Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 19, 1851, Image 3
nil CRYSTAL PALACE BEATEN: Dr. Duff, in his speech at the anniversary meeting of the Wesleyan Missionary Society in London, thus described one of the heathen temples of India " In Seringham you have the hugest heathen temple that can probably be found from the North to the South pole. It is a square, each side be ing a mile in length, so that it is four miles around. Talk of your Crystal Palace ! Why, as a man would put a penny in his pocket, you might put your Crystal Palace into the pocket of this huge pagoda. The walls are 25 feet high, and 4 or 5 feet thick, and in the centre of each wall rises a lofty tower. Entering the first square you come to another with a wall as high, and four more tow ers. Within that square is another, and within that again is another—crowded by thousands of Brahmins. The great hall for pilgrims is sup ported by a thousand pillars, each cut out of a single block of stone. COL. BENTON, who is now in Washington, is engaged in the preparation of a history of the working of the government, from the day he took his seat in the U. S. Senate, to the 4th of March last, a period of thirty-one consecutive years, du ring which he was a member of that body. AGRICRLTURAL INTERESTS.—TIO Washington papers say that the Navy Department, with a view to add to the agricultural interests of the country, has issued special instructions to the East India squadron, to procure and send or bring home rare plants and seeds, particularly of the sugar-cane and tea-plant, adapted to our climate and soil, and useful for domestic purposes. The increasing dif ficulty experienced for the last two or three years in keeping good seed-canes for plants, has induced many of the planters to try the introduction of new varieties. Or The Georgia Baptist State Convention met in Perry on the 22d ult., and the reports exhibit the condition of the Church to be highly prosparous. It embraces 57 associations, 1132 churches, 628 ministers, and 70,000 church members, of whom 1,400 are colored. The institutions of learning under the control of the Convention are in a high ly prosperous condition, and the entire fund for en dowment of the same is over $200,000. Mercer University alone lies a fund of 120,000, and the Theological Seminary $30,000. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.—This is so im portant that some have called it the eleventh com mandment. Its non-observance is a national characteristic with us, and therefore we find many of our cotetnporaries excruciatingly anxious to know all about JENNy LIND and BARNUM'S busi ness affairs. Suffice it to say, they are no longer together, and it is nobody's business what was the why or wherefore. BARNUM, by his tact, gave impulse to the popular furor in favor ofJENNY; he made over $300,000 by it, and now the " singing angel" can snake money as fast as she pleases, or rather as long as she chooses to stay in our country. DIED. On Tuesday morning, 17th inst., in this place, Mr. J. R. HENDERSON, aged 33 years. PRICES CURRENT. PIIILADELPIIIA, June 17, 1851 Flour per bbl. $4 25 White Wheat per bushel 1 03 Red do 97 Rye 72 Corn 62} Oats 43 Farmers, hereafter, may rely upon being kept fully booked up in regard to the Philadelphia mar ket for produce—our quotations are taken from the "North American and United States Gazette," one of the best and most reliable commercial pa pers in the Union. MONEY MATTERS. Philadelphia Ui CORRECTEI ales of Discount. 33 WEEKLY. Philadelphia Banks • par Pittsburg par Germantown; par Chester County • • • • par Delaware County • • • par Montgomery Co. • • •par Northumberland • • •par Col. Bridge Co. • • • • par Reading par Lancaster, par Doylestown par Easton par Bucks County par Brownsville par Pottsville par' Washington A York • Danville par Lebanon, par Chambersburg, Gettysburg, Middleton, Carlisle, ' Harrisburg • Honesdale, li Wyoming par Erie Bank, Waynesburg, It Schuylkill Haven,• • •par West Branch par Relief Notes li " " new issue •12 State Scrip, ii Pittsburg City Scrip• •15 Allegheny City, 20 Allegheny County,• • • 20 NOTICE. ALL persons interested nre hereby notified that the Trust Account of Thomas M. Owens, Com mittee of Jane Pierre, a lunatic, late of Tyrone wn toship, (formerly in llnntingdon, now in Blair county,) which said lunatic is now deceased, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, and that the same will be presented to the said Court on the second Monday of August next, for confirma tion ; at which titne the same will be allowed by the said Court, unless cause be shown why it should not be allowed. THEO. 11. CREMER, Juno 19, 1851.-31.] Prothonotary. NOTICE. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the pub lic and the " rest of mankind," that he is desirous of settling up the books of the late firm of Gil lam & Coniprobst. The books have been trans ferred to me and as I am determined to close the isccounts, persons indebted had better call and make a satisfactory arrangement. HEN' Juno 19, 1851.-tf. HENRY CORNPROBST 100 sacks G. A. Salt, 4 hhds. best Hams, 90 bags Rio Coffee, 4 " Shoulders, 10 kegs Tar, 1,000 lbs. country Flitch 5 bbls. brown Sugar, Wagon Tire, 40 kegs Nails, Horse Shoe Bar, 20 " White Load, Shovel Moulds, For sale low for cash or country produce by GEO. W. SPEER & CO. Mount Union, Pa., June 12, '51.-2t. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company, HARRISBURG PA. Guarantee Capital over $lOO,OOO Surplus Cash " 25,000 THIS Company has been doing business about a year and has accumulated en earnest Capital of over $125,000 above all losses and expenses, with a surplus in Cash of over 1 525,000 on hand. The Premiums are as low as in any other good and responsible Company. No assessments have been made on the In sured and it is the intention and expectation of the Company that none need or shall be made ; the surplus cash on hand will always be suffi• cient to meet any losses which may be sus tained, as no risk to exceed $2,500 will be taken in one locality. The profits are wholly divided to the mem bers. This Company offer inducements to the owners of safe property over moat Companies in the State. For further particulars enquire of the sub scriber, DAVID BLAIR, Agent. Ilentingdon, June 12, 1831.-4 f. REFRESHING. The subscriber, in his efforts to make folks as comfortable as possible, takes this method of as suring everybody in quest of felicity, that he is now prepared to furnish ICE CREAM and DE LIGHTFUL CAKES to persons both at home and abroad. His arrangements aro ample and persons residing at either of the points named be low had better send in their orders considerably before immediately in order to secure the richest and best. The facilities afforded by the Railroad enables him to assure all who may favor him with their orders that they may rely upon his being punctual in filling all from the following places, vi z: NEWTON HAMILTON, SPRUCE CREEK, MOUNT UNION, BIRMINGHAM, MILL CREEK, FOSTORIA, HUNTINGDON, ALTOONA, PETERSBURG, And any other place in the United States. Iluntingdon, June 12, 1851 JOHN MARKS. HO! FOR THE COUNTRY! GLASGOW & STEEL, Beg leave to inform the community that they are prepared to furnish Horses and Buggies upon the shortest notice to all those who may be disposed to avail themselves of this delightful season of the year to take excursions to the country, or any place else. They are, at all times, ready to furnish the best kind of stock, and none who call upon them need entertain any apprehensions as to the quality of their stock or their disposition to accommodate. Huntingdon, June 22, I 851.—tf. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to dis tribute the balance in the hands of Charles Green and Henry M'Cracken, Executors of Elisha Green, late of West township, in said county, dec'd, amongst the legatees of said de ceased under his last Will, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution on Friday the eleventh day of July next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. June 12, 1831.-st. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the proceeds of the sale of the real es tate of Henry Whitezel, late of West town ship, dec'd, in the hands of his Administrators, among those entitled to receive the same, here by gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution, on Thursday the tenth day of July next, at two o'clock, P. M., at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. June 12, 1821.-st. Administrator's Notice Estate of JAMES B. SMITH, late of Jackson township, deceased. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said deceased, all persons knowing' themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated to WM. B. SMITH, Administrator. June 12, 1551.—Gt. Upham' Court Sale of Valuable Farms, Iron Forge, &c, BY Virtue of a Pluries Order of the Orphans' Court there will be again exposed to public sale on the premises, ON FRIDAY TILE IiTEI DAY OF JULY, A.D. 1851, All that certain valuable farm of limestone land situate in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, containing 298 acres and 40 perches, nett measure, of which about 200 acres are cleared, under good fence and in a fine state of cultivation, with a large stone Dwelling House, large Bankßarn, a good Tenant House, Car riage Howe, and other out-buildings. Also Elizabeth Forge, a stone Store House and office, nine Tenant Houses, and all other convenien ces for carrying on an Iron Forge, and also a good Saw Mill. Spruce Creek runs through this farm and the water-power is or the first order. This farm will be sold In the whole or divided into two farms and sold separately to suit purchasers. ON FRIDAY TIIE 27zu DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1831, At the house of Robert Morrow on the premi ses, all that certain Farm or tract of land situ ate in Tell township, Huntingdon county, con taining about 230 acres, of which about 100 acres ore cleared and under good fence—a con siderable portion thereof excellent meadow— with a good two story log and frame weather boarded Dwelling House, a good log and frame Barn, &c. _ Cig"lf these Farms are not sold on the prem ises they will be again offered ut Public Sale at the Court House in the borough of Hunting don, on Tuesday the 12th of August, A. D. 1851. Teams.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments with interest, to be secured by bonds and mortgage. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk 0. C. Attendance will be given and any further terms made known on the day of sale by JAMES CHAMBERLAIN, Administrator of Martin Gates deceased. For any information enquire of Wilson & Petriken, Attorneys for the Estate, Hunting. don, Pa. June 5, 1851.-ts. Auditor's Notice. TIIE undersigned, appointed'Auditor to die tribute the assets in the hands of Joshua Green, Administrator of James Logan, late of Barree township, dec'd, to and nmong those entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Satur day the 28th day of June, inst., when and where all persons interested may attend. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Huntingdon, June 12, 1831.-3 t. Administrators' Notice. Estate of JAMES M'CLAIN, late of Tod township, Huntingdon county, deed. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of said deceased, therefore all persons knowing them selves indebted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated to GEORGE W. M'CL AIN, ISAAC COOK, Administrators. June 5,1861.-6 t.• Boot and Shoemaker Wanted. TAMES E. WOOD is desirous of procuring the services of a first rate Boot and Shoema ker immediately, to whom constant employment will be given. JAMES E. WOOD. Huntingdon, May 29, 1851. Notice of Administration. Estate of Dr. DAVID DILLER, of Warriors mark tp., Huntingdon county, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the above named estate have been this day granted by the Register of Huntingdon county to the subscribers,—all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are requested to make knownthe same to the undersigned without delay and those in debted to said estate will make immediate pay ment to the same. JOHN. T, MATHIAS, BENJ. F. PATTON. May 29,1851 —6t. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between E. C. Summers and N. H. Ball, trading under the firm of Summers & Ball, was dissolved on the let (lay of April : 1851, by mutual consent The books and papers are in the hands of E. C. Summers, who will pay all debts and collect all moneys due said firm. E. C. SUMMERS, N. H. BALL, May 29, 1851. A CARD. E. F. DEWEY, Daguerreotypist, HAS arrived in Huntingdon, and will remain a few clays for the accommodation of those who may wish anything done in his line. Persons desirous of obtaining Daguerreotype likenesses superior to anything of the kind ever taken in this section of country, would do well to call soon, as his en gagements will prevent him from remaining in any one place a great length of time. His terms are very moderate. May 29, IBsl.—tf. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. I?. C. Mc GILL Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Ho would embrace the present opportunity of informing the public that he is still prepared to furnish them with all kinds of castings; he has STOVES of every description, for burning either wood or coal, such as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and Ten Plato Stoves, together with LP a at) ula and Plough Irons of all patterns used in the State; Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown Threshing machine patterns, and the four and two horse power patterns of Chambershug, and all other castings usually made at foundries, all of which will be sold very low for cash. May, 29, 1851. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county to distri bute the money in the hands of James Chamber lin, Administrator of Martin Gates, deceased, raised out of the real and personal property of said deceased, hereby gives notice that he will at tend for the purpose of making such distribution, at his office in Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 10th day of July next; when and where all persons in terested are requested to nttend and present their claims for allowance, . _ _ A. K. CORNYN. Huntingdon, May 29, 1851. PORTSTOWN ~.Q.Qacnotznall 2 HENRY CORNPROBST Has just received at his "BASIN STORE" a tremendous stock of goods from Philadelphia, which he is enabled to sell at greatly reduced prices, in consequence of having purchased the same much lower than usual. His stock embraces everything required to sup ply the wants of the community and consists in part of a most splendid variety of - - DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, All of which will be sold 20 per cent. lower than similar articles can be had for in Huntingdon. Persons who have any regard for economy should give him a call, when ho will take . great pleasure in convincing them that his store is the place to save money. His stock of FISH, SALT, &c. is very large, and as he has all his goods brought on In his own boats, it is reasonable to suppose that lie can sell lower than anybody else. I am sincerely grateful to the community fur the very liberal share of patronage I have hereto fore received, and trust that my . great reduction in prices will be the means of having it continued and greatly increased. HENRY CORNPROBST. May 29,1851.-6. NOTICE. APPLICATION having been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, at April Term, A. D. 1851, in pursu ance of an act of Assembly passed October the 13th, 1810, for the incorporation of c 4 Tog SittaxxxseußoFENALE SIMINARY," whereupon the Court order and decree that notice of the said application be given in oue newspaper pub lished in the county at least three weeks before the meeting of the next Court at August Term 1851 and in pursuance of the said order and de cree notice is hereby given. Huntingdon, May 29, 1851. 40 Barrels Mackerel, Shad and Herring just received and for sale by May 29, 1851. J. i s- W. Saxton. 1 O Half Barrels Raw Herring for sale by S. 6. W. Saxton, May 29, '5l. A Beautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets, xx large and small. Also, children's Flats for sale by J. tr W. Saxton. May 29, '5l. A. Beautiful lot of Parasols for saleby J.W. Saxton. May 29, 51. MBE finest fast colored 12 } cent Lawns for sale by J. ¢• W. Saxton. May 29, 51. A Splendid assortment of Ladies Slippers for sole by J. Q W. Saxton. May 29, '5l. TIIE best assortment of Hardware in town, for -L. sale by J. f p W. Saxton. May 37,'51. I RON PUMPS and Lead Pipe, for well or cis. tern, for sale by J. &. W. Saxton. May 29, '5l. NOTICE To the heirs and to the creditors of John Steavrt, dec'd. All persons interested are hereby notified that the Trust account of John I'. Stewart, Trustee of the estate of his father John Stewart, late of West township, Huntingdon county, deceased, under and by virtue of an article of agreement recorded in the office for recording of deeds in said county, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, and that the same will be presented to the said Court on the second Monday of August next, for con firmation; at which time the same will be allowed by said Court, unless cause ho shown why it should not be allowed. THEO. H. CREME% Prot'ry. May 22, 1851. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court, the undersigned, guardian of the five minor chil dren of Samuel N. Wharton, dee'd., will expose to solo by public vendue or outcry, on the premis es, on Saturday, the 14th day of Juno, 1851, at 1 o'clock, P. 111., that certain lot of ground situ ate in the village of Orbisonia, in the township of Cromwell and county of Huntingdon, fronting 50 feet on Cromwell street, extending in depth 140 feet to an alloy, adjoinig a lot of Wm. Smith on the North West and an alley on the South East, being numbered 22 in the recorded plan of the said town, and having thereon a plastered frame house, one and a half stories high, and a frame shop. i'on3ts or SALE.—Ono third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of sale, one third in one year thereafter, and the balance nt the death of the widow of the deed., the interest to be paid to her regularly and annually during her lifetime, to be secured by the bonds and mort gage of the purchaser. DAVID DIJIIIIET, Guardian. May 22, 1851. NOTICE.---To the heirs and legal represen tatives of John Simpson, dec'd., late of the bo rough of Huntingdon. Take notice that in pur suance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, I will hold an inquest to make partition or valua tion as aforesaid of the real estate of which John Simpson, dec'd., was seized, situated in Hunting don borough, in Buhl county, on Tuesday the 24th day of June next, when and where all perscns in terested may attend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, SINE Sheriff's Office, Hunting (lon, May 13, 1851. 5 "THE CRY IS STII,E — THEY COMET" 4NOTHER 4RRIV./IL OF SUMMER GOODS. Owing to the great rush for Summer Goods, the subscribers have been induced to add to their already extensive assortment Five or Six boxes of goods suitable for Summer wear, which they will be able to sell a little lower than any yet offered to the citizens of Huntingdon county. They would be pleased if Ladies and Gentlemen would call and examine their new stock; it is no trouble, but rather a pleasure, to show their goods to their' friends. J. Sc. W. SAXTON. May 15, 1851. J. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. Z. D. WILLIAMS & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Aferchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg. HAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this week, the following goods, of rho most re cent importations, which are offered on the most reasonable terms: 115 catty boxes prime Green Tea. 45 half chests do do 46 " Oolong and Chain. 100 bags Rio Coffee. 15 " Laguyra and Java. 60 boxes B's, s's, and Ilb lump tobacco. 35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel. 20 and# do No. 1 do 2 and fdo Salmon. 50 oxes scaled lierring. 1300 lbs extra Madder. 3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves, 6 bags Pepper & Alopice, 1 bbl Nutmegs, 2 bbls Ground Ginger, 1 bbl ground pepper, 1 bbl Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard 10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves, 2 bbl, Garret's Snuff, 45 bxs Stearin Candles, 20 bxs Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do 100 doz Masons Black'g 100 lbs sup. Rico Flour, 100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 doz Ink, 150 doz Corn Brooms, 125 dos Patent Zinc 50 bxs extra pure Starch, Wash Boards, 25 do Saleratus, 75 bbls N. 0. Molasses, 15 bbls S. H. Molasses, 10 do Golden Syrup, 25 do Loaf, Crushed, 5501bs seedless Raisins, & Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs, 20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Prunes, 5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons, 10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond 12 dos Military Soap, Soap, 1 bbl sup. Carb, Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar, 1 case Pearl Sago, 2 cases Isinglass, 2 cases Sicily & Refined 1 case Arrow Root, Liquorice,lso Bath Brick, 1 bbl Flour Suphur, 100 gross Matches, 100 dos Extract of Lem 5 doz Lemon Sugar, on, Ross & Vonilln, 1 cask Sal Soda, Glass, Nails, White Lend, Lard oil, &c. Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son, Fisher & M'Murtrle, Charles Miller, Honorable John Ker, Huntingdon. May 15, 1851.—1 y. RARE AND EXCELLENT! SCOTT'S CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW ELRY are going off rapidly, at the low rates at which ho sells. His stock is new, large and well selected, and people find it advantageous to call with him before making purchases elsewhere. Nov. 12. 1950. LOOK HERE! THERE'S NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS. JAMES E. WOOD. Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has taken a shop one door east of Henry Smith's chair manufactory, where he is prepared to mnnufbcture BOOTS AND SHOES in the most fashionable sad durable manner; and ho pledges himself to spare no pains to fit and please all who may favor him with their custom. He purchases the best materials he can get in the market. Ho hopes by strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronago. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. Huntingdon, May 8, 1851. Town Lots for Sale. The subscriber has several town lots, situate in the most pleasant part of West Huntingdon, (the ground formerly used by him as a Brick Yard) which he will dispose of on very roasonablo terms. E. C. SUMMERS. Huntingdon, May 15, 1851.—tf. NOVELS AND SCROOL BOOKS for sale at May 22, '5l. Ed. Snare's. si k v d En t SPOONS of the latest patterns can he E. Snare's Jewehy Store, SIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents for the largest Gold Pencils, at Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store. LADIES Gold Pens and Pencils at the Cheap Oorner Jevelry Store. BOOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at Ed. Snare's Store. F ANCY Articles in endless variety at E. Snare's Store. NOTICE. TO the heirs and legal representatives of Leon ard Steffey, deed. Take notice, that in pursu ance of au Alias Writ of partition or valuation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, I will hold an inquest to make partition or valuation of the real estate of which Leonard Steffey, deed. , was seized, situated in Jackson township, in said county, on the premises, on Thursday the sth of June next, whenyou may at tend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, May 8, 1851. PORTE MONNAIES-13 or 10 different kinds; from 25 cents to 3 dollars at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. FANS -A beautiful assortment at various prices. Also, Card Cases, Boquet Holders, fancy En velopes, Note Paper, and other articles expressly for the Ladies, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. BAGLEY'S Superior Gold Pens, in gold and silver patent extension cases, warranted to give entire satisfaction, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various other kinds of Pistols, at the lowest prices, at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. EIGHT DAY and thirty-hour brass clocks, in beautiful mahogany and rose-wood cases war ranted to run well, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. GOLD PENS-8 or 10 different kinds, from 62i eta. to 10 dollars, at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOKS. C"prehensive Summary of Universal Histo ry, together with a Biography of Distin guisheci Persons, to which is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philos°. phy, General Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted and used idthe Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. S JONES &Co Publishers. S. W. Corner 4th and Race sts. Philo& Teachers and School Committees addressing letters to us post paid, will be furnished with copies for examination. A full and complete assortment of Books and Stationary for sale at the lowest prices. May 1,1851.—1 y MILLINAR AND FANCY GOODS. MISS MARY MILLER TAKES pleasure in announcing to the Ladies of Huntingdon and vicinity that she has just receiv ed a fine assortment of Fancy Goods for ladies wear; her stock comprises every article, usually kept in establishments of the kind. She has every variety of BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, CAPS, and Trimmings of every description and style, which she will dispose of at very low rates. She is also prepared to manufacture Bonnets to order, and repair and trim any that may be left with her according to the latest and most lift proved styles. She most respectfully invites the ladies to give her a call and examine her stock. Store a few doors east of the Black Bear Hotel and directly opposite the Globe printing office. May 1, 'sl—tr, G ENUINE Imported Cigars always on band and for sale at city prices by IRONS & Co. L ETTER, Foolscap, and Wrapping paper at very moderate prices, for sale by IRONS & Co. T HE highest market prices paid for Rags by IRONS & Co. MAROGONY VERNEERS, very cheap, by May 1, 'sl.—tf. IRONS & CO. DAPBR and Blank Books, of any size or quali ty, made to order, by applying to IRONS & Co. SUPERIOR SUGAR CURED HAMS and Shoulders for sale at May 1, 1851.—tf. IRONS & CO'S. "It4IITTON HAMS.—A superior. article for sale by IRONS & CO. May 1, 11351.—tf. CBINET-MA N EPS furnished with Locks, ki Screws, Knobs, Verreers, &C., at the shortest notice by IRONS & CO. ?Any '3l.—tf. Extra Family Flour, nr the celebrated Crownover Brand, for tale by IRONS & CO, May 1, '5l. --tf. AN I nfaillido Ague 'Remedy (unsurpassed) of fored to the afflicted. No curo no pay. For sale by IRONS Fa Co. FRESH ARRIVAL NEW GOODS AT THE ENLARGED STORE OF Jam ES .41".4GUIZE, Market Spare, Huntingdon, Pa. J. M. informs the public generally that he has just received, and is opening, a large and well selected stock of NEW GOODS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, of the finest and cheapest ever brought to Hun tingdon, consisting of every variety of LADIES' EIVD GEIVTLEMEMS DRESS GOODS, Of att descriptions and of the newest styles, . consisting in part of Ginghttvres, Calicoes, Barnes, Lawns, bilks, &c.• ' Muslins, Checks, Linens, Oil Chintses, Linen Diapers, Bonnets of the latest styles, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, and everything in- the no tion linb. MEN AND BOYS WEAR, Embracing Cloths, Casimeres, Satinets, Suat mer Cloths, Tweads, Kentucky Jeans, &c, He has also on hand a very large and general assortment of GROCERIES, QDEENSWA RE, HARD WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GLASSWARE, Together with all kinds of Goods generally kept in a country store. A word to the wise; am, my friends tri per tuenlar-=eall and see me before pnrehhsing elsewhere, as I am determined to give bar gains. Cl7"Please remember AIAGUIRE'S Cheap Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon. April 21, 1831. Shirley skits Female Seminary. OTICE is hereby given that sealed propo- IN sale will be received at the store of tienry Brewster, in the borough of Shirleysburg, from this time till the 26th of May next, for erect ing Seminary buildings at or near said borough. Plans and specifications will be made out and can be seen by any person proposing to erect said buillings. By order of the Trustees. April 21, 1851 GRAND COMBINATION OF THE Useful, Beautiful and Ornamental !I EDMUND SNARE BEGS LEAVE to inform the people of Hun tingdon, and the rest of mankind, that he has bought, brought and opened the richest, largest and cheapest assortment of WATCHES 81, JEWELRY ever beheld in this meridian In addition to his unprecedented stock of Watches and Jewelry he is just opening a most excellent variety of miscellaneous BOOKS, as well as School Books and STATIONARY, which he is de termined shall be sold lower than ever sold in Huntingdon. Call in and see if this statement is not cor rect. Store formerly occupied by Neff & ltil ler. 07'01d Gold and Silver Wanted April 21, 1851. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERY, PROVISION AND Variety Store. I RONS & CO., respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon county that they are prepared to wholesale or retail Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cho colate, Snleratus, Soaps, and every article in the grocery line. _ AlsO, Flour, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Peaches and Apples dried, and any other article in the provision line that may be required. Also, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, White Lead of good quality, and any other article in this line of trade. Also, Mahogany Verniers of every quality, Mahogany Nobs for cabinet ware, Bedstead pins ready turned fit for use, Corn Brooms, &c., &c. 44. -- Every description of Segars, wholesale and retail. 65- Orders from Merchants in the eountry promptly attended to and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. fr Our arrangements are such that should any article be ordered not in Store we will be able to fill the order wish very little delay. Huntingdon, May 1, 1851.—tf. WANTED—At Irons & Co's popular resort 100,000 lbs Wool, 100 tons Rags, 10,000 bushels oats, 1000 bushels Potatoes, 500 bushels Flaxseed, 100,000 dozen Eggs, 50,000 lbs Butter. May 1, 1851, BRANT'S INDIAN The Great COUGH REMEDY. Many years of experience, and more then a Hundred Thousand Corea of Consumptive Complaints, have Proved to the undoubted mitlatlictien of all peeves who avo become acquainted with this wonderful remedy, that It lagreatly superior, became It Ls soothing and hailing, and more certain to cure Coneumption of the Lunge, than any Reflexly In the world. We know, however, that it le said by seine that Consumption can not be cured. Be that the opinion of the zuttuy ur the foe, no WWI not attempt to argue with such, but this we will sag, and do assert eo a fact, which can be proved in thoneanda of cases, that this medicine has cured Coughs and die eUleA which, Wore the cures were eillicted, were called real Consumption, and which were attended with ewenteuto that resemb led, and were in all respects like the symptoms of those veho else, and unite dead are saki to I taco dled with that fund disease Consumption. Tide Balsam has cured thousands of persona who were said to be hopelessly Whim. ed—who hail hard, dry, racking Cmughis—Palos in the Recant, Side, and Busk—DiMeulty of BrenthlOg— Pendent Expectoration—Hectic Fever Ntglie-Stveats--and wasting tawny or the Flesh and Blood. Parsons i t l fipg'a havebreljeo It rtPorr„.ler„eerlbk at sale hoe cured rattle „ " srof y iii c i; %n p e o d7, d tay h n o gv a Ilya, i i n rel Tel:; good health. Thia Delman* in purely a vegetable compound. it Is pleasant to take, and never don in in any stage of din taw or under any circumstances. It Minot' its wanderfed and almost miraculous Cures by P n riff 'alga Strength ening, and Invigorating dm whole system—by equali• *tug Pm circulation, and producing a healthy action—thus litlxYLV Eullgh—s title the Nerves—:tad aiding unit /assisting Expectoration. It C urse the following die, via:— Oonsuniption f COUtillS 1111.1 Cold, Bronchitis, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Bleeding al the Lungs, Pities in the Breast, bide, and Cheat, Nervousness, Night liwcits. Palpitation of the Heart, and all FE:BALK WEAKNESSES and Comp/sines arielnit therefrom, Cholera 1 Minim m, &c. IV' For Proof and particulars of Cures, nee Our Pamphlets and ilasdbills—aU our Aitents have Qum to give away. For sale by T. K. SIMONTON, Huntingdon; J. N. Swoope, Alexttndria ; J. Lutz, Shirleysburg ; J. & J. Kely Burnt Cabin; James Kelly, Santa Fe; and by Merchants and Druggists_gennerally. Au orders must be addressed to Wallace & Co., 304 Broadway, New York. Jan. 90, '51.