VA , 2 , ' ~... - .-r- -- - E ---1 , ,-,-,: ::, 1 ;:', •.; 7 -74 ..,.i;:'-!iv,. •- 0.-1 R 4 It HALL OF FASHION AHEAD WITH NEW CLOTHING! B. &W. SNARE inform the public that they have just returned from the eastern cities with a large and splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING for men and boys, consisting of Black, Brown, Drab and Blue Overcoats; Black and Blue Dress and Frock Coats; black satin and figured Tests; ceasimere and cassinot pants; shirts, suspenders, drawers, socks, &c. ALSO, New York flats and Boston Boots; trunks, carpet bags, umbrellas, mines, &c.; all of which were purchased extremely low for cash, which will enable us to sell much lower than merchants who buy on credit. We will, as here tofore, seU very cheap for cash B. & W. SNARE. Sept. 18, 1851.-3 m. Camille Seminary The Stockholders, as well as those feeling an interest in the establishment of an Institution of learning in Cassville under the Sanction of the Methodist Church, are invited to attend a meet ing for said purpose to he held in the M. E. Church, in Cassville, at 10 o'clock, on Saturday the 11th day of October, at which time measures will be adopted to procure a Charter fo • In stitution. GEO. W. SPEER t'y. Sept. 18, 1851.-It. REAL ESTAtE AT PUBLIC SALE. pupuince of an Order of the Orptillies Court mitingdon County will be exposed to public Sale on the' premises on Wednesday the 15th day of October next, 1851, the following Real Estate, late of Samuel Zang, of Walker townpljp, deed. A certain Real Property, situated in Walker township, in said county, about three miles from the Borough of Huntingdon surveyed on a War rant granted to William k. Patton, adjoining land of Benjimon K. Morgan, James Simpson and other land of the said William M. Patton, Containing aa Glil CD ~4a. CtilM. L..W M neat measure, about thirty -acres of which are cleared, having thereon n small log house and barn, and a number of tiles bearing excellent fruit of different kinds. Terins- - -thie third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of the sale, one tided in one year thereafter with interest, and the remaining third at and intraddiately after the death of the widow of said deed., the interest of the said third payment, to he paid to the said widow, an nually and regalativ during her life, the whole to he secured by the lionds and Mortgage of the pur chaser. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, attendance will be wen fly JACOB MILIA?,11, Trustee. _ _ Sept. 18, 1851.-4 t. Valuable Real Esfait AT PUBLIC SALM In persnanee of an order of the Ophan'S ,court of Huntingdon County will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on Thursday the 16th day of October next, 1851' the undivided_ interest (W -ing the one third) of Araheli Vanderander, a mi nor child of Abraham Vandevander, late of Bra dy Township, dee'd._in the following real estate, viz : . _ A certain plantation situate on both sides of the Pennsylvania Canal, and of the Pennsylvania Rail lined, about seven miles East of the Borough of Huntingdon, and two miles East of the Village of Mill Creek, in Brady Township, `hounded by • lands of Gen. James Irvin on the East, the Ju niata river on tits south, land of JaMes Entrekin on the West, and Mud of Andrew Wise, on the North, Containing about Two hundred Acres, more or less, having thereon a two story log House and Kitchen, a large frame barn, with stone stabling underneath, a Waggon Shed and Corn -Cribs.a Stone Spring-house, a'snioke and drying house, a Cider Mill and press, ind other improve ments. About seventy acres of this land is clear ed, and in a good state of etiltivation, and a con siderable portion of the residue is well timbered. TERMS OF SALE.--Ono third of the pur chase money to he paid on the Confirmation of the sale. One third thereof in one year there after, with interest, and the remaining one third at and immediately alter the death of the widow of said dee'd. the interest of which third pay ment to be paid to the said widow, annually and regularly during her life,—the whole to be se cured by the Bonds and Mortgage of the pur chaser. Sulu to amnience at in o'clock A. M. of said day, attendance will be given by JACOB MILLEK, Guardian N. B, At the same time and place, the interest of the andersignedOlio widow and other heirs of suid deed. will be exposed to Side, upon the terms above stated, Ana (OM Confirmation of the said Minors interest we Rill join with the said Guar dian iu a Deed, conveying the Witule of said land. REBECCA VANDEVANDER, MARGARET ANN RESSLER, P. V: RESSLER, PETER VANDEVANDER. Sept. 18, 1851.