Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 12, 1851, Image 3

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    have comparatively speaking, suffered but little,
being built on a solid rocky foundation; and we
can only hear of one of Gen. Herrera's houses,
occupied by Messrs. Gibbs & Co., being in a
dangerous state.
The custom house has sacred little; some
slight constructed outward ornaments having been
demolished, and part of the roof having been car
ried along with it.
The consequent heavy rain, however, on the
9th inst., has damaged a number of packages, the
extent of which we have not ascertained. A few
houses situated on the top of the bill (Main Top,)
a sailors' resort, came tumbling down with a
In those parts, however, spreading along the
beach, the Almendrole, Cello Nears, and others,
where the ground is loose and sandy, considerable
damage has been done, and above two hundred
houses are unfit for habitation. More than two
hundred families have been obliged to pass the
first day and night in the street, partly from fear
of renewed shocks, partly from the danger attend
ing the stay in their houses.
In the course of the following day, tents and
wooden houses were erected in the Plaza de Vic
toria, for the houseless. The captains of vessels of
all nations in the port placed at the disposal of all
who wanted either from necessity or fear, a refuge,
and have since then received the . thanks of the
government for their hospitality.
Much damage has been done to stores where
liquids, glassware, and other breakable materials
are kept. We are happy to say, not a single life
has been lost, nor can we hear of n severe frac
On the 4th inst., at 12 o'clock, I'. M.. a heavy
rain set in, which lasted uninterruptedly for 12
hours, and cooled the atmosphere considerably,
but destroyed still more property, pouring into the
roofless houses, and compelling those who had ta
ken refuge in the plaza, and were living in tents
to seek shelter.
The loss is generally estimated, including the
damage done to buildings, at one million of dol
The principal public buildings which have suf
fered are the Adonana, the churches Merced and
Martz, the cartel of the national guard, the Hospi
tal, and the Temple St. Domingo.
Commissioners have been appointed to examine
the houses, and to condemn those which are in an
unsound condition.
Business has only been interrupted for one day,
the Custom House hating been closed by order of
the Intendente.
Casa Blanca, as well as Quillota, have suffered
severely, and in some parts in the latter places,
as well as in the capital, the ground has opened
and thrown up a quantity of hot water.
The damage done in Santiago is similar to that
in Valparaiso, with the exception that there be
ing a larger number of public buildings in the
capital, the pecuniary loss must be severer.
The principal public buildings more or less
damaged are the mint, a Splendid new building
in the Plaza at the same time the residence of his
Execlleney, President Bullies, the Cathedral, the
temple San Francisco, the Church do la Compa
niaa (which has been closed since,) the old palace
completely ruined, and the court house.
There was an abortive attempt made to over
throw the government of Chile on tlic 20th of
PHILADELPHIA, Juno 10, 1851
Flour per bbl. $4 25
White Wheat per bushel 1 03
Red do 97
Rye 79
Corn 60
Oats 44
Farmers, hereafter, may rely upon being kept
fully booked up in regard to the Philadelphia mar
ket for produce—our quotations are taken from
the "North American and United States Gazette,"
one of the best and most reliable commercial pa
pers in the Union.
Philadelphia Rates of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks • par Lebanon, par
Pittsburg par Chambersburg,
Germantown, pa Gettysburg,
Chester County • • • • par Middleton,
Delaware County • • • par Carlisle,
Montgomery Co. • • • par Harrisburg
Northumberland • • •pa Honesdale, 11
Col. Bridge Co. • • • • par Wyomini, par
Reading pa Erie Bank,
Lancaster, p Waynesburg ' 11
Doylestown pa Schuylkill llaven, • • •par
Easton pa West Branch par
Bucks County par Relief Notes 1.
Brownsville pa " " now issue •1:
Pottsville p State Scrip,
Washington Pittsburgl City Scrip • • 15
York 1 Allegheny City, 20
Danville pa Allegheny County,. • •20
100 sacks G. A. Salt, 4 Mids. best Hams,
20 begs Rio Coffee, 4 " Shoulders,
10 kegs Tar, 1,000 lbs. country Flitch
5 bbls. brown Sugar, Wagon Tire,
40 kegs Nails, Horse Shoe Bar,
20 " White Lead, Shovel Moulds,
For sale low for cash or country produce by
Mount Union, Pa., June 12, '51.-2t.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Guarantee Capital over $lOO,OOO
Surplus Cash « 25,000
T HIS Company has been doing business about
a year and has accumulated on earnest
Capital of over $125,000 above all losses and
expenses, with a surplus in Cash of over
$25,000 on hand. The Premiums are as low
as in any other good and responsible Company.
No assessments have been made nn the In.
cured and it is the intention and expectation of
the Company that none need or shall he made;
the surplus cash on hand will always be suffi
cient to meet any losses which may be sus
tained, as no risk to exceed $2,500 will be
taken in one locality.
The profits are wholly divided to the mem
bers. This Company offer inducements to the
owners of safe property over most Companies
in the State.
For further particulars enquire of the sub
scriber, DAVID BLAIR, Agent.
Huntingdon, June 12, 1851.—tf.
The subscriber, in his efforts to make folks as
comfortable as possible, takes this method of as
suring everybody in quest of felicity, that he is
now prepared to furnish ICE CREAM and DE
LIGHTFUL CAKES to persons both at home
and abroad. His arrangements are ample and
persons residing at either of the points named be
low had better send in their orders considerably
before immediately in order to secure the richest
and best. The facilities afforded by the Railroad
enables him to assure all who may favor him with
their orders that they may rely upon his being
punctual in filling all from the following places,
Ana any other place in the United States.
Huntingdon, June 12, 1851.
Beg leave to inform the community that they arc
prepared to furnish Horses and Buggies upon the
shortest notice to all those who may be disposed
to avail themselves of this delightful season of the
year to take excursions to the country, or any
place else.
They are, at all times, ready to furnish the best
kind of stock, and none who call upon them need
entertain any apprehensions as to the quality of
their stock or their disposition to accommodate.
Iluntiugdon, June 22, 1851.—tf.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to dis
tribute the balance in the hands of Charles
Green and Henry M'Cracken, Executors of
Elisha Green, late of West township, in said
county, dec'd, amongst the legatees of said de
ceased under his last Will, hereby gives notice
that he will attend for the purpose of making
said distribution on Friday the eleventh day
of July next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at
his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when
and where all persons interested may attend.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
June 12, 1851.-51.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis
tribute the proceeds of the sale of the real es
tate of Henry Whitezel, late of West town,
ship, dec'd, in the hands of his Administrators,
among those entitled to receive the same, here
by gives notice to all persons interested, that
he will attend for the purpose of making said
distribution, on Thursday the tenth day of
July next, at two o'clock, P. M., at his office
in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where
all persons interested may attend.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
June 12, 1831.-It.
Administrator's Notice,
Estate of JAMES B. SMITH, late of Jackson
township, deceased.
LETTERS of Adminis:ration having been
granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said
deceased, all persons knowing themselves in
debted will please make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them properly
authenticated to WM. B. SMITH,
June 12, 185 I.—Gt.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor to dis
tribute the assets in the hands of Joshua Green,
Administrator of James Logan, late of Barree
township, dec'd, to and among those entitled to
the same, will attend for that purpose at his
office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Satur
day the 28th day of June, inst., when and where
all persons interested mey attend.
Huntingdon, June 12, 1851.-3 t.
APPLICATION having been made to the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, at April Term, A. D. 1851, in pursa
ance of an act of Assembly passed October the
13th, 18.10, for the incorporation of Tima
the Court order and decree that notice of the
said application be given in one newspaper pub
lished in the county at least three weeks before
the meeting of the next Court at August Term
1851 and in pursuance of the said order and de
cree notice is hereby given.
Huntingdon, May 20, 1851.
Ophans' Court Sale of
Valuable Farms, Iron Forgo, &c,
BY Virtue of a Pluties Order of the Orphans'
Court there will be again exposed to public
sale on the premises,
All that certain valuable farm of limestone
land situate in Franklin township, Huntingdon
county, containing 298 acres and 40 perches,
nett measure, of which about 200 acres are
cleared, under good fence and iii a fine state of
cultivation, with a large stone Dwelling House,
large Bank Barn, a good Tenant House, Car
riage House, and other out-buildings. Also
Elizabeth Forge, a atone Store House and office,
nine Tenant Houses, and all other convenien
ces for carrying on an Iron Forge, and also a
good Saw Mill. Spruce Creek runs through
this farm and the water-power is of the first
order. This farm will be sold in the whole or
divided into two farms and sold separately to
suit purchasers.
ON FRIDAY TIM 27111 DAY Or JUNE, A. D. 1821,
At the house of Robert Morrow on the premi
ses, all that certain Farm or tract of land situ
ate in Tell township, Huntingdon county, con
taining about 250 acres, of which about 100
acres are cleared and under good fence—a con
siderable portion thereof excellent meadow—
with a good two story log and frame weather
boarded Dwelling House, a good log and frame
Barn, &c.
Bj"If these Farms are not sold on the prem
ises they will be again offered at Public Sale at
the Court House in the borough of Hunting
don, on Tuesday the 12th of August, A. D.
Tenats.—One-third of the purchase money
to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in two equal annual payments with
interest, to be secured by bonds and mortgage.
M.F. CAMPBELL, Clerk 0. C.
Attendance will be given and any further
terms made known on the day of sale by
Administrator of Martin Gate■ deceased.
For any information enquire of Wilson &
Petriken, Attorneys for the Estate, Hunting.
don, Pa.
June 5, 1851.4,
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of JAMES M'CLAIN, late of Tod
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd.
LETTERS of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate of said
deceased, therefore all persons knowing them
selves indebted will please make immediate
payment, and those having claims will please
present them properly authenticated to
June 5,1851.-6 t.•
Boot and Shoemaker Wanted.
JAMES E. WOOD is desirous of procuring
the services of a first rate Boot and Shoema
ker immediately, to whom constant employment
will he given. JAMES E. WOOD.
lluntingdon, May 29, 1851.
Notice of Administration.
Estate of Dr. DAVID DILLER, of Warriors
mark tp., lluntingdon county, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the above named estate
have been this day granted by the Register of
Huntingdon county to the subscribers,—all
persons having claims against the estate of said
decedent are requested to make known the same
to the undersigned without delay and those in
debted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment to the same.
May 29, 1851 —6l.
The School Directors of Ebensburg District,
in Cambria county, wish to employ three male
teachers to take charge of the Public Schools of
said district. The schools to be opened the Ist
of July next, and to continuo six months. Lib
eral wages will be given. An examination of
teachers will be held in Ebensburg on the 20th of
June next. None need apply except those of
good moral character and otherwise well qualified
for teachers.
By order of the board of Directors,
May 29, 1851-3t—M't. Sen.
Notice is hereby given to tho members of the
"Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Compa
ny'? of Dickinson township, Cumberland county,
Penna., that an assessment of four per cent. has
been laid on the Premium notes of said Compa
ny by the board, which amount is directed to be
paid to the Collectors of said company, that shall
be appointed for receiving the same.
By order of the Board.
JOIIN T. GREEN, Scct'ry.
May 29, 1851-31—Amer. Dem. Car.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between E. C. Summers and
N. 11. Ball, trading under the firm of Summers &
Ball, was dissolved on the Ist day of April, 1851,
by mutual consent The books and papers are in
the hands of E. C. Summers, who will pay all
debts and collect all moneys duo said firm.
May 29, 1851.
E. F. DEWEY, Daguerreotypjst,
HAS arrived in Huntingdon, and will remain a
few days for the accommodation of those who may
wish anything done in his line. Persons desirous
of obtaining Daguerreotype likenesses superior to
anything of the kind ever taken in this section of
country, would do well to call soon, as his en
gagements will prevent him from remaining in
any one place a great length of time.
His terms are very moderato.
May 29, 1851.—tf.
- 7"
Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the
public generally for their very liberal patronage,
and hopes by strict attention to business to merit
a continuance of the same. Ho would embrace
the present opportunity of informing the public
that he is still prepared to furnish them with all
kinds of castings; he has
or every description, for burning either wood or
coal, such as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon and
Ten Plate Stoves, together with
zP a (313 3 . 1. 2 / 1 6.0
and Plena Irons of all patterns used in the State;
Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown
Threshing machine patterns, and the four and
two horse power patterns of Chambershug, and
all other castings usually made at foundries, all of
which will be sold very low the cash.
May, 29, 1851.
Auditor's Notice.
Tho undersigned having boon appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county to distri
bute the money in the hands of James Chamber
lin, Administrator of Martin Gates, deceased,
raised out of the real and personal property of
said deceased, hereby gives notice that he will at
tend for the purpose of making such distribution,
at his office in Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 10th
day of July next; when and where all persons in
terested a•e requested to attend and present their
claims fur allowance, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1851.
.4.121,26)0a,LL 2
Has just received at his "BASIN STORE" a
tremendous stock of goods from Philadelphia,
which ho is enabled to sell at greatly reduced
prices, in consequence of having purchased the
same much lower than usual.
His stock embraces everything required to sup
ply the wants of the community and consists in
part of a most splendid variety of
All of which will be sold 20 per tent. lower than
similar articles can he had for in Huntingdon.
Persons who have any regard for economy
should give him a call, when he will take great
pleasure in convincing them that his store is the
place to save money. His stock of
is very large, and as he has all his goods brought
on in his own boats, it is reasonable to suppose
that ho can sell lower than anybody else.
I am sincerely grateful to the community for
the very liberal share of patronage I have hereto
fore received, and trust that my
. great reduction
in prices will be the means of having it continued
and greatly increased.
May 29, 1851.—tr.
40 Barrels Mackerel, Shad and Herring just
received and for sale by
May 29, 1851. J. if W . Saxton.
10 Half Barrels Raw Herring, foi sale by
J. J. W. Saxton,
May 29, '5l.
A Beautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnots,
large and small. Also, children's Flats for
sale by J. 6. W. Saxton.
May 29, '5l.
A Beautiful lot of Parasols fot: i e: ;, le it l saxton,
May 29, 51.
THE firest fast colored I2} cent Lawns for sale
by J. 6 , V. Saxton.
May 29, 51.
ASplendid assortment of Ladies Slippers Tor
sale by J. 6. Saxton.
May 29, '5l.
TILE best assortment of Hardware in town, for
sale by T. 6. Sudan.
May 29,'51.
IRON PUMPS and Load Pipe, for well or cis.
tern, for sale by J. Sc. W. Saxton.
May 29,'51.
To the heirs and to the creditors of John Stewart,
All persons interested are hereby notified that
the Trust account of John 1. Stewart, Trustee of
the estate of his father John Stewart, late of West
township, Huntingdon county, deceased, under
and by virtue of au article of agreement recorded
in the office for recording of deeds in said county,
has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of
the Court of Common Pleas of said county, and
that the same will be presented to the said Court
on the second Monday of August next, for con
firmation; at which time the same will be allowed
by said Court, unless cause be shown why it
should not be allowed.
TIIEO. 11. CREMER, Prot'ry.
May 22, 1851.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court,
the undersigned, guardian of the five minor chil
dren of Samuel N. Wharton, dec'd., will expose
to sale by public vendee or outcry, on the premis
es, on Saturday, the 14th day of June, 1851, at
1 o'clock, I'. M., that certain lot of ground situ
ate in the village of Orbisonia, in the township of
Cromwell and county of Huntingdon, fronting 50
feet on Cromwell street, extending in depth 140
feet to an alley, adjoinig a lot of Wm. Smith on
the North West and an alley on the South East,
being numbered 22 in the recorded plan of the
said town, and having thereon a plastered frame
house, one and a half stories high, and a frame
Turima or SALE.—Ono third of the purchase be paid on the confirmation of sale, one
third in one year thereafter, and the balance at
the death of the widow of the deed., the interest
to he paid to her regularly and annually during
her lifetime, to be secured by the bonds and mort
gage of the purchaser.
May 22, 1851.
NOTICE. --- To the heirs and legal represen
tatives of John Simpson, dec'd., late of the bo
rough of Huntingdon. Take notice that in pur
suance of a writ of partition or valuation issued
out of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county,
I will hold an inquest to make partition or valua
tion as aforesaid of the real estate of which John
Simpson, deed., was seized, situated in Hunting
don borough, in said county, on Tuesday the 24th
day of June next, when and where nll persons in
terested may attend.
Sheriff's Office, Hunting
don, May 15, 1851.
Owing to the great rush for Summer Goods,
the subscribers have been induced to add to their
already extensive assortment Five or Six boxes of
goods suitable for Summer wear, which they will
be able to sell a little lower than any yet offered
to the citizens of Huntingdon county. They
would bo pleased if Ladies and Gentlemen would
call and examine their new stock; it is no trouble,
but rather a pleasure, to show their goods to their
friends. J. &. W. SAXTON.
May 15, 1851.
Hilidesare Grocers and Commission Merchants and
Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg
No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg.
HAVE NOW IN STORE, and to array() this
week, the following goods, of the most re
cent importations, which are offered on The most
reasonable terms:
115 catty boxes prime Green Tea.
45 half chests do do
46 " Oolong and Chulan.
100 bags Rio Coffee.
15 " Laguyre and Java.
60 boxes B's, s's, and 11b lump tobacco.
35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel.
20 and do No. 1 do
2 and do Salmon.
50 oxes sealed liming.
1300 lbs extra Madder.
3 bales Cassia, 1 bale Cloves,
G bags Pepper & Alspice,l bbl Nutmegs,
2 tibia Ground Ginger, bbl ground pepper,
bbl Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard
10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves,
2 bbls Garret's Snuff, 45 has Stearin Candles,
20 bas Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do
100 doz Masons Black'g 100 lbs sup. Rice Flour,
100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 doz Ink,
150 doz Corn Brooms, 125 duo Patent Zinc
50 ban extra pure Starch, Wash Boards,
25 do Saleratus, 75 bbls N. 0. Molasses,
15 bbls S. H. Molasses, 10 do Golden Syrup,
25 do Loaf, Crushed, 5501bs seedless Raisins,
& Powdered Sugar, 50 drains Smyrna Figs,
20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Primes,
5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons,
10 do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond
12 doz Military Soap, Soap,
I bbl sup. Carb, Soda, 1 bid Cream Tartar,
1 case Pearl Sago, 2 cases Isinglass,
2 cases Sicily & Refined 1 ease Arrow Root,
Liquorice, 150 Bath Brick,
I bhl Flour Sulphur, 100 gross Matches,
100 doe Extract of Lem. 5 doz Lemon Sugar,
on, Rose &'
1 cask Sal Soda,
Glass, Nails, White Lead, Lard oil, &c.
Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son,
" Fisher & M'Murtrie,
4‘ •‘ Charles Miller,
Honorable John Ker,
May 15, 1851.-Iy.
and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices.
Just received at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store, three
doors west of T. Read & Son's store. The public
are respectfully solicited to call and see.
TILE subscriber, having transferred his mer
cantile affitirs to his son, and being about to wind
up his business concerns, hereby respectfully calls
upon those indebted to him• to come forward im
mediately and settle their respective accounts,
Those who cannot pay will be required to give
their notes.
The subscriber feels that he cannot let the pres
ent opportunity pass without expressing his sin
cere thanks to his friends, and a generous pub
lic, fur the share of patronage that has been, (lu
ring a long succession of years, so liberally ex
tended to him; and while ho carries with him into
the shades of retirement a grateful recollection of
these favors, ho would at the same time bespeak
their continuance in behalf of his son, who, at the
old stand, is prepared to supply his friends, and
the public generally, with merchandise of all
kinds, on the most liberal and satisfitetory terms.
Shirleysburg, May 15, 1851.—at.
Respectfully informs his friends and the public
generally, that he has taken a shop one door oast
of Henry Smith's chair manutitctory, where ho is
prepared to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES
in the most fashionable and durable manner; tool
lie pledges himself to spare no pains to fit and
please all who mayfitvor him with their custom.
He purchases the best materials he can get in the
market. He hopes by strict attention to business
to receive a share of public patronage.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for work.
lluntingdon, May 8, 1851.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of John Henderson, late of Tod township,
Huntingdon county, dee'd.
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said
deceased, all persons knowing themselves in
debted will please matte immediate payment,
and those having claims will please present
them properly authenticated to
May 8,18.51.-6 t.
Town Lots for Sale,
The subscriber has several town lots, situate
in the most pleasant part of West Huntingdon,
(the ground formerly used by hint as a Rriek Yard)
which he will disposo of on very rousonable terms.
Huntingdon, May 15, 1851.—tf.
May 22, '5l. Ed. Snare's.
SILVER SPOONS of the latest patterns can be
had at
E. Snare's Jewelry Store.
SIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents fur the largest
Gold Pencils, at
Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store.
LADIES Gold Pens and Pencils at the Cheap
Corner Jewelry Store.
B OOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at
Ed. Snare's Store.
FANCY Articles in endless variety at
E. Snare's Store.
TO the heirs and legal representatives of Leon
ard Steffey, dec'd. Take notice, that in pursu
ance of an Alias 'Writ of partition or valuation
issued out of the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon
county, I will hold an inquest to make partition
or valuation of the real estate of which Leonard
Stefley, dee'd., was seized, situated in Jackson
township, in said county, on the premises, on
Thursday the sth of June next, when you man at
tend. • WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sh i lt
Sheriff's Office, May 8, 1851.
PORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 different kinds;
from 25 rents to 3 dollars at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
FA NS—A beautiful assortment at various prices.
Also, Card Cases, Boquet Holders, fancy En
velopes, Note Paper, and other articles expressly
for the Ladies, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
13ACILEY'S Superior Gold Pons, in gold and
silver patent extension cases, warranted to
give entire satisfaction, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various other
kinds of Pistols, at the lowest prices, at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
EIGHT DAY and thirty-hour brass clocks, in
bountiful mahogany and rose-wood eases war
ranted to run well, for sale at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
GOLD PENS-8 or 10 different kinds, from
cts. to 10dollars, at
Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store.
['tom:nei:naive Summary of Universal Hist°.
I.j ry, together with a Biography of Distin
guished Persons, to whieh is appended an epi
tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philoso
phy, General Astronomy and Physiology.
Adopted and used in the Public Schools of
E. S. JONES tic Co., Publishers.
S. W. Corner 4th and Race stn. Philada.
Teachers and School Committees addressing
letters to us post paid, will be furnished with
copies for examination.
A full and complete assortment of Books
and Stationary for sale at the lowest prices.
May 1,1051.—1 y
TAKES pleasure in announcing to the Ladies of
Huntingdon and vicinity that she has just receiv
ed n tine assortment of Nancy Goods for ladies
wear; her stock comprises every article usually
kept in establishments of the kind. She has every
variety of
and Trimmings of every description and style,
which she will dispose of at very low rates.
She is also prepared to manufacture Bonnets to
order, and repair and trim any that may he left
with her according to the latest and most im
proved styles. She most respectfully invites the
ladies to give her a call and examine her stock.
Store a few doors east of tho Black Bear Hotel
and directly opposite the Globe printing office.
May I, 'sl—tf.
Shirleysburg Female Seminary.
NOTICF: is hereby given that sealed propo
sals will be received at the store of henry
Brewster, in the borough of Sh irleysburg, from
this time till the 26th of May next, for erect
ing Seminary buildings at or near said borough.
Plans and specifications will be made out and
can be seen by any person proposing to erect
said building,s.
By order of the Trustees
April 21, 1831
J.d.IIIES . 1 11.4GUIRE,
Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
3 M. informs the public generally that he
has, ust received, and'is opening, a large and
well selected stock cl
NEW 1100$k
of the finest and cheapest ever brought to Hun
tingdon, consisting of every variety of
Of all descriptions and of the newest styles,
consisting in part of
Ginghams, Calicoes, forages, Lawns, Silks,
&c.• ' Muslins, Checks, Linens, Oil Chintzes,
Linen Diapers, Bonnets of the latest styles,
Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Haudker.
chiefs, and everything in the no.
tion line.
Embracing Cloths, Casimeres, Satinets, Sum
!nor Cloths, Tweads, Kentucky Jeans, &c,
He has also on haud a very large and general
. assortment of
Together with all kinds of Goods generally
kept in a country store.
A word to the wise, and my friends in par
ticular—call end see me before purchasing
elsewhere, as I am determined to give bar
I:l"Please remember 51 AGUIRE'S Cheap
Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon.
April 21, 1851.
Useful, Beautiful and Ornamental
BEGS LEAVE to inform the people of Hun
tingdon, and the rest of mankind, that ho has
bought, brought and opened the richest, largest
and cheapest assortment of
ever beheld in this meridian In addition to his
unprecedented stock of Watches and Jewelry
he is just opening a most excellent variety of
miscellaneous BOOKS, as well as School
Books and STATIONARY, which he is de
termined shall be sold lower than ever sold in
Call in and see if this statement is not cor
rect. Store formerly occupied by Neff & Mil
C7 - Old Gold and Silver wanted
April 21, 1821.
Variety Store.
IRONS & CO., respectfully inform the citizens
of Thintingdon county that they are prepared
to wholesale or retail Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cho
colate, Saleratus, Soaps, and every article in the
grocery line.
Alm% Flour, Bacon, Butler, Cheese, Eggs,
Peaches and Apples dried, and any other article
in the provision line that may be required.
Also, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, White
Lead of good quality, nail any other article in this
lino of trade.
Also, Mahogany Verniers of every quality,
Mahogany Nobs for cabinet ware, Bedstead pins
rea&!ti l i : •n ye e( r l y filf s o c r ri l p is t ? o , ,, C o o f rg oi, B a ro rs o , m w s i , i te s ., a f f r a . nd
'Orders from Merchants in the country
promptly attended to and faithfully executed on
reasonable terms.
ik - r Our arrangements are such that should any
article be ordered not in Store we will be Able us
Tilt the order with very little delay.
Huntingdon, May 1, 1851.--tf.
—At Irons & Co's popular resort
100,000 His Wool,
100 tons Rags,
10,000 bushels oats,
1000 bushels Potatoes,
500 bushels Flaxseed,
100,000 dozen Eggs,
50,000 lbs Butter.
May 1, 1851.
fIENUINE Imported Cigars always on hand
and for sale at city prices by
IRONS & Co. .
T ETTER, Foolscap, and Wrapping paper at
very moderate prices, for sale by
T HE highest market prices paid for Rngs by
MAIIOGONY VERNEERS, very cheap, by
IT- 1 - May I,'sl.—if. IRONS & CO.
P APER and Blank Books, of any size or quail
ty, made to order, by applying to
Shoulders for snle at
May 1, 1851.—tf.
MUTTON HAMS.—A superior article for
sale by IRONS & CO.
May I, 1851.—tf.
CABINET-MAKERS furnished with Locks,
Screws, Knobs, Vernecrs, &e., at the shortest
notice by IRONS & CO.
May t,
Extra Faintly Flour,
OF the celebrated Crownorer Brand, for nab by
- May 1, 'sl.—tf.
A N !dutiable Ague Remedy (unsurpassed) of
fered to the afflicted. No cure no pay. For
sale by IKONS & Co.
H AVING located permanently at Mill Creek,
oilers his professional services to that corn
munity. Al!calls trusted to hia care will receive