Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 07, 1851, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, Aug. 7, 1451.
Trig " HIRATINGDON JoURNAL" IS published at
tho following rates, iz
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50
If paid during the year, 1,75
if paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance,. • 14110
Tit it above Terms will he adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will he taken for a less period than
six months, and no paper will bo discontinued un
til all arrearages arc paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Is our atithorized agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements,
and any persons in those cities wishing to adver
tise in our columns, will please call ou hint.
WM. M. MEREDITH of Philadelphia.
RICH. COULTER of Westnoreland.
JOSHUA W. COMLY of Montour.
WILLIAM JESSUI' of Susquehanna.
The Whigs of Huntingdon county are request
ed to meet at the usual places of holding their
Delegate Elections, on Saturday, the 9th day of
August, for the purpose.of choosing two delegates
from each township and borough, to meet in
County Convention on Wednesday, the lath
day of August next, at 10 oNcloek in the fore
noon, in the borough of Huntingdon, to nominato
candidates for the following offices, via :
Ono person fur Assemblyman,
Two persons fur Associate Judges,
Ono person for Prothonotary,
One person for Register 4. Recorder,
One person for County Treasurer,
One person for County Commissioner,
Three persons for Directors of the Poor,
Ono person fur Auditor,
It is particularly requested that the delegates
he in attendance at the hour above named, as there
wilt be an unusually large amount of business
claiming their attention.
By order of the County Committee.
Huntingdon, Jnly 24,1851.
U :7" Wo arc informed that the barn of
James Forrest in Barre° township, this
county, was consumed by fire on the night
of Monday the 28th ult., which contained
his crop , of grain cut during the late har
vest. It is believed to be the work of an
incendiary, Sometime since, a stable be
longing to Mr .Gibbony was burned, in the
same neighborhood. Several occurrences
of the kind have taken place in that
neighborhood within the last two or three
years, all of which are believed to be the
work of incendiaries We fear that the
portals of the penitentiary are open to
receive some villian from that quarter.
Tr. The Chairman of the Whig State
Central Committee has called a meeting of
the members of the Committee, to assemble
in Philadelphia on Thursday the 14th of
NEW POSTAGE LAW. Thus far the re
duction of postage has worked well. There
has been an increase in the number of let
ters, and gratifying improvement in respect
to advance payment of postage. No gen
tleman will now oblige another to pay Eve
cents postage unless the letter is upon the
other's business.
Cr?" The Locofocos of Dauphin County,
at their recent County Convention, gave
Mr. Buchanan" the cold shoulder," having
adopted Cass resolutions by a vote of 61
to 3. Gen. Cameron is responsible for
tok' The Boston Post, speaking of Mr.
Webster's late speeches, says that he now
shakes from his venerable head the gems
and flowers with which he stored it in his
youthful wanderings through the fields of
literature, and the profusion of these fresh
and briliant ornaments isthe more pleasing
when we contrast them with the severe
simplicity of must of his previous efforts.
To the Readers of the Journal.
It is not uncommon for the members of
the legal profession, as also of the judi
ciary, to mingle in some business, other
than the one for which they were educa
ted. One devotes his spare time and at
tention to fancy farming, another to horti
culture and pomology, a third controls a
line of mail stages, a fourth has his fancy
excited with the roar of a saw-mill, while
others are merchandising, speculating in
coal fields, blowing furnaces or spinning
cotton. We propose devoting a portion of
our time in conducting a weekly journal—
mingling the cares of business with the
exercise of the mind in the more elegant
employment of furnishing dainties for the
intellectual appetite. We, nevertheless,
have no intention of abandoning the pro
fession of the law, but hold ourself in
readiness to attend to all business with
which a generous public may entrust us;
and while we say to the lawyers—we are
still with you and one of you—to the edi
tors, a profession no less honorable and
probably more potent, we say—we shall
be very happy to make your acquaintance.
The patrons and readers of the Journal
may expect in its columns the advocacy of
those time honored principles, for which
it has battled through evil as well as
through good report. The Whig party
l' as been and is essentially preservative in
its character, and has stood as a support
to the stately fabric of the Union and the
Constitution, when the factions of the de
mocracy were assailing the pillars at its
base. It is progressive with the progress
of reason and knowledge, and moves for
ward with confidence and alacrity when
the lamp of safety shines in its pathway.
The improvements of the ago are the off
spring of its genius. It clears out your
lakes and navigable rivers, builds up com
munications for the transit of your domes
tic commerce, and advocates that policy
which will place the laboring man in a po
sition to command, not beg his terms. A
party, so exhaustless in its purposes for
good, cannot but commend itself to the
good sense of the citizens of this
great republic—a country dearer to the
American heart than was teeming Canaan
to the followers of Joshua.
We will advocate the election of the
great and goodanen whose names stand at
the head of our columns, with our utmost
ability, believing it to be the best general
ticket ever presented to the people of this
Commonwealth. We will boldly meet the
questions of the day, when wo shall feel
called upon so to do; and while we depre
cate agitation for the sake of agitation and
disturbance, we are, nevertheless, au un
flinching friend of the unlimited liberty of
the human mind. No error can long pros
per, and no troth can long remain crushed,
while free discussion is permitted to at
tack the one and uphold the other.
This gentleman has been attacked by
the Locofoco press, with a malicious earn
estness worthy of devils, for having voted,
as they say, against supplies for the army
in Mexico. He voted against the jesuiti
cal evasion of a declaration of war, the
solo power to declare which, the constitu
tion vests in Congress. He voted for
every appropriation to that army after the
recognition of the war, as the journals of
Congress will show. He voted for an ap
propriation of $500,000 for providing "for
the comfort of discharged soldiers who
may be landed at New Orleans or any
other places within the United States, so
disabled by disease or wounds received in
the service as to be unable to proceed to
their homes, and for forwarding destitute
soldiers to their homes." He voted for
increasing the pay of the private soldiers
from $7,00 to $lO,OO per month, which
was defeated by Locofoco votes. This
charge is therefore a slander manufactured
for the purpose of exciting the veterans
of that war, against their best friend.
But who is John Strohm 1 An honest
farmer of Lancaster County, who earns
his bread by the sweat of his brow. By
the kindness of the Whigs of this county,
we were delegated to the Lancaster Con
vention which nominated him, and we there
had the pleasure of looking upon his sun
burnt face, and listening to his words of
wisdom, after the Convention had declared
him to be its choice for Canal Commission
er; and his remarks impressed us with his
practical good sense, while his countenance
bespoke honesty and Roman virtue. In
fact his integrity has never been impeached,
I and cannot and dare not be. Ho is the
man, whose services Pennsylvania needs,
in the administration of her public works;
and with him in the board, there will be
no more stupendous Freeport Aqueduct
swindles, or no more passing of delegates
and others to the Reading Convention
over the State improvements, free of toll.
In another column will be found the evi
dence of the latter fraud and outrage on
the people of the Commonwealth; and the
only answer that the opposition press
gives to the charge is, that Mr. Bigham
should not have told it. These men want
to live by plundering the State, and then
make the people pay the expenses of the
robbery. Let us then have the honest,
intelligent, firm, hard working, sun-burnt
farmer of Lancaster County in the Canal
Board, and leave the patent right man of
Clarion at home, to peddle patent bee
hives, force pumps, and experiment in the
mysteries of animal magnetism and clair
The Issues of the Campaign.
The locofocos aro endeavoring to pre
sent but one issue to the people of Penn
sylvania in the present canvass, and that
ono entirely foreign to the real issues in
volved in the campaign. It is attempted
to raise an overshadowing fogs oh the sub
ject of the Compromise measures, and the
great importance of preserving the Amer
ican Union. The measures referred to, we
understand have been passed by Congress
and approved by the President, nearly all
of which are irrepoalablo in their very na
ture, and the rest hero are but seldom
talked about. There has been no attempt
in the State by any Whig, or Democrat
either, as far as we can learn, to obstruct
the execution of any of those measures, and
the talkers and writers of the Whig party
aro preaching obedience to them and devo
tion to the ooustitution and laws, as they
have always done. Nevertheless the lo
cofocos will persist, in blowing the flame
and smoke of the conflagration of the
American Union in our faces, to singe our
eye-brows and take our breath. We tell
these trembling, quaking, dissolution-fear
ing locofocos, that the men who control
their party, do their thinking and regulate
their national legislation, namely the
cotton nabobs and princely aristocrats
of the extreme South, are the men who are
thundering against the heavy battlements
of the confederation. It is their allies
and bosom friends, who are cursing the li
Union in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama
Mississippi, Arkansas, North Carolinaand
Tennessee. If the Union is not dissolved
and dismembered until the Whigs do it,
Gabriel's trumpet will send its resuree
tionary notes over a country happily held
in bonds of fraternal concord, smiling
with the prosperity and general plenty that
social equality alone can give, and the
whole spectacle will be so beautiful, so
gorgeous, that a tear will steal down his
angelic cheek, at the fatal necessity, which
shall forever end and destroy the delight
ful paradise.
They ask us to pledge ourselves to the
Union, and we say we do, eagle and all,
and the coat of arms of the United States,
too : and we intend to live and die under
the whole of them. The adjustment meas
ures will be faithfully observed and re
spected. These questions therefore pre
sent no issue in the campaign. The ques
tions aro : shall the State debt bo paid with
out the people fooling how it was done ?
Shall the farmers and real estate holders be
taxed less than under former administra
tions, and still more money received into the
treasury ? Shall dead heads be made pay
when they come into the cars with free tick
ets from the Canal Commissioners? Shall
corruptions in the Canal Board cease? Shall
adequate 'protection be granted to our do
mestic interests ? These aro some of the
questions in which we aro really interested,
and which we shall hereafter put ourselves
to the trouble of unfOlding to our readers.
Storm—Loss of Life and Property,
- -
We see in the Bulletin of the 4th inst.,
taken from the Uniontown Democrat, an
account of a storm in Fayette county, the
most tremendous of any thing we have
read for many years. It blow down houses
substantially built of Stone and brick, un
roofed barns, and blew others entirely
away; destroyed immense quantities of
timber, killed some persons by the falling
of houses, and badly injured many more.
One man was blown a considerable dis
tance and lodged in a tree top, two boys
were blown fifty paces into a neighboring
field, and the hat of ono of them was found
in a field three miles distant. The crops
were very much injured, and much of them
swept away and lodged on the side of a
mountain. The storm was accompanied
with terific thunder and lightning and oc
curred on the night of July `,26th.
0 2 " BE NOT AFFRONTED at a jest. If
one throw salt on then, thou wilt receive
no harm unless thou halt sore places.
The following from the Keystone ap
pears to be a list of the damages to the
Pennsylvania canal, by the late flood on
the upper Juniata.
Two breaches iri the level below the Wil
low dam. A break in the level above the
Little Watorstreet dam. Two heavy slides
off the mountain in the Big Waterstrect
dam; channel closed up. Towing-path
bridge and abutments in the Waterstreet
dam washed out. Three breaches in the
level above Alexandria; ono very heavy
around the lock; washed 18 feet below bot
tom for 50 feet. Two breaches in the level
below Alexandria. A heavy break close
by Neff's aequeduct. Abutment of guard
look stove in at the head of Petersburg
dam. River towing-path bridge and two
of the piers washed out at the head of Pi
per's dam. Small towing-path bridge wash
ed away along Piper's dam. Towing-path
washed out above Piper's dam. Towing
path round the lock at Piper's dam wash
ed away; head of lock damaged; stone
washed out of cribbing, and canal below
dam for some distance-300 yards--wash
ed away and washed full of gravel. Two
broaches in the short level below Piper's
dam. Wash around outer lock at head of
Huntingdon dam. Three breaches in the
level above Huntingdon dam, heavy wash
of the towpath, and fill in the canal.—
Breach at the lock at Huntingdon. First
culvert above Huntingdon partly washed
out. Breach in the tow-path. Culvert
below Huntingdon partly washed out.—
Breach in the tow-path below Huntingdon.
Breach in the Mill creek level, and Mill
!creek aqueduct washed out. Breaches
and wash in the canal from Mill creek to
The breaches are so far repaired that
boats passed on last Monday morning from
below this place on their way to Hollidays
burg. Boats would have passed on Sat
urday but on letting the water into the lev
el hero, the embankment about the new
Culvert at the upper end of town gave
way, which was again promptly repaired.
Mr. Anderson deserves commendation for
his energy, in getting the canal in naviga
ble order.
On the 22d of June, just seven weeks af
ter the terrible conflagration of May San
Francisco suffered from a similar calamity.
The whole of the blocks bounded by
Montgomery, Dupont, Washington and
Merchant streets are now a heap of ruins.
The property destroyed covered three
squares, and the loss is estimated at some
thing over ono million of dollars.
The fire was the work of incendiaries,
who have been arrested by the Vigilent
Committee. Their fate may easily be
Many lives aro said to have been lost by
this terrible fire, which, coming so closely
on the heels of that from which the city
had not recovered, inflicts a severe blow on
the prosperity of the inhabitants.
The heart of the city is in ashes. The
loss is variously estimated at from two to
five millions, but it is impossible to toll
what it really is.
From the Kittanning Press,
_ _
The Right Spirit.
In our paper of the 27th June last, we
published a short extract of a letter from
a Democrat in another county, to ono in
this place. We have since seen another
letter from which wo have been permitted
to make a much longer extract. He is a
very influential and honest man.
, July 3, 1851
* Oboe I was a Democrat, but
now a Whig—yes, a true Whig—a friend
of my country at last. lam sorry to say
that for the last five years I have been
helping Demagogues to lay their deep and
unholy schemes for the purpose of keep
ing Pennsylvania under water—but she is
now afloat. All honest Democrats should
throw off their prejudices, come out from
the party, and unite with the Whigs*—yes
the Whig party and the only true party.
But some Democrats will say, I am not
going to turn Whig and be called a turn
coat. For sake of party many of them
would run with one shoe off and the other
never on. Next October will find all hon
est Democrats who wish to promote the
true interests of the State, in the ranks of
a party which advocates and sustains them.
Bigler, will bo defeated, and I am pleased
to think that Pennsylvania will continuo
her present position. Wm. F. Johnston,
Gon. Scott, and the tariff of 1842, is my
I care not for tho name of Whig or Demo
ocrat—l go for the interests of Pennsylva
nia, not for those of England and other
foreign countries. I entreat all my for
mer party friends to come out from the
Democratic ranks and take their stand
among the true friends of our country,
and nobly and faithfully sustain, firmly and
effectually for the future, the true policy
of the State, by entering the ranks of the
Whigs. Let them not be backward, but
walk in and be mon and Whigs. ***
From the Norristown Herald.
Corruption in the Canal Board--
More Proof Against the Plunderers
of the Treasury
We stated that the Canal Commissioners
had granted free tickets to the Loco-foco
delegates to the Reading Convention. Our
statements have been corroborated by sim
ilar ones in Lancaster, Westmoreland and
Allegheny counties. The Pittsburg Ga
zette contains a statement from the Hon.
Thomas J. Bingham, which places the mat
ter beyond all doubt. Our statement was
made on the best authority. Read the
communication of Mr. Bigham, and the
excellent remarks of the Gazette :
T. J. Bigham Esq., one of the late
Representatives of this county, furnished us
yesterday with the following communica
tion :
To the Editors of the Pittsburg Ga
An article copied into your paper, from
the Harrisburg American; in regard to the
issuing of free tickets by the Canal Board,
has called to my recollection a fact which
I deem it my duty, as a member of the
Legislature to state, over my own signa
ture. Had I known of it before the ad
journment, I should certainly of brought it
before the House—and now ) as I do not
expect to be a member of the next Legis
lature, I ask the privilege to state it
through your columns.
After the adjournment, and before leav
ing Harrisburg, a friend procured from one
of the members of the Canal Board, and
handed me, a ticket, such as he assured
me had been furnished to the members
generally. As near as I can recollect the
substance WAS :-
, 4 Pass Mr, Bigham over the State im
provements to Pittsburg free of toll."
_ _
By virtue of this tick - et I paid nothing
on the Portage Rail-road, and no canal
tolls on the boat from Johnstown. On my
way homeward, in the cars, these tickets
became the subject of conversation, when,
to my surprise, all, I believe, of the Dem
ocratic members then present, and at least
one gentleman, not a member of the Leg
islature, exhibited tickets, not similar to
mine, but in substance as follows :-
4g Pass over the State im
provements during the year 1851 free of
The gentleman not a member of the
Legislature, and at least ono Democratic
member, spoke of having free tickets for
1852 as well as 1851. These, however,
were not exhibited. Some of the members,
and I think this same gentleman not a
member, exhibited more than one ticket or
pass signed by different members of the
Canal Board, and I believe at least one
gentleman spoke of having a pass from each
of the three Canal Commisioners.
I am not sufficiently familiar with the
hand-writing of the members of the Canal
Board to say that any or all these passes
were in their proper hand-writing--but
had then and have now no doubt they are
genuine as exhibited. I know they were
treated as genuine by the officers on the
public works. These things struck me
with great surprise—as I had never seen
such things done before, and know of no
law to authorize such passes.
My design is simply to state facts, and
to call for sonic explanation or for the au
thority to grant such tickets.
Momber of the House from Allegheny.
July 17. 1851.
Let this statement of Mr. Ingham be
published in every county of the State,
that the tax-payers may see what kind of
men manage the public works, for the con
struction of which they are so heavily tax
ed. Lot the people see by this gross fraud
upon the public revenue, which is only ono
of a thousand, why it is that the public
worksyield so meagre a revenue. Lot
theminfer front this—and a fair inference
it is—why the repairs of the public works
cost so enormously : and then after seeing
all this, if they see proper to accept ri
baldry for facts, and scurrillity for argu
ment and elect another man of the same
kind and of the same party, another noisy
politician, of whose moral or intellectual
fitness for the trust neither they nor any
one can vouch, why let them do so. If
they can put faith in the professions of men
who have now been convicted of a swindle
of the basest kind upon our heavily taxed
Commonwealth, we cannot help it. If such
abominations are to be covered up under
the mantle of “Democracy" which they
have stolen, as they have stolen the pub
lic money, why bo it so.
Mr. Bigham mentions ono vary significant
fact, which is that one man who was not
a member of the Legislature, was fur
nished with a free ticket. This we haz
ard nothing in saying, was an active loco
foco politieion.The inference is irresista
ble, that many more of the same aro at
this moment travelling from point to point
on the public works, at the expense of the
State • electioneering for Bigler, Clover,
and the rest of the loco-foco ticket.
rr_r Harper, of the Post, talks about
"lies sticking in the throats of Whig Edi
tors." True, it is rather difficult to get a
lie out of the Whig editors, but we have
never known a lie to "stick,' for a moment
in tho throat of a locofoco Editor. They
slip out with the most remarkable ease and
07 - It is said that Barnum has succeed
ed in obtaining the identical lance, used
by James Buchanan, in "letting the demo
cratic blood out of his veins."
JUDGE BELL.—This gentleman, one of
the Judges of the Supreme Court of this
State, has signified his willingness to he a
candidate for President Judge of the
Chester and Delaware Judicial district.—
He will no doubt, receive the nomination
of his party.
On the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. B.
Williams, Mr. John Louden, of Altoona,
Blair Co., to Miss E. P. Robeson, of
Woodbury, Bedford Co.
In Alexandria, in this county, on the
27th ult., at the residence of her brother,
Israel Oraifius, Esq., .Mrs. Catharine
Shultz, in the 65th year of her age.
Tho deceased had, until recently, resi
ded in Huntingdon, and for many years
was a consistent member of the Presbyte
rian church. Those who knew her uhite
in testifying to her ohristian character,
while her daily walk afforded satisfactory
evidence that for her "to live was Christ,
but to die, gain." She was an example
in patience and resignation under protract
ed bodily suffering; and, though suddenly
brought to encounter the struggles of death
by dropsical pressure, yet as awaiting the
event, she was not surprised or alarmed.
She exclaimed, "Oh, Death!"—as part of
a sentence, which her voice failed to fin
ish; but the expression of her countenance
seemed to add—" Where is thy stifle
MR. PEIGIITAL ;—Will you be good
enough to announce the name of JOHN
MARKS, of this borpugh, as a candidate
for nomination to the office of County
Treasurer. Mr. M. is a good industrious
Whig, a man whose honesty has never been
questioned and whose kindness of heart is
proverbial wherever known. He would,
certainly, make a popular officer.
Huntingdon July 31, 1851.
PIIILADELPULt, July 30, 1851
Flour per bbl. $4 25
White Wheat per bushel 1 01
Rod do
Farmers, hereafter, may rely upon being kept
fully booked up in regard to the Philadelphia mar
ket for produce—our quotations are taken from
the "North American and United States Guiette,"
one of the best and most reliable commercial pa
pers in the Union.
Reported for the Journal.
7a.m. 2p.m. 9P. al
TuEs.—July 29 64 78 68
WEDNB. " 110 65 68 64
TnuEs. "31 64 72 64
FRIDAY " I 63 72 64
SATD Y. " 2 60 79 64
SUNDAY " S 62 82 68
MONDAY " 4 68 70 70
29th July Clear.
30th Rain, afternoon and night
31st Cloud—rain in the evening
Ist Aug.—Rain in the forenoon
2d Clelr.
3d Clear.
4th Cloudy—rain molm 3 g & afturnoon 060
JACOB MILLER, Onsanyttn.
Huntingdon July 24th, 1851-
Philadelphia It
rtes of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks • par
Pittsburg par
Germantown, par
Chester County • •par
Delaware County. . •par
Montgomery Co... •par
Northumberland • • •par
Col. Bridge Co.• • • •par
Reading 'par
Lancaster, par
Doylestown par
Easton par
Bucks County par
Brownsville par
Pottsville par
York I
Danville par.
r Lebanon, pa]
r Chambersburg,
r Gettysburg,
r Middleton,
t Carlisle,
r Harrisburg
• Honesdale, 1 1 ;
'Wyoming Pal
• Erie Bank,
1 11
• Schuylkill Haven, • •pal
• West Branch pai
'Relief Notes 11
• " " now issue •1;
'State Scrip,
Pittsburg City Scrip • • 1:
Allegheny City, 2(
Allegheny County,• • • 21
The next session of this Institution, whisk is
now in successful operation, with the most encour
aging prospects, will commence on the third day
of September next. The faculty,consists of:
Rev. D. V. MoLam D. D. President and Pro
fessor of Moral Sciences, Logic and Evidences of
JAMES 11. Coerce Esq., A. M. Vice Presi
dent, and Professor of Mathematics and Natural
lie, GEORGE BURROWS, A. M. Professor of
Ancient Languages and Literature.
sor of Mental Philosophy and Rhetoric.
JAMES M. PORTER Esq., L. L. D. Professor of
Jurisprudence and Political Economy.
The course of study is thorough, the discipline
strict but paternal, the position healthy and the'
charges moderate for both tuition and bearding.
Subscribers of $lOO and upwards to the endow
ment fund now in progress sending pupils at this
time, will have the benefit of the reduction which •
it will occasion.
Circulars and further information can be had by
addressing Dr. D. V. McLAIN, President of the
College, or W. HACKETT Esq., Secretary of the
, Board of Trustees, Easton Penna.
August 7, 1851.-41.
567 ifichos