Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 18, 1851, Image 1

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N.:. 1 / 4 "e?
3. D. WILLIAMS & Co.,
1V holesale Grocers and Commission ilferchants an
Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg
No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg.
HAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
week, the following goods, of the most re
cent importations, which aro offered on the most
reasonable terms:
115 catty boxes prime Green Tea.
45 half chests do .do
46 " Oolong and Chulan.
100 bags Rio Coffee.
15 " Laguyra and Java.
60 boxes B's, s's, and Ilb lump tobacco.
35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel.
20 and ido No. 1 do
2 and do Salmon.
50 oxes scaled 'Herring.
1300 lbs extra Madder.
• 3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves,
6 bags Pepper & Alspice, 1 bbl Nutmegs,
2 bbls Ground Ginger,,, 1 bbl ground pepper,
1 1,1,1 Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard
10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves,
3 bbls Garret's Shuff, 45 bki Stearin Candles,
20 bus Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do
100 dos Masons Black'g 100 lbs sup. Rico Flour,
100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 doz Ink,
150 doz Corn Brooms, 125 doz Patent Zinc
50 hxs extra pure Starch,,. Wash Boards,
25 do Saloratus, . , iJs ll'. P. Molasses,
15 bbls S. 11. Molasses, 10 4o P 1916,1 Syrup,
25 do Loaf, Crushed, 5501bs seedlesS Raisins,
& Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs,
20Ars Bordeaux Prunes, 55 Illy Sicily A'r' g ues,
5 boxes Reek Candy, 2 boxcs Genoa Clirons,
10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond
12 doz Military Soap, Soup,
1 bid sup. Carl, Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar,
1 case Pearl Sago 2 cases Isinglass,
2 cases Sicily & Refined 1 ease Arrow Root,
Liquorice, 150 Bath Brick,
1 bbl Flour Suphur, 100 gross Matches,
100 doe Extract of Lem. 5 doz Lemon Sugar,
orl, Rose & Venilla, I cask Sal Soda,
Glass, Nails, White Lead, Lard oil, &e.
Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son
" Fisher & M'Mtirtree,
•, Charles Miller,
Ilonorable John Ker,
May 15, 1851.—1 y,
cia cm, co Lb ac_a es) un
RHSPECTFULtY Informs the citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon and the public generally,
that he has taken the shop formerly occupied by
T. Adams, where ho is carrying on business as
in all its branches, and be hereby solicits a share
of the public patronage. Ily strict attention
to his business (intending to be at home at all
limes) and care in the manufacture of articles, ho
tholks o please those who may become his pat
rons.tiiiit.also,to induce a fair trade.
• ii5F He makes CidAs and attends Funerais on
the shortest notice.
crHo has a SPLENDID HEARSE fur the
accommodation of those living is the country.
Huntingdon, Juno 26, 1861,3 m.
Bogs leave to rotnrn his sincere thanks, for the
vary liberal patronage ho lies heretofore: received,
ttsl at the same time informs a generous public,
that he still continues the
at the old stand of Jacob Snyder, where ho will
he pleased to have his friends call and leave their
Every garment is warranted to lit neatly, and
shall he well made.
Hunt.) July, 1851
Useful, Beautiful and Ornamental l I
BEGS LEAVE to inform the people of Hun
tingdon, and the rest of mankind, that ho has
bought, brought and opened the richest, largest
and cheapest assortment of
ever beheld in this meridian In addition to his
unprecedented stook of Watches and Jewelry
he is just opening a most exeelkiit variety o
miscellaneous BOOKS, as well as School
Books and STATIONARY, which he is de
termined shall be mild lower than ever sold in
. . . . . .
Call in and see if this statement is not cor•
rect. Store formerly occupied by Neff lis
fl Old Gold and Silver wanted,
April 24, 1851.
UNPATENTED LAND S.—All persons in pes
session of, or owning unpatented lands with
in this Commonwealth, are hereby notified that
the act of assembly, passed the 10th of April,
1035, entitled "An Act to graduate lands on which
looney is due and unpaid to the Commonwealth
pf Pennsylvania,' and which net has been extend
ed from time to time by supplementary kiwi,
DECEDIBER NEXT, . after which time no
abatentennt can be made of any interest which
nay have accessed upon the original purchase
it will therefore be highly important to those in
terested to secure their patents and the benefits
of the said act and its supplements during the
fluid the same will continue in fort,
August 28, 1851
Al3eautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets,
large and smell. Also, children's Flats for
sale by J. 6. Ir. Saxton.
Alay 29,'51.
