THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA. tunday Morning, May 22, 1451, WILLIAM H. PEIGHTAL-EDITOR. TERMS OF PUBLICATION: THE "HUNTINGDON Joustrat" is published at the following rates, viz t If paid in advance, per annmn, $1,73 If paid during the year, 9400 If paid after the expiration of the year, • 2,30 To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • • 1,30 Tim above Terms will be adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be taken for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. V. B. PALDIEB Is our authorized agent In Philadelphia, Now York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements, and any persons in those cities wishing to adver tise in our columns, will please call on him. FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1852, WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY. FOR VICE PRESIDENT IN 1852, JAMES C. JONES, OF TENNESSEE. FOR GOVERNOR IN 1851, WM. F. JOHNSTON. OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY. REMOVED. the office of the "JOURNAL , ' has been removed to the room adjoin ing the store of Wm. H. Peightal, on Rail Road Street, opposite Wal lace's Hotel. ICE CREAM SALOOI,—We would advise all the lovers of good things to call at the Ice Cream Saloon of our friend Mr. MARKS, when they feel like partaking of a dish of Ice Cream as is lee Cream. In compliance with an invitation from Mr. MARKS, we stepped in to see him a few even ings since and we was gratified to find his saloon furnished in such fine style. His Cream was most delicious. if you don't feel disposed to be lieve what we say, just go and try it for your selves, and, we venture to say, you will agree with as in pronouncing it excellent. erAlex. hiliamoy, of Blair county, and John Garland, of Harrisburg, formerly of New York, have been appointed aids to His Excellency, Gov. Johnston. (7" . TI E WEATHER, for some time, has been h the heart could desire. The oppressive hea vhich generally attends a continual sunshine bas 3en somewhat moderated by an occasional shower of rain, rendering the atmosphere exceed ingly pure and pleasant. The forrest is clothed in its richest and most magnificent garb; the sparkling rivulets and feathered songsters seem to have united in a sweet chorus of thanksgiving and praise to a kind, beneficent God, and the whole face of nature looks cheerful and gay. THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT.-The Board of Managers of this noble undertaking suggest, in the Washington Republic, that collections be taken up in its aid throughout the Union, on the ap proaching anniversary of our national indepen dence. The occasion is a happy and suitable one to assist in completing the magnificent work, so purely national in its character. Tile structure is now eighty-four feet from the surface; and includ ing materials, workmanship, necessary offices, workshops, machinery, etc., has cost 00 far, only, about $125,000, and the whole cost of the obelisk, when completed, is estimated at $552,000, which, it is anticipated, will not fail to be contributed by the patriotic people of the United States, to an object so noble, and which is to evince their grati tude and veneration for the great benefactor of their country. Spiritually Inclined A newspaper will be started in Auburn, N. Y. shortly to be conducted by the spiritual rappers. Through their agency we will be advised of the latest news from the other world. We quote that portion of the Prospectus which unfolds the de sign of the spirits. " Its object is the disclosure of the Truth from Heaven bringing mankind info open vision of Par• adieu; open communication with spirits redeem ed; and proper and progressive understanding of the Holy Scriptures and of the merits of Jesus Christ, from whom they originated in inspiration absolute, and of whom they teach, as the only Sa viour of a dissevered and bewildered race. "'rho circle of Apostles and Prophets arc its conductors from the Interior holding control over its columns, and permitting no article to find place therein unless originated, dictated, or ad mitted by them—they acting under the direction of the Lord Supreme." "Editors as is editors" are those—they can neither be caned nor "called out." That's a "lib erty of the press" worth having,—We speak for an exchange—certain. HORRIBLE Deg-esTßoptur.—As the cars from the east arrived here a few evenings since, the cow-catcher, mistaking its calling, caught a dog, belonging to one of our citizens, and "severely kilt" the poor animal right on the spot. Judging, from the infernal howling kept up daring the "wee ems' hours" for the last few nights, one would suppose that the whole canine race had joined In singing the funeral dirge of their departed brother. We wish the cow-catcher would put an end to their season of mourning by giving them a pass port to visit their lamented friend. air We see that the Montgomery (Ala) Ad vertiser, the organ of Wm. L. Yancy, the South ern Rights candidate for Congress, in Ifilliard's district, Alabama, declares distinctly for Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, for the Presidency. The New Dress. We have, on different occasions, raised our humble voice in favor of the new style of dress which has been adopted by some of the ladies in cur eastern towns and cities; and in introducing the following notice, from the Auburn Adverti ser, we take occasion to say again that we hope some of our fair friends will at once commence the war upon long dresses, whalebone, coffee sacks and cotton, by boldly stepping forth arrayed in this most beautiful and comfortable costume. Who will be the first amongst the fair daughters of the Juniata valley to strike for short dresses and pantaloons ala Turk? The Advertiser says: "A young lady, a stranger in this city, prome naded State and Genessee streets, yesterday, wearing the short dress and towers which have been so much commented upon by the press of late. She created a marked sensation among the lords of creation, the majority of whom, wo hear, were quite fascinated with her appearance. "Who is she?" was the very general inquiry, but it seems that no one was able to answer the question. It mutters not who she was, or where she came from, she presented a fine appearance, and should not be at all modest about exhibiting herself in the most refined and cultivated society. Her dress was decidedly rich, and made her appear more like a celestial being than one confined to earth. The lady seemed ready for any emergen cy. If the streets were in bad condition, she was capable of gliding along without the least incon venience; if they were dry and dusty, her dress was not called upon to do the drudgery of a broom; and if it became necessary for her to quick en her pace, on account of a threatening storm, she was ready to put herself in competition with the most fleet of foot of the opposite sex. We say, hurrah for the short dross and trousers:" Reception of the President. The reception of President Fillmore and his Cabinet at Philadelphia, on the 12th inst., was most cordial and enthusiastic. It was not only a manifestation of that respect which every Amer ican feels for the chief magistrate of his country, but a demonstration of love for the man, who, in the discharge of his various duties, has thrown off all the prejudices of education and early associa tions, and shown that he is capable of acting as the President of the whole American people, and not of any particular party or State. He has not only evinced talent of the highest order, and a mind well stored with that kind of knowledge which eminently qualifies him for the exalted po- sition he occupies, but a patriotic zeal in his watchfulness over the interests and well-being of the people of the whole country, which should ex cite feelings of gratitude in every American heart. In viewing the course of President Fillmore we cannot but feel proud of the man; for we are all aware that, coming from the section of country which he did, he must have had his own peculiar feelings in reference to the various subjects which agitated the public mind at the time he was called to the Presidential chair. But the noble old fol low, with a firmness and determination almost unprecedented, tore every sectional feeling from his patriotic breast, and, divesting himself of all prejudice, entered upon the performance of his ditties not as the President of the North or of the South, but of the whole American people. President Fillmore is entitled to the gratitude of every lover of his country for the truly patriotic course which he has pursued as President of this Republic, and we are pleased to notice the unan imity and enthusiasm exhibited by our people in doing honor to him as ho passes along the vari ous routes. ea-Letters by the Europa brings intelligence that the entire premises ofthe American Baptist Mission at Baukok, Siam, were destroyed by fire on the night of the 4th of January last, including the dwellings of the Missionaries. The fire ori ginated in a native house, a few rods distant, and spread with such rapidity that very few articles could be saved. The printing office and stock, the bindery and type foundry, library, and nearly all the personal effects of the Missionaries were consumed. The total loss is not less than $lO,- 000, and probably is considerably more. The Missionaries were received in the residence of Senor Marcellino do Aranjo Roza, the Portu guese Consul, and met with much kindness from others. CONNECTICUT SENATOR.—The Connecticut Courant states that the election of a Democratic Governor in that State was owing to the support ho received from the Freesoil party, and assures its friends that they need have no apprehension of the choice of a United States Senator of the same politics. The Senate of the State, in which the Whigs have a majority of three members, can prevent any such result, as the Legislature does not vote for U. S. Senator in joint meeting, but by a concurrent vote of the two Houses. The probability seems to be that there will be no choice of Senator at the present session. A Purcosornio EDITOR.—The editor of the Alabama Argus, published at Demopolis, in Mar engo, makes merry, after the following fitshion, over what most folks would consider a serious trouble: "We see the sheriff has advertised the Argus office for sale during our absence. We hope the bidders will have a merry time of it. If the sheriff Can sell it, he will do more than we ever could.— Like a damp percussion-cap, we think it will fail to 'go " EXTRAORDINARY AND DANGEROUS FEAT.- On Sunday morning, Messrs. A. P. Boley and J. H. Mann, conductors on the Pennsylvania Railroad, discovered, when they arrived at Harris burg, two Irishmen asleep, seated one on each of the cross pieces of the brake, on the trucks, under the car, a distance of only eight inches from the ground. They must have placed themselves in that situation at Hollidaysburg, before the cars started on Saturday evening, and rode the distance of about 145 miles in that manner, merely to elude the expense of $4 each, but at the same time pla cing their lives in momentary jeopardy, seated so close to the wheels that their backs rubbed the grease and dust from the axles of both the trucks. They were so literally covered with dust, that it was difficult to determine at a glance whether they were black or white individuals. • OVA SENTIMENTS EXACTLY.—A little more than eighty years ago, says the Richmond Repub lican, the imports of Virginia amounted to $4,085,- 472, and those of New York to $907,200. In 1849 tho imports of Virginia amounted to $241,935, and the exports in domestic produce $3,383,422; the imports of New York to $92,567,369, and her exports $36,738,115. Such facts as these cannot be too frequently repeated. They are burningly disgraceful, but if a red hot coal on the back of a terripin will start him on his travels, it cannot be applied too soon or too often. sr All, or nearly all, of the fugitive slaves residing at Springfield, Massachusetts, have gone to Canada, many of them within a few days past. Seven fugitive slaves, says the New Hampshire Stateman, passed through Concord on Tuesday for Canada. It adds that this is a common oc carrence.—Salent Register. It is pretty evident that the fugitive slaves in Massachusetts and other Eastern States are them selves convinced that the fugitive slave law will be faithfully executed, whatever malcontents in the South affect to believe in the matter. err h e folks of Boston are so much delighted with the result of their Senatorial election, that they are perpetrating all kinds of fun and wit upon the occasion. The following is a specimen of the manner in which even Shakspeare is made to contribute his mite: "Now is the Winthrop of our discontent, Made glorious Sumner." FRUIT IN THE WEST. The Louisville Journal of the sth instant says: " In our vicinity the apples, pears, plums, peaches, &c. are entirely killed. The strawberries, such as had gone out of blossom, and those not yet expan ded, partially escaped; about one-third of the crop, we should think, is killed. Raspberries are unin jured. A large portion of the fruit spurs of the grape vines were killed. Sufficient, however, re mains to yield a partial crop, which may be ex pected to prove of superior quality, from the severe thinning it has received." The Frankfort (Ky.) Yoeman says that so hard a frost and cold a night had not been known since 1834; that the fruit, which promised to be very abundant in this vicinity and was unusually for ward is believed to be destroyed, and forward vegetation of every kind subject to blight by frost has been killed. The Nashville Whig says : "Information, not only from the immediate neighborhood of this city, but from below, as far as Natchez, give the most distressing acounts of the fatal elects of the frost on Thursday night. Fruit, vegetables, evey thing has been ruined. We have conversed with sever al gentlemen from the country, and all concur in the belief that the damage has been universal and irreparable." Ax ANCIENT TEMPERANCE PLEDGE.-People used to pledge themselves, even two hundred years ago, not to put an enemy into their stomachs to steal away their brains. In 1626 a pledge was circulated in London, written by the Rev. Robert Bolton, who talked, pleaded, and acted against the vice of intemperance, which was at that time nearly universal. It is written in the style and orthography of the time, and though two hnndred and twenty-five years old, it has an air of strength, common sense and pertness, really exhilarating. After detailing the baneful effects of intoxicating drinks on the system, the writer says: "frame this daye forward to the mule of my life I will never pledge any health, nor drink°, a whole carousal in Glass, Copp, Bowie or any drinking instrument whatsoever, whosoever it may be, or fromc whosoever it come, except the nors sytie or norture do require it." ATTEMPT TO MURDER AN EDITOII.—A woman, aged about 45 years of age, named Jane Young, entered the office of the Athens (Geo.) Banner, and after inquiring for the editor, and being inform ed that he was not in, walked up to the publisher, Mr. Thomas S. Reynolds, and drawing a pistol shot hint, the ball entering his side and leaving him in a dangerous condition. On being questioned as to the motive of her conduct, she replied that she I had been told that an article had appeared in the Banner, or in an extra of the Banner, speaking of her as "a man dressed in woman's clothing go ing about doing mischief"—that she had been un able to find it in the paper, although assured by several friends that it had been published. She had two pistols and a bowie knife in her posses sion. The editor thinks, as she came from South Carolina, that she was made the instrument of some of his disunion enemies across the State line, to get him out of the way. OUR MIND EXACTLY.—AII notices of marriage, I , says an exchange paper, where no cake is sent, will be set up in small type and placed in some outlandish corner of the page. When a hand some pcice of cake is sent, it will be placed con spicuously in large letters; but when gloves or oth er favors are added, a peice of illustrative poetry will be given in addition. When, however, the editor attends the ceremony in propria persona and kisses the bride, it will have a special notice— very large type, and the most appropriate poetry that can be conned from the brain editorial. Now 18 TUE TIIIE TO ADVEIIIIIBII.-Portiona who want to do a "brisk" and profitable busi ness, should seek the columns of the newspapers. It is the only true way to make quick sales, which are generally the most profitable—every body's eyes are turned to the papers for news, ad vertisements, 8,c., more particularly when there is money in their pocket to lay out. The man who is not afraid to advertise his goods is most apt to sell the best bargains, for he is not too close to risk a cent to make a dollar. Advertise, if you want to get and make money.—Cambridge Democrat. COUNTRY PAYERB.—We wish all who are in the habit of taking city papers in prference to those published in their own county, to read what Sartain's Magazine says about country papers : " In nothing has there been a more marked change within the last ten years, than in the ele vation in the character of the country press.— Since the general establishment of the telegraph, they are enabled to anticipate the great city papers in the early publication of the latest news through the interior; and with the increased importance which this gives to their issues, they have acquir ed a corresponding degree of ener g y and efficiency in the promotion of all liberal and patriotic un dertaking..." lluntngdon & Broadtop Railroad. HUNTINGDON, May 13, 1851. At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Hun tingdon and Broad Top Railroad, on motion Hon. JOHN KERR was elected chairman and JA COB CRESWELL, Secretary. A Supplement to the Act incorporating said Company was read, which shows the charter granted to said Company to be perpetual. On motion a Committee of three was appoint ed for the borough of Huntingdon, borough of Bedford, and each township through which the said road may pass :—Whereupon the Chair ap pointed for Huntingdon borough, John Scott, Esq., J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., and James Sax ton. For Walker township—S. S. Wharton, A. L. States and John B. (Oven. For Penn township—lsaac Peightal, Jacob Frank and A. G. Neff. For Hopewell township—James Entrekin A. J. Wigton and David Mountain. For Tod township—Jesse Cook, Charlei Mick ley and Abednego Edwards. BEDFORD COUNTY. Liberty township—Jacob Snyder, Geo. Rhodes and John Cyper. Broadtop—Aaron W. Evans, Wm. Horton and John A. Osborn. Hopewell—John Dasher, John King and James Piper ofJohn. West Providence—Jacob Bernd°llar, Joseph Tate and J. G. Hartley. Bedford—E. L. Anderson, Wm. S. Daugher ty and Wm. Taylor. On motion, the duties of the foregoing Com mittees shall be to procure releases from land holders through which the road may pass; and also, to procure subscription to the capital stock of said road—and make report to the next meet ing to be held in this place on the Friday evening of the first week of next August Court. Resolution offered by John Williamson, Esq. : Resolved, That a Rail Road from Huntingdon to the coal field on Broadtop mountain, in the counties of Huntingdon and Bedford, is calcula ted to enhance the value of property in said coun ties through which it must pass—and more ad vantageous to the State of Pennsylvania and the Central Rail Road Company, by the vast amount of tonago which would thereby be brought on to the Pennsylvania Canal and Central Road. Read and adopted. On motion, Resolved, That the proceedings be signed by. the officers and published in all the pa pers in Huntingdon and Bedford counties. JOHN KERR, President. Jacon ORESSIVELL, Secretary, NEW PRINTING PRESS.—The New York Tri bune says :—" We learn that Mr. H. Underhill, of Canadaigua, in this State, has invented and ta ken means to secure a patent for a new printing press, which is thought to be capable of throwing off sheets at the rate of 600 per hour, employing only a man and a boy. It is supposed that one man alone can work 400 sheets an hour. It has been examined by several printers, who express their confidence that it will do as fine work as any other press now in use. The connections are extremely simple for the advantages it possesses, and the whole including roller moulds and all the necessary appendages for the press, can be profit ably.constructed for 8400. Coal and Iron of Pennsylvania. The present annual yield of the coal mines of. Pennsylvania is stated at 3,700,000 tons of An thracite coal to be sent to market in 1851 ; and 2,000,000 tons of Bituminous, domestic and extra, State consumption. The aggregate value of this coal at the points of consumption, is estimated at 17,000,000. It is said that the product has been doubled each successive seven years; and at this rate of expansion in 1870 the product will be 25,000,000, tons. England doubles her vast yield of coal in 20 years—her present product being about 40,000,- 000. The annual product of the furnaces, forges and rolling mills of Pennsylvania, in 1846, was over $23,000,000; and although now greatly depress ed, its present value stated at $28,000,000. The amount expended by pi irate canal and railroad companies (exclusive of the State works) to reach the mining districts of Pennsylvania, has been $4,000,000. The iron manufacture of England doubled its product from 1836 to 1846, being at the latter date 2,090,000 of tons; and in 1846 the product of our own iron works reached 3,600,000 tons.-- When we consider that the manufacture of rail road iron is in its infancy in the United States, and that the time must come when this branch of industry will be incalculably increased—increasing the consumption of our anthracite and bitumin ous coal in the process of producing iron—we can hardly place an estimate, 20 years hence of the annual value of the mineral product of Pennsyl vania alone. SIXTY-FIVE AMERICANS IMPRISONED.-A pri vate Telegraphic despatch from New Orleans to a merchantile house in New York states that ad vices have been received of the steamer " Gold Hunter," which left San Francisco on the 22nd March last for Tehuantepec, to the effect that the Gold Hunter had violated the maritime laws of Mexico by lauding her passengers (in number six ty-five) without the requisite previous permission, and that the passengers had been imprisoned by the Mexican authorities, and were confined at the date of the advises received. No other particulars are given. Tehuantepec is not a port of entry. SUDDEN INTERRUPTION OF A LADY'S Tot- LET.—A day or two since, a lady living on Bid dle street between Tenth and Eleventh, was en gaged before her mirror in going through her toil et exercises, when the glass suddenly receded tti•om her, as the entire front wall of the building parted company with its neighbors, and with a tremen dous crash fell into the street. The lady, in ut ter astonishment at the suddenness of the motion, was left standing in dishabille though, singular enough, entirely uninjured. In consequence of the recent grading of the street, the earth beneath the wall had partially removed, and its sudden giving way was the cause of the accident—St. Louis Int. Opening of the Great Exhibition. On Thursday, the let of May, the great Exhi bition of the Industry of all Nations in the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, was opened, with much cere mony, by the Queen in State. Thirty thousand persons were present, and notwithstanding the im mense multitude, the ceremonies went off without accident or mishap. Up to the previous evening the Crystal Palace was a scene of busy life, but the immense mass of contribution was finally clear ed away, and the building presented a most mag nificent appearance. On Thursday morning the doors were opened at an early hour, a very strong police force king on the ground to prevent disorder or confusion.-- The multitude of exibitors and ticket holders be pour in, and without confusion, took the places assigned to them. By half-past eleven o'- clock, the multitude was admitted, and then the doors were closed to visitors until after the visit of the Queen. The Royal Commissioners assembled then in front of the platform in the transcept, which had been erected for the Queen. At twelve o'clock, a flourish of trumpets announced the approach of Her Majesty who entered by the north entrance, attended by the Royal family, the Prince of Pros-' sia and other guests from foreign courts. As she entered an immense choir occupying the north gal lery of the transcept, sung God Save the Queen, in which many of the spectators joined. Sir George Smart superintended this part of the mu sical services. The formal ceremonies and delivery ofspecches took place as announced, and a prayer was then pronounced by the Archbishop of Canterbury.— The Hallelujah chorus of Handel's Messiah was then performed, tinder the direction of Sir Henry Bishop. The Royal procession then moved round the building, Mr. Paxton, the architect, taking the lead. As the Queen passed, the multitude rose and received her with cheers. The eight great organs in the building successively struck up with fine music as her Majesty passed them. Atter return ing to the platform the Queen announced the Exhibition opened, which was communicated to the public by a flourish of trumpets & a national sa lute from guns at such a distance as not to endanger the glass house. The Queen and suite then depar ted, and the doors were again opened. Outside of the Crystal Palace the crowd was immense, and the lines of carriages unpreceden ted. They were kept in good order by the police. MR. WEBSTER ♦ND THE NEW YORE ERs.-- The Journal of Commerce contains the correspon dence between Mr. Webster and the Committee appointed to convey to him the petition of his friends of N. York city, asking him to address them; Mr. Webster is " over-whelmed .by this new proof of regard from the city of New York," and although he had "no wish to nppeer in public for purposes of ceremony or entertainment," feels no necessity of any occasion to express his senti ments in regard to public affitirs, he yet cannot pursuit& himself to say that he may not, at no distant time, make an effort to comply with the request of his friends. He tells them that they will hear from him no change of tone nor any faltering voice in support of the cause ho has lately espoused. Is A .Doct Pnormax I—A case recently cases before Judge Sill of Buffalo, involving this ques tion. One of defendants was ajustice of the peace, the other made complaint against plaintiff fur stealing his dog. The justice issued a warrant, &c., and suit was brought to test the question, whether a dog can be subject of larceny. Judge Sill said, "I am inclined to change the rule which has long prevailed on this subject, for I cannot sec any good reason fur such a doctrine.— Dogs have become valuable and almost necessary domestic animals. They are raised and kept for purpose of sale and barter, and certainly have an intrinsic value. The Supreme Court of this dis trict have held that a dog can be the subject of a civil action, and I will set the ball in motion by deciding for the defendants, and hold a dog can be subject of larceny. Cr The National Inteligeneer noticing the im ports and exports of New York for the mouth of April, makes this significant commentary— , It is anything but a satisfactory state of affairs, when, at one port, and in one month, we see importa tions of foreign merchandise to the extent of $10,339,883 against the export of domestic and foreign goods, of $4,947,660 ; leaving a balance against us at one port, and for one month of $5,- 397,223, of which there has . been paid in specie $3,482,182, exclusive of stock and other public securities, which have been sent forward as re mittances. A GREAT TRUTIL—In the long Secession speech lately delivered by Mr. RISETT, of South Carolina, we find this undoubted truth which is as a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff: " It will be far easier, indeed, in my opinion, to get out of the Uuion than to keep oat of it.', So saith Mr. RHETT, and so we are inclined to think. When South Carolina comes to taste the luxury of the decline of her own commercial ports, the emigra tion of her citizens, and heavy taxes for an inde pendent Government, she will be as fierce to come into the Union as she is now to go out of it.— Richmond Whig. JENNY LIND AND JENNY-ROSITY.-The Cleve land Democrat, speaking of the late visit of Mist Lind to the Buck-eye State, gives the following anecdote: A mechanic in Cincinnati made a most beauti ful trunk and presented it to her. " I accept it," she said, " but please call on me to-morrow at 11 colulock." He was punctual to the hour. "What, Mr. Black, did that trunk cost you." " Tell me," said Jenny, " I desire the information, for I wish to be ahle to say what this beautiful article cost in Cincinnati." " I believe one hundred dollars," answered Mr. Black. After refering to the costly furniture in the room, and stating that she did not use it, she asked whether he had any children, and being answered " one little daughter." "Her name." He gave it and they separated. The day after a check was filled up for a handsome sum, iu the name of the little daughter, and put into the honest mechanic's hands. This kindness and consideration mark her life. Population of Principle Cities. The leading cities of the United States rate as follows, under the new census, as to population, compared with 1840: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, Boston, Cincinnati, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Pittsbnrg, Washington, Charleston, . Buffalo, Providence, Newark, Rochester, Lowell, Williamsburg, Richmond, Chicago, New Raven, Syracuse, Detroit, Portland, Milwaukie, eir Gov. Johnston spent some days in Phil adelphia last week. We chanced to call at the United States Hotel on Thursday, and found him exchanging the compilments of the day with nu merous callers. He looked well, though a little jad ed from the labors of the winter. Shortly after we entered the room, a young farmer from Montgom ery county, who had never enjoyed the opportuni ty of seeing so distinguished a person, came in and inquired if Gov. Johnston was there. We replied in the affirmative, and pointed him out.— "Is that GOY. Johnston 1" said he, intently eye ing him some minutes, calling to• mind the ex quisite verses of Burns, *Wen after avisit to Lord Doer, one of which is something like this: "I watched the symptoms o' the great, The gentle pride, the Lordly state, The arrogant assuming ; • The faint o' pride nae pride had he, Nor sauce, nor state, that I could see, More than an honest ploughman." " Well, said he, " I like to see a man that is not stack up with a small office." The absence of all pride of place, in the Governor, is one of the many traits in his character that renders hint su popular among the great ma's of the people. [Register and Examiner, Westchester. gir The oldest woman in the world is supposed to be'ond MART BENTON, now residing at Elton, in the county of Durham, England. :She was horn on the 12th of February, 1731, and is of course in her one hundred and twenty-first year. She is in possession of all her faculties, perfect memory, hearing, and eyesight. She cooks, washes, and irons, in the usual family aroentionsi, threads her needle, and sews without spectacles. AMERICAN POLICE AT THE WORD'S FAIR-011 the application of Mn. BARCLAY the British Con sul at New York, Mayor RINI:MA:SD has appoint ed officers BOWYER and HOPKINS to proceed to London, in order to " spot" all the rogues from this side the Atlantic who may visit the Great Fair for the purpose of picking John Bull's pocket. The Earth% Diurnal Revolution, For the first time, we yesterday had an oppor tunity of witnessing the testing of the new method of proving the diurnal revolution of the earth.— The experiment can he tried at a trifling outlay, and is certainly one of interest. A gentleman in this city has suspended an ordinary clock weight by means of a small wire reaching from the gar ret ceiling to the entrance of the passage on the first floor. It is thirty teat in length, and makes about twenty-one vibrations per minute.. With a view that it might move with as little friction as possible, and turn freely in a horizontal direction, a steel ring with an indentateel inner surface was provided, on which plays a hardened steel point. To this the wire of the pendulum was fastened.— Directly under the weight, and on the floor, is placed a circle, drawn on paper, divided into de grees, minutes, and seconds. The pendulum was started in a straight line, apparently, but, in the course of two hones, there was a very perceptible departure from it, for the reason that the earth was turning round.—Republic. THE BEST we CAN GET.—The following lin morous paragraph, from the Aberdeen (Mi.) In dependant, occurs iu an editorial reviewing Judge GIIOLSON'S speech at a late secessionists' pro tracted meeting " The Judge sneered at the ' best we can get' policy. Well, we think it is just tho thing. The Constitution is the best we can get; our Bible is the best. we cnn gct ; our children are the best we can get; the Judge is the best we can get; for lie says ho will not resign; and we do not know o f any thing that isn't the best wo can get—except the Judge's speech, for we know that's not the best we can get. Wile Pennsylvanian announces that Col. Bigler will stump the State after his nomination for Governor by the Loco Convention. At the last election Gov. Johnston was denounced by the entire Locofoco party for doing the same thing. Now, however, it will be all right and proper no doubt. (Er 'Dr. Patterson has resigned his office as Di rector of the Mint in Philadelpliia. Dr. Goo. N. Eckert, of Beading, formerly member of Con gress, and G. W. Caldwell, of the North Carolina Branch Mint, are the principal candidates for the vacant post. The salary is $3,500 per annum. "TnE WIIITE MAN'S NEWSPAPER" is the title of a new paper to-day placed before us. It is all snowy white, from the good ground-work on which it is printed to the able and taking reading mat ter which adorn its well-filled columns. As its name indicates, it is devoted to the white men of the country, a pretty large class of people, but who for some time past have Seen lost sight of in a burning zeal for the black men of the country.— The new paper will push its way through the world, and to a fortune, there being just such mat ter in it as will find plenty of friends and multi tudes of readers.—Xete York Erpress. 1840.