Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 31, 1851, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, July 31, ISSI.
THE "HUNTINGDON JO URNAL" i 8 published at
the following ratos, viz:
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50
If paid during the year, 1,25
If paid after the expiration of the year, •2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • •1,25
Tun above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken fora less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements,
and any persons in those cities wishing to adver
tise in our columns, will please call on him.
WM. M. MEREDITH of Philadelphia.
RICIL COULTER of Wesmoreland.
JOSHUA W. COMLEY of Montour.
WILLIAM JESSUP of Susquehanna.
The Whigs of Huntingdon county are request
ed to meet at the usual places of holding their
Delegate Elections, on Saturday, the 9th day of
August, for the purpose of choosing two delegates
from each township and borough, to meet in
County Convention on Wednesday, the 13th
clay of August next, at 10 oPicloek in the fore
noon, in the borough of Huntingdon, to nominate
candidates for the following offices, viz :
One pc: son for Assemblyman,
Two persons fur Associate Judges,
One person for Prothonotary,
One person for Register 6. Recorder,
Ono person for County Treasurer,
Ono person for County Commissioner,
Three persons for Directors of the Poor,
One person for Auditor,
It is particularly requested that the delegates
be in attendance at the hour above named, as there
will be an unusually large amount of business
claiming their attention.
By order of the County Committee.
Huntingdon, July 24,1851.
Our friend "Trolius" must excuse us for
not publishing his document this week, and
this we know he will do if ho examines the
crowded state of our columns. When shall
we have the pleasure of meeting him in
propria persona? Lot us know by mail.
Hamld"--For the soul of us we can
see no "method in your madness." We
advise you to study well that grand play
again and if, after a proper appreciation of
the character you attempt to portray, you
do not come to the conclusion that your
effusion is ridiculous, we will give our head
for a foot ball.
‘ , ..d Scene" is respectfully declined. It
is entirely too local in its character and
quite too deficient in literary merits for in
sertion in our paper. Try something of
general interest and bo a little more
smooth in your diction.
"The Juniata" is accepted and on file
for insertion.
Gir The Newspaper Register" will
please omit, in its list of Newspapers, the
"Messenger" and "Freeman's Clarion".—
The latter never was published in this
county and the former was discontinued
two years since.
ER` Every time we open the « State
Journal," published at Harrisburg, our ad
miration is excited at its contents. The
editorial department is conducted with
singular ability and the selections aro ev
idently made by a gentleman of refined and
cultivated taste. Friend Coulter you havo
reason to be proud of such a sheet.
ADVERTISE.-A business that is worth
following is worthy of being advertised.
There is nothing like keeping one's trade
before the publio, or one's name in such a
prominent position that it may not be for
gotten. All persons who advertise in the
"Journal" assure us that their business
has increased two fold and this they attrib
ute to their letting the people know what
they have and whore they may be found.
To the Patrons of the Journal.
Continued ill health compels us to re
linquish the editorial chair. of the Hun
tingdon Journal. When we took pos
session of the establishment wo expected
that the change of avocation would pro
duce a favorable result; but in this we
have been disappointed. We have been
hoping against hope, and have at length
yielded to the advice of our Physician to
relinquish, for a time at least, all pursuits
whore the mental or physical faculties
were likely to be called into too active
In pursuance of this design we have dis
posed of all our "right, title and interest"
in the Journal establishment to our friend
J. SEWELL STEWART, Esq. It i 9 unne
cessary to say anything in regard to Mr.
S. You all know him to bo possessed of
fine talents, and no one can doubt but that
under his auspices the "Journal" will be
conducted with an ability which will win
respect and inspire admiration.
We cannot permit this occasion to pass
without returning our sincere and heart
felt thanks to the numerous warm and kind
hearted friends who have taken an interest
in our welfare by scouring us new subscri
bers. We must confess that we feel a
certain degree of melancholy in being thus
compelled to part from you, but let us as
sure you, in the language of Dickens, with
this glass of ice water, that "we drink to
you all with a heart as full as our glass,
but not half so easily emptied."
The passenger train from the east, on
Friday last ran into a freight train at this
place, by which the lives of all the passen
gers were placed in the most imminent
peril. Gross negligence on the part of the
Conductor of the freight train was the
cause. According to the rules of the Com
pany he is required to be out of the way
of the passenger train 20 minutes, yet in
this instance, when there was no excuse
for it at all, he was on the main track with
his train when he should have known, if
he clid'nt; that the passenger train was due
at this place some four or five minutes.
There is, there can be no excuse for this
neglect of duty. Public opinion excul
pates the engineer of the up train, but this
we are not disposed to do. He is said to
be an excellent engineer, but we have no
ticed that ho invariably comes in and goes
out of town too fast. There is no occa
sion for this, but on the contrary there aro
very obvious reasons why he should slack
en his speed when he knows lie has to run
through a town. Let him reserve his steam
until he comes on a straight road, and
then run his thirty-five or forty miles an
hour; but, for Heaven's sake, we do not
wish him to do so on a double curve, as
was the ease at the time this sad accident
occurred. Mr. Mitchell, the Baggage
Master, had his leg broken and was other
wise very severely injured; also Mr. James
Larige, from Harrisburg, who was so bad
ly injured as to produce concussion of the
brain. Wo aro glad to state that both
the persons named aro now considered out 1
of danger. This is considered a miracle,
for all who saw the collision could not help
concluding that many persons were killed.
Several cars wore entirely demolished, and
one of the two Locomotives rendered near
ly useless.
Brown's Essence of Jamaica
We acknowledge the receipt of a bot
tle of this celebrated article from our friend
Mr. John Read. It possesses in a concen
trated form all the valuable properties of
the Jamaica Ginger. It is beneficial more
particularly in cases where there is a
sense of exhaustion arising from excessive
fatigue or heat, a few drops in half a
tumbler of water with a little sugar will be
found an effectual and most pleasant res
torative. In ordinary diarrhoea, cholera
morbus and flatulency it is an invaluable
remedy, and should bo in every family.—
T. Read & Son have it for sale.
Cope undertook the enormous task of cra
dling two acres of wheat in two hours !
The trial took place on the farm of Mr.
James McCahan, near Hollidaysburg, and
attracted a considerable number of persons
to the spot to witness the undertaking.—
Ho did not, however, accomplish the task
in the time allotted by eight minutes. The
failure is attributed, mainly, to the faot that
Mr. Cope had been working hard all day
and at the time he attempted to accomplish
this extraordinary font (4 o'clock P. M. )
he was then quite exhausted.
Judge Watts is an Independent
candidate for the President Judgeship of
the Cumberland, Perry and Juniata Dis
As the impression has been made, by
thosd interested and also by an editorial
article in the Huntingdon Globe that
Colonel Wharton was the person referred
to in the communication which appeared
in our last paper signed "Jutice." The au
thor (who by the by, is ono of the best
men in the county) wishes us to say that
he made no allusion to Col. Wharton at
all; being satisfied that he had the love of
the party too much at heart to do aught,
that would in any way, militate against its
success. We may also say, in this connec
tion, that from our own personal knowledge
Col. Wharton desires nothing in the way
of office and will adhere to the usages of the
party as alluded to by " Justice."
Since writing the above wo notice the
following in the "Harrisburg Telegraph"
which we transfer to our columns feeling
proud that our Representative's course has
inspired the 'respect and confidence which
it merits.
From the Telegraph.
We see by a communication in the Hun
tingdon Journal that some interested pol
iticians aro endeavoring to make the im
pression throughout the county that Wm.
B. Smith, Esq., the late representive in
the Legislature is not a candidate for re
nomination, so that they may secure the
delegates to effect a nomination in his stead
for themselves.
Tho correspondent "Justice" says, which
we aro glad to learn, that Mr. Smith will
be a candidate for renomination, according
to the usages of the party. Last winter
Mr. Smith was always found among the
most faithful and attentive; and his high
moral worth, and the conscientious manner
in which he discharged his duties, gave
him an influence in the House among those
who desired to do right, not second to that
of any other man during his first session.
Nomination of a Judge.
The Conferees from this County to meet
those of Blair and Cambria at Hollidays
burg on the sth of August next are W. P.
Orbison, A. K. Cornyn and S. S. Whar
ton Esqrs.
There is no doubt about the nomination
of the Hon. George Taylor. It will be
done by acclamation and rattifiod in Octo
ber by the almost unanimous vote of both
political parties. Indeed, we have con
versed with the fiercest democrats on the
subject and all are satisfied that ho should
be continued in the high office which ho
adorns and the duties of which ho has dis
charged so ably and impartially. It may
be said, emphatically, of Judge Taylor,
that he has been "weighed in the balance
and not found wanting." We venture the
assertion that no man in the United States
over enjoyed, to a greater extent, the re
spect and confidence of the community in
which he lives than does the Judge. We
have reason to feel proud of such a man,
and the vote wo will give him will be such
as to show that he is appreciated.
In our notice last week of the accom
modating disposition of ono of the con
ductors on the Penna. Railroad, we inad
vertently omitted,' in speaking of gentle
men, the name of Capt. Keller. Last
evening the following communication was
handed to us, which we cordially insert,
knowing that it is but doing simple justice
to a very worthy man. In this connec
tion we may say to the Captain that the
source from which it eminates is of the
most respectable and influential character.
Wo fool proud to find our views in re
gard to the poltron Whitsel endorsed by
such a man as Stockholder."
In the castigation you
gave Whitsel, the oar oonduotor, last
week (which he richly deserved) I am sor
ry you omitted, in referring to Boley and
.gyres, (who merit all you say of them) the
name of Keller, who I have always found
to be as accommodating as any other agent
on the line.
While on this subject permit me to com
pliment yourself for refusing a free ex
cursion ticket from the Railroad company.
The practice of bribing the press to puff
the Agents, or Officers of a Corporation,
is becoming too prevalent. Free tickets
have been used in some cases, by the
managers of the P. R. Co. in influencing
.appraisers of Damages and securing
pliant witnesses, to some purpose ; but,
it is rather disreputable to the conductor
of a Press to bo muzzled with so paltry a
consideration. You can loose nothing by
your Independence. The loss, (if you
sustain any by your refusal) will be made
up by your receiving additional subscri
bers to your paper, particularly if you never
travel further than Col. Hazlet's splen
did new Hotel at Spruce Creek:
Huntingdon, July, 1851.
[Le' Recent accounts from Mexico rep
resent affairs in that country to be very
unsettled. Revolutions aro talked of, and
the partizans of Santa Anna predict a pro
inunciamettlo iu his favor crc long.
narrisburg Correspondence.
'lmamßung, July 21, 1851
Since the adjournment
of the Legislature, your old correspon
dent, “Stnike," has laid down the "fiddle
and the bow," and retired to the shades of
a quiet life; but observing your enquiry
about him in your last ho persuaded me
to write a letter or two in his stead. I
shall not hope to be as acceptable to your
readers. They must, however, take what
I send as the best I have.
The fall campaign has at length opened.
The two great political parties aro now
being marshalled under the command of
their ablest leaders, and I doubt not that
from this point we have a bettor view of
the whole field than you have in the inte
rior counties. This is the "head quar
ters," and a careful observer can learn
many of the "orders" before they are is
When our opponents first "charged to
the onset," they hoped by a bold and con
fident braggadocio system to carry every
thing with a hurrah! "Bigler was unani
mously nominated, and the most popular,
and withal the most able man they had
ever offered to the people," said they; and
straightway they commenced the manufac
ture of stories, for each section of the
State, which wore intended to give this
declaration strength. Here they said that
in the middle and northern counties he
would overwhelm the Whigs; in the north,
they alleged that he would, if he did not
carry Lancaster, reduce the • majority to a
mere nothing—and even in Dauphin, the
majority for Gov. Johnston would vanish
into thin air. All their bubbles have
burst—a few of their own more candid
journals exposed their folly and assured
them that, to say the least of it, the issue
was doubtful, and they had better work
than brag. The people ascertained that
Bigler's popularity was all gammon,—for
not only did Longstreth "beat him out of
his boots" for a nomination in 1848, but
he also polled the largest vote ever given
for any candidate for Governor of that
party—that his unanimous nomination
was all a bagatelle—no body else but Big
ler desired the honor of defeat, or was
silly enough to suppose he could succeed,
of course the "unanimous" meant noth
ing—and the "Big Ship Speech" of Mr.
Bigler, at Beading, knocked all the "abil
ity" out of their talk. Their stories awa
kened enquiries, and the truth came out,
that Lancaster county was almost certain
to swell her majority to 6000, at least,
and Dauphin to 1200;—and that the north,
so long the "hewers of wood and the draw
ers of water" for the party, was illy satis
fied with the cold contempt they received
from the hands of their conventions, and
would be likely to teach Mr. Bigler and
his advisers that they could not bo sold
like sheep. And, added to all this, ev
ery body saw that "Ten Cent Jim" had
completely controlled all the nominations,
and had handsomely mounted himself upon
the back of Bigler, assured that if he
could ride him into the Gubernatorial
chair, he, the "self-same-said" identical
Democratic-blood-letter, would, and should
have the vote of Pennsylvania, for Presi
All these things, now well understood,
have thrown a chill over Mr. Bigler's
hopes and prospects, and havo frightened
. party into an understanding view of
I therr real situation; and they have now
concluded that wind and words must give
place to action. They havo determined
I to start a campaign paper, and a German
paper, both in this place, in the hope that
they can stay the re-action which seems to
be taking place against Bigler.
The Whigs of the State aro all confi
dent—Johnston has proved that ho can
boat thorn oven handed. In 1848 he did
do it against a far bettor man than Big
ler; and with the largest vote over polled
at a Governor's olootion; and every Whig
now asks to be bo pointed to the place
whore Gov. Johnston will not run better
than before. The Farmers in every coun
ty in tho State know ho has contrived and
put into successful operation a plan to pay
off the State debt, and of course finally
relieve their farms from a tax now almost
equal to a runt. They know that while
ho is Governor that debt cannot be in
creased; and this is enough for them—
they do not care who has the- offices.
Many who did not vote for him before,
say that they aro determined to lot well
enough alone.
Governor Johnston believes that the
people have a right to hoar from a man's
own mouth what ho will do, and ho will,
on ovory fitting occasion, publicly avow
his purposes from the "Stump." Ho will
appeal to the peoplo in person from the
falsehoods of the opposition. It is the
only tribunal whose opinion he values,
will seek to convince thorn that he has
nothing to conceal from them. Our oppo
nents dread this for their man Bigler; ho
must "do likewise" and it is a fearful or
deal for him.
Ono word more; Whigs must bo up and
doing. We need all the zeal, activity and
strengh of every man in our ranks; an idler,
this year, is a traitor. Awake then Whigs,
and your reward is certain.
The fidelity of Huntingdon county is
proverbial. May she this year prove hor
faith by her works.
Yours, &o
FREE SCHOOLS quote the lan
guage of Stevens, wo say that the froo
school system is calculated to mako our
children qualified to occupy a position
a long side the tallest arch-angel in Heaven.'
Gov. Johnston and the pardon
ing Power.
The Opposition circulate falsehoods
about Gov. Johnston with such a wonder
ful rapidity, that their fertility of imagi
nation excites as much astonishment as
their unscrupulous mendacity. Sometimes
their falsehoods are bold, general asser
tions. Sometimes they assume the plau
sibility of argument, and sometimes they
are as particular and circumstantial as truth
itself. We present below an instance of
particular and circumstantial lying, ex
tracted from the , g Easton Argus :"
PARDONED.—Ward and Simson, the
counterfeiters, who were arested on several
charges of passing counterfeit money in
this county and in Lehigh, and escaped Jail
at Allentown last winter, were arrested
again in Lycoming county, with counter
feit money upon them, brought to Allen
town, and at the last term pleaded. guilty,
and at an adjourned court were sentenced
to the Penitentiary, have been pardoned
by Gov. Johnston, before they had reached
Philadelphia. There are two reasons as
signed for this act of Executive clemency.
let. The father of Ward is en influen
tial Democrat in Centre county, so much so,
that he has held the office of Sheriff nine
years out of fifteen, and 2nd, the father of
Simpson keeps an extensive Hotel in Potts
ville. So much for the man who express
ed so much opposition to the veto power,
when he was a candidate three years ago,
and who since his inauguration, has not
only put his veto upon the acts of the Legis
lature, but has by his abuse of the pardon
ing power, vetoed the course of justice by
pardoning out of the Penitentiary two
thirds of the convicts that have been sen
tenced by the courts of justice, according
to law.
Now instead of these men being pardon
ed, their pardons h aye been refused by
Governor Johnston. Applications of the
strongest character from prominent citi
zens of both political parties in the coun
ties of Centre, Lehigh and Schuylkill,
have been unable to procure their pardons,
because Gov. Johnston always allows the
law to take its course, unless there may
be sound and valid reasons for Executive
Gov. Johnston has granted fewer par
dons than any Executive who preceded
him. The statement in the "Easton Ar
gus" is totally false, and has been only
fabricated by the malignant and menda
cious caitiff who controls that press and
who lies with a facility only surpassed by
his impudence.—Daily Smerican.
His Excellency W. F. JOHNSTON was
in town on Monday. Ho remained over
night and left on Wednesday morning for
Kittanning. He is in the enjoyment of
good health, and in fine spirits. No wish
every voter in the State could have the
advantage of a personal acquaintance with
him—hear him converse on the affairs of
our State Ste. They could not but admire
his wisdom and sagacity, and would go
home with a determination to give him
their hearty support. We are free to say
—and we say it without the fear of suc
cessful contradiction—that there is no man
in the State, who has a better acquaint
ance with our public affairs, or understands
our true policy better than W. F. John
ston. He has, decidedly, a clearer head
in these things, than any num with whom
we have ever met. And we would look
upon his defeat, at this time, and the loss
of his wise, good, and beneficial measures,
as a great public calamity. Ho has been
tried, and not found wanting :" nay, the
wisdom of his administration, has silenced
the voice of many of his most violent op
. _ _
Notwithstanding, the attempts made by
reckless politicians, to take from him the
honor of reducing our public debt, to which
his administration is justly entitled, the offi
cial documents will be forthcoming at the
proper time, going to prove that the debt
has been virtually reduced nearly nine
hundred Thousand Dollars, during his
administration. After all this evidence,
staring them in the face, will the people
reject so faithful a public servant, and
choose for themselves a man whose whole
political course, proves him to bo unstable,
and unworthy of their confidence ? We
think not. And the news from all parts of
the State is very cheering. We have it
from the best authority, that all that is
necessary, to secure a complete triumph, is
for the Whigs to do their duty.—West
inoreland Intelligencer.
will take place in the States of Kentucky,
Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Il
linois and lowa, on the 4th of August,
and in North Carolina and Tennessee, on
the 7th of August.—Kentucky is to choose
a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Legisla
ture and ten members of Congress. In
diana has likewise to ohooso ton members
of Congress. Tho election in Alabama is
for Governor, Legislature, and seven mem
bers of Congress. In Arkansas a member
of Congress is to bo elected. Missouri,
Illinois and lowa have already chosen their
Congressional delegations. This year they
have simply to elect local and judicial of
ficers. North Carolina will choose nine
members of Congress. In Tennessee, the
election is for Governor, Legislature, and
eleven members of Congress.
The war cry has been raised against this
gentleman, and the fierob blood-hounds of
party are at his heels, seeking to hunt him
down for his votes on the question of the
Mexican War. The charge made against
him by the Locofoco press is, that he, by
his vote refused to grant supplies to the
soldiers in Mexico. This, truly, is a griev
ous charge, and should bo treated as such
by every freeman, were there no circum
stance in the ease to justify the vote.
Now what are the facts in this ease?—
A bill was reported on the 13th day of
May, 1846, which declared that a state of
war " exists been the United States and
Mexico, by the act of .Mexico." The
real object which the Locofoco members
had in view in reporting this bill, was not
alone the granting of supplies which is
manifest from their vote on the same day,
on the bill to increase the pay of the pri
vate soldiers then in Mexico ; but they de
sired either to compel the Whigs to vote
for the bill with the objectionable pream
ble, which would forever close their mouths
as to the origin of the war, or place them
in a wrong attitude before the people com
pelling them to vote against the supplies.
This is what they desired, and this is the
reason why JOHN STROHM voted as he did.
He did not wish to declare by his vote
that, war existed "by the act of Mexico,"
when he know it to be false. He believed
that supplies would be granted without re
cording his vote to what he knew to be a
LIE, and he cast his vote against the false
hood in the preamble,and not against sup
plies. On the same day Mr. &Roam re
corded his vote in favor of increasing the
pay of private soldiers from eight to ten
dollars per month. Had Mr. S. been the
enemy of the private, would he nOt have
cast his vote against the increase of pay,
as readily as against the bill which con
tained the clause which he did not believe.
and not of the soldier, and every official'
act of Mr. S., and every word which he
uttered on this subject, proves this to be
true. If there is any sincerity in their cry
against Mr. STUMM, why did they elevate
Richard Broadhead to a seat in the Uni
ted States Senate ? Why Jefferson Davis?
Why Hamlin of Maine? Why Hunter of
Virginia? Why .Morris of New Hamp
shire ? Why Rdt of South Carolina ?
These men voted for it, and have all been
rewarded by their party with seats in the
Senate of the United States. Mr. Strolun's
name is not alone on the record against
that bill; it stands there in connection with
a host of names who were then, and now
are proud pillars of Looofoooism. Has
their conduct been censured by that party ?
Do they desert any of them because they
voted for it? Not they; but when Mr.
Broadhead was up before the Legislature,
as their candidate for a seat in the United
States Senate the party supported him
with singular unanimity; thereby endor
sing all his acts. Now Mr. STROHM is
the candidate of the Whig party for the
office of Canal Commissioner, and every
missile of detraction is hurled at him, ev
; cry hound is loosed from his leash and put
upon his trail to hunt him down, for doing
that which was patriotic in Mr. Broadhead,
and a host of others who have been rewar
i ded by that party for their fidelity.—Ship
pensburg News.
Ma. PEIGIITAL ;-Will you be good
enough to announce the name of JOAN
MARKS, of this borough, as a candidate
for nomination to the office of County
Treasurer. Mr. M. is a good industrious
Whig, a man whose honesty has never boon
questioned and whose kindness of heart is
proverbial wherever known. Ho would,
certainly, make a popular officer.
Huntingdon July 31, 1861.
Reported for the Journal.
7a. rn. 2 p.m. 9p. tn.
TUES.—JuIy 22d
WEDxs. "23
TUUES. "24
IriUDAY "25
SATDY. "26
62 84 72
68 90 78
72 84 73
70 92 79
82 90 70
72 84 72
68 77 68
22d Clear
23 Clear
24 Rain this morning and evening 115 inches
25 Clear
26 Rain this evening 1,893
27 Clear
28 Clear
Huntingdon July 24th, 1851-
Philadelphia Rates of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks • par Lebanon, par ;
Pittsburg par Cluunbersburg,
Germantown, par Gettysburg,
Chester County • • • • par Middleton,
Delaware County • • • par Carlisle,
Montgomery Co. • • • par Harrisburg
Northumberland • • • par Honesdale, i
Col. Bridge Co par Wyoming par
Reading pa Erie Bank,
Lancaster, pa Waynesburg, II
Doylestown par Schuylkill Hay . en,• • • par
Easton par West Branch par
Bucks County par Relief Notes I
Brownsville pa " " now issue .1/
Pottsville p State Scrip,
Washington f Pittsburg City Scrip • • 15
York i Allegheny City, 20
Danv ill( pa ,Allegheny County,. • • 20