Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 19, 1851, Image 1

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From Tuckerman's Poems, just Published,
The Modern Hero.
"They also servo who only stand and wait."
The lance is rusting on the wall,
No laurel crowns are wove,
And every nightly strain is hushed
In castle, camp, and grove.
No manly breast now fronts the spear,
No strong arm waves the brand,
To vindicate the rightful cause,
Or stay oppressions hand.
The minstrel's pilgrimage has ceased,
Chivalric days are o'er,
And fiery steeds bear noblemen
To Palestine no more.
What battle field with courage now
Shall ardent minds inspire?
Upon what shrine can youth devote
Its wild yet hallowed fire?
Must the bold heart ignobly pine
Far from heroic strife,
And win no trophies to adorn
This cold and fleeting life?
Is there no guerdon for the brave?
No warfare for the free?
No wrong for valor to redress?
For men no victory?
Shall high and earnest purpose die,
And souls of might grow tame?
Glory no more be warmed to life
By love's ennobling flame?
Forbid it every pulse that leaps
At Beauty's kindling smile,
Forbid it all the glowing dreams
That youthful hearts beguile!
By the clear spell that morning weaves,
By noontide's stirring glare,
By the vast sea, the mighty woods,
And midnight's solemn air;
By nature's deep and constant tones,
Tears that are born of song,
And thrills that eloquence awakes
In every human throng;
By childhood's hopefulness serene,
And woman's cherished name,
Let not heroic spirits yield
Their heritage of time!
It may no more be won in arms,
And knighthood's loyal toil,
Nor flourish, like Alarengo's grain,
Upon a blood-stained soil.
It will not lire in warrior's tales,
Or lay of troubadour,
Nor shall the scarf of Itolye-lore
Become its emblem more.
But in the quietude of thought—
The soul's divine retreat,
Does Valor now her garlands twine,
And rear her proudest scat.
They who most bravely can endure
Most earnestly pursue,
And 'mid Opinion's tyrant bands
Unto themselves be true!
Rejoice in Beauty more than grin
Guard well the dreams of youth,
And with devoted firmness lire
Crusaders for the Truth!
The freedom of the mitsd maintain,
Its sacredness revere,
And cling to Honor's open path,
As planets to their sphere;
Who own no gaze hut that of Faith,
And with undaunted brow,
Turn from the worshippers of gold—
These are the heroes now!
In lonely watchfulness they stand
Upon Time's hoary steep,
And Glory's flickering beacon lights,
For coming ages keep.
Thus bravely like heroic men,
A consecrated band;
Life is to them a battle field,
Their hearts a Holy Land.
Bon. Abbot Lawrence.
Home's Greely thus speaks of the American
Minister, in ono of his letters from England: "I
cannot close without a word of acknowledgement
to our Ambassador, Hon. Abbott Lawrence, for
the interest he has taken, and the labor he has
cheerfully performed, in order that our country
should be creditably represented in this exhibi
tion. For many months the entire correspon
dence, &c., fell on his shoulders; and I doubt
whether the Pair will have cost him less than five
thousand dollars when it closed. That he has
exerted himself in every way in behalf of his
countrymen attending the Exhibition, is no more
than all who knew him anticipated; and his con
venient location, his wide acquaintance and mark
ed popularity hero, have enabled him to do a
great deal. Every American voice is loud in his
Liberty of the Cudgel.
Bowman, of the Bedford Gazette, has blacken
ed the character of a citizen of Bedford, Gen.
Complier, and he, in return, has blackened Bow
man's hide. On the 29th tilt., ho knocked Bow
man down and caned hint. The stick was a hick
or& ono, the emblem of Locofocoism.
Sir 'lf you doubt whether you should kiss a girl,
give her the benefit of the doubt, awl 'go in.'
Thai's T.ssr.
O 5
Ain Ittgbtllt _
Only One, and He was a Pirate I
A writer in the April number of Blackwood's
Magazine in speaking of maratime matters, says:
" The Americans have only produced one naval
hero, and he was a pirate—Paul Jones." The
writer appears to be serious, and, we dare say,
believes the nonsense which he utters ; for if there
is any thing that "the British public" are badly
posted up in, it is the history of the battles which
have been fought between the United States and
Great Britain. Not one Englishman in a thou
sand has ever heard of the battle of New Orleans,
although the victory obtained there by General
Jackson, entailed upon British valor and British
discipline one of the most disgraceful defeats
known to civilised warfare. "Lundy's Lane,"
" Fort Erie," and " Plattsburg," are also places
which the memory of John Bull will very seldom
plead guilty to. Of our naval victories he is still
more obtuse. The only commodore he seems to
have any knowledge of is, as we said before, Paul
Jones—while the only sea fight which figures con
spicuously in his history of the war of 1812, is that
which took place between the Chesapeake and
the Shannon. To this battle British historians
have devoted not only whole chapters, but whole
books, while the victory of Perry, on Lake Erie,
is boiled down to a paragraph. These facts prove
two things. In the first place, the importance
which they attach to the conquest of the Chesa
peake, shows that the capture of an American
frigate was a rarity; while the cowardly manner,
with which they refer to the victories of Perry and
McDonough, shows that they were more afraid of
truth than they were of an enemy, and that it is
wiser for Great Britain to pocket a disgrace than
to refer to it.
To teach a writer to condense, we know of no
better study than John Bull's history of "Amer
ican Naval Battles." The loss of a fleet is there
summed up with fewer words than he once record
ed the conquest of a French fishing boat; while
the sinking of a frigate in twenty Minutes is so
much of a trifle that it is only retferred to in a
The writer to which we have already refrered,
says that " the Americans have only produced one
naval hero, and he was a pirate—Paul Jones."—
Let us see how this statement tallies with the
The oar broke out in June, 1812. In July, the
Essex, Cant. Porter, was attacked by the British
ship Alert. The first broadside from the Essex
frightened the British cress to the hold, and in
eight minutes her flag was struck.
On the 19th of August, the frigate Constitution,
Capt. hull, in thirty eight minutes conquered the
British frigate Guerriere, Capt. nacres. The
loss to the English in killed and wounded nas
114. The Americans were only injured to the
extent of 14.
On the 18th of October, Capt. Jones, its the
sloop-of-war Wasp, captured the Frolic in forty
flve miutes. In the action, the Americans had to
contend against a much superior force. The re
sult of the battle was SO killed on the Frolic, and
only 8 on the Wasp.
On the 25th of October, the frigate United
States, Capt. Decatur, encountered and captured
the finest frigate in the British navy, the Macedo•
nian, in little over halt an hour. English killed,
104. Americans 11.
On the 12th of December, the frigate Essex,
Captain Porter, took the ship Nocton, of 10 guns,
in about live minutes. With the Nocton ho also
took $55,000 in specie. Capt. Porter afterwards
cruised in the Pacific, where his prizes averaged
about two a day. His last act was to fight two
British frigates of equal size, for nearly half a
On the 29th of December, the Constitution,'
Captain Bainbridge, captured the British frigate
lava. The combat continued more than three
hours, at the expiration of which time she was so
knocked to prices that yon could look through
her like a piece of gauze. 'rho English lost in
this battle 161. The Americans 34. So much,
for the year 1812.
On the 23d of February, 1813, the United States
ship Hornet, Capt. Lawrence, encountered the
British ship Peacock. In less than fifteen min
utes the Peacock struck her colors, displaying at
the same time a signal of distress. The norna,
in less than a quarter of an hour having not only
conquered the Peacock, but nearly sunk her. In
July, 1813, the American brig Argus captured
he British brig Pelican. A day or two afterwards
the American ship Enterprise, Lieut. Burrows,
took the British brig Boxer, Captain Blythe.—
These vessels were of the same class, and show
ed in a most conclusive manner, the superiority of
American gunnery over that of any other power.
In August of this year, the American privateer
Decatur, mounting seven guns, and manned with
one hundred and three men, fell in with the Brit
ish schooner Dominica, of sixteen guns and
eighty-three men. For two hours the two ships
continued manoeuvring and tiring, the Decatur
seeking to board her antagonist, and she to escape.
