THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA. Thursday Morning, June 5, MI, WILLIAM IL PEIGIITAL—Emon. TERMS OF PUBLICATION: THE "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at the following rates, viz : If paid in advance, per annum, If paid during the pear,.. 2,00 If paid after the expiration of the year,..2,60 To Clubs of Eire or more, in advance, • • .1,50 Ton above Terms will be adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be taken for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, sinless at the option of the publisher. V. B. PALMER To our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements, and any persons in those cities wishing to adver tise in our columns, will please call on him. FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1852, . WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY. FOR VICE PRESIDENT IN 1852, JAMES C. JONES, OF TENNESSEE, FOR GOVERNOR IN 1851, WM. F. JOHNSTON. OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY. PRESIDENT JUDGE. Ina recent number of our paper we took occa sion to notice, with our hearty approval, the unan imous recommendation of his Honor JUDGE TAY LOR by the Scott meeting of this county, held at the last court, fir the office of President Judge of this district; and copied then the strongly appro. bating article of the "Blair County Whig" upon the same subject. It affords us sincere pleasure now to lay before onr renders the following simi lar expression of sentiment froM that sterling Whig print, the "sollidaysburg Register." It may now be regarded as certain that no other whig—although there are many first rate whig lawyers in the district—will ho named or thought of as a candidate; and no feel satisfied that no man in the district, of either party, . could be se lected that would ho as acceptable to both. After a fair trial of hint for closest three years it is most undoubtedly the general wish and sentiment of the people of the district, of all parties, to "let well enough alone." Judge Taylor will certainly be the candidate of the Winos; and, in all probabili ty, tan ONLY candidate in the field. If so, ho will not only retain his present place, but retain it in a manner which will plainly imply general confi dence in his ability, integrity, and impartiality. The people are entirely satisfied with him, and all feel assured from his past actions that they have nothing to fear in the future. A conaciousness that their interests will be properly guarded has taken possession of the public mind and honest men of all parties are anxious that Judge Taylor should be retained in his present high and exulted position. From the " Hollidaysburg Register" Judge Taylor. Our readers doubtless observed among the reso lutions adopted by the SCOTT MEETING at Hun tingdon, and published in the "Register" week before last, one strongly in favor of the nomina tion of the Hon. GEORGE TAYLOR for President Judge of this Judicial District. A friend writing us, well observes that it cannot but be gratifying to the friends of Judge Taylor in other parts of thedistrict that "Old Huntingdon" has thus promi nently nod unanimously put him forth as one of her most distinguished citizens for the high and re sponsible trust referred to.' Public opinion in our county, we may add, is pointing to Judge TAYLOR as the man to whom the administration of the legal interests of the peo ple in the district should be entrusted, with rare unanimity—a mark of confidence, we feel safe in saying, well earned by the distinguished ability and fidelity with which he has discharged his duties since his elevation to the Bench. Judge Taylor is undoubtedly a gentleman of much native ability, and is possessed of a well cultivated and disciplined mind. He is a man, too, of the strictest integrity—that brightest quali ty that can adorn the judicial character; is of great liberality of sentiment and feeling, and so free from political aspirations, and party prejudi ces, as to afford a sure guaranty of entire impar tiality upon the Bench. Our district, it i 3 known, isstrongly Whig, and as the Judge holds to that faith, we presume no other name will he offered on that side. Whether the Locos will offer a candidate we are not pre pared to say. But he this latter as it may, with Judge Taylor for their candidate, the Whigs can not fail of an easy victory. Ice Cream. Passing along Market Street the other evening with our better half we were accosted by that prince of good fellows Mr. John Marks, and invited into his luxurious establishment to test the quality of his ice cream. We found it' most exquisite indeed, and lingered over our saucer till we felt a consci ousness that, notwithstanding we have to endure divers rough and unpleasant things in this world, the smooth deliciousness of Mr. Marks' cream ii an antidote to "many of the ills that flesh is heir tc." Had we been on the summit of high Olym pus eating imaginary fried oysters and drinking fairy Champaign with Apoio and the Muses ao mild not have felt the "joy of rapture kindling out of woe" in a more exquisite degree than when absorbing the delicious preparation of our friend Nock,. Coll end so. him, South Carolina and Secession. "Let us be brief when traitors braveahe field." This State, for many years, has been exhibit ing considerable fretfulness as a member of the Union; but more especially so during the last two years, in which the slavery agitation has been more violent than at any former period. So much is she attached to the institution of slavery and so fearful is she of its ultimate overthrow by some sudden and convulsive effort of the liberty loving power of the north, that, apparently, she would gladly see the star of South Carolina tutn hie from its brilliant companionship in the con stitutional firmament, or transfer it without a blush or a sigh to mingle its beams with the blaionry of some monarchical escuelmon. She has lashed herself into a frenzy at the prospect of a danger entirely visionary; and in a petulent mood propo ses to wander oft front her sisters in company with a rake who seeks only to win her love that he may destroy. She is used as an instrument in the hands of British intriguers to disturb the har mony which exists in this glorious confederacy. Already bas foreign gold excited the demon of , discord in her borders and induced those who, like the arch-angel ruined, think that "To reign is worth ambition, though in hell," to raise the black standard of rebellion, The great probabiiity, however, is that she is only playing shrewd--indulging in a kind of flir tation in order that she may chain her lover (the Union) more securely at her feet. Whatever may he the object of her frowardness and insubordination, should it be curried to a cer tain extent, there has been but one remedy pro posed, and that one is coercion by the federal government. And the persons who propose this remedy arrogate to themselves the whole credit of being the only friends of the preservation of the Union. A fear of the disruption of it has been artfully created and pseudo patriots are taking ad vantage of it for personal purposes. Thus the Whigs of Georgia and part of the Democrats are combining as Union men against the balance of the democrats in that State as secessionists to elect the Hon. Howell Cobb governor. Much the same thing is doing in Mississippi for the purpose of electing General Foote governor of that State. In Massachusetts the democrats and freesoilers are amalgamating in order to secure the State offices over the Whigs. It is therefore apparent that the Locos are reaping all the benefits of place while it is equally certain that they form the great body of convulsionists. Does it not look as though the whole scheme of disunion was gotten up for the express purpose that some of our honest dent• ocratic friends might grow fat on the spoils of public plunder 4 ! Again. We hear nothing of old party distinc tions being broken up in certain localities for the, benefit of the Whigs, but occasionally we hear of a few democrats, who lore honor more than a rot ten political fame, stepping out from among the hounds that are barking at their country and her institutions and asking the Whigs to rokard them—ior whatt fur merely doing their duty as citizens of the United States. Out upon such pa triotism and such men ! For:our part we never believed that the Union was in any jeopardy, but have always supposed that the whole cry of disunion was raised by sla very propagandists for the purpose of extorting the best terms possible from the general govern ment in favor of their peculiar institution; and this view is slightly confirmed by the course pursued by the Texas members when the ten million bill was defeated. In our opinion the whole union cry is an attempt to seduce the Whigs, not from their old principles, but from their old organiza tion to anew one, embodying essentially the same principles, with the superadded one of terror at the illusive prospect du dissolution of the union. Well, suppose even—which we very mud doubt—that South Carolina is honest in her cord , . plaints, that the great body of her people and she as a State believes that the federal government is a despotism and a tyrany, and that her further connection with it would be, and is, subversive of her best interests, the happiness of her people and her own political well-being. We say if this be the true state of the case, then there is no princi ple, either deducible from or collateral to, that great one lying at the foundation of all republican institutions, viz: that government is formed .d rests on the consent of the governed—there is nothing in this principle which militates against her right to renounce the connection. Our read ers will remember that the Spanish Netherlands seceded from the parent government of Spain and after a contest of seventy years the United Prov inces were acknowledged independent. Now we all admit their right and rejoice at the consum mation. The French people have twice changed their government radically, and the English have also changed theirs at the point of the bayonet. The reformers seceded from the. "Christian . Church," and no sensible person now denies their right thus to have done. If our recollection of history serves us correctly we believe our own, "land of the free and home of the brave" severed the ties that held her in ignoble bondage to the British lion, and we all recur to that event with thrilling hearts and feelings bordering on devotion for the noble heroes who pledged their "lives, their liberties and their sacred honors," that we might enjoy the rich boon of freedom. In all the cases referred to government had beemne subversive of the ends for which it was establish ed, and those interested changed it. It may be safely said that no government can long exist un less its acts accord with the beatings of the pub lic heart, and no one that so acts can over he bro ken down from internal cusses. This is the sec ond time that South Carolina has preached seces sion for imagined grievances, and if site really wishes to leave the Union, all the principles of free government say let her go peaceably. She is not worth either coercing or buying, and there iv en doubt that, if she were told that she tnight renounce the connection at her pleasure, she would become highly indignant and refuse to do it, say- ing that she hada right to the protection and fos tering cure of the government of the United'. States. Then, in such an event, we are sure her chit:der...* sons would be heard, on Fourth of Ju ly's and in convivial assemblages, apostrophizing the American flag thus: "Flag of the free hearts only home, By angel hands to valor given, Thy stars have lit the welkin's dome And all thy hues were horn in Heaven. Forever float that standard sheet; Where breathes the foe but falls before us, With freedom's soil beneath our feet And freedom's banner streaming o'er us." Death of the Hon. James Holliday. This calamity has fallen upon us like a clap of thunder in a cloudless sky. Mr. H. was a native of our town and has resided at Milwaukee, Wis consin, for several years, where he attained much reputation both as a lawyer and as a man. Soon after his arrival there be was appointed Judge of Probates and discharged the duties connected with the office to the entire satisfaction of the commu nity. It is but three short months since Mr. H. was here, and then, judging from appearances, he gave every indication of reaching the scriptural limit assigned to man, vie: three score years and ten. We knew the deceased intimately, and can truly say that he was among the few who have within them and display throughout their lives all the elements of a man. He has been for years the support of a widowed mother, and, to some extent, of an orphan sister here. When such men "shake off this mortal coil" we feel like ex claiming "The good die first, And they whose hearts are dry as Summer's dust Burn to the socket." He had a frank, generous nature and his impulses were all of a most noble character. Mr. H. was engaged in the trial of a cause at the time the sad event alluded to occurred. He was ohjecting to a question put to a witness by the op posing counsel when he suddenly stopped, pressed his hand against his heart, and said to Judge Hub ble, "will your honor send for my carriage, I am too unwell to proceed." Immediately several members of the bar gathered round him and used all the restoratives usually resorted to on such oc casions. After taking him to the vestibule he seemed to revive, but it proved to be the last flick er of the expiring lamp. A deathly pallor settled mum its features; his eyes become fixed and gla zed, and faintly gasping out, "it is all dark, dont leave me," he sank quietly into the arms of Death. He leaves an attached wife and family to mourn his loss. He was in the prime and vigor of man hood, standing high at the Bar and high in the confidence of his friends. One of the Millwaukee papers says "He had no enemies, for he was gen erous, impulsive and warm-hearted, and a prom ising and prosperous career seemed to be before him." Among other resolutions passed at a meeting of the members of the Bar we find the following, which we transfer to our columns, conscious that all that is said therein is richly merited: Rersolved, That in the death of our late dear friend, this Bar has sustained the loss of one of its ablest, most accomplished, and most amiable members. Gifted by nature with quick and solid a'ailities, thoroughly schooled in the learning of his profession, ho had before him a career of high pro fessional usefulness and honor. Stricken down by the inscrutable judgment of Providence, in the full energy of life and talent, few lawyers of his age, yet hardly at its prime, have left behind them so marked a vacuem in the ranks of the profession; full of generous and kindly inpulses, with many and close friends, without an enemy on earth, no warmer heart ever ceased to breathe than JAMES HOLLIDAY'S. Terrific Hail Storm. One of the most violent and destructive bail storms that ever visited this section of country occurred on Thursday evening of week before last. We were not at home and knew nothing of the particulars in time for our paper of last week. Since our return we have been informed that no' storm so violent and destructive has occurred in this meridian for a century. The north-western part of 13lair county suffered terribly. Portions of Logan and Ai:tes townships bad their crops entirely ruined and it is said the destruction there could only be paralleled by the desolation Which follows in the wake of tho dread Simon of the Arabian deserts. In the neighborhood of Altoona the barn of Mr. John Hamilton was blown down .d the roof torn off his house. His loss is estimated nt $2OOO. The orchard of Mr. Hamilton, together with a number of others, was completely destroyed, and for some two or three miles, both east and west of Altoona, nearly all the trees were stripped of their foliage. In this neighborhood we regret to say that a number of farmers suffered considerable damage— in Hartslog valley, along Stone Creek and on the Ridges. Whole fields of grain were cut down as low as if the sickle of the reaper had passed over them, and fences were scattered in every direc tion for miles—immense trees that had withstood the tempests for a century were torn out of the ground and carried "hither and yon" as though they were feathers in a whirlwind. The storm was of very short duration but we venture to say it has left behind it more destruc tion than any storm that has ever occurred in this section of country. Our town was visited in the early part of last week with quite a tempest. Although not so de structive as the storm alluded to above, it was however of sufficient violence to blow in the ga ble end of the Court House and demolish, entirely, the old teu-pin alley. We believe no further damage was done. Sharp. We happened to hour the following colloquy the other evening, and as their was nothing said to us about it being confidential, we lay it before our readers as a specimen of woman's wit: husband—My dear, you should not look out of the window; it is not considered genteel. Wife—Excuse me my love, I'm not looking out of the window, but out of my eyes! It is needless to say Mr. Caudle fainted. ar The Legislature of Kentucky have passed a law which provides that the Governor shall have a salary of $2,500, which sum shall he paid quar terly. Won't that be 10,000 it year 4 A DESCRIPTIVE NABlE.—Manhattan, tho name of tho Island on which the city of New' York stands, is taken from the name given by the Indi ans to the orignol Dutch settlement, and means the place where they all yet drunk. Sad Accident. We are deeply pained to learn that a little girl, about 4 years of age, daughter of Mr. Philips, accidentally fell into the forebay of the mill at this place and was drowned. She had been in about three hours before it was known; and, after being taken oat, physicians were sent for' who used every means in their power to resnsitate her' but in vain the—vital apart had fled forever. Reported for the Huntingdon Journal. SONS OF TEMPERANCE Dedication of a Hall at Birmingham. Pursuant to previous notice, the orderof the So/Is of Temperance assembled at Birmingham, on the 30th inst., for the purpose of dedicating to the cause of "Temperance Benevolence and Brother ly Love," the new Hall recently erected by Day Spring Division, No. 197, located at that place. After the cars had arrived from the east and west, and sufficient time elapsed to afford an opportu ty to visitors who had come by railroad to dine, the members of the order began to assemble at the new Hall, which was soon crowded to over flowing. The usual dedicatory ceremonies of the order having been gone'through with, the differ ent delegations were formed in procession in the following order, by Chief Marshal Calderwood. Ist Huntingdon Brass Band. 2,1, Members of the Grand Division. 3d Cadets of Temperance from Hollidaysburg, Warriorsmark and Birming ham Sections. 4th, Fidelity Division, No. 11. sth, Standing Stone, No. 17. 6th, Williamsburg, No. 113. 7th, Alexandria, No. 134. Bth, War riorsmtirk, 277. 9th, Spruce Creek, 280. 10th, Young Men's Refuge, 322. 11th, Tussey, 938. 12th, Day Spring, 147. The procession was not only very large, but presented a most grand and imposing appearance, which must have made King Alchohol tremble upon his throne. But the most interesting por tion of the procession seemed to be the long lino of Cadets of Temperance, who evidently felt a little proud of their fine appearance and somewhat flattered by the encomiums bestowed upon them by the spectators as they passed along, together': with the encouraging smiles of gray haired moth ers and bright-eyed, rosey-checked lasses. On a neat little banner carried by Warriorsmark Sec tion, was the following pithy inscription, "All's Right when Daddy's Sober." How simple and yet how truthful. After marching through the ' principal streets of the village, the procession pro ceeded to the Methodist Episcopal Church, where nn address seas delivered by that able and faith ful advocate of the cause, Hon. G. R. M'Farlane. The Rev. Geo. A. Coffey, of Hollidaysburg, was expected to he present and address the meeting, but, failed to be in attendance, much to the re gret of all present; it therefore fell upon the Judge to take his place. His speech was one of the most interesting-and impressive we have ever lis tened to on that subject. The Huntingdon Band played several pieces during the exercises in the church, and the manner in which they were exe cuted seas highly creditable to the gentlemen be longing to the band. After the meeting adjourned, the procession re-formed and proceeded directly to the Hall, where they were dismisssed by the Chief Mar shal. The day was pleasant, and all seemed highly delighted with the exercises, nothing hav ing occurred to nunr the pleasure of the occasion. In order to wind up the proceedings of the day in the most agreeable manner possible, the 'Tu t crpean String Band," of the borough of Hunting don, gave a grand concert of vocal and instrumen tal music in the evening, in the Odd Fellow's Hall. Tho concert was largely attended by the beauty and fashion of the place, together with many persons from a distance who remained for the purpose of listening to the sweet music which this band is so celebrated for discoursing. To eulogize the members of the Euterpean Band, where they are known, would be a work of super erogation, and we have only to say to our friends abroad that better music or a more clever set of fellows cannot be produced. They were assisted by this Huntineon Brats Band, who arc also not only whole-soulad, noble fellows, but excellent musicians. W. Refreshing. Peter, meeting Tom, says: "Its very warm in the sun to-day. Tom—" Don't know indeed—l have never been there myself; hut, as I know you to be a gentle man of the strictest veracity, it is to be believed from your statement that it is warm in the sun; and philosophers confirm your declaration, for they assert that the sun is the great fountain of both light and heat." Peter—" Are you not afraid, Tom, that smart ness will strike in some of these days and be the death of you?" Tom—" Don't know, indeed, Peter; but one thing is certain, you need entertain no apprehen sions on that scord " Foreign Items. Tho French Legitimists continue to flock to Venice to pay homage to Dec doßordoaux. In Russia the turnip is eaten as fruit by all classes. In the houses of the nobles sliced turnip, with brandy, is offered to the guests. The celebrated Geneva watches come out iu great force at the World's Exhibition. There are watches for the deaf and blind; a watch which runs with one winding three hundredand seventy four days; one smaller than a fourpeuny piece, to hang in a serpent broach; one still smaller, in the top of a gold pencil case, tells the hour, day of week, and month. Spain has sent to the Chrystal Palace a most superb collection of deadly weapons. Among oth ers are n pair of rapiers of Toledo manufacture.— One of them, as to handle and sheath, is fash ioned into the shape of a silver serpent. When sheathed it forms a complete circle, but when drawn the exqutsite temper of the steel causes it to straighten at once. Some pairs of pistols, in wrought iron, damascened over a gold ground, are worked into magnificent designs, and are equal to the art of Cellini. Splendid specimens of Span ish embroidery are shown, on seeing which, it is said that ladies who work in Berlin wool and croch et may throw away their needles and hooks in despair. Locofocoiym Antorronist to the Popular- will. In every agitation of a great question of politics or policy, it seems singular that the leaders of Locofocoism should seek rather to bend the popu lar will to their own purposes, than to follow, as true republicanism teaches, the expressed wishes of a majority. Most particularly has this been manifest in the history of the repeated failtnes to make appropriations for Western Rivers and Har bors. The Washington Republic argues with great force that these difficulties have not been with the people Or with Congress, and shows that a large majority of both have been for many years in favor of making liberal appropriations for the objects embraced in the biff of the lust session, which the Unionsays, was defeated by Democrat ic votes in the Senate. Even in General JACK SON'S time the dffieulty was not with Congress.— Of four internal improvement bills that passe ,. Congress towards the close of the session of 1829-30, one passed the House of Representa tives by a vote of 102 to 85; a second by a vote of 74 to 39; a third by a vote of 80 to 37; end a fourth by a vote of 95 to 44. Upon two of these bills the PRESIDENT put his veto; the two last were retained for further consideration till after the adjournment of Congress, and were returned with the PRESIDENT'S objections at the next ses sion. The two last, it will be observed, had pass ed the House by a two-thirds majority; and there is no doubt that they would have become laws if they had been seasonably returned to Congress. The Eastern Harbor bill, which Mr. TYLER ve toed, passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 96 to 80; and passed the Senate by a vote of 92 to 8. The River and Harbor bill, which Mr. TYLER defeated by operation of the pocket ing process, passed the House of Representatives by a vote 105 to 96; and the Senate by a vote of 27 to 11. The latter bill appropriated nearly two millions of dollars; and among the yeas in the Senate we find the name of Mr. BecitawArt. In view of the recent letter of this gentleman to the citizens of Richmond, it is but justice to General Casa to say that he is not the only DEMOCRATIC politician who doubles and twiste on this snbject of river and harbor improvements. If Mr. Bucttew- AN could vote for appropriating $2,000,000 to the improvement of rivers and harbors in 1845, we should like to know how he can claim to be among the abstractionists and Virginia DEMO CRATS in regard to the bill of 1851 The Republic, after thus showing that the