Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 22, 1851, Image 4

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New Goods.
HAS just received a large and splendid as.
sortment of
Which he will sell at fair and reasonable prices.
He is thankful for the very liberal patronage
he has received, and hopes to merit a continu
ance of the same. Hit stock of goods consists
of every variety of
With a fine variety of goods of every de
Whoat, Rye, Corn, Onto, Flour, Cloverseed
and Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, &c., &c., &c., ta
ken in exchange for goods.
Cl7 - Lail and examine my goods,
April 16, 1851.
Birmingham Feniale Seminary.
THE fifth semi-annual term of this institu- '
tion will commence on Wednesday, the
23rd of April, instant.
The liberal patronage which this school has
heretofore received encourages the proprietors
and friends of female education to expect, by
proper effort, to make it both a permanent and
important institution. And in hope of accom
plishing this, vigorous efforts are making for
the erection of a large and commodious build
ing, which is expected to be ready for occupan
cy by the opening of the winter term.
For the present session a number of boarders
can be accommodated in the family of the Prin
cipal and others will find good accommodation
in private families in the village at reasonable
No pains will be spared to sustain the grow
ing reputation of this institution. And the
Principal hopes, with the assistance of compe
tent female teachers, to render it in all respects
worthy of patronage. For terms refer to
April, 3, '51.-3rn.j Principal.
Constantly on
PAINTED BUCKETS, baud at Manufsc-
CEDAR WARE, turers' prices by
BRISTLE BRUSHES, 1 1 1 N. 3rd street,
TWINES & CORDAGE, 3 doors below
WOODEN WARE, ie., &e. j Philad'elpbia.
Feb. 6. 1851.
SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on baud and
SALMON, for sale by
PORK, Market Street Wharf,
Pbilad'a, Feb. 27, l 8
Cheap Hardware.
M. BUEHLER & BRO., No. 195 Market
street, Philadelphia, 2 doors below sth street,
offer for sale, HARDWARE in all its varie
ties, at low prices. Call and see before you
buy. Look for the Red Lettered Mill Saw.
Philad. Feb. 20, 1851.-3 m.
- •
B. & W. s N , A er R e E tha ß n e i Lur t n . t t h h e e i r
zens of Huntingdon and the people in general
for sustaining them against high priced compe
tition. They have just returned from the City
with a splendid stork of Spring and Summer
For Men and Boys,
Consisting of Business, Dress, Sack and Frock
COATS, of all colors, sizes and kinds, suited
to the season; Cassimere Pants, Vests and
Standing Collar Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts,
which for beauty of fit, comfort and elegance
are im.qualled. Purchasers will at all times
get a neat garment and a good fitby buying their
Clothing from
B. & W. SNARE.
Suited for Persons of all Tastes.
.Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers for sum
mer. 17" We keep the largest assortment of
Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valise Trunks at the
lowest prices, that is offerer for sale in the
county. Umbrellas and all other articles usual
ly kept (and a number of ar ticles too numerous
to name) in a well regulated Clothing Store.
These goods have all been purchased for
Cash, which will enable us to sell them 25 per
centum lower than goods bought on the credit
, B. & W. SNARE,
March 27, 1831.-3 m.
First Arrival this Spring I !
MORE NEW GOODS are expected this day
at the "ELEPHANT," consisting in
part of
,tom Sheeting., at the old price.
fil-achad & unbleached Muslino from 3 to 12i c.
Splenlid Ruby Calicos.
Carpet Chain, all colors.
Lancaster Gingham., 124 cents per yard.
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco,
Mackerel, &c., &c., all of which will be sold
at the usual low rates which have rendered the
4 , ELEPHANT" THE Store of the county.
Huntingdon, March 13, 1851.—tf.
Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse,
No. 218, N. 3rd St., Philadelphia.
COUNTRY Storekeepers and Tobacconists
in general, coming to the city to purchase
their spring supply, will do well to call and ex
amine my goods. I hate on hand a large stock
of Leaf Tobacco, and a complete assortment of
and SEGARS, which 1 can sell wholesale and
reteil as low as any other house in the city.—
Do not forget to call at
No. 218, N. 3rd st. (3 doors below Callow
bill,) at the sign of the large IndiatsChief.
N. B. All orders thenkfulry received and
promptly attended to, on the most reaßonehle
railed's, March 6, 1651.-3nl.
New Arrangement.
TIIE subscriber has purchased the entire inter
est of R. G. STEWART, iu the Huntingdon Mar
ble Works, and would respectfully announce that
be has on hand a large and well assorted lot of
of MARBLE, which he offers to the citizens
of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices
which cannot fail to suit all who may want either
STONES, or any work usually done in an estab •
lishment of this kind. Persons wishing any work
in his line, would do well to give the subscriber a
call as lie is determined not to be outdone by any
other establishment, either in material or work
manship, on the inmate.
LW The establishment has been removed to
the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Hawkins, near
the Railroad Watering Station.
ti.alr The subscriber will collect all accounts
due the firm and pay all debts of the same, the
accounts being left in his hands.
lErJoins G. STEWART will Continue to act as
agent for the concern.
Huntingdon, April 24, 1851.-3 m.
VISIONS, have constantly on hand an assort
of DRIED and PICKLED FISH, &c., viz:
Mackerel, Codfish, Hams, Butter.
ialmon, Beef, Sides, Pails,
Shad, Pork, Shoulders, &c. &e.
Herrings, Lard, Cheese,
Philsd'a, March 6,1851.-3 m.
No. 41 south Second Street, Phicuielphia.
OW conducted by Thomas White, son of its
late proprietor, at the Old Stand, where
Dealers will at all times find a stock of Foreign
and Domestic Straw, Lace, Fancy, Crape and
Silk BONNETS, Panama, Palm Leaf, and eve
ry variety of Straw HATS, and Artificial
Flowers unequalled by any other for extent
or beauty of manufacture, and at very low
prices, having facilities for producing these
goods possessed by no other establishment.
To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he
would tender his grateful acknowledgments for
their kind approval of the business system of
this house, and begs to assure them that no ef
forts on his part shall he wanting, to merit a
continuance of their liberal patronage. They
will still be greeted with the same old familiar
faces, who will at an times endeavour to exe
cute their commissions with fidelity and prompt.
IIeSS. [Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1851.-3 M.
THE subscriber wishes to inform the public
in general, that he is now fully prepared to.
do Castings of all kinds, and will keepon hand a
•- -
General Assortment of Castings,
consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of
which are new patterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A
general assortment of Hollow-ware castings,
consisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets,
Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as
Wagon Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing
Irons, Rolling Mill and Forge castings, Window
Grates for cellars, Lint'es and sills for houses,
Sash Weights and Water Pipes; also Sweg
Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths,
made. to
order on the shortest notice. We will self eve
ry article in our line on the most reasonable
terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun
try produce and old metal in exchange for cast
ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern
end of Huntingdon, along the canal.
B:7"Castings of all kinds will be kept at the
shop of Wm. B. Zeigler, on formerly, at N. E.
corner of Market Square, Huntingdon.
9:r All orders addressed to R. C. M'Gill will
be promptly attended to. '
Huntingdon, May 29, 1850.
Farm for Sale.
The subscriber officio his farm at private
sale, situate in Woodcock Valley, Hopewell
township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands
of Daniel Brumbaugh, Leonard Weaver, and
others, containing 224 acres, more or less,about
100 acres cleared and in a tolerable good state
of cultivation, 20 acres of which is meadow;
most of the remainder is well timbered, a con
siderable part of which is locust and chestnut ;
considerable of the timber land is tillable, and
there are several springs of never failing water
on the premises, with an apple orchard and
other fruit trees, part of which beat choice
fruit. The buildings are, a large frame bank
barn, log dwelling house, stone spring house,
frame shop, and a saw mill. Apply to the sub
scriber on the premises.
Dec. 24, 1820.—tf.]
'Hollidaysburg "Register," " Whig,"
and " Standard," publish until otherwise order
ed, and charge this office.
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county.
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Central Penn'a. Banking House,
(AF BRYAN, GLEIM & CO.— Office on Alla
‘,/ gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court
House, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol
lidaysburg, Pa.
The Company is now ready to transact busi
ness. Upon money deposited for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as aro usually
allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de
posited received, payable on demand.
R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850.
TO travel in the Southern, Middle or Northern
States. Steady employment will he given for
a number of years to respectable young men of bus
ness habits and possessed of a good common edu
cation and gentlemanly address. Such young men
would find it greatly to their advantage, as it will
afford an opportunity to see a large portion of the
country, and at the same time earn, besides all ex
penses, from $3OO to $5OO a year. Some Agents
have earned double that anionnt. Much depends
upon ability to act, perseverance and economy, it
being a pleasant business. Those who desire fur
ther information can obtain the same by addres
sing, post paid, JACOB MONK.
Philadelphia, Dec. 17, 1850.
ELRY are going off rapidly, at the low rates
at which he sells. His stock is new, large and
well selected, and people find it advantageous to
call with him before making purchases elsewhere.
Nov. 12, 1460.
rit'h?.rruent g roln.r4ic,ftr,!.' - '..Tee' and ennudna
pare Honduras
Sarsaparilla as any similar preparation in America. Price
one dollar per bottle, or six bottles for five dollars.
It her been a well established fact for years put, that
Sarsaparilla, when pure and properly prepared, waa the
only true panacea for all diseasea originating from an
impure state of the blood, the use of memory, intoxicating
drinks, evil habits In youth, barrenness, &c. We boldly
assert, that JOHN DULL'S
Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla,
is the only preparation before the public, that is prepared
on strictly scientific principles, and of uniform strength.
The Sarsaparilla is purchased without regard to price, and
every pound, before being used, is subject to the strictest
chemical tests, and Its genuineness ascertained before being
Bull's Sarsaparilla also contains the virtues of several
other valuable medical roots, together forming the best
compound, and producing THE GREATEST CURATIVE AGENT
IN TIM KNOWN WORLDI Thin Medicine, when used according
to directions,
Scrofida or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of
the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Dyes Ringworm or
niters, Scold Head, Rheumatism, Pains in the
Bones or Joints, Old Sores and Ulcers, Smelling
of the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspepsia Sall
Rheum Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia,
of Appetite Diseases arising from
the use of Mercury, Thin in the
Side and Shoulders, Gene
ral Debility, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Jaundice, Costiveness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest, Pulmonary Aire.
lions, and all other diseases tending to produce
Liver Complaint, Female Irregululties and Complaints.
Sick and Nervous Headache, Low Spirits, Night Sweats.
Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chronic Constitutional
Meet., and is a spring and summer &Mk, and general
tonic for the system, and a gentle and pleasant purgative,
far superior to Blue Lick or Congress water, Salts, or field
lits Powders!
The LouisvilleClTuT;er thus speaks of Bull's sareapatUlaf
We have been shown, by Mr. John Dull, proprietor of
that world-renowned preparation, "Dull'. Fluid Extract of
Sanotpurilia," en original, genuine, and beautiful letter,
addressed to him by the accomplished lady of one of the
most eminent old physicians in the West, giving a detailed
arcount of one of the most astonishing cure. on record, per
alone by the 11250 of Bull's Sarsaparilla."
This most excellent and charming lady had long suffered
from prolapsue uteri, floor vibes, piles, and chronic disease.
of the stomach end digestive organs, and derangement of
the whole system, attended with distressing cutaneous erup
tion. sick headache, and violent attacks of cramp. After
exhausting all of her husband'a skill, gal applying to many
celebrated medical gentlemen, both at home and abroad,
0101 also using great quantities of " Townsendis Sanwa,
rilla,” without the slightest relief, she n 045 induced to use
oJohu Buick, Sarsaparilla." And what was the happy
result? After tho use of a few bottles, a perfect and won
d"rful rum—the lady restored to perfect health, and to her
usual flow of spirits.
Such letters as the one we speak of, meant afford Mr. Bull
more nod gratification, than could the possession of count
lees wealth. And whether he acetunulates wealth or not
by the sale of his truly valuable 3hAlicine, being its author
In glory and honor enough; and he con say to the world,
without four of contradiction, " I have in my poverty re
lieved more human suffering, then did Stephen Uirard or
John Jacob Astor with their million.?
Le•t r..V. vho arc suffering under the agonizing tortures of
Rheumatism read tho following, and see what may be done
for them, if they wiU use the infallible remedy:
Ilmottrowir, KY., May 12,1848.
Ma. Jetty TIVII: Dear Str,—For the last three years, I
hare been afflicted with Rheumatism of the severest char
actor. I WWI et times in the greatest agony of pain. I tried
every remedy I could procure for the disease; but found no
oermanent relief until I was Induced to use your prepara
tion of Sarsaparilla, which has entirely cured me of Rheu
matism, and greatly improved my general health more
than .y medicine I ever used. I have been free front pain
fur several months, and have no doubt the cure is perms.
neat; and I recommend it as the best medicine in use for
It to useless to produce further testimony in favor of this
great moody. It has only to be tried and proved, to con
vince the public of Its superior efficacy.
Notice to Females,
John Bull'e Sarsaparilla in one of the greatest female
medicines now in existence. In those numerous mules
where the constitution is debilitated, the nervous energy is
lessened, When the efforts of nature are weak and deficient,
or are profuse and overwrought, when the face is pale and
colorless, the strength feeble and yielding, the spirit trom
bled and depressed, the health broken, mind shaken, and
consequently the happiness destroyed—then Bull'a Sarsa
parilla is a sovereign remedy. It assists nature in the per
formance of her duty, braces the whole system, renews
permanently the natural energies, removes obstruction.,
checks excesses, creates pure and healthy bin.), and imparts
health end happiness. Wert ladies generally to adopt the
use of thin Medicine, we would see for less suffering, disease
and unhappiness among them than now exista,liealth would
take the place of disease, the rosy check would succeed the
pallid face; we should have smiles instead of team, and per
a happy long life hashed of one cut short by disease,
or made naiserable by continued suffering and affliction.
At that critical period termed the turn of life," which la
often attended with KO much danger, Bull's Sarsaparilla in
found to exert a moat bouoticial effect. All ladies approach•
hag this crisis, should he apprised of this fact, and avail
themselves of this valuable... Medicine.
How we all admire a clear, beautiful, white skin, and e
nay colored chek. lion often do we tee persons, not pos-
sessing this "desideratum eo devoutly to be wished," re
sorting to eustnetles, lotions, washes, paints, and coloring
materials, to restore to them a semblance of what disease
ban deprived them of, and that, too ' with great injury to
the skin. Dull's Sarsaparilla is the best Cosmetic known.
It beautifies the skin Ly removing every particle of morbid
and diseased mutter from the blood, making it pure, heal
thy and vigorous, giving activity to every minute vessel,
and changing the yellow and dark countenance to the
bloom and freshness of youth. Ladles, abandon the use of
panda and mixtures, and use Bull's Sarsaparilla, the only
effectual remedy. A word to the wise is sufficient," and
a hint is enough for the ladle.
Mewl the fedi ninny of Dr. Moore.
Mn. Jelin Rea,—l have no hesitation in saying that I
believe your .Carsaparifiu to be the beat article ever manu
factured, Mr the cure of Scrofula, Synbilia, and many other
Cutaneous or Glandular Affections, having used it with
entire mimesis in numbers of the above earns.
Louisville, Dee. 26, 1647. JAS. M. MOORE, M. D.
From Dr. L. P. Yandell,,Professor of Chemistry in Louie
yule hledkal
I have looked over the list Of ingredients composing
and have no hesitation in saying that they form a safe com
pound, nod one that promises well In chronic disuses, to
which it is applicable. to P. YANDELL, M. D.
Louisville, June 6, 1948.
From Dr. Pyles, Physician by appointment to the Louisville
" ' '"
Marine Hos p. -ital.
Louisvnix, March 20, 1849.
I have examined the preparation of the prescription of
JOHN BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, and believe the combina
tion to be an excellent one, and well calculated to produce
an alterative hoprensien on the system. I have used it
both in public and private practice and think it the best
article of Sarsaparilla in use. it. PYLES, at. it.,
Resident Physician, Marine Hospital.
Satan SARSAPARILLA.—CIo whore you will, to steamboats
bound for Nashville, New Orleans, St. Louis, Cincinnati,
Madison, Frankfort, or for the Green River country, and
you will find immense supplies of this preparation about
being altippthl on board.
But feu• merchants visit our city, in whatever branch of
trade Never they may be engaged, but have orders for
more or less of Bull's Sarsaparilla. Louiarille Democrat.
Manufactured at Dr. JOHN BULL'S Laboratory,
hi Fourth street, Louisville, Ky.
For Sale at the Store of T. READ & Sow, in
the borough of Huntingdon. [March 20, 1851.
Hardware Cheaper.
JOHN A. NEFF, for many years in the house,
of Mr. Buehler & Bro., desires to inform
his friends of Huntingdon county that he has
connected himself with the firm of Messrs.
Lower & Barron, No. 174, North Third Street,
3rd door above Vine Street, where he will be
pleased to offer every article in the HARDWARE
LINE AT MUCH LOWER ramse than ever before
sent to bis native county.
Philad'a, March 20, 1851.—tf.
Are you Insured 1
TF not, insure you; property at once in the Cum•
I borland Valley Mutual Insurance Company.
Apply to GIIO. W. SPEER, Agent,
Bridgeport, Pa.
THE celebrated American Oil has been in use I
long enough to test its powers. It is rec
ommended as one of the best, if not the very
best medicine for the cure of Rheumatism, Iry
sipelas, Tetter, Toothache, Cramps, Spasms,
cholic, burns and scalds, bowel complaints,
quincy, croup and sore throat, inflamation, &c.
Read the following certificate
kluxttriapon, March 11, 1850.
For the benefit of sufferers like me and oth-
era, I do freely declare the following foetal—l
have suffered more or less for twenty years with
the most desperate Rheumatism, and also for 18
years at times with most desperate pain in the
stomach, which at times seemed to expand as if
it would burst; also for many years I was ter
ribly troubled with cramps in my legs—indeed
I can't describe all my sufferings for so long a
time. I could do no business for the last ten
years, nor had I a single good night's sleep for
the last five years. I never could find any relief
worth mentioning, until lust November, when I
met with the Extract of American Oil, and to
my no little surprise I got relieved of all in a
short time and to this day. I respectfully in
vite all who choose to call and see me upon the
matter; such I can tell much more. I can say
it has done wonders on others around me in va
rious complaints. If ever an article was put
out honestly, this is one. I know it sells rap
idly here. No family in the land will be with
out it when they once know its use.
HUNTINGDON, March 11, 1850.
I do hereby certify to the following facts:—
That I have suffered for five years past with
pain in my back, spine and kidnies, and never
received any relief but by bleeding, for a few
days only. Last November I got a bottle of
the Extract of American Oil, I used it inward
ly, and to my surprise it removed the complaint
in a short time. From what I have seen and
heard of its wondrous effects upon others in des
perate cases, I can freely recommend st, and be
lieve it to be worth all the humbugs in the land,
and do believe it will do all for what it is so
highly recommended. C. COUTS.
LEWISTOWN, March 1830
. ,
I never before gave a certificate, but this I
give with a clear conscience for the benefit of
sufferers like myself. I suffered with the Ery
sipelas or St. Antony's Fire, mixed with Tet
ter, so pronounced by my doctor, for 12 years.
The suffering I endured is beyond description.
At times all my hair came off my head. During
this time I had no relief for more than a few
days at a time. Last October 1 got a bottle of
the Extract or American Oil, used it inwardly
and outwardly, and to my great astonishment
and my neighbors, I got clear of it in a short
time, and to this time I have noticed its won
drous effects on other desperate complaints. I
do assure my friends and the public that it is
indeed a wonderful thing for many complaints.
I invite all whochoose to visit me in Lewistown.
My maiden name was Nancy Magarky, now
Widow NANCY Vises.
Dom' The American Oil is for sale by A. S.
HARRISON, Huntingdon, General Agent far
Huntingdon county. Those who wish a supply
of the medicine will call on him.
Also for sale by Samuel Huey, Alexandria,
Huntingdon county; Catharine Hart, Lewis
town, Mifflin county; John B. Given, M'Con
nelstown; Daniel Decker, M'Veytown; Mays
S. Harrison, Shirleysburg. [Aug. 20.—1 y.
Rev. J. Y. M'Ginnes, A. M., and J. H. if'.
M'Ginnes, A. IC, Principals. The Winter
Session will commence on the first Wednesday
of November, 1850, to continue five months.—
The coarse of instruction embraces all the
branches necessary to . prepare young men either
for the higher classes in College, or for the stu
dies of a profession, and the active business of
The Academy building is new, commo
dious, and in every way adapted to the accom
modation of a large number of boarders. The
location is distinguished for its healthfulness,
and the moral and religious character of the sur
rounding community. It is easy of access, be
ing on the stage route connecting Chambersburg
with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry.
Tennis reit SESSION.-For Orthography,
Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic,
phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso
phy, Astronomy, Physiology, Chemistry, &c.,
$8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin languages,
$l2; French and German, each $5. Boarding,
exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week.—
For reference, or further particulars, address
Shade Gap, Oct. 15, 1850.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Ilollidaysburg,and aboutone mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 2 tat day of May, the LOTS in said
Town will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the same.
The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale,
being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
For further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE,
June 4 1850—tf.
Encourage Your Own Mechanics:
OWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully
announce to the public, that they are now
in all its various branches, at the old stand for
merly occupied by Adams & Boat, a few doors
west of the Presbyterian church, where they are
now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bureau
dies, Rockaways, Deurborns, &c., in short any
thing in the line of carriage making, of the very
best kind of material, and in the latest and most
approved style.
They have on hand now several Buggies and
Rockaways, finished in the latest style. They
have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with
a great deal of care, seasoned fur use, and invite
those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to
call and examine their work and materials, and
judge for themselves, as they intend to make
good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds
of country produce taken in exchange for work.
N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to
his friends and the public generally, for their
very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at
tention to business, to merit a continuance of the
same. under the new firm. We have some sec
ond hand work which is of a good quality, which
we will sell right. Give us a call. We will
sell low for cash.
Britannia Ware, And all white Metals. I Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1810.
IN any quantity, and of all the various patterns
the market affords, may be obtained at No.
55 North 3d Street, six doors north of the City
Hotel, at the Manufacturers lowest cash prices.
Clocks purchased at the above establishment.
may be depended upon as being good and dura
ble time keepers, or the money refunded in case
of the failure of any Clock to performliccording
to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is
the time,
and here is the place for bargains, and
although I do not pretend to sell Clocks foi less
than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does
not admit of complaint on the part of the closest
buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell.e.v
elusively fur cash.
No. 55, North Third Street, Philadelphia
Sept. 10,18110.—tf.
Tomkins , British Plate Powder.
F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying
Silver, Silver Plated Ware,
German Silver, Albata Plate,
The undersigned have received from the pa
tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these
preparations for the United States. The Plate
Powder has been most extensively used for a
number of years in Great Britain, and is now
used by moat of the manufacturers of silver and
other wares In New York and Philadelphia;
likewise by nearly all respectable families and
hotel proprietors in the Union.
WM. TOMICINS, & CO., Manufacturers,
23i South Second street, Philadelphia.
For sale at T. K. Sisionrox'a Store s Hunting
don, Pa.
Improvement in 'Daguerreotypeing I
VAN LOAN & CO., No. 118, Chesnut street,
Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in
their art, enabled themselves to take pictures at
all times, with great certainty—as well in stormy
as clear weather—which are justly pronounced by
artists and seletific men, UNRIVALLED, for depth of
tone and softness of light and shade. By working
themselves, they not only produce pictures which
are GOOD AND CHEAP !! but by far the best
and cheapest which can be produced at any other
establishment. Their charge for pictures in hand
some improved cases, range from ONE DOLLAR
to three dollars, depending on the sine of the pie
, ture, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at
other establishments, for pictures of equal size—
' but of inferior quality. Their GALLERY OF POR-
I TRAITS, consisting of some hundreds, embraces a
worthy the attention of visitors to their rooms,
which are OPEN AT ALL TIMES.
The collection which they had deposited in the
exhibition of the Franklin Institute, was constant
ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who
were loud in their praise of the artists' skill.
To guard against every possibility of mistake,
they guarantee every picture to be of the best ma
terials, and unless it is entirely satisfactory to.the
customer, NO CHARGE IS MADE.
cz When visiting the city call at 'their rooms,
whether you wish a Daguerreotype or not. The
admission is free, and you will be pleased with
your visit. Don't firget the number, 118 Chesnut
street, it few doors below Fourth.
Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1850.
Saddle, !farness & Trunk Manufacturers.
lI I HE undersigned are now associated in the
I above business, in the old stand heretofore
occupied by Win. Glasgow, in Main street, near
ly opposite the store of T. Read & Son. Every
thing in their line will be furnished on the
shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to
suit all. They manufacture the most of their
work themselves, and can therefore assure the
public that every article will be made in the beet
and must durable manner.
0:7 - A large assortment of superior SAD
DLES, READY MADE, always on hand.
(1:7 - Hides, and country produce, generally,
taken in exchange for work.
WM. GLASGOW returns thanks for the liberal
patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes
that his old patrons will continue to patronize
the new firm. WM. GLASGOW,
August 27, 1850. WM. J. STEEL.
1) UMBAUGH & CO., respectfully inform the
public that they are prepared to carry on in
all its various branches, Saddle and Harness
Making, and are ready to furnish their custom
ers with all kinds of Vallee., Trunks, and car
pet bags,Plush, Hogakin , and Tub Side Saddles
(from th cheapest to the best.) Also Shelter
Saddles, wagon and carriage Harness, Bridles,
collars, whips, &c.