At length the former was placed in such a posi
tion that a part of her crew passed, upon the
bowsprit, into the stern of the latter. The firing
on both sides from cannon and musketry, was now
terrible. In a short time the two ships came in
contact, broadside to broadside; and then the re
mainder of the Decatur's crew rushed upon her
enemy's deck. Fire arms were thrown aside, and
the men fought hand to hand, using cutlasses and'
throwing shot. Nearly all the officers of the Do
minica being killed, her flag was hauled down by
the conquerors. Of her crew of eighty-three, 60
were killed or wounded ; of that of the Decatur
hut nineteen. The next day, the latter captured
a merchantman, laden with a valuable cargo,'
and conducted both prizes into the harbor of
In December, 1814, the United States frigate
Constitution, Capt. Stewart, fought two British
frigates at once, and, what is more, whipped them.
They were the Levant and Cyane. This naval
battle is one of the most glorious on record. So
much for ships—let us now come to squadrons.
On the 10th of September, 1813, the American
squadron on Lake Erie, under commodore Perry,
fought a British squadron under Capt. Barclay.—
The battle commenced a little after noon. At 4
o'clock Perry transmitted the following laconic
epistle to Gen. Harrison "We have met the ene
my and they are ours— two ships, two brigs, ono
schooner and a sloop."
On the Gth of September, 1814, the British
squadron, commanded by Corn. Downie, appear
ed off the harbor of Plattsburgh, where that of the
United States, commanded by Commodore
McDonough, lay at anchor, prepared for battle.
The former, consisting of sixteen vessels, carried
one hundred and two guns, and was manned with
eight hundred and fifty men. The battle com
menced about 9 o'clock. In two boars and a
half the British were " a whipped community;"
every vessel in the squadron having " backed
down" or run away.
Thus concluded the last war, and a most bril
liant conclusion it was ; and yet with these facts,
as well known to history as the location of the
pyramids, we find English writers with polished
pens, so little posted up in these unpleasant mat
ters, that they actually believe that Uncle Sam
" has only raised one naval hero, and he was a pi
rate. Isn't it laughable I—well, it is.
Gas from Wood.
An eminent chemist of Munich has recently,,
discovered a method of obtaining gas from the fi
bres of plants, especially of wood, which may be
made use of for practical purposes with great
economy and advantage. The Railroad Depot at
Munich has been for seine time successfully light
ed with this gas. So much confidence was felt by
the discoverer in its practicability, that in connec
tion wills four other scientific men, ho undertook
to prepare the apparatus at the depot at his own
expense. The first attempt met with many obsta
cles, but the final result confirmed the hopes of
the projectors. It is stated by competent judges,
who have inspected the operation, that no doubt
remains in their minds of its speedy introduction
to general use.
The apparatus at Munich provided with only a
single retort, but of such dimensions as adapt it
Ito the largest gas establishment, and enable it to
deliver a much larger quantity than is seceded at
the depot. It contains a hundred weight of split
wood, and renders in an hour at least 350 cubic
feet of gas in the gasometer. In an hour and a
half, or two hours, one lot of wood is used np.
producing from 650 to 700 cubic feet, according to
the quality of the wood. The retort Ls heated
with turf at the expense of about 10 kreutzers nn
hour, but if two or three retorts were used with
the same furnace, the expense of fuel for each
would be materially diminished. The charcoal
made in the retort is about 20 per cent. of the
weight of the wood; this is raked out while yet
hot, sued placed in close covered tin boxes to cool
in the open air. The coal, which is at present
from fir wood, is thoroughly burned, and being
more compact than pit coal, is in demand among
the dealers. The gas is cgrulneted from the re
tort through the tar vessel, the condenser and the
refiner into the gasometer. The establishment
obtains from 5 to 7 per cent. of tar of the best quali
ty. The amount of light rendered by this gas,
according to an official measurement by the Di
rectors of the Railroad, equals 15i wax candles
from one burned, consuming four and a half feet
in an hour. This is greater tissue the power of the
Augsburg coal gas, which equals from 11 to 13
wax candles, (five to the pound.) In Munich,
those who have compared this gas with common
coal gas, give it a decided preference for that vi
cinity. The most prominent advantage is else fa
cility with which it is produced. While a retort
gives at most 180 cubic feet of coal gas in an
hour, it will give 360 feet of wood gas. Only half
the number of retorts, accordingly, would be re
quired for lighting a city. The quantity of gas,
moreover, delivered by wood in comparison with
the cost, is of importance. A hundred weight of
coal, as it is prepared at Augsburg and Munich,
gives only 500 feet of gas, in the most favorable
eases, and costs 1 florin and 6 krentaers, when
wood is G florins a cord. The advantage is no
less on the side of the wood-gets in respect to the
secondary products, coke and tar. The wood gas
is not so objectionable in a sanitary point of view
as the coal gas, either in its preparation or its use.
It has no unpleasant smell; even in its crude state
it contains no ammoniac nor sulpleuretted hydro
gen, nor carburretted sulphur; nor in burning
does it produce a trace of sulphuric acid. When
the discoverer announced his project of obtaining
gas from wood, every engineer and chemist de
clared it impossible, since all previous attempts
'had produced only gas of a very inferior quality.
They accordingly came to the conclusion that the
fibers of wood aro incapable of generating gas.
But this idea is effectually set aside by the Mu
nich experiment. In an economical point of
view, this discovery is considered of great im
portance in Germany. It has already attracted
the attention of practical men, and the manner in
which we find it spoken of by intelligent judges,
shows that it may be welcomed ae one of the boni
flcent contributions of science in the nineteenth
century to the uses of life.
WAn old Edition of Morse's Geography says,
"Mbany has four hundred dwelling houses, with
two thousand four hundred inhabitants all stend.
lag with their gable ends to the street."
The Blood and Respiration.
THE process of digestion having been complet
ed so far as regards the mastication of the food, its
conversion into chyme, and then into the milky
fluid chyle, which I have shown has been sucked
up by the absorbents called the 'amen's, and con
veyed by their vessels through the thoracic duct
into the left jugular vein, and thence into the
The beautiful mechanism of the digestive or
gans, the apparent simplicity of their structure,
and their animal-chemical laboratory for the as
similation of the food with the animal system,
would naturally suggest to the mind and to our
reason, the ease attending the formation and com
pletion of a healthy system. That every individ
ual possesses the means and the power to partake
of a proper food, may be laid down as an axiom ;
but that the digestive organs and their functions
are nt our commands, our wills or our pleasure,
for preparing, forming, find converting this food
into a well-constituted blood for perpetuating the
animal system, practical experience has amply
proved to be a fallacy, and the old axiom now, as
it ever did, retains all its force—" What is one
man's meat is another man's poison." Mlton
makes Michael say to Adam—
" The rule Not too meat; by temperance taught,
In what thou eat's and drink'st; seeking from
Due nourishment, not gluttonous delight,
Till many years over thy bead return :
So may'st thou live, till, like ripe fruit, thou
Into thy mother's lap, or be with case
Gathered, not harshly pluck'd for death mature.
This is old age." • • • • •
Temperance, as sung by the poet, may not im
mediately produce wholesome blood; but it has
the recommendation that it certainly does not
render it obnoxious to the animal system. Pru
dence, therefore, dictates "The rule Not too much"
as being more likely than "gluttonous delight" to
enable the digestive functions to prepare the basis
fora wholesome constituted blood. The impor
tance of parity in the blood can in no way be over
estimated; the blood being the material from which
the reveal tissues or structures, and multitudinous
organs of the whole animal system, as it were, is
created. From the germ of existence, through
all the phases of unimal life, the blood is the me
dium for removing all the softer structures of in
fancy and youth, and by the same blood purified,
as we shall hereafter show, are they severally re
placed with denser material for the more energet
ic faculties to act upon, in accordance with the
peculiarities and the wants of the animal creation,
each in their kind, whether it be in the delicate
structure and beautiful outline of female beauty,
in youth or at the maturity of womanhood, or in
the well-knitted frame and body of vigorous and
dignified man, made after God's own image, as
compared with the massiveness of the mastodon or
the elephant; down to the gentle and timid limbs
of the fawn or the gazelle.
By the vitality of the blood, animal heat is en
gendered, stud the functions at' organic life are
maintained, and their healthful action preserved,
and by any derangement of which the whole or
part of the animal system is compromised, and
may suffer disease and death.
A knowledge, therefore, of the nature of the
blood, its design, and the laws which govern and
regulate the circulation of this vital fluid through
out the system, cannot be otherwise than interes
ting to the philosopher, from that of the beg-in
structed Christnin mind—we had almost said—to
the rudest barbarian.
'rho heart—the bead of the apparatus by which
the circulation of the blood is carried throvit mil
lions of tubes to every nook and corner of the
body—is a hollow muscular body, of a cone-like
figure; its largest portion, or base, lies upwards,
and obliquely front the left to the right, under the
fifth and sixth ribs, on the left side of the breast;
the apex of the heart, its inferior portion, rests
upon the midriff, or diaphragm, the frill-like
muscular floor of the cavity of the abdomen.—
The heart is surrounded by the lobes of the lungs,
all of which are protected by numerous chelosing
but elastic ribs of bone. In order to render this
interesting subject, concise and comprehensible to
the general reader, the heart may be represented
as containing four compartments—one upper and
one lower compartment on its right side, and two
corresponding ones on its left side. As we have
already shown, the nutritious milky chyle is absor
bed from the digestive canal, and conveyed into
the thoracic duct, and thence into the lett jugular
The veins collect and convey to the heart the
purple or carbonized blood, known as the venous
blood. This blood is poisonous to the animal sys
tem, if admitted into the arterial circulation; the
phenomena of which will be explained in their
order. In addition to the office of returning the
impure venous blood of the system to its groat or
' gan, the heart, the veins possess peculiar powers in
common with the lymphatic system of absorbents,
viz.; the power of absorbing gases and fluids,
when placed in contact with the various parts of
the system. They will absorb every substance in
the body that is useless to the animal economy,
such as bone, as seen in the absorbtion of the roots
of the milk teeth in children; superfluous fat, tum
ours, collections of matter (pus) in abscesses, the
fluids collected in dropsical affections, which are
all absorbed by their powers, and carried out of
the system through the medium of the excretory
powers of other organs. Tints is the venous blood
vitiated and rendered useless, obnoxious and poi-
Bottom, and in this condition it is collected into
two large veins, (the ascending and descending
erns• cam,) and emptied into the right auricle, or
upper comptu • nnent of the heart.
(9°\, 0111/ 4e/ Itor
'Mato Young Men.
An old experienced man says if you expect to
be a merchant, (being now only a clerk, with live
hundred dollars a year,) get married. Choose a
partner who is willing to live according to your
income—one whose mother has taught her to work,
wash, mend stockings, make pies and cake, and
knows how to put an apple in a dumpling. Aim
not that she be handsome, but one whom you can
love above all others in the world. You will then
live happier and cheaper than you now do, pitying
board, washing and mending, besides every now
and then having a piece lost. Your washerwoman
is very poor, and can't make • good the loss you
In choosing a wife, let her be of a family not
vain of their name or connections, but remarka
ble for their simplicity of manners and integrity of
life. Never fix your eyes ou a celebrated beams.
She is apt to be too proud of her pretty face, and
afraid of soiling her delicate hands. The woman
who washes her own slyer spoons, china cups and
platters, and performs other light services in the
family, is always the most healthy, the most hap
py anti the most contented; for thus her mind is
occupied, and site gains the approbation of her
husband and of her own conscience. The wo
man who leaves her family fine or five hours ev
ery day, running from shop to shop, and making
calls, is always unhappy, for conscience says,
"you have sown the wind, and shall reap the
Beauty is very desirable in the choice of a wife.
You will be proud of your handsome wife when
you introduce her to a friend, but by all means
find out, if you can, whether she is vain of her
• beauty. If you find she is daily washing her al
ready pretty face with milk of roses and patent
cosmetics—that she is daily pouring Cologne wa
ter and Macassar oil on her already glossy hair—
this is the case, it is rather an alarming symp
tom. A handsome woman never looks so pretty
as when she don't know it. I dare say souse of
the young lassies will laugh at a man near four-
I score, talking about pretty faces; hut you may
just tell them that I was once as young as any of
them, and that in the pleasure of memory I live
my life over again.
Good nature is another necessary virtue in a
wife. This, though, is not so very essential, as a
man must be a consumnte blockhead, indeed, if
he can't lead (not drive) a woman by fair words.
A good manager is another indispensable qualifi
cation. After marriage, if a woman does not
pride herself on her knowledge of family affairs
and laying out money to the best advantage, let
her be ever so sweet tempered, gracefully made or
elegantly accomplished, she is no wife for a man
of business.- When people are harnessed in the
yoke matrimonial, they must draw together. It
is a man's duty to give to his with; it is the wife's
duty to use it with the most scrupulous economy.
Good Breeding.
TIIE following anecdote is related by Mr.
Walker, in his amusing and instructive publica
tion. "The Original," as afffirding a fine instance
of the value of good breeding, or politeness, even
in circumstances where it could not be expected
to produce any personal advantage s—
" An Englishman, making the grand tour tow
ands the middle of the last century, when travellers
were more objects of attention than at present, on
arriving at Turin sauntered out to see the place.—
Ile happened to meet a regiment of infantry re
turning from the parade, and, taking it position to
see it pass, a young Captain, evidently desirous
to make a disiplay before the stranger, in crossing
cne of the numerous water-courses, with which
the city is intersected, missed his footing, and in
trying to save himself lost his hat. The exhibition
was truly unfortunate—the spectators laughed and
looked at the Englishman, expecting him to laugh
too. On the contrary, he not only retained his,
composure, hut promptly advanced to where the
hat had rolled, and, taking it up, presented it
with nu air of unaffected kindness to its owner.—
The officer received it with a blush of surprise
and gratitude, and hurried to rejoin his company.'.
There was a murmur of surprise, and the stranger
passed ou. Though the scene - of a moment, and
without a word spoken, it touched every heart—
not with admiration for a mere dispiny of polite
ness, but with a warmer feeling for a proof of that
true charity 'which never faileth.' On the regi
ment being dismissed, the Captain, who was a
young man of consideration, in glowing terms re
lated the circumstance to his Colonel. The Colo
nel immediately mentioned it to the General in
command; and when the Englishman returned to
Isis hotel, he found an Aid-de-Camp waiting to re
quest his company to dinner at headquarters. Its
the evening, he was carried to court—at that time,
as Lord Chesterfield tolls us, the most brilliant
court in Europe—and was received with particu
lar attention. Of eourse, during his stay at Turin,
he was invited everywhere; and on his departure l i
ho was loaded with letters of introduction to the
different States of Italy. Thus a private gentle
man of moderate means, by a graceful impulse of
Christain feeling, Was enabled to travel through
a foreign country, then of the highest interest for
its society, as well ns for the charms it still pos
sesses, wills more real distinction anti advantage
than can ever be derived from the mere einem- '
stance of birth and fortune, even the most spelt
CrMother don't you wish you had the tree
of evil in your garden?" "Why, Josh, you ser
pent, what do you mean?"
"As money's the root of all evil, if we had the
tree, could'ut we get all the precious stuff?"
An Interesting Incident,
The following exceedingly interesting incident
we copy from the Greenville (S. C.) Patriot: The
other day, in conversation with Miss Dix, the
Philanthropist, dining her visit to Greenvale, a
I-fly said to her, "Are you not afraid to travel all
over the country alone, and hint you not encoun
tered dangers and been in perilous situations?"
" I am naturally timid," said Miss Dix, "and dif
fident, like all my sex ; but in order to carry out
my purposes, I know that it is necessary to make
sacrifices and encounter dangers. It is true„ I
have been, in my travels through the different
States, in perilous situations. I will mention one
which occurred in the State of Michigan. I had
hired a carriage and driver to convey me some
distance through an uninhabited portion of the
country. In starting, I discovered that the driver,
a young lad, had a pair of pistols with him. In
quiring what he was doing with arms, he said he
carried them to protect us, as he had heard that
roberies had been committed on our road. I said
to him, give me the pistols—l will take care of
them. He did so reluctantly. In pursuing our
journey through a dismal looking forest, a man'
rushed into the road, caught the horse by the bri
dle, and demanded my purse. I said to him, with
as much self-possession as I could command, Are
you not ashamed to rob a woman 7 I have but
little money, and that I want to defray my ex
penses in visiting prisons and poor houses, and oc
casionally in giving to objects of charity. If you
have been unfortunate, are in distress, and in
want of money, I will give you some." While
thus speaking to him, I discovered his countenance
, changing, and he became deathly pale.' "My
God," lie exclaimed, " that . voice !" and immedi
ately told me that he had been in the Philadelphia
penitentiary, and had heard me lecturing some of
the prisoners in en adjoining cell, and that be
now recognized my voice. He then desired me
to pass on, he expressed deep sorrow at the out
rage he had committed. But I drew out my purse,
and said to him, I will give you something to
support you until you can get into honest employ
ment.' He declined at first taking any thing, un
til I insisted on his doing so, for fear he might be
tempted to rob some one else before he could get
an honest employment. Had not Miss Dix taken
possession of the pistols, in all probability they
would have been used by her driver, and perhaps
both of them:murdered. " Thnt voice" was more
powerful in subduing the heart of a robber than
the sight of a brace of pistols.
The Lord's Prayer.
Blessed be Him, who gave it as a perpetual
fountain of life to the world ; and blessed be the
mother who teaches her children to lisp it with
their first accents. How many millions have sat
beside its "still waters" in their childhood, and
from the inspiration of its pure waves, been ena
bled to overcome the temptations which have be
set their path in after years. How much sin, how
mach crime, how much moral desolation has it
saved to the world ; and how much piety, how
much purity, how much verdure has it begotten 1
As the kind mother gathered her little ones about
her knees on that evening, to hear them say their
prayers before retiring to rest, our eyes filled with
tears from our childish recollections of one, who
has been with the angels of God for twenty years,
and whose holy precepts will be forever engraven
upon the tablet of our heart.
We hope the reader will not think no egotisti
cal, for we speak the experience of millions, as
well as our own—the prayers which she taught us
has beamed in our lmrizon, a cloud by day and a
pillar of fire by night ; and we should have been
saved many a bitter sigh if we had followed it
more fitithfully. Blessed be the mother, we re
peat, who teaches it to her child.—Chadbourne.
How to be Miserable.
Sit at the window and look over the way at
your neighbor's excellent mansion, which he has
recently bought and paid for, and sigh out: "Oh!
that 1 were a rich man."
Get nngry with your neighbor, and think you
have not got a friend in the world. Shed a tear
or two; taken walk in the burial ground, contin
ually saying to yourself, "when shall I be buried
Sign n note for your friend, and never forget
your kindness, and every hour in the day whisper
to yourself; "I wonder if be will pay the notel"
Think everybody means to cheat yon. Closely
examine every bill you take, doubt its being gen
! nine, till you put the owner to a great deal of
trouble. Believe every dime passed to you is but
a sixpence crossed, and express your doubts about
getting rid of it if you take it.
Never accommodate if you can possibly help it.
Never visit the sick and afflicted, and never
give a farthing to the poor.
Grind the fitccs and hearts of the poor and un
Men's Theories and ftesires.
Pull to pieces u man's theory of things, and you
will find it based upon facts collected at the sug
gestion of his desires. A fiery passion consumes
all evidences opposed to Its gratification, and,
fusing together those that serve its purpose, cast
theta into weapons by which to achieve its end.
There is no deed so vicious bat what the actor
makes for himself on excuse to justify; and, if the
deed is often repeated, such excuse becomes a
Ifir The Georgia Union Convention, on the
3rd inst., unanimously nominated the Hon. How
ell Cobh for Governor of Georgia. The Conven
tion also re-affirmed the resolution. of the Con•
veution of December last.