Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 20, 1851, Image 2
THE JOURNAL, AOUARCT Br TM:TiI. HUNTINGDON, Pok Thursday Morning, Marsh 20, ilsH. TIMMS OF PUBLICATION: Two "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at 16• following rates, riz If paid in advance, per annum, • • • • • • . $1,75 If paid during the year; • 2,00 If paid after the ex:lration of the year, • • 2,50 To Clubs of live or more, in advance, • • • 1,50 Tilt above Terms will lie adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be token fora less period then six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all anuarsges are paid, unless at the option• oi l the publisher. V. 11. PALMER Ti oar authorized agent in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements, and any persons in those cities wishing to adver tise in our columns, will please call on him. Spring Election'. We hope our friends in the several townships, boroughs and election districts in this county, will not forget the Spring Elections which are to be held on next Friday, (the 21st inst., to-morrow,) and not allow our adversaries to carry the Judges and Inspectors where they are not entitled to them by the democracy of numbers. The election offi cers then chosen will conduct the general election next fall, the most important that has been held for many years. Census of Huntingdon County for 1850. Townships and Boroughs. Dwell. Fain. Inha. Pins. Borough of Huntingdon, 243 274 1470 Henderson township, 148 149 Sla 59 Borough of Shirleysbnrg, 63 70 367 Shirley township, 270 273• 1613 101 Borough of Birmingham, 45 47 266 .e, . -- Warnorsmark township, 188 199 1191 61 Borough of Alexandria, 100 111 601 Porter township, 173 179 1050 56 Borough of Petersburg, 46 48 264 West township, 208 272 1464 112 Barrett township, 220 22'3 1271 90 Jackson township, 259 2GI 1431 75 Morris township, 132 134 787 33 Walker township, 192 196 1108 86. —These arc all the townships' and boroughs' Census filed in the Prothonotary's Office as yet— the balance we will give when Isaac brings in the returns. It is with pleasure we announce that the Post Office Department, by a late arrangement, has favored the prosperous and enterprising village of Shirleysburg with a daily mail, (Sundays ex-- cepted.) The mail, by present arrangement, leaves Mt.. Union, at the Pennsylvania Rail Road, via. Shir leysburg, through to Chamhersburg, every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday; on the alternate days it will be carried on horseback from Shirleys burg to Mount Union and back, thus making a daily mail, as stated. sir The letter of Gen. James, the newly elected U. S. Senator of Rhode Island, to the lion. Wm. Sprague, has just been published, in which he avows himself in favor of the leading Whig mea- SUM. NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION.—TIIETS has been no election of Governor by the peopl . The ma jority against Dinsmoor, Loco, in 186 towns, is 4,216. Last year, in the same towns, his majority was 4,243—net loss, 8,450. The political com plexion of the Legislature is yet in doubt. Two Whigs and two Locos have been elected to Con gress. Ohio Herself Again. Judge Benjamin F. Wade, Whig, of Ashtabula county, was elected a 1.1. S. Senator from Ohio for eix years, on Saturday last. Judge Wade was one of the earliest supporters of Gen. Taylor in the Western Reserve. John Woods, Whig, was re-elected State Au ditor. The Whigs elected two minor officers. fiff There was no Beckman there ! CHEAP POSTAGE IN CANADA.—The new postal regulations adopted by the Canadians, go into op eration on the sth of April. From and after that day, the rate will be uniform at threepence through out the Province, on letters under one ounce—over one ounce, in proportion. eir Major General Winfield Scott it is said will leave Washington on Saturday next, for St. Louis, and other points South and West, to locate milita ry asylums, as provided for by an itct of Congress of the last session. REY. JOSEPH MATHIAS, pastor of the Hilltown Baptist Church duzing a period of nearly fifty years, died suddenly at his residence in Bucks county, Pa., on the 11th inst., GREAT * FIRE IN CARLIBLE.—A most destruc tive fire occurred at Carlisle last Wednesday morn ing, between 12 and 1 o'clock, by which from thir ty to forty buildings, and property amounting to $50,000 was destroyed. Only about $B,OOO was covered by insurance. THE CONTESTED ELECTION.—The District At torney contested election case, in Philadelphia, is "dragging its slow length along" on the defence. Even more strongly than that of tho prosecution, it exhibits the utter looseness and illegality of the election. lir Pursuant to a call signed by over 1200 Whigs of Berks county, a meeting of the friends of Gen. SCOTT WAS held in Reading on the 22d ult., at which strong resolutions were adopted &vont ble to the nomination of the old Hero for the next Presidency, and approving of the proposition to hold two Scott Mass Conventkos on the 20th of August next—one at Philadelphia, had the other at Pittsburg. Ono hundred delegates were ap pointed to represent Berke county in the Philatiel phis Convention. sr The Senate of the United States 'has wan !mainly confirmed the appointment of Gronoe W. liassaireay. Bag., n Put Muter of Lanese. . . . FU, sevenil weekspart the editor and pro prietor of this paper has, by reason of Sitters !Br diSpCSitil,ll, been entirely unable to iii•eMly per, tonal atteiltiun to any department oflns awl has been dependent .on the kindness of difNr : ::', ent friends at different thnes for assistance in his Lace. As might be expected in such circumstan ces, the rentibrmay have observed 901114 discrep ancies in the editorial matter. An article in the editorial columns last week, headed " Gen. Scott and his Friends," has called forth the following froin a number of citizens, which will- speak for itself. The paper is this week under the supervision of a brother of the Editor, who is on a visit to-him. The writer, without impugning or questioning the motives of the friend who is the author of the ar ticle of last week, regrets exceedingly the neces sity of giving publicity lo the fidlowing which he hopes will cure whatever mischief tuay have been done. For the Huntingdon Journal. The undesigned, Whigs and friends of General SCOTT, have read with regret and mortification It leading editorial in the "Journal" of last week, censuring the recent card of the Whig members of the legislature, which in a proper and becoming manner snggcsted and recommended to their Whig brethren throughout the State, organization in fa vor of Gen. SCOTT. The article in question, as we know, speaks the language and sentiments nei ther of the Whigs of this county, or the Editor of the "Journal,"(wito has been confined to his room for some time by severe indisposition,) and we fefl it to be our duty, therefore, to correct the false and injurious impressions which that publica tion is calculated to make abroad, and to preserve the "Journal" in that position of stern and unwa vering fidelity to \ the Whig party which it has ever hitherto" maintained. Here, where the circumstances under which the effusion appeared are known, 110 correction is necessary. The author professes to be a friend of Gen. Scott, and why then, every one would naturally enquire, pub lish that which aims at disorganization in the pres ent enthusiastic movement of his friends 7 It is only necessary for us to say, that to otrr certain knowledge, neither the language, sentiment, or motives of the writer are approved ; but that, on the cotrary, they are all alike condemned and reprobated' by the Whigs of this county, and the Editor of the "journal" himself. M. F. Campbell, Sand. L. Glasgow, Jacob Cresswell, A. K Cornyn, D. I%l'Murtrie, W. IL Pcightal, J. A. Doyle; S. S. Wharton, J. Sewell Stewart, W. 13. Zeigler, Jacob Snyder, Jesse Summers, David Stiare,' Alex. Cannon, A. H. Bumbaugh, John Rend, William Harman, E. C. Summers, Benjamin Heffner, John Planner, Isaac Lininger, J. J. Bumbaugh, H. K. Neff, James Steer, J. F. Miller, J. N. Prowell, W. S. Ilampson, R. A. Miller, Jacob Hoefman, Wm. Snare, Peter N. Marks, Thomas Cannon, Fidel Werth, Michael Schneider, A. J. Africa. Scott and Jonstont The Whigs of Pennsylvania seem to he almost unanimous in their choice of Gen. Wrtizim.n SCOTT for the Presidency, and WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON, for Governor. With regard to the latter there can scarcely be found a single Whig in the State to oppose his re-nomination to a sta tion whirls he has so well filled and honored. He will, unquestionably, he named with acclamation by the Convention to assemble at Lancaster. We believe, too, that he will be triumphantly re elected. The indentions also are that Gen. Scott will ltave a large majority of votes in the next Whig National Convention. Half the States in the Union have already declared in his favor, and every day is swelling the tide of his popularity. At present no other Whig candidate is seriously spoken of. President Fillmore, it is true, has hosts of friends—(who in the Whig ranks is not his friend?)—but justice to the brave and patriotic Hero of two wars will no longer admit that his prior claim should befurther postponed.—Of Gen. Scott's success there can scarcely be a doubt. No matter who is the opposing candidate—be it Cass. Houston or Buchanan—a Northern or a Southern man—an old Hunker orn Free Soil Loco —the old soldier who led our armies in Mexico is bound to lead all his opponents in the Presidential race. —Berks & Sch. Journal: Gen. Scott and Gov. Marcy. A Washington letter writer in the New York Express has the following statement : " A reconciliation of differences has taken place between Gen. Scott and Gov. Marcy. Both gen tlemen being present at a supper party given a few evenings since, by J. C. G. Kennedy, Esq., the Gen. expressed to Mr. Kennedy a determination to make advances to the Ex-Secretury of War, with whom bo had not been on friendly relations since the Mexican war, stating that he felt oppress ed by the unnecessary continuanceof any coldness between himself and any gentlemen, and would much prefer reconciliation. Ile hoped that the Governor would receive his expressions in the same spirit by which he was influenced in making them. "The advances were made, and the result was as he had hoped. The whole company (among whom were Ex-Governor Crittenden, Attoney Ge neral ; Ex-Governor Letcher, of Kentucky, now Minister to Mexico; Edward Everett, late Presi dent of Harvard University; Mr. Mueedo, Min ister front Brazil ) Mr. Stuart, Secretary of the Interior, &c.) seemed much delighted with the affair and its results. "At the supper table Ex-Governor Marcy was toasted as the late Governor of New York and as Ex-Secretary of War, in response to which the Ex-Governor remarked, that whatever celebrity might attach to Mtn as Secretary of War was a reflected glory or honor—refleeted from the gal lant men and bravo officers, with the notice of whose conduct he was honored, and especially from him who has been a distinguished Major Ge neral for thirty-seven years—longer than any other =III living. The expressions, so delicately made, were recived with a burst of applause, and created for the honorable speaker feelings of admiration which will endure when the teeth** occasion shall 'Metier ie forgatfalnees." Correspondence of the flUntingdon Journal. N. Letter from Harrisburg. Ilkulitsnutto, March 17, 1851. 1 - )son :—ln my last I neglected to enclose and notice the •suggestions '" To the' Freends of Geo. Scott," of forty of the members of the Leg islature; and having neglected it then I should not hove referred to it 'now, were knot fora notice• itaken of that action in'your last "Journal." Yon ! of course did not write it, or know of its pul;lica den: I know, too, that your sense . of justice, truth and fair dealing, *Old never - have permit-, ted you, even if you had" not agreed with the' , "suggestion/V..44)las° assailed it, without placing, it before your readers, that they might judge of thejustice of your strictures. I now ask in pure justice to the unintentionally qffending gentlemen. who signed that card, that your readers be permitted'ro read it, and weigh its ;merit, honest, not a perverted construction, of its contentsoutd the motives of its signers.— Here it is “To TUB PRIENDS OF GEN. Scorr.—The lla clersigned, Whig members of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, respectfully suggest to the friends of Gen. SCOTT throughout the State, to meet and consult together upon the expediency and propri ety of presenting his name for the next Presiden cy. J. W. Killing% Jos. Konigmacher, J. H. Walker. Eli Slifer; Thos. Corson, J. C. