Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 19, 1851, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, June 19, MI,
To the Whigs of Pennsylvania.
A STATE CONVENTION will be held in
the City of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, Juno 24th,
1851, for the purpose of selecting Candidates for
the offices of Governor and Canal Commissioner,
and also for Judges of the Supreme Court.
Now Is the Time to Subscribe !
Cr On and after the first of July no Postage will
be 'mired fin. the
" Huntingdon Journal , "
in any part of the County This, together with
our reduction of terms, should induce every per- 1 1
son who feels an interest in the prosperity of the
Country, and who has a family which he wishes to
keep well booked up in passing events, to send in
his name. The " Journal" is, emphatically, a
Family Newspaper, containing the very latest in
telligence on all subjects which can interest the
community. It is WHIG in politics, being certain
that the principles of that great party are calcu
lated to subserve and advance the best interest of
the whole Country.
In consequence of the very great encouragement
we have received since taking charge of the es
tablishment we propose issuing our second num
ber in July on entirely new type. This improve
ment will make our paper one of the most hand
some in the State ; and as wo are determined to
spare no pains or expense in collecting the most
important and the latest intelligence we are war
ranted in saying that no Country paper shall, or
can excell the JOURNAL is ANT WAY.
Our terms now are $1 50 cts. a year if paid in
advance ; $1 75 if paid during the year, & $2 50
if not paid until after the expiration of the year.
To Clubs of TEN OR MORE $1 25 IN AD
We have already increased our list one hundred
and fifty since the Ist of April and now desire to
have 300 more new subscribers as early in
July as possible. Shall we have them 7 What do
you say, old Whig, you, who have fought the bat
tles' of your party for half a century 7 And what
do you say, generous, impulsive, and noble heart
ed young man, you, who are wedded to the great
Whig party because of your conviction that its
principles are calculated to benefit mankind—what
do you say 7 Shall we have them 7 Try ! X
Whig should know such word as fail I
"Free Press."
This valuable paper, published in Brownsville,
Fayette county, in Ibis State has changed hands.
Messrs. P. H. REINHARD and J. H. GORDEIf
have succeeded M. SUAW.
We wish the retiring editor all the felicity gen
uine merit is entitled to, and trust that his suc
cessors will be properly appreciated and suitably
rewarded by the good people of Fayette.
erWo last week made some remarks against
the further detention of KOSSUTH by Turkey.
Since then we have received the following, which,
if true, will make the countrymen of the immortal
hero rejoice with "exceeding great joy."
er Asia, which arrived at New York on Wednes
day, brings a report that the cabinet of Vienna
have consented to the liberation of Kossuth and
the other Hungarians, on condition that they im
mediately leave Europe.
The Fall Campaign.
The time for making county nominations is rap
idly approaching. We are determined to take
no part, or, in any way, interfere in the nomina
tions to be made, because we are wedded to the
great Whig party, and only desire that its princi
ples may be fully carried out, conscious that per
mitting ourselves to adopt the opinions of any
particular clan or faction would not add "one jot
or tittle" to the great object we have in view, and
that is, the best interests of the Whig party.
The election this fall is an important one.
Great interests aro involved, and it behooves the
people to be careful in their selections of candi
dates for local offices, for the reason that if an un
popular or undeserving man should be placed upon
the ticket it must, to a certain extent, operate
against the success of more important desires.
Therefore we an to the Whigs of the county,
nominate your best and most available men. En
courage union and concert of action. Let not the
goldfish disappointments of any produce desertion in
your ranks, Keep the all-important matter in
view—the success of Whig principles and the con
sequent uprooting of the baneful doctrines of Lo
cofocoism. When the time arrives for your pri
mary meetings see that as many ara on the ground
u will give a fair expression of the wishes of your
different townships, this will avoid all difficulties
And render our success certain.
We have just received from an highly esteemed
lady of our place a copy of the "Oracle qf Dau
phin," published in Harrisburg in the year 1800.
It contains the Will of Washington in evens°, and
for this reason is a great curiosity as well as a val
uable relic of times gone by. It can be seen at
our office.
DEATH or J. K. HENDERSON, Esq.—No man
who knew the deceased but will be ready to ex
claim, poor Nadel He was a man of honor, and,
although lie may have stepped aside from the path
of rectitude, there aro few persons who knew him
hut what will mourn his loss, regretting at the
same time that society does not possess more who
are endowed with his talents and devoid of his fa
tal propensities.
Distressing Occurrence.
On Tuesday night, as the cars arrived here, a
man was seen to jump out of one of them and
make off as fast as he could run; it was soon as
certained that it was Mr. Graham M'Calmont, of
Antes township, Blair county, who has been de
ranged for some time, and was on his way to
Philadelphia, in charge of his son and Maj. B. F.
Bell. Atter searching for some time, a portion
of his clothing was discovered on the bank of the
canal, near the first lock above this place, and his
body was soon after found in the canal, into which
he had thrown himself and drowned. Mr. M%
Calm on t, previous tohis becoming deranged, was
one of the most enterprising business men of Blair
county, and a most estimable and worthy citizen.
Post Master General.
Mr. S. K. HALL, the Post Master General of the
United States, is acknowledged by every person
who is at all conversant with the affairs of that
important branch of the government, to he one
of the most efficient officers that hes ever had
charge of that department. We extract from his
Circular the following, which conveys all that is
of interest to our community :
" Under the provisions of the second section of
the new postage act, no newspaper other than those
published weekly only, are entitled to circulate free
of postage in the counties where published.
The postage on all bound books and on all other
printed matter, except newspapers and periodicals
published at intervals not exceeding three months, and
sent from the office of publieation to actual and bona
fide subscribers, must be prepaid.
If the amount paid and marked on such printed
matter is not sufficient to pay the whole postage
duo, the excess of weight boycnd that paid for is
to be charged with double the rate which would
have been charged if prepaid ; and the postage on
such excess collected at the office of delivery.
The five and ten cent postage stamps issued by
this Department, under the provisions of the Ilth
section of the act of March 9, 1847, and now in
use by the public, will not be received in pre-pay
ment of postage after the 30th of the present
month. Therefore persons holding any such will,
as soon as practicable after that dote, and before
the 30th day of September next, present them for
redemption to the postmaster of whom they were
purchased, or to the nearest postmaster who has
been authorized to sell postage stamps.
The Ten Cent Candidates.
The Daily News says, with much truth, that the
names of Bigler and Clover are now fully identi
fied with that of Buchanan. Their success would
be claimed and heralded abroad as a Buchanan
victory, and as proof conclusive of the popularity
of Ten-cents-a-day• Jimmy in Pennsylvania.
Whether it is very likely that those opposed to
• him will labor hard to bring about such a result
we leave to those to judge who know the charac
ter of the men arrayed against him. Of one thing
I the Whigs of Pennsylvania may feel assured.
Their success next fall now depends altogether
on themselves. They can triumph if they but act
wisely and patriotically. Let one and all enter
upon the canvass in a truly national spirit—place
the party upon the broad platform of the Consti
tution—sustain the Whig National Administra
tion, and the wise and enlightened measures to
which it is pledged, and we shall' not only com
mand the respect of our pelitieal opponents and
the sympathies and' good wishes of the Whigs of
other Stases, but we may confidently rely on our
Puffing at Public Auction.
The Supreme Court ofPonnsylvania at Harris
burg has reaffirmed the decision recently given at
Philadelphia, in the case Pennock vs. Powell's
Admin'rs., that the employment of a puffer at
public auction vitiates a sale, and the buyer is
defrauded, even though he did not pay more than
the article was worth in the opinion of witnesses.
A man is defrauded whenever he is induced by
artful means to bid more than he otherwise would;
and whenever the price is even so little enhanced
by a secret contrivance, he is cheated.
Republican says that at no period since 1840, has
the emigration to Illinois, lowa, Minesota & Mis
souri been so general as this spring. Large ac
cessions are daily made to their populaion from
other States in the Union, and sections of the
country which have heretofore been passed by,
arc now rapidly filling up with population. In
addition to the tide from other States greatly in
creased numbers of foreign emigrants are arriving.
Nearly every boat from the South and frequently
boats from Ohio, come crowded to excess with
these emigrants.
Indian War in Yucatan.
The war in Yucatan appears to be drawing to a
close. The Indians every day diminish their ef
forts, and their courage evidently commences to
decline. The only thing worthy of note is the
bloody defeat of the savages at Bacalar. They
endeavored to take the place by assault, aud 600
'of them penetrated to the plaza. The garrison
received them with such a fire that they were Ut
terly routed, and the river was choked up with
their dead bodies. The loss of the whites was
THE HUMAN PANORAMA.—Mankind moves on
ward through the night of time like a procession
of torch-bearers, and words are the lights which
the generations carry. By means of those they
kicdle abiding lamps beside the track which they
have passed, and some of them, like the stars,
shall shine forever and forever.
Schuylkill County.
It is frequently asserted that this county has re
tnrned into the ranks of Locofocoistrt, notwith
standing the depression of her mining interests
under the tariff '46, and the attempt of the Loco
locos to impose a tax on coal. We believe the
Locos once favored a tax upon all coal exported
from our State, but they now propose to tax it at
the mouth of the pit.
The Miners' Journal, in the following article
corrects this erroneous statement :
The affections of the great mass of the people
of the Old Keystone, centered as they are upon
WM. F. JOHNSTON, are wrothily bestowed—
he is deserving their highest regard and confidence.
During no previous administration for many
years, have the affairs of the State Veen attended
to with so much prudence and economy, or the
responsibilities of this high office been discharged
with more faithfulness or more to the entire satis
faction of the great mass of the people.
The Whigs of Schuylkill have much to cheer
them in the coming contest. The county is un
doubtedly Whig to the core—it only requires the
strength of the party to turn out to make it mani
fest. Whigs are springing up everywhere in our
midst. We have been told that 400 would he
naturalized in the county, before the election, and
we are sure that nine-tenths of the rising popula
tion of our young men are Whig. They cannot
fail to observe the ruinous effects of Locofoco
measures upon the community, and they reasona
bly infer that if the business prospects of their el
ders are so much blighted by such policy, there
will be but a slim chance for them, when they
grow up to take their father's places. The Public
Schools are making Whigs. The mass of t h e,
poeple are becoming better educated—they are
growing better acquainted with the spirit of our
government, and the interests of the Common
wealth, anti as "knowledge is power," they nre
beginning to think and net for themselves, instead
of tamely following in the leading strigs of selfish
The Union.
Discountenance whatever may suggest a suspicion
that the Union can, in any event, be abandoned.
The Locofocos are playing a very bold game—
one in which, however, they will be very apt to
overreach themselves. They have at last come
down to the proposition, that upon the election of
Col. Bigler depends the Union of the States.—
This they vociferate very industriously, and hope
to gull some simple souls by the foolish twaddle.
They forget all else. They leave oat of view the
Tariff question, and the infamous conduct of their
party in repealing the Tariffof 1842, after solemn
ly promising tho people of Pennsylvania not to
disturb it. They forget to defend their represen
tatives at Harrisburg last winter, who attempted
to pass an Appropriation Bill which might have
beggared the State Treasury, and would have in
creased the State debt at least $250,000. They
forget the vote of Mr. Bigler given in the State
Senate in favor of taxing LINEAL INHERITANCES.
They overlook the proposition of their Canal Com
missioners to levy a tax upon coal at the pit, in
order, indirectly, to discourage mining and depress
labor. All these and other important questions
of State policy they entirely neglect, and fall back
upon the assertion, that Gov. Johnston's election
will dissolve the Union, and that Mr. Bigler's
election will save it.
It is the people who are daily experiencing the
countless blessings of our Union—the people who
look back with pride upon its founders, and bless
the wisdom that devised and executed this, the
best system of human government ever originated
—the people who are proud to be the descendents
of such ancestors, and who will never mar the
beauty and symmetry of the structure reared in
days gone by—the people who look upon the Uni
on as the ark of our covenant, which no man dare
touch and live—the people who look upon it as
the glory of the past, the pride of the present, and
the hope of the future. It is they who wield the
strong arm in this government, and who will ever
rally around this, the source of all the good they
now enjoy, and all that countless generations will
enjoy.—Daily American.
Another Division ot Mexico.
The New York Tribune learns from a reliable
gentleman, directly from California, that a very
extensive scheme is on foot for separating from
the Mexican Republic the rich State of Sonora.
Various bands have left California expressly for
the purpose; our informant supposes that in all
five hundred daring and well armed men have set
out on the expedition.
The people and administration of Sonora are
said to be in the plot, being dissatisfied with the
condition of Mexico, particularly because they
have received no share of the American indemni
ty. It is contemplated to declare the State inde
pendent of Mexico, organize a provisional Govern
ment, and finally get it annexed to the United
States. It lies on the Gulf of California, between
27 deg. and 33 deg. North latitude, is about half
as large as Texas, and is excedingly rich in min
erals, especialy silver.
The Tribune adds :—Another expedition to take
possession of Lower California and seize on the
port of Mazatlan in the State of Cinaloa, is much
talked of. At Mazatlan this enterprise would be
likely to meet a more hostile reception. The peo
ple of that place, our informant tells us, are quite
inimical to Americans, and would like another war
as a means of getting money, not only from the
support of American armies in their country, but
from a new indemnity, which they count on for
another slice of territory.
Cholera at the West.
The Cholera is on the increase at the West—
cases making their appearance at various points.
At Paducah, Kentucky, it is said to be very fatal.
Among the recent victims at that place is Dr. N.
Lane, the Locofoco candidate for Congress at the
last election, from the Louisville district. The
Louisville Courier of the 3d instant says that the
steamer Grand Turk, from New Orleans, with a
large number of emigrants on board for St. Louis,
lost 25 or 30 of her passengers, by the Cholera,
before the boat reached Cairo. Seventeen had
died before the boat arrived at Napoleon, and the
disease was then raging terribly on board.
The Operation or the Tariff of 1846.
What will become of the manufacturers at the
present high prices of wool, and the low state of the
markets for manufactured goods? They connot
succeed long. One of two things they must do—
either stop their mills or fail to pay their obliga
tions. Under the present aspect, what is the best
course for them to adopt? The best thing they
can do is to stop their mills when they have
wrought up their present stock of wool. This
will lessen the production of manufactured goods,
and make them scarcer in the market, and mance
quently improve the prices and facilitate safes.
It would also allow the wool speculators to hold
on to the wool which they have diverted from
the natural channel of business at extravagant
prices, until notes become matured and pay
ment is demanded. Then, it is more than proba
ble, wool could be bought at fair prices. But
what good will it do, if one or two, or a dozen
mills were to stop? So small a number would
do very little good, but "every little helps." More
than one hundred and fifty sets of machines have
been stopped in the Eastern States. Two large
manufacturing establishments have been compell
ed to suspend payments and their mills also.—
This is but the beginning of troubles with the
manufacturers. The conclusion of the whole mat
ter is, if manufacturers continue to buy wool at
the present high prices, and sell their goods at the
present /ow prices, they must inevitably become
bankrupt.—Daily Sun.
Question of Next Governor Settled.
Tie Bedford Gazette in summing up the claims
of Col. Bratant to the office of Governor of Penn
sylvania, relates one incident in the Colonel's his
tory that at once sottjes the question in his favor
and throws all other aspirants far into the shade.
The occasion upon which this important event
occurred was that of a camp meeting held in the
,woods, and into which, says the Gazette;
"A tall, stout looking man entered, took out his
flint and steel and struck a fire; bought some
cakes, slapped one little fellow on the back, and
pulled another's hair!"
A cotemporary thinks that this fact will doubt
less be regarded as a "knock-down argument,"
not only establi,shing the Colonel's claims to
Christian devoutness and piety, but also his pecu
liar qualifications for Governor of Pennsylvania.
Moreover, in view of this startling announcement,
the probability is, that the Whig party will not
think it worth while to nominate a candidate at
all, unless they should be fortunate enough to find
some man in the State who has "pulled a boy's
hair at a camp meeting."
The Connecticut Senator.
In the Connecticut Legislature, (where the
ballot for U. S. Senator, a few days since, stood
Seymour, Dem., 106, Baldwin, Free Soil Whig,
92, scattering 35) a dozen or fifteen VVliigs re
fused to vote for an abolition or Free Soil Whig.
They cannot be induced to vote for Baldwin, end
the Whigs now talk of another candidate. James
Dixon, who received eleven votes, is named, as
also Judge Storrs, whose opinions on Free Soil
are not known. The Whigs have the Senate,
and the Democrats cannot elect any ono.
Enlargement of the Capitol,
The President has decided on the plan of the
enlargement of the Capitol. The corner stone is
to be laid on the 4th of July next. It adds two
wings to the North and South of the Capitol—ono
for a Senate Hall and another for a Hall of Rep
resentatives. The proposed Hall of Representa
tives is to be of such capacity as not only to an
ewer for the number of Representatives under the
Vinton law-233—but capable of extension as
may be necessary hereafter, with ample accom
modations for public auditories, committee rooms,
t'There appears to be an admirable unanim
ity of sentiment on the part of the Whigs of this
State, says the Perry Freeman, in the respective
counties where conventions or meeting have been
held, as regards their preference for the Guberna
torial candidate. All expressions of opinion seem,
to be strongly in favor of the re-nomination of
Governor Johnston, because, they affirm, his offi-
cial acts have been tested and found worthy in all
respects. Even his political opponents have noth
ing to say, with any color of truth, against the
manner in which be has discharged his duties as
the Executive of Pennsylvania. He has intro
duced substantial reforms, and his prudence and
sagacity have enabled the tax-payers to see in his
revenue measure the practical reduction of no in
considerable portion of the State Debt, even
whilst perfecting and extending several important
branches of the State's improvements. The most
careless observer can perceive that his successful
efforts to diminish the State Debt have placed his
official acts warmly and gratefully in the memory
of the vast portion of the citizens of the common
wealth, irrespective of party.
A Candid Confession.
The Pennsylvanian makes the following con
fession:—"Muny brilliant and eminent men are
now doing battle in the ranks of the Democracy,
whose early association and immature judgments
first led them into the political arena under the
somber flag of Federalism." Certainly. There
is, for instance, James Buchanan, who will prob
ably be the next Democratic candidate for the
Presidency. Mr. Buchanan's judgment remained
immature until 1834, when he was nearly forty
years of age. About that time the federal party
disbanded, and Mr. Buchanan went into the party
which had the nearest resemblance to it.
Lynching in California.
Scenes of Lynch Law continue to occur. The
papers before us record various executions. Ili
one case, a man named Macaulley was tried and
convicted of the murder of Simon A. Sellers, and
sentenced to be executed on the 14th of April.
The Governor, however, extended the time until
the 26th of May, whereupon a public meeting was
held at Nappa City, and the Governor was de
nounced in the warmest manner.
ife'The N. Y. Mirror, alluding to Mr. Web
ster's Albany Speech, says:—"Every newspaper
in the Union should publish it, every man, wo
man and child should read it. Before the glori
ous sunlight of such principles as those, tho "High
er Law" rush lights, pale their ineffectual fires."
The Army.
Six thousand troops of the regular army, says
the correspondent of the North American, are at
this moment stationed on, or have been transfer
red to, the Mexican and Texas frontiers, to en
force the provisions of the Treaty of Gandalupe.
General Peraifer Smith succeeds General Brooke
in command in Texas. Gen. Ilitcheock succeeds
Gen. Smith on the West Pacific Division. Col.
Sumner succeeds Col. Munro in New Mexico.—
Col. Harney serves under Gen. Smith. These
officers are among the flower of the army, and
have been selected with special reference to the
delicate and important duties to which they have
been assigned. Formal instructions have been
issued by the Secretary of War to revise the poli
cy and re-invigorate the administration of milita
ry affitirs at different stations; and to protect the
persons and property of Mexican citizens with the
same care as our own. To give increased effi
ciency to these movements, a regiment of infant
ry, and a portion of the cavalry, have been order
ed on the route between Red River and El Paso,
in the very midst of the Comanches. The skele
ton of the mounted regiment of riflemen has been
ordered from Oregon to Texas, and is to bo filled
with recruits under the authority of the last Con
gress. In addition to this, all troops adapted to
frontier service, and not indispensible elsewhere,
have been ordered to the Mexican and Texan
lines. The necessity for these active measures is
undeniable. Already fictitious claims for alleged
depredations have become common, as is demon
strated by the reports of officers at the various sta
tions. Some correspondence has taken place be
tweet the Secretary of State and the Mexican
Minister, in regard to alleged infractions of the
Treaty, and there is likely to be more of it.
State Agricultural Fair.
From present indications the great State Fair
which is to take place here in October next, will
be largely attended, not only by the citizens of
our own State, but by farmers and others from
the neighboring States. This being the first af
fair of the kind in Pennsylvania, it is to be hoped
that the farmer, the horticillturalist, the inventor,
and all engaged in agricultural and mechanical
pursuits will contribute and partake in the interest
which will be excited by the occasion. Arrange
ments are now being made for enclosing the
grounds, and providing separate and safe places
for all animts and articles which shall be presen
ted for exhibition. All the canals and railways of
the State will be open free of charge for their
transportation to Harrisburg, and visitors will
come and go on them at one-half the usual rates.
The young men of the State are reminded that
the Plowing Match will afford them an opportu
nity for the display of their skill, the training of
their teams, and the fitness of their implements.
[State Journal.
Dr. Everett, of the Patent Office, has presented
to us a branch of pine in which the eggs of the
locust have been deposited. The secretion of the
pine where it has been pierced to deposit these
eggs has a foam-like appearance, from the action
of the larva on it. Many pine trees now show a
dozen or more of such foamy spots. The eggs
of the insects are usually hatched in fifteen or six
teen days, when they change to the second condi
tion, that of larva; in a few days afterwards these
drop to the ground, and commence their seven
teen years' pilgrimage into the earth, burrowing
down by the roots of trees, from two to three
feet deep.— Telegraph.
The World's Fair.
Display of the Americans.—The London corres
pondent of the Philadelphia American, says:—
The space allotted by the Royal Commissoners
to the contributions from the United States is not
nearly occupied. In fact, the Americans have the
most meagre display of any nation except Russia,
and none of her goods have yet arrived. The
Royal Commissioners having been informed that
the original notice to the Americans as to the final
date at which their contributions would be received
was too short to enable them to get all their arti
cles ready, the Commissioners have now informed
Mr. Riddle, our Commissioner, that articles from
the United States will he received at the Crystal
Palace till next August. It is to be hoped that
the Americans will avail themselves of this offer,
notwithstanding it comes at so late a period.—
The U. S. Commissioner will, by this steamer,
send to the authorities at Washington an official
announcement respecting this subject.
York Commercull says:—We learn from the Chris
tian Advocate and Journal that the book agents
ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church, acting upon
the suggestion of the Court in the late trial re
specting the church property, have proposed to
the commissioners of the Church South, "an ad
justment of their preferred claims by a legal arbi
tration under the authority of the Court." We
are glad to learn this, and trust that the South
will, with equal promptitude and cheerfulness,
meet the proposal favorably.
The arguments in this case were closed on
Wednesday. At the conclusion of the Hon. Rev
erdy Johnson's masterly argument, the Court ad
dressed some remarks to the litigants which were
pregnant with meaning, as we understand them.—
The Court said emphatically that the interests of
religion and the Methodist Church would be pro
moted by an amicable settlement of the case prior
to the decision which the Court might make.—
Those who have carefully watched the trial, heard
or read the arguments of counsel, and in other
ways familiarized themselves with the subject, will
probably infer from the Court's remarks that the
decision would be in favor of the claimants.
A Cowhiding for a hiss.
A young man by the name of Powelson, a
daguerreotypist, was cOwhided in Broadway, New
York, for kissing a young lady at the daguerreo
type rooms of her father, in the upper part of the
city. The chastisement was inflicted by the lover
of the young lady, who, of course, felt that ho had
pre-emption rights to all such little luxuries. The
Mirror says the young man was sorely tempted;
and the young lady had no business to be so
'lf a body kiss a body
Need a body cry?'
Hon. THOMAS Comm left Washington the
16th inst., on his way to• New York, from whence
he will go to Cincinnati by the Erie Railroad.—
Repose is needed by this gentleman after his ardu
ous duties encountered whilst suffering tmder sick
ness. Tho Department of the Treasury is now
better organised, and the administration of its du
ties is more prompt and efficient than formerly.—
We copied some time since from the Journal of
Commerce's Washington correspondence, that Mr.
Conwue whs engaged in an examination of the
several Bureaux of the Treasury, with a view to
improve their management, and, that in his own
office, he had made beneficial changes. We now
learn from that paper that.he has got the Depart
ment in good trim. Formerly, as every one knows,
business of importance might be brought before the'
Department, and then lie without attention for
weeks and months, and even for years. Mer
chants used, in many instances, to be obliged to
write to the Department some twenty or thirty let
ters, on the same business, and, even then, per
haps, without a reply. It was the custom to evade
the responsibility of decisions by simply filing pa
pers and applications. As to the several Bureaux
their business was generally two or three years
behind hand.
Such, indeed, continued to be the condition of
the Department until after the termination of the
last Congress. But now every letter that is re
ceived, meets with prompt acknowindgment. Mr.
CORWIN has directed that every day's mail shall
be attended to on the day of its receipt. While
the current business is thus promptly despatched,
nearly the entire business of two or three years'
accmulation has been brought up, and the whole
of it soon will be. Tt as we learn, the intention
of Mr. Conwnr, that the Department, in all its
parts, and especially in his own office, shall des
patch business as promptly and as thoroughly as is
done in a merchant's counting house.
Mr. CORWIN has issued an order, which is to
be a standing rule, that clerks and officers of the
Department shall be at their desks from eight o'-
clock till four and longer when necessary to des
patch the current buisness. The public will be
much obliged to M. CORWIN for the accomplish
ment of these needful official reforms.
Late from Tehuantepec.
By the arrival of the Robert Spedden we have
late news from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Vera
Cruz, and the city of Mexico. Maj. J. A. Kelly,
who was lately connected with the surveying
party on the Isthmus, came over on the Robert
Spedden. The Major is direct from Mina Titian,
where he has been engaged for sometime in ob
serving and noting the tides of the Coatzacoalcos.
He reports that the vomito is prevailing at Vera
Cruz. The American Consul, Capt. Rogers, had
been ill of it, but was getting better when the
Spedden left.
The British steamer landed at Vera Cruz on
the 31st tilt, and took on board her passengers
and left immediately for Kingston, Jamaica.
Major Kelly brings dispatches from Mr... Sidell,
the engineer.
The survey of the isthmus is entirely corn
pleted, and the hydrographic party was waiting at
Mina Titian for transportation home. Mr. Ave
ry's party was expected every day.from the Jal
It was expected that Mr. Williams and his party
would be ready to move from Mina Titian on the
sth inst. A portion of his party was at the Pass
of Chevela at the latest accounts, and the other
part was at the Cerro Encantada.
Maj. Barnard was at El Barrio, where he was
daily improving in health. He also was expected
at Mina Titian by the sth inst.
JERSEY ClTY.—This morning, at nine o'clock, a
pyrotechnical establishment in this city, in Canal
street, near Barrow, was suddenly blown into frag
ments. Mr. Jimes Dawes, owner of the labora
tory, who was at work in the establishment at the
time of the explosion, was blown some distance in
the air, every article of clothing being torn from
his body, with the exception of one boot. Mr.
Dawes was seen, ate3r the explosion, to walk
about twenty yards, when he fell, and expired
shortly afterwards.
The body of the unfortunate man was burnt as
black as a coal, his eyes wore blown out, and his
face horribly mutilated. Deceased leaves a wife
to mourn Isis untimely end. Within twenty-five
yards of the spot where this dreadful accident oc
curred, there were seven men at work, and strange
to say, notwithstanding pieces of the building
were blown in every direction, some of them
across to Communipaw shore, not one of them
sustained the slightest injury.—Jersey City Senti
nel, June 14.
In the advertisement of the Clerk of the Federal
House of Representatives of the next Congress,
there is set down, among the things needed, 250
dozen pen knives—about a dozen for each mem
ber—of which 100 dozen are required to be "four
bladed, pearl handled, and of the highest finish
and best quality, and 100 dozen of two bladed,
and of the highest finish and best quality." Each
member must have a large family of boys.
sir The editor of the Fishkill Standard tolls a
good story about a friend of his who was in Now
York whon Fillmore and the procession was pass
ing up Broadway. About oposite the Park, a:
number of gents were in the fourth story window
shouting burros for the President, when a tall fel-.
low in the crowd, whom ho took to be a Vermont=
er, looked up at the window, and naked in a voice
that could be distinctly hoard by tho whold crowd )
"blister what ofilco will you heyl"
Listen to the New York Star man. Did
you over?
"June tore the veil of cloud from her bright
face yesterday, and shook out her golden hair.
The earth laughed, the crinkling waters laughed,
the blue sky laughed, and the leaves swung them
selves upward on their stalks to catch the new
born sunshine. Never was their a pleasanter day
for recreation; but we, a poor sheep of the press,
confined to our pen, could only make love to na
ture by the clairvoyant process of imagination.
Daily Sun.