THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON, PA. Thursday Morning, May 8, IS% WILLIAM H. PEIGHTAL—Envron. TERMS OF PUHLICATION: THE " lirxrixonole JotnnAL" is Published at the following rates, viz ; If paid in advance, per• annum, $1,73 If paid during the year, 2,00 If paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,30 To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • • 1,30 Tut above Terms will be adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be taken for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. V. B. PALMER Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements, and any persons in those cities wishing to adver tise in oar columns, will please call on him. ' FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1852, WINFIELD SCOTT, OF NEW JERSEY FOR VICE PRESIDENT IN 1852, JAMES C. JONES, OF TENNESSEE. FOR GOVERNOR IN 1851, WAL F. JOHNSTON OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY. REMOVED. The office of the "JOURNAL , ' has been rcinoved to the room adjoin ing the store of Wm. H. Peightal, on Rail Road Street, opposite Wal lace's Hotel. FREE SCHOOLS. The Free Schools of the Borough of Hooting. don will be opened on Monday, the 12th lust. By order of the Directors, CHAS. S. BLACK, Sect'ry. May 8, 1851 We are gratified to learn that the Director have succeeded in securing the services of Mr. DAW. sox as one of the teachers in the free schools. We have had the pleastire of an acquaintance with Mr. D. for some time, and know hint to be a ripe scholar, a very popular teacher, and en accom plished gentleman.. BLAIR COUNTY WHIO.-This valuable paper comes to us this week i n an entirely new dress. We are glad to see such • unmistakable evidence that the efforts of our indomitable friend, Major Raymond, are properly appreciated by the good people of Blair. We wish you continued prosper ity, Major, and hopo you may live a thousand years to enjoy it. APPOINTMENT BY TILE GOVERNOR.—War. P. OnnisoN, Esq., aid de Camp, with the title of Lt. Colonel. This is an excellent appointment and a merited compliment. When the drum beats "to arms" we are certain no one will hasten with greater alacrity to the "field of carnage". than Col. Orhisonl Goiernor Johnston. It is with feelings of unalloyed satisfaction that we this week place at our mast bend the name of Wat. F. Jounsrox, as our first choice for stand ard bearer in the approaching contest. We do this from a deep conviction that no other man can excite the same degree of enthusiasm, or rally around him the same number of elements to en sure victory. Inconsideration of his deep devotion to the cherished principles of Pennsylvania, and his strenuous exertions to maintain them, it may be safely asserted that no Governor, since the days of Simon Snyder, over enjoyed the confidence of the party which elected him and the respect of his op ponents, to a greater extent than Wm. F. John ston. Nor is this strange; for his course has been such as to endear him to the people, and they know that he has on every occasion, when oppor tunity offered, evinced is determination to pro mote their interests by advocating and enforcing such measures as were calculated to lessen taxa tion. The - advantages of Isis Sinking Fund Sys tem are every day becoming more apparent. By . its opperations our enormous State debt is gradu ally dwindling away, so that iu the course of time, if adhered to, we may expect to be relieved from that huge incubus which now clogs the wheels of enterprise and disheartens the farmer at his plough, During the last semi= of the Legislature a wi ly and factious majority endeavored to force him into such measures, in making appropriations for certain improvements, which, had they been suc cessful, would have increased taxation; but, with a courage and firmness truly Spartan, ho resisted their . attempts triumphantly, and had such meas ures passed as were more in accordance with the true interests and real wishes of the people. lie is just the kind of a mass that should be at the helm of the glorious old Keystone State, and so long as he directs her course the people will feel assured that though Locofocoism may conjure up a storm iu the political sea, with the hope of en gulphing her or driving her on some dangerous shoal, yet, even in the midst of the tempest, there will be that certainty of safety that all will feel like exclaiming: "never fear, Old Bill Johnston's at the helm!" His past actions have proven him equal to every emergency and more than a match for the whole host of Locofoco intriguers combined. He pos sesses firmness which no menaces can shake, a sagacity which no artifice, however subtle, can delude; and an inflexible honesty of purpoite which has never been questioned. These distinguished traits in his character have imparted a lustre to his political fame which places him, as a states man and a patriot, on the same pedestal with the greatest men of which the Whig party is proud to bow- non. George Taylor. It is conceded by every person, whether he be Whig or Democrat, that Judgo Taylor has ac quitted himself, in his high office, in a Moat cred itable manner. No man questions his ability or honesty, and, so far as this bounty is concerned, we know that the Whigs are entirely unanimous and that many Democrats are anxious that he should receive the nomination in this district. Indeed we think there will scarcely he any oppo sition in this county, even thoubh lie have a competitor. At our late county meeting the following highly complimentary and just resolution was passed. After instructing the eon ferrees to support the nomination of Judge Taylor it further says: '•IIe is a man whose unblemished character, acknowledged integrity, firmness, im partiality, strong common sense, sound judgment and legal ability well fit him for the office, the high and responsible duties of which lie has dis charged so faithfully and to the satisfaction of the people for the last two years; and whose coin ! mission from the present Whig Executive of the Commonwealth being terminated so soon after ita commencement, by the Amended Constitution, it is respectfully suggested to our brethren of the other counties of the District, that courtesy and fairness entitles him to the nomination." The "Blair County Whig" thus endorses it, exhibiting the state of feeling in that noble county: "We heartily acquiesce in the sentiments coh tained itt the resolution, and give our heart and' hand in favor of his nomination, as wo believe the Whigs of Blair will do, without a dissenting or murmuring voice. Gov. JIIONSTON, in the selection of Judge TAYLOR, was wise, discrimina ting and judicious ; and, as lie has filled his high and honorable position with marked and signal ability, no objection can be raised to his occupy ing the Bench still longer. He is possessed of learning, ability, a pure and unblemished moral character, integrity beyond suspicion, and every other requisite calculated' to make him cherished in the hearts and affections of the people. Such a man is the Hon. Geo. TAYLOR. Fol low hint from the time he left the plough in an obscure part of Huntingdon county, to the'present, and he is the same honest, trust-worthy, high; minded man. In him we have an example wor thy to be followed by all young men who desire to make themselves honored, respected, and useful to the commnnity in which they live. By his own industry, energy, and commendable zeal, he now ranks among the foremost men, as a sound lawyer and writer, in the Commonwealth. This Judicial distrtict feels a strong pride in having such a man, and triumphantly will they elect him to preside over her legal interests. All parties can sapped him. Although a whig in principle and action, he never suffers his politi cal feelings to swerve him from his duty, or bias his judgement in an opinion. He is emphatically the man for the people, and the people knowing his good qualities, will sustain him. Scott Meeting. We have been prevented until now from no ticing, as it deserved, the great Scott meeting held on court week. It was truly a glorious de monstration in favor of the noble old chief in whose behalf it was gotten up, As we gazed on the immense crowd assembled in the court room, and witnessed the enthusiasm which prevailed, we felt as though the seine mighty spirit which achieved so much in 1848, under the banner of the lamented Taylor, was again in our midst stim ulating us onward to another triumph. A glow of real Whig pride pervaded our heart when we saw such noble old veterans as Squire Dean, Alex ander Steel, and others, sitting on the bench as officers. Men like these, men whose heads are "clothed with the silvery livery of advised age," give dignity to a party, and when they are seen mingling their voices with and giving sage coon- 1 eil to its younger members, it is a snre harbinger of victory when the struggle takes place. The speeches on the occasion were truly elo quent and soul-stirring. The speech of the llon. John Williamson, the bland, dignified president of the meeting, was a noble one and universally admitted to have been one of his happiest .efforts. Col. Ccrnyn, always eloquent and impressive, was on this occasion nt2re than himself, and his speech througout was listened to with rapt atten tion. The speeches of both the gentlemen wve interrupted by frequent bursts of applause. Everything passed off admirably and none can doubt who witnessed the enthusiasm which pre vailed, that a storm is brewing for General Scott which will burst in 1812 and "-like the Simoon's blast, Sweep all opposition into dust." e hav'nt got accustomed to our new har ness yet, and this, together with moving our of fice and severe illness, we hope will be a sufficient apology to our friends for any deficiencies which may appear in our columns. A few weeks will suffice to enable us to go to work right, when we assure our readers we shall devote all our time, talents and energies to render the "Huntingdon Journal" the most entertaining and instructive paper in the interior. We aro much gratified with the assurances of good wishes from our friends throughout the county, and hopo they will soon be sending us in the names of them 200 new subscri bers so faithfully promised. Rut, if you can't send the even number, we guess we shall content ourselves and be very much obliged for 199. AMUSEMENTS.—Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Louis Schneider has fitted up in splendid style his new building, on Railroad street, as a Billiard and Bowling Saloon where all who aro fond of such recreations will find everything in the nicest order. We do not, ourselves, approve of such things, yet, in justice to Mr. Schneider, we aro compelled to say that if they sisal exist they could not be un der the control of a more gentlemanly or accom dating man than him. Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road. Ily reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that the Commissioners appointed to have the stock taken for this road are to meet in this place on the 13th inst. Our citizens ought to feel a deep interest in having this project carried out. We shall. allude to this matter again. The Contested Election Case, This important election case, to test the validity of the election of Horn R. Kneass, the democratic candiilate for District Attorney, who was declar ed elected last fall, and held the office until the present time, was decided on the Sd inst. in the Court of Common Pleas. Judge King delivered the opinion of the Court—Judge Kelly con-cur ring—declaring that Wm. B. Reed, Esq., has been duly elected. Judge Campbell dissented from the opinion of the other Judges. - Judge King said he would draw up a decree by Monday morning, declaring the certificate given to Mr. Kneass invalid. The Hollidaysburg liegister says that the Catholics have secured a couple of lots of ground in Altoona, and contemplate erecting a capacious Church there in the course of a few months. Jenny Lind's Charity. Mad'lle Jenny Lind has caused to be deposited in the hands of the Mayor of Baltimore the pro ceeds of her last concert in that city, ($3,000) to be distributed in charities, as follows: Female Orphan's Asylum of St. Peter's Epis copal Church, $BOO Catholic Orphan's Fund, 700 The Widows' Home, 800 The Farm School, 700 The residue; ($700) to be distributed by the Mayor for private relief. le" The Saturday Evening Post ha's an ac count of a remarkable apparatus now being exhib ited in Paris, fur making the diurnal motion of the earth apparent by a machine. We suspect the whole account to be a hoax—at all events it is a figure beyond our astronomical education, and we did flatter ourselves we knew a thing or two about the heavens. CITURCII STIWCR ttY LIGHTNINO.—On Sun day, the 27th ult., during the service in the Dan ville, Pennsylvania, Methodist church, and while the congregation were at prayer before the com munion, the church was struck by lightning. The fluid passed down the steeple and lamp rods into the center of the church, amidst the assemblage, instantly killing Mrs. George Pensyl, and serious ly injuring several others in different partS of the house. The steeple was shattered, pews destroy ed, and flooring torn up. The church was new, and has sustained considerable injury. Webster and Clay. The following letter from Daniel Webster, was read at the birth-day celebration of Ilenry Clay, in New York, some time since : WASHINGTON, March 28, 1851. Gentlemen—You may wall say that you never approached the anniversary of Mr. Clay's birth with "more profound respect" for this "illustrious and venerated statesman" than you do now. Having entertained high regard for Mr. Clay, for many years, and heartily co-operating with him on many occasions in public life I have great pleasure in saying that at no period did lie ever render more important sevices to his country than when he took part in favor of the Compromise measures of the late session of Congress.-1 thank you gentlemen for the kind notice you take of my efforts on the same subject. It would give me true pleasure to attend your dinner but an excursion for that purpose would be inconsistent with my engagements at that time. General Scott at New Orleans. The Picayune, on announcing the arrival of General SCOTT in New Orleans on the 22d ultimo, says:—"The presence of this veteran soldier among us will be signalized by every mark of at tention and courtesy which can evince public gratitude for extraordinary services and illustrious deeds. His visit is on official business and can not be long but it will afford a most desirable op portunity for our citizens to make or renew a per sonal acquaintance with one who has performed so much service for the country. MISSIONARY AND MR. WEnSTEO —The Bos ton Observer relates an incident which occurred in the Revere parlors after Secretary WEBSTER'S speech, that is worth noting. Mr WEBSTER'S friends shook him by the hand, by hundreds, and among others the venerable and reverend CHARLES CLEVELAND, who has been for nearly a quarter of a century a devoted Boston City Mis sionary. Mr. CLEVELAND, on taking the Secre tary of State by the band, said, in substance: "Mr. WEUSTER, when you have saved the coun try from foreign war several times more—when you have delivered us from a lbw more domestic wars—when you have preserved the iji:ion again and again—then the majority will begin to appre ciate you. Sir, I shall always think of you—l shall always pray for you." Here several in the room cried out "Good:" "good!" Mr. IVEnszett acknowledged the compliment by a very low bow and said, "your words are like apples of gold in pictures of silver." VIRGINIA CONVENTION.—A resoluton passed the Convention on Tuesday determining that the debate on the question of suffrage should termin ate on the following day at meridian. The Rich mond Examiner says.—" The proposition to be first voted upon will be to strike out schedule B, containing the white basis scheme. This will probably succeed; and then will come up schedule A, no amended by Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, con taining the mixed basis scheme, stripped of its restriction in regard to the representation of cities and towns. To this will probably be moved Mr. Butt's compromise, and perhaps, at a subsequent period, Mr. Summers' proposition, • • • • to leave the subject of the basis to bo decided by a vote of the peopole, whether for the mixed or for the white basis." THE MEXICAN MINISTER, Senor Roses, in pursuance of a notice to our Government, given when Mr. Buchanan was Secretary of State, that Mexico would claim any part of the amount of the indemnity allowed to our citizens which should be proved not to be due, has prepared a despatch, it is said, for this Government, claiming for Mexico the sum of $46,000, which is left out of the three and a quarter millions agreed, by the Mexican treaty, to be paid for the injuries done to the per sons and property of our citizens by the Mexican authorities. Burning of the Steamboat Webster Dreadful loss of life. Vteasnuno„ May 3, 1851.—The steamboat Webster, Capt. Samuel Reno, took fire yesterday afternoon, and was burned to the water's edge nt the head of Island Eighty-six, one hundred miles above Vicksburg. The tire was first discovered and the alarm giv en about 3 o'clock, and almost instantly after wards, the boat was enveloped in flames. The pilot (Mr. Ruckman, to whom great credit is due,) having charge of the wheel, immediately endeavored to run the boat ashore. Ho was in part successful; but the flames finally drove him from his post, and the boat being unmanageable, floated again into deep water, thus depriving the passengers and crew from the first and lust hope of safety. At the first alarm a scene ensued which it is Impossible to describe, and, mingled as it WAS with the burning boat, from which the flames were spreading in all directions, became terrible in the extreme. Many rushed into the flames, while others crowded to the side of the boat, clinging convulsively to the guards, until driven away by the fire, anti compelled to throw themselves into the currant. Ti was with difficulty that any of the females could ho saved many of them being separated from their husbands and friends. About twelve or fifteen of the passengers jump ed from the boat, and with difficulty saved their lives by clinging to snags until relieved by the yawl of the vessel and skiffs from the shore. The number of passengers and bands on board die Webster was about one hundred, of whom on ly about sixty can be fouud; the rest arc supposed to have perished with the boat. Tlke Latest Relative to the Cuban Invasion. Baltitoore, May 3, 1851.—The Columbus (Geo.) Enquirer says, it is now certain that an expedition of some kind is on foot, and that men and boys are collecting front different parts of the State, for mili tary transportation somewhere. It is believed they are bound for the Island of Cuba. Now Orleans, May 3, 1851.—The Cuban expe dition here has been broken up, owing to obstacles interposed by government. The men have been disbanded, and all officers and leading spirits have returned to their homes in the West and elswlicre. Baltimore, May 3.—From the Savannah papers received hero yesterday morning, we learn that the United States Marshal, on Sunday chartered the steamer Welake, and, with a number of depu ties, proceeded in pursuit of the Cuban expedition, which is understood to be concentrating on the coast, from all parts of the State. The city was fall of rumors and arrests wore expected. It was thought that the Cubans would capture the mar shd and his boat and carry them oft' on their expe dition. Terrible Affair. A WHOLE FAMILY BURNED TO DEATIL-A terrible calamity occured in Harrison county, Intl., onh night last week. It appears an Irishman, named John Hannan, invited his neighbors to what is called a "house warming." The Indiana Argus says: Ito was seen about 8 o'clock, in li quor, and it is supposed that a portion of the fami ly—consisting of John Hanagan, his wife and six children, Mrs. O'Donnel, Patrick Slave h ono adult person, name unknown, and one child of John O'Donnel, deceased—went asleep under the influ ence of liquor. While asleep, the house, by some means caught fire, and the roof falling in, every one of the imnates, twelve in number, met with a hor rible death. The spectacle presented to the per sons who first readied the scene of the disaster was horrible and distressing in the extreme. No sound was heard save the hissing of the fire and crash of falling timbers, every member of the fami ly having already expired; but through the burn ing chinks of the house, the by-standers could dis cern the still nnconsumed bodies of the occupants. There lay the mother with the body of her dead infant still clasped to her bosom, to which the little sufferer had clung in the last agonies of this hor rible death, the bright flames shooting even from the eye-sockets of the unfortuate mother. A sad house-warming .it proved to be, indeed. The charred remains of eleven persons have been found amid the ruins whilst it is known that one child is lost, whose remains have not been discovered. Attempted Murder of Abdul Madlld. Some days ago there was a rumor that an at tempt had been made to poison the Sultan. The Courrier des Etats Uttis has an article professing to give the particulars. The conspiracy was formed by a number of fanatic Ulemas, headed by the Sultan's brother. They opened their project to Abdul Medjid's phy sician, and offered him one million piastres to ad minister the fatal potion. He pretended to con sent, but demanded a written promise fur the pay ment of the money. Having obtained this from the two confiding conspirators, he revealed the whole plot to the Sultan, and as the young prince refused to credit his statement, produced the mem orandum as proof. The further stay of the phy sician at Constantinople became impossible. The same evening a Turkish war steamer sailed for Trieste, bearing the physician and his wife, whom the Sultan would not permit to depart without generosly giving them the same sum which had been promised for the commission of the crime. Some days after it was noticed that several of the most noted Minutia had disappeared, and it was supposed that they had been the subject of one of those mysterious executions in which the Turkish Goverment formerly excelled. As for the Sultan's brother, no one knows what become of him, but it is conjectured that ho is at the bot tom of the Bosphorus. 'rho honest physician, whose name is Spitzer, is now residing at Trieste. BARNUM OUTDONE. -The Madison Journal re lates. the following piece of financiering:—M'- Elvey, the tailor who bought the prize ticket to Jenny Lind's first concert in Cincinnati, is one of the few men in the world who are sharp as Ilar• num. The way he worked things was this—for some days before the concert he went around among his friends, betting ten dollars with this one, twenty dollars with that one, and so on until he had a thousand dollars bat that he would buy the prize ticket. The ticket was knocked down to him at $575, thus leaving him $425 in pocket. The Collection of Debts. The hard processes of the law, and the extra ordinary and despotic powers with which credi tors have heretofore, until within a few years past, been armed for the collection of debts in all the States of the Union, and with which they ate still armed in many of them, even at the present day, have worked out their legitimate eonse• guences, in gradually undermining all laws what ever for that purpose. But whether declaring that " all debts shall he debts of honor," would de crease the number of bad debts, without, at the same time, destroying a healthy credit system, is by no means decided. The experiment, however, is about to be partially tried in the west. The Exemption Law of Michigan in regarded as a to tal exemption from pecuniary liability, and, in view of this fact, the merchants of the town of Kalamazoo have published the lbllowing card : "Whereas, all laws for the collection of debts in this State are virtually abolished, and the HON OR OF THE MAN is, hereafter, to be the founda tion of all ordinary transactions. " We, the undesrigned, merchants and grocers of the village of Kalamazoo ; in order to protect ourselves from the losses occasioned by bad debts incurred by men without honor or punctuality in their engagements, do resolve as follows " That we publish the names of all who refuse or fail satisfactorily to adjust the demands against them at the time agreed upon, at either of the stores or groceries in the plaice. And mutually and firmly agree that we will thereafter not trust the man whose name shall be thus advertised, be ing well convinced that no man of good intentions and honorable principles will allow himself to be thus posted before his neighbors and fellow citizens. "In pledge of our determination thus to do we subscribe our names and firms hereunto." It must be confessed that these Kalamazoo mer chants are hardly giving the " honor" theory a fair trial. Still they are near enough to the point for an ordinary experiment, and we hope that in duo thou they will give their experience to the public; for it is not often that the theories of re tbrniers COI be put to the immediate test of prac tical experiment.—Dally American. An American• Grace Darling. The New York Sunday .31i,ssenger notices a young, intelligent and interesting woman, residing within sixty miles of New York, who has, with the assistance of an aged and infirm father, saved twenty-one lives within the last fifteen years,— The following particulars are given: " Kate Moore is the daughter of Capt. Moore, who keeps the Light House on Fairweather Isl and, situated midway between the harbors of Black Rock and Bridgeport, (Conn.) The Island contains five acres of land, and is about half a mile from the shore. Many disasters, it isknown, have occurred to vessels driven round Montauk Point in a storm, and sometimes in the Sound to homeward bound, and this lady's ear is so ac curate, it is said she can distinguish the shrieks of the drowning mariner, and direct her barque in the darkest night. She can trim a boat, and man age as well as any man, and seems to make up in tact, what she lacks in strength, and never refuses to turn out in the darkest night to the relief of the sufferers. Our informant adds that she is a high ly accomplished and literary lady, and perfectly feminine in her manners, and that, although she occasionally visits New York, and other places in that vicinity, and has a large and most respecta ble acquaintance, many of whom know of these facts, they never came to the knowledge of the pnblic before. The late lamented Major Noah, who was remarkable for collecting the most in teresting facts, by some means became acquaint ed with them. We also understand that Capt. Moore and his worthy help-mate have resided on the Island over twenty years, and brought up a family of five children, upon a salary of three hun dred dollars a year, all of whom have an excellent education, and that they entertain a great many persons who visit the Island, with true, old fash ioned hospitality. We copy the following article, in answer to the slanders of the Bedford Gazette, front the Harrisburg Union, the acknowledged leading or gan of the Locofoco party in Pennsylvania : Personal abuse of a Political Op ponent. We would suggest to our friend of the Bedford Gazette, that there is nothing to be gained in a political or any other point of view, by his repre senting Governor Johnston to be in the constant habit of drinking in public barrooms, and bearing upon his forehead the evidences of habitual in temperance. We never knew anything of the Governor's hab its previous to his making Harrisburg his resi dence; but we will do him the justice to say that we have never seen him take a drink in a public liar-room; and although wo meet hint almost ev ery day when le is in Harrisburg, we have nev er witnessed any evidence aids intoxication, ei ther in his appearance or conversation. We say this much us an act of justice to Governor John ston, anti by way of preventing the Democratic press of the State from pursuing a course of per sonal detraction, which almost always recoils up on the party resorting to this disgraceful kind of warfare. We presume Governor Johnston is to be the Whig candidate for Governor; and we have no fear of meeting him on the broad principles that divide the Democracy and modern Whiggery, but we do trust that the Democratic ptess of Pennsylvania will have too much self respoct to fall into the course pursued against the Demo cratic candidate in 1838. A CURIOSITY.-A most wonderful piece of lin• en has been woven for the World's Exhibition, by a weaver named Haddock, near Warrington in the north of Ireland. It is a web of fine cam bric handkerchiefs. Small print can be read through it, and yet the web is so close and com pact that a single thread could not be distinguish ed without the aid of a microscope or rather web glass. The cambric when held up to the light, looks like a fine airy fabric. lir The undivided support of the south is ne cessary to the support of our ticket. To secure this, it is advisable to select a candidate suggested and advocated by the south.—Democratic Union. Exactly so—but we believe the south even will not much longer want you. The power of Loco• focoism in the northern States is gone forever, and the only hope it has is to how lower than ever to slavery; yet even that won't save it. It has had its day, and is beyond the reach of the resurrec tionists. Peace to ite ashes.—Lebanon courier. TEXAS.—The San Antonio Western Texas says that the carts and wagons in the El Paso, Chihuahua and New Mexico trade continue to pass and repass there in numbers. Sometimes the public square is completely covered with them, as they make a brief halt at San Antonio, to trade there. The Victoria Advocate of the 7th ult., says that Captain McCulloch and his rangers lately encoun tered a gang of runaway negroes in the neighbor hood of the Nueees, while making their way to wards Mexico. They were immediately challen ged to surrender, but instead of complying with the demand, they opened n tire on McCulloch's men, killing two and wounding one of them. A gene ral engagement then ensued in which all the ne groes were killed. These negroes are supposed to have run away front plantations on the Brazos, and have given much trouble to the counties of Do Witt and Victoria. Late accounts from Mexico represent that country as being in a most deplorable condition. Her financial affairs appear to be truly desperate' and General Arista who had assumed the man agement of the Treasury department gave it up as a hopeless task and none of her public men seem willing to assume the responsibility of an effort to restore the public credit and prosperity. Awrem—The police at New York, on Wednes , day last, in a miserable hovel in Sixth street, found a boy about 9 years old lying in a dying con dition tear his dead mother, •while his father, in sensibly drunk, was lying in a stupor in another corner—one of the most shocking exhibitions of the effects of intemperance recorded in a long while. The father was conveyed to the station house, the boy to the hospital, while the coroner was sent fur to hold an inquest on the mother! A Golden Newspaper. Mr. Gilbert, the member of Congress for Cali fornia, has just presented the Typographical So ciety of this city with a most unique and splendid specimen of the printing art. It is nothing less than a number of the Alta Californian of Februa ry Ist, printed on the finest white satin in letters of gold. The whole paper, eight folio pages in all, from the imprint and heading on the first page to• the small advertisements on the last, is neatly im pressed, in clear and legible type, and with an al most dazzling effect. We venture to say, that nothing sent to the Great Industrial Exhibition of May next, would• be a greater curiosity than this sheet, if exposed to the wondering eyes of the visitors on that or ension.—Considering that only two years since, California was little better than a wilderness, and that now she sends forth newspapers almost as large as the London Times, beautifully printed, and in their editorials discoursing ofgreat questions of government, of the rise and fall of stocks, of the prospects of the opera, of the doings of the Cham ber of Commerce, end of the merit of the pictures of the Art Union—eonsidering this stupendous change, we say, nothing among all the products of. the world can equal such a production of a ready made nation, with all the means and appliances of civilized existence. The number of the Alta Cali fornian to which we allude can be seen at the Li brary of the Typographical Association. Apart from the present interest which attaches to it, in after times it will become a valuable historical monament.—N. I: Evening Post. MARRIED, At the St. Clair Hotel, Pittsburg, Thursday morning, April 24111, by the Rev. Samuel Fulton, Mr. W. W. JACKSON, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss CATHARINE LYNCH, of that city. MOSEY MATTERS. Philadelphia Its tes of Discount. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Philadelphia Banks • par Lebanon, par Pittsburg par Chmnbersburg, i Germantown, par Gettysburg, - Chester County • • • • par Middleton, Delaware County • • • par Carlisle, Montgomery Co. • • • par Harrisburg Northumberland • • • par Honesdale, I A Col. Bridge Co. • • • • par Wyoming par Reading par Eric Bank, 1 i Lancaster, par Waynesburg, It, Doylestown par Schuylkill Haven, • • • par Easton par West Branch par Bucks County par Roller Notes 14 Brownsville par " ' new issue • 1, 3 Pottsville pari State Scrip, f: Washington f Pittsburg City Scrip • • 15 York :7, Allegheny City, 20 Danville par Allegheny County, • • • 20 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE /MB subscriber offers at Private Sale all that certain farm and tract of land situate in Blair township, Blair county, adjoining lands on the cast of—Myers, on the north by Jas. Conrad, on the west and north-west by Henry Harbi son and—Maxin, and on the south by Jacob Sells—containing 11 GS) ®rpm and the usual allowance, &., ono hundred acres of which are cleared and un der high state of cul tivation; the remaining ninety-seven acres is heavily timbered with white oak, rock oak, black oak and walnut, of the host quality of timber.— Said farm is well watered, having water in all the fields, and has on it two good meadows with runs running through each, and has thereon a young orchard of selected FRUIT TREES of apple and other varieties of fruit, in a thriving condition. 'rite buildings erected on said proper ty are three Dwelling Houses, Bank Baru, Fiume Stable, Wagon House, Corn Crib, Blacksmith Shop, Tan House, conveniently situated for tan yards and other buildings. Said property is situ ated in a good and well settled neighborhood, within one mile of the village of Freedom, and ono mile of Newry, and convenient to schools and churches ; being located near to towns iron works, end grist mills, a good market is afforded, whore all kinds of produce meet a ready sale. To the Fanner, Capitalist and others anxious to procure a desirable and excellent property a good opportunity is now afforded, and their at tention is requested to the same. The title is in disputable. Terms and conditions of sale and any other information in regard to said property can be had from Was. W. Sister, now residing on the premises, or from John Cresswell, At torney nt Law, Hollidaysburg. Possession' of said farm can be given at any time desired by the purchaser MICHAEL SISLEH. May 8,1851.-3 t,