Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 31, 1851, Image 1

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Town Lots foillate.
The subscriber has several town lots, situate
in the most pleasant part of West Huntingdon,
(the ground formerly used by him as a Brick Yard)
which he will dispose of on very reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 15, 1851.—tf.
May 22, '5l. Ed. Snare's.
i'ZILVER SPOONS of the latest patterns can be
LY had at
E. Snare's Jewelry Store.
DORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 different kinds;
from 25 cents to 3 dollars at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
BAGLEY'S Superior Gold Pens, in gold and
silver patent extension cases, warranted to
give entire satisfaction, for sale at •
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomach, que.h as Constipation, Inward
Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of
the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for
Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour
Eructations, Sinking Or Fluttering at the pit of
the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, hurried
and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying
posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before
the Sight, Fever and dull pain in the Head, Defi
ciency of perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, &c.,
Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh,
Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great depres
sion of Spirits, can be effectually cured by
Prepared by
bllk. C. M. JACKSON,
120 Arch Street. Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not ex
celled—if equalled—by any other preparation in
the United States, as the cures attest, in many
eases after skilful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva
lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exer
cising the most searching pdwers in weakness and
affections of the digestive organs, they are withal,
safe, certain and pleasant.
From the "Boston Bee."
The editor said, Dec. 22nd
Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated German Bitters for
the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of
the most popular medicines of the day. These
Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend
at our elbow says he had himself received an effec
tual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from
the use of this remedy. We are convinced that,
in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly
gains Strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great
consideration. They are pleasant in east and
smell, and can be used by persons with the most
delicate stornachs with safety, under any dream
stances. We are speaking from experience, and
to the afflicted we advise their use.
"SCOTT'S Wllknur," one of the best Literary
papers published, said Ang. 25
factured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended
by some of the most Prominent members of the
faculty as an article of Much efficacy in cases of
female weakness. As such is the case, wo would
advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save
themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated
constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous
to their health, as we know front experience the
salutary effect they have upon weak systems."
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette." the best
family newspaper published in the United States,
The editor says of •
"It is seldom that we recommend what are
tended Patent Medicines, to the cofidence and
patronage of our readers; and therefore when we
recommend Dr. Hootland's German Bitters, we
wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not
speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are nois
ed about for a brief period and then forgotten after
they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of
a medicine long established, universally prized,
and which has met the hearty approval of the fac
ulty itself.
Evidence upon evidence has been received (like
the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the
last three years, and the strongest testimony in its
favor, is, that there is more of it used in the prae.-
dee of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than
all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily
be esablished, and fully proving that a scientific
preperation will moot with their quiet approval
when presented even in this form.
That this Medicine will cure Liver Complaint
and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as
directed. It acts specifically upon the stomachs and
liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious dis
*ases—the effect is immediate. They can be ad
ininistered to female or infisut with safety and re
liable benefit at any time.
This medicine has attained that high character
chich is necesary for all medicines to attain to
induce counterfeiters to put forth spurious articles
itt the risk of the lives of those who aro innocently
Look well to the marks Or the genuine
They have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown
in the bottle, without which they are spurious.
For sale Wholesale and Retain at the.
No. 120 Arch street, ono door below Sixth,
Philadelphia; and by respectable dealers generally
through the country.
To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the ad.
vantages of their great restorative powers:
Single Bottle 75 cents.
Also for sale by Thomas Reed & Son, Hunt
ingdon, Pa. ; John Luta, Shippensburg, Pa.;
Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia, Pa.; J. & J.
Rally, Burnt Cabins, Pa. [July 3, 1851.-Iy.
IF yon bright stars that gem the night
Bo each a blissful dwelling sphere, •
Where kindred spirits reunite
Whom Death has torn asunder here,
How sweet it wore at once to die,
And leave this blighted otb afar—
Mix soul with soul, to cleave the sky,
And soar away from star to star.
But oh! how dark, how drear, how lone,
Would seem the brightest world of bliss,
If, wandering through each radiant zone,
We failed to find the loved of this !
If there no more the ties should twine
Which death's cold hand alone can sever,
Ah ! then these stars in mockery shine,
More hateful, as they shine forever !
It cannot be !—Each hope and fear
That lights the eye or clouds the brow
Proclaims there is a happier sphere
Than this bleak world that holds us now !
There is a voice which sorrow hears
When heaviest weighs life's galling chain
'Tis heaven that whispers—" Dry thy tears :
The pure in heart shall live again !"
"Into the Silent Land!
Ah ! who shall lead us thither;
Clouds in the evening skies more darkly gather,
And shattered wrecks lie thicker on the strand,
Who leads us with a gentle hand,
Hither! Oh, hither!
Into the Silent Land
" Into the Silent Land !
To you ye boundless regions,
Of all perfection ! tender morning visions
Of beauteous souls ! the future's pledge and band !
Who in life's battle firm cloth stand
Shall bear hopes' tender blossoms,
Into the Silent Land?
" Oh, land ! Oh, land
For all the broken-hearted;
The viildest herald by our fate allotted,
Beckons, and with inverted torch doth stand,
To lead us with a gentle hand,
Into the land of the great departed ;
Into the Silent Land.
BEHOLD, how fair of eye and mild of mien
Walks forth to marriage yonder gentle queen;
What chaste sobriety whene'er she speaks,
What glad content sits smiling on her cheeks :
What plans of goodness in that bosons grow,
What prudent care is throned upon her brow;
What tender truth its all she does and says,
What pleasantness and peace in all her ways !
Forever blooming ou that cheerful face,
Home's best affections grow divine in grace ;
1 Her eyes are rayed with love, serene and bright
Charity wreaths her lips with smiles of light;
Her kindly voice haus music in its notes,
And Heaven's own atmosphere around her floats
The heart has memories that never die.
The rough rubs of the world cannot oblit
erate them. They are the memories of
home—early home. There is a magic, in
the sound. There the old tree under which
the light-hearted boy swung many a day,
yonder the river in which he learned to
swim—there the house in which he knew
a parent's protection—nay, there in the
room in which he romped with brother and
sister, long since, alas! laid in the yard in
which ho must soon be gathered, overshad
owed by yon old church, whither with a joy
ous troop like himself he has followed his
parents to worship with, and hoar the good
old man who ministered at the altar. Why
even the very school-house, associated in
youthful days with thoughts of tasks, now
comes to bring pleasant remembrance of
many occasions that call forth some gen
erous exhibitions of noble traits of human
nature. There is where he learned to feel
some of his first emotions. There,
chance, ho first met he being who by her
love and tenderness in life, has made a
home for himself, happier than that his
childhood knew. There are certain feel
ings of humanity, and those too, among the
best that can find an appropriate place for
their exercise only by one's fireside. There
is a privacy of that which it was a species
of desecratihn to violate. Ho who seeks
wantonly to invade it is neither more nor
less than a villain ; hence there exists no
surer test of debasement of public morals
in a community, than the disposition to
tolerate in any mode, the man who invades
the sanctity of private life. In the tur
moil of the world lot there be at least one
spot where the poor man may find affection
and confidence which are not to be abused.
Dr. Ilawkes.
Deal gently with those who stray.
Draw them back by love and pursuasion.—
A kiss is worth a thousand kicks. A kind
word is more valuable to the lost than a
mine of gold. Think of this and bo on your
guard, yo who would chase to the grave an
erring brother.
For the Huntingdon Journal.
Cold as the crags upon his native coast, • •
His mind as barren and his heart as hard,
Is he whose head conceived, whose hand pre
Aught to displace Athena's poor remains.
CHILD 'amnia.
To the man of taste, and a cultivated
mind, nature, in any of her various forms,
never fails to present a spectacle for iad
, miration and reflection. In the fierce blast
that hurls to the earth the sturdy oak; in
the loud rushing of the mighty torrent;
in the dash of the ocean billow; the roar
of the cataract; and in the thunder's peal,
he sees an eloquence of beauty which he
alone knows how to appreciate. For him
there is music in the hum of the smallest
insect that flutters in the sun-beam, as
well as in the fierce roar of the shaggy
woods upon the mountain side. lie sees
a beauty of formation alike in the tender
herb and in the stately forrest-tree; and
acknowledges the might of creative power,
displayed as well in the penciled petals of
the flower, as in leading the planets on
their annual rounds, guiding the moon in
its erratic course, or shooting the comets
on their mysterious journey.
Such reflections as these suggest them
selves to the mind of the visitor, when
wandering among those wild and heavy
crags on Warrior's Ridge. so appropri
ately denominated the "Pulpit Rooks;"
and especially is it so when the lengthened
shadows of evening are stealing over the
landscape and the summer sun is sinking
slowly to his rest. Indeed, a scene more
imposing can bo seldom witnessed, than
these precipitous crags, when the setting I
sun bathes their splintered pinicles and
spires, and the rifted tree tops, in a flood
of golden effulgence. These rocks, spring
ing in isolated masses to the altitude of
some fifty feet, present to the eye a suc
cession of objects singularly grotesque.
As examples of nature's own masonry they
form a scene of grandeur and sublimity.
The world renowned castles of Europe
are fast crumbling into dust, and the ruins
of those that yet remain, monun.ents of the'
mutability of man's works, will soon be
obliterated by "the effacing finger of time."
But ages on ages have rolled around: wave
upon wave has swept the broad fields of
the old world, and a hundred generations
have formed a banquet for the worm, since,
these immense piles were first reared by
Almighty power, and yet, in the deep still
ness and solitude, these vast colonades
rise as they then rose in lonely grandeur.
And is there no interest associated with
these hoary piles to elicit emotion? Are,
they indeed nothing more to us than the
hearth-stone of the furnace? Why then
does the traveller from other lands pause
to linger around them, and meditate upon
the power that reared them? Why does the
poet, the artist, and the philosopher of na
ture, scat themselves at their base and
ponder with strange emotions amidst the
solitude that slumbers around? And sure
ly if the far off wanderer that travels'
through our mountain solitudes, may stop
and linger around these sublime piles, and
meditate upon the power that called them
into existence, is it not meet that we, into
whose keoping they seem consigned, should
hand them down to other generations un
disturbed in their form, and prevent the
vandals from
" Tearing down those remnants, with a harpy's
Which envious Time and God have left to ;told."
Huntingdon, July 28; 1851.
is a correct reccipe for making a Syrup for
dysentary and all looseness of the bowels.
It is said to be an excellent and agreeable
medicine, especially for children :
2 quarts of Blackberry juice,
1-2 oz. Nutmeg, powdered,
1-2 oz. Cinnamon, do.
1-2 oz. Alspioe, do.
1-4 oz Cloves, do.
Boil them together to get the strength
of the spices and to preserve the juice.—
While hot, add a quart of 4th proof French
Brandy, and sweeten it with loaf sugar.
Give a child two teaspoonfuls three times a
day, and add to the quantity if the disease
be not checked. Increase the dose ac
cording to the ago.
A calm, blue-eyed, self-composed and
self-possessed young lady, in a village
"down east," received a long call the oth
er day, from a prying old spinster, who af
ter prolonging her stay beyond even her
own conception of the• young lady's endu
rance, came to the main question which
had brought her thither.
" I've been asked a good many times if
you was engaged to Dr. C-. Now, if
folks inquire again whether you be or not,
what shall I toll 'em I think."
"Tell them," said the young lady, "you
think you don't know, and you aro sure it
is none of your business."
There is no sight on earth more beauti
ful than that of a daughter who habitually
exhibits those kind feelings which always
flow from the heart of her who is sincerely
attached to a mother. Who does not expe
rience a pleasurable emotion on witnessing
those little acts of kindness which indicate
the depth of feeling within? And, on the
other hand, who does not turn away with
horror and disgust from her who fails to be
stow those attentions which is the sacred
right of the mother to claim, as an index of
her daughter's love, if for no other reason?
No matter what may be the accomplish
ments of a young lady, nor how amiable her
intercourse in society, if she is wanting in
this one thing, and fails to discharge the
obligations of a daughter, I can feel no re
gard or even respect for her.
And this is the feeling of thousands.—
Ought it not to be thus ? Why the costli
est gem that adorns female character is
not hers; and what can make up the loss?
And more than this, it fills the soul with
dark suspicious as to what might be in
another relation of life. She who does not
sincerely and ardently love her mother, is
not susceptible of real affection for any ob
ject. If she does not light the pathway of
one to whom she is so much indebted, she
will sooner or later surround with gloom
him for whose sake she leaves the home of
It is to be hoped that few of the daugh
ters of our land, need admonitions on this
subject. But it is painful sometimes to
notice, especially among the middle classes
of society, a shrinking from family cares,
leaving the burden to be' borne by the
mother—a mother, too, who toiled hard,
and denied herself many things to give her
child the best advantage of education.—
It may not often be for want of affection,
but rather because they have false views
of position, and think because they are ac
complished they should be ladies. In this
way they are led to pursue a course which
after it becomes habitual has at least the
appearance of heartlessness.
.A tender regard for her mother was a
distinguished trait in the character of that
sweet poetess, Margaret Davidson, who
passed away just as she was " blushing into
womanhood." It was ever hor delight, not
withstanding hor accomplishments, to anti
cipate the wants of her mother, and study
how she might lighten the burdens which
pressed upon her. And when stricken
down by her last sickness, and that moth
er returned her constant attentions, she
seemed to watch more closely and with
greater concern, the form that hung over
her, than the progress of her own disease.
While lying there, she composed the last
lines she ever wrote, and they were a tri
bute of affection to her mother. They
breath the purest affection. In the closing
verse she says,
" When God shall guide my soul above.
By the soft chords of heavenly love—
When the vain cares of earth depart,
And tuneful voices swell my heart—
Then shall (inch word, each note I raise,
Burst forth in pealing hymns of praise,
And all not offered at Ills shrine,
Dear mother, I will place on thine."
There is a Charm about such affection
and attentions which no one can resist. It
seems so befitting. And when the bloom
ing girl herself is compelled to meet the so
ber realities of life, and has laid her mother
in the grave, her conduct towards that
mother will bo d source of painful regrets,
or a subject for pleasing contemplation. If
woman over spears like an angel, it is when
honoring her position as a daughter—when
no music is so sweet to her car as the No-
"At that holy name,
Within her bosom there's a gush
Of feeling, which no time call tame."
We never yet knew a boy or a man who
from early life spoke the truth and shun
ned a falsehood, that was not virtuous in
all respects, and who did not acquire and
enjoy the confidence and esteem of society.
Truthfulness is one of the chief corner
stones in a good and respectable character.
Young man, never utter a falsehood; never
be tempted to depart from strict truth in
all sayings. False words come from a
false heart, breeds corruption that soon
taints and spoils the whole character.
Keep out of bad company. “The com
panion of fools shall be destroyed." If
others waste their time in folly and sin,
avoid them. They may be smart but they
will do you no good, and they may do you
much harm. Bad company is the ruin of
many; even of those who aro older than
you. Keep away from idlers, swearers,
liars and Sabbath-breakers. Even “one
sinner destroyed much good." Keep a
way-4,toueh not the unclean thing."
LCD THE oldest pledge of temperance is
to bo found in the Bible, Jeremiah, chap
ter xxxv., and the words were spoken by
the Reohabites :—" We will drink no wino ;
we, nor our wives, nor our sous, FOREVER.
"I never undertook but once," said
Tom, "to set at naught the authority of
my wife. You know her way, cool, quiet,
but determined as ever. Just after we
wore married and all was nice and cozy, she
got me into the habit of doing all the
churning. She never asked me to do it,
you know, but then the way it was done
was just in this way. She finished break
fast before me one morning, and slipping
away from the table, she filled the churn
with cream, and sat it just where I couldn't
help seeing what was wanted. So I took
hold regularly enough, and churned till the
butter had come. She didn't thank me,
but looked so nine and sweet about it, that
I felt well paid. Well, when the next
churning day came along, she did the same
thing, and I followed suit and fetched the
butter. Again and again it was done just
so, and I was regularly in for it every time.
Not a word said, you know, of course.—
Well, by and by this began to be rather
irksome. I wanted she should ask me,.
but she never did, and I couldn't say any
thing about it, to save my soul ; so on we
went. At last I made a resolve that I would
not churn another time unless she asked
me. Churning day came, and when my
breakfast—she always got nice breakfast—
when that was swallowed, there stood the
churn. I got up, and standing a few min
utes, just to give her a chance, put on my
hat and walked out of doors. I stopped
in the yard, to give her time to call me,
but never a word said she, and so, with a
palpitating heart, I moved on. I went
down town, and all over town, and my foot
was as restless as was that of Noah's dove.
I felt as if I had done a wrong, I didn't
exactly feel how, but there was an inde
scribable sensation of guilt resting upon
me all forenoon. It seemed ail(' dinner
time never would come, and as for going
home one minute before dinner, I would as
soon have cut my ears off. So I went fret
ting and moping around town till dinner
hour came. Home I went, feeling very
' much as a criminal must when the jury is
out, having in their hands his destiny for
life or death. I couldn't make up my
mind exactly how she would meet me, but
some kind of a storm I expected. Will
you believe it? She never greeted me
with a sweeter smile, never bad a better
dinner for me than on that day ; but there
stood the churn, just as I had left it!—
Not a word was said ; I felt confoundedly
cut and every mouthful of that dinner
seemed as if it would choke me. She didn't
pay any regard to it, however, but went
on just as if nothing had happened. Be
fore dinner was over I had again resolved,
and, shoving back my chair, I marched to
the churn, and went at it in the old way.
Splash began the butter paddle, splash,
splash ; but as if in spite, the butter never
was so long coming ! I supposed the cream
standing so long, had got warm, and so I
redoubled my efforts. Obstinate matter—
the afternoon wore away while I was
churning. I paused at last, from real ex
haustion, when she spoke for the first
time :
Come, Tom, my dear, you have rattled
that buttermilk quite long enough, if it's
only for fun you are doing it !"
"I knew how it was; in a flash she had
brought the butter in the forenoon, and
left the churn standing with the butter
milk in, for mo to exercise with. I never.
set up myself in household matters, after
Discoveries of the last Half Cen-
There has been no period since the com
mencement of the world, in which so many
important discoveries tending to benefit
mankind were made, as in the last half
century. Some of the most wonderful re
sults of human intellect have been witness
ed in the last fifty years' Some of the
grandest conceptions of genius have been
perfected. It is remarkable how the mind
of the world has run into scientific investi
gation, and what achievements it has ef
fected in that short period. Before the
year 1800, there was not a single steam
boat in existence, and the application of
steam to machinery was unknown. Fulton
launched the first steamboat in 1807.
Now there are three thousand steamboats
traversing the waters of America, and the
time saved in travel is equal to seventy per
cent. The rivers of every country in the
world nearly, are traversed by steamboats.
In 1800, there was not a single railroad
in the world. In the United States alone
there are now 8,707 miles of railroad,
costing $286,000,000 to build, and about
22,000 miles of road in England and
America. The locomotive will now travel
in as many hours, a distance, which, in
1800 required as many days to accomplish.
In 1800, it took weeks to convey intelli
gence between Now Orleans and Philadel
phia, and now it can be accomplished in
minutes through the electric telegraph
which only had its beginning in 1843.
Voltaistu was dicovered in March, 1800.
The electric magnet in 1821. Eleetrofy-
ing was discovered only a few years ago.
Hoe's printing press, capable of printing
10,000 copies an hour, is a very recent dis
covery, but of a most important character.
Gas light was unknown in 1800, now every
city and town of any pretences is lighted
with it, and we have the announcement of
a still greater discovery, by which light,
heat, and motive power may be all produ
ced from water with hardly any cost.--
Daguerre communicated to the world his
beautiful invention in 1839, Gun cotton
and chloroform are discoveries of but a
few years old. Astronomy has added a
number of new plants to the solar system.
Agricultural chemistry has enlarged the
domain of knowledge in that important
branch of scientific research; and mechan
ics have increased the facilities for produc
tion, and the means of accomplishing au
amount of labor which far transcends the
ability of united mental effort to acccom
plish. The triumphs achieved in this last
branch of discovery and invention are
enough to make the last half century as
that which has most contributed to aug•
ment personal comforts, enlarge the enjoy
ments, and add to the blessings of lean.--
What will the next half century accom
plish We may look for still greater dill:
coveries, for the intellect of man is awake,
exploring every mine of knowledge, and
searching for use•.ul information in every
department of art and industry.
A. western paper relates the following,
which we hope may be a warning to all
such in our county as persist in the course
pursued by their western exemplar :
"The man that don't take his county
paper was in town yesterday. He brought
his whole family in a two horse wagon.—
He still believed that General Taylor was
President, and wanted to know if the
‘Kamschatkians' bad taken Cuba, and if so,
where they had taken it. Ho had sold his
corn for twenty-five cents, the price . being
thirty-one; but upon going to deposite the
money, they told him it was mostly coun
-1 terfeit. The only hard money he had was
some three cent pieces, and those some
sharper had 'run on him' for half dimes !--
His old lady smoked a 'cob pipe; and
would not believe that anything else could
be used. One of the boys went to a black
smith's shop to be measured for a pair of
shoos, and another mistook the market
house for a church. After hanging his
hat on a meat hook, he piously took a seat
on a butcher's stall and listened to an auc
tioned, whom he took tb be the preacher;
He left befor 'meetin' was out,' and had
no groat opinion of the •sartaint.'
" One of the girls took a lot of 'seed
onions' to the post office to trade them for
a letter. She had a baby, which she car
ried in a 'sugar trough,' stopping at times
to rock it on the side walk.—When it cried,
she stuffed its mouth with an old stocking,
and sang 'Barbara Allen' The oldest boy
had sold two 'coon skins' and was on a 'bust'
When last seen; ho had called for 0 glass
of 'soda and water, ' and stood soaking
ginger bread and maing wry faces. The
shop keeper, mistaking his meaning, had
given him a mixture of sal soda and water,
and it tasted strongly of soap. But he'd
heard tell of soda and water, and was
bound to give it a fair trial, 'puke or no
puke' Some 'town fellow,' came in and
called for lemonade with a 'fly in it,'
whereupon our 'soaped' friend turned his
back and quietly wiped several flies into
his drink.
" We approached the old gentleman and
tried to get him to 'subscribe,' but he
would not listen to it. He was opposed to
'internal improvements,' and he thought
'larnin' was a wicked invention, and cul
terwaten nothin' but wanity and wexation.
None of his family ever learned to read,
but one boy, and he teaehed school awhile,
and then went to studying 'cliwiuity.'"
"I congratulate you and myself," wrote
John Foster to a friend, "that life is pass
ing away. What a superlatively grand
and consoling idea is that of death! With
out this radiant idea, this delightful morn
ing star, indicating that the luminary of
eternity is going to rise, life would, to my
view, darken into midnight melancholy.
0! the expectation of living here, and liv
ing thus, always, would be indeed a pros
pect of overwhelming despair. But thanks
to that fatal decree that dooms us to die--
thanks to that Gospel which opens the vi
sion of an endless life; and thanks, above
all, to that saviour-friend who has prom
ised to conduct all the faithful through
the sacred trance of death into a scene of
paradise and everlasting delight."
Fred was going to marry a poor
"Don't do it;" said his friend, 'you can
marry any one yoU like. Take my advice',
marry rich. Don't make a fool of your
self. It will be work."
"Good," said the other; "I had rather
go up hill than down hill any time."
Fred's a philosopher.