Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 01, 1851, Image 3
NEW GOODS, ANo GOOD NEWS. . WE would advise all gentlemen to call at B. & W. Snare's Clothing Store and view their immense and beautifil second SUMMER STOCK just received. Everything there is beautifully, ornamentally and , systematically arranged, and their assortment is positively the largest, best and most attractive ever Brought to Huntingdon. They buy their cloth illy, for rash, and they a It it ns cheaply no can be afforded, with a vie.v to n living profit. Purchasers would do well to buy their cloth ing at B. & W. Snare's store, as they never fail to please in quality, fit and price May 1, 1.83:.-3t B. &. 'W. SNARE. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOKS. itomnrehensive Summary of Universal Mato .i ry. together with a Biography of Distin j,iikheil Persons, to which is appended an epi tome of heathen Mythology, Natural Philoso phy, General Astronomy and Physiol gy. Adopted and used in the Public S •hoots of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers. W. Corn.:r 4th and Race sta. Philads Tearh.•ra and School Committees addressing lett.rm to us post paid, will be furnished with 'ropes for examination. A full and complete assortment of Books : int! Stationary for th.., lowest prices. , May 1,1851.—1 y Journeyman Plasterer Wanted. A good journeyman Plasterer will find em ployment by applying to the subscriber, in Alexandria, Huntingdon county. JAMES DEAN. May 1,1851.-3 t • CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC, WIIEREAS, the Vegetable Cattle Powder, manufactured by Broinig, Fronefield & Co., No. 137 North Third street, Pitilada., has or q for itself a wonderful celebrity fur its mar y valuable medicinal :qualities, and as an agent to increase the amount of Fat, Milk and Batter in the perfectly healthy animal; and whereas, its immense popularity amongst the Farmers and Dairymen, wherever it has been introduced, has induced several persons to get 'apan imitation °four Cattle Powder, and have taken the same language, almost word foe word, as we have in our small hills, and put on theirs. We therefore caution all persons, Storekeepers, Farmers and Dairy-men, against the deception thus practiced by designing men. The proprietors have investigated this sub ject for years, during a long residence in the country, and do now challenge the world to produce anything equal to their Cattle Pow der. They want the public to bear in mind that their powder is theirs alone, boasting not of a German nor any other foreign origin. They wish its quality (not its name) to be the source of its value. It has already a character, although of but about five years standing, which enables it to stand upon its own merits. . . Several orders have been sent to this city (or Cattle Powder, which have been filled by send ing an article "got up in imitation of our own. We therefore say again, Storekeepers, Far mers and Dairymen, do not buy a pound un less ynu look for the name of Breinig, Frone field & Co., written signature, on the end of each pack, do not allow yourselves to be de ceived; the life and health of your rattle de pend upon this caution, an well as your inter est.—Look out, "Vigilance is the price of se curity." BREINIG, FRONEFIF.LD & Co. No. 187 N. Third st., Phila, May 1, 1851.-31 FRESH AHT VAL .111EW G9ODS AT THE ENLARGED STORE OP Ja.MES .11.11Gff1RE, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. .1. M. informs the public generally that he has just received, and is opening, a large artd well selected stock of NEW GOODS, FOR, SPRING AND SUMMER, of the finest and cheapest ever brought to IIun• tingdon, consisting of every variety of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of all descriptions and of the, newest styles, consisting in part of Ginghams, Calicoes, Bikrages, Lawns, Silks ; &c.• ' Mullins , Checks, Linens, Oil Chintzes, Linen Diapers, Bonnets of the latest styles, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Handker chiefs, and everything in the no tion line. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, mbracing Cloths, Casimeres, Satinets, Sum. iner Cloths, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, &c, He has also on hand a very large and genera assortment of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, 'HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GLASSWARE, Together with all kinds of Goods generally kept in a country *tore. A word to the wise, and my friends in par ticular—call and see me before purchasing elsewhere, as lam determined to give bar gains._ 02^'Please remember MAGUIRE'S Cheap Store, in Market Square, Lluntingtiori, April 24, 1851. WITHDRAWEL. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested, that A. J . Wigton, heretofore it mem ber of the firm of Isett, Wigton & Co. of Rock Hill Furnace, in the county of Huntingdon, has this day withdrawn from said firm, having sold his interest therein as well as his interest in the property thereto belonging to Samuel Wigton and R. B. Wigton, members of said firm, who aro to take the place and assume the responsibilities of the said A. J. Wigton in sail firm from this date. A. J. WIGTON, SUMUEL WIGTON, R. B. WIGTON. April l7, 1851.—. Shirleyalung Female Seminary. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed prop°. eats will be received at the store of Henry Brewster, in the borough of Shirleysburg, from this time till the 26th of May next, for erect ing Seminary buildings at or near said borough. Plans and specifications will be made out and can be seen by any person proposing to erect said buildings. By order of the Trustees April 24, 1851. DR. J. D. STONEROAD, _TAVI NG located permanently at Mitl Creek, I oft,r.: his professional services to that corn nujuity. All calls trusted•to hie care will receive kla tiniest attention. NEW GOOdS A T THE STORE OF J. & W. SAXTON. J. 4. W. S. have just received and are now opening for public inspection and purchase, a eplerdid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. We have better and cheaper Goods than can be found at any other establishment in the county. If you don't believe this assertion, "just drop in," and verify it, by examining qualities and prices. . . . To enumerate in detail all the articles we have for sale, would occupy too much space in the paper, to the exclusion of "marriages," always so interesting to the fairer portion of our nu merous customers. We have every desirable ariticle of LADIES' AND GENTLENIEN'S DRESS (;CODS, 8.7' The Ladies will not forget that their de partment is confined to the store on the corner, opposite Couts' Hotel. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND. CAPS. A splendid assortment of the above article. FRESH GROCERIES, of which we have the very best, and will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine for yourselVes. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. ir7 - We will receive and store C , e'n. also pay the highest market prices,and it is ad mitted by all to be the most convenient place to unload Grain in and about town. J. Bz. W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, April 1851. EXCHANGE HOTEL. JOHN LIVINGSTON Takes this method of announcing to his friends ; and the public generally, that he has leased the long established and won known stand, lately occupied by Col. Johnston, and flatters himself he is prepared to accommodate all who may honor him with a call, in the most satisfactory manner. • HIS TABLE will always be furnished with the choisest vi ands the musket will afford, and ///S STA LtLI ArG Ts as good as can be found in the borough. Huntingdon, April 34, 'sl.—tf.. BLACK BEAR HOTEL FRANKLIN TVINKETT, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon county, and all others who may at any time have occasion to visit or pass through Huntingdon, that he has taken this well known stand, and is prepared to accommodate the pub lic in the most satisfactory manner. His undi vided attention will be devoted to the task of rendering the Black Bear Hotel one of the most pleasant stopping places in the borough, and he most respectfully solicits a call from his friends and the tinselling public generally. Huntingdon, April 21, '5l. COSTUME H. 'Tis True is the place to purchase Spring and Summer Clothing, cheaper than you ran bay in the city of Philadelphia. .TJCOB SNYDER, The Proprietor of g , Cosrumz Hsu.," has just arrived from the East with the Inmost assort ment of Spring and Sum: daft Clothing, suita ble for mon end boys, ever oft: red to the good citizens of Huntingdon county. _ _ _ lie does not wish to offend his friends by of fering to give them any article of Clothing they may desire, hut he will sell so cheap that it will amount to the same thing in-the end. School Teacher Wanted. A School Teacher is wanted to take charge of the Public School to commeni.e on the 15th day of May next, and to continue ejght months. None but competent Teachers •need apply. JOHN LUTZ, Pres'dnt. JNO. W. WITUINGTON, Secy. Shirleysborg, April 24, 'sl.—it.* GRAND COMBINATION OF THE Useful, Beautiful and Ornamental I! EDMUND SNARE BEGS LEAVE to inform the people of Hun-, tingdon, and the rest of mankind, that he has bought, brought and opened the richest, largest and chic/pest assortment of WATCHES & JEWELRY ever beheld in this meridian In addition to his unprecedented stock of Watches and Jewelry he is just opening a most excellent variety of miscellaneous BOOKS, .as well us School Books and STATIONARY, which he is de termined shall be so:d fewer than ever sold in Huntingdon. Call in and see if this statement is not cor rect. Store formerly occupied by Neff & Mil ler. 1:0 - 01d Gold and Silver wanted. April 24, 1851. SILVER SPOONS of the latest patterns can be had at E. Snare's Jewelry Store, clt.X DOLLARS and Fitly cents for the largest L. , Gold Pencils, at Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store. LAMES Gold Pens and Pencils at the Chonp Corner Jewelry Store. BOOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at Ed. Snare's Store. F ANCY Articles in endless variety at E. Snare's Store. PORTE MONNAIRS-8 or 10 different kinds; from 25 cents to 3 dollars at Seott's Cheap Jewelry Store. FANS -A beautiful assortment at various prices. Also, Card Cases, Iloquet Holders, fancy En velopes, Note Paper, and other articles expressly for the Ladies, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. Tits AGLEY'S Superior Gold Pons, in gold and -LP silver patent extension cases, warranted to give entiro satisfaction, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. ALLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various other kinds of Pistols, at the lowest prices, ut Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. EIGHT DAY nod thirty-hour brass clocks, in beautiful mahogany and rose-wood cases war ranted to run well, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. GOLD PENS-8 or 10 different kinds, from 621 ate. to 10 dollars, at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. SPRING ARRIVAL New Goods. GEORGE GJVIJV, HAS just received a large and splendid as. sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which he will sell at fair and reasonable prices. He is thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received, and hopes to merit a continu ance of the same. His stock of goods consists of every variety of L.9DIES' .AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, OF THE NEWEST STYLES; GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, GLASSWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES; With a fine variety of goods of every de scription. Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Flour, Cloverseed and Flaxseed, Butter, Eggs, &c., &c., ta ken in exchange for goods. 112'Cail and examine my goods. April 16, 1811. BOUTS AND SHOES; A large assortment of good qualities, just re ceived at LEVI WES7'I3ROOK'S STORE. THE subscriber has just received a large as sortment of the best quality of BOOTS and SHOES. His stuck consists in part of a good assortment of Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Gentlemen's 'Con gress Gaiter's and Oxford. Ties; Ladies' Congress, Buskin, and Side Half Gai ters; Ladies' Jenny Lind Buskin, Kid and Enamel Boots; Ladies Enamel Ties, Enamel Welt Buskins, Car pet Slippers, and Patent Leather Jenny Linda; Together with a first rate quality of Children's Shoes of all kinds and all sizes—all of which I will sell low for cash. Thankful for past favors I respectfully in vite an axamination of my new stock, and a continuance of a share of public patronage. LEVI WESTBROOK. April 21, 18.21. N. B.—Those of my customers who are in debted to me are requested to call and settle up immediately• Executor's Notice. Estate of ELISHA S. GREEN, late of Spring field township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. LETTERS Testamentary having been gran ted to the undersigned on the estate of the said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement. MARY GREEN, Executrix. April 21, 1831. 111INTINGDON WORKS. New Arrangement. THE subscriber has purchased the entire inter est of R. G. STEWART, ill the Huntingdon Mtir ble Works, and would respectfully announce that he has on band a huge and well assorted lot of of MARBLE, which he offers to .the citizens Of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices which cannot fill to suit all who may want either MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, or any work usually done in an estab • lislunent of this kind. Persons wishing any work in his line, woulddo well to give the subscriber a cull as he is determined not to ho outdone by any other establishment, either in material or work manship, on the Juniata. CCir Tim establishment has been removed to the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Hawkins, near the Railroad Watering Station. (F.rThe subscriber will collect all accounts due the (inn and pay all debts of the same, the accounts being left in his Wild, IreJOIIN G. STEWART Will COlllillUO to act as agent for the concern. GEORGE BELL, Huntingdon, April 24, 1851.-3 m. H. K. NEFF, M. H., HAVING located himself in IVAmuottsmAna, in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that platen and the country adjacent. RITVERENCES : Laden, M. O. Gen. A. P. Wilson, s M. A. Henderson, " I'. Orbison, Eg. J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. • . _ - fluntingdon, Pa. Jacob M, Gemini% M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. npl7'sl-tf. Executor's Notice. LETTERS Testamentary have been granted to the subsctiber upon the estate of Jacob Matters, senior, late of Franklin township, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will present them properly authen ticated, and those who are indebted are request ed to make immediate payment. W. J. MATTERN, Exec', Franklin tp., Hunt. co., April 17, 1851.-6 t. R. A, MILLER, 3171EielEalt icanalma, HUNTINGDON, PA. N. 11. All operations Warranted. Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersign ed, Commissioners, will meet at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon on Tues day the 13th day of May next, A. D. 1551, to devise such plans, and take such measures as will most certainly insure the construction and completion or the above Railroad, under the provisions of the Charter. The Books to receive subscriptions to the Corporate Stock of said Railroad will be again opened on that day at the said place, and will be kept open at such times and places as the said Commissioners shall then appoint, until the whole of the Capital Stock is subscribed. Land boilers on Broad Top, in Woodcock Valley, Morrison's Cove, citizens of the bor oughs of Bedford and Huntingdon, and all per sons who have or feel an interest in the success of this Railroad, are respectfully invited to at tend. Commissioners : THOMAS FISHER, ISAAC COOK, A. P. WILSON, JOS. CRISMAN, DAVID BLAIR, JOHN KERR, LEVI EVANS, ALEX. KING, JOHN G. 'ILES, JAMES SAXTON, JAc. CRESS WELL, MTT. M. PEEBLES, JOHN M'CAIIAN, JAS. ENTREKIN, JAMES PATTON. April 10, 1.851.—tt. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post -Li Office -at Hunting for the Quarter ending April 1, 1851 : B Looskan Martin 2 Boggs Jacob M Bartlet T 2 Mosser ElMs 3 Berm. Chas. Morgan Thomas Bolinger Miss Margaret Myers Harriet B Doughy. Andrew Montgomery Albert Brown Jno D Morgan Wm C Miller Jacob II Corr or Dennis John Moore. Thanes Esq Cobb Wm I' Esq Molsan Wm. Charlton Dr S T 2 Mytinger Henry B Cowed Samuel M'Coy A H Campbell Jno Martin Isaac Carter Robert Menningstar Adam Cummins Jno Esq Morrison Margret Corbin Jno M'Atcer Mathew Crofton Barnard. Mope Wm M Esq 2 CaMpbell Robert E Miller Sarah II Culp George Mattson G W Esq Crouch Andrew Esq Morrison Rachel B Cunningham John It .Martin Mrs Jane I) Mdcaniaary Maurice Decker Nicholas ' P Dornan Maegret Poof Directors Render Dougherty Jno eon, Springfield • Donaldson .1 Esq Patterson Jno J Esq Dcamit Hannah Purviance L Dodson Thomas Parks George 2 Dolan Bridget Pattererson Semi Dinsmore Austin Esq R Daily Miss Nancy Robison John - Dennis Chas Rosenberg Geo Dodson Silas Riegle Miss Julian E Roberts Miss Mary Erek Harry S Edinger John Stewart Miss Margret Eicholtz Geo Stilwell James Evans Miss Elizabeth Swine. Geo Esq Elletts James Stewart John S Evans Thomas ,Smith Catherine F • . Scott Huey Fitzgerald Maurice, Sheesley David Fangliner .Jas Stewart Eminger Famcn Thomas Sehmids Lewis Fritzinger Frank Stafford Sarah Fulton Alexander Scatty Bernard Foote Jos Sloan Rachel Fry Jett Sellers Barbara Fleming Jno Smith Wm R 2 G Simpson Alexander M. Green Miss M Sparks George Garver' Mr Snyder Abram Glasgo Jas E &elder T • George F M Esq Smith Caleb H Geo J T Rig Smith Peter Green Miss Sarah A Sloan Jno II Green Robert S Steelier Rev A D Gauthan Thomas Sellers George Goodman Elizabeth Stryker Wm Master Glenn Nancy Smith Thomas. Garret] Anthony T ii Toole Charley Ilipwell Semi Thomas Rev a° F Hook Miss Sarah Thomas Jas . .. . Ilarker Samuel Thompson Wesley Harnish Christian Tate Wm Esq Hutson Mr Esq Thomas John Hollingshead Mrs Jane Taylor & Donaldson Hamilton Ilugh Thompson John Hazzard Catharine Toun Jno Hayso Wm M W J Williams J Esq Irons George Wentrode Doc Jno H 2 larris Thomas Esq Wilson James losburn Joshua Wilson Rev Wm H K Wallace Edward Esq Kyley Mhounas Wilson fames Esq Kissel Frederick . Whittaker Mias Eliza Kelly Patrick Wilson Benjaniine L. Welsh Jacob Undies Mrs Wadner Michael Leo henry Wallkill in° W Lowden Jas Winn Win Long C Esq Y Lutz Saint Esq Yaw Mrs Elizabeth 2 Persons calling for letters on the above list will please say they are advertised. CT' Two cents in addition to the regular post age charged on advertised letters. PETER C. SWOOPE, P. M. School Teachers Wanted. FOUR SCHOOL TEACHERS, two mole and two female, are wanted to take charge of the Public Schools in the borough of Iluntingdon. The Schools, to commence on the tirst of May next, and to continue ten months. None but good Teachers need apply. OWEN BOAT, President. C. S. BLAcit, Secretary. aplo, '51.- Notice of Administration. Estate of JAMES CLARK, deceased. MOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- AA ministration on the estate of James Clark, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased, have. been this day granted by the Register of Flttntingdon county to the subscriber, residing in said borough—all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are request ed to make known the same to me without de lay and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me.• ELIZABETH S. CLARK, Agininistratrix, Huntingdon, March 27,-up. 3,7851.-Gt. Birmingham Female Seminary MILE fifth semi-annual term of this institu tion will commence on Wednesday, the 23rd of April, instant. The liberal patronage which this school has heretofore received encourages the proprietors and friends of female education to expect, by proper effort, to make it both a permanent and important institution. And in hope of accom plishing this, vigorous effbrts are making for the emotion of a large and commodious build ing, •sliich is expected to be ready for occupan cy by the opening of the winter term. For the present session a number of boarders can be accommodated in the family of the Prin cipal and others will find good accommodation in private lamilies in the village at reasonable rates. No pains will be spared to sustain the grow ing reputation of this institution. And the Principal hopes, with the assistance of compe tent female teachers, to render it in all respects worthy of patronage. For terms refer to REV. ISRAEL WARD, April, 3,'51.-3m.] Principal. Dissolution of Partnership. HE Partnership heretofore existing between T Greenberry Dorsey & James Maguire, or the borouth of Huntingdon, was this day dis solved by mutual consent. The accounts of the firm will be settled by J. Maguire, who will continue the business at the some stand. Those indebted to the firm will please to make pay ment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. GREENBERRY DORSEY, JAMES MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, April 1,17, '5l. Umbrellas & Parasols. SELLING OFF CHEAP HAVING decided to quit the business, I pro pose to sell my Stock at very low prices. It embraces the newest and most desirable styles. You are invited to call and examine. WM. li. RICHARDSON, No. 104, Market Street,: . April 3,'31.-2m.] Philadelphia. PRICES REDUCED. 0:1 1 ‘; :r - • - „ 3 / , wC/D • R & W. SN , A er R , E t lin ßeturn o their sir citi zens of Huntingdon and the people in general for sustaining them'against high priced compe tition. They have just returned from the City with a splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods, For Men and Boys, Consisting of Business,.Dress, Sacic and Frock COATS, of all colors, sizes and kinds, suited to the season; Cassimere Pants, Vests and Standing Collar Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, which for beauty of fit, comfort and elegance are unequalled. Purchasers will at all times get a neat garment and a good fitb.y buying their Clothing from B. & W. SNARE. PHILADELPHIA& NEIV YORK HATS, 6oihd for Persons of all Tastes. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers for sum mer. (3" - We keep the largest assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valise Trunks at the lowest prices, dhat is ()Pm , for sale in the county. Umbrellas and all other articles usual ly kept (and a number of atticlwi too numerous to name) in a well regulated Clothing Store. CO" These goods have all been purchased for Cash, which will enable us to sell them2s per centum lower than goods bought on the credit system. B. & W. SNARE. March 27, 1851.-7 m. J. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. S. D. WILLIAMS et Co, Wholesale Grocers and Commissian Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg illanathetures, No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg. 150 doz. Pomeroy's Corn Brooms. 121 Hoboes' Patcut Zinc Wash Brushes. 100 kegs No. t & Pure White Lead. 100 Boxes W. 11. & Cream Cheese. 100 .. Mould, Strained & Star Candles. 100 Rosin and Palm Soap. .200 « Window Glass, assorted. 50 .. Pearl Starch, 50 .4 Salerat US. 110 packages Green and Black Teas. 100 bags Rio, Laguyra and Java Coffee. 100 bbls. N. 0. and S. H. Molasses. 23 " " " and Golden Syrup. 50 .. Loaf, Crushed and Pulv. Sugars. 50 hhds. N. Orleans Sugar. Lard Oil, Baeon, Dried Beef, &c., On accommodating, Terms. Refer t 6 Merchants Themes Read & Son, .. Fisher & Nl'Murtrie, . •. Charles Miller, .4 • Honorable John Rer, Huntingdon. Mara' 27, 1851.—1 y. Administrators' Notice. Estate of JAMES TRAVIS, late of Franklin township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. LETTERS of Administration h aving been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated to JOHN L. TRAVIS, G. T. TRAVIS, Administrators. Franklin township, March 20, 1851.-61." Something Superior, Convenient, Safe, and Neat. I have purchased the right for the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, to one a Patent Sash Luck or stopper, invented by William E. Arnold of Rochester, Monroe coun ty, New York, which is neat, safe, convenient, cheap, and superior to any article of the kind ever yet invented or used. With it sash can be raised from below or let down from above or both at once if required. It is constructed that it cannot be put out °corder, and when the win dow is closed, ris a perfect lock. A modal will he exhibited to•show how it works. A oumber of the citizens of this pine° (Huntingdon) hove already the locks attachad to their window sash. It will also answer, for cupboard and parlor doors, and the windows of Railroad passenger cars, and many other places. The neatness, durability, convenience, cheapness and safety, makes it prTfuntiA-.t.f) troy "." --I t 6 tl kind ev er yet invented for the use for which they are intended. Any person wishing to have such locks or stoppers put to their window sosh, will please address THEOPHILUS 1). HOFFMAN, Care of Doctor Jacob Hoffman, Huntingdon Pa N. B. My obligations bind me to remain of operate within the limits of the county of Hun tingdon as it existed before Blair county was stricken off, and also gives me the privilege to put in said locks in any part of said county should any part be stricken off during the period of the patent. (Patent secured Feb. 26th MI.) April 3.-1. tn.] T. D. H. MACKEREL, ' SHAD, CODFISH, . Constantly on band and SALMON, for sale by • HERRINGS, J. PALMER A Co., I HA L MS AND SIDES, ki.‘'PlalirkleLtASH"EeeLti'thAal..f, SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE. Philad'a, Feb. 27, 1851 . —Tin. Constantly on CORN BROOMS, . PAINTED BUCKETS, hand at Menthe- CED AR WARE, turera' prices by WILLOW BASKETS, M. &J. M. ROWE BRISTLE BRUSHES, II I N. 3rd street, TWINES & CORDAGE, 3 doors below MATS, MATCHES,,- - WOODEN WARE, &c., &c. l Philadelphia. Feb, 8. 1851. Dissolution of Partnership. H. K. NEFF & R. A. MILLER, having for some time been engaged in the Watch & Jew elry business, in Hunting,don, have this day dis solved by mutual consent. Desiring to settle up their business as soon as possible, they would invite all who are indebted to them, ei ther by note or book account to call and settle IstmaniArcLir, and those having claims will present tiiein for payment. • . . The books Will . be in the hands of one of the undersigned at his office in Main Street. U. K. N.EFF, R. A. MILLER, April 1,-10, 1851.-31 SCOTT TRIUMPHANT ! SPLENDID stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices. Just received at Scott's cheap Jewelry Store, three doors west of T. Read & Son's store. The public are respectfully solicited to call and sO. SPRING'INILLINERT GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, Lnpocters and Dealers in Silks, Ribbon, and Nide eery Goods, No. 45, Swab Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE received, by late nrr Mils, a large and handsome assortment of Sprang .Millinery Goods, Selected by one of tne inn in France. They have now in store Glanc Silks for casing Bonnets. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons. Plain Menthe and Satin Ribbon's all widths• A large assortment of Artificial Flowers. Whit; and colored Crapes and Crape Leese, Frence Chip Hats. Fancy Nets and Laces. Fancy Lesse Trimmings—Caps. Quillings—Casing Wire—Crowns. Covered Whalebones, &c., &c., with all oth• er articles appertaining to the Millinery I:rade, March 20, 182 m. • Doolcsellers, Country IVEerehants and Teachers. TE Reveciltiityr,;i,;;iti;nttention of all dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELLANE— OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, to our su perior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertaining to our business. A lone andactive experience warrants us in saying that we can offer inducements to par chasers, EQUALLED BY FEW—:EXCELLED nY soon. We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business, believing it an experi ment is made, it 'will Ce. found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to continue operating wi th us. . Our stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally. Orders by marl or otherwise despatched promptly and at the lowest rates known in any market. 07 — The highest price given for RAGS in . ash.PECK & BLISS, . _ North East Corner of Third & Arch eta PHTLAUELPAIA. Philad'a, March O. NEW GOODS: First Arrival this Spring!! 1/TORE NEW GOODS ire expected this day at " ELEPHANT," consisting in part cf Conestoga Shnetings, at the old price. Bleached & unbleached Aluslins from 3 to 1,2 i Splendid Ruby Calicos. Carpet Chain, all colors. Lancaster Ginghams, 12i cents per yard. Coffer, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Mackerel, &c., &c., all of which will be sold at the usual low rates which have tendered the ELEPHANT" 'run Store of the county. WILLIAM H. PEIGHTAL. Huntingdon, March 13, 1851.—tf. Executor's Notice. Estate of SAMUEL; M'KINSTRY, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon Co., deed. LETTERS Teeamentary havingbeen grant ed to the undersigned on the Estate of said de ceased, all persons knowing themselves indebt ed will please make immediate payment, and those having claitits will present them properly authenticated to JOHN M'KINSTRY, Executor. Shirley township, March 27, 1851.-Bt,-* camszuntouon Bc co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16, SMITH WILUIVEg; PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PRO VISIONS, have constantly on hand an assort ment of DRIED and PICKLED FISH, &c., viz: Miier:erei, Codfish,Hams, Butter, I Salmon, I Beef, Sides, Pails, Shod, l Pork, Shoulders, &c. &r. I Herrings, Lord, Cheese, Philad'a, March 0,1851.-3 m. JOSEPH H. SNYDZIR'S Wholesale Tobacco lliarebouse. No. :MS, N. :trd St., Philadelphia. COUNTRY Storekeepers and Tobacconists in general, coming to the city to purchase their spring supply, will. do well to call andex amine rriy.gcods. I have on hand a large stock of Lear Tobacco, and a complete assortment of SNUFFS, MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, and SEGARS, which I can sell wholesale and ret.iit as iow as any °thar house in the city.— Do not forget to call at JOSEPH H. SNYDER'g, No. 218, N. 3rd st. (3 doors below Callow hill,) at the sign of the large Indian Chief. . . . N. H. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to, on the most reasonable terms. Philad'a, March 6,1951.-3 m Cheap Hardware. M. BUEHLER & BRO., No. 105 Market street, Philadelphia, 2 doors below• sth street, off, for sale, HARDWARE in all its varie ties, at low prices. Call, and see before you buy. Look for the Red Lettered Mill Saw. Philad. Feb. 20, 1851.-3 m. Administrator's Notice LETtERs of Administration on the Estate. of ADAM GARNER, :ate of Penn township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, having been granted by the Register of Huntingdon county to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all persons indebted to'said estate will make payment without deluy to JACOB SUMMERS, Penn township, Ap. 3,'51-6t.] Administrator. Female SeMinary. THE Subscribers to the Birmingham Female Seminary will take notice thatthey are re quired to pay to the Treasurer, James Clarke, in Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Fa., an in stalment of ten per centum ofi the amount sub scribed by each to the Capital Stock in the said Seminary, on the 'loth day of April, instant, and on the 10th day of each succeeding month. ISRAEL W. WARD, LEWIS PALMER, JOHN CLARK, Managers. Birmingham, April 3, 18411.—tr. Splendid Stock of New and Cheap lVatches, Clocks, et. Jewelry, At Phiadelphia Prices. J. T. Scott has just received from Philadelphia and is now opening a new and very large assort ment of Gold and Silver Watches, 8 day and thir ty hour Chicks, Jewelry, and a great variety of other articles, which he is enabled to sell at rates much lower than usual. " Quick dales and small profits" is his motto, the woof of which will ha found on examining his excellent assortment •1 "61. 1..1 a