BAGLEY'S Superior Gold Pens, in gold and
silver patent extension eases, warranted to
give entire satisfaction, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
THE undesigned begs leave to call the atten
tion of Printers and. Publishers, to the fact
that he continues to manufacture all kinds of
TYPE at his old stand, N. W. Corner of Third &
Chestnut streefS,. Philadelphia, at his usual low
prices for cash. fie has just introduced a large
quantity of now style
all .£ which are made of the best metal; and for
beauty of finish and durability, cannot be surpass
ed by any other foundry in the Union. llis long
experience, in the ditibrent branches of the trade
as well a,s,in the mixing of metals, will, he flatters
himself, enabled him to intik . ° a better article and
at a much less price than any of his competitors.
He keeps constantly on hand a large variety of
Cases, Chases, Composing StickS,lmposing-stones,
Common and Brass Galleys, Stands, Bodkins,
Brass Rules, Leads, Printing Presses, Furniture,
and all other articles required in a Printing Office.
Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine
cents per pound.
Printers are requested to call and examine his
Oddments before purchasing elsewhere. All or
ders thankfully received arid proniptly attended to,
at his Philadelphia Type Foundry, corner of
Third and Chestnut streets.
July 3, 1851.-ly
N. K. NEFF, M. D.,
A VIN Glocated himself in WARIIIORSMARK,
in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the ebuntry adjacent.
J. IL Ludon, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, Esq,
J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinu,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
Hon. George Taylor.
liantingdon, Pa.
Jacob M, Gemmill, 111. D.; .41r.erualria.
John M'Culloch, " Petersburg.
Splendid Stock of . New and Cheap
Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry,
dt Phiadelphia Prices.
J. T. Scott has just received from Philadelphia
and is now opening a new and very largo assort
mot of Gold and Silver Watches, 8 day and thir
ty hour Clocks, Jewelry, mid a great ,ariety of
other irticles, which he is enabled to sell at rates
much lower than usual. " Quick sales and small
profits" is his motto, the proof of which will bo
found on examining his excellent assortment
April 10th 'sl.—tf
CAT al 01111(01T 1E4111T1117-5
N. B. All operations Warranted,
'Tis True is the place to purchase Spring and
Sunaner clothing, cheaper than you can buy in the
city of Philadelphia.
The Proprietor of ,6 Coscumn HALL," has just
arrived from the East with the largest assort
ment of ,Spring acid Summer Clothing, suita
ble for men and boys, ever offered to the good
citizens of Huntingdon county.
He does not wish td dffend his friends by of
ering to give them any article of Clothing they
may desire, but he will sell so cheap that it will
mount to the same thing in the end.
Takes this method of announciig. to his
friends ; and the pablic generally, that he has
leased the long established and well known
stand, lately. .oecupied by Col. Johnston, and
flatters himself he is prepared to accommodate
all who may honor him with a call, in the most
satisfactory manner.
will always be furni.lhed with the choicest vi•
ands the market will afford, and
Is as good as can be found in the borough,
Huntingdon, April
Town Lots for Sale.
The subscriber has several town lots, situate
in the most pleasant part of West Huntingdon,
(the ground tbrmerly used by him as a Brick Yard)
which he will dispose of on very reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 15, 1851.-0.
F ANCY Articles in endless variety at
E. Snare's Store.
AMAX 85. MARKS inform the public that they
still continue to make coffins at the old stand
formerly occupied by Thomas Burchinell in the
rear of the Sons of Teniperance Hall, fronting on
Washington Street, and attend funerels either
in town or country. They keep a splendid Hoarse
for the accommodation of their customers.
July 17, 1851.—tf
All persons having unsettled accounts with the
late firm of Dorsey & Maguire are respectfully re
quested to call and have the sonic, satisfactorily
arranged, as they aro determined to have the ac
counts settled without respect to persons.
Huntingdon July 31, 1841.
May 22, '5l. Ed. Snare's.
IT ADIES Gold Pena and Pencils at the Cheap
Corner Jewelry Store.
re ANS—A beautiful assortment at various prices.
Also, Card Cases, Iloquet Holders, Miley En
velopes, Note Paper, aied other articles expressly
for the Ladies, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
1. 0 Half Harrel!, Herring for sale by
J. I t Saxton,
May 29, '5l.
Is a lion in the wny
Keep cool
Tell him you respect his pride,
But, that you may go ahead,
lie must please to stand aside.
Keep cool.
Does ho rouse and show his teeth
Keep cool ;
Tell him yon enjoy the laugh :
Give a single lightning glance,
And he'd dwindle to a call
Keep cent
Are you hampered by the blues?
Keep cool;
When you find your conscience clear,
With your hands and brains at work,
Not a devil will be seen.
Keep cool.
Has a Shylock left you thin?
Keep cool:
HO'S the loser—don't despair :
Now that your eye-teeth are through,
Keep your temper; grin and beau•.
Keep cool.
Does a villain slander you 1
Keep cool;
He can never hit his mark.
Since his nature is so mean,
Let the snarling puppy bark.
Keep cool.
Should the Prince of Serpents hiss.
Keep cool;
Show him Truth's old honest whip
When ho sees you bold and firm,
You will find that oil he'll ship.
Keep cool.
Can't you stand upon your sense ?
Keep cool;
Queer that you should think you can I
Prudent people fathom sense
With a golden plummet, man !
Kee ii cool.
Cannot you reform the world i
Keep cool;
Only one thing you can do—
Give a brave heart to the work ;
Heaven wants no more of you.
Keep cool.
Let things jostle as they will,
Keep cool;
Seize this truth with heart and hand—
lle that ruleth well himself,
Can the universe withstand.
Keep cool.
How Locofocos Treat Laborers.
The Canal Commissioners appear anz
ious to acquire an infamous notoriety.—
On the North Branch Canal they give the
good funds of the State to Gordon F. Ma
ton and JOU Laperte—two as bitter Lb
corocoti as any one need desire to see—
and these men in return furnish
their shaving shop ragged depreciated
small notes of other States. The Canal
officers contrary to law, compel the la
borers to take this filthy currency or go
without pay! This is the way Locofoco
Canal officers treat poor men on the
North Branch. They aro treating them
even worse on the Delaware Division.—
They have paid them for but one month's
work far More than a year past. Road
the following from the Easton Whig of
the 3d inst :
"We hear complaints from every quar
ter against the Canal Commissioners, for
their conduct on the Delaware Division
of the Pennsylvania canal. Whilst other
sections of the State aro receiving their
pay, and the Commissioners are prosecu
ting extensive experiments on the l'or
tage, and elsewhere, the Delaware ,Divi
sion, the most profitable section in the
State, is robbed and defrauded of the very
money which she pours into the public
treasury. . _ _
The hands who keep the canal in or
der have received but one month's pay
for more than a year past. If these gen
tlemen suppose that the peoplo along the
Delaware Division are to be forever com
pelled to wait till the last, they are mis
taken. We know that the appropriations
for the Delaware Division of our Canal
were largely increased the last session of
the Legislature. What has becdme of
the money? It is a disgrace to tho Com
monwealth that her laborers are deprived
of their honest earnings. If an individ
ual should pretend to carry on improve
ments and keep his lab?rors out of their
money for a year at a time, he would not
hold up his head in society. Why shall
the agents of the State be allowed so to
disgrace her 1 We say again, let this be
looked to. Let our laborers have their
rigts ; their ask no favor—nothing but their
hard earnings to be paid to them, in. order
that they may discharge the claims upon
them. We shall refer to this subject again
Unless the evil is remedied."
The object of the Canal Commission
ere is manifest. They destie to build up
4 floating debt unauthorized by the Leg- ,
lature and in the meantime allow their
servants to use the money appropriated for
repairs to fill their pockets or electioneer
for William 'Bigler. We have had enough
of this villany. It shall not be practiced
any longer with our consent. We demand
to know to what use the money has been
applied which the Legislature appropria
ted to keep up the Delaware Division of
the Canal 2 Why have the laborers not
been paid ? Who has the money just
ly belonging to them? Are Locofoco 'offi
cers not content with robbing the State?
Must they rob laborers also?
Why is it they Don't Answer I
For several weeks we have been seeking
an explanation of certain facts which aro
proved by the Records of the State. The
Locofoco press have not condescended to
give the necessary explanation, and briefly
present them again in the hope of meet
ing with better success. We wish to
Ist. Why no foes were ever paid front
the office of the Secretary of the Com
monwealth into the State Treasury for the
fourteen months, elapsing between April
Ist, 1843, and June Ist, 1844
2d. What was the name of the clerk in
the Secretary's office, who for eight years
Fcceived $7OO per your for recording, the
laws; although he never recorded a single
line 11'
3d. Why was it that in 1845—'46—'47
and '4B, the entire amount received by
the State from the Enrollment of Laws was
only $9,080, whilst with the same prices,
- Gov. Johnston in 1849 and '5O received
$20,635 ?
4th. Why was it that so small an amount
was ever, under former Locofoco Adminis
trrtions, paid into the State Treasury as
tax on taxable commissions issued by the
Governor. In 1845 but $259 39 were
accounted for, although about one thou
sand Cointhissions were issued to Justices
of the Peace, on each of which the law
imposed a tax of $2l
sth. Why was it that, taking the years
1845—'46—'47—'48—'49 and '5O, over FIVE
THOUSAND DOLLARS more were every
year spent for public printing by Looofoco
Legislatures, than when the Whigs eon
trolled the Legislature 1 And
iith. Why was it that, taking 1843—'44
'4s—'46—'47—'4B—'49 and '5O, the average
annual Legislative expenses were under the
CENTS, whilst under the Whigs they
LARS less than under Locofoco rule 1
When these are explained we will have
some more questions to ask. Wo com
mend tho early attention of Loootoco Edi
tors to these FACTS, which oven they dare
not deny !—Daily ✓/merican.
A Million.
Few people have any conception of the
stupendous sum, which is designed by this
terns. Some writer having stated in an
nrtfelo heiided wllut becomes of all - the
pins? that million of billions of pins must
vanish, nobody can toll how or where, in
the course of a year, Euclid, a correspon
dent of the National Intelligencer, shows
up the absurdity of the assertion in the .
following style :
I think, sirs; the author tif that article
tho't little of what ho was saying, when
ho said that millions of billion's must vanish
in the course of a year Many pins, un
doubtedly, vanished every year; but any
mathematician will demonstrate to us that
a single billion has never yet been manu
factured. A billion according to Noah
Webster, is a million of millions—a nuni
ber, so vast, I say, that the human mind
has not the capacity to Comprehend it.—
A manufactory making one hundred per
minute, and kept in constant operation,
would only make fifty-two millions five
hundred and ninety-six thousand per an
num, and would require near twenty Vida
sand jeers, at the same ratio, without a
single moments cessation, to make the mini
ber called a billion.
To our mind, there appears to lie
hope of escape for the United States fi it
her present financial cmbarrasments, than
in a change of her present revenue stun,
As we are now situated, we appear to be
the mere shopkeepers of England for the
goods which she manufactures for us out
of our own materials. So long as this is
the case, so long must we, in our judge
ment, play this small second part, and our
coin be at her command.
To the gold of California, the United
States is only a sort of half-way house, is
its journey to England. For instance, the
last Chagres steamer brought the large smtl
of one million eight hundred thousand dol
lars ; but scarcely had she landed her pre
cious cargo before the steamship Africa
sailed with eight hundred and fifty-seven
thousand dollars of it, of that, which this
was to replace. Three days after—last
Friday—the City of Manehester sailed
with two hundred and thirty-eight thou
sand dollars ; and on Saturday, the Baltic
followCd with five hundred and thirty-eight
thousand more. Thus, in the space of a
week, we received $1,800,000 from Cali
fornia, and send $1,633,000 to England,
to say nothing about that carried away by
the packet ships for the store destination.
This is only a sngle instance in the opera
tion of the system.
How much better for all our people—ex
cept perhaps, a few importing merchants
and ship owners,—would it be, if we fos
tered our own manufactures, and thereby
create a HOME MA.RKE:r for Our produce,
and keep our coin in the country. It is
a well established principle in political e
conomy, that the cost of transportation
must always be borne by the producer;
hence the advantage that a maket at our
doors must have over a foreign one, three
or four thousand miles off.--Germantown
Is Col. Bigler an Abolitionist ?
Notwithstanding all the professions of
Col. Bigler and his friends, that ho is pro
slavery, and goes for slavery through thick
and thin, oven for its re-establishment in
the land of Penn, those who NC him as
sociated with and supported by such Free
Soil loaders as Wilmot & Co.. must suspect
his honesty. If Col. Bigler is not an
Abolitionist, why do his friends rely upon
the free-soil yeti; for his election 2 Why
do they boast that the free soil vote of
Bradford and the northern counties will go
for him and elect him 3
If Col. Bigler is not an Abolitionist, why
did he put himself under the control of
David Wilmot and his free soil friends,
when ho visited Bradford county ? Why
did he sit in convention and receive the at
tention and caresses of these men, whom
the locofoco organs denounce as "enemies
and traitors to their country ?', Why is
Col. Bigler in "sweet council" with such
men ? and why has he employed as editor
of the Union office, a man who formerly
edited Wilmot's free-soil paper in Bradford
county? If Col. Bigkr Is not an Aboli
tionist, why is it that his whole hopes of
election . rosts upon abolition votes? And he
as well as his friends all know unless he gets
the whole vote of his Abolition friends in the
North, ho will be beat at lea 4 TWENTY
not Wilmot publicly endorse him as their
accepted and avowed candidate ? He did.
