850—tf. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! . IN any quantity, and df all the various patterns , the market affords, may be taiped at No. 55 North 3d Street, six doors h of the City Hotel, at the Manufacturers to each prices. Clocks purchased at the establishment may be depended upon as b no good and dura ble time keepers, or the money refunded in case of the failure of any Clock to perform according to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is the time, and here is the place for bargains, and although I do not Pretend Id sell Clocks for less than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does not admit of complaint do the part df the chisest buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell ex. elusively for cask. , THOS. READ, Jr.. No. 55, North Third Street, Philadelphia Sept. 10;1810.—tf. Temkin , Brine Plate Powder. FOR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying Silver, Silver Plated Ware, German Silver, Albata Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metals The undersigned have received from the pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these preparations for the United States. The Plate Powder has been most extensively used for a number of years in Great Britain, and is tithe used by most of the manufacturers of silver and other wares in New. York and. Philadelphia; likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. WM. TOMKINS, lie CO., Manufacturers, .‘23i Smith Second street, Philadelphia. For sale at T. K. SIMONTON'S Store, Hunting don, Pa. PHILADELPHIA ART UNION The Art Union of Philadelphia was established by its founders, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of extend ing through Out the American community that at tachment to the fine arts which is distinctive ca national refinement and civilization. Every person subscribing five dollars becomes a member of the Art Union until the succeeding annual meeting in December. Subscribers for this year are entitled to their choice of any two of the tour fulldwing splendid engravings, any one of which is fullS , worth the subscription price: I. JOHN Knox's INTERVIEW WITH M.►nx QVEI2I O,F,*.EOTTS. 2. RUT!' API, BOAi. 3. MERCY'S DnEam. '4. CIIIUSVANA AND HER CuncHRER, Each subscriber, also receives a copy of the Art Union Reporter, monthly, after his subscrip tion: this should induce early ,subscriptions. Af ter payment of all expenses, the balance of the funds arising from subscriptions is represented by prize certificates, ranging from $lO to $lOOO, which arc distributed by lot the Members, on the last week-day in Date:lllm., and are avail able only for the purchase of original works of American Artists. Thus, for five dollars each member is sure of receiving two engravings which could nut he pur chased elsewhere with the same money, and has also the chance of obtaining a fine original paint , Mg to he selected hq .JOHN SCOT'!', Esq., is tho Honorary &leve -1 tary fur this county, and will receive and remit s eel 'script ions. THE AMERICAN ART-UNION NEW YORK. PROGRAMME FOR 1841 Every subscriber of five dollars iS ti member for the year, stud is entitled to, 1. A copy of each number of the .BULLETIN (mitered to in a proceeding number,) which shall he issued iu 1851, during and alter the month in which payment of his subscription shall be made. 'rids is a monthly publication, of sixteen or more quarto pages, of three columns met, illustrated with Engravings and Etchings front works el the most distinguished artists. 11. A print of Mr. Jones's line Engraving on Steel, measuring nineteen inches by twenty-one inches, after Mr. Wdoilville's celebrated painting of Mexican News, representing a group at tht door of an inn, listening to the reading of ticeouut of the first blades of the late Mexicali War. M. A set of Five Prints from finished line En gravings on Slue!, of the average size of eight inches, by ten inches, and executed by distin guished American Engravers, tiller the following paintings, viz. : . , Marion Crossing the Pada, By Hannay, Mount Washington, from the Valley of Conway, By Kensett, Anietican Harvesting Scenery, By Cropsey, Old '76 and Young '4B, By Woodville, Bargaining for a Horse, By Mount. _ Thus forming a Gallery of American Art, of convenient size liar binding, or for preservation in a portfolid, instead of framing, if desired. IV. A share in the distribution of several hun dred paintings, sculptin•es, and drawings in water color. The subscriber has thus an unequalled oppor: tunity to achieve the triple purpose of obtaining a valuable rotors for a small investment—of se curing the possession of a superior work, gratify ing his taste for Art, and of affording encourage ment to promising Artists of his own country. SUBBCRIPTIONS IMCEIVED BY] J. T. SCOTT. lionoraqj Seentary liuntingdon, July 17, 1851. HUN PUMPS and Lead Pipe, for well or cis• -1- tern, fur sale by J. ec.. W. Saxton. May 29,'51. GREAT Improvement in Daguerreotypeing I . VAN LOAN & CO., No. 118, Chesnut street, Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in their art, enabled themselves to take pictures at all times, with great certainty—as well iu•stormy as clear weather—whirls are justly pronounced by artists and scietilic men, UNRIVALLED, I ' M depth of tone and softness of light and shade. By working themselves, they not only produce pictures which are GOOD AND CHEAP!! but by Far the Lest and cheapest which can be produred at any other establishment. Their charge for pictures in hand some improved cases, range from ONE DOLLAR to three dollars, depending on Usti Oise of the pic ture, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at other establishments, for pictures of equal size— but of inferior quality. Their GALLERY oe Pelt- TRAITS, consisting of Some IM/IdtedS, eiubrurthi a collection of DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS worthy the attention of "loiters to their rooms, which are OPEN AT ALL TIMES. The collection which they had deposited in the exhibition ache Franklin Institute, was constant ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who were loud in their praise of the artists' skill. To guard Against every possibility' of mistake, they guarantee eve& picture to be of the best ma terials, and unless it is entirely satisfactory to the customer, NO CHARGE IS MADE. . . er When visiting the city, callat their rooms, whether you wish a Daguerreotype or not. Tim admission is free, and you will be pleased with your visit.. Don't forget the Antntier, 118 Chesnut street, a feif doors below Fourth. • Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1850. GLASGOW & STEEL; Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufacturers. rpHE undersigned are now associated in the above business, in the old stand heretofore ,! occupi Wm. Glasgow, in Main street, near ly opp the store oil'. Read & Son. Every thing • it line will be furnished on the shorjes tice, and on terms that cannot fail to suit all. y manufacture the most of their ' work teems es, and can therefore assure the fpublic that ry article will be made in the best and most i ble manner. O'' A A „e assortment of superior SAD DLNB,. pr M A DE, always on hand. (17 - Fri s; and country produce, generally, taken in e hange for work. War. GLASGOW returns thanks for the liberal, patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes that his old patrons will continue to patronize the new firm. WM. GLASGOW, August 27, 1850. WM. STEEL. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOKS. Comprehensive Summary of Universal Histo ry, together with a Biography of Distin guished Persdns, id Which is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philoso phy, General Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted end used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. S..RIDTES & Co., Publishers. s: W. COrner 4th and Race sts. Philada. Teachers and School Committees addressing .tters to us post paid, will be furnished with Spies for examinatidri. A full and complete assortment of Books ml. Stationary for sale at the lowest prices. May 1,1851.—1 y tHEAP AND GOOD WATCHES, J . WELRY AND SIL V ER WARE, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 55, North f bird Street. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 caret cases, $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches, fall, jeweled, $lO arid over; Silver Lepine, jeweled, $ ll and iSiPqr; Silver Quartier Watches, $5 to $10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2; Gold Pencils, warranted, $1 end over. Breast Pins, Fingei Rings, and every des cription of Jewelry in like tiroportion. He would wish.td inform his friends in Huntingdon county, that he has enlarged his establishment, and greatly increased his already extensive stock of goods, which he now oilers for sale at such prices that will strike terror to all competitors. Call and see me; I will charge ythi nothing for looking. lion't forget the REID SIGN, six doors North of our friend Hirst's City Hotel. THOS. READ, Tr. No. 56, Nora Third Street. Philadelphin, Sept. 17, 1830. Encourage YOfir Own Mechanics! OWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully announce to the public, that they are now carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at the old stand for merly occupied by Adams & Boat, a few doors west of the Presbyterian church, where they are now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Berea,. chea, Bockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage making, of the very best kind of material, and in the latest and most apprOved style. They have nit hand now several Buggies and Rockionlys, finiihed in the latest style. They have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite those who Are desirous of purchasing vehicles to call and examine their work and materials, and judge fdr theinselves as they intend to make good work and warrriat it to be so. All kinds of country priidlice taken ,in exchange for work. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patrthinge, and hopes, by strict at. tention to busitiess,to nierit a continuance of the" same, under the new firm. We have some sec: and hand work which is of a good quality, whirls we will sell right. Give us a call. We will sell low for cash. Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1850. scwri"rniUMPIIANT! SPLENDID stock of W - AWili;: CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices. Just received ut Scott's Cheap Jewell?' Store, three doors west of T. Read & Son a store. The public are respectfully solicited to call and see. LOOK HERE! THERE'S NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS: JARIES E. Wool) Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has taken a shop one door east' . Mr Henry Smith's chair manufactory, whore lie is. prepared to manufactUre BOOTS AND SHOES. in the molit fashionable rind durable insider; and he pledges himself to spare Ito pains to fit and' please all who May fireor him with their cusstom.. He purchases the best materials he eau gut in the market. He hopes by strict attention tel busioods to receive a share of public i..atronage. All kinds of country produce taken in exclinsge for work. Huntingdon, May 8, 1831. Dlt. J. D. STONEROAD, H _ AYLNG located permanently at Mill Creek, otters his professional services to that com munity. All calls trusted to his care will receive his utmost attention. GOLD PENS-8 or 10 dillinent kinds, float 621 eta. to 10 dollars, at