Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 05, 1851, Image 1

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The Raindrop and the Rhymer.
Come, tell me, little noisy friend,
That knockest at my pane,
Whence is thy being? where doet end,
Thou tiny drop of rain?
I come from the deep,
Where blue waves sleep,
And their far-off vigils the sea nymphs keep:
I go to the brow
Of the mountain snow,
And trickle again to the depths below.
But, wanderer, bow did'et win thy way
From cavern of the sea?
Suro ocean's slaughters said thee nay,
How earnest, then, to mc?
With far darting flame,
The king•of day came
And bore me away in a cloudy frame,
I sailed in the air
Till the zephyrs bare
Mr : . ither, to hear thy minstrel prayer.
But why dost change thy crystel form,
Heaven-shaped and undefiled;
A snow flake in the winter storm,
And now a summer child?
The breaSh from above
Of Him who is love
In the snow and the rain storm wills me to rove,
Lest the young budding earth
Be destroyed in the birth,
And famine exult over plenty and mirth.
And wilt thou, gentle one bestow
Thy minstrel's high request;
And come when thoughts of earth below
Crowd on his aching breast?
'Tis the minstrel's own
To kneel at the throne
Of Him who reigns in the heavens alone:
'rho grief of the soul
'Tis His to control,
Who bids in the azure the planets to roll.
His couch when balmy slumber fibs
In watches of the night,
Till still, sweet voices close his eyes;
And pet sad thoughts to flight.
Ah! I cannot come
From my sea-deep horns
Whon'er I list on the earth to roam:
, Whom rides on the form
Of tho ocean storm
Rie will must the Raindrop too perform.
Thy whispering prattle at the pane,
Bids timorous fancy smile;
Still let me hoar the soothing strain:
Now charmer stay awhile.
I cannot delay,
Must quickly away
Where rills in the valley my coming stay:
I haste to the dell,
Where the wild flowers dwell;
"To the minstrel be peace," is the Raindrop's
Time to me this Truth has Taught.
Time to me this truth has taught,
('Tie a truth that's worth revealing,)
More offend from want of thought
Than from want of feeling—
If advice we would convey,
There's a time we should convoy it,
If we've but a word to say,
There's a time in which to say it.
Oft unknowingly the tongue
Touches on a cord so aching,
That a word or accent wrong
Paine the heart almost to breaking.
Many a tear of wounded pride,
Many a fault of human blindness,
Has been soothed or tamed aside
By a quiet voice of kindness.
Many a beauteous flower decays
Though we tend it o'er so much—
Something secret on it preys,
Which no human aid can touch;
So in many a lovely breast
Lies some canker-grief concealed
That if touched is more oppressed—
Left unto itself, is healed.
Time to me this truth has taught,
('Tie a troth that's worth revealing,)
More offend from want of thought
Than from want of feeling.
Modern Catechism.
Question.—What is the chief end of woman?
Answer.—To eat oysters, drink Champagne,
attend the opera, play cards, and dance the polka.
Question—What is the chief end of man?
Answer—To foot the bills and sometimes the
'The late enow storm in Alabama gave great
offence to the disunionists. It was regarded as
another "nnrtbern aggression."
Governor Johnston's Speech at
We promised last week to lay before our read
ers the speech delivered at Philadelphia by Gover
nor Johnston. We now do so, feeling assured
that none can read it without being deeply im
pressed with its sterling good sense and lofty pat
riotism. It is a masterly vindication of his course.
After being loudly called for by the vast assem
blage the Governor advanced to the front of the
rostrum and spoke as follows:
His excellency said that he felt sensible of the
kindness and support be bad received from the
people of Philadelphia, and more particularly from
those of Spring Garden and the Northern Liber
ties ; and he took occasion to renew Isis sincere ac
knowledgments to his fellow-citizens of those dis
tricts. He was a believer in the doctrine which
teaches that no public man can sustain himself in
any honorable position without the confidence
and support of Isis fellow-citizens. Ile believed
that under no form of government could a public
servant long be sustained unless be has the sym
pathy and support of his fellow men in the coun
try or region where he holds office. He believed
that there is nothing in mercenary guards or cas
tellated fortresses, nor all the attributes and ar
maments of power equal in security to that which
is conferred by the support of the masses of honest
and upright men. He believed further, that in
this country them is a peculiar propriety in the
public servant at all times casting himself before
his fellow-citizens, to declare his position and
opinions; and if he does not receive their support,
Its will retire from his post disgraced. The Gov
ernor said he made the remarks because he had so
little desire fur public office, that if he thought the
people of Pennsylvania had lost their confidence'
in his integrity, and ability to fill the office be hold,
ho would retire from the field and leave it to other
men. He also made these remarks because he
had introduced into this State, in its Guber
natorial elections, else practice of the candi
date appearing before the people,—not because he
wished to solicit at their hands, but because he
felt it to be the duty of a candidate to meet his
fellow-citizens and declare to them, face to face,
his sentiments. His opponents bad said in the
last campaign that he had sought office publicly
upon the rostrum. Ho appealed to the people
then present to know whether, in his adresses to
them here in Philadelphia, Ise had begged office.
(Loud responses—" No ! No !"
He looked upon a public man as a simple agent
of the people in carrying out the measures which
they favor and desire ; and believing that he was
correct its the position he had assumed, and would
be sustained in a practice which was now common
in other states, he determined, in 1848, to address
his fellow-citizen throughout the State. He had
said then, that he desired to represent no man
whose opinions differed from his own upon the
topics concerning which he had addressed the peo
ple. He said so now. He said that be neither
deserved nor desired any such support.
Since then a change has come over the state of
things, and no man will ever be elected to that
high office who has not the honesty to come for
ward and declare his sentiments freely. The time
has gone by when a cabal can get together in
some secret place and make up the opinions of the
Governor. The people have learned to despise
and defy dictation. The Governor said that it
was the fortune of public men to be misrepresent
ed .d it might be esteemed fortunate that it wns
so sometimes, since, if a public man were not as
sailed thus, he might never have nn opportunity
to explain those points in his public course which
might bo esteemed and valued by all his con
[At this stage of the Governor's remarks h very
large delegation arrived from Kensington, head
ed by a splendid brass hand, and bearing a large
banner, with the inscription " Kensington is coin
ing to protect the Tariff." The new camel's were
greeted with three hearty cheers, and they re
sponded in a loud tone that Kensington is good
for 300 majority. The Governor resumed his re
The great founder of Pennsylvania was himself
the subject of misrepresentation and abuse all his
life; and even to this day his memory has been
pursued with calumny and misrepresentation.—
That great man did much in defence of human
rights, suffering imprisonment and every wrong
thnt could be dvised. He was punished for his ef
forts to establish the great principles of trial by
jury, vote by ballot, religious liberty, and other
great privileges. Yes, lie, the first Governor of
Pennsylvania, advocated those principles with a
degree of firmness which many in this day would
shrink from ; and yet he has been calumniated even
now, and from these calumnies has sprung up
a vindication which has demonstrated what
he did for posterity, and attests in a striking
manner the truth—extraordinary as it may seem
--that it is fortunate to bo traduced sometimes.—
Men will occasionally do things as partizans
which they would lament as individuals : and in
this connection he adverted to the charges which
had been made by his opponents, that he hail
broken all the pledges he had made in the last can
vass. In reply to the accusations thus made by
the Williamsport Convention, the Governor said
that he submitted to the people every pledge
he had uttered, and appealed to them to know
whether he had violated one of them. (" No, no,"
was the response from all sides of the assem
blage.) He had said in that canvass that he was
in favor of the protection of American industry—
not mere protection for the interests of the em
ploying manufacturer, but protection that would
furnish work to the laboring man, and afford him
sufficient remuneration for his labor. This, he
said, is the only true ground, simply because a
government which expeCts a citizen to exercise
his political rights, must furnish him with the
means of obtaining information to qualify him
for their exercise. He said that is the best gov
ernment and the most truly democratic which se
cures the greatest good to the greatest number;
and if men were placed in the national councils
opposed to these priciples, they were given but a
barren sceptre.
In his first annual message to the Legislature
he bad presented this subject in as strong and com
plete a light as he could; and he then showed that
Washington, Jefferson and Jackson had fovea
protection, and urged it upon the favorable con
sideration of Congress. For some reason or other,
that recommendation was treated as if it had never
been made. Here the Governor dilated, in an elo
quent and fervid style, on the great natural re
sources of Pennsylvania, and the inducement thus
held out to her to be in favor of protection. The
Legislature then failed to do its duty on the sub
ject. The subsequent year his recommendation
again fell without effect. Not willing to abandon
the purpose, on a third occasion lie told the Le
gislature that the delinquency of Pennsylvania
had lost the measure of protection. Again the
warning was unheeded. The spirit of party had
produced these bad results. The Governor asked
if he was to be charged with breaking pledges thus
fulfilled, and whether there were not other men
who should hide their heads in shame. He had said
further, during the former canvass, that he was
"in favor of universal education ;" and he had it
now to say that there is no such thing as a non
accepting school district in the State. Ile institu
ted a contrast between the condition of the State
one hundred and fifty years ago and its present
prosperity in respect to public education. At the
olden date which he alluded to, the first school house
was established very near the place on which he
was then standing, by Enoch Flowers, with a class
of some fifteen or sixteen scholars. He founded
the principle of public instruction among us; and
now, instead of one shool house and fifteen or six
teen scholars, you have fifty or sixty thousand
scholars here in this city, and schools are scatter
ed all over the broad domains of Pennsylvania.—
He did not speak of these beneficial results as flow
ing from any measures of his own, hut be did it
because he had placed himself on that platform,
regardless of all considerations of personal pepu l i
larity; and now he gloried that the system was
triumphant throughout the State. In the former
canvass he had said that he was opposed to the
abuse of the veto power, and he held the same
opinion yet; but he also held that the Constitution
of the State must be preserved intact, and its pro
visions fulfilled, even if principles were sacrificed.
He did not believe that he bad sacrificed any
principles he had avowed, nor did he believe that
if the Whig principles were rightly understood the
Constitution need ever be sect Wed. He appeal
ed to his fellow-citizens to know if he had abused
the veto power. (Cries of " No," "No.")
The Legislature had passed measures which did
not tneet his approbation, but he had not set up
his individual will in opposition to that of many
others. He explained that he could not sign the
apportionment bill first passed, becaus it was not
formed in fairness and justice, and was framed in
total disregard of the proper principles of repre
sentation, and he said that had there been time be-.
fore the close of the session, he could have presen
ted reasons which would have satisfied any reason
ing man that the bill which was finally successful
was neither fair nor just.
Another bill he had not signed was one rela
ting to the courts in this county, and conferring
upon the judges the power over tavern licenses.—
He had not approved it because he was in favor of
the highest integrity in the judicial tribunals, and
because lie believed it important that the Court
should not only be pure, but also bo above re
proach. The bill in question was ono calculated
to give the judges a power which would render
them liable to suspicion; and besides it was one
merely to restore potters which had been taken
away front the judges by former legislation.
The Governor also referred to his refusal to
sanction a bill which prevented all persons ex
cept lawyers front being judges. Ho said that
he could not assent to any such construction of
the Constitution, more particularly now that the
people aro to choose their own judiciary. Dur
ing his term of office he felt called upon to exer
cise the veto power four or five times; and if this
action could he justly regarded as a violation of
his pledges, he was obnoxious, but he would do so
again under similar circumstances. He said that
these misrepresentations were made against him
self personally, in order to level, througlt him, the
great party which had elected him; and it now
rested with the people—whose rights and interests
he had endeavored to protect—to say whether the
attempt should be successful. Among other as
persions, some had referred to his attachment and
fidelity to the great American confederacy. In
reply, he felt it only necessary to say that if he
was not faithful to the Union as it now stands, he
asked no man to give him his support. Frankly
he would say that ho held the opinion that this
government could never be dissolved, and could
not be endangered while there was loyalty in the
American heart.
These were his opinions, and ho gave them for
what they were worth. He had never met a citi
zen of Pennsylvania who could conscientiously say
he had been in fear of the safety of this glorious
Union. He did not care why or for what purpose
the cry of danger to the Union had been raised. It
was wrong for any public or private citizen to en
tertain even the apprehension. The Governor re
peated the injunction of Washington to discoun-
tenance any movement or opinion calculted to ef
fect a dissolution of the Union. Ho did not care
who was put in or out of office, it was a dangerous
opinion that you can dissolve this Union at any
time, or under any possible circumstances.—
There is no interest, either civil or religious, that
would not be lamentably affected by a dissolution
of the Union. And here the Governor adverted
to the fact, that while this cry of dissolution was
being raised, State upon State was busily engaged
in making arrangements for mutual lines of public
improvements to convey an interchange of produc
tions. You cannot, said lie, dissolve this Uunion,
because you can never get a majority of the people
tro favor the proposition; and he asked why, then,
should he be expected to isolate himself from the
great mass of intelligent, and virtuous, and patriot
in opinion 4 The Governor spoke further, in an
impressive style, and was listened to With pro.
found'attention throughout. At the close many
and loud cheers were given for him as he retired.
TUE NEXT GOVERNOR.—In obedience to the
senttments of tho'Whige of Montour county, as
expressed at their county meeting, on Monday the
19th inst., we take pride in placing. the name of':
our worthy Governor, Wm. F. JomtsxoN, at the
mast head of the Democrat this week, as our first
and only choice for the Governorship next fall,
confident that "in this sign we shall conquer."—
The indications now are, that Gov. Johnston will
not only be nominated unanimously on the first
ballot by the Whig State Convention, but also
triumphantly re-elected. Pennsylvania never
had a better Governor. The welfare of the peo
ple has been his only aim, and the honor and cred
it of the State have been restored and advanced
under the enlightened and beneficial policy of his
Administration. It is therefore, natural, that the
people desire to retain so valuable a man in the
Executive Chair. Our political opponents know
full well, that it is an up hill business for them to
enter any name in their ranks on the course for
the Gubernatorial race, with any reasonable pros
pect of success against Johnston—hence their
fears of his nomination, and their bitter and ma
lignant attacks upon his Administration. But all
this will avail nought, if the Whigs throughout
the State will but do their duty. Let every friend
of the present Administration go to the polls in
October next, and a majority of Ten Thousand at
least will re-instate Mr. Johnston into the Chair
of State, which he has filled with such signal sue-
The Animal Speared.
A gentleman nt the American Hotel, in this
city, has a fish that is part bull-head, part eel, a
little shark, and a touch of the blue fish. Its head
is that of the catfish, under the chin is a "goatee,"
part of the body is that of an eel, and a part bull
frog! It is colored of a dirty brown streaked with
blue, and it is nearly two feet long. It has but
one eye! This nondescript was speared in the
Agaw•an river, near Springfield.—Hur(ford Times.
If that fish Is'nt the Federal Locofoco party, says
the Bedford Gazette, then we give it up. We have
often heard of the "embodiment"—at Hartford.—
"0 flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified 2" The bull
stands for the proverbial obstinacy of the Locofo
cos in doing wrong; the eel part for their slipperi
ness, the shark their love of foreign monopolies; &
the blue fish the blue lights with which they used
to make signals to the British in the war of 1812,
with Woodbury, Taney, Buchanan; Wilkins, &e.
as their leaders. The catfish is emblematic of
the "devilish sly" disposition of the party; the
"goatee" represents the "nice young men" of
that party who go about in French boots and
British coats, prating of the '•beauties of Free
Trade," and in favor of the "pauper labor of
Europe," and the reduction of the wages of our
laborers to the European standard of "ten cents a
day," and the bull frog is the personification of
Locofoco croaking. The dirty brown, streaked
with blue, is the Abolition that the Locofocos love
so welt, as witnessed in their union in Ohio in the
election of an Abolition U. S. Senator, in their
union in New York, in their union in Massachu
setts, by which Summer the Abolition U. S. Sena
tor was elected, and of their union wherever they
can gain any political advantage. The ono eye
represents the one sided view the Locofocos are in
the habit of taking of things; end the spear with
which the "odd fish" was slain is a Whig victory
The Croup--how to prevent it.
A CORRESPONDENT of the flew- York Mirror,
medical practitioner, in an article on this subject,
"Premonitory symptoms of croup is a shrill,
sonorous cough. The patient is not sick—has no
fever, as often in a common cold—is lively, per
haps gayer than usual—his hands aro cold, his
face not flushed, possibly a shade paler than usual.
This solitary symptom may last for days with no
matterial increase or abatement, and without at
tracting any notice; suddenly, however, the disease,
hitherto latent, burst forth in all its fatal fury, and
too often continuos its ravages unchecked, to tho
dreadful consummation. The remedies for this
first symptom of croup are simple, and in most in
stances perfectly efficient. They are, a mustard
poultice, or a strip of flannel dipped in oil of tur
pentine or spirits of hartshorn, applied to the
throat and nauseating doses of Ilive-Syrup, to be
continued as long as the cough remains. By the
timely employment of these mild agents, I unhesi
tatingly assort that a multitude of lives might lie
saved every week, that are now lost through negli
gence and delay."
It was the custom of the higher order of
the Germans to drink mead, and beverage made
with honey, for thirty days after every wedding.
From this custom comes the expression, to "spend
the honey-moon."
Origin of the American Flag.
SPECULATIONS have often been indulged in
about the origin—that is, from whence came the
idea of the stars and stripes composing our nation
al flag. Whoever has an opportunity of examin
ifig the ilhistraled pedigree of the Washington
family, lately published by that accomplished ar
tist, T. W. Gwilt Maplcson, Esq., of New-Ha
ven, Ct., will be struck with the idea in a moment
that the coat of arms of Washington furnished
the flag of the country, which his generalship made
independent of the flag of St, George and entitled
to wear one of her own.
The pedigree of General Washington, traced
and iflatninated by Mr. Gwilt Mapleson, curries
back his descent to William de Hertburn, Lord of
the Manor of Washington, in the County of Dur
ham, England. From him descended John
Washington, of Whitefleld, in the time of Richard
III.; and ninth in descent from the said John,
was George, the first President of the United '
States. The mother of John Washington, who
emigrated to Virginia in 1657, and who was great
grandmother to the General, was Eleanor Hast
ings, grand-daughter to Francis, second Earl of
Huntington. She was the descendant, through
Lady Huntington, of George, Duke of Clarence,
brother of King Edward IV., and King Richard
111., by Isabel Nevi], daughter and heiress of
Richard, Earl of Warwick, the King-maker.
Washington, therefore, as well as all the de-,
scendants of that marriage, are entitled to quarter
the arms of Hastings—Pole, Earl of Salisbury,
Plantagenet, Scotland, Mortimer, Earl of March,
Nevi!, Montagu, Beauchamp, and Devereux. '
The pedigree, which is full and accurate in re
gard to dates, gives, as it were, an epitome of the
history of the family. It is surrounded by a bor
der ornamented by the shields of arms, implanted
by different ancestors in right of their wives as
well as some of the quarterings borne by their
The engravings in colors is in the very best
style, and perhaps the most highly (finished work
ever done by Sinclair, of Philadelphia; who is ac
knowledegd to be without a rival in his art.
The coat of arms of the first John Washington
was composed of three stars and three stripes,
which form a part of all heraldic bearings of the
family ever since.
George Washington was entitled to use Isis en
sign upon a ling in the army which he command
ed ; and in all probability the first one ever made
in America was composed of three stars and three
stripes, which those who were versed in heraldry
would at once recognize as the proper colors of the
Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary army
—the flag of Washington.
In time ten other stars were added, and the flag
of Washington became the flag of the thirteen
United Colonies.
While individuals still live who might have seen
the first Washington standard unfurled, or who
helped to swell the shout that went up to Heaven
when the thirteen stars first spread to the breeze
over the thirteen United States—behold ! the fig
ures are transposed—thirteen has changed to thir
ty-one—a tenfold multiplicity from the original
number of stars, has hidden the origin of the flag;
and few are aware, as they uncover the head to
honor the name of Washington, and send up shout
alter shout as the stars and stripes are unfolded to
the breeze, that the flag they adore is the flag of
the name they would honor—the stars and stripes
of the arms and standard of Washington.
Let us send up one more shout of gratulation,
" Our flag is (still) there,"
and the namo of its founder is still here, in our
hearts—in the hearts of all the people of the thir
ty-one United States, over whom, until the name
is forgotten, may no other flag ever wave than the
stars and stripes of Washington.—Er. paper.
cir THE Blade says, that the toothache may
be cured by holding in the right hand a certain
root—the root of the aching tooth:
DEFINING AN APPETITE.-An old gentleman,
who has a peculiar relish now and then for a glass
of the ardent, not long since, after taking a horn
of good Santa Cruz, thus expressed himself:—"l
row. I wish my neck was as long as the Andros
coggin River, and twice us crooked! "—Oxford
A CUTTING ArrEAL.—Prentice says a Mr. Bald
ly has been indicted for severely wounding a stran
ger with an ax, alleging as a reason, that he didn't
know stit what he was a robber. "He didn't
know," adds Prentice, "and so he axed him."
Rather Sharp.
A wag had kept up a continual tire of witticism
at a social party, when a gentleman, who enjoyed
snuff better than jokes and pun, sharply observed,
"If you keep on you will make every decent
person leave the house."
" That would be a sorry joke," was the dry re
ply; " for you would certainly be very lonesome."
A Lesson in Arithmetic.
Teacher—" John, suppose I were to shoot at a
tree with five birds on it, and kill three, how ma
ny would be lett I"
John—" Three, sir."
Teacher—" No, two would be left, you ignora
John—" No there wouldn't, though—the three
shot would be left, and the other two would be
flied away!"
Teacher—" Take your seat, John."
Or A female writer says—" Nothing looks
worse on a lady than darned stockings." She
will allow us to observe that stockings which need
darning look much worn than darned antic
a aricultural.
Canada Thistles.
The subject of Canada Thistles is often spokes
of, and the modes of eradicating them suggested.
But some who have succeeded in destroying them
once, do not seem confident that the some mode
will always be equally efficacious. Now a word
on this subject. I have been greatly annoyed
with thistles—have supposed it impossible to ex
tirpate them—have mowed them in all times of
the moon—have salted them—and have ploughed
them two or three times in the summer—and still
tlly have been the victors. And they will con
tinue to be the victors, wherever the ground is
tilled, unless the design and determination is to
till them to death. If ploughing is the mode re
sorted to, it will he absolutely effectual in a sin
gle season, if repented so often that the shoots
cannot come to the surface and there enjoy the
light and heat. But if ploughed only once, or
twice, or even thrice, inn season, and the shoots
be permitted fo come to the light, and grow two'
or three inches it amounts to nothing more than a
transplanting of the roots. A broken piece of
root only three or four incites in length, will send
upa shoot almosi, equal in size to the roof ifself
lam confident that in breaking the roots in
ploughing our summer follows and other grain
fields, and scattering the pieces by the harrow,
the plant is spread more than by the scattering of
the seeds on the wings of the wind. In hoed
crops they can be entirely destroyed in a single
season, by going through the field as they appear,
and with the hoe cutting them off a little below
the surface. But then, the inch of the root thus
cut off must be turned up so as to wilt and dry, or
it will continue grow. In small patches, as in
gardens, and ornamental grounds around the
mansion, I have entirely destroyed them in a sin
gle season by cutting them below the surface with
a weeding trowel, ns often as.they appeared. The
process of repeated ploughing, as stated herein,
when the patch is extensive, or the use of the hoe
or trowel, as suggested above, can be confliently
relied upon as entirely effectual.— Gencsee Far
Repairing Scythe Suatip.
Mr. Daniel S. Curtis, of Canaan Centre, New
York, recommends the following method of re
pairing scythe snatbs, which he has practised ma
ny years, and which may benefit some of our sub
"When the craw hole, (socket to receive did'
scythe) fails, which is very common, I flat the
end of the snaths abmit six inches from the end;
and get a blacksmith to fit an iron to it about one
eighth of an inch thick, with a hole punched in it
suitable for the craw of the scythe, which makes
the snath far more durable than when new. I
find, on examining my snaths, that I have none
but what have been repaired in this way, and that
I have saved 'the expense of buying any for see- ,
oral years."
Experiment with Corn.
The ground on which the experiment was
made was as nem- alike, and' prepared as near
alike, as could be. The corn wits planted the 4tb.
of May, three by five feet. That which was
ploughed, was ploughed the widest way only.
Four rows were ploughed exclusively with the
coulter, from eight to ten inches deep. Plough
ing repeated four times at suitable intervals. The
next four rows were cultivated entirely with the
hoe. The balance was ploughed as is usual here;'
first throwing the earth from, and then to the
corn, and sloughing , four times. All was kept
clean throughout the season. Two rows of that
cultivated as usual, when gathered, weighed 42'
pounds. The next two, hoed corn, weighed 43i,
pounds. The two other rows of hoed corn weigh
ed 43 pounds. Two rows of coultered corn, side
by side with the preceding, and having the same
number of hills and ears of corn, weighed 461
pounds. The hoed corn was nearly prostrated
twice by wind and rain. I had to set up the
greater part of it, just before and just after it tas
seled. The coultered emu suffered hardly half so
much as the hoed. The residue suffered compar
atively little. These are the facts. Deductions
are for you and your renders. The quantity rais
ed on the ground is of no consequence.
I connected various other experiments with
corn but do not deem them of sufficient interest to
burden your columns nor bore your readers with
them. These little things are interesting to me,
however, and I always have some such under
headway.—. American Agriculturist.
Salt and Ashes for Sheep:
Pure salt is generally given to sheep during
their range in pasture:, once a week; but it is much
better to have boxes in your sheds, constantly
filled with salt and ashes--=say one quart of the
former to two of the latter, to which they can at
all times have free access. Try it.—Germantown
Inaterials for MOnure.
Bushes of any description, if cut in the summer
when in full foliage, piled up and permitted to re
main undisturbed till the next spring, are highly
valuable for underlaying cattle yards, sheep pens,
horse houses and yards in which hogs are con
Peach Worn/.
The "Working Farmer," for April, sayei
"Look well to peach trees, and see that the peach
worm is not at work. Pour boiling water on the
lower part of the truck near the ground, and if a
sufficient quantity be used, it will cook the warm
without any injury to the tree; we have tried it.