FOR TRE FREgOEFIct. VENIEJEIAL WINIFIELTI SCOTT,—; . . MEETING OF THE PEOPLE! , I :rhe friends of GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT— the gallant Captain—the great Statesman, and the 0001) :MAN, who, in two wars, has lad our Ar mies to Victory—whose deeds and whose glory are the common heritage of our country, and who deserves nt the hands of a free people their warm est affections and proudest honors, are requested to meet In COIJNTT MEETING, on Tues day the 15th day of April next, at Huntingdon, to express their determination to use all honorable means to secure the election of GEN. WIN— FIELD SCOTT to the PRESIDENCY. in 1832, and to adopt and carry out sash measures as the present crisis may demand to further that Every friend of the Old HERO is earnestly so licited to attend, by their fellow citizens : . J. Geo. Miles, Jno. Bumbangh, J. Sowell Stewart, JohtiFlenner, Wm: M'Cltite, i Wm. Steel, ~ Theo. H. Cramer, Andrew Friedly, John F. Miller, Saint. S. Smith, Jonathan H. Dorsey, J. H. T. Boltz, David Irons, Geb. Henderson, Wm. Hoffman, Jno. Reed, • 'John Cornelius, Wm. P. Orhison, Isaac Cornelius, A. K. Cornvn, J. I). Hight, Henry W. Miller, Wm. B. Zeigler, Isaac Long, S. R. Stevens, D. R. Friedly, David Snare, Fidel Werth, Benjamin Snare, Isaac Lininger, James Steel.' S. 8: Wharton, Daniel Snider, ' Wm. Snore, Benjamin Rushy, David Corbin. Wm. M'l)ivit, Henry J. Swoope, R. A. Miller; ' ' Aaron Kelley, K. L. Green, Thos. Fisher, Michael Schneider, John Shaver, /no. A. Doyle, H. K. Neff, Samuel L. Glasgow, H. A. Dorsey, Wm. Swoope, M. F. Campbell, Wm. A. Saxton, J. N. Prowell, James Sexton, Benj. Corbin, James M'Cabe, John Read, John P.. M'Calian, Jacob rockier, Thos. S. M'Cahan, I'erer Swoope, P. C. Swoope, Wm. Long, Jacob Cresswell, John Dean, Wm. Harman, - Wm. Dean, A.' Iti Bumbitugh, D. M'Murtrie, E. C. Summers, Peter N. Marks, Benjamin Heffner, John Her. John Watson, Win. Louttit, Daniel Gray, R. A. Mattson, Robert Ilyfe, • • Conrad Yothers, • A. Ready, David Grove, David Cunningham, Henry Ready, Peter Vandevander, Daniel Parsons, • Adam Warfel, Christian Miller, Henry Cremer, James Miller, Matthew Gill, Jacob Condron, John Cremer, John Ritter, E. L, Plowman, S. D. Cornelius, Dixon Hall, Jos. McDonald, Wm. Ginter, Jos. M'Cracken, W. H. Watson, Isaac Wolverton, Aquila Long, A. G. Neff, Thos. L. Jenks, J. H. Wintrode, Jas. Watson, J. P. Aslicom, P. F. Kessler, C. H. Leabhart, L. G. Kessler, Michael Garner, John Etter, Solomon Moyer., George Hawn, Wm. Boyce, Geo. Rosenberger, - John Householder, Wm. Meredith, Abner Plummer, Francis Holler, - JA. H. Isett, Philip Holler. Washington Shell, Geo. A. Bluramer, Geo. Garter, Autos Fry, . .'Samuel Garner, J. H. Howson, Samuel Kerr, Geo. Hall, Daniel. Burnish, James Blakley, . B. C. Lytle, Wtn. M'Allister, J. F, Householder, Joseph Springer, ' • Jonathan Fink, IL A. Stitt, Henry Boyer, 'Ell Thomas, John Garner, Eli Witkefield, John Harris, Jacob I.4enburg, Abner Hicks, John Summers, Jacob Sower% Jacob Prongh, Jno. Ratilatal, Andrew Grove, Geo. Householder, George Hawn, David Hawn, Isaac Hewn, John Hawn, Peter Hawn, John Ridenour, John Ridenour, jr. William White, David Corbin, - William Corbin, John Thompson, James Moore, John Snyder, Joseph Douglass, Moses flamer, Adam Huffman, -Martin Flenner, John B. Logan, John Ashman, Aaron Shore, Joshua Shore, Geo. D. Hudson, Geo. Hudson,Geo. Drake, Richard Madden, Moses Greenland, Robert Madden, Hugh Madden, Jeremiah Brown, John Brown, Morris Brown, Jacob E. Bare, Wm. Ramsey, W. H. Gorsuch, '. Hugh Brown, John MeDuffey, John Cree, James Stitt, John Shade, Brice Blair, A. J. -Taylor, Mathew Taylor, Wm. Clrmans, Jas. Neely, George Wilson, David Hackadorn, John Jeffries, William Orr, Andrew Hegie, Michael Starr, Daniel Logan, T. T. Cromwell, Simon (Init., George Sipes, R. B: Wigton, ' Wm. Jordan, Jos. Cornelius, ' David Entire, Aaron Stains, Dauicl Teague, Hugh L. Cook, Thos. E. Orhison, Wm. Christy, John N. Swoope, Samuel Huey, James Alexander, Jacob Neff, . Israel Grains, Wm. Grafi" S. M. Green, • Alexander Stitt, Benjamin Neff, . Peter Livingston, Samuel Coon, John Carver, Jos. Forrest, John M'Culloch, John Neff, Isaac Neff, Alexander Steel, Michael Maguire, Thos. Montgomery, John S. Wilson, John Montgomery, Robert Kinkead, Ahm. Harnish, Samuel Harnish, J. M. Tussoy, Perry Moore, John Davis, Jos. Law, Win. Hileman, Nathaniel Lytle, G. W. M'Williams, George Isenberg, Samuel Milliken, Alexander Struah, Robt. Cummins, MM. M'Birney, Hugh Smith, Samuel Steffey, John Rudy, . Geo. Rudy, Peter Sassaman, William Cummins, Charles Mickley, George Prongh, Isaac Taylor, Philip Taylor, Solomon Houck, 'David Amend*, James S. Snare, Amos Clark, George Hoover, Isaac Hoover, Adam Keith, Jacob Lies, . Silas Crum, John Stever, Soloman Stever, Joshua