THE JOURNAL et YRRUCT rnz - scrrtue—OT:PTORTED DT Tl, Tll HUNTINGDON, PA, Thursday Montag, March 27, 1451. TERMS OF PUBLICATION: mss " liturrropow Jot-mu." is published al stus following rotes, vie i If paid in advance, per annum, $1,25 If paid during the year, 2,00 If paid after the expiration of th e year,. • 2,50 10 Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • • 1,50 Ms above Terms will be adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be taken for a less period than its months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of sb• publisher. V. B. PALMER Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, Ne, York and Baltimore, to receive advertisement, and any persons in those cities wishing to adv.. dee in oar columns, will please call on hint. OBITUARY. Drals—ln this borough on Sunday morning, tht 23rd day of March, 1851, Col. JAMES CLARK. Editor and Proprietor of the "Huntingdon Jour. Ml," aged 33 years, 1 month and 14 days. "'Tie past—that fearful trial—he is gone I" —The clods of the valley have closed over th mortal remains of Mr. Clark. On Monday Lis eorpse was followed to the cars by a procession of the friends of the deceased . , and accompanied by a number of them to Harrisburg, where he was buried the next day. For many months he had been severely afflicted with pulmonary consump tion, tion, which he bore with christian fortitude; nn we never board a murmur or a word of repininH escape his lips as, day by day, he wasted away.-1 He died entirely risigned to the will of Him "whl doeth all things well." Pa., Mr. Clark was born in Dauphin county, Pa., on the 9th day of February, 1818, and was, on the day of his death, of the age above stated. A learned the art and mystery of printing in Haris burg under the instruction of his elder brother Samuel H. Clark, Esq. In August 1845, lie re moved to this place and became the editor of the "Journal," and continued such until the time of his death. As a mark of confidence and esteem, he was, on the 11th of January, 1849, appointed Aid-dc-camp to Governor Johnston, with th , l rank of Lieut. Colonel. As conductor of a po litical paper, Mr. Clark had few equals in the State, and the readers will bear witness that jus tice was done to all their interests, so far as it is Its the power of a newspaper to do so. The subject of this notice was a kind and affer- tionate husband, a tender parent, and a fast friend ; and possessed, to a high degree, those amiable qualities which render man an agreeable companion. He has left a wife and two children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Ho has been cut down in the mornin of life, ore the meridian splendors that seemed to await him shone around his pathway. Alas! how wain are human hopes—how uncertain the tenure of life ! Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north winds' breath , And stars to set—hut all, Thou has all seasons for thine own, oh DEATH Tears, with all their strange vicissitudes, mt pass away, and be forgotten ; but tho memory c CLARK will use in the hearts of his friends um they shall again be joined in the "spirit land, " beyond this vale of tears." ' " Green be the turf above thee, Friend of my better days, None knew thee hut to love thee, None named thee but to praise." 'The "Journal' will be published regular ly es heretofore. As soon as practicable, the es tablishment will be transferred to competent hands, and continued without interruption. In th meantime no palms will be spared to make th paper interesting. isr We have been favored with the first num ber of " The Pictorial Drawing Room Compan ion," pnlaished weekly in Boston, by FREDERICK GLEASON, Esq. It is a paper of eight pages, de voted to literature, arts, amusements and news. Ae a specimen of the art typographical it is su perb and elegant; and its matter and illustrations are also excellent. Price $3 per annum. Taxes. It may be interesting to our subscribers to know' the valuation of taxable property in ibis county as fixed by the Board of Revenue Commissioner 4 who closed their session on the 21st Inst. It is as follows : Property subject to tax of three mills on the dollar, $5,365,958 1 , Property subject