-3 t NOTICE, To the heirs and legal representatives of Leon, and Steffy, deed. Take notice, that at ap Or phan's Court held at Huntingdon and for the County of Huntingdon, the second Monday, of August, 1851, on motion of Thomas P. Camp -1,01, Esq., the Court granted a rule on the heirs ...el legal representatives of Leonard Steffey, dee'd., to come into court the second Monday of november Term next and accept or ref use to take the real estate of said dec'd at the valuation thereof to wit: $2,482 58 for the mansion tract, and $893 20 for the unimproved tract, or then and theta to show cause if any you have why the same should not he said. Titis is therefore notice to all interested to attend nt the time and place above designated if von think proper. Wlll. 13. MEIGLEH, Sheri". Sheriff's Office, Sept. 18, 1851.-3 t. NOTICE. To the heirs and legal representatives of John Simpson, deed., take notice that at an Orphan's Court hold at Huntingdon in anti (hr the County of Huntingdon, the second Monday, 11111 day of Angust, 1851, on motion of William I'. ()Onset*, Esq., the Court granted a rule on the heirs tied legal representatives of John Simpson ' dee' d., to come into court the second Monday of Term next and accept or refuse to take the real estate or said dee'd., at the valuation thereof, or then and there to show cause if env you have why the seine should not be sold. This is therefore notice to all interested to attend at the time and place above designated if they think proper. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sherif Sheriff's Office, Sept. 18, 1851.-4 t. PUBLIC SALE. WVWILL he exposed to Ptddie Sale, on the prcm ises on Friday the 3(1,41 of Oel,,ber next, that well known FARM, situated a half-mild from the Burnt Cabins, Huntingdon County, Pa., con taining 300 Acres of LAND, the greater part of which is Limestone. There are about 2:19 Acres cleared, - under good•Fcmie and a high Sint& of cultivation t the reitmiuder is well Timbera— The improvrno !as are TWO HOUSES, WV . Maras, 4 hirrie Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and Stable. The Farni is well watered by a number of never failing Springs, over one of which, near the Man sion House, is.erected a large and commodious and ' Wash House. There is also a TEN ANT HOUSE on the premises, an excellent Apple Orchard and a variety of other Fruit. Cr Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known bb Sept.lB, 1851.] JOHN SPITZER Orphan's Court Sale. In Moslem. of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, the undersigned us Guar dian of the minor children of Samuel N. Wharton deed., will mipbse io sole at public outcry on the premises, on Saturday the 1 Ith day of October next at I o'clock I'. M their interest in a lot of ground situated in the village of Orbisonia in the township of Croniwell in Enid county, fronting 50 feet on Cromwell street extendeng in depth 140 feet to nu alley, adjoining a lot of William Smith on the north west, and an alley on the south cast, being numbered 22 in the recorded plan of said village, and having thereon a frame plastered house, olio and a half stories high, and a frame shop. Terms of sale—Otis third of the purchase mon ey to he paid on the confirmation of the sale— one third in one ydar thereafter wills interest, and the remaining third nt the death of the widow, the interest thereof to be paid to her regularly during her life, and to ho secured by the Bonds and Mortgage of the purchaser. DAVID BURNET, Guardian. Sept. 18, 1851.—ts. NOTICE. a , To the heirs and legal representatives of James Ross det'd, late of Brady township, Huntingdon County. ItLpu suet of a writ of partitimi or valuation inns t of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon C y, I will hold an Inquest on the premises on dipy, the 29th day of Octo ber next, to make Mil i ion or valuation of the real estate of said deed., according to not of the general assembly iu such cases made and provi led when /Ind where you may attend. • WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sher(g. Sheriff's °Mee, Sept. 18, 1051.