LEATHER.—Having a Tannery in the im
mediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are pre
pared to furnish all who favor them with their
custom, at their saddle and harness shop, with
Leather of all kinds, of superior quality and fin
ish, which will be isposed of cheap for cash or
country produce. The highest price in trade
paid for beef and calf hides, bark, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1830. ly.
er) Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No.
55, North fhird Street.
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 caret
cases, $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches, fall
jeweled, $l6 and over; Silver Lepine, jeweled,
$ll and over; Silver Quartier Watches, $5 to
$lO ; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2 ; Gold Pencils,
I warranted, $1 and over .
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des- LANCASTER, PA, Oct. 24, 1847.
cription of Jewelry in like proportion. He Mr Dealt SIR: I know you will have the kind.
would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon nese to bear with me in encroaching upon your time,
county, that he has enlarged his establishment, while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife)
and greatly increased his already extensive stock tl l' h i l a i rtr i a:::,t e l a T el ll:"l r t =74l l , ll . o a n i ;
of goods, which he now offer. f or sa l e a t such Merriam Womal'em Private Medical
prices that will strike terror to all competitors. Companion.' It has been worth ita weight in gold
Call and see me ; I will charge you nothing for to ate. if I express myself rather warmly, you will
looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, Six doors see that I can not do en too warmly, when I inform
North of our friend Hirst's City Hotel. j you of the extent to which I have, through it, been
THOS. READ, Jr. benefited. I will state cry situation when I obtained
No. 55, North Third Street.
I Your book through the merest curiosity 'look noon
Philadelphia, Sept. 17, MO. it as one or the meat fortunate event. of my life. I
hod been married come ten yeti rs, and was the father
of seven children. I wise long struggling unceasingly
to the end that I might gain a moderate competency.
but Pie results of my utmost exertions at the end left
me about where 1 was et the beginning of each year ;
and that only, with the most stinted economy, suffl.
chug with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this
constant effort was beginniti., to hove its effect upon
my health u I Ibit less culpable to endure its continu
ance. while 1 folt the necessity of perseverance.
" This Conant:it, nnceasingr straggle on my part was
imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi
tion of ray wife (with occasional intermission) for.six
years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of
course inenpable of taking the charge and manage
ment of household condition atone front
causes of whi:lt I was ignorant. Oh! what would
I have given luld f the six years to live over again
What would toy wife have given to have been spared
the long toys and still hunger bights motivate on a
bed of richness I-- all of which would hove been
avoided, inul 1 then aces, a copy of • Tim Manittro
A valuable farm and tract of land situate on
11 the Big Aughwick Creek, in Huntingdon
county, containing by the official draft 227 acres,
but by subsequent re-surveys has been found to
contain a large excess over the official quantity,
originally surveyed in pursuance of a warrant
in the name of David Franks, and is now in the
occupancy of Simon Gratz. A good part of the
tract is improved bottom land of first rate quali
ty, and is well worth the attention of persons
wishing to purchase a good farm. It is but about
one and a half miles from Orbisonia, four miles
from Shtrleysburg—within about eight miles
from the Pennsylvania Canal and the same dis
tance from the Pennsylvania Rail Road and is
in the immediate neighborhood of several Iron
Works. For further information and particulars,
apply to Miles & Dorris, Attorneys at Law in
the Borough of Huntingdon.
J. GEO. MILES, Attorney in fact for
Joseph Gratz and Jacob Gratz, Trustees for the
heirs of Michael Gratz, dec'd.
July 23, 1820.
awl JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices.
Just received at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store, three
doors west of T. Read & Sons store. The public
aro respectfully solicited to call and see.
ITAVING located permanently at Mill Creek.
-LA offers his professional services to that corn.
munity. All calls trusted to his care will receive
hie utmost attention.
MANY and many a wife endures years of bodily
suffering end of mental anguish, prostrate and help
less, embittering her life, that of her husband, and
hasardlng the future welfare of her children, arising
from causes which, if known, would have spared the
suffering, the anguish to the wife, and to the has.
band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties baw
ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and
harassed in consequence of the sickness of the com•
• panion of his bottom.
How important that the causes should be known
to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful
and harrowing consequences to the health and hap
piness of both may be avoided I Life is too short and
health too precious to admit any portion of the one to
be spent without the full enjoyment of the other.
The timely possession of a little work entitled as
follows has been the means of saving the health and
the life of thousands, as over
copies have been sold since the first edition was
The author has been induced to advertise it by
the urgent and pressing request of those who have
been indebted to its publication for all they hold dear
(that all may have on opportunity of obtaining it), and
who have favored him with thousands of letters of
encomium, some of which ore annexed to the adver
Private Medical Companion.
Twentieth Edition. IBmo., pp. 250. Price, $l.OO.
LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those contempla
dog marriage, as it discloses important secrets which
should be known to them particularly.
Here, every female—the wife, the mother—the
we either budding into womanhood, or the one in
he decline of years, in whom nature contemplates
en important change—can discover the causes, symp
toms, and the most efficient remedies and most cer
tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her
sex is subject.
The revelations contained in its pages have proved
a blessing to thousands, es the innumerable letters
received by the author (which he is permitted by the
writers to publish) will attest.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, 0.
"DAYTON, May 1, 1847.
"Drs. A. M. Mannictati—My Dear Sir ' The
Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for
which I enclosed one dollar to your address, coma
safely to hand. I would not have tmubled you with
these few lines, but that I am impelled by a sense
of gratitude, fur myself and wife, to give utterance
to our sincere and heartffilt emotions.
"My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some
three years or more, in consequence of her great an
guish and suffering some months before and during
confinement; every successive ono mom and more
debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im
minent danger, and which was. on the last occasion.
despaired of. I supposed that this state of things was
inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst.
At tide time (now about two months) I heard your
book highly spoken of, as containing dome matters
reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal. I can
not express to you the relief it aXorded my distressed
mind and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, on
learning that the great discovery of M. M. Deco-
InOaUX provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to
me which I little conceived was possible. No pecu
niary consideration can aver repay the obligati - net I
am under to you for having been the means of im
parting to as the matters contained in • The Married
Woman's Private Medical Companion.' But for
this, ere another year would have passed over my
head, in all human probability my wife would have
been in her grave, and my children left motherless."
Extract from a Letter.
Competence and Health.
rout a l'hysicialt.
I ew many are suflbrit, front obstruction or irreg.
ularitiea !mealier to the female system, which on
-I,rmitm their health, the effects of which they are
ignorant, and fur whoa b their delicacy forbids seeking
medical advice! flew ninny auffer from prolapsys
uteri (billing of the womb), Or fronifluor-nibus (weak
ness, debility, ike., etc)! Slow many are in constant
agony for 111 any montl,s . recoiling confinement! How
many have riiillcult if not dangerous deliveries, and
whose Brea are Jeoparded during such time, will lied
iu itsaces the means of provention, amelioration,
and p
Earl rod from a Letler.
•" find I known !"
To those just ;Worried. ---,
" Pit it. iDELPH is, Nov. 29, 1847.
" Do. A. M. U : nod I known of the jot
portant matters treated of in 'The Married Woman'.
Private Medical Companion' aotne years ago. how
much inirery I might have escaped 1 I have Nuffered
years from causes which you point out in your book,
without 'woofing whet to dn. I obtained ti copy, and
foal my rime treated of. I Wont every rernalo will
avail herself of the information c.ontained in its paget."
Letters ere deity received of this character, onus
mammy to present.
To time yet unmarried, but contemplatinF mar
riago, or perhaps healtating as to the propnety of
incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, the
importance of being possessed of the revelations con
tained in these pages, so intimately involving their
future happiness, con not be appreciated.
It is, of course, impracticable to convey more fully
the various subjects treated of, as they are of a na
ture strictly intended for the marriigh or those con
temploting marriage; neither is irneceseary note
it is every one's duty to become ii.tiesaed of knowl
edge whereby the sofl'eriuge to which a wife, a moth
er. or a sister, may be subject, can be obviated.
or copi.e will be cent by Mall free of Postage
to the Purchaser.
I On the receipt of One Dollar, " THE MAR
I'ANION" is sect (mailed free) to any part of the
United States. All letters must be pest-paid loxoept
those containing a remittance), and 'dammed le Dr .
A. M. MAURICEAU, Box 1224, New York City.
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty at., New York .
Over 1.10,000 Copies bave been b• MALL
within three mouths with parrot t safety and cer
Mr Fot sale by HORACE W• SMITH