Greenland, Caleb Greenland, Jesse 'Wright, Isaac Smith, George Smith, Wm. Croteley, Nathan Greenland, Elias Wilson, Nicholas Miller, Peter Ctsrfinan, John Gayton, - John Himmson, Eliel Smith, John Mverly, Zech. Pheasant, Wm. Pheasant, Simeon Wright, BenjaminF. Glasgow, Wm. Chilcote, Wm. Smith. David Mountain, Jackson Wigton, Jas. Entriken, John Donaldson, Lazarus Houck, Christian Shoats, A. Stevens, . Peter Burket, David Diller, Wm. Hutchison, Jnoa. M'Williams, John Conrad, lieli, liamilbcar, Mae lief* John Q., Adams, : , ' John Stonebraker, David Stonchraker, ' John W. Mattern, Samuel S. Mattern, Samuel R. Wigton, Henry Brewster, Benjamin Leas, John Luta, James Harvey, L. A. Myers, James Ramsey, Hezekiah Ricketts, James King, John Brewster, James P. Forbes, James T. Collins, Jacob Hiller, Aaron Staines, . John S. Back, Peter Bowman, James G. Doyle, William Morrison, John M'Kiustry, David Lutz, Peter Myers, John H. Leas, G. W. Cornelius, James W. Bigley, Thomas I'. Baker, Geo. P. Wakefield, Isaac M'Donithen, J. M'Elroy, Edmund Snare. Umbrellas & Parasols. SELLING OFF CHEAP HAVING decided to quit the business, I pro pose to sell my Stock at very low prices. It embraces the newest and most desirable styles. You are invited to call and examine. WM. H. RICHARDSON, No. 104, Market Street, April 3, '51.-2m.) Philadelphia. Something Superior, Convenient, Safe, and Neat. I have purchased the right for the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, to use a Patent Sash Lock or stopper, invented by William E. Arnold of Rochester, Vlonroe coun ty, New York, which is neat, safe, convenient, cheap, and superior to any article of the kind ever yet invented or used. With it sash can be raised from below or let down from above or both at once if required. It is constructed that it cannot be put out of order, and when the win dow is closed it is a perfect lock. A modal will be exhibited to show how it works. A number of the citizens of this place (Huntingdon) have already the locks attaehad to their window sash. It will also answer for cupboard and parlor doors, and the windows of Railroad passenger cars, and many other places. The neatness, durability, convenience, cheapness and saf,ty, makes it preferable to any thing of the kind ev er yet invented for the use for which they are intended. Any person wishing to have such locks or storiliers put to their window sash, will please address THEOPHILUS D. HOFFMAN, Care of Doctor Jacob Hoffman, Huntingdon Pa. N. B. My obligations bind me to remain or operate within the limits of the county of Hun tingdon as it existed before Blair county was stricken off, and also gives me the privilege to put in said locks in any part of said county should any part be strcken off during the period of the patent. (Patent secured Feb. 26th 1851.) April 3.-1. m.] T 1). IT. PRICES REDUCED. pc,...mws C/D = ..:,..., ... : -. 7 m 7.,i, - —...., , (::::), o i -.1-a -r...7.4 ~..,, C/D T^ B. W. SNA!'Llet"r" their sin es ks to the citi of Huntingdon and the people in general for sustaining them against high priced.compe tition. They have just returned from the City with a splendid stozk of Spring and Summer Goods, For Men and Boys, Consisting of Business, Dress, Sack and Frock COATS, of all colors, sizes and kinds, suited to the season ; Cassimere Pants, Vests and Standing Collar Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, which for beauty of fit, comfort and elegance are unequalled. Purchasers will at all times get a neat garment and a good fitby buying their Clothing from D. & W. SNARE. PHILADELPHIA ¢• NE {V YORK HATS, Suited for Persons of all flutes. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers for sum mer. Mr We keep the largest assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valise Trunks at the loivest prices, that is offerer' fur sale in the county. Umbrellas and all other articles usual ly kept (and a number of al ticles too numerous to name) in a well regulated Clothing Store. Oar These goods have all been purchased for Cash, which will enable us to sell them 25 per centum lower than goods boughtonthe credit & aystem. „ B. W. SNARE, March 27, 1851.-3 m. Executor's Notice. Estate of SAMUEL M'KINSTRY, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon Co., der'd. LETTERS Teslameritary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the Estate of said de ceased, all persons knowing themselves indebt-, ed will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated to JOHN M'KINSTRY, Executor. Shirley township, March 27, 1851.-6t.= J. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. Z. D. WILLIAMS & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg Mumtlizttures, No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg. 150 doz. Pomeroy's Corn Brooms. 125 " Holmes' Patent Zinc Wash Brushes. 100 kegs No. 1 & Pure White Lead. 100 Boxes W. R. & Cream Cheese. 100 " Mould, Strained & Star Candles. 100 " Rosin and Palm Soap. 200 " Window Glass, assorted. 50 " Pearl Starch, 50 a Saleratus. 150 package. Green and Black Teas. 100 bags Rio; Laguyra and Java Coffee. 100 bbls. N. 0. and S. H. Molasses. 23 " " " and Golden Syrup. .. 50 If Loaf, Crushed and Pule. Sugars. 50 hhds. N. Orleans Sugar. Lard Oil, Bacon, Dried Beef, &c., On accommodating TerMs. Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son, " Fisher & M'Murtrie, Charles Miller, " Honorable John Ker, Huntingdon. March 27, 1851.-Iy. • Administrators' Notice. Estate of JAMES TRAVIS, late of Franklin township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated to JOHN L. TRAVIS, G. T. TRAVIS, • Administrator.. Franklin township, INfareh 20, 1001.-ot.. 'NEW GOODS! First Arrival this Spring! I MORE NEW GOODS are expected this day at the "ELEPHANT," consisting in part of Conestoga Sheetings, at the old price. Bleached & unbleached M uslins from 3 to 124 c. Splendid Ruby Calicos. Carpet Chain, all colors. Lancaster Ginghams, 124 cents per yard. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Mackerel, &c., &c., all of which will be sold at the usual low rates which have rendered the ELEPHANT" Tits Store of the county. WILLIAM H. PEIGHTAL. Huntingdon, March 13', 1861.—tf. Six Cents Reward! RAN AWAY from the subscriber in Crom well !ownship, Huntingdon county, on the 20th of March 11321, an Indentured Apprentice to the Tanning Business, (named David Nalley,) aged 13 years 2 months, rather small and a down look. All persons nre warned against harbor ing or trusting said Runaway. The above re ward will be paid to bring him home, but nei ther thanks nor charges. GEORGE SIPEL. March 27, 1851.-3t.—* PROCLAMATION. AXTirEarAs by a precept to me directed, dated VV at Huntingdon, the 14th day of Jan. A. D. 1651, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Com mon Please, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of the 00th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria, and the Hon. James Gain am; John Stewart, his associates, Judges of the enmity of Huntingdon, ustices assigned, appointed, to hear try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death and other offences, crimes and .misde meanors, which hove been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid —I am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole baliwicX that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Please and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 11th day) of April next, and those who will prosecute the said pris oners be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace. Coronors and Constables within said county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respect fully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 19th day of March in the year of our Lord 1851, and the 74th year of American Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sh'ff. March 20, 1851. PROCLAMATION. Wuserss, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the coun ty of Huntingdon, bearing test, the 14th of Jan , 1851, I am commanded to make Public Procla mation throughout my whole baliwirk, the a court of Common Pleas, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the fhl Monday (and 21st day) of Jan., A. D., 18.51, for the trial of all issues in said Court, which remains undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and sint ers, in the trial of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon the 19th of March, in the year of our Lord 1851, and the 74th year of American Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. March 20, 1851. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons con cerned that the following named persons have set tled their accounts in the Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation & allowance at an Or phans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 16th day of April next, to wit : _ . 1. Ste Wart Wilson and Edwin J. Neff, Admin istrators of the Estate of John Bruce, late of West township, dec'd. 2. Trustee account of Wm. B. Leas and Sam uel Al'Vitty, Trustees to sell the Real Estate of Abraham Long, late of Shirley township, dec'd. 3. William B. Johnston, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Montgomery, late of Franklin township, dec'd. 4. Isaac Heifner, Administrator of the Estate of Peter Heifner, late of Walker township, dec'd. 5. Alexander Carmon, Administrator de holds non with the will annexed, of the Estate of John Carmon, late of Barree township, dec'd. 6. Jacob Eby and Samuel M'Vitty, Adminis trators of the Estate of David Eby, late of the borough of Shirleysburg, dec'd. 7. George Couch, one of Executors of the last Will and Testament of Andrew Couch, lute of Barree township, dec'd. 8. Alexander l'ort, one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Andrew Couch, lute of Barree township, dec'd. 9. Daniel Longtnecker o Trustee to make sale of the Real Estate of Jacob Longenecker, late of l West township, dec'd. 10. David Snare, Executor of the last Will and Testament of George Helfright, late of the bor ough of Huntingdon, dee'd. 11. James Ramsey and Wiliam B. Leas, Ad ministrators of the Estate of James Carothers, late of the borough of Shirleysburg, dec'd. 12. Jacob Shoop, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Philip F. Shoop, lute of Tell town ship, dec'd. 13. William V. Miller, Administrator,. of the Estate of John Wiley, late of Brady township, dec'd. 14. John R. Gosnell, jr., and David Myerly, Administrators of Jesse Gosnell, late of Union township, dec'd. 15. Caleb Swoops, Administrator of the Estate of Moses Starr, late of Cass township, dec'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Refer. Register's Office, Huntingdon, March 14, 1851. Booksellers, Country Merchants and Teachers. IATR Respectfully request the attention of all V v dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELLANE— OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, to our su perior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertaining to our business. A long and active experience warrants us in saying that we can offer inducements to pur chasers, EQUALLED BY FEW-EXCELLED BY NONE. We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business, believing it an experi ment is made, it will be found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to continue operating with us. Our stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally. Orders by mall or otherwise despatched promptly and at the lowest rates known ireany market. • . agr The highest price given for RAGS in cash. PECK & BLISS, North East Corner of Third & Arch ate. PHILADELPAIA. Piffled% March 6, 1851.-Im. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY Virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, and Levari Facies, to me directed, I will, on Monday the 14th day of April next, at two o'clock, P. M„ expose to sale by public outcry, at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, the following described real estate, to wit:— All defendants right, title and interest in and to all that eertain tract or parcel of land situ ate in Dublin township, Huntingdon county, containing about 97 acres, adjoining land, of Henry Likely, Samuel Campell, and others, having thereon erected a log dwelling. house, about 50 or 60 acres cleared, more or less." Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of William P. Laughlin. A LSO,. All that certain piece or lot of ground situa te in Tod township, Huntingdon county, con• taining fifteen acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Edward Anderson and Henry Roods, having thereon erected a two story log house, store house and frame stable, all cleared,—and also 110 acres of unseated land situate in the same township, adjoining lunds of Philip Bar nett, Jesse Cook and David Blair, Esq. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of John y. Baker. ALSO, A certain tract of land situate in Cass town ship, flitnting,dob county, containing about 300 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Miller's heirs, aeo'rge Quarry, James Dell and Jacks mountain on the east, having therenn erected a small log house, also a fog house irri finished, a small log stable, about 100 acres cleared. Seized, taken into execution and td be sold as the property of John Qoarry,%%,th notice to Terre Tenant. ALSO, A certain tract, parcel or piece Of ground situate in Barree township, Huntingdon coun ty, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning on the line of John Little's land at a white oak, thence along said line south fifty three degrees east thirty-four perches to a gum, thence south twenty-five and one-third degrees east sixty-four perches to a post, thence north sixty-five degrees east forty perches to a post in the centre of a spring, thence south eighty six degrees east thirty perches to a dogwood, thence north forty-two degrees east one hund red and forty-six and one-half perches to a white oak, fallen, thence north fifty-eight de grees west one hundred and sixty-one perches to a rock oak, thence south sixty-four degrees west twenty-eight perches to a chestnut oak, thence south forty-eight degrees west one hun dred and fifty•nine perches to a white oak to the place of beginning, containing two hundred and thirty-three acres and one hundred a thirty three perches and the usual allowance, togeth er with hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Sassaman and Peter Sassaman, with notice to Terre Tenants. ALSO, All the defendants right, title and interest in and to a certain tract of land situate in Brady township, Huntingdon county,coritaining about 109 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Jas. Lane, David Milliken, James Irvin & Co., hav ing thereon erected a log house and cabin barn, an apple orchard, with about 30 acres cleared. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of James Kelly. ALSO, All the within named defendant's interest, right and title to and in a certain lot of ground situate in the Borough of Holliday sbnre, in the township of Blair, and county of Blair, being 180 feet on Wayne street and 60 feet on Walnut street, situate on the southwestern corner of said two streets, having thereon erected a two story frame dwellieg house, frame stable, wood and smoke house,—said lot is well fenced and in good condition, and has a good well of water and pump and other conveniences. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of John Bollinger. A LSO, The following real estate, being a piece, :ler cel and tract of !and situate near the borough of Huntingdon, in said county of Huntingdon, bounded as follows, to wit: by lands of James Saxton, jr., David Snare, John Fockler, Geo. Black, Joseph Stewart, James Gwin, Andrew P. Wilson, Orbison & Nt'Murtrie, and lands devised by Charles Smith, deceased, to his son, Theodore H. Smith, containing about one hund red acres, together with the here. itaments and appurtenances. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of Benjamin E. M'Murtrie. ALSO, All that piece and parcel of land in the bor ough of Huntingdon, lying on the north of Moore street and between Franklin and Bath streets in said borough, which has riot been ap propriated by the original proprietor of said borough to the use of a public grammar and free school, (the ground so appropriatdd being designated in the recorded plan of the said borough and containing two acres.) Also, all that piece, parcel and tract of land, adjoining and lying north of the said borough of Hunt ingdon. bounded by land conveyed to the said Benjamin E. M'Murtrie, by Leonard Kimball, Trustee under the Will of Charles Smith, de ceased, on the west, by land of Alexander Gwin on the north, by land of Christian Cole stork on the east, and the borough of Hunting don and land of Isaac Borland on the south, containing about one hundred acres, more or less, together with the hereditament' and ap purtenances. . . Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of Benjamin E. M'Murtrie. Al;SO, All that certain two story brick Building, situate on a lot of ground south east of and near to the Borough of Huntingdon in Henderson Township, abont fifty yards more or less East of the bridge across Stone Creek, and fronting on the Pennsylvauia Railroad, arid the lot and peice of ground and cartilage appurtenant to said building• Levied upon and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Houck. ALSO, . . - • A tract or parcel of land situate on Spruce Creek, in Franklin township, Huntingdon co., adjoining lands of James Ewing, of Johnathan M'Williams, Esq., and of Craig's heirs, con taining 155 acres 130 perches, more or lees, with two dwelling houses thereon, one con structed of logs and one a-frame weather board ed, and a large frame bank barn and other im provements thereon, it being the same land which in pursuance of an action of partition in the Court of Common Pleas of said county, No. 53, January Term, 1843, was decreed to Martin Gates and John Ewing. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Ewing co. deft. with Martin Gates, dec'd, with notice to Hugh Seeds Terre Tenant. Terms of sale. one fourth of the purchase money to be paid as bid off, otherwise the pur chaser or purchasers will be required to pay 15 per cent on the amount bid, for disappointment of sale, and the property will be set up for sale the following day. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Huntingdon, March 13, 1851. DRI ED Beef and cheese for sale at the cheap Grocery and confectionary eatalrliehrnent of "Wm Ortrtrenvetnink - e - BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, T T I. put a p fn (flu l quart HMlles, and contains I. the strength a SIX TIMES as much pure Honduras Sarsaparilla sr any Walla preparation In America. Price one dollar per bottle, or six bottles CO five dollars. . . It hen hero a well eetabliehed fad for yearn past, that garnaparilla, when pure and properly prepared, wan the only true panacea for all dinessee originating from an Impure state of the blood, the U. of mercury, intoxicating drinhe, coif habits in yeinth, barrenneee, Ac. We boldly Wert, that JOIN WU'S Fluid Extract df Sarsaparilla is the only preparation before the" public, that Is peeped on strictly acientific principles, and of uniform s trength. The Sarsaparilla Is purchitaed without regard to pries etto every pound, before being used, In subject to the strletest rheinical testa, and Its genuineness aacertained before being timed! Bull's Sarsaparilla also contains the virtues of several other salvable medical roots, together forming the best compound, and producing rue (MEATUS CURATIVE sonar re rim grimes *Malt! This Med/tine, when used according to direction., WILL CURE ViTIWIZOIIT PAIL ,SL-rnfula or King's Era, Otncers, Tumors, Eruptions elf the Min, Ihympelas, Chronic Sore Ryes, Ringu,orm or Tellers, &eld Head, Rheumatism, Pains in the Bones or Joints, Old Sara and Meese, Swelling qf the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspepsia, .S tilt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Piseases arising from Vie use of Mercury, Thin in the Side and Shoulders, Gene ral Delolity,• Ornpey, Lumbago, Jaunt - 11re, C,ostireness, here Throat, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest, Pulmonary Afton- Bons, toed all other diseases tending to produce CONSUMPTION, Liver Complaint, Female Irregtratilnes stol Complaints. Sick and Nervous Headache, Low Spirits, Night Sweats, Efrisure or Imprudence in Life, Chronic Constitutional Disesees; and is a s prin g and summer drh.k, and general took, for the sysp•m, null a gentla and pleasant purgative, fur ruperior tv Blue Lick or Congress water, Salts, or &U -lna Cowden! GOOD .IrimoNit.. The Louisville Courier thus 'Peaks Of Bull's StratiParilla: We have been shown, by Mn. John ltntl , proprietor of that world-renowneil preparation, " !fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla," an original, genuine and beroitiful letter, addressed to him by the necainiplisilod holy of one of Ole most eminent old physicians in the West, giving a detailed', !termini of one of the most astonishing rums on n-cOrd i Per' formed alone by the use of "Bull's Sarsaparilla." This most excellent and charming lady had long .uffrred from prolapsus uteri, ii nor olbns, piles, and chronic diseases of the stomach and digestive organs, and derangement of the whole system, attended with distressing eutitneoue erup tion, tick headache, and violent attacita of cramp. After exhausting ail of her liumband's skill, and applying to many celebrated medical gentlemen, both at home end abroad, and also using great quantities of 0 Townsend's Selwyn. without the tlightostrelicf, she ! . was induced to use "John Bull's Sarsai.lrilla." And what ;van the happy result? After the two of a P.w bottles. a perfect and won derful cure--the lady restored to perfect health, and to her usual flow of spirits. Such letters its the nor we speak of, moat afford Mr. Bull more real gratification, than could the rOssession of counts less wealth. And whether he accumulates wealth or not by the sale of his truly valuublo Malkin, being Ito author to glory and honor enough: sod he sun say to the world, without fear of contradiction, " I have In my poverty re lieved more human suffering, than did Stephen Girard or John Jacob Astor with their millions." RHEUMATISM CURED ! Let All v.So ore suffering under the agonizing tortures of Rhentmitisre read the following, and roe whet may be done for them, if they will use the infallible remedy: Usiostows, Kr., May 12, ISO. Mn. Jot. nru, Pear B,—Fer the last limoe over., have been afflicted with Illieuniatism of the neverent diar acts I was at time, In the greatest agony of pain. 1 tried every remedy 1 mold procure for the disease; but found no permanent relief until I wan indumd to use your prepara tion of Sarsaparilla, which has entirely cured me of Rheu matism, and greatly improved my general health more than any medicine 1 ever 11.1. I have bemire° from pain for several months, and have no doubt the cure in perm* vent: end I recommend it as the boat medieine in use for Rheumatism. ISIIA.NI BRIDGES. It is asserts to produce further testimony to favor of this great remedy. It has only to be tried and proved, to con vince the public of its superior efficacy. Notice to Females. John Dun Sareaparilla is one of the greatest female medicines now in existence. In those numerous eases where the constitution is debilitated, the nervous energy is lessened, settee the efforts of nature are weak and deficient, or are profuse and overwrought, when the face is pale and colorless, the strength feeble and yielding, the smirit trou bled and depressed, the health broken, mind shaken, and coneequently the happiness destroyed—than Bun Sara. parilin is a sovereign remedy. It assists nature in the per. Immune° of her duty, braces the whole /Tames, renews permunently the natural energies, removes obstructions, checks excesses, creates pure and healthy blood, and imparts health and happiness. Were ladies generally to adopt the use of this Medicine, vat would cue far lees suffering, disease and unhappillOAS among thew than now exists, health would take the place of disease, th rosy cheek would succeed the pallid face: we should have smiles instead of tears, and per it happy long life incited of one cut churl by &sem, or toads inlet:sable by continued suffering and affliction. At that critiettl peeled tertnisl the "turn of life," which is often attended with so mush danger, Bull's Sarsaparilla is found to exert a most beneficial effect. All Indies approach• ing this crisis, should les apprised of this fact, and avail themselves of this valuable Medicine. A BEAUTIFUL CLEAR SKIN. How we ail admire a clear, le•autiful, white skin, and a rosy colored cheek. llow often do we Fee persons, not pos. sensing this "desideratum so devoutly to be wished," re sorting to cosmetics, lotions, washes, paints, and coloring materials, to restore to them a semblance of what disease has deprived than of, and that, too, with great injury to the skin. Bali's Sarsaparilla lo the best Cosmetic known. It beautitia the skin by removing every particle of morbid and diseased matter from the blood, making It pure, heal thy and vigorous, giving activity to every minute venal, and changing the yellow and dark countenance to the bloom and freshness of youth. Ladies, abandon the use of paints and mixtures, and use Bull's Sarsaparilla, the only effectual remedy. "A word to the wise is sufficient," and a hint is enough for the ladles. RATTER TBSTIMOirr THAN WAS EVER OFFERED IN FAVOR OF ANY MEDIOINZ. - Read the testimony of Pr. Moore. MP. JOHN BULL,—i have nn hesitation in Paying that Lefieve your Sorsopanda to be the Lest article ever manu factured, for the cure of Scrofula, Syphilis, and many other Cutaneous or Glandular Affections, having used it, with entire success in numbers of the above cases. Louisville, Dec. 26, 1847. JAS. 111. MOORE, M. D. From Dr. L. P. Yandell,Professor of Chemistry in Lout. role Medico/ Ca 11,,. I have looked over the lint of ingredients compoeing Jens lIELL's COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, and have no hemitetion in saying that they tbrm a safe corn. pound. and one that promises well in chronic diseases, to which it S a opplirtiblo. L. P. ICANDELL, M. D. Louisville, June 6, 1641. From Dr. Iteks, Physician by appointment to the Lossismlle Marine Hospital. Lemavnur, March 20, 1640. I hare examined the preparation of the prescription of .10112 BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, and believe the combines ben to he an excellent one, and well calculated to produce an alterative impreasion on the ayatem. I have tilted it both in public and private prectice, and think it the beet article of Sanaperillo in use. 111. PYLES, M. D., Itesident Physician, Marine IloapiteJ, BULL'S SAIMPARILLA.—Go where you will, to steamboats bound for Nashville, New Orleans, St. Loins, Cintinuati, Madison, Frankfort, or for thu Omen River courstry, and you will find Immense supplies of this prepare don about being shipped on board. But few merehants visit our city, In whatever brands of trade FOUVIT they rutty be engaged, but have orders foe more or IVPS of Bull's Sarsaparilla. ',nitrate Democrat. Manufactured at Dr. JOHN BULL'S Laboratory, hi Fourth street, Louisville, Ky. For Sale at the Store of T. READ & SON, in the borough of Huntingdon. [March 20, 1851. Hardware Cheaper. JOHN A. NEFF, for many years in the house of Mr. Buehler & Bro., desires to inform his friends of HuntinDlon county that he has connected himself with the firm of Messrs. Lower & Barron, No. 174, North Third Street, 3rd door above Vine Street, where he will be pleased to offer every article in the IliatowirtE LINE AT MITCH towns PRICES than ever before Bela to his native county. Philad'a, March 20, 1851.—tf. ' Are you Insured ? rnot, insure your property at once M the Coln berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company. Apply bra Gee. W. Srzaa, Agent, lividgpert, P. alum litiLurigat sotbth -7 JOIIN STONE & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Silk., Ribbons and Milo. nerd Goods, No. 45, South Second Strad, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE received, by late arrival., a large and handsome assortment of Spring Millinery GOodsi Selected by one of the firm in France. Tbey have now in store Glaec Silks for casing Bonnets. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons. Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons all wfdflie. A large assortment of Artificial Flowers. White and colored Crapes and Crape Lease. Frence Chip Hats. Fancy Nets and Laces. I Fancy Lesse Trimmings—Caps. 1 Quilllngs—Caning Wire—Crowns. Covered Whalebones, &c., &c. *itli all oth er articles appertaining to the Millinery Trade. March 20, 182!..-Im. C. cznasEnnotrdiftt & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16, SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PRO VISIONS, have constantly on hand an assort ment of DRIED and PICKLED FISH, tec., rise Mackerel, Codfish, Hams, Butler. I Salmon, Beef, Sides,Pada, Shad, Pork, Shoulders, 8e. Herrings, I I Lard, Cheese, Philad'a, March 8,1851.-3 m. JOSEPH H. srivaiiiiii Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse. No. 218, N. 3rd St., Philadelphia. C"UNTRY Storekeepers and Tobacconists in general, corning to the city to ...purchase their spring supply, will do well to call and ex an"One my gcods. I have or hand a large stock of Leaf 'Pointer°. and a complete assortment of SNUFFS, .tiI.iNCFACTURED TOBACCO, and SEGARS, which 1 can sell wholesale anti retail ad low as any other house in the city.— Do'not forget to call at JOgEPII 11. SNYDER'S, No. 21S, N. 3rd at. (3 doors below Callow hill,) at the sign or the large Indian Chief. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to, on the most rcasooabl• terms. Philad'a, March 6,1851.-3 m. Executors' Notice. Estate of BNJAM IN JOHNSTON, late of Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county, deceased. Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of said deceased. all persons !waiving themselves indebted will please make iffimedinte payment, and them having claims will present them properly ax• thenticated to JAMES CLARK, Birmingham, JOHN S. MA TTIHAS, Tyrone Forges, Executors. March 6, 18eil.-6t. WHITE'S BONNET MANUFACTORY. No. 41 South Sccoud Street Phiadelphia. NOW conducted by Thomas White, eon of its late proprietor, a: the Old Stand, where Dealers will at all times find a stock of Foreign and Domestie Straw, Lace, Fancy, Crape and Silk BONNETS, Panama, Palm Leaf, and eve ry variety of. Straw HATS, and Artificial Flowers unequalled by any other for extent or beauty of manufacture, and at very low prices, having facilities for producing these goods possessed by no other establishment. To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he wouN tender his grateful acknowledgments for their kind approval of the business system of this house, and begs to assure them that no ef forts on his part shall be wanting, to merit • continuance of their liberal patronage. They will still be greeted with the same old familiar faces, who will at all times endeavour to exe cute their commissions with fidelity sod prompt ness. (Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1851.-3 m. Cheap Hardware. M. BUEHLER & BRO., No. 195 Market street, Philadelphia. 2 doors below sth street. offer for sale. HARDWARE in all its 'varie ties, at low prices. Call and see before you buy. Look for the Red Lettered Mill Saw. Philad. Feb. 20. 1851.-3 m. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, Constantly on hand sad HERRINGS, for sale & by J. PALMER Co., I'ORK, HAMS AND SIDES , Market Street' Hl h A arf, . SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE. Philad'a, Feb. 27, 185 ,- 1.-3 m. CORN BROOMS, Constantly on PAINTED BUCKETS, hand at Manufas.. CEDAR WARE, turors' prices by WILLOW BASKETS, M. &J. M. ROWS BRISTLE BRUSHES, ' 11l N. 3rd street. TWINES & CORDAGE, 3 doors below MATS, MATCHES, Race st. WOODEN WARE, &c., &c., Philadelphia. Feb. 6. 1851. Tomkios' British Plate Powder. FOR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying Silver, Silver Plated Ware. German Silver. A lbata Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metats. The undersigned have received from the pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture three preparations for the United States. The Plate Powder has been most extensively used for a number of years in Great Britain, and is now used by most of the manufacturer. of silver and other wares in New York and Philadelphia ; likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers, 231 South Second street, Philadelphia. For sale at T. K. SIMONTON'S Store,Hunting don, Pa. LATEST ARRIVAL. New Stock ef Watches, Jewelry, Bc h At Philadelphia Prices. J. T. SCOTT has just opened a new and ele gant assortment of Watch., Clocks, Jewelry, &c., which he is enabled to sell at the vary tow cat cash prices. . . An excellent workman is constantly employ ed, who devotes his whole time to repairing and cleaning all kinds of Watches and Clocks. All work done promptly and warranted for one year. [ja.-23-af. Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of JOHN BUMGA RDNER, late of Union township, deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims arc requested to present them properly authenticat ed for settlement. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Adnraptiotratw Marek 0, 1861