THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA, Thursday Morning, Aug. 28, 1851, J. SEW ELI. STEWART-EDITOR, TERMS OF PUBLICATION: Tele " HUNTINGDON J01:11NAL" is published at the following rates, viz : If paid in advance, per annum, *LAO If paid during the year, 1,15 If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,30 To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • 1,25 THZ above Terms will he adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be taken fur a less period than six months, and no paper will he discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, unless nt the option of the publisher. V. B. PALMER Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, to receive advertisenients, and any persons in those cities wishing to adver tise in our columns, will please call on him. FOR THE PRESIOENC'Y IN 1 . 852, WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY. FOR VICE PRESIDENT IN tSS2, JAMES C. JONES, OF TENNI;ISSEh. FOR GOVERNOR IN 1851, WM. F. JOHNSTON, OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY. FOR CANAL COMIUMONEM JOHN STROHM - 1 OF LANCABTER. YOU TIIP SUPREMH WM. M. MEREDITH of Philadelphia, RICH. COULTER of Wesmorelnud. JOSHUA W. COMLY of Montour. (lEORGE CHAMBERS of Franklifi: WILLIAM JESSUP of Susquelnuitint WHIG COUNTY TICKET. FREE , ' DENT Jul11;E, HON. GEORGE TAYLOR Associate Judges, JONATHAN M'IVILI,IAMS, Franklin, HENRY BREWSTER, Shirleysburg. Assembly, WILLIAM B. SMITH, Jackson, Prothonotary. THEODORE H. CREMER, Huntingdon Register & Recorder, MATH. F. CAMPBELL, Henderson Treasurer, JOHN MARKS, Hunthigdtin, Commissioner, ELIEL SMITH, Union. ROBERT STITT, Huntingdon. Coroner, ISAAC WOLVERTON, Brady Auditor, JOHN REED, Huntingdon. Directors of the Poor, JAMES CLARK; Birmingham. JAMES SAXTON, Huntingdon, GEORGE HUDSON, Clay. WHIG MEETING AT THE COURT HOUSE. The Whigs of the Borough of Hunting don and vicinity are requested td meet at the Court House on Saturday evening next (80th Aug.) at half past 7 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing a Johnston Club, and attending to such other matters as the interest of the party may require. We shall be pleased to see a full atten dance of our friends. Broadtop Railroad. We call the attention of our readers to the proceedings of the tiroadtop Railroad meeting, to be found on the first page.— The people along the line have manifested their confidence in the project by a hand some subscription to the capital stock, both in money and coal lands. The 13roadtop mountain is filled with an inexhaustible supply of bituminous and semi-bituminous coal, which has only to be tapped by a rail road, to enhance the value of the real estate of Huntingdon county one million of dollars. The whole county is therefore interested in its success. The owners of the land are willing to throw in their coal lands to the company as stock at reasona ble rates. An organized perseverance must succeed in making the road, and if capitalists could but see the great veins of coal in that mountain and the possibility of getting at them, they would rush to in test their capital in that quarter. A Mechanic in Baltimore has invent ed a mode of inserting window glass with out using putt•. The mode of doing it is not stated; The low Prices of Flour and Wheat. Flour is selling in Philadelphia and New York at $3 75 per barrel, and very dull sale at that; wheat is selling at 80 and 801 cents for red, and prime Penn sylvania wheat is selling at 90 cents per bushel. Sixty five cents is the outside that the wheat of Huntingdon county would net after paying the expenses of Sending to market, and if a large quantity were to he offered at a time, it would not here com mand more than 62/ cents per bushel, and the great probability is, that it will still be lower. Our best white wheat would be worth here a little over 70 cents. The farmers will necessarily inquire for the reasons and causes of these ruinous prices. They were told at and after the passage of the Tariff of 1846, that it was a great agricultural triumph, intended principally for the benefit of that great of the community. They were told, when prices were so high during the famine in Ireland, that those prices were caused bythe Tariff of 1846, and we are afraid that too many were foolish enough to believe it. It is well enough here to remark that the wheat growers of the Union had noth ing to do with the passage of this act.— They were called upon to give it their sup port, because it was alleged that it would enhance the price of grain, but the great movers in the project and the persons for whose benefit it was done, were the great cotton growers of the South,—men, beside whose estate, that of the richest farmer of Huntingdon county sinks into insignificance. These great landed aristocrats, with hun dreds and thousands of slaves to do their work,—men, who would not condescend to speak to a Pennsylvania farmer, are the persons protected and encouraged by the Tariff of 1846. The consequence was, that as soon as the cotton mills began to break down under the operation of this Tariff, that raw cotton ran up to thirteen cents per pound. If the consequence of the enrichment of the great cotton plan ters, was to scatter "benefits and blessings" upon their communities and nation, the in equality of protecting them alone, would be tolerable; but the result is to enhance the price of slaves and cotton plantations, while the money thus made is not spent in the improvement of the country or educa tion of the people. The present Tariff then operates as a protection to the breed ing and rearing of slaves, and the enrich ment of great landed nabobs, while it is breaking down every other interest in the country. When the country was told that it would benefit the farmers, the farmers of cotton were the persons meant and the present prices of grain proves it. The one half of the furnaces and forges in Pennsylvania, which were in operation at the time of the passage of the act of 1846, have since stopped. A large mem ber of the cotton and woollen factories in the east arid elhewhere have been compell ed to quit running. A great many manu facturing establishments of other kinds have broken up during the same period. The result is, that we now buy abroad the products which these establishments for merly made, and send off specie to pay for them. We do not make enough in the United States to pay fur what we buy, and it requires no great knowledge of arithma tic to show, that this will break a country as well as an individual. Since the first of January last we have sent to foreign countries for this purpose thirty millions of dohltrs in specie. There is no demand for wheat or other grain in England, and other European countries, which raise near about as much as supplies their popula tion, and we have a surplus for Which there is no market. Money is now loaned in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now York and Boston at twelve and fifteen per cent. A great many heavy failures have taken place in those cities, and the like are daily oc curring. If a farmer sends his wheat to these places for sale, the commission mer chant may break with the proceeds in his hands. The city merchants are running in debt to English manufacturers for goods, and trusting them to country merchants, who retail them to people who hare noth ing to pay with but wheat and corn. The wheat and corn are not worth the expenses of raising them, and the farmer being un able to pay the storekeeper, breaks him up, the storekeeper for the same reason breaks the city merchant, who iu his turn breaks the foreign manufacturer. The Tariff of 1846 has destroyed a lu crative iron manufacture, silenced millions of cotton and woollen spindles, and almost depopulated our coal mines. These sources of wealth but a short time since enriched us greatly. These aro now gone and there is nothing left us but wheat, at sixty-five cents per bushel, and no demand for it even at that price, The present ruinous prices of agricul tural products have been brought about by an over-production of them, caused, in a great measure, by an under-protection from our manufacturing and mineral re sources. Establish a fah• protective Tariff, which will light up our forges and furnaces, open up our coal-beds, start the woollen and cotton spindle, and it is impossible then that a money crisis can ever happen. This is the only way which will insure to the farmer regular and remunerative pri ces, and make the person with whom he deals able to be trusted. The farmer is too much in the habit of looking upon the nian who buys his grain, as a pirate whose occupation should be broken down; when it is really his interest to help build up sound business men, who will not only buy his grain but pay for it. Lot the peo ple of Pennsylvania render to the cotton growers the things which are the cotton growers; but at the same time redder to the iron makers, the cotton and woollen spinners, the coal diggers and wheat grow ers, the things that are theirs. Stop the Robbers. We call attention to the article on the first page of our paper, showing when and by whom the state debt was contracted:— It will be seen that the great debt, under which the people of Pennsylvania are groaning, was contracted by looofoco Gov ernors. Joseph Ritner never created a dollar of state debt. Under Gov. John stens administration $400,000 was created to avoid the inclined plane this side of ! Philadelphia, but as an offset to that, he has paid $1350,000 of the old debt. Let the Whigs rule the destiny of the state for the future and the great debt will van ish and the thieving and plundering will cease on the canal. Every man who pays taxes, is interested in the administration of Gov. Johnston. Examine the article referred to carefully and hand to your neighbor. The country democraCy only wish to he informed of the thievery of their officers, to abandon them at once. They have no interest in paying taxes to eerie Canal Commisioners and supervisors. Unwarrantable Assumptions, The Locofoeo editors of Pennsylvania, not only assume, but boldly declare that Gov. Johnston is an abolitionist, and that he is attempting to sap the foundation walls of the federal Union. Their State central committee perpetrate the same unblushing falsehood. We intend to speak of such silly clutrges only in the lofty language of contempt, believing that the unscrupulous liars, who utter and publish them, are so far down that ladder, the foot of which is planted in hell, that the angel of truth would never venture to approach them. It will be about as easy to defeat Gov. Johnston by such foolish slanders, as it would be to put out the aurora borealis with a watering can, or jerk the magnet from the north Old; WHIGS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY-We have good news for you. From all parts of the State we have tidings that our friends:are reveling in the anticipation of victory. All that is necessary is a full turn out at the election—and if the Whigs come in their strength, we will drive the locofocos out of the canal with the pre cipitancy with which "Milton's devils were . kicked by Omnipotence over the battle ments of Heaven." Great things are to be done, and we earnestly request your atten dance at the polls on the second Tuesday of October. llY" Why is Col. Bigler the Tariff can didate for Governor? Because he voted for the Tariff of 1842 in the State. Senate. Why is he the Free Trade candidate for Governor ? Because he now denoun ces the Tariff of 1842 as unjust, oppres sive, and the Protective policy as a hum bug. Why is he the Wilmot Proviso can& date for Governor ? Because he voted fo: the Wilmot Proviso in the State Senate. Why is he the National candidate for Governor g Because he now denounces the Wilmot Proviso as a treasonable hum bug. Why is he the Ant-kidnapping candi date for Governor? Because lie voted for the Anti -kidnapping act of 1847, in the Stitt° Sendte. Why is he the Kidnapping candidate for Governor ? Because he now denoun ces the Anti-kidnapping act of 1847 as the great barrier to the perpetuity of the Union. Wo think that a wan with such a 'load of poles' ought to come in—for a sound drubbing. CUBAN REVOL UTION. IMPORTANT NEWS. Since our last notice on this subject, the Spanish General, Lemery, has been sent against the insurgents in the moun tains of Coscorro, from Principe, with four hundred picked men; but they were de feated by the patriot force there encamped and about fifty of them were killed. The rest of the Spaniards retreated to Principe in disorder. The government had scarcely recovered from this shock when it was informed of the serious fact, that a number Of sympa thizers under Gen. Lopez had landed at Playitas, a few miles west of Honda Bay, at four o'clock in the niorning of the 13th inst. Before sunrise; Lopez was on his march to Las Poses, a town a few miles distant from the coast where he 'immediate ly commenced intrenchinghituself. Troops were sent from Havana, in the steamer Pizarro and by railway under command of Gen. Enna (who is next in command to the Captain General of Cuba.) On the fol lowing morning Gen. Enna came up with the liberators, or pirates, as the Spanish government call them, under Gen. Lopez, and had an engagement with them ; in which some of his men were killed and some wounded. Gen. Enna had his horse shot from under him, and Col. Radal and seven officers, and about seventy eight men were , killed. The Spanish commander considered it useless to proceed any further against the liberators, without artillery. It appears however that part of the liber ators under Lopez were driven to the mountains: and that a detachment of about 50 men were sent to take the fort at Ciiha nos, who were taken in foni launches, by the steamer Habenero and taken to Ha vana, where they were all murdered in the most brutal manner by the Spanish au thorities. They were brought out in pla toons of ten at a thee and shot. After they were thus slaughtered, they were stript of their clothing and dragged through the streets by the umb. Forty of these were Americans. An account of tli . c 17th jest, states that 140 Americans were shot at Honda Bay. It is also re ported that Gen. Enna is taken prisoner, and that the communication of his army with Havana has been cut off by Lopez, and that another battle has been fought in which six hundred of the Spaniards were killed. The force of Lopez is increasing by accessions from the natives of the Is - land. We hare also hitelligenee that the Uni- :ed States mail steamer, Falcon, was fired into by the SptiniSh steamer, 1-Tabenero, and boarded. Our government will in quire into this affair if the facts are as sta- We believe the movement is gradually progressing toward success, and that a period will shortly be put to Spanish rule in Cuba. They have our best wishes for their final success. Since. writing the above we learn that Gee. Lopez has had two engagements in which the Spaniards lost eight officers and three hundred private SoldierS. The Patriots were victorious in both engage ments. It is also stated that Col. Crit tenden of Kentucky was one of the party of patriots who were executed at Havana. The most intone exeitem ent pre vails at New Orleans. Two steamers are reported to have sailed from that city filled with men and supplies for den. Lopez.— The interference of the United S'tatbs Marshall was of no avail. Our Prospectii A Philadelphia correspondent of the “.National Whig" speaks as follows: 66Political matters seem to attract some attention in Philadelphia. It is now oon oeded on all sides that as far as the city and county are concerned, that the Whig tick et will receive an overwhelming majority, larger than that given for Old Zack in 1848. Thousands of honest American Democrats openly avow their determina tion to vote against their, and for Whig candidates, and thus purify the Democratic party by the only means left in their hands —a Waterloo defeat. Gov. Johnston, it appears, is a great favorite among the working people of Phil adelphia. This I know to be the ease in the District of Spring Garden, where his majority will not fall short of 1000, and if he makes a few more stump-speeches in that district, I verily believe that he will ' carry It by 1500. Honest John Strohm will also run Well in Philadelphia, as he is known to possess the right character to snake a sound Canal Conimisioner, and the mass of the people being governed by honest motives, cannot fail to sustain such men as William F. Johnston and John &ohm. Hollidaysburg Standard and Moon light. We were very sorry to find that the editor of the Standard has gone crazy.— He has been associating so much with Mrs. Partington and George Mundy, and has paid so little attention to the requirements of truth during, at least, his editorial life, that facts only enter his head to be trans formed into fantasies and chimeras. Ho ping, however, that when this shall come to hand, he may be enjoying a lucid interval, we will inform him, that the substance of our charge, of which he complains,—that Col. Bigler said that when he voted for the jail closing act of 1847, "he did not know what he was doing"—may be found in the Col's. Spread Eagle and Philadel phia speeches. He has used snore words to express the seine thing, than we did; but nevertheless it is the same thing. One of the opposition candidates for Associate Judge was a participant in a political transaction several years ago, which we will hereafter notice. Locofoco Ticket, The following is the Ticket placed in nomination by the late Locofoco Conven tion of this county : Associate Judges.—Thomas F. Stewart, West ; Samuel WVitty; Shirley. Assembly.—Dr. John Metz, Brady. Prothonotary.—E. Stewart, Jackson. Register and Recorder.—Joseph F. Harvey, Franklin. Commissioners.—John Cemmill, Porter, 3 years ; Joseph Cornelius, Cromwell, '2 years: Treasurer.—Jacob Miller, Huntingdon. Directors of the Poor. David Barriek, Barre° ; John Long, Shirley; David Bur kett, Cromwell. Auditor.—James Bell, Warriorsmark. Coroner.—John Murray; Huntingdon. Official Facts to be Remembered. The Locofocos are, we know, very much displeased ht us for exposing their extrava gance when in office. We will give them additional cause of offence. In 1840, the expenses of the government for the ma ehinary of officers, were as follws : Expenses of Senate, (including printing,) $72,327 74 Do. of House, 124,144 54 Governor's Department, 15,298 82 Judiciary 107,663 00 Auditor General's " 7,321 98 Treasury 6,119 00 Land 11,035 79 Miscellaneous expenses, 12,054 52 TOTAL, $355,965 39 nis was under exclusiimlij Locofnco rule. In the year beginning December tat 1848, and ending Nov. 80th, 1849, being the first of Gov. Johnston's administra- Co.'s warehouse. He made a speech in ion, the expenses of Government were as favor of Gen. Scott, and declared that it was his intention to vote for Gov. J0hn 523,936 64 ston and the whole Whig ticket. Capt. 58,882 97 25,203 52 Porter has always, until the present time, 11,080 79 acted with the Opposition. He is the son 94,966 04 7 ,454 oo of the late Judge Porter, a well-known 5,609 63 and influential citizen of Pittsburg, and 6,370 40 , 3,900 44 commanded " the Irish Greens" during the Mexican war. rollows Expenses of Senate, Do. House, 1)o. Public printing, Governor's Department, Judiciary 4, Auditor General's " Treasury Land .i Miscellaneous expenses, Total, Or ONE HUNDRED AND EIGH TEEN THOUSAND [DOLLARS LESS in one year than in 1840; when the Loco focos had control of all branches of the government. As soon as the Whig par ty began to gain strength, they cut down the expenses, until now they are over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS less than they formerly were!— The Locofocos held on to the stealings as long as they could—squandered the peo ple's money as long as they dared, and now have the hardihood to ask the peo ple again to trust them with power ! The people see in their FORTY MILLION debt the legacy of Locofoco administra tions. Do they want any more such leg acies ? If they do, lot them elect Wm. Bigler Governor, and a Locofoco Legis lature. If not, let them elect Wm. F. Johnston Governor, John Strohm Canal Commissioner, and a Whig Legislature ! Daily .47,0t-it:att. Wisi. Bigler and James Bucbau- James Buchanan is the favorite of the Southern Secessionists for the Presidency. William Bigler is James Buchanan's can didate for the office of Governor of Penn sylvania. Mr. Bigler's election would be taken as proof of Mr. Buchanan's strength, and would•be hailed with delight by those double-dyed scoundrels who have been plot ting Treason to our government. Are Pennsylvanians ready to join hands with these villains? If so, let them elect Wm. Bigler, and thereby endorse James Bu chanan. The Bloomers In Lynn, walk with canes. Tho gentlemen have nothing loft them but top boots. Deception—Locoroco Capital. Who does not remember the game play ed by the Locofocos in the campaign of 1844, remarks the Harrisburg Telegraph, when Polk was declared " as good a Tar iff man as Henry Clay." Who does not recollect that in order to cheat the people into that belief, on every flag and pole raised by the locos all over the State, " The Tariff of 1842" stood out in large letters, and who does not recollect their favorite song of that campaign, with the following chorus : " Oh poor Harry Cloy., What makes you look so blue? Wo will have Polk and Dallas AND TIIE TARIFF OF FORTY-TWO." But no sooner did they get " Polk and Dallas," into office than they commenced an assault upon " the Tariff of '42," and never ceased until they repealed it, and enacted the British Tariff of 1846, which gave up the capital and enterprise, and the laboring man's interest in this coun try to the capital, enterprise and paupar labor of Europe. How can a party with such bold terachery upon its front, with the deserted furnaces, iron works and manufactories of the -State staring them in the face, dare now to hold up their heads, with the belief that the people have forgotten them, and attempt another swindle. Curiosities Wanted. Wanted a "modern democrat" who has voted that ticket for ten years, and has never been in favor of a PROTECTIVE TARIFF. Wanted a "modern democrat" who vo ted that ticket for the above period, and never was in favor of the destribution of the sales of the Public Lands. Wanted a , c modern democrat" Legisla tor who has served two years in the leg islature, and has never voted for a Bank Charter. Wanted a , c modern democrat" who has held the same set of principles for two consecutive years. Wanted a "modern democrat" who has been a member of that party for fifteen years, and has not been on all sides of all questions. The highest price will be paid for these curiosities at the counter of that Bank whose charter was obtained without the aid of Locofoco votes, in notes of its own issue. Capt. Robert Porter. This gentleman attended a meeting of the friends of Gen. Scott in Pittsburg, held . _ —.- on the eveningof the 20th, in .Covode & $237;105 83 RELIGIOUS STATISTICS.-W. E. Robi son, in a recent oration before one the literary Societies of Hamilton College, made the following statement of the num ber of persons attached to the various re ligious denominations in the United States: Of Catholics, 1,231,300 Of Methodists, 1,215,069 Of Presbyterians, 594,083 Of Universalists, 325,000 Of Episcopalians, 67,550 Of Unitarians, 38,000 Of Baptists, 1,215,629 Of Friends or (pullers, 50,000 The Paciffic Rail road appears to be started with energy. The St. Louis press says that the first division, consist ing of 33 sections, has been let out, with a gauge of 5i feet, and laborers will be placed forthwith upon the road. THE ISSUE.—Governor Johnston and the Reduction of the State Debt against Mr-Vote-for-himself Bigler and the In crease of the State debt. No one ought +o be deceived; This is the true issue. J UWE REED and Waltar Brooke fought a duel at Vicksburg, on the Bth inst. No body hurt, and the fools are not all dead yet. trr The new Constitution of Virginia, which will undoubtedly be adopted, re quires nothing of the voter except that he be a white male, over twenty-one, resident in the State for two years, and in the coun ty of city where he offers to vote, for one year. It is thought that this will more than double the number of voters in Virginia.