Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 12, 1851, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, June 12, 1,351.
Tits "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" IS pultslied at
the following rates,viz:
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,75
If paid during the year, 2,oo
If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • 1,50
THE above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will lie taken fora less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements,
and any persons in those cities wishing to adver
tise in our columns, will please call on him.
To Correspondents.
We have on file several communications from
Birmingham, in this county, which we would
gladly publish if the authors had complied with
our rules—viz: furnished us with their names.
There is one, however, somewhat personal, yet,
from what we have heard, the remarks are merited,
and if Mr. "Cobb" will give us his real name we
will publish it. Do. The article now refered to is
headed " What I Seen."• Do you understand, Mr.
—Somebody? If there is anything in this
world we like to see it is persons who are willing
to hold themselves responsible for what they say.
Come, toe the mark, Mr. "Cobb!" and you may
take the assurance, on our authority, that you will
be met, half way, by a man who never "renigs•."
an advertisement in our paper this week, which
everybody, and all their relations, should take a
peep at, when they do so, we are certain they
will take advantage of his kind offers to furnish
them with that delicious luxury, ice cream, these
warm evenings. It is great and no mistake. •
e''lt will be seen, by a very scientific commu
nication in another column, that one of our most
valuable citizens has advanced new sentiments
upon a subject deeply interesting to the scholiar.
The conclusions deduced by the writer are, appa
rently, correct, and as we know him to be very
recondite in hie attainments, are disposed to be
lieve them irrefutable. NVe shall feel great pleas
ure though, in publishing any article that may
take an opposite view from that of our learned
Glasgow & Steel.
There are no persons engaged in business here,
or elsewhere, who have won so largely upon the
public confidence as these men. When we know
persons to be right it affords us sincere gratifica
tion to commend thorn to favor. We venture to
make the assertion that no young men have ever
deported themselves in so exemplary a manner as
they have done since their location in our midst,
and weave certain that if they received the re
ward of their merits they would both be made rich
as Croesus to-morrow. Look at their advertise
ment and patronize that line.
To those who have Taste
The first number of the Bateau of the "Ameri
can Art Union" is now before us, and we can tru
ly say that if what follows equals this it must
eventually become one of the most popular peri
odicals in the country. It contains the plan of
the institution, with interesting varieties of art
literature, including essays, descriptions, anec
dotes, criticisms, &c., Each number is illustra
ted with an engraving of a highly interesting char
acter, and no man who has taste for the fine arts
should permit another month to pass without se
curing a copy. The number now before us con
tains an engraving worth the whole price of sub
scription, entitled "Mexican News." It is as na
tural as can be and just what we saw occur an
hundred times during that campaign. Any per
son desiring to see the work cau do so by calling
at our office. It may as well be said that it is fur
nished to subscribers, only, of the "American
Art Union," Now York. The payment of five
dollars to ANDREW WARNER, No. 497, Broad
way, will entitle you to a membership for ono
year—securing a copy of the "Bulletin" monthly
and a splendid engraving worth double the sub
scription. Send on your names.
Terrible Calamity.
Mr. Peter Murrits—a resident of Henderson
township—was killed by lightning during the very
violent storm of Thursday last. It seems he had
taken shelter under a tree (a very foolish prac
tice, by the by) in company with a colored boy
from our place, the lightning striking the tree and
a portion of the destructive element entered his
system and produced so much abberation of mind
as to render him quite insensible as to his imme
diate vicinity to the canal. Into this he fell and
iu consequence of the insensible state of his com
panion, who also received a portion of the elec•
trick shock, the poor fellow found a watery grave.
lie leaYeE a wife and three children to mourn
hi' fntc.
"Departed spirits of the miglity dead!
Ye that at Marathon and Leuctra bled !
Friends of the world• r restore your swords to man,
Fight in his sacred cause and load the van !"
Out heart has been made to bleed on learning
the fate of this great and good man. The tyrant
power of Austria has at length succeeded in co
ercing the Sultan of Turkey to yield to its wishes,
and the immortal KOSSUTH, it is greatly to be
feared, will now be compelled to rot in a dungeon,
' unless the lovers of freedom throughout the world
take his cause in hand and batter down the walls
of his prison. No man who has a soul can read
his protest to the Turkish government against his 1
further detention without feeling the blood warm
ing in his veins and else tear of sympathy burning
on his cheek.—Every generous American as he
reads the following extract from it will wish that
ho had a thunder-bolt from Heaven to hurl against
his prison, and thus liberate the noble captive
from his ignominious confinement:—
"Pursued by misfortune, we stopped before the
threshold of the Mussulman, and asked from him,
in the name of God, in the name of humanity, in
the name of his religion, a hospitable asylum, or
a free passage. The Turkish government had
entire liberty to receive us or not.
The Sublime Porte deigned to open to us its
sheltering tent; it entreated us to cross the thres
hold, and swore by its God and its faith that it
would grant us hospitality and a safe asylum.—
We trusted ourselves to the honer of the Turks.
We eat of their bread and salt; we reposed under ,
their roof. We prayed to God to bless them, and '
we offered them our courage, our experience ma
tured by vicissitudes, and our everlasting grati
tude. And Hungarians keep their word.
Look at Bosnia, where Mussulmen, subjects of
the Sublime Porte, are revolted against it. A
handful of Hungarian soldiers are in the ranks of
its army—it is but a handful, for the Porte woaid
not accept more. Well 1 who are first upon the
breach 7 who are first in the charge 7 who are they
who never retreat, who advance, in the midst of
fire and grape shot, bayonet iu hand, to victory 7
They are this handful of exiles, They die far
Turkey; the Hungarian keeps his word.
They offered us hospitality, and they gave us a
prison; they swore to us that we should meet
with an asylum, and we have found banishment.
God will judge, and God is just.
They begged us to wait one year, reckoning
from the day on which we first placed our feet
upon the Ottoman soil. We waited.
Afterwards we were told to reckon the year
from the day when the sentence fur our trimspor
tatlbn into the interior was decreed. Again we
waited patiently. At length they seemed to re
volt at being any longer the jailers of Austria,
and permitted us to hope that on the anniversary
of our arrival at Kutalija, our liberty would be
restored to us.
Well this anniversary has arrived.
Behold the desolation which the anniversary of
our detention has brought to us !
I most solemnly protest against this act. I ap
peal from it to the eternal justice of God, and to
the judgement of all humanity."
It is now nearly two years since lie fled to Tur
key and received the assurances of Moslem pro
tection frorn the blood hounds who were pursuing
him with the ferocity of hyenas. Wo all remem
ber what a burst of enthusiastic rejoicing went up
from ono end of the country to the other, when it
was published that the Sultan refused to surrender
him to the butchers who sought to slay him.—
England and France ordered their fleets to the
Dardanells, that they might, if necessary, protect
Turkey against compulsion on the part of Austria
and Russia. Now, how is it? We blush at
" man's inhumanity to man," when we record the
fact that the Sultan, who swore protection to the
noble hero, has been terrified by his two powerful
neighbors, has forgot his generous pledges and
stooped so low as to become the jailer of Kossuth.
It has heretofore been the avowed policy of the
United States to preserve the most perfect neu
trality in relation to the quarrels of other States,
but really on an occasion such as this, if anything
would justify our government in stepping aside
from its previous course, now is the time and this
the occasion.
We should like to see n million American swords
leap from their scabbards in Turkey and a thou
sand cannon planted near the prison of Kossuth,
demanding his immediate liberation. Where are
the Cuban invaders? Far more honorable would
it be for them to engage in a cause like this, and
should they succeed they would experience the
proud and happy consciousness that they had re
stored to mankind a second Washington.
Every friend of Hungary will feel, on learning
the fate of its greatest hero, like adopting the lan
guage of that sublimest•of poets, Campbell, and
be ready to exclaim :
" Oh ! Righteous 'leaven ! ere" Hungary "found
Why slept thy sword omnipotent to save ?
Where was thine arm 0 Vengeance? where thy
rod ?
That smote the foes of Zion and of God,—
That crushed proud Ammon when his iron car
Was yoked in wrath and thundered from afar?
Where was the storm that olumher'd till the host
Of blood-stained Pharaoh left their tremb'ling
coast ?
Then bade the deep in wild commotion flow
And heaved an ocean on their march below?
"Goders Ladies Hook:,
It is a pleasure to notice such an invaluable
publication as this, and we are certain all who see
the present number' for July, will be enchanted
with its contents. The illustrations are of the
most splendid character and the reading matter is
also of a highly interesting nature. We aro really
amazed how such elegance can be gotten up for
so little cost, and are surprised that the "ladies
Book" is not in the hands of everybody.
This month (July) commences the twenty-sec
ond year of its publication! and we have assu
rances from the indefatigable Godey that the suc
ceeding numbers will surpass the former. If this
be so, persons subscribing may rest assured that
they will get more than the worth of their money.
The terms are $3 dollars per annum. Send on
your names in time. Clubs will be furnished at
the rate of $2 50 in advance.
The Shnbury American, a strong democratic pa
per, contains the following remark about Gover
nor Johnston, which, although it does nothing
more than justice to him, administers to his revi
lers a severe rebuke:
"As a private citizen, Gov. Johnston is a gen
tlemen of character and standing. As chief ma
gistrate of the Commonwealth, his talents have
commanded the confidence of hi: own party, and
the respect of hip opponents.
Democratic Nominations.
It will be seen, by referring to another column,
that our democratic friends have nominated, after
quite a fight, Col. WILLIAM BIGLER for Gover
nor, and Sans G. CLOVER for Canal Commis
sioner. This is a triumph of the Buchanan fac
tion over the Catneronians, and if the General
possesses the spunk of ancient times we may an
ticipate some fun in the Loco ranks during the
coming campaign; for he has the "appliances" at
his control which works most miraculous changes
among those who have more regard for plunder
than honesty. As to Col. BIGLER, we know him
to bo a gentleman, and, consequently, an honorable
man, but our natural sympathy compels us to say
that we regret the pain he will experience on re
ceiving the terrible drubbing "Old 13'hoy Bill"
will give him in October next.
For the "Journal."
The Table and Pendulum.
II is said that a table set horri
zontally, any where on the surface of the earth,
will be turned entirely around in the space of four
and twenty hours, by the daily motion of the
earth on her axis; and that the truth of this prop
o.-ition may be demonstrated, by suspending a
pendulum over the centre of a table, putting it in
motion, &c. For, since the earth is globular in
form, though she turn upon her axis, such turn
ing cannot affect the motions of the pendulum;
because during every period of the earth's revo
lution, the same quantity of matter must be in
the same position with respect to the pendulum,
as at the conimencement of its vibrations; and if a
line be drawn across the table, in the direction of
the first movements of the pundulutn, its vibra
tions, while they continue, will truly show what
the direction of that line was, at the commence
ment, while the table, with the line upon it, will
turn around, under the pendulum, with the earth.
Now those who are acquainted with the laws of
matter and motion, can easily enough understand
why it is that the pendulum must continue to vi
brate in the same plane; but how it is that the ta
ble can turn around under the pendulum, though
the pendulum be attached to the earth, or even to
the table itself, they cannot so readily compre
How this last may be I will now attempt to
show. Suppose our table and pendulum erected
exactly over the north pole. The north star will
then be over its centre, and the axis of the earth
stand perpendicularly under it. Let a straight
line be drawn from side to side of the table through
its centre—no matter in what direction, and let
the pendulum be put in motion in the direction of
that line, which we may suppose to point to one
of the fixed stars, spewing itself in the horrizon.
Now if one stand at any side whatever of this ta
ble, facing its centre, his right hand will be east
ward, and his left westward. But the earth will
be continually turning eastward, while the pendu
lum continues to vibrate over the centre of the
table, in the direction of the fixed star, which re
tains its position. It is plain then that the table
must turn with the earth, in the space of six
hours, so that the line aforesaid will run at right
angles to the vibrations of the pendulum. In
short, that if the pendulum should continue to
vibrate in the direction of the star, for four and
twenty hours, the table must turn entirely around
under it.
If we now suppose the table and pendulum to
be moved in a southern direction, say ten rods,
and the same experiment repeated, the same re
sults must follow as when the table was erected
over the pole. The only difference will be, that
in the last case the table will turn around on the
circumference of a circle, exactly as the moon
does in her orbit, whereas, in the first case it turn
upon its own centre: or, it will be the same as
if we had erected a table twenty rods wide, in
stead of moving the - first ten rods southward.
Now I think a little reflection must convince
any one that, no matter how distant from the
north pole other stations might be chosen, the re
sults must he the same as in the last case, es they
would all be governed by the same principles.
Jt will he seen at once, that, in trying this ex
periment, the pendulum must be hung in such
manner as to turn freely upon its fulcrum, for if
it do not so turn, the pendulum rod must become
twisted in the course of the experiment; it is prob
able, therefore, that it would not make a good
time keeper.
In this experiment a straight line drawn across
the table can never point to either pole of the earth,
nor yet to either of the celestial poles, unless the
station be upon the equator; but may point in a
direction between the celestial and torrestial pules.
There are no general eastern or western points
either on the earth or in the heavens; but each
meridian on the earth's surface has its own east
earn and western at right angles to itself. R.
Gen. Scott.
The following article was handed to us for pub
lication by a friend, and as it contains statistical
information of a valuable character we lay it be
fore our readers with very groat pleasure;
To the Editor of the "Journal:"
DEAR Situ—As fre
quent inquiries are made of me as to the age of
Gen. Scott, and also as to the particular time at
which his great military achievements were ac
complished, I avail myself of the medium afford
ed by your valuable and highly interesting paper
to say that
Gen. Winfield Scott was born on the 13th of
Juno, 1786, and will, therefore, be 65 in Juno.
Admitted to the bar in 1806, and practised a
few months in the Petersburg, Va., Circuit.
Appointed Captain of Light Artillery in May,
Appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the Second
Artillery in July, 1812.
Fought the battle of Queenstown and was taken
prisoner 13th October, 1812.
Appointed Brigadier General in March, 1814,
Fought the battlo of Chippewa, July sth, 1814.
Commanded the main body of Brown's army in
the battle of Niagara, (Luntly's Lone,) July 25th
Brevetted Major General, July, 1814.
Maintains Peace in the Patriot troubles, in the
affair of the Caroline, 1837,
Aids in the pacification of the Maine Boundary
in 1839.
Captures Vera Cruz, 23d March, 1847.
Wins the battle of Cerro Cordo, April 18th,
Wins the battle of Contreras, 19th of August,
Wins the battle of Churubusco, August 20,
Stormed Chapultepec, on the 13th of Septem
ber, 1847.
Entered the City of Mexico on the morning of
the 14th of September, 1347.
Huntingdon, June 11, 1851
The Locofoco State Convention.
Cuss, Cameron, Frazer ( 5. Co., Floored !—' Ten
Cent' Buchanan Triumphant!
"Black spirits and white—blue spirits, and grey
Mingle, mingle, mingle, you that mingle may.h
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble,
IVar-horse and Ponies—turned out to stubble.
' Off with their heads P—So much for,—Cass,
Cameron, Frazer 6. co.
The Loeofoco Gubernatorial Convention has
met and adjourned. The schemes of Buchanan
have been carried out. The ' Slaughter House,
has done its work—guillotined its victims—fixed
its ticket—passed its resolutions—Thichalianired
BIGLER and CLOVER. and ridden rough shod over
all opposition. We propose in this article, to go
behind the record, and notice some of the lending
features of the motley assemblage that would not
otherwise sec the light—to describe the machine
ry, means and appliances by which the result ar
rived at was brought about.
THE SCHEMES CoNcoomn.—The leading
schemes of the triumphant wing were concocted at
Philadelphia, under the dictation of Buchanan him
self. This will be apparent by an article copied
elsewhere, from the Pennsylvania S'tateaman, of
Monday,—a Democratic paper of the Cass school,
and of course good authority with our Berks coun
ty Locos of the same stripe. It was there de
termined that the Frazer delegates from Lancas
ter were to be thrown out at all hazards and in de
fiance of the strongest claims they might present—
that the Cameron delegates and Cameron candi
dates were to receive no quarter—that an expres
sion in favor of Cass as the choice of the Democ
racy of Pennsylvania, was on no account to be
permitted. How well they succeeded, and how
faithfully the wire-workers of the distinguished
' Old Federalist' stood by their chief, is seen in
the accomplishment of all their plans.
vention was called to assemble on Tuesday, at 2
o'clock P. M., but most of the delegates and a
vast army of borers arrived in Reading the day
previous. To describe the plots and counter plots,
the coaxiegs and threatenings, the Wort of one
wing of the harmonious democracy' to over-reach
the other, that took place in the interim, would
take up mnch more room than wo have to spare.
Knots of excited Locofocos were to be met at
every corner and before every hotel cussing and
discussing' their domestic grievances. Col. John
NV. Forney, as the fugleman of the Old Hunkers
had engaged rooms at one of our principal hotels,
where doubtful delegates were taken in and done
fur' as fast as they reached town. Secret cabals
met in conclave to resolve upon their course of
action, and bring the 'independent democracy" up
to the scratch, when the time for action arrived.
THE ORGANIZATION.-At the hour for the as
somblaga of the Convention, on Tuesday, the Court
HouPe was densely packed. The proceedings
opened as usual with a regular muss.' Within
two minutes of the time up jumped an old hunker,
and amid cries of" too soon ! too soon!" moved
that CHARLES KUGLER, of Montgomery, be the
temporary chairman. Upon the instant an exci
ted Cameronian roared out a similar motion, Maid
above the din of battle, in favor of FRANKLIN VAN
slwr, of Bucks. Both motions were put and de
clared carried—and both gentlemen mounted the
platform and took their seats. Then followed a
scene that beggars description for violence, row
dyism and unmanly excitement. Bedlam seemed
let loose. Locofocoism developed itself in its true
character, stripped of those amenities and proprie
ties that distinguish the rest of mankind' in all
their deliberations. Eyes flashed fire—doubled
fists threatened vengeance, and voices roared de
fiance. If the reader luis ever been in a menag
erie of wild beasts about feeding time, or when
the animals' aro being stirred up, ho will be able
to form some idea of the discordant din. Finally
it was determined to take the vote of undisputed
delegates to decide the issue between the two gen
tlemen sitting side by side on the stand. The re
sult was that KUGLER, the Buchanan candidate,
received 69—Vansant 47. The latter left the chair
with a very mortified look, and took an obscure
seat in the grand jury box. Great satisfaction was
manifested by the old Hunkers at the result of this
contest, for although they went into the Conven
tion with a strong faith in their preponderance,
yet Locofoeo politicians are doubtful at the best,
and it is only after their votes are recorded, one
way or the other, that ono can count with absolute
certainty where they stand. As for Cameron,
Frazer, and the friends of Cass generally, they saw
it was all up with them. Their heads were doom
ed to the block, and although they might die
game—killed off they would be without a perad
Tne CONTESTED SEAM The next thing to
determine was the question of the contested seats
of delegates from Philadelphia, Lancaster, and
one or two others counties. Double sets, repre
senting the rival factions, presented themselves
from each of these counties, viz t-14 Old Hun
kers or Buchanan men from Philadelphia county,
and the same number of Cameronians;-6 Bucha
nan and 6 anti-Buchanan from Lancaster, and 2
on either side from Cambria-22 in all, enough to
change the preponderance either way. As soon
as it was found, however, that the Buchanan mon
had a majority of undisputed delegates, the ques
tion in regard to those in dispute was virtually set
tled wall intents and purposes, requiring only, for
form's sake, an inquiry in the nature of an inves
tigation. The old Hunkers, led on by Forney,
first attempted to decide this issue by submitting'
the whole matter to a packed committee, who were
to hear and report upon the claims of the contes
tants, of course giving the decision in favor of,
those of the right stripe. The Anti-Buchanan
forces, on the other hand, demanded that the
claimaats should be heard by the Convention di
rectly, and that body, thinking it would be well
enough to let their victims have a choice of deaths,
determined upon the latter course. The Phila
delphia claimants were first heard, and the case
summarily disposed of by the admission of the Old
Hunkers. The case of Cambria was next decided
in the same way. Then came the rival factions'
of the 'House of Lancaster,' a case decidedly more
important than either of the others. Documents
were read, and two members of each delegation
heard. Col. Frazer himself (who had been sub
stituted for one of the delegates appointed at the
anti-Buchanan Convention) spoke at considerable
length, referred to a whole cart-load of old files,
and clearly proved that himself and friends were
regularly chosen in conpliance with Democratic
usage. But all would not do. Buchanan had de
termined that the 'War Horse' and his 'ponies'
should 'not come in,' and his friends in the Con
vention proved faithful in carrying out his behest.
The case was submitted to vote, and the anti-Fra
zer men, with scarce a shadow of claim, were ad
mitted by a vote of yeas 73, nay 47. A commit
tee was then appointed to choose officers for the
permanent organization, and the Convention ad
journed to 9 o ‘ clock the next morning.
THE NOMINATIONS.—On Wednesday morning
J. D. thuds, Esq., of Elk, was appointed Presi
dent of the convention with a number of Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. Col. Bigler was then
nominated for Governor (Col. Black having
withdrawn) with a considerable show of enthusi
asm. Nominations for Canal Commissioner were
next made, and a number of gentleman were pre
sented by their respective friends. Among them
WILLIAM SLARIOHT, of Fayette, appeared really
stronger than any of his competitors, but upon the
ground that ho was not a Buchanan man, he too
was victimized, and SETH CLOVER, of Clarion, a
member of the dominant clique succeeded on the
9th ballot.—Reading Journal.
(fr The Editor of the New York Mirror ac
companied the President and party in its late ex
cursion to Western New York. When in Utica,',
Mr. Fillmore visited the Lunatic Asylum, and
the occasion is thus described by the Mirror:
On entering the Chapel where some two hun
dred of these unfortunates were quietly seated,
the overseer introduced the President of the United
States, when all rose, respectfully bowed, and re
sumed their seats. Each member of the party
was then introduced by name, when the same cere
mony was profoundly repeated. Dr. Malthy, a
wise Lunatic, then rose and welcomed the Presi
dent in a strain of graceful and touching eloquence
that drew tears to every eye. Ile is a tall, thin,
pale man, with penetrating eyes, a fine voice, and
gestures belonging to the polite oratory of " gen
tlemen of the old school." The President's re
ply was also very happy and affecting. So orderly
and so well behaved a company surely has not
greeted him in all his travels. In one of the fe
male Wards, the whole party was individually in
troduced to an elegantly dressed, and most ac
complished lady, the daughter of one of the most
distinguished lawyers New York has ever pro
duced. She had the right word ready for every
one who addressed her, and presented the Presi
dent with a sweet little bouquet of her own arrang
ing, in the most tasteful and graceful manner.—
We saw the same "act of presentation" performed
a hundred times, but in no instance with sueh ex
quisite simplicity and grace, as marked the offer
ing of this accomplished lady. She is about forty
years of age; and mentioning the names of some
of the distinguished men she had entertained at
her father's house, added,—"but for the last seven
years I have been very much out of the
There was a young girl in the Asylum, who
also attracted much attention by her beauty of per
son and elegance of dress. She did not appear to
he over seventeen years of age, and there was not
the slightest indication of lunacy or even of "ir
regularity" about her.
She stood iu the door of her room, which was
adorned with flowers, gracefully acknowledging
the bows of the visitors, though no one presumed
to speak to her. She wore a beautiful wreath of
peach and cherry blossoms in her dark hair; the only
ornaments appropriate to her rare and touching
beauty. Thinking of the "flair Oplielia" and the
heart-broken "Bride of Lamartine," and all the
delicate feminine harp-strings that were ever bro
ken by sorrow or sin, we left the beautiful lunatic,
and for hours afterwards, every sound seemed a
moan, every breeze a sigh, and even the "drops
of the morning" which glistened in the flow
ere, looked more like tears of sadness than gems
of joy.
erJackson, the "American deer," and Coffee,
an Indian, run a race at St. Louis, on the 14th of
Muy. The distance was ten miles. Jackson ran
it in 58 minutes 34 seconds—Coffee in 59 minutes,
13 seconds. White men, with proper training,
aro superior to all other races in swiftness and
strength, as well as in mental qualities.
The Wrongs of the North.
The Southern men consider their slaves prop
erty, yet they insist that their property bo repre
sented in Congress. Under the next apportion
ment they will have twenty members of Congress
to represent their slave property. And Southern
white men have twenty more votes than the same
number of Northern white men. Suppose North
ern men would petition Congress to have their
horses represented by one or two additional mem
bers of Congress? Northern property in horses is
as justly entitled to representation as Southern
property in Negroes. Yet Northern men will be
obliged to contribute towards the payment of
twenty Congressmen at eight dollars a day, who
are representatives of negroes. The North has
as much right to have her freemen and horses fully
represented, as South Caroline her stares and
Allegheny County
The Whig County Convention met on the 4th
inst., in Pittsburg, and after making their nomina
tions for President and Associate Judges, &c.,
passed, among others, the following resolutions :
Resolved, That we regard the existence of sla
very in the Southern States as a local institution,
for which they aro alone responsible: that so far
as it is recognized in the National Constitution,
we are willing to execute the same in good faith ;
but that Pennsylvania, having long since abolish
ed slavery upon her soil, is utterly hostile to its
further extension, or any interference with it by
her State officers.
Resolved, That in the administration of Presi
dent FILLMORE, and his able and distinguished
Constitutional advisers, the people of the United
States have an ample guaranty that the great in
terests of the nation will be honorably sustained.
In their unanswerable messages and reports on the
subject of protection to domestic manufactures, of
the river and harbor improvements, and in behalf
of Republicans, sympathizing with the struggling.
down trodden patriots of Hungary—they have
proved themselves the true exponents of American
sentiments and American policy.
Resolved, That the administration of Governor
WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON marks an era in.
the history of the Commonwealth, of wisdom, fair
ness and dignity, of strict accountability from pub
lic eaters, of economy, and retrenchment in the
expenditure of public moneys, and of constant
and successful efforts to protect the interests, and
elevate the character of the State—that we are
especially astonished at his success, when we com
pare the finances of Pennsylvania prior to his elec
tion with their present prosperous condition t Men
Pennsylvania was dishonored, unable to pay her
interests, or with difficulty paying by resorting to
temporary loans; new at the end of only three years
she promptly fulfills her engagements after having
in the meantime expended a million and a half of
dollars in avoiding the inclined planes, completing
the North Branch Canal, and reducing her public
debt. If ever a Pennsylvania Executive was enti
tled to re-election for wise and manly statesman
ship that Executive is WILLIAM F. JOHN
STON, and our delegates arc hereby instructed to
vote for his nomination.
Resolved, That in Gen Winfield Scott, the
greatest Captain of his age, the profound States
man and the good man, whose deeds and whose
glory are a rich legacy to the country, we recog
nize all the qualities of a great historic character,
and whether we view him on the bloody field of
Niagara, or conquering on the plains of Mexico,
or quelling the madness of Nullification in South
Carolina, we see in him those traits of head and
heart which eminently fit him to preside over this
extensive Republic. That with him as our leader
in the campaign of 1852, we shall go into the con
test with a confidence that inspires hope, and a
zeal that insures victory.
John Van Buren
This gentleman has recently visited the State
of New York, and made a Free Soil speech at
Burlington. He urged the friends of human liber
,ty to union and action, denounced the Fugitive
Slave law as unconstitutional, and recommended a
new demand for the Wilmot proviso for the terri
tories of Utah and New Mexico. Mr. Van Bu
ren states, that sixteen out of the seventeen demo
crats elected to Congress from New York, will vote
for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law, and near
ly the whole New York democracy stands pledged
to the Wilmot proviso.—Be affirms that the New
York democracy "will never endure the system of
measures upon the subject styled a Compromise,
or approve of the Fugitive Slave Law."
Next Presidency.
James Buchanan is the favorite candidate of
the Virginia democrats, of Alabama, of a portion
of North Carolina and several other southern
Earthquake at Valparaiso.
The British mail steam packet Bolivia, from
Valparaiso and intermediate ports, arrived at
Panama, brought papers to the 25th of April.—
The most important news is the partial destruction
of the city of Valparaiso by an earthquake, on the
3rd of April, the partienlars of which are thus
given :
On the second of April, nt 61 A. M. Valparaiso
was visited by one of those calamities so frequent
in volcanic countries.
The severest shock ever felt since the groat
earthquake of the year 1822, when Valparaiso
was almost totally destroyed, has created a panic
not equalled by any former event.
A severe trembling of the earth, of fifteen sec
onds' duration, prolonged lass violent to two
minutes, has in so short a time destroyed several
hundred dwellings.
The motion came from the South and directed
its course to the North, notwithstanding some of
the northern porta of the country, as Copiapo,
Coquimbo and Cobija, have only felt very slight
symptoms of the shock.
The captain of a vessel from the south reports to
have felt a severe commotion in the sea, forty
miles off San Antonio.
The temperature during the earthquake was
hot and oppressive, but no alteration took place in
the thermometer, which stood at 62.
The American frigate Raritan lee- go her had
immediately, and had great difficulty in hauling
it in; the convulsion at the bottom of the sea hav
ing caused it to sink three feet in the sand.
The motion of the earth was observed to be of
less violence in some parts than others, not a
hundred yards distant ; so much so, that old and
decayed houses stood the shock better in some
parts than newly and strongly built edifices in other
parts; and those houses in the structure of which
the most timber has been employed, remained
almost sound.
During the eventful fifteen seconds the houses
rocked to and fro as so many vessels at sea.
Not a breath of air was perceptible during the
whole of the day, and slighter shocks continued at
G,46 minutes, 6,56 minutes, 8,55 minutes, 10,55 1
minutes, and have continued ever since of morn
or less strength and duration, and even at this mo
ment of writing, on the 7th inst., at 14 P. M. a
short but severe motion made the inhabitants rush
out of their houses.
The houses in the port, where the greeter part
of the commercial establishments keep their offices,