—1 t FRESH .A11111T4.,U, MV/ GOADS AT THE ENLARGED STORE OF JAMES .11.4GUIRE, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. J M. informs the public generally that he has just received, and is opining, a large and well selected stock of NEUT GOODS, FOR FALL AND WINTER, of the finest and cheapest ever brought to Hun tingdon, consisting of every variety of LADIES' AND GENTLEaIIEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of all descriptions and of the newest styles, consisting in part of . Ginghams, Calicoes, Barnes, Lawns Silks, &c.; Mullins, Checks, Linens, Oil Lawns, Linen Diapers, Bonnets of the latest styles, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, and everything in the no tion line. MEN . AND BOY'S WEAR, Embracing Cloths, Casimeres, Satinets, Ken. lucky Jeans, &c, He has also on hand a Very large and general assortment of GROCERIES, QtTEENSWARE, HARD- WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GLASSWARE, Together with all kinds of Goods generally kept in a country store. A word to the wise, and my friends in par ticular—cull and see me before purchasing else Where, as I am determined to give bar., reniPmbrr M AGUI RE'S Cheap Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon. Sept. 11, 1851. astute of Samuel Steel, Esq., deed. Last Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Steel, Esq., late of the Borough of Hunthalon, deed., are requested to make payment in Ail of the (doling respectively lve from them on or be fore the second Monday of November next. Persons negleetiug to comply with the above notice need not expect any further indulgence. JAMES I; NV N GEORGE A. STEEL,—Ex'rs, Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court to distribute the proceeds of the Sale of the Real Estate of James Carothers, late of the Bor ough of Shirleyshurg, deceased, to and amongst those entitled to receive the same, will attend for that tairpose nt his rosiden4e in the Borough of Huntingdon on Wednesday the first day of October A I) 1851, nt 10 o'clock A. M, when and where all persona Interested can attend JAOOI3 MILLER, Auditor. Sept. 4, 1851.-4t.' FRESH OYSTERS AND REFRESHMENTS. &. C. SNYDER Take this method of informing the piddle that the,' are now receiving and are prepared to fur nish eU~~''.~3~~~L~23.~ with et'ersthing else connected with a well regu lated Eating llouse. We are determined to spare Ito eßbrts to matte our establishment an agreeable place or resort. Our stock of FRUITS, CONFECTION4RIES, GROCERIES, CSKES, NUTS, ec, if, unrivalled. IVe wish every person to givens a call, when, we are certain, we shall have the ex treme pleasure of having them "come again, and again." F. & C. SNYDER. Sept. 4, 1851.—tf. SSPOONS of the latest patterns can ho 1-7 lnul at L. Snare's Jewelry Store, I.ORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 different kinds; . from 25 cents to 3 dollars at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. X i 11 )I.T-111S and Fifty cents tbr the largest I'Uuhl Pearils, at Ed. Snare's .Jewelry Store. NOTICE. To the Creditors of William 1'ollocl.• All persons interested arc hereby notified that the final trust Account of .1/avid Burkot and William B. Leas, surviving n,signeea of William Pollock formerly of Cromwell township, Hunting don county, lies been filed in the office of the Prothonotary bf the Court of Common Pleas of said Coutity, and that the same will he presented to the said Cohrt oh the second Monday of Novem ber neftt, for confirMation ; at which than the same will he allowed by the said Court, unless cause be shown why it should not be allowed. • T. H. CREMER, Prothonotary. Sept. 11, 1851.-3 t Ophan's Court Sale. By virtue of nn order of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, the Subscriber, Guardian of the Minor Children of William Ward, late of Walker township, deed., will expose to sale on Thursday October 30, 1851, A Lot of Ground, Late the property of said deceased, situate in the borough of Huntingdon; being part of lots No 84 and 85 in the plan of the town of Hunting don, haring thereon erected a TANNERY BUILDING, TAN YARD and Fi*turts, and a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE Mid twb tenements. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur chase money to ho paid upon Confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual pay mcnts,with interest from Confirmation. M. F. CAMPBELL, bark of Orphan's Court. THOMAS FISHER, Guardian. . . • Sept. 11, 1851.—ts. EXHIBITION OF MILNIWOOD ACAD EMY. Thti seniiannital exhibition by the students of Milnwood Academy will take place on Wednes day the 94th of Sel)tember ait I o'clock I' M.— The parents guardians and friends of the students, and all intereted in the instruction, or in the cause of education generally, are respectfully invited to attend. Our next Session commences regularly on Wednesday, November the sth. It is desirable that students come before Wednesday as it is our rule to begin the exercises of the schudi particularly ot, thin day. The subscriber would niso announce to the pub lic that arrangements will be made to supply the vacancy occasioned by the decease of his brother and associate principal, before the commencement of the next term; and that no droner expense will be spared to inal:c the Institution worthy the pat ronage and confidence now enjoyed and which it is hoped, Will continue to be extended with undi minished liberality. The Itoarding-house will he under the immediate management of Mr. Sam uel Campbell, fur several sessions a teacher in the Institution, and his amiable and excellent lady. Parents may be assured that every attention will he paid to the health and morals of their sons, as wtll as to their that iutellectuat improvement, and eer theility will be atiorded fur their personal comfort had conveniace. • * J. 11. W. MeGINNES, Sept. 11, 1851.-3 t. • PUBLIC SALE, Will be sold at public sale on Thursday, the 9.5 th of September, 1851, ut Paradise Furnace, Tod township, lluntingdon county, the following furnace property, to wit: - . . 8 Mules, 0 Horsesi 14 sets of horse and mule gears, f six home wagons, 4 ore beds, 2 real beds, 75 coal baskets, 24 ore boxes, 2 iron coal barrows. 1 wooden do., 1 ore barrow, a lot of Fornme Bars end tools, 2 iron Twueyrs. G log chains, 3 patent Mitring boxes, 4 feed chests, 3 teed troughs, 2 jerk screws, 12 barrels of tar, picks, maddoeks, shovels, and spades, two tons Ober-iron, and a va- rie:ty ofothor flinuied tools not coumcr• nted: ALSO, at the snmil time and place, STOIC E GOODS,.. consisting , of brond cloths, cassimers, satti nets, flannels, vestings, ginghams, calicos, &c. &e. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when duo attendance and a reasonable credit will be given by HORATIO TREXI.EII, S• Co. Sept. 11, 1891. Auditor's Notice. 'l'llc undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of the County of Huntingdon to marshal the assets in the hands of Wilson Stewart and Edwin J. Adntinistratom of the c-tate of Juhit Bruce, late of West township, in said county, dee'd., and distribute the same amongst the creditors of said deed., hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend Par the purpose ut making said distribution on Sat urdav the 27th last, at eleven o'clock, A. M. at the dwelling house of the undersigned in said township, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. WILLIAI I .I Y. PORTER, Auditor. Sept. 4,1851.-4 t.• ELLUL (; ) AND &ILO - tw*a.M2.;..E.latal.S.2.W. The subscriber has, by extreme exertion, and with the assistance of a few friends, at last Elle , . seeded in opening an assortment of " • A CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, in till! formerly occupied by Dr. 11. K. Neff and Brother, one door east of Mr. Livingston's Hotel, in the borough of Iluiningdon, where he offers fur sale a great variety of the above articles at very low prices. Clucks, Watches and Jewellry will be repaired in the very best manner, all of which he . will war - rant for one year. tic hopes,.by xclling nt low prices and paying strict attention to business, to merit a libera share of public patronage. JOSEPH RIGGER. Illinting,lon, Aug. 14, 11351.—tf. TILE 110T7AEWIFE'S DELP AND 111.11AND'S JOE! THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID , ;:S away entirely with that laborious task of robbing the Clothes upon the washboard. It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious to the finest !nitric or the flesh. The proprietors wish every one to giVe it a trial, and if it does not prove to be as recommended, the money, in every such ease, will he refunded. Full directions ac company each bottle. Retail price 121 Cents per Bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings, and saving the Clothes, more by not rubbing them, than the cost of of six . bottles—besides venturing stains of fruit, &c., if there be any, and dm time and labor sayed. Prepared only by I. I'. HOYT & CO.. Philadelphia. . . J. Campbell Boggs, Shirleysburg, Agent for Ilnatingdon Connty. All orders received by hint wholesale or retail, will be promptly attended to. B OOKS and SI'ATIONAIIY of all kinds at El. Snare's Store. VALEALLB D, 11.11 4_411A• B Y virtu,: of authority conferred by a special act of Assembly, 1 will expose to public sale Thursday, 6th November, 1851; upon the premises, in West township, Hunting don county, the form of the late Andrew Newell, dec . d. ' situate about six miles from the Pennsyl vania Canal and Railroad, a short distance from the public rood loading from Huntingdon to Belle fonte, and in the immediate neighborhood of Moore's mid Neff's Mills. It contains Sla 40, CD3 Ll - 2. and allowance, about 40 acres of which is wood land and Well timbered, and is one of the hest wheat farms in the valley of Shavers Creek. The improvements are a large BANK BARN 100 feet long b y 40 feet deep, a large two story DWEL LING HOUSE, both nearly new, end a large Orchard oeexcellent fruit trees. There are about 30 acres of meadow; there is water in almost every field. and the whole limn is in a good state of cultivation, mid antler good &rice. Its vicinity to market, to school, to place of war ship, to nubile roads, and to mills, its improve ments, and the quality of the land, render it one of flit most desirable farms now before the public for sale. Terms (which will be easy) made known on day of 1.11. MARGARET NEWELL, Executrix. Sept. .1, 1651. N. B. Any information desired will be given by the Executrix on the premises, or by William Dorris, or John Scott Estes., of Huntingdon. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOIEN STONE Sr, SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Silks, Itibbonds & Millinery Goods, _ _ No 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPIIIA, AHE now prepared to otter their customers and the trade generally, a very large and hand some assurtment or Bonnet Sating, of all colors, Corded and Plain Velvets, of all colors. Fate) , Bonnet nod Cap Ribbons, Paris Fancy Feathers, French and Americas Flowers, &e. &e evildoing themselves exclusively to this branch of the olc and impo•tin/ the loge part of their stock enables them to eller an assortment unsur passed in extent and variety, which will be sold at the lowest priecs. Sept, 4, 1851.-4t.' Auditor's Notice. *,.. l o s The undersigned auditor appoint distriliure the balance of looney in the hit f Blair & Madden's assignees among the erei i ors will at tend fbi that laureate at his office in the Bor ough of liiintiugdon, on Tuesday the 2nd day of October next. at ten o'clock A. M. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Sepl4, 1551.-40 GENERAL ELECTION. Spa atirrs PNOCLAPIATION, ▪ UT,ISENT to an Act of the General Assent • Lb, o f the f:lommouwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An net, reft:!ing to the elptious of this Commonwealth," approved ;!.c curdled day of'd uly A.D. 1639, 1, WM. B. zeIGLER ; nigh Roth , ' 'of the county of Huntin;thm, in the St,ati ;,‘frenn sylvania, do hereby make known and give noiL , to the electors of the comity aforesaid, that a Gen eral Election will he held in said county of Hun tingdon, on the SECOND TUESDAY (14th day) OP OCTOBER, 1851, at which tune State and County officers, as follows, will be elected ON; PELSON to fill the ofliee of Governer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON to fill the office of Canal Commis 4ioncr of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. FIVE PERSONS to fill the offices of Supreme Judges of the Commonwealth of PCTIRSyIVaIIiO. ONE PERSON to fill the office of President Judge in the di , triet composed of the counties of Hun tingdon, Blair and Cambria. Two rEnsois to fill the office of Associate .Ju1,..; - es of I unti ngdon county: Tao rtmsos to represent the counties of lknntingdon and Blair in the House of Zepr,,en naives of the Commonwealth of _Pennsylvania. nmsos to fill the office of Prothonotary of the county of Huntingdon. ONE PERSON to till the office of liegi , tur end I:evoiller of the county of lluntngdon. 11NE rayon to till the (Alice of Trea,urer of the county of it tintitiplon. Two rEitsoNs to fill the office of cotinty Corn misgioners fur the county of Huntingdon. ONE MESON to fill the utile° of Coroner for the count• of Huntingdon. ONE PERSON to fill the office of Auditor fur the county of Huntingdon. Tnium Pt ...sons to fill the office of Directors of the Pour fur the county of Huntingdon. In pursuance of said Act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that the places of bolding the aforesaid general election in the several elec tion diStriets within thcsaid county, are as 'Mows : Ist district, composed of Henderson township, and ull thnt of Walker township not in the 16th district, at the Court Ho use in the Borough of Huntingdon. 2d district, composed of Dublin township, at the house of Mathew Taylor, in said township. district, composed of en much of Warriors mark township s is not included in the 19th dis trict, at the school house adjoining the town of Warriersmark. 4th distret, composed of the township of Ilope well, at the School Homo at 'lough and Ready Furnace in said township: sth district, composed of the township of Barree, at the house of James Livingston (formerly John Harper), in the town of smilsbury, in said tp. 6th district, composed of the township of Shirley, at the house of D. Frillier, in Shirleysburg.. 7th district, composed of Potter a n d Walker townships, and so mach of West township as is hi eluded in the following boundaries, to wit begin ning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufbmn's farm on the bind. of the little Juniata river, at the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a north easterly direction to the most Southernly part of the fiu•m owned by Michael Maguire, thence 1101111 40 degreeS West 10 the top of lassey's mountain, to intersect the lino of Franklin township, thence along said lino to little •Juniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning, nt the public school house opposite the Merman Ref. Church, in die borough or Alexandria. Bth district, composed of the township of Frank lin, at the house of Jacob Mattem now occupied by Geo. W. Matteru, in said township. 9th district, composed of Tell township, tit the Union School House, near the Union Meeting House, in said township. 10th district, compo.ed of Springfield township, at the school house near Hugh Madden's in said township. 11th district, Composed of Union tp., nt the school house tieur Ezekial Corbin's in snit' town- 12th district, compni,ed of Brady, township, at the mill of Janie! Lane, in said tp. 113111 district, composed of Morris township, itt tie het, now occupied hy Abraham Moyer, (Inn keeper.) late Alex. ',envy, Jr., in the village of Wotendreet, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West tp., not included in the 7th district, at the public school house on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by James Menlo,) in said tp. 15th district, composed of that part of Walker township lying southwest of a Ifpe commencing opposite David Carliiii's !mime, at the Union tp., lino, thence in a straight line, including said Cor bin's house to the corner of Porter towliship, on the fruntingden and Wdodcoek valley mad; at the house of Jacob Magahy, tp. _ _ I6th district, composed ofthe towlishin Of Tod, at the Green School House in said tp. • 17th district, coninosed of that part of West tp., on the south-cast side Of WaiTiorridgt, beginning at the line of West and Rendersini townships, at the toot of said Ridge, to the line of Barrett town ship, thence by the divisiOn liuc Of.llitrree and West townships to the sumriiit of Stoic mountain, to intersect the line of liendersi mil West town ships, thence by said line to place of Liinning. at the house now occupied by Benjamin torhie, on Murry's Run. 18th district, composed of Cromaell tp., at the house now occupied by David Endre, Orbisonia, 19th district, composed of the Borough of Bir mingham, with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the same, 110 W owned and occupi ed by Thos. M. Owens, Joins K. M'Caliati, A. Roberson, John Gensimer and Win. Gensimer, situate in the township of Warriorsmark, at the public school house in said Borough. 20th district, composed of Cates township at the public school house in Cassville, in said tp. 21st district composed of Jackson township, at the house of Robert Barr, now occupied by John Hirst, at MeAleavy's Fort, in said tp. 211 district, composed of Clav township, at the house of Joshua Shore, at the 'three Springs, in said township. • 23d district, composed of Penn Township, at the school house on the farm of Jacob Drumbaugli, in said townsbp. I also make known and give notice, as in and 17 the 13th section of the the aforesaid net I tau di ihrticied, " that every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appOintmet of profit or trust under the government of the U. States, or of this State, or Of any city or incorpo rated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the le gislative, executive, or the judiciary department of this tate, or of the U. States, or any city or incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, com missioners of anY incorporased district, is by late Incapable of holding or exercising at the same I time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be then eligible to any office to be then voted for." Also, that in the 14th section of the act of As sembly entitled " Act relating to executions and for other purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it is en acted that the aforesaid 13th section " shall not be construed as to prevent any militia officer or bor ough officer front serving as judge, inspector, Ili clerk, or any general of special election in this Commonwealth." Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th section in the net aforesaid, the judges of the afore said districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respect tive districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge from .eateihilistriet, at the Court House in the Borough of Iruntingdon, on the third day after the do , of the election, lacing for the present year on FRIDAY, the 17th Of October next, then od there to do and perform the duties - rertmied by lauf said judges. Also, taut whcr6 a judge by sickness an' unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting' et ttlges, then the certificate of return ailiresaid shat taken charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of' the election of said district, and shall do and perform :lie ditties re quired of said judge unable to attend. Also, in the Gist section of said, net it is enact ed that "every general' and special election shall he opened between the hours of eight and ten in the fOrenoon, and shall continue without interrup thin or udjournment until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed." Given under My howl at Huntingann the 4th any of September, 1851, and of the Independence of the United States the set•otltby-fifth. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, ? September 4, 1851. 5 M. & J. AI. ROVE. wiIOLESALE DEALERS. 25 . , 01 N. Thin! St., 3d door• below Race, PHILADELPHIA. 00,000 Corn Brooms,Boo doz. Painted Buckets, 500 nests Cedar Tuhs, GOO Cedar Churns, 400 boxes Clothes Pins, 800 nests Willow Baskets.— Also, every description of Bristle Brushes, Mats, Eastern, Cedar, Wood, and Willow Ware at the lowest mantacturors' cash prices. N. B.—Orders okomptly filled. August 28, 1851. Administrator's Notice. L•'stnto of Joseph Parsons, late of Tell Township, deed. LETTERS of Administration having been greeted to the undersigned on the above estate, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are requested to present their accounts properly authenticated for settlement, and all per sons indebted to said estate will make payment without delay. ELIZABPTII PARSONS, Administratrix. Sept. 4,1831.-6 t WANTED. A JOURNEYMAN CARRIAGE MAKER, to work chiefly on bodies and wheels. Address the subscriber, ut Alexandrin, Huntingdon co. Pa. JOSEPH PIPER.I -, Aug. 28, 1851. Encampment of the 4th Itrigade. At a meeting of the officers (Atha 4tll Brigade 14th Division, held in Huntingdon, August I.lth it was Resolved, To hold no encamp:neat at Ruining don conimeoCug nu Wednesday the Bth day of October, to continuo three clays, and that the military of the State ho incited to participle. The following committee of arrange:befits was appointed Brig. Gen. Geo. W. Speer, Brig. Inspector Jtt,., 0. Lightner, Capt. 11. C. McGill, Capt. Crotsiei• Capt. J. 0. Sharrer, Lieut. 'Lewis, Lieut. Vecker, Muj. Chas. Mickley, Adjt. A. IV. Clurk.u, Lieut. Murry, Lieut. Bout, Lieut. Suigert, Lieut. Snare, Lica. lleeter. T llE fittest fast color.' 12 } cent Lawns for sale by J. 6. II: Saxton. May 29, 51. ASplendid assortment of tmlios Slippers for 'solo by d• IV. Saxton. May 29,'51. rrilili best assortment of Hardware in town, for sale by J. ik 1V Saxton. Hay 29.'31. AIILNWOOD ACADEMY, A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. Shade Gap, Ilinatingdon County, l'o. Rev. J. Y. Mclitursa ' A. Principal and Prolf`Pssur of Natural and Moral MOMS. J. 11. W. McOnfraf, A. M., Professor of Lauguages. Dr. ItleKssgur, A. 8., Professor of Mathe rnatich. Conne embraces all the 1 Branches necessary to prepare young men either for the Higher Classes in College, or for the duties of a profession and the active business of Life. - The Academy Buildings are new, commodious and id every way adapted to 'the ,accommodation of a large number of Students. The lotion is distingtiiihed.ibr•its healthfulness inid the moral and religidtis•ehartptor of its suvroudding com munity. The year is divided into two sessions of VI re stoarns'each. The Winter Session cent , mencing on the lot Wdilneigay of 'ffisvembie anti the Summer Session on the last Wednesday y TERMS PER SESSION, Orthography, Reading and Writing,• • • Arithmetic Geography, Grammar, Philosophy, Mathemutica, Greek and Latin Lan gunges, French and German, each (addition nl charge,) 5,00 Boarding, exclusive of . fuel and lights $1,37i per week. • The whole expenses for a Session, inclusive of Tuitivri, Washing, Fuel, &c., do not amount to over $5O, and with economy, less. Ur The subscriber, encouraged by the liberal patronage ho has already received, would repeat that he is determined to spare no effort in making the Institution under his care, one that will com mend itself to all parents and guardians who de sire to give their Sons and wards thorough pre paritory education without exposing them to the contaminating and immoral influences that exist in more populous communities. Itir The place is easy of access, being on the Stage route that connects Chambersburg with the Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry. Gir For reference or further particulars ad dress J. Y. McGINICES. Shade Cap, Pa., July 31, 1851-4 in Philadelphia Medical House, ESTABLISHED 15 TEARS AOO DT DR. RINKELIN, N. 11. Corner of Third and 17idon Streets, Between Spruce and Pine Streets Philadelphia. VII"fEEN yearsef extensive Mid uninterrupted I. practice spent in UHF city have rendered Dr. K. the most expert and successful practitioner fitr and near, hi the treatment of all diseases of a private naitire. Persons afflicted with ulcers up on the ',Oily, throat, or legs, paini in the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disease arising lions youthful excesses or impuri ties of the blood, whereby the constitution has be come enfeebled, are all treated with success. He who places himself under the care of Dr. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Young Men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in—a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school—the ef fect of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and constitutional de bility, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general prostration, irritability and all ner vous affections, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, and every disease in any way connected with the. disorder of the procreative functions cur ed, and , fitll.oo„or restored. YOU'I'II3a MANHOOD. A ligoraus a Premature Death. Kinkilin on self Prescrettiicin. Only 25 cents. . . . _ This Book just published is filled with useful information, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to r;. , UTII MANHOOD and OLD AGE, and should be read by all. The valuti!de advice and impressive warning it gives, will pr e ve n t veers of misery and suffering and save annually thousands of lives. • Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent the destruction of their children. •.. A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a let ter, addressed to DR. KINKELIN, N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under en velope; per return of mail. . . Persons et a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, (host-paid,) and be cured at home. Peeling. 'of Medicines, fun warded, by sending a remittance, end put up be. cure from damage or curiosity. Notice of Adutinistratiott. Estate brJ(IIIN SHEEDER, of . Tod Township, lluntingdoti county, deed. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the above named estate have been this day granted by the Register of Huntingdon county to the subscribers,—all persons having elaims'against the estate of said decedent are requested to make known the same to the undersigned. without delay and those in debted to said estate will make immediate pay ment to the same. . ANDERSON. Adm'r. August 7,1851.-6 t. • • • NOTICE. The accounts of the late James Clark for advertising and job work, have been put into. the hands of the undesigned for collection. Therefore persons who are in debted for such work, or whose accounts are unsettled, will please call and make settlement with the undersigned at his Office in Huntingdon. W. P. ORHISODL P. S. All monies due said Clark for sttbscriptions to the "Journal" are to be paid to Alrin. IL Peightal; the present pro priotor, he having purchased the mine: • Huntingdon July 17 'sl] W. P. O. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE• Tliehindemigned, Assignees of Daniel Protsman of liiceonnelstown, under a deed of voluntary all sigmuent for the benefit of creditors, request as persons indebted is any measure to said Protsmen to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. .11/HN B. GIVEN, JO} VYBER, Assignees cennue[Mown. N. 1.1.—W0 will sell at ,publ4: M sale in McCon. nelstown on Saturday 30th Augase, at one o'clock P. M. 113 sides of Spanish sole leather. August 21, 1831. A BegatMal lot of Parasols f0 . r 1.7. 1e w 1 . : y sexion, May 29, 51, ONE first rate 4 octave, harp bland BIEL() 1/EaN for sale at Sept 11.1831 ED. SNARE'S, $5,00 19,00