VOLUME XVI. From the Louisville Journal. TWO YEARS OLD. BY O. B. PERCIVAL, Here is a little piece of poetry that will fill the heart of every reader with sunshine. Playing on the carpet near one Is a little cherub girl; And her presence, much I fear me, Sets my senses in a whirl; For a book is open lying Full of grave philosophying, And I own I'm vainly trying! There my thoughts to hold. But, in spite of my essaying, They will evermore be straying To that cherub near me playing, Only two years old. While her hair so long and flaxen, And her sunny eyes of blue, And her cheek so plamp and waxen, She is charming to the view. Then her voice to all who hear it Breathes a sweet entrancing spirit; Oh ! to be forever near it Is a joy untold— For 'tis ever sweetly telling, To my heart with rapture swelling, Ot affection inly dwelling— Only two years old. With a new delight I'm hearing, All her sweet attempts at words, In their melody endearing, Sweeter far than any bird's; And the musical mistaking, Which her baby lips are making, From my heart a charm is waking, Firmer in its hold, Than the charms so rich and glowing, From the Roman lip o'erilowing ; Then she gives a look so knowing; Only two years old ! Now her ripe and honied kisses (Honied, ripe, for me alone,) Thrill my soul from various blissos, Venus never yet has known. When her twining arms are round me, All domestic joy Lath crowned me. Never to grow cold. Oh ! there's not this side of Aidenn, Aught with loveliness so laden. As my little cherub maiden, Only two years old. SLEEP. Man is so constituted, that after enga ging either in physical or mental labor for a certain number of hours every day, a feeling of fatigue is induced, and he sinks into a state of unconsciousness for a num ber of hours, and then awakens with as na ture refreshed," and ready to toil for profit or pleasure. It is a necessary part of our existence to enjoy sleep, and the more un interrupted the sleep, the more refreshing it is. It is during the hours of sleep that the electric battery of the nervous system is replenished with invigorating power. It is therefore a matter of no little consequence to examine into the means which will tend to refreshing repose. The state of the bo dy before going to bed, the kind of bed, blothes and ventilation must all be then ta ken into account. A full meal before go ing to bed, generally causes unpleasant night visitations and broken Sleep ; there fore it should be avoided. It is not as re freshing for a person to lie on the back as on the side, and the right side is the best, although many from habit feel no uneasi ness from lying on their backs, or on their left sides. In regard to the kind of beds most suita ble for refreshing slumber, there are differ ences of opinion ; some for hard beds. The difference between the two is this—" the weight of the body on a soft bed presses on a larger surface than on a hard bed, and consequently more comfort is enjoyed:" Children should never be allowed to sleep On hard beds, and parents err who suppose that such beds contribute to health, har dening and developing the constitution of Children. We have read accounts of a few quilts being good beds for children in the summer ; others " a corn husk mat tress," or " a pine board with a piece of *mien laid upon it." The latter kind of ed is a gross violation of laws for the preservation of health. Eminent physi cians, Dr, Darwin among the number, state that " hard beds" have frequently proven injurious to the shape of infants. Birds cover their nests for their offspring with the softest down or the most vetrety moss. The softness of a bed is no evidence of its being unhealthy—and they have a poor understanding of the laws of nature who ilwittk otherwise. To render sleep refreshing, the body bhould be bathed every night ; the bed s p;;AtiL L.. 4 „, n i n ilingb Ott \ I , I I • room should be of large dimentions ;—not the life-destroying boxes, named bed rooms, for which our cities are famous, owing to the value of city property. From currant statistics, it has been observed that the deaths of children of poorer classes under ten years of age, in proportion to the chil dren of higher classes, are as ten to five.— Poor beds are one cause of of this mortali ty. Above all things, however, it should never be overlooked, that cleanliness tends more to healthful sleep than any thing else. In warm weather, night clothes should be light, and a thin blanket is perhaps the best covering that can bo used, but many assert that a cotton sheet is preferable, and if the clothing products of warm cli mates aro any data whereby we may form a correct opinion, the latter covering must be the best. It is all nesense to suppose that the Arabian has a sounder constitu tion, a stronger frame, and can bear more than the civilized man, owing to his squalid bed & what is called " the hardy manner in whiCh he was reared." The civilized man has a better constitution, if he is a man of temperate habits, and he has al so a stronger frame and can endure more fatigue. The officers of Napoleon's army, in the retreat from Moscow, endured the fatigue far better than the common soldiers, and there are abundant evidences to prove that a generous rearing tends to produce a no bler physical and mental constitution, than to bo reared amid poverty and stunted with hardship. Those who point to the advan tages of barbaric life can use no good ar gument of the .pooter classes. It is an old exploded doctrine, that the children of the poor are healthier and stronger than the children of the rich. If this were true, poverty surely were a blessing. We conclude by saying that good, soft and cleanly beds for children and adults, will tend greatly to promote health, by pro clueing refreshing slumber, especially to the weary workman.—Scientafic american. YES, GET MARRIED: ADVICE BY DOW, JR. Young inan ! if you have arrived at the right point in life for it, let every other consideration give way to that of getting married. Don't think of doing any thing else. Keep poking about among the rub bish of the world till you have stirred up a gem worth possessing, in the shape of a wife. Never thing of delaying the matter; for you know delays aro dangerous. A good wife is the most constant and faithful companion you can possibly have by your side, while performing the journey of life —a dog isn't a touch to her. She is of more service, too, than you may at first imagine. She can ""smooth your linen and your ears" for you—mend your trousers, and perchance your manners—sweeten your sour moments as well as your tea and coffee for pu—ruftle, perhaps, your shirt bosom, but not your temper; and, instead of sowing the, seeds of sorrow in your path, she will sow buttons on your shirts, and plant happiness instead of harrow teeth in your bosom. Yes—and if you are too confoundedly lazy or too proud to do such work yourself, she will chop wood, and dig potatoes for dinner; for her love for her husband is such that she will do anything to please him, except receive company in her everyday clothes. When woman loves, she loves with a double-distilled devotedness; and when she hates, she hates on the high pressure principle. Her love is as deep as the ocean and as strong as a hempen halter, and as immutable as the rock of ages. She won't change it except it is in a very strong fit of jealousy; and oven then it lingers as if loth to depart, like evening twilights at the windows of the west. Get married by all means. All the excuses you can fish up against "doing the deed" ain't worth a spoonfull of pigeon's milk. Mark this— if blest with health and employment, you are not able to support a wife, depend up on it, you are not capable of supporting yourself. Therefore, so much the more need of annexation; for in union, as well as in onion, there is strength. Get mar ried, I repeat, young man! Concentrate your affections upon one object, and not HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1851. distribute them crumb by crumb among a host of Swans, Marys, Loranas, Olives, Elizas, Augustas, Betsies, Peggies, and Dorothies--allowing each scarcely enough to nibble at. Get married, and have some body to cheer you as you journey through this "lowly vale of tears"—somebody to scour up your whole life, and whatever linen you may possess, in some sort of Sun day-go-to-meeting order. Young woman! I need not tell you to look out for you a husband, for I know that you are fixing contrivances to catch one; are as naturally on the watch as a cat is for a mouse. But one word in your ear, if you please. Don't bait your hook with an artificial fly of beauty; if you do, the chances are ten to one that you will catch a gudgeon—some silly fool of a fish that isn't worth his weight in saw-dust.— Array the inner lady with the beautiful garments of virtue, modesty, truth, mor ality, and unsophisticated love, and you will dispose of yourself quicker, and to much better advantage, than you would if you displayed all the gew-gaws, flippejigs, fol-de-rols; and fiddle-de-dees, in the uni verse. Remember that it is an awful thing to live and die a self-manufactured Old maid. My hearers—get married while you are young : and then when the frosts of age shall fall and wither the flowers of affec tion, the leaves of connubial love will still be green, and perchance, a joyous offspring will surround and grace the parent tree, like ivy twining and adorning the time scathed oak. Danger of Electioneering. The picayune rejoices in the possession of a live Yankee as a correspondent who having wandered as far south as Louisi ana peddling notions, has settled down somewhere in the Caddo country, or some other undiscovered region of the State, and there concluded to run for Congress. The following extract of a letter to the editor of of the Picayune, describing one of his electioneering tours, is a specimen of the luck he had in this delightful bus iness " Well, I put up with a first-rate, good natured feller that I met at a billiard ta ble. I went in, was introduced to his wife, a fine fat woman, who looked as though she lived on laffin her face was so full of fun. After a while—after we'd had talked about my gal, and about the garden, and about the weather, and so on in came three or four children, laffin and akippin as merry as crickets. There warn't no candle lit, but I started for my saddle bags, in which I had put a lot of sugar candy for the children, as I went along. " Come here," said I, " you little rogue, come along here, and tell me what your name is•;" the oldest then came up to me, and says he : " My name is Peter Smith, sir." " And what's your name, sir?" said I " Bob Smith, sir." The next said his name was Bill Smith, and the fourth said his name was Tommy Smith. Well, I gave 'cm sugar candy, and old Mrs. Smith was so tickled that she ltiOgli6d all the time. "Why," says I; " Mrs. Smith I wouldn't take a good deal for them four boys, if I had 'em, they're so beautiful and sprightly." " No," says she, laffin, " I sot a good deal of store by 'cm, but we spoil 'em, too much." Oh no," says I, w they're ra'al well behaved children, and by gracious, says I, pretending to be startled by a sudden idea of a striking resemblance 'tween them boys and their father, and I looked at Mr. Smith, " I never did see mithhig equal to it," rays I—your eyes, mouth, forehead, a perfect pioture of you, sir;" says I, rap pin' the oldest one on the pate. I thought Mrs. Smith would have died a laffin at that; her arms fell down by her side, and her head fell back, and she shook the hull house laffin. "Do you think so, Col. Jones r says she, and she looked towards Mr. Smith, and I thought she would go off in a fit. " Yes," says I, " I do really think sp." " Ha; ha, ha--how-w !" says Mr. Smith, kinder half laffin, " you are too hard on. me now, with your jokes." " Ain't jokin' at all," says I, " they'er handsum children, and they do look won derfully like you." Just then a gal brought in a light, and I'll be darned if the little brats didn't turn out to be mulattoes, every one of 'em, and their hair was as curly as the blackest niggers. Mr. and Mrs. S. never had any children, and they sort of petted them little niggers as play things. I never felt so streaked as I did when I seen how things stood. If I hadn't kissed the little nasty things, I could a got over it : but kissing on 'em showed that I was in airnest, (though I was soft soapin' on 'em all the time;) how to get out of the scrape I didn't know. Mrs. Smith laffed so hard when she saw how I was confused that she almost suffocated. A little while after wards there was a whole family of relations arrived from the city, and turned the mat ter off; but next morning I could see Mr. Smith did not like the remembrance of what I said, and I don't believe he'll vote for me when the election comes on. I 'spot Mrs. Smith kept the old fellow un der that joke for some time: Behaviour in Walking the Street. In walking the street, a gentleman should avoid stiffness, strutting, swinging the hands, or dragging the limbs. The hat should be worn upright—neither too far back, nor drawn over the eyes, nor on ono side of the head. Keep your hand out of your pocket. Should you meet a gentle man of your acquaintance, raise your hat slightly with the left hand, which will leave your right at liberty should ho offer to shake bands. If the gentleman be un gloved, you should take off your glove; otherwise it is unnecessary. If a gentleman meet a lady in the street, he should give her the opportunity to recog nize him first—and should sho fail to do so the rule is that ho should not then no-' tice her; but if she salutes him, he should not fail to raise his hat from his head and make a low bow.—The gentleman should never first offer to shako hands—that is the lady's privilege. In walking with a lady, a gentleman should always walkout aide the walk, or towards the carriage way.—Whenever you stand to converse with a lady, take off your hat and hold it in your hand during the conversation.— Whether with a lady or gentleman, a street talk should be a short one; in either case, when you have passed the customary compliments, if you wish to continue the conversation, you should suggest to walk along as you talk. Should you, while' walking with a friend in the street, meet an acquaintance, never introduce them un less requested to do so by one of the parH ties. Should a gentleman be walking with a lady and her shoe become unlaced, or her dress in manner disordered, fail not to ap prise her of it, respectfully, and offer your assistance. A gentleman may hook a dress or lace a shoe with propriety, and should be able to do so gracefully. Don't sing, hum whistle or snioko in the street. All these things are decidedly vulgar. .11 Lady's Behaviour in the Sired should bo modest and dignified. She should never stare, giggle, walk with a wriggle, or swing from side to aide, and above all things, she should never run.— In the day time, it is not customary (though not absolutely improper,) for a lady to take the arm of any one except an inti mate friend of the family, a relative; or an accepted lover. In the evening, she may accept the arm of any gentleman:— Both lady and gentleman walking togeth er in this manner, should keep step, other wise they will look awkward. freA. young man from the country, go ing to call on sonic music el young ladies tho other evening, he was told that he must ask them to sing, and, if they refu sed; he ought to press them. According ly he commenced by requesting Miss Mary to favor him with a song. She gently de clined, said she had a cold, &c.' "Well then, Miss," said our hero, "thuppose I thqueeze you, don't you think you might thing?' The girl fainted immediately. "If , Time is Money,' a man ought to be worth something pretty handsome after serving ten yearn in the State prison. iqlnri A (A ) The two Sexes When a rakish youth goes astray, friends gather around him in order to restore him to the path of virtue. Kindness is lavish ed upon him to win him back again to in nocence and peace. No one would sus pect that he had ever sinned. But when a poor confiding girl is betrayed, she re ceives the brand of society, and is hence forth driven from the ways of virtue.— The betrayer is honored, respected, esteem ed, but his ruined, heartbroken victim shows there is no peace for her this side the grave.—Society has no helping hand for her, no smile of peace, no voice of for giveness. There arc earthly moralities, they are unknown in heaven. There is deep wrong in them, and fearful arc the consequences. [Nothing truer than the foregoing was ever written.—The facts stated aro worthy of the consideration of the philanthropist or ragmen On what principle is it that an erring female is driven from home and friends, and all society fit for human be ings, while an equally erring male is per mitted to retain his station in society, and even to boast with impunity of his vices 'I On what principle is it that woman--ay, woman, for she is even first and foremost and most zealous to decry and persecute the unfortunate of her sex—on what prin ciple is it that sho shows no mercy to an erring sister, while her sweetest smiles are lavished upon an equally erring male?— One would suppose that the possibility of her falling would teach her to extend that kindness to another of her sex who has strayed from the path of virtue, which she niay one day want herself. When the er ring of both sexes aro treated alike— when both are forgiven and saved, or both spurned and ruined—we may expect to see less of licentiousness, misery and degrada tion in the world, and not much less of the character we refer to until than, If there is any good reason foi: making the distinc tion between the sexes, when both are equally guilty, or which is often the case, when the male is by far the guiltiest of the two, it has never been made known to us.] GOOD, In time of Peace prepare for War." —A young lady of wealthy, parentage, a tiedglingTfrom one of our fashionable board ing schools, a type of modern elegance, was recently united by the silken tie of Matrimony to a gem of a beau. The 'min ims and pappas on both sides being sur rounded by all the concomitants of luxury, and the many agreeable little parapharna lies bespeaking the possession of "the dust," determined to got a fine "establish ment" for the young couple, and, awarding ly, they were "fixed" in a mansion out Walnut street, on "the West End." A few days after this, a school com panion of our heroine called upon her, and was surprised to find so many servants about the house. . "Why Mary," said she, "what, in the name of sense, have you so many people about yciu for V' "Oh !" replied Madam, "we havn't any more than we want. There is but one cook, one chambermaid, two house girls, one house-keeper, and—a— child's nurse sure there aro not too many !" "Ha! Ha !" said her friend, "what do you want with a child's nurse ! Oh ! that is too funny." "Well, we havu't any immediate use for her, but then when we were married, Charles said that we want one, and you know its not always best to leave things be until the last moment." 081 knew an old man who believed that "what was to be, would be." Ho lived in Missouri, and was one day going out several miles through a region infest-. ed, in early times, by very savage indians. He always took his gun with him, but this time found that some of the family had it out. As he would not go without it, some of his friends tantalized him by saying there was no danger of the Indians; that he would not die until his time had come, anyhow. “Yes," says the old fellow, "but suppose I was to meet an Indian, and his time had come, it wouldn't not do to have my gun." NUMBER 32. Secretary Corwin. The Dayton Gazette relates the follow ing story of Secretary Corwin. Its humor is characteristic : To a friend of ours who saw him the other day at Lebanon, he gave a most amusing, and we doubt not, truthful ac count of the condition of the Treasury Department, when he entered upon the duties of Secretary. The Clerks, he esti mates, were sick, on an average, about half the time—but it struck him as some what remarkable that much as they were sick, none of them died. The fact was apparent at a glance, that they did very little work for the public, and the infer ence was irresistable, that something must be done for them. Accordingly, the Sec retary turned physician, and began to pre scribe for the invalids. He issued an or der that all Clerks who were absent from their desks a certain number of days, say two, on account of sickness, should sub. mit to a proportionale deduction from their respective salaries; and that all who were absent longer, say one week, would be re quired to die or resign. The prescription worked like a charm, and in a short time there was not . a sick clerk in the whole Department. A heal . - thier set of men than they are now. Mr. Corwin declares cannot be found any where. PATlTETlc.—Somepoet that evidently thinks “our wrongs is intollerable"— probably himself the unfortunate husband of a Bloomer—comes out in thO Carpet Bag in a dozen stanzas of profuud grief most eloquently done in rhyme. The fol lowing is his description of the gradual encroachment of wowankind on the terri tories of pantaloons. He says: They took our hats—at first wt hardly missed them— And then they aped our dickeys and cravats: They stole our socks—we only laughed and kiss ed them; Emboldened thus they wore our very hats; Until, by slow and sure degrees, the witches Flave taken all—our coats, huts, hoots and breetAes! Our poet winds up with an indignant protest against these usurpations, and the fierce declaration that The pants are ours, we can not, will not spare The girls must yield, they must not, shall not wear 'em. a:r A fellow was doubting whether or not ho should volunteer to fight the Mexi cans. One of the fiagS waved before his eyes bearing the inscription "Victory or Death." Somewhat troubled and discour aged him. " Victory is a very good thing," said he, "but why put it victory or death? Just put it," said he, "victory or cripple, and I'll go that." To MAKE WATER COLD.—The follow ing is a simple mode of rendering water al most as cold as ice. Let the jar, pitcher on vessel used for water, be surrounded with ono or more folds of course cotton, to be constantly wet. The evaporation of the water, on the outside, will carry Off the heat from the inside, and reduce it to a freezing point, in India and other tropi cal regions where ice cannot be procuied, this is common. The vessel should be kept covered at the top. FIRST Lovt.---Searee one person out Of . twenty marries his first love and scarce one of twenty of the remainder has cause to re joice at having done so. What we love in those early days is generally rah.* a fanej ful creature of our own than a reality. We build statues of snow, and weep when they melt.—Sir Walter Scott. fA gallant New England knight of the quill, describing a country dance, says:, "The gorgeous strings of glass beads will now glisten on the heavy bosoms of the . village belles, like polished rubies resting on the delicate surface of warm apple dumplings!" [(?Courting is an institution made up of flutes and moonlight--a period that . brings discretion to a full stop, and marks with a stilr the morning of our hopes. Courting converts women into angels, mouths into honey-comb—the heart be comes a great hive of sweets- 7 while kisses are the bees that keep up the supply. Again, we ask, did you ever hold th'e head of a blue-eyed girl?