diffi culty was not with Congress, or the people in Gen. JACKSON'S time, or Mr. TYLER'S, asks, "how was it in the time of Mr. Pout 7 On the 20th of March 1846, a River and Harbor bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 109 to 90. On the 24th of July it passed the Senate by a vote 34 to 16. On the 4th of August the Speaker of the House announced that Mr. POLK had return ed this bill with his objections. General BAYLY took the floor nt once in defence of the Pans,- DENT, laid down, as the platform of the "ortho dox republicans," that Congress bad no more power, under the authority to regulate commerce, to construct these river and harbor improvements, than it had to furnish shipping. On the question whether the bill should become a law, notwith standing the objections of the PILESIDENT, the vote stod 96 yeas 91 nays. Again, on the 20th February, 1847, a bill pass ed the House of Representatives, by a vote of 89 to 72, entitled "A bill for continuing certain pub lic works in the Territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes." It passed the Senate on the 3d of March. Mr. Jonx DAVIS moved to take up the bill on that day, and explained that it was a bill from the House appropriating about $600,000 for the improvement of certain rivers in the West, and for certain harbors. Mr MORT, the Demo cratic Senator from Alabama, threatened to oppose the bill, item by item—after the fashnn, we snp pose, of Mr. CLEMENS and Mr. SOULE at the last session. The yeas and nays were ordered on ta king up the bill, and the question being taken, it was decided in else affirmative by a vote of 32 to 9. Mr. BAGBY thought better of his threat, for we suppose there were mutters pending of interest to Mr. Pout which factious opposition to the Riv er and narbor bill would embarrass, and he knew that "orthodox republicanism" on this subject was safe in the hands of Mr. POLK. Mr Bacin, therefore, moved as a test question to strike out $150,000 for Ilse improvement of the river below the falls at Louisville; and on that question asked the yeas and nays, without any further remark.— The question was taken, and decided in the neg ative-6 yeas and 38 says—when else bill was read and passed a third time, without a division. This bill Mr. POLK pocketed, and at the next session of Congress communicated to the House his reasons for retaining it—reasons so little satisfactory to the American people, that they would alone have been sufficient to exclude Mr. Pots: from else pos sibility of a renomination by Isis own party. Down to else period of the last session, therefore, we see that it has not been the fault of Congress that we have beets disappointed in our River and Harbor bills. It has been owing to the ascen dency of the Virginia abstractionists and the '9B men over Liar Democratic Presidents. The pro gressive, practical Democracy of West and North west have been sacrificed to else doctrines of else hair-splitting, do-nothing, voluntary-principle gen tlemen, who, from their seats at Richmond have too long dictated the policy of the Federal Execu tive. But at else last session of Congress a dif ferent state of things existed. It was necessary for the " orthodox republicans" of the Richmond school to defeat the bill in Congress, for there was nothing snore to hope from Presidential ve toes. If the bill should pass the two Houses, it would become u law. Therefore it was that cer tain " striplings" in else lower House took the ground recently alluded to by Mr. WEBSTER, in a speeds at Dunkirk, and that certain "eminent statesmen"—Democratic statesmen in the Senate —combined with them to defeat else bill by par liamentary manoeuvres. There was a clear ma jority in favor of the bill in both branches ; and yet to gratify Mr. RIIETT, and to provide for his ben; efit and that of the abstractionist, an issue of what General BATLY called " orthodox republianism" —a measure so loudly demanded by the PEOPLE, and so ineffectually demanded for a series of years in numerously repeated instances, was "greed to be sactifirsd in a Dentacratie eaUfllft, The Republic, at the close of this argument; "Mks the American people, who it is that represent the true democratic doctrine on this question—the doctrine of that great majority which must consti tute the only real democratic power of the coun try t That question is most easily answered.— President Fzustonx, in his message to Congress, recommended the carrying out of this favorite popular project, and it is to his administration that the people must look to give effect to their will,-- The eelf.tyled Democracy have for years been seeking to thwart and defeat that will. The immediate Representatives of the people, and the Senate speaking the voice of the State sovereign ties, have over and again decided the question, and yet at every turn, it has been opposed by dem ocratic Executives, in spite of the popular will, and with a despotic determination to bend the stub born people to the creed of policy which Virginia demands. These are things for the consideration of the people before they again enter npon a Pres idential canvass. There seems but little use in choosing a Chief Magistrate to represent the ex ecutive majesty of the people, if that magistrate is to thwart their will with impunity. THE EVIIE/MN OF AMERICAN FAIIE.—The Emilia' Punch having been quite satirical in its remarks abatis the American contributions to the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park, the Neiv York Sunday Courier significantly asks that paper, "did you not remember that when' your countrymen were starving in Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland, that we sent over to feed them, canoes of meal and meat; that we sent over thentands of pounds sterling in money besides great quantities of clothing to comfort them; four times as much as all the other nations of the earth put together? Surely such a contribution of industrial products as that ought to have been sufficient to save us from your sneers, because we have not sent as many gimcrack; to the Glass Palace as France and Aus tria have done. Now, Punch, all that we have to ask of you, is, when you go to look at our contri butions to the Great Exhibition, just take along with yon the official report of the articles and money, not forgetting the Constitution frigate, which WAS freighted with part of thorn, that Brother Jonathan sent to Ireland and Scotland in the year of famine; and if you can have the stom ach then to sneer at the raw materials we have sent to the Exhibition, rather as an act of tour• tesy than as a matter of pride, you are a baser rogue than we imagine you to be, and altogether unfit for the companionship of your dog Tody.— And now Punch, do the handsome thing; 'acknowl edge the corn,' as We say out West, that we may have the good opinion we once entertained of you restored." OFFICIAL—An official statement is published in the Washington Republic of the population of the United States, according to the seventh cen sus. The free population is 20,087,909, and slave 3,179,589, making a total of 23,267,498. Con gress in the passage of the census bill fixed the whole number of representatives at 233, which would give Pennsylvania 24, with a fraction of 62,533, and makes the ratio of representation 93,702. The next Legislature of Pennsylvania will district the State for members of Congo,. according to the above ratio. CUOLERA•—The steamer lowa arrived at St. Louis on the 14th ult., from New Orleans, with 193 passengers. On the passage several cases of cholera appeared, & fourdeaths occurred. Among them was the lady of the Rev. Dr. Grimes, dele gate to the Presbyterian General Assembly.— Four or five persons laboring under the disease were left at the quarantine below St. Louis. Thu N. York Post mentions rumors of five or six cholera patients in that city on Thursday, but doubts them. A dispatch from Springfield, 111., dated May 15th, says; "The cholera has made its appearance amongst us very suddenly. Four deaths during the last thirty-sin hours, and several new cases this afternoon. It is on the increase." WILD MAN OF TIM WOODS.-A gigantic Mali of the woods has been discovered in Green county, Arkansas, and a party has been organized to en deavor to catch hint. When last seen he was pur suing a herd of cattle who were flying in a state of great alarm, as if pursued by a dreadful enemy. On seeing the party who discovered him he look ed at them deliberately for a short time, turned and ran away with great speed, leaping from twelve to fourteen feet at a time. His foot-prints measured thirteen inches each. He was ofgigau tic structure, the body being covered with hair, and the head with long locks that fairly enveloped his neck and shoulders. TIIE RESULT OP KIZIDNEBS.—Tito Jacksonville (Illinois) Journal says that, when the superinten dent of the asylum for the poor in that county first took charge of it, he found an insane man who had been loaded with heavy chains for years.— Believing that this cruelty kept the man insane, he took the responsibility of taking them off, and gradually restoring hint to liberty. The man at first raved, expecting fresh torture; then he doubt ed, and finally realized that he was free. He was overpowered with delight, exclaiming constantly as he looked upon the outer world of sunshine, "Oh, how beautiful!" Then gratitude to his de liverer prevailed. At length he voluntarily went to work in the garden, though he had nearly lost all his power of locomotion, and ho became entire ly recovered. He is now working on a farm. Death of Hon. John Bredin. It this week becomes our painful duty to an nounce the death of the Hon. Joust Bnunta, President Judge of this Judicial Distriset.—He died at his residence in this borugh, on Wednesday morning, the 21st inst.. after an illness of hut ono hour's duration. He had risen in the morning as usual, at 5 o'clock, and was engaged in preparing his papers for an Adjourned Court then in session. At 7 o'clock he ate a hearty breakfast, and in or der to pass the time until the hoar of the meeting of Court, he retired to his office fur the purpose of writing a letter. That letter was never finished. 'bile writing, he was attacked with paralysis of the bruin, and notwithstanding the efforts of medi cal gentleman of eminent skill, he sunk rapidly, and in ono hour from the time he was attacked, he peacefully expired in the arms of those whom in life he had loved with so much devotion, [Buttor Whig.