Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 14, 1851, Image 3

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    Locofoco Canal Commissioners.
Very serious damage was done to the
canal by the late flood in the Juniata river,
and it was of the utmost importance to the
trade and transporting business of the
Commonwealth that the injuries should ho
promptly, carefully, and economically re
paired. As an evidence of how faithfully
the people's interests are attended to by
tho Locofoco officers who are charged with
the superintendence of the public works,
the Harrisburg American says, with regard
to the accident to the canal above refer
red to :
We learn that about one, thousand men
are employed in repairing the break. Do
the public know that not one of the Canal
Commissioners has been or is present, at
tending to the interests of the State, ur
ging on the work and keeping a strict
watch upon the disbursing officers ? Messrs
Gamble and Painter are traversing the
State, electioneering for William Bigler,
and William T. Morrison is on a visit to
Cape May ! The Clerk of the Board has
made estimates of the amount of money
which will be required for the repair, and
on his sole action, unrevised by the Canal
Board, the public money is drawn from
the Treasury to the comfortable tune of
thirty thousand dollars!
Tennessee tilection.
The telegraphic returns are considered
decisive of Gen. Cambell's election, as
Governor, over the present incumbent, Gov.
Trousdale. This is another Union triumph.
Gon. Campbell and his political friends
planted themselves, in the late canvass, on
the Compromise platform, discarding all
sympathy with Southern secession and
Northern aggression. They were the
avowed friends of the present Administra
tion supporting Mr. FILLMORE, not so
much because he is a Whig in sentiment,
as for his prompt stand against the " high
er law" faction of his own State, and his
determined purpose to execute the Union
measures of the last Congress in spirit as
well as to the lettei.
AN HONEST .tunn;.—The Hon. Wm.
D. Kelly, of the Philsdelphia Court of
Quarter Sessions, at a temperance meeting
last week, stated "that ho was now in the
midst of a criminal court. And that with
out an exception every case that had conic
before him, replied directly from intem
perance, and that the nine hundred and
ninety-nine thousandth of all criminal ea
ses were indirectly the result of intemper
ate use alcoholic stimulants."
There is the testimony of a man of hon
or, untrammelled by the power of appe
tite. Look at it, tax-payers!
LCD - A FIRE occurred in Athens, Brad
ford county, on the 20th ult., destroying
property to the amount:of $30,000.
(L7' THE WHIGS of Lebanon county,
have unanimously nominated John Killin
ger, for Senator. Mr. K. served his
county in the Legislature for two years,
and made a most excellent member.
Reported for tire jittrniit
7a. m. 2p. m. 9p. m.
Tuns.—Aug , 5 GI 84 68
WEDNB. " 8 70 86 70
'Thum. " 7 78 70 71
FRIDAY “ 8 70 85 71
SATDY. " 9 72 88 70
SUNDAY "10 64 75 62
111029 Ar " II 63 71 99
Aug. 5 Clear.
6 Clear.
7 Rain afternoon and night 062 inches
8 Rain this afternoon, 384
9 Clear.
10 Clear.
11 Rain; 412
Huntingdon July 24th, 1851-
rIIILADELI,IIIA, July 30, 1851.
Flour per bbl. $1 25
White Wheat per bushel 1 01
Rod do 90
Rye 72
Corn 621
Oats 43
Farmers, hereafter, may rely upon being kept
fully booked up in regard to the Philadelphia mar
ket for produce—our gitotations are taken from
the "North American nod United States Gazette,"
one of the best and most reliable commercial pa
pers in the Union.
Philadelphia Hi
Ltes of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks • par
Pittsburg par
Germantown, par
Chester County —par
Delaware County • • •pat
Montgomery Co.• • • par
Northumberland • • •par
Col. Bridge Co. • • p
Lancaster, pat
Doylestown pm
Easton par
Bucks County pa
Pottsville pa
Danville pa .
Chumbersburg, par,
Carlislu, •
' H0111119l11110: l3
Wyoming par
Erie Bank, li
Waynesburg, 1
Schuylkill Haven,• • • par
West Branch par
Relief Notes I
" " new issue •11
State Scrip,
Pittsburg City Scrip • •,I5
Allegheny City, So
Allegheny County,. . •20
On the ith inst., by John Thompson,
ARINE JOHNSTON, both of this county.
The subscriber has, by extreme exertion, and
with the assistance of a few friends, at last suc
ceeded in opening an assortment of
in the shop formerly occupied by Dr. 11. K. Neff
and Brother, ono door cast of Mr. Livingston's
Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon, where lie
offers for sale a great variety of the above articles
at very low prices.
Clocks, Watches arid Jewellry will be repaired
in the very best manner, all of which ho will war
rant for ono year.
He hopes;hy selling at low prices and paying
strict attention to business, to merit a liberal
share of public patronage.
Huntingdoit, Aug. 14, 1851.—tf.
A gentleman capable of taking charge of the
highest male school in the free schools of this bo
rough will find a situation, with a good salary,
by applying immediately. The school will com
mence on the lst September and continue until
the end of the school year.
By order of the Board.
C. S. BLACK, Seet'ry.
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 21th.
Doors open from 2to 4 o'clock, P. M. Admit
tance 25 cts. Children under nine years of
age half price.
This splendid collection of the rarost and most
magnificent specimens of the Animal Creation,
obtained from all quarters of the globe, will enter
town on the morning of the day of exhibition in
Grand Procession, and preceded by the gorgeous
ORPHEAN CHARIOT, containing the Now
York Brass Band, under the superintendence of
Mr. Joseph Noshor, and will consist of all the
beautifully decorated vehicles of the Company
drawn by a magnificent steed of
The Menagerie of G. C. QUICK & Co. stands
unrivalled by any other similar establishment in
the world, and in it will bb found representatives
of every animal which has ever been discovered
by the naturalist. It is composed of the two
great collections formerly belonging to Juno, Ti
tus & Co. and Van Amburg & Co. And among
the principal attractive features will be found the
Performing Animals,
which were so celebrated both in Europe and
America. Mr. Brooks, the unequaled Lion-King,
will superintend this part of the Exhibition.
In the course 'of the performance Mr. Lang
worthy will introduce his highly trained Ponies,
who will go through with their wonderful feats of
dancing, waltzing, &c., forming a pleasing epi
sode to the general entertainment.
Tho alum company will also exhibit at Mc.
Voytown, Tuesday, Aug. 26.
At ALEXANDRIA, on Thursday, Aug. 28.
Aug. 14 1851.
obcated Bitters prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson,
120 Arch street, Philadelphia, ore performing as
tonishing cures throughout the whole country.—
We can bear witness to their curative powers in
the case of a friend of ones who had the Liver
Complaint, and who had tried almost every other
medicine, but without effect. After taking a few
bottles of these Bitters ho was entirely cured.—
To those who are similnrty afflicted we reecom—
mend them to take the preparation, knowing that
they will cure the disease spoken of and many
others to which "flesh is heir to." There is a
spurious article made in Philndelphia. The only
place to get the genuine article is 120 Arch street.
Philadelphia, of 1)r. Jackson, or his agents
throughout the country.
DOES away entirely with that laborious task
of rubbing the Clothes upon the washboard.
It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious to
the finest fhhric or the flesh. The proprietors
wish every one to give it a trial, and if it does not
prove to be as recommended, the Money, in every
such case, will be refunded. Full directions ac
company each bottle. Retail price 12} Cents per
Bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings,
and saving the Clothes more by not rubbing them,
than the dust of of sin bottles—besides removing
stains of fruit, &c., if there be any, and the time
and labor saved.
Prepared only by I. P. HOYT & CO.,
. .
J. Campbell Boggs, Shirloysburg, Agent for
Huntingdon County. All orders received by him
wholesale or retail, will be promptly attended to.
The accounts of the late James Clark
for advertising and job work, have been
put into the hands of the undesignod for
collection. Therefore persons who are in
debted for such work, or whose accounts
aro unsettled, will please call and make
settlement with the undersigned at his
Office in Huntingdon.__
P. S. All monies due said Clark for
subscriptions to the " Journal" are to bo
paid to Wm. H. Peightal, tho present pro
prietor, ho having purchased the same.
Huntingdon lily 17 '5ll W. P. 0.
Notice of Administration.
Estate of JOHN SIIEEDER, of Tod Township,
Huntingdon county, deed.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the above named estate
have been this day granted by the Register of
Huntingdon county to the subscribers,—all
persons having claims against the estate of said
decedent are requested to make known the same
to the undersigned without delay' and those in
debted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment to the same.
August 7,1851.-6 t.
Medical Society.
The Members of the Huntingdon County Med,
ical Society are requested to meet in the Hall of
the Sobs of Teinperance, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, on Tuesday, the 12th of August, at 1
o'clock. All regular Physicians in the county
era respectfully invited to attend.
M. ORLADY, Secretary.
August 7, 1851. .
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
Rev. J. Y. MoGixtics, A. M., Principal and
Professor of Natural and Moral Sciences.
J. H. W. McG6INEs, A. M., Professor of
1)r. McKisiqux, A. 8., Professor of Mathe
MEE Conran of Instruction embranes all the
Branches necessary to prepare young men
either for the Higher Classes in College, or for
the duties of a profession and the active business
of life.
The Academy Buildings are new, commodious
and in every way adapted to the accommodation
of a large number of Students. The location is
distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral
and religions dithriteter of Its
Com. ,
munity. The year is divided into two sessions of
FIVE MONTHS each. The Winter Session com
mencing on the Ist Wednesday of November and
the Summer Session on the last Wednesday of
Orthography, Reading and Writing, '55,00
Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar,
Philosophy, &c., B,OO
Mathematics, Greek and Latin Lan
guagos, 12,00
French and German, each (addition
al chargo,) 5,00
Boarding, exclusive of fuel and lights $1,371
per week. v
The whole expenses for a Session, inclusive of
Tuition, Washing, Fuel, &c., do not amount
to .over $5O, and with economy, less.
CO' Thb subscriber, encouraged by the liberal
patronage be has already received, would repeat
that he is determined to spare no effort in snaking
the Institution under his care, one that will com
mend itself to all parents and guardians who de
sire to Ova Alseir Sons and w rds thorough pre
paritory education without ex sing them to the
contaminating and inimoral influences that exist
in more populous communities.
CAT Tho place is easy of Items, being on the
Stags route that connects Chambersburg with the
Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry.
oFor reference or further particulars ad
dress J. Y. McGINNES.
Shade Gap, Pa., July 31, 1851-4 m
Philadelphia Medical house,
N. W. C orner of Third and Union Streets,
Between Spruce and Pine St:Teti
FIFTEEN years of extensive and uninterrupted
practice spent in this city have rendered Dr.
K. the most expert and successful practitioner
far and near, in the treatment of all diseases of a
private nature. Persons afflicted with ulcers up
on the body, throat, or legs, pains in the head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel,
disease arising from youthful excesses or impuri
ties of the blood, whereby the constitution has be
come enfeebled, are all treated with success.
Ho who places himself under the care of Dr.
K., may religiously confide in his honor as a gen
tleman, mad confidently rely upon his shill us a
Young Alen who have injured themselves by a
certain practice indulged In—a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school—the et . -
feet of which are nightly felt, even Wileh *Wasp,
and destroy both mind and body, should apply
hnmcdiately. Weakness and constitutional de
bility; loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude
and general prostration, irritability and all ner
vous affections, indigestion, sluggishness of the
liver, and every disease in any way connected
with the disorder of the procreative functions cur
ed, and full vigor restored.
A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death,
Kinkilin on self Preservation. 00111 25 cents.
This Book just published is filled with useful
on the infirmities and diseases of the
Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to
should be read by all.
The valuable advice and impressive warning it
gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering
and soya annually thousands of lives.
Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent
the destruction of their children.
A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a let
ter, addressed to DR. KINKELIN, N. W. corner
of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and
Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under on-
Yolopo, per return of mail.
. .
Per;oils at a distance may address Dr. K. by
letter, (post-paid,) and be cured at home.
Packages of Medicines, Directions, &c., for
warded, by sending a remittance, and put up se
cure from damage or curiosity.
Eldridge% Patent Coru Sheller
The attention of the Public is invited to this
improvement in Corn Shelters, which is acknowl
edged to be far superior to any other, being on
an entirely now principle shelling the Corn length
wise of the ear, the cob passing straight through
without revolving, thereby requiring no gearing
to inercasB its speed, which adds so materially to
the cost of other machines. It turns easier and
shells cleaner than any other, and is porta
ble in size and durable in construction. Persons
interested are invited to call and see it in oppora
lion. The Right of this and other Counties for
sale. Fur further particulars address or ap
North W. Cor. 2nd & Duck sts. 3rd story.
rhilada. July 31, 1851.-3 m.
AMAN & MARKS inform the public that they
still continuo to multe coffins at the old stand
formerly occupied by 'Thomas Burchinell in the
rear of the Sons of Temperance INli, fronting on
Washington Street, and attend Numb caller
in town or country. They keep it splendid Hearse
for the accommodation of their customers.
July 17,1851.-d
All persons having unsettled accounts with the
late firm of Dorsey 8a Maguire are respectfully re
quested to call and have tllO 15111103 satisfactorily
arranged, as they are determined to have the ac
counts settled without respect to persons.
Iluntiuglou July 31, 1841.
TRIAL LIST--August Term, 1/451.
George Jackson vs Conrad Wittich
Com'th for use of Vances vs Vance & Alexander
John White's Adms vs Sand Eckley
Clarissa Holland's Adms vs David Sty-or
John Dearment for use vs James Alexander
Samuel Shoemaker for use vs Hunt. Pres. Cong.
George Randolph vs F A Jennings & Co
G It & J II Shoonberger vs Dan'! Bressler et al
J &J Milliken vs William Couch's Ex
Fetzer & Riddle vs John List
Devon & Greene vs Banks & Cromwell
Zentmyer for Good vs Martin Gates' Adms
Martin Gates Adms vs Math. Crownover Ac
Christian Ladner & Co vs 'Wear. & Fitzpatrick
Com'th for Lowry vs John Shaver
Sam'l S Barr vs John Willamson
Joseph Ennis vs James S Lawrence
John Love for use vs Mitchell Vance & Alexander
John Bridenbaugh die vs Philip L. Fox
William tingling. vs 'William Colder & Co
John Walters for use vs Spang Keller & Co
Mary Ann Lineman vs Same
A C Blair Ac vs David Welch
Sam'! Kamm. vs James Entrckin
William MeNite vs John Dougherty et al
Amos L Smith vs Chilcote & Myerly.
Com'th for Johns vs Ramsey & Auld.
Jos Ii Spnyd et al vs William Moore
Robert Speer vs Isaac G Gorsuch
Dennis Donovan vs The Penna. Railroad Co
Thomas Ashton vs Henry Keister's Ex
Moore & Myton vs Michael.Steffey Sc
A Burn's Adms for use vs Sam'! Burket et al
John Roper for use vs John Smith's Adms
Andrew Froaker vs Benjamin Megahah et al
Sam'l Smiley vs Michael Stony
LIST OF JUROUS—Aug. Term, 1851
Alexander Ambrose, founder Franklin Township,
James Alexander, farmer, Jackson
Washington Baker, farmer, Tod
Jacob E Bare, farmer, Springfield
William W Campbell, fanner, I'd!
Abraham Cresswell, merchant, We: ,
Conrad Curfman, flintier, Cass
John Donelson, farmer, Hopewell
James Ewing, limner, Franklin
John Flemming, farmer, Cromwell
Daniel Grazier, flamer, Warriorsinark
Alen Green, farmer, Barree
David Henderson, farmer ' Fraklin
Samuel Jones, carpenter, Franklin
William Jordan, farmer, Cromwell
Henry Lee, farmer, Jackson
Peter Levingston, farmer, Barre°
James Lane Sr., miller, Brady
George Liningor, farmer, Walker
James M Lloyd, farmer, Walker
John Moore, carpenter, Shirley
John MeKinstrey, farmer, Shirley
John McCarty, farmer, Brady
James McCracken, flume', Brady
David Parker, blacksinitli; Warnormark
John Porter ' merchant, Pond.
John Price, farmer, Shirley
Job Plympton, machinist, Morris
Edward L Plowman, farmer, Brady
William Rutter, farmer, Cromwell
Joseph Road, farmer, West
Richardson Read, merchant, Cass
I William Stinson, farmer, Tod
John C Wilson, farmer, West
Levi Westbrook, shoemaker, Henderson
Henry Zimmerman, Justice Peace, Hopewell
Take this method of informing the Public,that
in addition to their
Ice Cream Saloon
they have fitted up hi splendid style an EATING
ROOM for gentlemen, where every luxury, as well
as the substantials of ? the season, will ho served up
in such a manner, as to make en Epicurean smack
his lips with gusto.
Siring Chiclans, Oysters, Roast Reif, aided
Lamb, Roast Mutton, 6.c. erv., with all the lixins
can ho bud at any time. Suppers will be prepru•ed
fur parties on timely notice being given.
We are determined to spare no efforts to make
our establishment a place of agreeable resort.
Our stock of jivitsd• co,y4t;im,ries is Unrivalled.
We wish every person to give us a call, when we
are certain we shall have the extreme pleasure, of
having Shunt "came again and adain."
1. & C. SNYDER.
Hunt., Judy , 1851: tt
THE undesigned begs leave to call the atten
tion of Printers and Publishers, to the fitct
that he continues to manufacture all kinds of
TYPE at his old stand, N. W. Corner of Third
Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, at his usual low
prices fur cash. He has just introduced a large
quantity of new style
all of which am made of the best metal; and for
beauty of finish and durability, cannot be surpass
ed by any other foundry in the Union. His long
experience in the difirent brunches of rho trade
as well as in the mixing of metals, will, he thaws
himself, enabled hint to make a bettor article and
at a much less price than any of his competitors.
He keeps constantly on hand a largo variety of
Cases, Chases, Composing St icks,lmposing-stoncs,
Common and Brass Galleys, Stands, Bodkins,
Brass Wes, Leads, Printing Presses, Furniture,
and all other articles required inn Printing Mica,.
Old Typo taken in oxdhango fur new at nine
cents per pound.
Printers are requested to call and examine his
speeiments before purchasing elsewhere. All
ders thankfully received and promptly attended to,
at his Philadelphia Type Foundry, corner of
Third and Chestnut streets.
July 3, 1851.-Iy,
Tho next session of this Institution, which is
now in successful operation, with the most encour
aging prospects, will commence on the third day
of September next. Tho faculty consists of:
Rev. D. V. McLain D. 1). President and Pro
fessor of Moral Sciences, Logic and Evidences of
JAMES 11. COFFIN Esq., A. M.. Vice Presi
dent, and Professor of Mathematics and Natural
ltev. (Nona Bunnows, A. M. Professor of
Ancient Languages and Literature:
sor of Mental Philosophy and Rhetoric.
JAMES M. POUTER Esq., L. L. D. Professor of
Jurisprudence and Political Economy.
The course of study is thorough, the discipline
strict but paternal, the position healthy and the
charges moderate for both tuition and boarding. •
Subscribers of $lOO and upwards to the endow
ment fund now in progress sending pupils at this
time, will have the benotit of the reduction which !
it wilt occasion.
Circulars and further information can be bad by
addressing Dr. D. V. Mo LAIN, President of the
College, or W. IheitErr Esq., Secretary of the
Board of Trustees,Easton Penna.
August 7,1851.4 t.
IKON PUMPS and Load Pipe, for well or cis
tom, for solo by J. .W. Sexton.
Afily 29,'51
Every subscriber of five dollars is a member for
the year, and is entitled to,
1. A copy of each number of the BULLETIN
(referred to in a proceeding number,) which shall
be issued in 1851, during and alter the month in
which payment of his subscription shall. be made.
This is a monthly publication, of sixteen or more
quarto pages, of three columns each, illititrated
with Engravings and Etchings fivot works of the
most distinguished artists.
H. A print of Mr. Jones's line Engraving on
Steel, measuring nineteen inches by twenty-one
inches, after Mr. Woodville's celebrated painting
of Mexican News, representing a group ut the
door of an inn, listening to the reading of account
of the first battles of the late Mexican War.
111. A set ofFlve Prints from line En
gravings on Steel, of the average size of eight
inches, by ten inches, and executed by distin
guished American Engravers, after the following
Marion Crossing the Pedo,,By Ranney, Mount
Washington, from the Valley of Conway, By
Kensett, American Harvesting Scenery, By
Cropsey, Old '76 and Young '4B, By Woodville,
Bargaining for a Horse, By Mount.
Thus forming a Gallery of American Art, of
convenient size tar binding, or Ibr preservation in
a portfolio, instead of framing, if desired.
IV. A share in the distribution of several hun
dred paintings, seulptares, and drawings in water
The subscriber has thus an unequalled oppor
tunity to achieve the triple purpose of obtaining
a valuable return for a small investment—of se
curing the possession of a superior work, gratify
ing his taste for Art, and of aflbnling encourage
ment to prontising Artists °fills own country.
Honorary Seentary
Huntingdon, July 17, 1851.
c2l (23. ,1 1- ;'3llU 2Zta. Cea tr ,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon, and the public generally,
.b,:t he has taken the shop formerly occupied by
T. Adams, where he is carrying on business as a
in all its branches, and he hereby solicits a share
of the public patronage. By strict attention
to his business (intending to he at home at all
times) and care in the manufacture of articles, he
hopes to please those who may become his pat
rons and, also, to induce a fitir trade.
(Wile makes Collins and attends Funerals on
the shortest notice.
(Wife has a SPLENDID lIEAItSE for the
accommodation of those living in the country.
Huntingdon, Juno 26, 1851.—Zhn.
has just received at his "11.1S/N STORE' a
tremendous stock of goods from Philadelphia,
which he is enabled to sell at greatly rcdnccd
prices, in consequence of having purchased the
same much lower than usual.
llis stock embraces everything required to sup
ply the wants of the community and consists in
part of a most splendid variety of
All of which 1611 be sold 20 per ccut. than
similar articles can be had for in I s itiugdun.n.
Persons who have nay regard lie economy
• should give him a call, when he will lake great
pleasure iu convincing them that his stare is the
place to save money. Ws stock of
is very large, and as he has all his goods brought
on in his own boats, it is reasonable to suppose
that lie can soil lower than mgbodyelse.
I am sincerely gratethl to the community for
the very liberal share of patronage I have hereto
fore received, and trust that my great reduction
in prices will be the means of having it continued
and greatly increased. •
May 29, 1851.—tf.
Begs leave to retnrn his sincere thanks, for the
very.liberal patronage he has heretofore received,
and at tho same time informs a genierons public,
that he still continues the
at the old stand of Jacob Snyder, where he will
be pleased to have his friends call and leave their
Every garment is warranted to fit neatly, and
shall be well made.
Hunt., July, 1851
TO the heirs and to the creditors of John Siewart,
All persons interested are hereby notified that
the Trust account of John P. Stewart,. Trustee of
the estato of Ids father John Stewart, Into of West
township, Huntingdon county, deceased, under
and by virtu° of an article of agreement recorded
in the office for, recording of deeds in said county,
has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of
the Court of Common Pleas of said county, and
that the same will bo presented to the said Court
on the socond Monday of August next, for con
firmation;. At which tittle the same will be allowed
by said Court, unless cause be shown why it
should not bo allowed.
TIIEO. H. CREMER, Prot'ry.
May 25, 1851.
WuEnt:As by a precept to me directed by the
Judges of the Common Pleas of the coun
ty of Huntingdon, bearing test, the 9th of April,
1851, I am commanded to make Public Proela
matiOn throughout my whole baliwick, that a
aunt of Common Pleas ' will be held the. Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3d
Monday (and 18th day) of August, A. D., 1851,
for the trial of all issues in said Court, which re
mains undetermined before the said Judges, when
and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, In
the trial of all issues arc required to appear.
Dated at Huntingdon the 23d of July in the
year of our Lord 1851, and the 75th year o
American Independence.
- WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheri":
July 24, 1851.
] AMES Gold Pens and Pencils at the Cheap
-IA Corner Jewelry Store.
B OOKS and STATA/NAHY of all kinds at
Ed. Snare's Store.
ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, mid various other
kilt& of Pistols, at the lowest prices, at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
10 Half Barrels nerring for , slo .
Hine 29, '5l,
S. D. WILLIAMS di. Co.,
IVhd,Rate Grocers and Commission Merchants and
Dealer, in Produce and Pittsburg
• .Atteufi who
1 It, if Sired, Pittsburg. • .
goods, lt!ti
- ,nndtnmavei
week, abs
cent importations, which are ollimol on the most
reasonable terms:
115 catty boxes prime Green Tea.
45 half chests do do
46 " Oolong and Chubut.
100 bags Rio Coffee.
15 Lagityra and Java. •
60 boxes B's, s's, and Ilb lump tobacco
35 bids. Nos, 1 and 3 Mackerel.
20 and do No. 1 do
2 and Is
50 axes scaled Ilerrinz.
1300 lbs extra Madder. •
3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves,
6 hags Pepper & Alspiec, 1 Übl Nutmegs,
2 bids Ground Ginger, 1 Uhl ground pepper,
1 bbl Groutid Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard
10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves,
bbls Garret's Snuff, 45 hxs Stearin Candles,
20 bxs Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do
100 doe Masons Black'g 100 Ms sup. Rico Flour,
100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 doz Ink,
150 doe Corn Brooms, 125 doe Patent Zinc
50 bxs extra pure Starch, Wash Boards,
25 do Saleratus, 75 bhls N. 0. Molasses,
15 bids S. 11. Molasses, 10 do Golden Syrup,
25 (to Loaf, Crushed, 0501bs seedless Raisins,
& Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs,
20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Prunes,
5 'boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons,
10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond
12 doe Military Soap, Soap,
I bbl sup. Oarh, Soda, 1 bbl Cream. Tartar,
1 case Pearl Sago, cases Isinglass,
2 cases Sicily & Refined 1 MSC Arrow Root,
Liquorice 150 Bath Brick,
1 bbl Flour Sulphur, 100 gross Matches,
100 doe Extract of Lem. 5 doe Lemon Sugar,
on, Rose &1 cask Sal Sods,
Glass, Nails, White fend, Lard oil, &c.
Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son,
Fisher & M'Murti ie,
• 6 Charles Miller,
Honorable John Ker,
May 15, 1851.—1 y.
The subscriber, in his effbrfs to make folks as
coinfortable as possible, takes this method of as
suring everybody in quest of felicity, that ho is
now prepared to furnish ICE CREAM and DE
LIGHTFUL CAKES to persons both at home
and abroad. His arrangements are ample and
persons residing at either of the points named be
low had butter send in their orders considerably
before immediately in order to secure the richest
and best. The facilities atlbrded by the Railroad
enables him to assure all ‘who may thvor him with
their orders that they may rely upon his being
punctual iu all from the following places,
itll4 any other place in the United States.
Iluntingdon, June 19, 1851
The Art Union of Philadelphia was established
by its founders, and incorporated by, the Legisla
ture of l'ennsylvrnia, for the purposo of, vstuntl
i;ig throitliecft Atiferian.continuitity that at:
taclitnfatt to tlic floc arts which is distinctive of
national relincnictit find civilization.
Every person subscrt ung five dollars becomes
a member of the Art Union until the succeeding
annual meeting in December. Subseriimrs for
this year aro entitled to their choice of any two of
the l'our following splendid engravings, any one of
wide!' is fully worth the subscription price:
QUEEN or ScoTTs.
2. RUTH AND lioA2.
Each subscriber also receives a copy of the
Art Union Reporter, monthly, after his subscrip
tion: this should induce earl!, mubseriptions. Af
ter payment of all expenses, the balance of the
funds arising Irons subscriptions is represented by
catificates, ranging from $4O to $lOOO,
which are distributed by lot among the members,
on the last. week-day in December, and arc avail:
able only for the purchase of originil works of
American Artists.
Thus, for five dollars each member IS sure of
receiving two engravings which could not he pur
chased elsewhere wills the sense money, and pas
also the chance of obtaining a fine original pa:su
ing to be selected Lry Num*:
JOHN SCOTT, Esq., is the Honorary Secre
tary for this county, and will receive and remit
s uhscriptions.
North-East cur. Walnut &cone' Sts., Mita
H AS on hand, just received, a complete As
sortment pf tqlOT GUNS, Powder Flasks,
Game Bai;s ' and all other Sporting Apparatus of
the best andinest approved patterns.
Be has constantly on hand SPORTING POW
DER of all descriptions, Percussion Caps, Shot,
Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank Cartridges, and a
general assortment of materials for Guu Makers,
Also PERCUSSION CAI'S of a superior qual
ity, designed expressly for U. S. Rides.
An Assortment of FISHING TACKLE always
on hand.
All the above, and any other articles in his line,
the Subscriber will sell as low as any other estab
lishment iii the United States.
In testimony of his skill as a tunnifacturer, the
FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, in tho years 1840
anti 1842, awarded to hint TWO CERTIFI
CATES— and in the years 1844, 1846, 1847,
1848 cud 1850 FIVE SILVER MEDALS, all of
which may be seen at his place of business.
July 24, 1851.-3 M.
SIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents for the largest
Gold Pencils, at
Ed. Snare's Smoky Store.
A Beautiful lot of Parasols for sale by
J.e. W. Saxton
May 29, 51
T .
finest flist colored I'4 cent Lawns for sale
-L by J. i f• W. Saxton.
May 29, 51.
A Splendid assortment of Ladies Slippers for
salo by J. 4- W. Saxton.'
May 29, '5l.
MBE best assoftment of Hardware in town, for
sale by J. 15. Saxton.
May 29, '5l.
A Beautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets,
large and small. Mao, children's Flats for
sale by J. 3. lV Saxton.
Mny 29,