[Pennsylvania. Telegraph,
The Democracy of the Locofoco
Judge it by their three last candidates
for the Presidency. Martin Van Buren
was a Federalist, and voted to deprive poor
men of the right to vote. James K. Polk
was a Federalist, anti his grandfather was
a tory in the Revolution. Lewis Cass
was an ancient Federalist, and even iu this
latter day exhibits his love for old Feder
al doctrines, at every opportunity. James
Buchanan, who is now , proposed as their
candidate for 1852, it is well known ; long
ago disclaimed the posSession of a single
drop of democratic blood. And this is
the party that arrogates to itself the title
of Democratic! For twelvo years they
have heeii fighting under Federal leaders,
and yet they call themselves .Democrats!
We think that it is about time for the
Farmers to begin to inquire after the
whereabouts of their great friend, the
• Tariff of 1846. Their great enemies the
Iron-masters, are pretty well used up; half
the Furnaces are out of blast--the Forgk•
hammers are stopped—the mining of • Coal
and Iron goes on very slowly, and the tolls
on the Public Works are pretty seriously
reduced; so far as those articles are concern
ed. The way to Europe, though,—that
great foreign Market which was to pay
them so splendidly for their grain and thntr,
is wide open —nearer at hand than Bier
throught the operations of steam; and
surely now they are reaping golden rewards
for their products. Providence has been
bountiful, and has blessed their labors
with au abundant harvest of "the finest of
wheat," heavy, 'round, ripe and rich; but
what has the policy of man done for them?
In 1847,, when the Irish famine and the
failure of continental European crops, caus
ed a demand for American breadstuffi4, how
our Locofoco friends boasted of their Tar
iff of 1846 ! Then wheat went up to $2
bushel, and flour to $9 and $lO a barrel;
and the Farmers were told to look at that,
and see what their true and only friends,
the Locofoeos, had done for them. There
were the fruits of the Tariff of 1846.
Well that Tariff is still in being—the Lo
cofoco majority in Congress, notwithstand
ing Mr. FiLtAiottE's urgent rdboirmacittla
tkms, refuse to permit their darling to be
touched; and what now are the prices of
grain ? Going down—down—down !
Wheat is 70 vents a btiltel—flour hardly
brings $4 a barrel on time; and there is no
prospect of a change for the better.—
Eyery successive arrival from Europe
brings intelligence like thiS :
.Thnerican flour D ECIANED six
pence per barrel—wheat had declined Ilea
pence per 70 lbs. since the sailing of the
Asia on the 16th of August !
All the while we are sending off Califor
nia gold to import into our country ? wherd
we already have so large a surplus, Euro
pean wheat and flour, in the shape. of Iron,
Cotton and Woollen G yetis, Silks, &c., &c.,
at the rate of Two Millions and a half of
Dollars a month ! Well dues the Harris
burg dlncrican exeiai
" How admirable is Locofoeo policy
It destroys our Home market—makes us
dependent on a foreign. market—although
that mallet is precarious, and has brought
American wheat and flour so low that the
American Farmer cannot sell his grain
there at tieing prices. The Farmers of
our country will learn their own interest
when they come out for a Protective Tar
iff—build up a safe and remunerating
Market :tt home, and thus ensure living
prices for their products. Whig policy
will promote the Farmers' interest. Lo
cofoeo p,,liey is now depressing it and has
redneed the price of grain to its present
low stionhcrd."
OF FICE.-.1 '.'incinnati paper states that
three years a,:z-O a poor orphan girl applied
and was admitted to set type for that pa
She worked two years, during which
tune she earned, besides her board, about
$2OO, and availing herself of the facilities
which the printing office offered, acquired
a good education. She is sow an associ
ate editress of a popular paper, and is eu:
gaged to be married . to one of the smartest,
lawyers in Ohio. We should be disinclin
ed to credit the above if we did not have
so many evidences of the elevating influ
ence of the printing office.
THE FOUR BOXES.—The following toast
wits given at the supper of the National
Guards, New . York :
The Four Boxes which govern the world .
The bollot-box—the jury-box—the car
tridge-box, and the band-box!
Too OBSERVANT.—The husband of, a
beautiful wife, upon returning home, was
mot by one of his offsprings, all smiles;
clapping his hands, and saying : •
Pa, Mr. has blunt here—he is
such a nice nian•—he kissed us all around,
and mother tOo!".
New York Day Book says :
If our wife wanted to run away with
another man, we would bid her God speed;
for we think too much of her to see her
want for any thing.'