Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 11, 1851, Image 3

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    Mr. Bigler voted Against the In
dividual Liability.
On the 10th of April 1843, the bill to
renew the charter of the Farmers' and
Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia was un
der consideration in the State Senate, when
Mr. Hill and Mr. Black moved to amend
by adding a new section making the
stockholeders severally liable in their in
dividual capacity for each and every valid
claim against the Bank, which occurred
during the time they were severally stock
holders, except in cases where depositors
and the Bank otherwise agree in relation
to the liability for their deposits. This
was LOST by a vote of 9 to 17. The
amendment was SUPPORTED by Messrs.
Baily, Black, Dimock, Hill, M'Cully, M'-
Lanahan, Mullin, Penniman, and Crispen,
Speaker—all Locos but one—and OP
sixteen other members of the Senate ! !
His name is recorded in the negative—lN
OPPOSITION to a princpile which his
party affect to donsider essential to the
safety of the community !
Mr. Bigler talks glibly of Banks, cor
porations and their evils. When in the
Senate he voted for some Banks; he al
lowed many bank bills to pass without op
position; lie voted for the incorporation
of companies by the score ; he voted 'as
we proved above, against the Individual
Liability clause in a Bank charter, and
yet he seeks to humbug the people by
concealing these facts and pretending to
hate those Institutions which he helped to
create! Mr. Bigler's situation is pitiable.
At every turn, some motion, word or vote
of his returns to show his insincerity and
inconsistency.—Daily 4merican.
On Tuesday, 2d inst., by the Rev. Da
vid Williams, Rev. J. B. Williams of this
place, to Miss Catharine Ickes, of Lock
port, oounty.
On Sunday, the 81st ult., at Shade
Gap, J. Y . aleGinnes, Principal and Pro
fessor of Shade Gap Academy.
' On the 25th ult., in the borough of
Hollidaysburg, abraham Van Tries, Esq.,
aged 78 years and 6 months.
Reported for the Journal.
7a. M. 2p. m: Up.m,
TuEa.—Sep.. 2 70 82 71
Wzmrs. '. 3 58 77 63
TUUEB. " 4 58 80 64
FRIDAY " 5 GI 85 74
SATI) y. " 6 64 81 70
SUNDAY " 7 63 86 72 •
Mom) 72
8 72 ,84
JACOB MILLI.' , Oissmtvtut
. PItiLADELPIIR, Sept. 9, 1851
Flour per bbl. $3 75
White Wheat per basbel 91
Red do 82
Rye. 61
Corn 62
Oati , 134
Farmers, hereafter, May rely upon being kcpL
fully booked up in regard to the Philadelphia mar
ket for produce—our quotations are taken from
the • . 'N,;rili American and United States Gazette,"
one of the best and most reliable commercial pa
pers in the Union.
Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
J. Y. informs tho public generally that ho
ias just received, and is opening, a large and
*ell selected stock of
NMI?' G00D.%
of the finest and cheapest ever brought to thin
tingdon, consisting of every variety of
Of all descriptions and of tho no•rvest styles,
consisting in part of
Ginghams, Calicoes, Barages, Lawns, Silks,
&c.; Mastitis, Checks, Linens, Oil Chintzes,
Linen Diapers, Bonnets of the latest styles,
Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Handker
chiefs, and everything in the no
tion line.
'Embracing Cloths, Casimeres, Satinets, Ken ,
tucky Jeans, &c,
He has also on hand a very large and general
assortment of
Together with all kinds of Goods generally
kept in a country store.
A word to the wise, end my friends in par
ticular—call and see me before purchasing
elsewhere, as I am determined to give bar
3 'Please remember MAGUIRE'S Cheap
Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon.
Sept. 11, 1851.
Estate of Samuel Steel, Esq., decd.
Last Notice.
All persons indebted to tho estate of Samuel
Steel, Esq., Into of the Borough of Huntiadon,
decd., aro requested to make payment in full
of the claims respectively due from them on or be
fore the second Monday of November next.
Persons neglecting to comply with the above
notice need not expect atw farther indulgence.
ONE first rata 4 intim, harp stand MELO
DEAN for sale at
Sept 11,1831
To the Creditors of William Pollock.
All persons interested arc hereby notified that
the final trust Account of David Market and
William IL Leas, surviving assignees of 'William
Pollock formerly of Cromwell township, Hunting
don county, has been filed in the offieo of the
Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of
said County, and that the same will be presented to
the said Court on the second Monday of Novem
ber next, for confirmation; at which time the
same will be alloWed by the said Court, unless
cause be shown why it should not ho allowed.
T. H. CREMER, Prothonotary.
Sept. I l, 1831.-3 t
Ophan's Court Salo.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Huntingdon County, the Subscriber, Guardian of
the Minor Children Of William Ward, late of
Walker township, deed., will expose to sale on
Thursday October 30, 1851,
A Lot of Ground;
Late the property of said deceased, situate in
the borough of Huntingdon; being part of lots
No 84 and 85 in the plan of the town of Hunting
don, having thereon erected a
and Fixtures, and a FRAME DWELLING
HOUSE and two tenements.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to he paid upon Confirmation of
sale, and the residue in two equal annual pay
ments,with interest from Confirmation.
Clerk of Orphan's Court.
Sept. 11, 1851.—ts.
The semiannual exhibition by the students of
Milewood Academy will take place on Wednes
day the 24th of September at l o'clock P. M.—
The parents guardians and friends of the students,
and all interested in the instruction, or in the cause
of education generally, are respectfully invited to
Our next Session commences regularly on
Wednesday, November the sth. It is desirable
that students come before Wednesday as it is our
rule to begin the exercises of the school particularly
et. that day.
The subscriber would also announce to the pub
lic that arrangements will be made to supply the
vacancy occasioned by the decease of his brother
and associate principal, before the commencement
of the next term; and that no etibrt or expense will
be spared to make the Institution worthy the pat
ronage and confidence now enjoyed mid which it
is hoped, will continue to be extended with undi
minished liberality. The Boarding-house will
be under the immediate management of Mr. Sam
uel Campbell, for several sessions a teacher in the
Institution, and his amiable and excellent lady.
Parents may be assured that every attention will
be paid to the health and morals of their sons, as
well as to their intellectual improvement, and that
ever facility will be afforded fbr their personal
comfort and conveuipnce.
J. 11. W. McGINNES.
Sept. 11, 1851.—1 t.
Will be sold at public sale on Thursday, the
25th of September, 1851, at Paradise Furnace,
Tod township, Huntingdon county, the following
furnaCe property, to wit:
1 , 1 Mules, 6irtirses, --- 14 sets of horse and mule
gears, 6 six horse wagons, 4 ore beds, 2 coal
beds, 75 coal baskets, 24 oro boxes, 2 iron
coal barrows. I wooden do., 1 ore barrow,
a lot of Furnace Bars and tools, 2 iron
Twucyra, 6 lug chains, 3 patent cutting
boxes, 4 feed chests, 3 feed troughs,
2 jack screws, 12 barrels of tar,
picks, inaddocks, shovels, and
spades, two tons of bar-iron, and a va
ofother furnaeo tools not counter•
ated: ALSO, at the acme thee and plahe,
consisting of broad cloths, cassimers, Aqui
nets, flannels, vcstiugs, ginghnms , calicos, &c. B,c,
Side to tointnenco'ailo o'clocl, A. it., when
duo attendance and a reasonable credit will be
given by
Sopt. 11, 1851.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phan's Court of the County of lluntingdon to
marshal the osseta in the hands of Wilson Stewart
Mid.gdwin J. Neff, Administrators of the estate
of John Bruce,.. late of West township, in said
county, and distribute the same amongst
the eredittrs of Said dee'd., hereby gives notice
to all persons interested, that he will attend for
the purpose of making said distribution on Sat
urday the 27th lust, at eleven o'clock, A. M. at
the dwelling house of the undersigned in said
township, when and where all persons interested
may attend if they think proper.
Sept. 4, 1851.-40
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's
Court to distribute the proceeds of the Sale of the
Real Estate of James Carothers, late of the Bor
ough of Shirleysburg, deceased, to and amongst
those entitled to receive the same, will attend
for that purpose et his residence in the Borough
of Huntingdon on Wednesday the first day of
October All. 1851, nt fu o'clock A. M, when
and where all persona interested can attend
Sept. 4, 1851.-40
Take this method of informing the public that
they aro now receiving and aro prepared to fur
with everything else connected with a well reg.-
Into! Eating House.
We are determined to spare no efforts to make
our establishment an agreeable Place of resort.
Our stock of
is unrivalled. We wish every person to givens a
call, when, we are certain, we shall have the ex
tremepleasure of having thorn "come again, and
again." F. & C. SNYDER.
Sept. 4, 1851.—tf.
S ILVIai SPOONS of the latest patterns can be
E. Snares Jewelry Store,
PORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 different kitids;
froth 25 roots to 3 dollars at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
SIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents fur the largest
Gold Pencils, at
Ed. Snarc's Jewelry Store.
nOOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at
Ed. Snare's Store. .
Byaevtirot;lsosfeamtihyop will expose ' t boy
public a special
Thursday, 6th .November, 1851,
upon the premises, in West township, Hooting
don county, the farm of the late Andrew Newell,
dec'd., situate about six miles from the Pennsyl
vania Canal and Railroad, a short distance from
the public rood leading from Huntingdon to Belle
fonte, and in tho immediate neighborhood of
Mdore's and Neft"s Mills. It contains
I CD Cat Lna-gd
and allowance, about 40 acres of which is wood
and well timbered, and is one of the best'
wheat farms in the valley of Shavers Creek. The
improvements are a large 13ANK BARN 100 feet
long by 40 feet deep, a large two story DWEL
LING DOUSE both nearly new, and a large
Orchard of excellent fruit trees. Thorn er° about
30 acres of meadow; there is water in almost every
field, and the whole farm is in a good state of
cultiyatioa, and under good fence.
. .
Its vicinity to marker, to school, to place of wor
ship, to publii, roads, and to mills, its improve
ments, and the quality of the land, render it one
of the most desirable tiu•ms now before the public
for sale.
Terms (which will be 'easy) Made lolown on
day of sale.
Sept. 4, 185!
N. B. Any information desired will he given
by the Executrbk on the premises, or by William
Dorris, or John Scott Esq's., of Huntingdon.
ntronrcns AND DEALERS IN
Silks, Ribbonds Sc Millinery Goods,
No 45 South Second Street,
ARE now prepared to offer their customers and
the trade generally, a very ludo and hand
some assortment
Bonnet iNtins,. of all colors,
Corded and Plant Velvets, of all colors,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
Paris Fancy Feathers,
French and American Flowers,&c. &c.
- .
Confining themselves exclusively to this branch
of the trade and importing the large part of their
stock enables them to offer an assortment unsur
passed in extent and variety, which will he sold at
the lowest prices.
Philad'a, Sept, 4,1851.-4 t.•
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned auditor appointed to distribute
the balance of money in the hands of Blair &
Madden's assignees among the creditors will at
tend for that purpose at his office ht the Bor
ough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 2nd day of
October next. at ten o'clock A. M.
Sept. 4, 1851.-4t.`
PURSUANT to an Act of the General Assem
hly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled'' An net relating to the elections of this
Commonwealth," approved the second day of July
A.D. 1839, 1, WM. B. ZEIGLER, High Sherif
of the county of Huntingdon, in the State o:'Penu-
SylVania, do hereby make known and give notice
to the electors at the county aforesaid, that a Gen
eral Election will be held in said county of Hun
tingdon, on the SECOND TUESDAY (14t1t day)
OF OCTOBER, 1851, at which Bmo State and
County officers, as follows, will be elected
ONE PERSON to fill the taco of Governor of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Oi:E PERSON to fill the Mace of Canal Commis
sioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Five rEnsoria to fill thin offices of Supreme
Judges of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvanio.
0:4; PERSON to fill the office of President Judge
in the district composed of the counties of Bun
t itigtion, Blair and Cambria.
Two PERSONS to fill the office of Associate
Judges of Huntingdon county.
Two PERSONS to represent the counties of
Huntingdon and Blair in the House of Represen
tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON to fill the office of Prothonotary
of the county of Huntingdon.
ONE ransoN to fill the office of Register and
Recorder of the county of Huntogdon.
ONE PERSON to fill the office of Treasurer of
the county of Huntingdon.
Two PERSONS to fill the office of county Com
missioners for the county of Huntingdon.
ONE PERSON to fill the office of Coroner for the
• county of Huntingdon.
ONE POISSON totiil the office •of Auditor for the
county of Huntingdon.
THREE PERSONS tofill the office of Directors of
the Poor for the county of Huntingdon.
In purstuthe . c of enid Act, I also hereby make
known and give notice, that the places of holding
the aforesaidgeneral election in the several elec
tion distt lets within thesaid coun ty, are as follows
let district, composed of Henderson township,
and all that part of Walker township not in the
latia district, at the Court Ito use in the Borough
of Huntingdon.
2d district, composed of Dublin township, at the
house of Mathew Taylor, in said township.
:h1 district, composed of so much of Warriors
mark township ns is not included in the 19th dis
trict, at the school hods° adjoining the town of
4th distrct, composed of the township of Hope
well, at the School House at Hough and Ready
Furnace in said township.
sth district, composed of the township of Berm,
at the house of James Livingston (formerly John
Harper), in the town of satilsbury, in said tp.
6th district, composed of the township of Shirley,
nt time house of D. Fraker, in Shirlcysburg.
-- •
7th district, composed of Porter and Walker
townships, and so much of West township as is in
cluded in the following boundaries, to wit: begin
ring at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufman's
farm on the bank of the little Juniata river, at the
lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a north
easterly direction to the ntpst southonly part nfthe
farm owned by Michael Magtiire, thence north 40
degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain, to
intersect the line of Franklin township, thence
along said lino to little Juniata river, thence down
thO same to the . place of beginning, at the public
school house opposite the German itof. Church,
in the borough of Alexandria.
Bth district, composed of the township of Frank
lin, nt the house of Jacob Mattern now occupied
by Geo. W. Matters, in said township.
9th district, composed of Tell township, at the
Union School House, near the Union Meeting
House, in said township.
10th district, composed of Springfield township,
at the school house near Hugh Madden's in said
11th district, composed of Union tp., at the
school house near Ezekial Corbin's in said town
12th district, composed of Brady, township, at
the mill of James Lane, in said tp.
13th district, composed of Morris township, at
the house now occupied by Abraham Moyer, (Inn
keeper,) hue Alex. Lowry, .Tr., in the Otago of
Waterstrect, in said township.
14th diStriet, composed of that part of West tp.,
not included in the 7th district, at the public school
house on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis,
(formerly owned by James Ennis,) in said tp..
15th district, composed of that part of Walker
township lying southwest of a line commencing
opposite David Corbin's house, at the Union tp.,
• line, thence in a straight line, including said Cor
bin's house to the corner of Porter township, on
the lluntingdon and Woodcock valley road, at the
house of Jacob Magahy, in sold tp.
Nth district, composed of tho tewhship of Tod,
at the Green School House in said hp.
17th district, composed of that part of West tp.,
on the south-east side of Warrior ridge, beginning
at the line of West and Henderson townships, at
the foot of said Ridge, to the line of 13arree town
ship, thence by the division lino of Barren and
West townships to the summit °Mono mountain,
to intersect the line of Henderson and West town
ships, thence by said line to pluee of beginning, at
the house now occupied by Benjuinin Corbin, on
Murry's Rum
18th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at the
house now occupied by David Etnirc, Orbisonia,
19th district. composed of the Borough of Bir
mingham, with the several tracts of land near to
and attached to the same, now owned and occupi
ed by Thos. M. Owens, John K. M'Cahan, A.
Roberson, Joim Gensimer and Wm. Gensimer,
situate itathe township of Warriorsmark, at the
public school house in said Borough.
20th district; composed of Cass township at the
public school hsass ill Cassville, itt said tp.
21st district composed of Jackson township, at
the hous'e of Robert Barr, now occupied by John
Dirst, at McAleary's fort, in said tp.
22,1 district, composed of Clay township, et the
house of Joshua Shore, at the Three Springs, in
said township.
23d district, composed of Penn Township, at the
school house on the ffirm ofJacob Brumbaugh, in
said townshp.
I atse drake known and give notice, as in and
by the Bith section of the the aforesaid act I ant di
directed," that every person, excepting justices of
the peace, who shaft hold any office or appointmet
of profit or trust under the government of the U.
States, or of this State, or of :My city or incorpo
rated district, whether a commissioned officer or
agent, who is or shall be employed under the le
gislative executive, or the judiciary department
of this S tate, or of the U. States, or any city or
incorporated district, and also, that every member
of Congress and of the Stato Legislature, and of
the select or common council of any city, com-
IIIiSSiOIION of any incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or exercising at the same
time,the office or appointment ofjudge, inspector
or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any
such election, shall bo then eligible to any office
to be then voted for."
Also, that in the 14th section of the act of As
sembly entitled " Act relating to executions and for
other purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it is en
acted that the aforesaid 13th section " shall not be
construed as to prevent any militia officer or bor
ough otlice• front serving us judge, inspector, or
clerk, or any general of special election in this
Common wealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th
section in the ant albresa id, the judges of the nfore
said districts shall respectively take charge of the
certificate or return of the election of their respect
tire districts, and prober them at is meeting of
one judge from Oath district, at the Court House
its the Borough of Huntingdon, un the third day
after the day of the election, being for the present
year miss FRIDAY, the 17th of October next, then
and there to do and perform the duties rerrjuied
by law of said judges. Also, that where n Judge
by sickmssor unavoidable accident, is unable to
attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate
of return . aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one
of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said
district, and shall do and perform the statics re
quired of mid jndge anal& to attend.
Also, in the 61s1 section of said, act it is enact
ed that " every general nail special election shell
be opened between the boors of eight and ten its
the forenoon, and shall continue without interrup
tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening when the polls shall be closed."
Given under my hand at Huntingdon the 4th slay
of September, 1851, and of the Independence of
the United states the seventhy.lifth.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ihmtinittion,
September 4, 1851.
M. & J. M. ROWS.
No. 111 N. Third St., 3d door• below Rare,
20,000 Corn Brooms,Boo don. Painted Bucker:,
500 nests Cedar Tubs, 000 Ceder Churns, too
bases Clothes Pins, soo nests Willow Baskets.—
Also, every description or Bristle Brushes, Mats,
Eastern, Cedar, Wood, Mid Willow Ware at the
lowest muntheturers' cash prices.
N. B.—Orders promptly tilled.
August 28, 1851.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Joseph Parsons, lets of Tell Township,
LETTERS of Administration lotting been
granted to the undersigned on the above estate,
all persons having claims against the estate of said
deceased are requested to present their accounts
properly authenticated tier settlement, and all per
sons indebted to said estate will make payment
without delay.
Sept. 4, 1851.—Gt.
work chiefly on Inaßeg and wheels. Address the
subscriber, at Alexaudria, I luntingdon co., Pa.
Aug. 29, 1851.
Encampment of the 4th itrigade
At a meeting of the officers of the 411 i Brigade
14th Division, held in Huntingdon, August 11th
It was
Resolved, To hold an encampment at Hunting
don commencing on Wednesday the Bth day of
October, to continue three days, and that the
military of the State be invited to participate.
The following committee of arrangements was
appointed :
Brig. Gen. 020. W. Speer, Brig. Inspector
Jus. G. Lightner, Capt. R. C. McGill, Capt.
Crotsley ' Capt. J. 0. Sharrer, Lieut. Lewis,
Lieut. Decker, Maj. Chas. Mickley, Atljt. A. W.
Clarkson, Licut. Marry, Licut. Boat, Licut.
Suigert, Lieut. Snare, Lieut. Heeler.
rimlE finest fast colored 12i cent Lawns for sale
Iby J. 6• Saxton.
May 29, 51.
ASplendid assortment of Ladies Slippers for
sale by J. d• IV. Sa rion.
May 29, '5l.
MBE hest assortment of Hardware in town, for
sale by 1. ,je S,,eton.
May 29, '5l.
The subscriber has, by extreme exertion, and
with the assistance or a few friends, at last suc
ceeded in 'opening. en assortment of
in the shop formerly occupied by ])r. IL K. Neff
and Brother, one door east of Mr. Livingston's
Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon, where he
offers for sale a great variety of the above articles
at very low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewellry will be repaired
in the very best manlier, all oft hick he will war
rant for one year.
He hopes, by selling at low prices and payhig
strict attention to business, to merit a libel,
share of public patronage.
d0:41 , ,P11 ItIG(1E1
Huntingdon, Aug. 14, 1451.—tr.
DOES away entirely with that laborious task
of rubbing the Clothes upon the washboard.
It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious to
the finest fithrie or the flesh. Time proprietors
wish every one to give it a trial, and if it does not
prove to be as recommended, the inoncy, in every
such ease, will be refunded. Full directions ac
company each bottle. Retail price 121 Cents per
Bottle, sufficient to do two cullinary washings,
and saving the Clothes more by not rubbing them,
Omit the cost of of six bottles—besides removing
stains of fruit, &v., if there be any, and time time
and labor saved.
Prepared only by I. P. lIOYT & CO,
J. Campbell Boggs, Shirleysburg, Agent fur .
Ifunting:don County. All orders received by him
wholesale or retail, will be promptly attended to.
The accounts of the late James Clark
for advertising and job work, have been
put into the hands of the undesigned for
collection. Therefore persons who are in
debted for such work, or whose accounts
are unsettled, will please call and make
settlement with the undersigned tit his
Office in Huntingdon.
P. S. All monies duo said Clark for
subscriptions to the “Journal" aro to be
paid to Win. H. Peightal, the present pro
prietor, ho having purehaiod the same.
Huntingdon July 17 '5ll W. P. Cl.
The undersigned, Assignees of Daniel Protsmnn
of MeComielstown, under a deed of voluntary as
signment fbr tho benefit of creditors, request all
persons indebted in any measure to said Protsman
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present theM for settlement.,
Assignees, 111.C.C?nilol!to‘vn.
N. B.—We will sell at - pnbli . c sale in McCon•
nolstown on Saturday 30th August, at ono o'clock
I'. M. 113 side.; of Spanish sole leather.
_ .
August 21, 1851
North-East cor. IValnut & Second Six., Phila
IJAS on hand, ast received, a complete As
sortment of sill:yr GUNS, Powder Flasks,
ant»e Bags, and all other Sporting Apparatus of
the best and most approved patterns.
He lots constantly on hand SPORTING POW
DER of all descriptions, Percussion Caps, Shot,
Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank Cartridges, and a
general assortment of materials for Gun Makers,
Also PERCUS SION CAPS of it stiperior qual
ity, designed expressly for IT. S. Rifles.
An .Gortment of PISHING TACKLE always
on hand.
All the above, and any other articles in his line,
the Subscriber will sell as low as any other estab
lishment in the United States.
Iu tv , tiniony of his skill as a Mannfacturer, the
PI;ANEI.IN INSTITUTE, in the years 1840
end 1842, awarded to him Two CERTIFI,
CATEti— and in the years 1844, 1846, 1847,
1848 and 1850 EIVE SILVER MEDALS, all of
which may be seen at his place of business.
Philatnt, July i 4, 1851.—ant.
Eldridge , s Patent Corn Sheller.
The attention of the Public is invited to this
improvement in Corn libellers, which is acknowl
edged to be far superior to any other, being on
an entirely new principle shelling the Corn length
wise of the car, the cob passing straight tlu•oagh
without revolving, thereby requiring no gearing
to increase its speed, which adds so materially to
the cost of other machines. It turns easier and
shells cleaner thou any other, and is portn
:* in size and durable in construction. Persons
interested ore invited to call and see it in oppera
thin. The Right of this and other Counties for
sale. Fur further particulars address or ap
ply to DAVID ELI/ 11 IDG 5,
North W. Cur. 2nd & Dock sta. 3rd story.
Matadi'. July 31, 1831.-3 m.
UNPATENTED LANDS.—AII persons in pos
session of, or, owning unpateuted lands with
in this Commonwealth, are hereby notified that
the act of assembly, passed the 10th of
tB3, entitled "An Act to gnoloate !awls on which
enter is due and unpaid to the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania,' and whi , ll net has been exteml
cd from time to time by supplementary laws.
DECEMBER NEXT, after which titme no
abatemennt can be made of any interest which
may have accrued upon the original mirelitt,e
It will therefore be t hose in
terested to secure their patent- s l ti!s !Tat:fits
orate said net and its sulinli.m,iits during the
time the 8111110 will continue itt
ISAAC l'El(i IIT.\ 1,,
August 28, 1821.
A Beautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets.
Inrgo and small. Also, children's Flats for
sole .1. 6. W. .saxion.
May 29, '5l.
14 , 101.41 Y'S Superior Gold Pens, in gold and
silver patent extension cases, warranted to
give entire satisfaction, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
A. Beautiful lot of Parasols fur sale M•
May 29, 51.
Shade Gap, Huntingdon Countg, Pa.
Rev. .1. Y. McGimins, A. M., Principal and
Proleisor of Natural and Moral Sciences.
J. 11. ,W. MCGINNES, A. M., Professor of
Dr. Mc KINN I, r, A. 8., Professor of Mathe
MIIE Course of Instruction embraces all the
Branches necessary to prepare young men
either for the Higher Classes in College, or for
the duties of a profession and the active business
of life.
The .Acm!enty Buildings are new, commodious
and in every way adapted to the accommodation
of a 1, 6 e numb, of Stiidents. The location is
distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral
and religious character of its surrounding com
munity. The year is divided into two sessions of
vivo storvrits each. The Winter Session com
mencing on the lot Wednesday of November and
the Sunnuer Session on tie last Wednesday of
Orthography, Rending and \Criting,• • •
Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar,
Philosophy, &c.,
Mathematics, Greek and Latin Lan
French and German, each (addition
ah charge,) 5,0(0
Boarding, exclusive of fuel and lights $1,371
per week.
The whole expenses for a Session, inclusive of
Tuition, Washing, Fuel, &c., do not amount
to over $5O, and with economy, less. . •
The subscriber, encouraged by Thu liberal
patronage he has already received,, would repeat
that is determined to spare no ellint in making
the Institution under his care, one that will .com
mend itself to all parents and guardians who de
shy to give their Sons noel wards thorough pre
paritory education without exposing them to• the
rontattinutittg and immoral influences that exist
in more poptdons 'communities. e
'is 'easy of access, heing .on the
Stage route that connects Cluitebersburg with the
Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry.
(i . 5" For reference or further particulars ad.
dress J. Y. MeIIINNES.
Shade Gap, Pa., July 31, 1851-4ni
Philadelphia Medical House,
N. 11 1 . Corner of Third and Union Streets,
Between Spruce and Pine Street;
Flh"f F.EN years of extensive and uninterrupted
practice spent in this city have rendered Dr.
K. the must expert and successful practitioner
far and near, in the treatment of all diseases of a
private nature. Persons afflicted with ulcers up
on the body, throat, or legs, pains in the head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel,
disease arising from youthful excesses or impuri
ties of the blood, whereby the constitution has be
come cnfeeblcd, aro all treated with success.
who places liiinsolf under, the care of Dr.
If., may religiously confide in his honor as a gen
tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a
Young Men who have injured themselves by a
certain practice indulged in—a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school—the a
-1 tbet of which are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body, should firmly
• immediately. Weakness and constitutional de
bility, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude
• and general prostration, irritability and all nor
vows affbetions, indigestion, sluggishness of the
nthl every disce,e in any way connected
with the disorder of th e procreative functions cur
ed, anti full vigor restored.
A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death.
Kinkilin on self Ayserration. Only 25 cents.
This Book just published is Oiled with useful
information ' on the infirmities and diseases of the
Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to
should be read by all.
- -
The valuable advice and impressive warning it
gives, will prevent years of 'nisei.) , and suffering
and save annually thousands of lives.
Parents by retitling it will learn how to prevent
the destruction of their children.
••• A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a let
ter' addressed to DR. KINKELIN, W. corner
of Third and Union streets. between Spruce and
Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under en
velope, per return of mail.
Portions at a distance may address Dr, by
letter, (post-paid,) and be cured at home.
Pitckages of Medicines, Directions, &e., for
warded, by sending a romittanee, uud put up se
cure from damage or curiosity.
Notice of Administratiott;
Estate or JOHN SHEEIDER, of TOd Township,
Huntingdon county, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the above named estate
have been this day granted by the Register of
Huntingdon county to the subscribers,—all
persons having claims against the estate of said
decedent are requested to make known the same
to the undersigned without delay and those in
debted to said estate will oaks immediate pay
ment to the same.
August 7, 1851.-6 t.
maelEat Elk 746.1 . 7r"Pii
The Grenteit
rir $1 per 17:111e, or Six RoWeiler g 5.
It Is now put op in QUART BOTTLES, of the
man pincer andirnediegil ((limey as when in smolt bottles
Each Large boldo contains SIXTY-FOUR DOSES,
and the medications aro ao Strongly Coneentroted
that only on. Tathle•pooryful is required at a Done—three
goner a day—thee one bottle lasts Twenty-One Do3i ,
which Is much longer than a bottle of any other medicine
lasts, because them la required of this a loom quantity
attn dose.
Thu great Superiority of this Blood Portlier over all
other medicines, consists in agreat measure in its pos.
leseing en a part of lie compound, the powniel Medical
Virtue: of some Scarce and Rare
Indian Roots and EarkEi,
which an othermoil Minept losiesseA. Tim., aro°. women -
krea Purifiersi the Blood that were ever knows, to
either larthin or while men, amt them boing res•potarded with
the sfronyl,consentrateti Extract+ of
Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock,
make this Vegetable Extract, not only the grendat
Blood Purifier, but deo, n cheaper median. by
great odd, than any other. It le oh•apdr. Weenie the
....ay of it that now be bought for Otto Doll. will NE
much longer, null will cure Tea Times more Blood
diem.. than One Dollar's worth of uny other tnedicine.
rir For undoubted proof or the Curse of
- - -
Scrofuli, Fever-Sores,
Scald. tread, Erysipelas, Salt.l2Amare, Rheumatism, Syphua.
Eruptions, l'inerlee on Me Paw, Livoi , enntPin....
Lumbago, Cancerous Meer, COMIIiVCIIMIS, Sort
Eyes, Dye/tap/11a, Runs in the Side, Breast, lkmes, and
Jonas, and ALL OTHER IMPURE-BLOOD DDlE•srs, neo
PAIIII'MLE TS and Handbills—every Agent bum them to
eve awaT.
For sale by T. K Sostox•rox, Huntingdon; J.
N. Swoope, Alexandria; J. Lutz, Sbirleyshurg;
J. 6. J. Kelly Burnt Cabin; Jaws Kelly, Santa
be; and by Merchants and Druggists generally
All olden; must be addressed in Wallace & Ca ,