NEW GOODS AT THE STORE OF J. & W. S S.XTON. J. 4. W. S. have just received and are now• nnbl;c inspection and purchase, splardid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOC D 3, We hove better and cheaper Goods than ca. be found at any other establishment in th county. If you don't believe this assertion .just drop in," and verify it, by examinii qn ~t 1 •s and To enumerate in detail all the artieles we have for sale, would occupy too much spare in the pap.r, to the exclusion of "marriage.," always so interesting to the fairer portion of our nu merous customers. We have every desirable ariticle of LADIES' AND GENTLE '.IEN'S DRESS cm( r S. B 7" The Ladies will not forget that their de. partinmt is confined to the store on the corner, opposite Coats' Hotel. BOOTS AND SHOES, HAT'S AND CAPS. A splmdid assortment of the above article. FRESH GROCERIES, of which we have the yery best, and will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine tor yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mentioa, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. IV We will receive and store Grain, an,. also n a y i h. burliest n sirket prices.anu it , E 1 by all to be the most convenient place to unload Grain in and about town. .1. Fe. W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, April 21, 1811. XXOtIaNGE IEIOTZL. .101 IN LIVINGSTON Takes thin m.thod of annonneini: to his friends ; and the p/Iblie generally, that he has leaned the long established and well known etand, lately occupied by Col. Johnston. and flatters himnelf he is prepared to accommodate all who any honor him with a call, in the most satisfactory manner. MS TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest vi. ands the rnai kat will afford, and 111.5 STABLING Ts as good as can be found in the borough. Huutinvlon, April 31, 'sl.—tf. BLACK BEAR HOTEL. FRANKLIN 14 , 1 NICP. T T, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon county, and all others who may at any time have occasion to visit or pass throne. Huntingdon, that he has .taken this well known stand, and is prepared to accommodate the pub lic in the most saiiifactory manner. His undi vided attention will be devoted to the task o' rendering the Black Bear Hotel one of the most pleasant stopping places in the hurnilah, and he most respectfully solicits a call from his frionds and the travelling public generally. Huntingdon, April 21, '5l. COSTUME HALL Tis True is the place to purchase Spring and Summer Clothing. cheaper than ,you can buy in the city of Philadelphia. JACOB SNYDER, The Proprietor of " COSTUME Hsu.," has just arrived from the East with the largest assort ment of Spring and Sumner Clothing, suito bto for mon end boys, ever ott e red to th e g ood citizens of liuntinadon county. He does not wish to oft.nd his friends by of fering to give them any article of Clothing they may desire, but he will sell so Olean that it will amount to the SA me thing in the end. pchool Teacher Wanted. A School Teacher is wanted to take charge of the Public School to commence on the lath day of May next, and to continue eight months. None but comp-tent Teachers need apply. JOHN LUTZ, Pres'diit. Jso. W. Wrcutsorox, Secy. Shirleysbarg, April 21, '51.—1t.• Executor's Notice. Estate of ELISHA S. GREEN, late of Spring field township, Huntingdon county, clec'tl. LETTERS Testamertary having been gran ted to the undersigned on the estate of the said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement. MARY GREEN, Executrix. April 21, 1851. Boors AND SHOES; A large assortment or good qualities, just re ceived at LEVI WESTBROOK'S STORE. THE subscriber has just received a large as sortment of the best quality of BOOTS and SHOES. His stock consists In part of a good assortment of Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Gentlemen's Can gross Gaiter's and Oxford Ties; Ladies' Congress, Buskin, and Side Nalf Gai ters; Ladies' Jenny Lind Baskin, Kid and Enamel Boots; Ladies Enamel Ties, Enamel Welt Buskins, Car pet Slippers, and Patent Leather Jenny Linda; Together with a lirst rate quality of Children's Shoe, of all kinds awl all sizes—eall of Which I will sell low for cash. Thankful for past favors / respectfully in vite an examination of my new stock, and a continuance of a share of public patronage. LEVI WESTBROOK. April 21, 1951. _ N. B.—Those of my customers who are in debted to me are requested to call and settle up immediately. WITHDRAWEL. VOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested, that A. .1 Wigton, heretotbre a mem ber of the firm of bete, Wigton & Co. of Rock lI i 1 Furnace, in the county of Hunting:lon, has this day withdrawn from said firm, having sold bin interest therein as well as his interest in the property thereto belonging to Samuel Wigton and R. B. Wigton, members of said firm, who are to take tin place and HSPUITIC the responsibilities of the said A. J. Wigtun in said firm from this date. A.. 1. WIGTON, SUMUEL WIGTON, R. B. WIGTON. April 17, 1851.—• Shlrleysbwg Female Seminary. 10 °TICE is hereby given that sealed propo- I N ',id.. wit be received at the qtore of Henry HreWster, in the borough of Shirley.burg, from this time till the 26th of May next, for erect ing Sem nary buildings at or (war eatclltnrough. Plans and specifications will be made oat and can be e-en by any person proposing to erect said buil•hnge. By order of the Trustees. April 21, 1951• SPRING AR aiVAL New Goods. GEORGE WIN, HAS jest received a large and splendid as. sortmcnt of SPRING AND SUMMER GOObB, Which he will cell at fait and reasonable prices. He is for the very liberal patronage he has reee ved, and hopes to merit a continu ance of the an.... Lis stock of goods consists of every variety of L.ADIESt .•-I.;V'D GRATLEMEJVS DRESS GOODS, OF THE• NEWEST STYLES; GROCERIES, QUFENSWARE, HARD• WARE, GLASSWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES,' With a fine variety of goods of every de scription. Wheat, nye, Corn, Oats, Floor Cloversee,' and Flaxseed, Mater, Eggs, &c., &e., &c., ta ken in exchange ror goods. Cl`'Crill and examine my goods, April 10, 1851. HUNTINGDON MARBLE WORKS . New Arraugemefit. Pit subscriber has purchased the entire inter est of It. G. STEWART, in the Huntingdon Mar ble Works, and would remectfully announce that he has on hand a large and well assorted lot of of MARBLE, which he offers to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjoining COUlltirrt, 04 prices which vaunt titil to suit ail who nosy want either MUNTMENTS, Toxins, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, or any work usually done in an °stab lishment of this kind. Persons wishing any Work in his line, woulddo well to give . the subscriber a call us he is dtrternsined nett to he outdone by any other establishment, either in material or work manship, on the Juniata. ar The establishment has been removed to the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Hawkins, near the Railroad Watering Station. 114'' The subscriber will collect all accounts due the firm and pop all debts of the same, the accounts being left in his hands. !Er.lon N G. STEWART will continue to act as agent for the concern: GEORGE BELL Huntingdon, April 24, 1851.-3 m. H. K. NEFF, M. 11., HAVING located himself M WARMORAMARK, in this county, would respectfully utli,r his professional services to the citizens of that place and the country 'adjacent. REFFERENCES J. B. Laden, H. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, H. A. Henderson, " I'. Orbistin, Esq, J. H. Dursey, James Gwinn, H. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. Iluutingdon, Pa. Jacob 31, Gemmill, H. D., A/exandria. John !WeilHoch, " Petersburg. rc,,r Proposals for Burning briChs PROPOSALS will be received by the mule, signed at the office of A. K. Cornyn until Thursday the Ist day of Bray neat for the making and hunting of two 'hundred and fifty thousand brick.. Said brick to he made and burnt on the farm near Shirleysburg lately purchaSed for the burpose of erecting a Poor liintsc thereon. At which time and place the person or persons proposing will meet the undersigned prepared to enter into an agreement and to give security for the true performance of the tunic. JOHN. S. ISETT. JOHN MORRISON, A. K. CORNYN, Directors of the Poor. Huntingdon, April 17, 1851.-21. Dissolution of Partnership. THE Partnership heretofore existing between Greenberry Dorsey & James Ala..tiire, of the borough of Huntingdon, was this 'doy dis solve,' by mutual consent. The accounts of the firm will be settled byl. Mtvtire, who will continue the business at the same stand. Those indebted to the firm will please to make pay ment, and those having .claims will prasent them for s;:ttlement. • GREEN BERRY DORSEY, JAMES MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, April 1,-17,'31. Umbrellas & Parasols. SELLING OFF CHEAP HAVING decided to quit the business, I pro pose to sell my Stock at very low prices. It embraces the newest and moot desirable styles. You are invited to call and examine. Wilt. li. ItICFIA EIDSON, No. 101, Market Street, April 3,'51.-2m.] Philadelphia. Executor's Notice. T ETTERS Testamentary have been granted LA to the subscriber anon the estate of Jacob Mattern, senior, lute of Franklin township, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will present them properly authen ticated, and those who are indebted are request edit:, make imniediate payment. W. J. MATTERN, Exec'r. Franklin tp., Hunt. co., April 17, 1851.-01. R. A. MI LLER, 371 OM ©l7 ID:2lmin% HUNTINGDON, PA. N. B. All operations Warranted, Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersign ed, Commissioners, will meet at the Court House in the borough of Huntiagdon on Tues. , day the 13th day of May next, A. I). Thal, to devise such plans, and take such measures as will most certainly insure the construction and completion of the above Railroad, under the provisions of the Charter. The Books to receive subscriptions to the Corporate Stock of said Railroad will be again opened on that day at the said place, and will be kept open at such times and places as the said Commissioners shall then appoint, until the whole to the Capital Stock is subscribed. Land holders on Broad Top, in ‘Voodcock Valley, Morrison's Cove, citizens of the bor oughs of Bedlord and Hunt nail., and all per sons who have or feel on interest in the success of this Railroad, are respectfully invited to at tend. Commissioners : THOMAS FISHER, ISAAC COOK. A. P. WILSON, JOS. CRISMAN, DAVID BLAIR, JOHN, KF.RR, LEVI F.VANS, ALEX. KING, JOHN G. ILES, JAMES SAXTON, JAC. CREiSWELL, MTT. M. PEEBLES, JOHN M'CAHAN, JAS. F.NTREKIN, JAMES PATI'ON. April 10, 1851.-tt. LIST CF LETTERS Remaining in the Tot Mire at Hunting for the Quarter ending April 1, 1851 B Looskan Martin 2 Boggs Jacob M Bartlet T 2 Mower Elias 3 Barntz Chas. Morgan Thomas Bolinger Miss Margaret Myers Harriet B Boughy Andrew Montgomery Albert Brown Jib D Morgan Wm C Miller Jacob H Corr' at Dennis John Moore Thomas Esq. Cobb Wm I' Esq Molests Wm Charlton Dr S T 2 Mytinger Henry 11 Cowed Samuel M Coy A II Campbell Jno Martin Isaac Carter Robert Menningstar Adam • Cummins Jno Esq Morrison Margret Corbin Jno M'Ateer Mathew Crofton Barnard Mann Wm M Esq 2' Campbell Robert E Miller Sarah H Culp George Mattson 0 W Esq Crouch Andrew Esq Morrison Rachel B Cunningham John It Martin Mrs Jane • D Mulcannary Maurice Decker Nicholas P Dorn. Maegret Flint Directors }lender. Dougherty Jim son, Springfield Donaldson J Esq Patterson Jno J Esq Deamit Hannah Purviance L Dodson Thomas Parks George 2 Dolan Bridget Pattererson Sand Dinsmore Austin Esq R , Daily Miss Nuney Robison John Dennis Chas Rosenberg Ceo Dodson Silas Riegle Miss Julien E Roberts Miss Mary Erek Harry - S Edinger 2ohn Stewart Miss Margret Eicholtz Geo Stilwell James Evans Miss Elizabeth Swine Geo Esq Elletts James Stewart John S Evans Thomas Smith Catharine Scott Huey Fitzgerald Maurice, Slicesley David Fatighner Jas Stewart Etninger Fames Thomas Sclunids Lewis Fritzinger Frank Stafford Sarah Fulton Alexander Scully Bernard • Foote .Jas Sloan Rachel Fry .1. Sellers Barbara Fleming Jitd Smith Wm 12 2 11 Simpson Alexander 31, Green Miss M Sparks George Garven Mr Snyder Abraham Glnsgo Jan E &wider T George F M Esq Smith Caleb H Geo .1 T Esq Smith Peter Green Miss Sarah A &min Jno H Green Hubert S Stecher Rev A D Ganthan Thomas Sellers George Goodman Elizabeth Stryker Wm Mesta Glenn Nancy Smith Thomas: Garven Anthony ft . Tonle Charley Hipwell &nil Thomas Rev Juo F Hook Miss Sarah Thomas Jan Harker Samuel Thompson Wesley furnish Christian Tate Win Eng Hutson Mr Esq Thomas John Hollingshead Mrs Jane Taylor &., Donaldson Hamilton llugh Thompson John • Hazzard Catharine Totut Jno Ilayse Wm M W . J Williams J Esq Irons Ceorgo Wentrotla Dot Jno 112 Jarvis Thomas tut Wilson •Trines losburn Joshua Wilson Rev Wm H K Wallace Edward Esq Kyley Mhomas Wilson James Esq Kissel Frederick Whittaker Miss Eliza Kelly Patrick Wilson Benjamin° L Welsh iamb Loathes Mrs "Mariner Michael Leo Henry Wortkill Jno W Lowden Jas Winn Win Lowe EsryY • Lutz Saml Esq Yaw Mrs Elizabeth 2 Persons calling for letters on the above list will please say they ere advertised. Orr Two cents in addition to the regolat post age charged on advertised letters. PETER C. SWOOPE, P. M. School Teachers Wanted. FOUR SCHOOL TEACHERS, two nmle and two female, aro wanted to take charge of the Public Schools in the borough of Huntingdon.