to tax of one per _ cent, Property subject to tax of two per cent, Total, Tax on watches, $l6B 75 This Is very little over the valuation fixed byl the Board of 1848. The aggregate amount is somewhat more, but the taxes to be levied upon' it will not be quite so much, as the one per coral item is less by about $25,000 than it was three years ago, and the tax upon this amount at onel per cent would be as much as the tax upon over $75,000 at three mills. The excess over the val-! station of 1898 is not quite $60,000. Most of the other counties increased over their valuation of 1848, some as high as twenty pet sent, eo that the tax-payers of this county ail see they are not bearing more than their just pro portion of the State burthen. New York U. S. Senator. ii-fArLToN Finn, Whig, WU on Wedi day !kb Inst. elected United States Senator fc; gli State of New York for six years from the 4th' IKazch, 1854. Thus the great senatorial strng.l 37: eze Ozve of Yr , Yerk Itre seri Tui 110,.?“ a*.oSe I+ol.lla. . i Scott and Johnston—Blair County' Meeting. An enthusiastic meeting of the Whigs of Blair county was held at Hollidaysburg, on the lath iinst. S. S. Blair, Esq., was appointed Delegate Ito the State Convention. Conferees were also appointed to meet conferees from Huntingdon and Cambria, to select a Senatorial Delegate. The meeting was addressed by John Brotherline, Esq. of Blair; John Williamson, Esq., of Hunting onion, and B. L. Johnson, Esq., of Cambria. We have selected the following from morg he excellent resolutions adopted by the meeting: Resolved, That the efforts of the present Whig 2ational Administration to secure to American It ,s manutitctnrers, farmers and mechanics a fair and reasonable protection against the labor of foreign 1 paupers, though rendered unsuccessful by nn un- ITscrupulous Locofoco opposition, entitles it to the confidence and respect of every patriotic Whig. Resolved, That we entertain the highest confi dence in the Administration of Watust F. onsravow, and cannot refrain from expressin our approbation and admiration of Isis pntrioti • eourse and sound and able administration of the government. Resolved, That we look to Woe. F. JOHNSTOb as our standard bearer in the coming Gubernuto• rial contest, and that under his lead victory will ii ertain. Resolved, That the distinguished services and glorious achievements of GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT, entitle him to the highest honors in the gift of the American people—that the time has come when no adverse claims can stay the impulse of popular feeling, which has centered on him as the Whig candidate for the Presidency in 1852. Resolved, That we heartily recommend our fel low-citizen, Wm. M.'Lloyd, Esq. to the Whigs of the State, as a person eminently qualified to fill the office of Canal Commissioner ; and request our delegates to support his nomination for said office. Resolved, That we fully endorse and approve the course of the Hon. Samuel Calvin iu the last Congress, and only regret that his vigorous efforts against the ruinous policy of free trade, did not meet with the success they deserved. Resolved, That Col. R. A. Dl'Murtrie, Seth R. Cune and IPm. B. Smith, our representatives in the Legislature, are each entitled to the thanks of the Whig party for the faithful and impartial discharge of their duties. The Hollidaysburg Register, in noticing the, meeting says :" SCOTT and JOHNSTON are menl eminently worthy ot the confidence and admire• ion of the people. They hare both been tried ind passed the severest ordeals unscathed. Thesl ire both popular favorites; and on the political urf will be found invincible. Who ever made a ietter General than SCOT; or a better Governoi ;Lan JIIONSTON? The people know their worth heir patriotism, their ability, their honesty anti integrity, and will stantt by them with a unanimi ty and spirit that will sweep all opposition to the wall. Locofocoism arrayed against these men will prove as impotent as when its ditty hands held up the cup of ingratitude to the lamented "HARRISON and TArton, and its foul tongue sought tG tarnish their fair fame. The honest Whigyeomanry of the Keyestone State have only to be united and render a cordial support to the ausc, to ensure ono of the most glorious victories they have ever achieved." Baltimore M. E. Conference. Appointmentsfor the Huntingdon District. T. 11. W. MoNnou, P. E. Lewistown Station, J. H. Brown. Lewistown Circuit, James Ewing, P. E. Waters. Huntingdon, W. R. Mills, A. W. Gibson. Birmingham, J. S. McMurray. Warrior's Mark, A. Brittain, D. C. Worts. Bald Eagle, W. A. McKee. Penn's Valley, Wesley Howe, H. A. Pattison. Bellefonte, George Guyer, W. J. Maclay. Clearfield, G. Berkstresser, one to be supplied. New Washington, Henry Hoffman. Sinamaluoning, A. Hockenberry, one to be sup Karthaus, W. Champion. Mifflin, E. McCollum, one to be supplied. Newport, 0. Ego, J. Beatty. Bloomfield, J. W. Haughawout. Large Fire in Philadelphia. The extensive Assembly Buildings fronting on Tenth street, and extending from Chesnut to. George street. caught fire on the 18th inst. at N o'clock and continued burning until seven o'elock.j when the entire buildings became a heap of ruins:' While the flames were raging, the wall fronting! on Tenth street fell. Several firemen and others, tarrowly escaped, but none were injured. Thiel buildings were occupied by about' thirty tenant 4 tradesmen, artists, etc., all of whom lost more or'. less. The entire loss is very heavy and probal bly covered by insurance. I Letter from Geu. Scott. The Whig county committee ofJuainta county, at a meeting on the 28th February adopted reso-' lotions in favor of Gen. Snort for the Presider,: cy, which being transmitted to him he thus ne- L knowledged : WASHINGTON, March 12, 1851 35,575: Dear Site—The Whig Committee and its Sec retary of Juniata county, Pennsylvania, have done !me great honor. The approbation of my countrymen was the first, and will be the last great object of my life.— If I have the happiness to obtain that, it will be of minor importance whether it leads to a change in !my official position or not. With my most respectful regard to the gentle men of the Committee, 2,100] $5,403,633 I remain, my dear sir, yours truly. Winfield Scott. The West Chester (Pa.) Register and Examin er hoists the flag of Winfield Scott, for the Presi dency and in doing so, he remarks; We believe we aro but giving expression to the almost unanimous sentiment of the Whigs of our' rounty and of the State. We have been prompt-1 !al to do it at this time, by the action of the Whig / members of the Legislature, which will be found in another part of the present number, and which,l Ithewhile it only recommends the propriety of takingl r.onaination into oonsidetation, must be regard. vi Cl en suriturtion of thee IMF in bit *rot. Gov. Win. F. Johnston. IWe this week place at the head of our editorial] column, the name of Wst. F. JOHNSTON, as onr choice for Governor, subject to the decision of the, Whig State Convention. We can support him• with that energy and feeling which we conceive to be due his faithful and impartial administration of', the affairs of the State ; and the whole Whig party Tof the State likewise. His has been a proud ad 'ministration for the glory and prosperity of the ,gooil old Commonwealth, and the meed of praise is , lion the lips of every man, let him he Whig or Dem-i ocrat. Hie nomination will be hailed with delight" carry with it a cry of enthusiasm which will , [-ming through the State like tones of thunder. I Upon all questions he is a Pennsylvanian at! heart, in feeling, and action, and so long as he oc-1 copies the chair of State she will be carried forth! 'prosperously. It is not our intention, at this time" to discuss all his claims to a nomintion, and re- i election; but simply to hang out our banner, ask` the concurrence of the convention ; and the people. l will elect him. Blair is good for at least one thou sand majority for him—he is their choice and no bly will they sustain him.—Blair county Whig. William F. Johnston. We are gratified to perceive the unanimity of 'feeling existing in the Whig ranks, relative to the komittation and re-election of this distinguished individual to the high and exalted station he note ills, with so much honor to himself and to the people whose suffrages placed him at the helm of the State. There never has been an administra tion in Pennsylvania that hat become so deserved ly popular as Governor Johnston's. Even the clamors of party madness arc, in a great measure. completely silenced—not even a standing piaci, can be found by his opponents on which to plamj their batteries ; and the people, without distinction of party, long to attest their ardent attachment and wartn appreciation of Governor Johnston's pa litical policy. We know of no individual in oar Commonweal t! to whom we could give n more heart-felt and s ordial support. His name is identified with ffe interest of the old Keystone so closely—hi, efforts to reduce our enormous State debt, and the completion of our State improvement—lips sound views with regard to the currency and other mat-I tors identified with the growth and pros': erity of the Commonwealth, have greatly endeared the lime of Wm. F. Johnston to every true-hearted right-minded citizen of the State. As the nominee of our party in the next campaign, he will sweep the State by an unpreeeclent majority.—iVeislburo, .I,lrertiser. New York State Prisons. loThe following interesting statistics are given i the annual report of the inspectors of State pri, ns in New York : In" Of 732 convicts at Auburn prison, 517 wern ever instructed in any trade or calling, whcrei, to earn asubsistance, 308 had heed deprived of a Iv. before 16 years of age, 191 were deprived of ne, and 181 of both parents before 16 years of age. 185 were intoxcated at the time of committing the offence, 394 were without occupation at the time of arrest, 371 were intemperate, 468 had received . religious or moral instruction, and 518 had nev er read the bible or attended divine service. A criti cal examination of the convicts in the other pris ons would exhibit a still more deplorable pictur. of neglected education and early abandonment t , , rice and crime. "Of the 694 males in the Sing Sing prison, 346' were under 20 years of age at the time of their -conviction, 487 had never been taught a trade, 60 eld not read, 119 could read only indifferently, awl 230 were intemperate. "Of the 114 convicts at Clinton, 10 could not read, and 9 could read only, while two-thirds of the whole number admitted their intemperance. "At the Female prison we find that of the 71 re maining in December last, twenty five could nei ther read nor write, 17 could read only, and the balance had received a very limited instruction in the elementary branches; Upwards of 50, or nearly two-thirds ofthe whole, were intemperate, and, for the most part, disolute in their habits it early life. Eleven were under 20 years of ago al the time of their conviction, and but 28 are na. tires of the United States." Almost every Whig editor in this State bees el i titer placed the name of Gen. Scott at the head of 'his columns, as a candidate for the next Presillen i cy, or expressed himself favorable to Lis nontina- Pei.. We have never seen so much unanimity in relation to the selection of a candidate. Should Die be nominated by a National Convention, Indi !ana will certainly give Lim her doctorial vote.— jState .Tournal. The Fugitive Slave Law. IThe House of Representatives of Ohio, on they 112th inst., passed, by a vote of 40 to 20, a resoln tion that their Senators in Congress he instructed, rand Representatives requested, to use all honors- ) means to obtain an immediate repeal, modifi- I , i , cation or amendment of the act of Congress, usu-I !ally styled the Fugitive Save Law, approved Sep- 1 ternber 18, 1850. A Venerable Preacher. At a recent ordination of a pastor at Hempstead : i Long Island, the Rev. Z. Crean°, nged 95, sat in ;the pulpit and closed the services with on addressi ills was in Washington's army; has been a min ister of the Gospel sixty years, resides at Hemp ,,tettd, and is the oldest Prsbyterian clergyman i living. Rapid Legislation. WINFIELD SCO22. IThe moat rapid piece of legislation ever recor-I `dud in the annals of any legislative body, was the: !passage of the Light House Bill, in the United: States' Senate. The motion was made to take it: up and carried; it was read a first, second and, third time, and passsed ; sent to the House for the l ,signature of the Speaker and for the enrollment; returned to the Senate and signed by its Presi i 'dent, within the space of five minutes. The mo $ r.tion to take up was made five minutes before the expiration of Congress. eir See with what ease this bill passed, while the bill providing for such and other necessary improvements of the Western' Rivers and Harbors was defeated by en nusernpu- 1 lone minority! UOUNTY LAND LAW INSTRUC TIONS. New questions having been presented in the execution of the Bounty Land Act of Sep tember 28th, 1850, and some of the rules and regulations heretofore prescribed either mis interpreted or disregarded, the following in structions, approved by the Secretary of the Interior, are issued for the benefit of all per sons interested: 1. The act ot February 1.1, 1R47, having restricted land county for service in the Mexican war to the non-commissioned offi- cern, musicians, and privates of the regular army, the claims of commissioned officers in that service are for the first time recognised by the act of 28th September, 1850. it was not the intention of that act to bestow boun ty land on the whole army of the United States, wherever located, but only on those whose service was connected with, or had a direct reference to that war; nor can the act be properly construed to embrace the officers and employers attached to the War Depart ment in Washington, their service not being of thht kind which was contemplated. It is not necessary that officers should have been actually within the limits of Mexico, or on the borders thereof, provided they were ac ' lively engaged in the war, and directly con nected with its operations. 2. In the war of 1812 troops were fre quently called out by State authority and Inut immediately mustered in the service of the United State. If the Federal Govern ment paid such troops from the time of their enrollment, and before they were actually mustered in the service of the United States, that payment is equivalent to a recognition, of their service from that date of the. enroll ment. The time for which they were paid' by the United States furnishes a convenient and practical standard for estimating the pe- 1 riod of service. 3. The conflicts with the Creek Indians, which commenced about the sth of May, 1836, and ended 30th of September 1837, are considered as embraced by the act ofl 1850; large bodies of troops having been rnusterefl in the United States service, and, several engagements having occurred, atten: (led by the loss of many lives in battle, with in that period. The disturbances on the southwestern frontier in /836; in the Chero kee country in 1836 and 1837: and the New York disturbances in 1838 anti 1839 are not considered as embraced by the provisions of the act of September, 1650. 4. It has been settled that Indians who were regularly mustered into the service of the United States, and formed a component part of the line of the army, were entitled to the benefit of the act. In the case of the Cherokees who have organized government and a judicial system in operation, the affida vit in support of an application for land boun ty must be made before one of their judges,' whose otficial character shall be certified by 1 their principal chief. The Creeks having not judicial offieets, the United States agent in that nation is authorised to administer the necessary oaths. 5. It has been heretofore stated that "team sters and artificers were not entitled to land bounty;" but this is not to be understood, if such teamsters or artificers belonged to the line of the army, and were regularly detailed for that particular kind of service. 6. Surgeons employed by a commanding, officer at a stipulated rate of compensation, but not commissioned or belonging to the line of the army, are not entitled to land, bounty. 7. It has been decided by the Department that the substitute performing the military service, and not the employer, is entitled to the land bounty; but when the engagement is . . partly performed by both, each is entitled to his share according to the period of service. 8. Where the de - claratioii of the claimant on oath, supported by a regular and authentic discharge, is to conflict with the military , rolls, the former, as a general rule, will be preferred. And where the rolls are altogeth er silent as to the claimant, the positive tes timony of officers and soldiers with whom he served, and whose names are found on the rolls will be received as evidence. 9. The act of September, 1850, excludes all persons who have received, or are entitled to receive, land bounty under any act of Congress heretofore passed. in all applica tions hereafter presented, (reasonable time being allowed for these instructions to circu late,) it will be required that the claimant shall state in his declaration that he has not received, nor is entitled to receive such bounty. 10. The Department has declared that widows are entitled to the land bounty of de- I ceased soldiers, if they are widows at the; passage of the act of September 28, 1850. This is the law in its general application.; But the widow of an officer or soldier killed in battle is.entitled to the maximum allowance of one hundred and sixty acres, without refer ence to the period of her husband's service. And although a married woman at the pas sage of the act, if unmarried at the date of her application, her claim is valid. 11. The death of an officer or soldier may Gen. Scott. be proved by satisfactory evidence; and if such officer or soldier should dia after the declaration filed at the Pension office, but be fore the issuing of the warrant, it shall be competent for the widow. or, if there be no widow, for the minor children to apply for the said warrant and receive the same, on fi ling the necessary proofs of title. Hugh Dairy tried at Holidaysburg for the mud der of William Gorsuch, has been acquitted. It was supposed that a verdict of manslaughter would be rendered. Decry had the reputation in Mexico, of being a blood-thirsty fellow, woo to the poor Mexicans when he caught them alone. I L. G. DRANDERBURY, Esq., of Carlisle, in tidal State has been appointed by President Fillmore !Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Terri tory of Utah. tir Th o Whigs have elected since last Fall— one Whig U. S. Senator from Missouri; ono do.l Is, from R. Island ; one do. do. from Ohio ; one au. do. from N. York. The nominations of William Bogge as Associ-1 ate Judge of Allegheny county, and John Forryi an Associate Judge of Wayne county were taken' up in the Senate on Monday and nnanimoueld confirmed. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Pension Office, March 20, 1851. Acquitted, Confirmed FOR THE PRESIDENCY. GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT, MEETING OF THE PEOPLE! ! The friends of GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT— the gallant Captain—the groat Statesman, and the GOOD MAN, who, in two wars, has led our Ar mies to Victory—whose deeds end whose glory aro the common heritage of our country, and wise ueserves at the hands of a free people their warm est affections and proudest honors, are requested to meet in COUNTY MEETING, on Tues day the 15th clay of April next, at ihn.tingdon. ti. express their determination to use all !amoral& means to Bemire the election of GEN. WIN FIELD SCOTT to the PRESIDENCY hi 111.552, and to adopt and carry out suet measure , as the present crisis may demand to further that end. Every friend of the Old HERO is earnestly so. licited to attend, by their follow citizens Jno. Bumbaugh, John Flenner, Wm. Steel, Andrew Friedly, Saint. S. Smith, J,ql. T. Bolt., Geo. Henderson, inn. Reed, Wm. P. Orhison, A. K. Cornyn, Henry W. Miller, Isaac Long, D. R. Friedly,„ Fidel Werth, Isaac Lininger, S. S. Wharton, Wm. Snare, David Corbin. Henry J. Swoop°, Aaron Kelley, Thos. Fisher, John Shaver, • H. K. Neff, 11. A. Dorsey, M. F. Campbell, J. N. Prowell, ." Benj. Corbin, John Read, Jacob Fackler, . 1 Peter Swoope, Win. Long, John Dean, • Win. Dean, D. M'Murtric, Peter N. Marks, John Ker. Wm. Louttit, R. A. Mattson, Conrad Yothers, David Grove, Henry Ready, Daniel Parsons, ' Christian Miller, James Miller, Jacob Condron, John Ritter, S. D. Cornelius, Jas. McDonald, Jos. M'Cracken, Isaac Wolverton, •. A. G. Neff, J. H. Wintrode, J. P. Ashcom, C. H. Leabhart, Michael Garner, Solomon Moyers, Win. Boyer, John Householder, Abner Plummer, J. 11. Isett, Washington Shell, Geo. Garner, Samuel Garner, Samuel Kerr, Daniel Harnish, B. C. Lytle, J. F. Householder, Jonathan Fink, Henry Boyer, John Garner, John Harris, Abner Hicks, Jacob Sowers, Jno. Rauland, Geo. Householder, David Hawn, John Hawn, John Ridenour, William White, William Corbin, James Moore, Joseph Douglass, Adam Huffman, John B. Logan, Aaron Shore, Geo. D. Hudson, Geo. Drake, Moses Greenland, Hugh Madden, John Brown, Jacob E. Bare, W. 11. Gorsuch, John MeDuffey, James Stitt, Brice Blair, Mathew Taylor, Jas. Neely, David Iluckadorn, William Orr, Michael Starr, T. T. Cromwell, George Sipes, Win. Jordan, David Entire, Daniel Teague, Thos. E. Orbison, John N. Swoope, James Alexander, Israel Gnat's, S. M. Green, Benjamin Neff, Samuel Coen, Jos. Forrest, John Neff, Alexander Steel, Thos. Montgomery, John Montgomery, Abm. Flemish, J. M. Tussey, John Davis, Wm. lineman, G. W. WWilliams, Samuel Milliken, Robt. Cunnnins, Hugh Smith, John Rudy, Peter Sassaman, Charles Mickley, Isaac Taylor, Solomon Houck, James S. Snare, George Hoover, Adam Keith, Silas Crum, Soloman Stever, Caleb Greenland, Isaac Smith, Win. Crotsley, Elias Wilson, Peter Curfman, John Ilampson, John Myerly, Wm. Pheasant, Benjamin} .. . Glasgow, Wm. Smith. Jackson Wigton, John Donaldson, Christian Shouts, Peter Bucket, Wm. llntellison, John Conrad, Adam Keith, Jobe iiissebriker, J. Geo. Miles, J. Sewell Stewart, Wm. Al'Clure, Theo. 11. Crerner, John F. Miller, Jonathan li. Donoy, David Irons, Win. llotihnin, John Cornelius, Dim Cornelius, J. D. Hight, Win. B. Zeigler, S. R. Stevens, David Snare; Benjamin Snare, James Steel, Daniel Snider, Benjamin Rto;lay, Wm. M'Divit, R. A. Miller, K. L. Green, Michael Schneider, Jou. A. Doyle, Samuel L. Glasgow, Wm Swoops Wan. A. SlmOn, James Saxton, James 11PCabo, John P. DPClalann, 'rhos. S. M'Calasn, P. C. Swoope, . Jacob Cresswell, Win. Harman, A. IL Bumbangh, E. C. Summers, Benjamin lletlieer, John Watson, Daniel Gray, Robert Byte, A. Ready, David Cunningham, Peter Vandevander, Adatn Warfel, beery Cremer, Matthew Gill, John Cremer, E. L. Plowman, Dixon Hall, Win. Ginter, IV. H. Watson, Aquila Long, Thos. L. Jenks, Jas. Watson, P. F. Kessler, John Etter, iieorge (leo. Rosenberger, Win. Meredith, Francis Holler, Philip Huller. Gen. A. /Hammer, Asnos Fry, .J. H. Howson, Geo. Ha 11,.. James Blakley, M'Allistcr, Joseph Springer, H. A. Stitt, Eli Thomas, Eli Wakefield, Jacob homburg,. John Summers, Jacob Trough, Andrew Grove, George Hawn, hone Hawn , Peter Hawn, John Ridenour, jr. David Corbin, John Thompson, John Snyder, Moses kfamer, Martin b'lenner, John Ashman, Joshua Shore, Geo. Hudson, Richard Madden, Robert Madden, Jeremiah Brown, Morris Brown, Wm. Ramsey, Hugh Brown, John Creo, John Shade, A J.vier,%: Wm. Clyinans, George Wilson, John Jeffries, Andrew Howe, Daniel Logan, Simon Gratz, R. B. Wigton, Jos. Cornelius, Aaron Stains, Hngli L. Cook, Wm. Christy, Samuel Huey, Jacob Neff, Wm. Graffito, Alexander Stitt, Peter Livingston, John Carver, John M'Culloch, Isaac Neff, Michael Maguire, John S. Wilson Robert Kinkead: Samuel Harnish, Parry Moore, Jos. Law, Nathaniel Lytle, George Isenberg, Alexander Straub, Roht. M'Birney, Samuel Steffey, Geo. Rudy, William Cummins, George Prough, Philip Taylor, David Aurandt, Amos Clark, Isaac Hoover, Jacob Line, John Stever, Joshua Greenland, Jesse Wright, George Smith, Nathan Greenland, Nicholas Miller, John Gayton, Eliel Smith, Each. Pheasant, Simeon Wright, Wm. Chileote, David Mountain, Jas. Entriken Lazarus Houck, A. Stevens, David Diller, Jnoa. Hays Hamilton, John Q. Adams, David Stonehraker, John W. Mattorn, Samuel a. Muttern, Samuel R. Wigton, Henry Brewster, Benjamin Leas, John Lutz, James Harvoy, L. A. Myers, James Ramsey, Ilezekiah Ricketts, James King, John Brewstbr, James P. Forbes, James T, Collins, Jacob Hidler, Aaron Staines, John S. Back, Peter Bowman, James G. Doyle, Williatn Morrison, John M'Kinatry, David Lutz, • Peter Weirs, John H. Leas, G. W. torneline, James W. Biglev, .I.4minas T. Baker, Geo. P. Wakefield, • Isaac WDonithen, J. M!Blroy, Edmund Snare. MARRIED. On the 20th inet., Bor. J. B. Witllama, Mr, IWILLTAM AMON to MSS M. A. WC/sitar, aft Id Huntingdon borough. On the came day, by Rev. George Elliott, Mr, WILLIAM KINALOE to Mre. ANNA M. WOLVIIIL. rox, all of Alexandria. COURT AFFAIRS. • APRIL TERM, ISM. TRIAL LIST. FIRST weetc. Wray Maize vs William Campbell. John Fulton et al vs John Wattera et nl. James Entreken's exr's vs Frederick Cruns,. Cont'th for Hudson vs John Shaver. Robert Barr vs Jno. %V. Myton's heirs et al. John Savages trustees vs Adams Houck. same vs John P. Schneer. earns vs Piper & Aurandt. Math. Gsrner'S exr's vs Sebastian Keely. John Savage's trustees vs John Fisher. James Siars exr's vs Miller & Lane. Math. Garner's exr's vs Daniel Kyper. James A Cummings vs W. H. Patterson. Ennis & Porter vs And. Stewarts adm'rs. John E. Thompson et al vs John N. Swoops, John Wingard vs Jacob Brubaker. Elizabeth G. Morrison vs Geo. Hutchinson. Geo. Jackson vs Conrad W Mick . Samuel Harvey & wife vs John Potts et al. SECOND %YEEE. Daniel Knrfman's adm's vs Robert Speer. Martin Wady vs Lindley Hoopes. S. Shoemakee for use vs Hunt. Pres. Cong. Jacob Miller & Co. vs Joseph Ennis. Com'th for use vs Miller & Stewart. nizer & Riddle vs John List. !Smith & Rhodes vs George Shell. Decor & Green vs Tho's I. Cromwell John McCahan vs Henry Dell. Martin Gates aclin's vs Math. Crownover. John Walls ear's vs George Wilson. Com'th for Vance vs Vance & Alexander. Robert Gill vs Sebastian Keely. C. Ladner & Co. vs M' ran & Fitzpatrick. Com'th for John F. Lowry vs John Shaver. !Sam'l S. Barrvs John Williamson, Esq. Joseph Ennis vs James S. Lawrence. J. H. Bridenbaugh & Co. vs Philip L. Fox. John Winters for use vs Spang, Celler & Co. A. C. Blair & Co. vs David Welch. Abrm. Vandevender's adm's John C'Conxli. Jacob Miller vs same. Sam'l Kitterman vs Sames Entrekin. D. M'Murtrie vs Mai tin Gates adm's. Amos L. Smith vs John Chilcote et al. Sam'l Peightal vs David Peightal'e adm's.. Com'th for use vs W. Ramsey & Madder. John H. Spay,' et al vs Wm. Moore. Patrick Fitzpatrick vs John M'Comb. William M'Nite vs John Dougherty et el. Andrew Shaw vs John Montgomery.. GRAND JURORS. Barree —Geo. W. Bell, Jacob Hallman. Cromwell —David Burket, Joseph Cohenotr. Clay—Daniel Cullman, Wm. B. Swoops. Warriorsmark—Richarl Copelin, Benjamin Hutchison, Jesse Mothersbaugh. Franklin—John Conrad, Wm. Mollwaino. West—Samuel Ewing. Penn—Jacob Frank, John Fink, John GrovlN. Sr. Brady—David Grove, Joseph McCraeken, Paul Orlady. Jackson—John Randolph. Walker—William States. Henderson—Samuel R. Stevens. Hopewell—Jacob Summers, Is Dublin—Joseph Smith. Cass—Elias Wilson. TRAVERSE JURORS, FIRST WEICIE. Syrinefield—Thomas Ashton, Wm. F. Mar tin, Wm. Taylor. Brady—Robt. K. Allison, James Simpson. ifrurriorsmark—Peter H. Burket, Benjamin Johnston, Jacob Neathoof, Abaditego Stevens Elijah Weston. Cromwell—John Bolinger George Foreman, Thomas Hooper, Jr., John McDonald. Shirley—John S. Buck, )avid Douglass, Pe. ter Long, Thomas A. Smelker, Willistit MeGai vey. Barrce—Wm. Couch, Jr., John Cunningham, Robt. Cunningham, Wm. Oaks. Franklin—Samuel Cummins, Daniel Hoff man, Jonathan McWilliams. Walker—Michael Householder, Moses Ha. mer. West—John Hall, John Henderson, Henry Lightner, Thomas Wilson. Tell—David ilackedorn, Wm. Mitchell, he. McNeal, Stephen Walters. Penn—James Isett, Benj. C. Lytle. Clay—John B. Logan, Aaron Shore. Henderson—John F. Miller. Jackson—Samuel Mitchell, Geo. Wilson. Tod—Jas. McLain of John. Porter—Benj. Neff. Daniel Whittaker. Hopewell—John Shultz. Cass—David Stever. SECOND WEILL, Warriorsmark— Wm B Addleman, John Gensirnore, John GrafTens. West—John Baum, J B Buchanan, John Hewit. Springfield—Jeremiah Brown, John Star. Jackson—W m Cummins,Darid Cunningham. W n Dinsmore. Cass—Jacob Crotely. Tod—Thomas Clark, Gideon Elias, Joha Huyctt, Lewis Myerly, Abraham Tar• lor. Franklin—John Ebert', John Ingrain, John Weight. Cley—K L Green. C yornwell—Simon Gratz. I Milker —John Heffner, Sr. Part er—Daniel Knode, A McClure, Daniel Piper. Brody—James Kerr. Morris—Nathaniel Lytle. Hopewell—David Miller, John Shultz' Jr. Shirley—Samuel MeVitty, John Potts. liarr cc—Robert Massey. linassaaaket,„ Jr hams Maguire
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers