niiiln4ol,ln VOLUME XVI. The Future Life. BY WILLIAM 0. BRYANT. now shall I know thee in the sphere which keeps The disembodied spirits of the dead? When all of thee that time could wither sleeps And perishes among the dust we tread? For I shall feel the sting of ceaseless pain If there I meet thy gentle presence not, Nor hear the voice I love, nor read again In thy serenest eyes the tender thought. Will not thy own meek heart demand me there— That heart whose fondest throbs to me were given? My name on earth was ever in thy prayer— Shall it he banished from thy tongue in Heaven? In meadows famed by Heaven's life-breathing wind In the resplendenre of that glorious sphere, And larger movements of the unfettered mind, Wilt thou forget the love that joined us here? The love that lived through all the stormy past, And meekly with my harsher nature bore, And deeply grew the tenderer to the 1.44 Shall it expire with life and be no morel A happier lot than mine, and larger light Await thee there, for thou halt bowed thy will In cheerful homage to the rule of right, And lcrrest all, and rendercst good for ill. For me, the sordid cares in which I dwell, Shrink and consume the heart, as heat the scroll; And wrath has loft its scar—the fire of hell Has left its frightful scar upon my soul. Yet though thou wear'st the glory of the sky, Wilt thou not keep the same beloved name, The same fair, thoughtful brow and gentle eye, Lovlier in Heaven's sweet climate, yet the lame? The Mechanic. BY EPIS SARGENT. The camp has had its day of song, The sword, the bayonet, the plume Has crowded out of rhyme too long The plough, the anvil and the loom! 0, not upon our tented fields Are freedom's heroes bred alone; The training of the workshop yields . More heroes true than War has known! Who drives the bolt, who shapes the steal, May, with a heart as valiant, smite, And he who sees a foeman reel In blood before his blow of might! The skill that conquers space and time, That graces life, that lightens toil, May spring from courage more sublime Than that which makes a relm its spoil. Let labor, then, look np and see Nis craft no path of honor lacks; The soldier's rifle yet shall be Less honored than the woodman's axe? Let art his own appointment prize, Nor deem that gold or outward height Can compensate the worth that lie, In tastes that breed their own delight. And may the time draw nearer still When men this sacred truth shall heed, That from the thought and from the will Must all that raises man proceed! Though Pride should hold our calling low, For us shall duty make it good: And WA from truth to truth shall go, Till life and death are understood. Woman. Perhaps, far oat at sea, thou may'st have found Some lean, bald cliff—a lonely patch of ground, Alien amidst the waters—some poor isle Where .ummer blooms were never known to smile, Or trees to yield their verdure—yet around That barren spot the dimpling surges throng, Cheering it with their low and plaintive song, And clasping the deserted cast-away In a most strict embrace—and all along Its margin rendering freely its array Of treasured shell and coral. Thus we may Note love in faithful woman: oft among The rudest shocks of lil'a'c wide sea she shares Man's lot, and snore than half the burden bears, Around whose path are flowers strewn by her ton• der cures, ant has hcen shrewdly said, that when men abuse us, we should suspect ourselves, and when they praise its, them. It is a rare instance of vir tue to despise censure, which we do not deserve; and still more rare, to despise praise, which do deserve. But the integrity that lives only on opinion, would starve without it; and that theatri cal kind of virtue, which requires publicity fur its stage, and en applauding world for its audience, could not be depended on, in the secrecy of soli tude, or the retirement of a desert. slan'o cite the examples of history, in order to animate us to virtue, or to arm us with fortitude, is to call up the illustrious dead, to inspire and to improve the living. But the usage of those civil ians who cite vicious authorities, for worse pur poses, and enforce the most absurd practice, by the oldest precedent, is to bequeath to us as an heir. loom, the error of our forefathers; to confer a kind of immortality on folly, making the dead more powerful titan time, and more sagacious than ex perience, by subjecting those that are upon the earth, to the perpetual mnl-government of those that are beneath it.—Lacon. art is singular how slippery s little brandy and water will make the side-walks. THE WISE SCHEIK. IN the district of Ferdj' Onah, Algeria, (which signifies Fine Country,) lives a Scheik, named Bou-Akan-ben-Achour. He is also distinguished by the surname of Bou-Djenoni (tbe Man of the Knife,) and may be regarded as a type of the Eastern Arab. His ancestors conquered Ferdj' Onah, but he has been forced to acknowledge the supremacy of France, by paying a yearly tribute of eighty thousand francs. His dominion extends from Milah to Raboutth, and from the southern point of Babour to within two leagues of Gigelli. He is forty-nine years old, and wears the Rabyle costume; that is to say, a woollen gandottra, con fined by a leathern belt. He carries a pair of pis tols in his girdle, by his side the Rahyleflissa, and suspended from his neck a small black knife. Before him walks a negro, carrying his gun and a huge greyhound bounds along by his side. He holds despotic sway over twelve tribes; and should any neighbouring people venture to make an ex cursion into his territory, Bou-Akas seldom con descends to march against them in person, but sends his negro into the principal village. This , envoy just displays the gun of Bou-Akus, and the injury is instantly repaired. He keeps in pay two or three hundred Tolbas to read the Koran to the people ; every pilgrim going to Mecca, and passing through Ferdj' Onah, re ceives three francs, and may remain es long ns be pleases to enjoy the hospitality of Bon-Alms.— But whenever the Scheik discovers that he has been deceived by a pretended pilgrim, he immedi ately despatches emissaries after the imposter who, wherever ho is, find him, throw him down, and give him fifty blows on the soles of his feet. Bou-Akas sometimes entertains three hundred persons at dinner; hut instead of sharing their re past, he walks round the table with a baton in his hand, seeing that the servants attend properly to his guests. Afterwards, if anything is left, he eats but not until the othent have finished. When the Governor of Constantinople, the on ly man whose power he recognises, sends him a traveller, according to the rank of the latter, or the nature of the recommendation, Mott-Akas gives him his gun, his dog, or his knife. If the gun, the traveller takes it on his shoulder; if the dog, he leads it in a leash ; or if the knife he hangs it round his sleek; and with any one of these potent talismans, of which each bears its own degree of honor, the stranger passes through the region of the twelve tribes, not only unscathed, but, as the guest of Bou-Akan; treated with the utmost hos pitality. When the traveller is about to leave Ferdj' Onah, he consigns the knife, the dog, or the gun to the care of the first Arab he meets. If the Arab is hunting, he leaves the chase ; if labouring l in the field, ho leaves his plough ; and taking the precious deposit, hastens to restore it to Bon- Akas. The black-handled knife is so well known, that it has given the surname of "Bon-Thenoni, the Man of the Knife," to its owner. With this im , plement, be is accustomed to cut off heads, when ever he takes a fancy to perfurm that agreeable office with his own hand. When first Bou-Akas assumed the government the country was invested with robbers, but he speedily found means to extirpate them. Ho dis guised himself as a poor merchant; walked out, and dropped a doors (a gold coin) on the ground, taking care not to lose sight of it If the person who happened to pick up the doors put it into his pocket and passed on, Bou-Akas made a sign to his china., (who followed him, also in disguise, and knew the Scheik's will,) who rushed forward immediately, and decapitated the offender. In consequence of this summary way of admin istering justice, it is a saying amongst the Arabs, that a child might traverse the regions which own Bon-Akas's sway, wearing a golden crown on his head,without a single hand being stretched out to take it. The Scheik has great respect for women, and has ordered that when the women of Pertly Onah go out to draw water, every man who meets them shall turn away his head. Wishing one day to ascertain whether his com mends were attended to, he went out in disguise; and meeting a beautiful Arab maid on her way to the well, apponehed and saluted her. The girl looked at him with amazement and said t "Pass on, stranger; thou knowest not the risk thou bast run." And when Bou-Akas persisted in speaking to her, she added:— " Foolish man, and reckless of your life ; know• est thou not that we are in the country of Bon , Djenoni, who causes all women to he held in re. spect 1" Bou-Akas is very strict in his religious obser vances; he never omits his prayers end ablutions, and has four wives, the number permitted by the Koran. Having heard that the Cadi of one of his twelve tribes administered justice in an ad mirable manner, and pronounced decisions in a style worthy of King Solomon himself, Bou-Akas, liken second Haround-Al-Raschid, determined to judge for himself as to the truth of the report. Accordingly, dressed like a private individual, without arms or attendants, he set out for the Cacti's town, mounted on a docile Ara Nan steed. He arrived there, and was just entering the gate, when a cripple, seizing the border of his burnous, asked him for tiltnß in the name of the Prophet.— 800- Akas gave him money, but the cripple still maintained his hold. " What dost thou want?" asked the Scheik —" 1 have already given thee alms." "Yes," replied the beggar but the law says not only—' Thou shalt give alms to thy brother,' hut HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1851. also, . Thou shalt do for thy brother whatsoever thou canst.'" " Well ! and what can I do for thee?" " Thou canst save me—poor crawling creature that I am—from being trodden under the feet of men, horses, mules and camels, which would cer tainly happen to me in passing through the crowd ed square, in which a fair is now going on." " And how can I save thee I" " By letting the ride behind thee, and putting me down safely in the market-place, where I have business." "Be it so," replied Bou-Akas. And stooping down, he helped the cripple to get up behind him; a business which was not accomplished without much difficulty. The strangely-assorted riders attracted many eyes as they passed through the crowded streets; and at length they reached the market-place. "Is this where you wish to stop?" asked Bou- Alms. y es. ” "Then get down." " Get down yourself." " What for?" "To leave mo the horse." "To leave you my horse ! What mean you by that?" "I mean that he belongs to me. Know you not that we are now in the town of the just Cadi, and that if we bring the case before him he will certainly decide in my favour 2" "Why should he do so, when the animal belongs to me ?" "Don't you think that when he mes us two— you with your strong, straight limbs, which Allah has given you for the purpose of walking, and I wills my weak legs and distorted feet—he will de cree that the horse should belong to him who has most need of it 1" " Should ho do so, he would not bo the just Cadi," said Bon. Akas. "Oh! as to that," replied the cripple laughing, "although he is just, he is not infallible." " So!" thought the Seheik to himself, "this will be a capital opportunity of judging the judge."— He said aloud, "I am content—we will go before the Cadi." Arrived at the tribunal, where the judge, ac cording to the Eastern custom, was publicly ad ministering justice, they found that two trials were about to go on, and would of course take precedence of theirs. The first was between a Web, or learned man, and a peasant. The point in dispute was the ha lab's wife, whom the peasant had carried off, and whom he asserted to be his own better half, in the face of the philosopher, who demanded her res toration. The woman, stooge circumstance ! remained obstinately silent, and would not declare for either; a feature in the case which rendered its decision excessively difficult. The judge heard both sides attentively, reflected for a moment, end then said: " Leave the woman here, and return to-morrow." The savant and the laborer each bowed and re tired, and the next cause was called. This was a difference between a butcher and en oil-seller. The latter appeared, covered with oil, and the former was sprinkled with blood. The butcher spoke first:— "I went to buy some oil from this mon, and in order to pay him for it, I drew a handful of mon ey from my purse. The sight of the money temp ted him. He seized me by the wrist. I cried out, but lie would not let me go; and hero we are, har ing come before your worship, I holding my mon ey in my hand, and he still grasping my wrist.— Now I swear by the Prophet, that this man is a liar, when he says that I stole his money, for the money is truly mine own." Then spoke the oil-merchant:— "This man came to purchase oil from me.— When his bottle was filled, he said, ' Have you change for a piece of gold?' I searched my pocket, and drew out my hand full of money, which I laid on a bench in my shop. lle seized it, and was walking off with my money and my oil, when I caught him by the wrist, and cried out, 'Robber!' In spite of my cries, however, he would not sur render the money, so I brought him here, that your worship might decide the case. Now, I swear by the Prophet that this man is a liar, when he says that I want to steal his money, for it is truly mine own." The Cadi caused each plaintiff to repent his story, hut neither varied one jot from his original statement. He reflected for a moment, and then said, "Leave the money with me and return to morrow." The butcher placed the coins, which he had never let go, on the edge of the Cadre mantle.— After which, he and his opponent bowed to the tribunal, and departed. It was now the turn of Bon-Akas and the crip ple. "My lord Cadi," said the former, "I came hither from a distant•country, with the intention of purchasing merchandise. At the city gate I met this cripple, who asked first for alm, and then prayed me to allow him to ride behind me through the streets, last he should be trodden down by the crowd. I consented, but when we reached the market-place, he refined to get down, asserting that my horse belonged to him, and that your worship would surely adjudge it tohim who wanted it most. That nty lord Cadi, is precisely the state of the case—l swear it, by Mahomet!" "My lord," said the cripple, "as I was coming on business to the market, and riding this horse, which belongs to me, I saw thisman seated by the road-side, apparently half dead from fittigno. I good-naturedly offered to take him upon the crup per, and lot him ride as far as the market-place, and he eagerly thanked me. But what was my astonishment, when, on our arrival, he refused to get down, and said that my horse was his. I im mediately required him to appear before your wor ship, in order that you might decide between us. 'flint is the true state of the case—l swear it, by Mahomet !" Having made each repeat his deposition, and having reflected for a moment, the Cadi mid, "Leave the horse here, nod return to-morrow." It was done, and Bou-Akns and the cripple withdrew, in different directions. On the morrow, a number of persons besides those immediately in terested in the trials, assembled to hear the judge's decision. The taleb and the peagent were called first. " Take away thy wife," said the Cadi to the former, "and keep her, I advise thee, in good or der." Then, turning towards his china., he added, pointing to the peasant, " Give this. man fifty blows." He was instantly obeyed, and the Caleb carried off his wife. Then came forward the oil-merchant and the butcher. "Here,' said the Cocdi . to the butcher, "is thy money; it is truly thine, and not his." Then pointing to the oil-merchant, ho said to his chi sous, "Give this man fifty blows." It was done, and the tutted= went away in tri umph with his money. The third-cause was called, and Bon-Akan and the cripple came forward. "Would'st thou recognise thy horse amongst twenty others ?" said the judge to Buu-Akan. " Yes my lord," "And thou?" " Certainly my lord," replied the cripple. "Follow me," said the Cadi to Bou-Akas. They entered a large stable, and Bon-Akas pointed out his horse amongst twenty which were standing side by side. ""Fis well," said the judge. "Romrn now to the tribunal, and send me thine adversary hither." The disguised Scheik obeyed,delivered his mes sage, and the cripple hastened to the stable, as quickly as his distorted limbs allowed. Ile pos sessed quick eyes and a good memory, so that he was able, without the slightest hesitation, to pluses his hands on the right animal. " 'Tis well," said the Cudi ; " return to the tri bunal." His worship resumed his place, and when the cripple arrived, judgement was pronounced. " The horse is thine," said the Cadi to Bon- Akas. .Co to the stable and take him." Then to the china.," Give this cripple fifty Mows." It was done; and Bou-Akas went to take his horse. When the Cadi, after concluding the business of the day, was retiring to his house, he found Bou-Akas waiting fur him. "Art thou discontented with my award 1" ask- ea the judge. " No, quite the contrary," replied the Scheik.— "But I want to ask by what inspiration thou host rendered justice ; for I doubt not that the other two cases were decided as equitably its mine. I am not a merchant; I am Boa-Akan, Scheik of Ferdj' Onah, and I wanted to judge for myself of thy reputed wisdom." Tho Cadi bowed to the ground, and kissed his master's hand. " I am anxious," said lion-Akas, "to know the reasons which determined your three decisions." "Nothing, my lord, can ho more simple. Your highness saw that I detained for a night the three things in dispute 7" " I did." " Well early in the morning I canoed the wo man to be called, and I said to her suddenly, 'Put fresh ink into my inkstand.' Like a person who had done the same thing a hundred times before, she took the bottle, removed the cotton, washed them both, put in the cotton again, and poured in fresh ink, doing it all with the utmost neatness and dexterity. So I sold to myself A peasant's wife would know nothing about inkstands—she must belong to the " " Good," said Bou-Akan, nodding big head.— " Anil the money 1" "Did your highness remark that the merchant had his clothes and hands covered with oil h" "Certainly, I did." " Well ; I took the money, and placed it in a vessel filled with water. This morning I looked at it, and not a particle of oil was to bo seen on. the surface of the water. So I said to myself,' If this money belonged to the oil-merchant it would be greasy, from the touch of his hand us it is not so, the butcher's story must be true.'" Bou-Akan nodded, in token of approval. " Good," said he. "And my horse 1" " ! that was a different business; and until this morning, I was gently puzzled." The cripple, I suppose, did not recognise the animal?" " On the contrary, he pointed him out imme• diately." "How then did yon discover that ho was not the owner?" "My object in bringing you separately to the stable, was not to nee whether you would know the horse, but whether the borne would acknowl edge you. Now, when you approached him, the creature turned toper& you, laid hack his ears, and neighed with delight; but when the cripple touched him, ho kicked. Then I knew thut you were truly his master." Bon-Akan thought for a moment, and then said: Allah haw ghen thee great Thou ongliteo to be in my place, 11111 i lin thine. And yet, I know not; thou art certainly worthy to he Schcik, but I fear that I should hut badly fill thy place as Cadi l" cgourix4f How to do it. There is nothing to be gained in dangling for a twelve month after a sensible woman, talking un meaning stuff—words without wisdom. Tell her your wish like a man, and not like a blubbering schoolboy. She will never trifle with your affec tions; and if there are three grains of common sense in your muckle carcass, she will he your own before a month has passed. See the history of Rebecca, in Genesis, 54th chapter, 57th verse. When Abraham's servant had conchided the pre liminary arrangements with Mrs. Lahan, on the part of her daughter, to become the wife of Isaac, the old man was anxious to get home, to show his young master the bonny lass he bad brought with him; the mother asked him to remain a few days, to recruit himself and his camels. He persisting, it was finally referred to the daughter. 'We will call the damsel, and inquire at her mouth,' said the mother. When Rebecca appeared, her moth er asked—'Wilt thou go with this man?' Rebec ca replied—'l will go.' There was a noble girl for you. No tear starting from her black eyes; no whining, nor simpering make-believe, nor mock modesty; but what her heart wished, her lips tittered. Like an honest maiden, she replied, 'I will go.' Now young ladies, go and do like wise. When the man whom you prefer be all others in the world, says, 'Will you go with me?' answer, will go.' By-the-bye, ladies, when you wish to read a true, simple and unsophistica ted lore story, just read over the twenty-fourth chapter of Genesis. Flavoring Ice Cream, Ina neighboring town, during "Court week," a goodly company was assembled at a public din ner table, and among them a wag whom we may rail Dr. Blank, and a country "gentleman of the jury." The doctor despised ice cream, and the ju ryman not knowing what it was, looked at the doctor when the article came on, to see how he would dispose of it. The latter perceiving that his neighbor was in a doubtful state of mind, took some cream upon his plate, smoothed off the top, covered with black pepper, and made a hole in the centre and poured in sonic vinegar. The stran ger reached over the caster, and obtaining the condiments, did likewise. He then took a spoon ful of the prepared article into his mouth, gave one look around the table, and "cut." The com pany of course could all say with the victim "ice creamed:" WThe first consideration with a knave is how to help himself, and the second, how to do it with an appearance of helping you. Dionysius, the tyrant, stripped the statute of Jupiter Olympus of a robe of massy gold, and substituted a cloak of wool, saying—gold is too cold in winter, and too heavy in summer; it behooves us to take care of Jupiter. Pauper Immigration. Over 30,000 emigrants from foreign countries, arrived in New York during the last month, and about 50,000 in the United States within the same period. A number of these new corners are persons of the right stamp, hard-working, thrifty people, who will make good citizens in a few years to come. By firer the larger portion, how ever, are direct from the poor-houses and work houses of Europe or pauper residents upon the im mense landed estates in Ireland, who are sent over here by the proprietors in order to get them out of the way, and be freed from the burden of their support. Many of those aro sick, maimed, and blind—totally unqualified by education or physical ability to support themselves—and arc landed on our shores without the means to pro cure, or ability to earn, even the•common neces series of life. They fill one alms-honses, swarm in our cities and towns, and infest the most remote rural districts—a burden to the entire communi ty. It is high time a stop woo pia to the influx of so miserable a population. Congress should take the matter in hand, and adopt stringent measH ores for the resistance of an imposition fraught with so bad results. Europe, whose political in stitutions are so well calculated to make paupers, should he compelled to support them at home.— This is one of her mangfactures that the United States can well dispense with. Admirable Example. George Washington, when young, was about to go to sea as a midshipman; everything was ar ranged, the vessel lay opposite his father's house, the little boat had come on shore to take him ntr, and his whole heart was bent on going. After his trunk had been carried down to the host, lie went to hid his mother Ihrewell, and saw the tears bursting from her eyes. However he said noth ing to her; hut ho saw that his mother would he distressed Hite went, and perhaps never be happy again. He just turned round to the servant and said, "Go and tell them to fetch my trunk back. I will not go away to break my mother's heart." His mother was struck with his decision, and she said to him, "George, God has promised to bless the children that honor their parents, and I be lieve He will bless you." Coor..—A few days since, a good old lady of this village, meeting a farmer in the street on load of hay, inquired of hint if it was for sale; on being answered in the affirmative, she requested hint to turn his team around and drive to her hus band's barn-yard, some quarter of a mile distant. Her request was complied with; and after the harp-yard wan reached, the old Indy informed the teamster that she wanted a cenro worth of hay Ar hen's nests, and that while he was throwing it off she would step into the house and get the change! NUMBER 23. agricultural. State Agricultural Fair To the P. epic , of Pennsylvania It will not be forgotten that the State Agricul tural Society of Pennsylvania has fixed Harris burg as the place, and the 23d, 24th and 25th of October next, as the time for their Annual Exhi bition. There is no State in the Union whose climate, soil, and the habits of whose people af ford more ample resources than our own for a creditable exhibition of their skill and industry•. There is nothing raised, grown or manufactured upon the Ewe of the earth, which is not more or less interesting in the study and science of Agri culture. The Farmer, the Horticulturist, the Inventor, the Mechanic, are all cordially and ear nestly invited to contribute and partake in the in terest which will he excited by the occasion; and especially do we invite the aid, countenance and presence of our mothers end daughters, upon whose handywork and good example we are so dependent for all the domestic comforts of life. Arrangements are now being made for enclo sing the grounds, and providing separate and safe places for all animals and articles which shall be presented for exhibition. All the canals and rail ways of the State will be open free of charge for their transportation to Harrisburg; and visitors will come and go on them at one half the usual rates. The young men of the State are reminded that the Ploughing Match will afford them an oppor tunity for the display of their skill, the training of their teams and the fitness of their implements. While we address this communication to the people of our State, it will not be understood that it is designed to exclude the citizens of other States; much less to avoid the honorable compati thm which their contributions may afford. Now is the time to prepare. By direction of the Ex ecutive Committee. FREDERICK WATTS, President of the Stale Agricwtural Society Carlisle, May 28, 1851. Root Crops. Some years ago a great deal was said in favor of raising roots for stock, and many farmers were into the business to a large extent. They did not all realize their ardent expectations, and some have abandoned raising roots altogether. Others raise them, and with a profit, as they consider. There is no doubt that the value of root crops have been over estimated by some, while others consider them unprofitable without having made a fair experiment. Some farmers who are situa ted near a market, prefer feeding their cows on Indian meal, shorts, and oil cake, to raising roots fur them; and in such places it might be more profitable to raise vegetables fur market than to raise roots for cows, while other good food for them may be conveniently obtained at a moder ate price. But in the interior, where meal, grain, oil-cake, Ste., nre higher, we believe that many farmers will find it profitable to raise roots for stock. They are good for working cattle, growing cattle and mulch cows; also for horses, sheep and swine. With roots, young cattle may ho fed on coarse fodder, and kept in a thriving condition in winter, and they will be less liable to disease than if led on dry fodder. Working cattle will be more healthy if allowed a moderate portion of roots. Melt cows fed partially on roots, will give more milk, and if the roots are of the right kind, the milk will be rich, and they will be less liable to disease titan when fed on other food. Horses are kept in better condition, in winter, when fed partially on roots, instead of wholly on groin and meal, with the exception of hay. Sheep sutler much in win ter from being kept so long from the ground, and meal and grain are no good substitutes for green. food. Roots are better to keep them in good con dition. Animals arc in the most thriving state when feeding on green herbage; and roots afford them a succulent food in winter resembling the green food of summer, or at least it is the best substi tute for it. A great objection to raising root crops is the expense in weeding, and this applies particularly to carrots, from the large number of plants that are necessary. But this objection may be obvia ted, in n great measure, by beginning in season, and preparing and manuring the ground, late in the fall or early in the spring, and stirring it occasion ally in spring, as the weeds start up, until the time of sowing, and soaking the seeds, and allowing them to remain in is moist state, till almost ready to sprout, and then sow on a fine freshly stirred soil, and the plants will start before the weeds, and the weeding will cast but a trifle, compared with the old method. In this way a piece of car rets may be hoed with one-fourth the usual ex pense.—N. E. Farmer. Flat Turnips. The difficulty of obtaining line crops of this root, on clayey soils, has often been noticed. A neighbor succeeds finely in all cases by the fol lowing modes--Ho spreads old straw over the sur face, and burns it, which destroys the insects, im plores the soil, and gives it a coating of ashes; then sows his seed. A good crop always results. A good crop of turnips may often he had, with al most no cost, by sowing the seed among potatoes at the time the latter receive their last hoeing. e'lf improved horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry were generally reared throughout the country, it would add several millions anuuallz to the value of our sgricultuket products.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers