Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 15, 1851, Image 1

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The North to the South Sends Greet
Southern Brethren—why this clamor
From your their nod sunny land?
'Tis not sound of loom or hummer,
Or of work's industrial hand;
Nor the voice of Love's devotion,
Nor of Friendship's holy word,•
But of turbulent commotion,
Threatening war with flashing sword.
Itnow ye not our hearts will nere'
Traitors to our Union turn?
Think ye that our. Love shall ever
For our country cease to burn?
Or that now, no blood paternal
Swells its tides through Northern veins,
Blood of sires! embalmed, eternal,
On our mountains, hills and plains?
Think ye, that our hearts are craven—
That they fear war's sterner test—
That no Past's high deeds are graven
On each Northern's fearless breast?
Think ye, that the trumpets calling
Now shall fright the sons of those
Who, 'mid battle's storms appalling,
Conquer'd Freedom's fiercest foes?
Or that by your angry quarrels
With your Northern brethren here,
Ye shall gather greener laurels,
Than your brows already wear?
When ye know, that Abolition,
Faithful North men hate and spurn,
Frowning on that mud ambition,
Which this Union would o'erturn?
Southern Brethren is it kindly
In your hearts to curse us all,
If perchance, fanatics blindly,
Serpent-like, among us crawl—
Hissing only—hurting never—
Vainly seeking whom to strike,
'Till their fangs in foil'd endeavor,
Fiercely fasten on their like!
And, for this, shall ye e'er tender,
Naught but seornings, bitter threats,
And those taunt's that must engender
11l borne feelings and regrets?
Better tar, to love and strengthen
All our Union's hallowed ties,
That its joys may live and lengthen
Brightly thro' its destinies!
Then, 0! listen to our greeting!
Reed no madman's angry cry—
Round our Country's altars meeting,
Let us swear it shall not die—
Living—Loving—Law and Order
Reigning through our smiling land—
Village, city, town and border,
Bound in one fraternal band.
Else, Oh! Southern Brethren, ponder!
Else, we part these sacred ties,
And our ruin proves a wonder,
To all Earth's astonished eves;
With each token ever clieristi'd,
Dear to Freedom, dear to Fume,
Broken; bleeding, shatter'd, perished,
Cursed in being—cursed in name!
Hymn to May.
It is the spring, the soft, delicious spring,
Wreathing a garland of just budding flowers,
Stirring the young leaves with her tender wing,
And making green the paths to forest-bowers;
Whose smiles, I see, such perfect beauty fling
Along the track of Life's swift-gliding hours;
Her breath falls freshly on the grateful earth,
And Is! what joy and loveliness have birth!
The fields put on their verdure; the small rills
Dance merrily along with shout and glee;
The sloping woodlands, the uprising hills,
Blue vale, gray rock, brown bush and emerald
Taste the sweet influence which the air instills;
While snow-white clouds in Heaven's unruffled
On their bright voyage from shore to shore;
Like angel ships majestic sail and boar.
The icy gales of winter, that long sealed
The mirth of fountains and the play of streams,
Are lulled at last, and now to light revealed,
Like brilliant insects Hash their jewel gleams;
The frozen, wounded land, is gently pealud
By Morn's end Eve's alternate showers and
And waves, unbroken into spray and foam,
Roll, melt or slumber in their ocean-home.
Welcome! thrice welcome! favorite of the year;
"Ethereal mildness," hail! though loftier lyres
May wake their music, anti in tunes more clear
And sweet than those my humble Muse inspires,
Hymn thy perfection, thou wilt deign to hear
The thrilling gratitude my heart desires
To pour to thee in this unheeded lay,
For all thy gifts, thou soft, delicious May!
Crßarnum wants a spare spar from the Balti
more clipper.
Cir What day in Spring is a command to go
ahead? March fourth.
grAvarice starves its keeper, to surfeit those
who wish him dead.
Kink says that tailors would make excel
lent dragoons, they charge so.
pliff'"Pa, isn't that man in what is called the
spring of life?" Why, my son?" "Because lm
looks so very green."
''There is a man in Troy with a nose so long
that he has had holes bored in it and uses it for a
trA wag says, that now-a-days when men
marry, they get more whalebone than women,
and more coffee bog than "tin."—Exchange.
Pooh! this wag is behind the age. Corsets and
coffee hag skirts are exploded long ago.
e - There is no greater grief, says Dante, than
to remember, in our misery, the happiness of the.
° 3)lt( - tingboll
" Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep."
" Early to bed, and early to rise,
Make men healthy, wealthy, and wise."
"An hour's sleep before midnight is
,worth two
after it."
In what sense is " an hour's sleep before mid
night Worth two after it?"
It is the order of nature that men should go to
rest early. The birds cease their singing as the
sun goes down ; the sheep and the deer go to
their resting early, and throegout nature quiet
ness and repose are the order of the night. It
is natural, then, to sleep early ; and for this rea
son it may truly be said, ." it is twice as good to
obey nature's law as to break it." It is twice as
good to sleep regularly and habitually before mid
nightns to wait until after it.
Sleep is one of the greatest of Heavens bless
ings. When fatigued and careworn how grateful,
how refreshing its influence. Were it not .for
sleep, bow dull and montonous would life become.
The poor mon who labors hard the livelong day,
and the student who toils no less in his health
trying employments—what would become of these
were it not for the ever-genial influence of sleep?
Without it, life could not possibly be sustained for
more than a few days.
But, necessary, refreshing, and invigorating as
is this provision of nature for restoring the sys
tem, people know very imperfectly how to use
it. They generally know almost nothing of the
real how to cat drink or sleep. It would seem
as if their whole study were (if thermay be said
to study at all) continually to get the cart before
the horse. Many kinds of the most unhealthy
food are, by almost every family in Christendom,
eaten merely from habit; and tohoeeo, ten, and
coffee are used as if they were the most fliendly
and healthful substances in the world.
• So too in sleeping the room must be almost
hermetically sealed, to keep out the night air, and
the softest feather beds with down pillows are
everywhere used. People do not know, or seem
to care to know, that breathing the air continually
over and over again, renders it a perfect poison;
that feather beds and feather pillows are among
the greatest causes of physical debility, horrible
dreams, nightmares, and the most unrefreshing
sleep that ran be. Who (lees not remember of
being put in those best rooms with a feather bed
so high as alms,: to•need a ladder to enable one
to mount P....1 - and how one almost loses himself
in the smothering envelopement of these "best
Remember, too, what a stench there is coming
from the feathers and the impure air when we
enter in the morning such a sleeping room, and
having just come from the fresh air. Will peo
ple generally heed any admonitions on this sub
jectl Not one in n hundred, We fear; lint now
and then the seeds gall on good ground; and this
encourages as to work on. One of the most per
nicious customs in regard to sleep, is the prac
tice of sitting np late at night, and losing the best
and most delightful " hours of early more."—
' Studious persons particularly are apt to contract
this habit of sitting up late at evening. The sol
i emit stillness of night is supposed to be more fa
vocable for study and reflection than the day.
And settee a person nukes a change, and' under
takes to observe the proper hours, he finds that
he is dull ie the morning, and cannot study so
well as nt late hours. Soon, however, if lie will
persevere, ho will leant that by rising early, and
retiring seasonably to rest, he will accomplish
more with less exhaustion of the nervous power,
than by sitting up late. It is, too, an important
fact, that artificial lights, of whatever kind, are
much more trying - to the stereos than the natural
light of day. Occulists tell us that the former of
ten injure the sight, and sometimes produce dis
! ease of the eyes, very difficult to remove.
What are we to say of theatre-going people,
and those who frequent balls, parties, &c., habi•
tually, and Into at night? They are living contin•
nobly in opposition to nature's laws, and must re.
ceive the penalty. Such people never enjoy good
health. See the fitshisonable young Indies of our
cities who remain in bed late in the morning and
sit up late at. night. How feeble, pale, sallow,
stud nervous they are; crooked-backed often, and
not more fit fora wife than a doftbaby. lint it is
fashionable; therefore, they must be up late at
night to show off in society.
Shall we sleep at all during the day? It is
natural, evidently, for infants to sleep much of the
time, day as well as night. Nature demands it.
We think, too, that some feeble persons are the
bettor fur a "nap" before dinner. Farmers, who
rise at daybreak, and toil hard during the long
days of summer, have a habit of sleeping after din
ner. This may, on the whole, do good, since
they, in such eases, need more sleep than they
get at night; but if they will make the experiment,
they will be astonished to find how much more re-
Treshing the sleep will be before dinner than after.
Fifteen minutes sleep before the meal is better
than a whole hour after it —We do not see the
animals going to sleep immediately after. Sleep
during the day, should be in the forenoon, so that
it be not disturbed at night. If a person sleep in
the afternoon, he will be much more liable to
wakefulness at night.
Some have agreed that sleep during the day, in
the case of adults, is always wrong. Persons"
often feel unrefreshed and feverish after a day-nap.
Women when tired, often throw themselves upon
the bed, and are surprised to find that they feel
I smothered, feverish, and worse than before. Now
the cause of this often is the lying down with
their clothes on. It is natural for the skin to
breathe. "But," says one. "the clothes are on
while we are up, and why not the harm then?"
Because then the clothing is more loose and the
skin is left more free. But when we lie down,
the clothes are pressed against the skin much more
than when we are up. To have sleep refreshing,
then, we should remove the external clothing as
we would at night. Then if we need sleep it will
lie refreshing. But as a general fact it must be ne- .
knowledged that it is the best not to sleep at all
during the day; to keep active, and then early at
night to rest. Then sleep will be worth the while.
Indolent people have a pernicious way of dozing in
the morning, taking a second nap. The habits
should be so active, and everything in our power
so regulated, that we sleep soundly, and on the
first awakening, which, with good dietetic and
other habits throughout, will be early, we should
rise. Do not wait in the vitiated air of your room
to sleep more, Rise wash, drink some cold wa
ter, and if possible go into the open air. It will
give a good appetite a keen relish for the plainest
food, vigor, health, and strength of body, and
peacefulness and eontentment of the mind.
Try it idlers, regularly for .three months, and
then tell us if we are not right. Try it, ye stu
dents, literary men, merchants and ye ladies; it will
give you a good circulation, warmth of extremi
ties, and glow of the c heck, natural, healthful and
beautiful. Try it all.
Woman's Constancy.
Some four years since a young man, residing
in this city, funned the acquaintance of a young
holy, and, after visiting her for some time, it was
mutually agreed that they would be joined togeth
er in the bands of wedlock. The day was deter
mined upon, and with anxious hearts they looked
forward to the time when they should be made
one. About a week before this period arrived, the
young man was called upon to deplore the loss of
a fond and affectionate parent—this unforeseen
event rendered it necessary that the marriage day
should be postponed for months. A few weeks
before this time had passed, an advantageous
business engagement was proffered to the intended
groom to visit California. On consultation; the
bride and her friends came to the conclusion that
a second postponement of the day would prove
beneficial in the end. After spending a year in
San Francisco, the young tnan determined to
settle them permanently; and, in accordance with
this determination, wrote to the holy awl reques
ted her to join him in California; at the same
time naming the day for the consummation of
their anxious hopes. With great joy the lady
made due preparation for her departure, and in
course of time readied California. Imagine her
sorrow on arrivng there to find her intended Hus
band lying at the point of death from an attack of
brain fever. Months passed by, and through the
providence of Cod the sick man was sufficiently
restored to be enabled, by the advice of the medi
cal attendant, to return to the United States.
Once inure the bridal day was named, and with
joyful hearts the lovers started for home, deeming
it advisble not to be united until they should
reach Nosy York. On reaching Panama the hero
of our tale was attacked with Chagres fever.
After months of delay here, lie again recovered
sufficiently to resume his journey to this city—not,
however, until the fifth appointed time had passed
by. Yesterday afternoon the lovers were united
in one of the up-town churches.—The young lady
has certainly given a Most satisfactory cxempli
(leaden of woman's constancy.—N. Y. Sun.
girA fellow was doubting whether or not la
should volunteer to fight the Mexicans.—One 0
the flags waving before his eyes bearing the in.
scription "Victory or Death," somewhat troublei
and discouraged him.—" Victory is a very goo,
thing," said be, "but why put victory or death?'
"Just put," said he "victory or cripple, and PI
go it."
A PRACTICAL Jour.—The Legislature of lowa
recently passed a law prohibiting free =grecs
from entering the State under severe penalties.
A free soil member didn't like the law but knew
its passage could not be prevented, 4 suggested a
compromise to his hunker brethren, with a view
of conciliating his free soil comrades. It was that
the bill should be amended so that the law should
take effect "from and after its publication in the
'lowa Free Democrat,' a prominent free soil paper.
A majority of both houses adopted the amend
ment without suspicion: When we add that the
law has not yet taken effect our readers will hard
ly need to be told the reason. We aro told that
the editor of the Free Democrat was heard pro
fanely to exclaim when the bill had passed, that
he would see the Legislature in a place not set
down in any of the geographies, before he would
publish the infernal law.
Cr The National Intelligencer has information
from Georgia to the effect that the Hon. Alexan
der H. Stephens, whig representative to Congress,
from the Eleventh District, declines being a candi
date for Governor, and recommends the Union
men of his party to rally to the support of Hon.
H. Cobb, the democratic Speaker of the House
during the last Congress. The Intelligence• ex
presses much pleasure at this evidence of frater
nization on the part of the leading men of the old
parties of Georgia, on the great platform of the
gig.- A Cincinnati paper states that in the year
1838 a German gardener purchased a lot of two
and-a-half acres of ground at the west end of
Eighth street, in that city, for $2,500. Lest week
he sold the same for $52,000.
A SMALL REDUCTION.—The fare from San
Francisco to Sacramento and Stockton at last
dates was one dollar. A year ago it was 50 dollars.
Returning Good for Evil.
Obediah Lawson and Watt Dood were neigh
bors; that is they lived within half is mile of each
other, and no person lived between their respec
tive farms, which would have joined, had not a
little strip of prairie land extended itself sufficient
ly to keep them separated. hood was the oldest
settler, and from his youth up had entertained a
singular hatred against Quakers; therefore, when
he was infomed that Lawson, a regular disciple
of that class of people, bad purchased the next
farm to his, he declared he would make him glad
to move away again. Accordingly a system of
petty annoyances was commenced by him, and
every time one of Lawson's hogs chanced to stray
upon hood's place, he was beset by men and dogs,
and most savagely abased. Things progressed
thus for nearly a year, and the Quaker, a man of
decidedly peace princples, appeared in no way to
resent the injuries received at the bands of his
spiteful neighbor. But matters were drawing to
a crisis; for Dood more enraged than ever at the
quiet of Obediah, made oath that he would do
something before long to wake up the spunk of
Lawson. Chance favored his design. The Qua
ker had a high-blooded filly, which he had been
very careful in raising, and which was just four
years old. Lawson took great pride in this ani
mal, and had refused a large sum of money for
One evening, a little after sundown, as Watt
Dood Was passing around his cornfield, be dis
covered the filly feeding in the little strip of
prairie lend that separated the two farms, and he
conceived the hellish design of throwing off two or
three rails of his fence, that the horse might get
into his corn during the night. He did so and the
next morning bright and early, he shouldered his
rifle and left the house. Not long after his absence,
a hired man, whom he had recently employed,
heard the echo of his gun, and in a few minutes
Dood considerably excited and out of breath,
came hurrying to the house, where be stated that
be had shot at and wounded a buck; that the deer
attacked him and ho hardly escaped with his life.
This story was credited by all but the.newly
employed hand, who had taken a dislike to Dead,
and from his manner, suspected that something
was wrong. He therefore slipped quietly away
from the house, and going through the field in the
direction of the shot, he suddenly came upon Law
sea's filly, stretched upon the earth, with a bullet
hole through the bead, from which the warm blood
was still oozing.
The animal was warm and could not have been
killed on hour. He hastened back to the dwell
ing of Dood, who met him in the yard demanded,
somewhat roughly, where he had been.
"I've been to see if your bullet made sure work
of Mr. Lawson's filly," was the instant retort.
Deed paled for a moment, but collecting him
self; he fiercely shouted:
"Do you dare to say I killed her?"
"How do you know she is dead?" replied the
Dood bit his lip, hesitated a moment, and then
turning, walked into the house.
A couple of clays passed by, and the morning
of the third one had broken, as the hired into
met friend Lawson, riding in march of his filly.
A few words of explanation ensued, when with
a heavy heart, the Quaker turned his horse and
rode home, where he informed the people of the
fate of his filly. No threat of recrimination coca.
ped him; he did not even go to law to recover
damages ; but calmly awaited his pion and hour of
revenge. It came at last.
Watt Dood had a Durham heifer, for which he
had paid a heavy price, and upon which he count
ed to natio great gains. •
One mornmg just us Obediah was sitting down
to breakfast, his eldest son came in with the in
formation that neighbor Dood's heifer had broken
down the fence, entered the yard, and after eating
most of the cabbages, had trampled the well-made
beds and the vegetables they contained, out of
all shape—a mischief hnpossble to repair.
"And what did thee do with her Jacob I" quiet
ly asked Medial'.
"I put her in the fartu-yard."
"Did thee beat her'?"
" I never struck her a blow."
"Right, Jacob—right; sit down to thy break
fast, and when done eating I will attend to the
Shortly after be had finished his repast, Law
son mounted a horse and rode over to flood's,
who was sitting under the porch in front of his
house, and who, as he beheld the Quaker dis
mount, 'supposed he was coining to demised pay
for his filly, and secretly swore he would have to
go to law for it if he did.
" Good morning, neighbor Dood; how is thy
family 1" exclaimed Obediah, us he mounted the
steps and seated himself in a chair.
All well, I believe," was the crusty reply.
" I have a small aflitir to settle with you this
morning, and I came rather early."
" So I suppose," growled Watt.
"This morning, my son found thy Durham heif
er in my garden, where she has destroyed a good
"And what did he do with her 7" demanded
Hood, his brow darkening.
" What would thee have done with her, had she
been my heifer in thy garden I" asked Obediah.
" I'd have shot her!" retorted Watt, madly, "as
I suppose you have done; but are only even now.
Heifer for filly is only ' tit for tat.' "
"Neighbor Dood, thou knowest me not, if thou
thickest I would harm a hair of thy heifer's hack.
She is in my fitnn-yard, and not even a blow has
been struck her, where thee can get her at any
time. I know thee shot my filly ; but the evil one
prompted thee to do it, and I lay no evil in my
heart against my neighbors. I carne to tell thee
where thy heifer is, and note I'll go home."
°tidie] rose from his chair, and was about tai
lesccnd the steps, when he was stopped by Dood,
rho hastily asked :
" What was your filly worth 1"
" A hundred dollars is what I asked for her?
!Plied Obediah.
"Wait a inoment," and Dead rushed into the
houso,from whence he soon returned,holding some
gold in hand. " Here's the price of your filly ; and
hereafter let there he n pleasantness between us."
" Willingly, heartily," answered Lawson, gras
ping the proffered hand the other; " let there
he peace between us."
(Medial' mounted his horse, and rode home with
a lighter heart, and from that day to thi,, flood
has been as good a neighbor as one could wish to
have being completely reformed by the RETURN
-INO GOOD FOR EVIL.-Cin. Columbian.
What will they say at Vienna.
The Germans tell a story of a traveller who, on
visiting the springs of the Danube, and noticing
what an insignificant rill trickled at the source of
that great river, formed the bold resolution of
stopping up the stream. Ile put his hand across
it, and as he fancied else various cities upon its
course deprived of their supply of water by Isis
means, he exclaimed, in the pride of his heart—
" What will they say at Vienna?"
This simple traveller is a type of a large class of
people, who have a very indefinite notion of the
regulations of cause and effect. A man conceives
a grudge against a neighboring mechanic or mer
chant and determines at once to drive him into
retrievable ruin by "withdrawing his patronage,"
as the phrase goes. What will they say at Vienna?"
he chuckles to himself; as he walks stiffly by his
old friend's place, and trades at a new store.
From his bearing, one would suppose him "big
with the fate of empires," but his enemy survives
the loss of his customer, and laughs at the impo
tent attempt of the "bolter" to break up his bns-
A newspaper subscriber takes unbrage at an
editor, for daring to express an opinion counter to
his own. Having nurtured his wrath to the re
quisite degree of strength, he dashes off a few
wpeds on a letter sheet, the most prominent of
which nee, " stop my paper," and speeds it on
the way- to the luckless editor, imagining "what
will they say at Vienna," when the direful docu
ment is received. The letter arrives, the name of
the wrathy gentleman is quietly expunged from
the mail-book, and the circumstance is never
heard or thought of agaih.
The old lady who pulled up the stakes for the
new railroad, probably wondered " what they
would say at 'Vienna i" bet the railroad was built
ill Spite of her opposition. Much of the opposition
to railroads is at the same soot. A diseffected
stockholder turns his dozen shares into the mar
ket, and then very patiently and very knowingly
watches the rain of the corporation, or at least a
general panic among the shareholders. Alts? he
never hears " what they say at Vienna"—for the
reason that they said nothing.
" What will they say at 'Vienna?" exclaims
a noisy politician, as he determines to withdraw
his support from his party, and give it to those
who will reward !din better. His prophecies of
political ruin to his old confederates, fall upon the
ear and are fiwgotten. The fierce bugbear which
he discovers in the Heavens, is nothing more than
animalchte begotten in the corrupt humors of his
own eye, and invisible to all but himself.
The error of these people is, not so much in
showing their resentment, as in overrating its of-
The noon the destinies of mankind. We hold
that every man may lawfully indulge in an occa
sional fit of" virtuous indignation;" but let hint
not imagine that he is going to blow up a granite
mountain with Et pinch of snuff, or move the world
from its foundation by the stamping of his foot.—
It is poor philosophy to expect great results, mere
ly because the antecedent is small, though it is
sometimes true that small causes are connected
with momentous events. The three tailors who
held a meeting in Tooley street, London, had a
right to issue their address to the world, but when
they begun it, " We, the people of England,"
they rather over-estimated their importance.—
This comes of " living in a barrel and looking
out of a hung-hole," as Rabelais describes it. To
take a conceit of this kind out of men, all that is
necessary is a little observation, a little common
sense, and a little modesty. When these com
modities become more abitudant, we shall hear
fewer people inquiring on every frivolous occasion,
" What will they say at Vienna!"
(WA Quaker, on hearing a man daMn a par
ticular bad piece of road, went to him and said,
"Friend, lam under obligations to thee. What
thou host done I would have done, but my reli
gion forbids it Don't let my conscience, howev
ever, bridle thine. Give thy indignation wings,
and suffer not the prejudice of others to paralyze
the tongue of justice and long suffering—yea
Duncan, who sailed from New York recently, in
the steamer Baltic, on a tour through the Eastern
World, carried among his baggage a very beauti
fully wrought miniature flag of the United States,
which he designs to hoist above the ruins of Nine
veh. The staff that is to accompany the flag con
sists of several sections made from a branch or
stick cut by President Fillmore, at Mount Vernon,
within a few feet of the grave of Washington.
The stall was presented by General Scott to Mr.
Inelegant Language,
Coleridge was not die only one who labored
under a sad mistake, when he mistook the man-
Anal) for a philosopher, nod was only unde
cylten 'The apple dumplings were set upon
Miable, by his exclamation, "them's the joekies
lbr me!" Not long store, a fashionably attired fe
male upon whom some devoted parents had lavish
ed money enough in the fair exterior to pay for a
year's tuition where gramninr uas taught, seated
herself at the dinner table of a large hotel. She
was at first glance pretty, decidedly so. Her eyes
sparkled bar cheek glowed wit!: a natural tinge, her
neck was like alabaster, and upon it glittered a
chain of uncommon rielmess; her hand was deli
cate, and a brilliant diamond ring shone upon the
front finger, and I was about congratulating myself
upon a short acquaintance during my stay, when
suddenly the charm was dissolved by a gentleman
on the opposite side ofthe table, who interrogated
the damsel by asking if the horse she rode was
not rather it fiery animal Y and this brought out
the yelp'. reply.
"Oh yes, we put her right through!"
Truly the appearance was tll,44gged now. t
saw only a course, illbred girl, where a few mo
ments before appeared to my unsophisticated gaze,
a lovely female! Certain I am, young ladies
would study refinement of spirit and manners, if
they bat fully understood the immense, advantages
which accrue from. The gold lever,. with the
most massive chain, the diamond of unsurpassed
brilliancy, sparkles in vain, where the mind is in
a crude state, needing far more labor and care to
refine it than has been expended upon those showy
jewels. Nothing:compensates for this loss; and it
is sure to aim a fatal dart upon the vacant head
:Ind uncultivated heart. Pardon me if I relate an
anecdote as my friend told it tome..
"I was," said Iw, "beginning, to look around
or a (rife. Among my acquaintances was a
young Indy upon whom much money had been
lavished to give her a thorough education. She
had read Virgil, could speak some Italian, was
mistress of French, and eould warble'
eign amateur; at least so said her m
heard she knew something of houscho
and, to tell the whole truth, I looked upon her
with a keen eye. She certainly did appear well;
but one evening I was rallying her upon some
trifle I had forgotten, when suddenly she turned
round and gave men slap and declared..,g/te did
not care the
,first red cent ((Gout it.
Heavens! said my friend, how my love did cool!.
I never thought of marrying her again!
Thus one cant phrase spoiled a young lady's
prospects of wedlock, to our knowledge, and this
is enough to cause all others, who aspire to that
state, to cultivate refinement of thought, which ,
will invariably lead to a refined utterance'
WHAT is CRIME . ? A wretched vagabond,
traveling from place to place in a fruitless endeav
or to escape from justice, who is constantly enga
ged in hot pursuit. A foe to virtue and happi
ness, though at times the companion of poor in
nocence, which is too often made to suffer for the
Wriver IS Tuountrr ! A fountain from which
flows all good And evil intentions : n mental fluid,
electrical in'force and rapidity of its movements,
silently flowing unseen within its own secret ave
nues yet it is the controlling power of all anima
ted matter, and the chief mainspring of all our
WHAT Is IlAmINEss ! A butterfly that roves
from flower to flower, in the vast garden of exis
tence, and which is eagerly pursued by the mul
titude, in vain hope of obtaining the prize: yet it
continually eludes their grasp.
WIIAT IS FORTUNE : A sparkling beverage
who often rejects those who ere most anxious to
solicit her favors : whilst others, more unworthy,
are the recipients of her bounties without their
WHAT IS FASHION! A beautiful envelope for
morality, presenting a glittering and polished ex
terior, the appearance of which gives no certain
indication of the real value of what is contained
WHAT IS WIT 2 A sparkling beverage that is
highly exhilirating and agreeable, when partaken
at the expense of others I but when used at our
own cost, it becomes bitter and unpleasant.
WHAT IS KNo w Ll:non ? A key that unravels
all mysteries, which unlocks the entrance and
discovers new, unseen, and untrodden paths in
the hitherto unexplored fields of science and liter
WHAT IS CONTENTI,IENT 7 The philosophy of
life, and the principal ingredient in the cup of hap
piness a commodity that is undervalued in conse
quence of the very low price • it can be obtained
WHAT IR JUSTICE? A pair of scales in which
the actions of mankind are often weighed? the.
true weights being brought up by power and
wealth whilst others that arc innocent are sub
WHAT Is AMBITION ? A fierce unconquerable.
steed, that bears its rider on in the high road of
preferment? but it oftentimes throws him such a
full that he rarely ever recovers.
WHAT 19 IDLENESS ? A public mint, where
various kinds of mischief is coined and extensive
ly circulated among the most despicable of the
human race.
Weer is JOY? The honey of existence ; real
ly beneficial and agreeable when partaken of in
moderation, but highly injurious when used to