— The Schools to commence on the Snit of May next, and to continte ten months. None but good Teachers need apply._ OVEN BOAT, President. C. S. BLAcK, Secretary. nplo, '5l. • • Notice of Administration. Estate of JAMES CLARK, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of James Clark, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased, have boon this duy granted by the Register of Huntingdon enmity to the subscriber, residing in said borough --all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are request ed to make known the same to me without de lay and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me. ELIZABETH S. CLARK, Administratrix, Huntingdon, March 27,..ap. 3, 1831.—Gt. New Cheap Goods. WE ore just receiving our usual stock of Spring and Sommer Goods, and earnestly solicit our old customers, and the community generally, to give us a call. around Plaster, Fish, Salt, Iron, &s., constantly on hand. All kinds of Grain bought as usual. KESSLER & BRO. Mill Creek, April 3, '51.-.3t. Birmingham Female Seminary. THE fifth semi-annual term of this institu tion will commence on Wednesday, the 23rd of April, instant, The liberal patronage which this school has heretofore received encourages the proprietors and friends of female education to expect, by proper effort, to make it both a twrmanent and important institution. And in hope of accom plishing this, vigorous efforts are making for the erection of a large and commodious build ing, a-hick is expected to be ready for occupan• cy by the opening of the winter term. For the present session a number of boarders can be accommodated in the family of the rrin cipal and others will find good accommodation in private families in the village at reasonable rates. No pains will be spared to sustain the crow ing; reputation of this institution. And the Principal hopes, with the assistance of compe tent female teachers, to render it in all respects worthy of patronatte. For terms refer to REV. ISRAEL WARD, April, 3,'51.-3m.] Principal. Dissolution of Partnership. It. K. NEFF & R. A. MILLER, having for some time been engtmett in the Watch & Jew elry business, in Huntingdon, have this day dis solved by mutual consent. Desiring to settle sip their business as soon as possible, they would invite all who are indebted to them, ei ther by note or book account to call and settle IMMEDIATELY, and those having claims will present them for payment. The books will be in the hands of one of the undersigned at his office in Main Street. H. K. NRFF, rt. A. MILLER, April 1,-40, 1851.-3 t PRICES REDUCED. -77 (2) P. 4 7-1 dr & W • SllcetriplEthnlin r sin= t7l. t t h e e i citi zens of Huntingdon and the people in general for sustaining them dgainst high priced compe tition. They have OM returned from.the City with a splendid stc,k of Spring and Summer Goods, For Men and boys, Consisting of Business, Dress, Sack and Frock COATS, of all colors, sizes and kinds, suited to the season; Cassitnere Pants, Vests and Standing Collar Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, which for beauty of fit, comfort and elegance are unequalled. Purchasers will at all times get a neat garment and a good fah) , buying their Clothing from E & W. SNARE. PHILAbELPHIA 6. NE IV YORK HATS, Suited .O . Pe - rsons of all Tastes. Boots, Shoes, gaiters and Slippers for sum mer. (32- We keep the iargest assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valise Trunks at the !divest prices that is off red for sale in the county, Umbrellas and all' other articles usual ly kept (and a nhmber of articles too numerous to name) in a well regdlated Clothing Store. 132;"' These goods have all been purchased for Cash, which will enable us to sell them 93 per centum lower than goods bought on the credit system. 4 al B. & W. SNARE. March 27, 1951.-3 m. J. 1). WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. 7. D. WILLIAMS dit Co, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg ..itnnicfitetarts, No. I 11, Wood Street, Pittsburg. 100 doz. Porrrerey's.Corn Brooms. 121* c , Holmes Patent Zinc Wash Brushes. 100 kegs No. I & Pure White Lead. 100 Boxes W. R. & Cream Cheese. 100 ‘‘ Mould, Strained & Star Candles. 100 ac Ruoin and Palm Soap. 200 ra Window' Glass, assorted. 50 Pearl Starch, 50 Saleratus. 150 packaees Green rind Black Tess. 100 bees Rio, Laetivra and Java Coffee. 100 bbls. N. 0. and S. H. Molasses. 21 " and Golden Syrup. 50 Loaf, Crushed and Pule. Sugars. 50 hhcle. N. Orleans Sugar. bard Oil. Baron. Dried Beef, &c., On licCOMMOttatlflZ Refer td Merchants Thomas Rend & Son, 4t " Fisher & M'Murtrle, Charles Miller, Honorable John Ker, Huntingdon. March 27, 1851.-Iy. Administrators' Notice. Estate or JAMES TRAVIS, late or Franklin . township, Huntingdon county, dded. LETTERS of Administration hating been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated to JOHN L. TRAVIS, G. T. TRAVIS, Administrators. Franklin township, March 20, 1851.-6 t.• Splendid Stock of New and Cheap Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry, At Phiaddphia Prices. J. T. Scott has just received from PAilturelphin and is now opening a new and vdky litite assort ment of Gold and Silver Watches, 8 I lay aria thir ty hour Clocks, Jewelry, and a great variety of other articles, which he is enabled to sell at rates much lower than usual. a Quick sales and small profits" is his motto, the proof of wh t elt will be found on examining his excellent assortment April 10th 'sl.—tt. Something Superior, Convenient, Safe, and Neat. I have purchased the right for the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, to use a Patent Sash Lock or stopper, invented by William E. Arnold or Rochester, Monroe coun t ty, New York, which is neat, safe, convenient, cheap, and superior to any article of the kind ever yet invented or used. Willi it sach can he raised from below or let down from above or both at once if required. It is constructed that it cannot be pUt out °Corder, and when the win dow is closed it is a perfect lock. A modal will be exhibited to show how it works. A number of the citizens of this place (Huntingdon) have already the locks attachad to their window sash. It will also answer far cupboard and parlor doors, and the windows of Railroad passenger cars, and many other places. The neatness, durability, convenience, cheapness and safety, makes it preferable to any thing of the kind ev er yet invented for the use for which they are intended. Any person wishing to have such locks or stoppers put to their window sash, will please address THEOPHILITS 1) HOFFMAN, Cure of Doctor Jacob Hoffman. Huntingdon Pu. N. B. My obligations bind me to remain or operate within the limits of the county of Hun tingdon as it existed before Blair county was stricken otr, and also gii'es me the pr ivilege to pot in said locks in any part of said county should any part be stricken otrilnring the period of the patent. (Patent secured Feb. 2nth 1851.) April 3.-1. m.] T. Di n. Administrator's Notice, LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of ADAM GARNER, :ate of Penn township, Huntingdon county, ilec'd, having been granted by the Register of Huntingdon county to the undersigned, all persona having claims against the estate of the said deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment without delay to JACGR SUMMERS, Penn township, Ap. s,'sl—St.] Administrator. Female Seminary. THE to the Birmingham Female Seminary will take notice that they are re quired to pay to the Treasurer, James Clarke, in Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa., nn in stalment of ten per centum on the amount sub scribed by each to the Capital Stock in the said Seminary, on the 10th day of April, instant, and on the 10th day of each succeeding month. ISRAF.L W. WARD, LEWIS PAL MF.R, Birmingham, JOHN CLARK, April 3, 185l—tf. Managers. Booksellers, Merchants and Tesobatt. WE RespectiliTlyrWiWttiiTattention of all dealers in SCHOOL, MIStELLANE— OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. PA PER and WINDOW SHADES, to our sii• perior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertaining to our business. A long and active experience warrants us iii saying that we can otF-r inducements to pur chalPrs, rquAT.l.ito BY FEW-EXCELLED BY NONE. We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business,,believing it an experi ment is made; it will be found for the interest of those desiring goods iii Odr line to continue operating With its. Our stork is stall Reagent; hirge, and selected with partiritlar reference to the Wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally. Oithirs by mail or otherwise despatelsed promptly and at the lowest rates known in any market. U 7 The highest price given for RAGS in cash. PECK & BLISS, _ North East Corner of Third it Arch sts PHIL A DELPAIA. Philad'a, March 6, 1851.-Im. NEW GOODS! First Arrival this Spring!! VIORE NEW GOODS are expected this day LVI at the "ELEPHANT," consisting in part of Conestoga Sheetinas; at the old price. Bleached & unbleached Mustinsfrotn 3to 12 c. Splendid Ruby Calicos. Carpet Chain, all colors. Lancaster Ginghams, I'2 cents per yard. Cdffe.e, Teti; Sugar, Mblasses, Tobacco. Mackerel, &e., &c., all of which will be sold at the tmial low rates'which have rendered the " ELEPHANT" run Stare'of the county. WILLIAM • H. PEIGHTAL. Huntingdon, March 13, 1331.—tf. Executor's Notice. Estate?' of SAMUEL, .I , ,IPKINSTRY, lntP. of ' Shirley township, Hinitingdon LETTERS Testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the Estate of said de ceased, all persons knowing themselves indebt ed will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre.ent them properly authenticated to JOHN WKINSTRY, Executor. Shirley township, March 27, 1831.—Gt.-• C. CHESEDROUISH & COMMISSIIYN MERCHANTS, No, 16, SOUTH WHAMES, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PRO VISIONS, have constantly on hand an ai.ort meat of . DRIED and PICKLED FISH, &c., viz: Mackerel,Codfish, I Hams, I Butter, Salmon, I Beef, Sides , Pails, Shod, I Pork, I Shoulders, 1 &c. &r. Herrings, Lard, Cheese, Philad'a t March 6,1851.-3 m. 30SEPIt H. VDMIL'S Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse. No. 218, N. 3rd St., Philadelphia. COUNTRY Storekeepers and Tobacconists in general, corning to the city to putchase their spring supply, will do well to call and ex amine my :Nods. I have on hand a large stock of Leaf Tobacco, and a complete assortment of SNUFFS. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, and SEGA RS, which 1 can sell wholesale and retail as iow as any other house in the city.— ' Do not forget to call, at JOSEPH H. SNYDER'S, No. 215; N. 3rdst. (3 doors belo* tallow hill,) at the sign of the large Indian Chief. N. B: All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to; on the most reasonable t..rms, Phrincl'a, March 6,1851.-7 m Cheap Hardware. 111 * . BUREILF.R & BRO., No. 195 Market sired, Philadelphia,2 doors below sth street, otter for sale. lIARDWARE in all its varie ties, at low prices. Call and sse before you buy. Look for the-lie Lettered Mill Saw. Fei, 20. 1.051.—C0n. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, constaroyon hand an , SALMON, for sale by HERRINGS, J. PALMER & Co., PORK, Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES, PHILADELPHIA SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE., Philad'a, Feb. 27, IBtr 4.-3 m. CORN BROOMS, Constantly on PAINTED BUCKETS, hand at Manaus- CEDAR WARE,.. turers' prices by WILLOW BASKETS, M. &J. M. ROWE BRISTLE BRUSHES, 111 N. 3rd street, TWINES & CORDAGE, 3 doors below MATS, MATCHES, Race st. WOODEN WARE, &c., &c. 1 Philadelphia. Feb. 6. 1851. BRA NT 'S 11) 111111/BARY The Greht COUGIN REMEDY. Many yera of experience, a n d more than a iliuntheert Thou. ad ('urea of Consumptive Complaints, have proved tit the undoubted satisfaction of all persons who Lave 1,,,110 nequotintocl with !Ida teandeolni remedy, that It Is greatly rillptielor, beamw it it mailing sod hailing, and nt:tre certain to cure (loutittitiptle_tt of the Ilifingt4„ th an any other Ititimily in th e world. Vie know, lidwevor, that it is said by some that Consultrethre can not tai mired. Ile that Mu opinion of tha many ur the raw, wa (hail nut attempt to argue well Furth Inn Chia wo will nay, and do aseeri as a tact, which ran be Inured in ehoutionde of e,saa, that this media. Imo cured Cough, and dit to/to, whit.. Ware the cares were effected, wore called real Sone on o% and which were attended with eyospionts hat reauttleed, and were in tall revive , fiha the avotplom. of theta Wu, die, and Wien dead aro nod to, have thud with that fatal disease ConnuitiptlOni Ws ;lawn has cured Iltuartinds or persons who were seal to he hopelessly afflict- ail—who had hard, dry, making Omaha—Pains in the Dreamt, hide, and flark—DlMettlty uf Brea thloß Purulent Erptrioratios—fleetie Feral. wstelltur away of the Flood, end Blood. Penton having inch eomplututo linen Wen cured oiler it W. they &aid eat Ilse n *Pak muumuu Tins Medicine dos eared seine who were to he In a dying pante, but, by the use of tau remedy, they now live, nod enjoy good heath. Thin Bnlooto /t never a wettable anapoved. I. !Ammon to take, and never dam Ovary In any stun .1' dic sow ur under any cl•ruuutancou. It effects Dr Wiinderl.lll alai,rlatwt SUlr.4c ul OW. Cur. r Strength rainy, and inv. gorn tint; orn —liy frit! , slug Me eircelatiwt, and pt a ..43h, alLryiuy Cough—.ooMim Us Naeveri—and aiding ExPacldrdll... It Curer the following d. Con auttiption, CO1'(111t , And Co4r , Proliehittii, Agtinat, Sparim nf Mead, Hlesdin, Luny, Paine la the Brea.!,, Side, and Chat Scruo.rusere, Nisist Salute.. Palpitation of the /kart, and oi. F11:11.• I.: NV N F.NNEs and Coatidauita arable therefrom, Choler& 1 nfantura, &c. lY (ter Proof and rart.crnurri of Cum& see our Pamphlets aort ifinelbillo—aH our Agent.' hors thorn give away. For solo by T. K. Sntozrote, Huntingdon; J. N. ssynn , . .1 Lutz, Shirlevaburt J. do J. Kelly Burnt Cabin; James Kelly, Santa Fe; and by Merchants and Druggisla gennerally. All orders must he athessed to Wallace &, Cr. 304 B roc a., av, Near For• Jon. 30, 'SI. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. I T nit . .l)=Pot"..7 3 4Airturizil - pt.."ll7.U.'lt'j„" na Bargain:l . ll:a or any eirollar preparation to America. Fria, one dollar per bottle. or etc bolt:do for fire It lone reen a well eatablished fact for years put, that Samaparilla, when pure and properly prepared, wuo , the only true panacea or all diem.ue originatlug from an impure elate of the blood, the ore of mercury, :otortlerftione drinke, evil habits in youth, barreameee, be. We boidly imert, that J6llll PULL'S laid Extract of SavialEtrilla is the only preparation before the public, that, pivr*,l on strictly scientific principle*, and a tttylf-41.1 Ft, SarrAparilla is Purchased without regard to prim, and every pound, before being used. Is subject to th strictest tests, and Its genuineness ascertained before lying used! Bull's e!, - 0 edntains the virtues of socerol other valuable medical roots, tactiler forming the host compound, end inqdneing IT! os.E.tror cot..iras IN stir. Ksowx wc:to: This 3.lcillcloo, When usvd iimor.ting to cltrecUoos, . . WILL otritirt VOIIPECOVI. PAIL! Sarnfulet or Kin?, Erel, °ewers, Tumor.. leralu , ^n, the Skin, Eryrir lar, StrA 4C2 i' , 191P0,1 'r Triters, lied. Ithetoratirnt, Paiht in Lk &ales nr Joint., Old Sores and Ulcer!, the.77tra of the Oland!, DA/4.7,1.t. Nutt Rheum, Direusrs of the Kidney.. /,:et of APpclitr. Direaret arising jr - , the as of / 't,in in It, Side rod Shouldrr!, Gene ral Debility, .I),,psy, Lumbrign, Jaundice, Comtivenesm, tore Threat. Dr. nchilla, Conghm, Colic, Weaknemm of the CheAt, l'uitnuuary Atreo. lions, and all other dlxemem tonling to pred.:ee CONSUMPTION. 6orinlattit; Female Trngularitlel lust t'.•mnialnla. Sick and errou, lleadocht, Low StilrVe, Mirk Swett... Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Cia,lllC (2,,,titut.onti nineteen: nod in a nprlng and strum - ter dfluk. and renerld tonic for the system, and a gentle and plervant purgittirc, far superior to L•lue Lick or Congrena twat. Meld. Utz Powders! GOOD TESTIMONY. - The Louisville Courier thus e . , , enks of L'ull's - Serfar WO hetr born shown, by Mr. rf that escrirbeenownetl yeer.aret!,, 10111's FlUM.F.Xtrprtrf fiersnparilla," nn riginal, genuine, and Is:out:1-1 lelmr, tithireseed to him by the neeemplislied lady of one of Um meet eminent old physicians in the West, giving n J...Ai1.1 arcount tv une of the me, astonishing cures 011 r,,, rd, per formed alone by the use of ° Serimparilht." Tide moist excellent and cher:fling hely luul long suffer,/ from prelapens uteri, fluor tabus, piles, autl chronic of the stomach and digestive ,mans, and di rangenient or tlio whale pystoin, istumileJ with distress:fig sotton,. Aus crui. Hon, sick lumber, Heil vielent attacks of cramp. After exhisitstitig all of bueliansfs chill, and applying}{ to Pinr, celebrated meiliest • pentleuiru, both ut home :slid fibre., and also tiring gissat finfoititlee rf "'fn winiefure Sareeps gill,,„” without the Fligia,St. the was induce.' to e, John gull's Sse,ol;rills." Antl ulna N;11;1ill. result? After the uhe tt few bottles, s perfect poi P, dorful etito—the restored tu'verfeet health, ora a h• ustud flow of bpirits. Stich letters Ss the one we fionlk Or. must alroul lir. Dull more rex , gmtifiention, t h ou could the r 0,, 0r0000. f mu,. less wealth. Alai sluther airomunthe; !th rr r.r: by the male hi, truly isluable lleJirine. , befog Ita pttli, Ia ,lore sr.,l honer enot;;M; ttmi he rats my to the without bar of coutmolletion, "1 basis 111 my re' t 1, lieyed mews littoml buffering, tjmn ltd Sttph,s John ittar, Afur , - Ith their min toll 8." RHEUMATISM CUBED ! rAt v.ho nre soffertn, under the agonising beturee-Of Itheurnatistu mud thu folfowing, and ACC vettat may ho douo Air thud, if they will use for Infallible remedy: Uyiotetowx, Kv., 'May 12, 1338. MR. Jan, nu.. Pear 'r.— tor the lint three yeah, I have NV/1 afflicted with hhetuno hem of the surereft chat acter. I tees et times in the greatest twenty of pain. I tried every remedy I could procure for the dinethei bat found Cu permanent relief until 1 was Mucci' to use your 'trepan.- hen of Sere:marine., which has entirely cured rue of Ititeu• matism, and greatly improved my gt nerol health titere than any medicine I ever until. I have been free from pain for several mouths, and have no doubt the curs In perm. mut; oilri•commend it os the best medicine lu use fcr Rhoumathrn. It is useless to produce further testimony In tarot of this great nimedy. It has only to be tried and proved, ter u. limo the public of its superior efficacy. Noise to Females, John L'ull's Sarsaparilla is one of the greatest 'hens...•• medial. now In Existent.. tn. tholle niehtcrous eesns where the epn.titutinn is debilitated; the nervous enerb7 lessened, when the chords of nature aro weak and deficient. or are profuse and evem,iight, when the face Is pale and colorless, the strength fc,:le t ech yieltling, the spirit ton. bled and depressed, the healtit beelien, mind shaken, am! consequently the happiness der, oyed—tigin Sarsa parilla Is a sovereign remedy. It a,slats matins In the per. forinanco of her autv, braces the whele systota, renews per idly the natural energies, removes obstruction:, checks WICCARI.P, creates pure and healthy blood, and 'rupee ts health and happiness. Were ladies generally to adopt use of this lhalieltic,we would sae far less suffering, awe. , and unhappiness :thong them then new exists. health would take the tilaee of disease, th t rosy cheek would ttletet..l pallid facet we should have grilles instead of tetra, and p.s hops It happy long life inch te.l of one cut short by direct c, or made misenible by coiainded stiffeiing and affliction. At that critical period termed the c' turn of life," n hide 'n often attended with so much danger, Bull'slandl:. found to et, t a 11104 At, ;taws approat , .. Ing this cried', sLotild I. apprised of thi s fact, and wt.,11 theinselvea of this valuable Medieinv. A BEAIITIFiii OL AR malt. In— we all admire a clear, bentitifol: white akin, en'. • rosy colored cheek. Ilow often do we see persons, not pr.. sussing this "Mahler:item FU devoutly to be wished," t• - sorting to eostnetieg, lolivu, washes, paints, and entering materials, to restore tu thorn a sontblanee of what disc.oo boo deprived them of, nod that, too, with groat Injury to the skin. Bull's Sarsvparilla Is the best COPMatie know,.. It beautifies the skin by removing evety particle of moll,: and llipeaaed matter from the blood, making it pore, keel thy and vigorous, giving attivity to every minute tors,',, and changing the yellow and dark countenance bloom and frtshuess of youth. Ladles. abandon the uss p.,1„, a,-.1 :r ',torso, and use Pull's ,Siertcrydrilla,th, ca.; effectual wet,: t; a Lint is enough fur the li.dies I 1 RTTE R ST Jalleorl. THAN WAN LYNN oFek:nrio IN FAVOR OF ANY Raid the ri Ur. Mnorc. Mo..lonN Pit 111,0 11C hoOtation in saying tint believe your nrsoperilkt n, No the hot article ever nit, to tbetutetl, tier the cure of &Taut, Syphilis, and n•turs other Cull:neon. er Glan , tubtr Affection, baring cus.l it ,vnu entire towers. In numbers et the atolls mei. luuleville, Dec. 20, 1847. JAI3. Ni. 8100R11, Ni. r. From Dr. Z. P. 11114,11, frVison• of CAtmistm in Zeta s titre ikelical (Wiese. I have looked over thu liet of lugzecileuts Jou BMX'S . COM POUND EXTRACT VP ea RSA P A 1.1 L I.A, gad busitatiou lu raying that they form OW pouud. uud nue that minima w,ll la :..:ate . x hick it it atplirable. LP. VANDELL, C. Loui,ille, Juno H, 1648. From Dr. rytu, Phystc;on by appointment to ac Loiderino Marine 17 , , , p0a1. LotlavitLa, March 2C, ISP'. I have earnelned the pn•prrotion of the preecr , ption of JOHN lifiLL'S SARSAPARILLA, and believe the iaantilno non In he en excellent one, and well coleulat,d to prtdnra all alterative 1111)000ton on the syslara. I has.: ueed it both in public and private, practice, and think It Um loot article of Sarsaparilla in use. M. PYL.1 , 13, N. D., Resident Phyelcian, ;.farina DULL'S SATI , ATARMI.A.—Go m b.. you will, to M,,rec , at. louud for Ntulmllle, New ' , nice.. St. Louie, Medipou, Frankfort, or ':or the Orem River cul, try, cud "u 111 fi. d supplies of this preparation stout xhippect on oo ft ed. But few te. r, bents , telt our city. in ebatcc, Ironch 0 mule Fee'ar th,y ray be cogog,l, but bare orders for . 0 .. 0 0 loge of Bulle Bereaparllia. Louirti::e Loge n oel. Nl , :aufactured et Dr. JOHN BULL'S Luboratory, 8i• Fourth street, Louisville, Hy For Salo at the Stoll of T. READ SON, in the horonv.h of Hunting.' w. [Mareh 20. I e hl. Hardware Cheaper. JOHN A. NEFF, for many years it, th-t of Mr. Buehler & Bro„ desires to inform his friends of Huntingdon county that he hap. connected himself With the firm of Messrs. Lower & Barron. No. 174, North Third ::weep, 3rd door above Vine Street, where he will he pleased to offer every article in the frA,WARic LINK AT Mt , Cll LOWER patois than ever heieth sent to his native ionnty. Phi' d'a, gar h 90, W: -:f. Are you Insured 1 IF not, insnre y( nr property ea one in the Cnln berland Valley Matnal Insuranec Contpa Apply to C.o. W. Srrt: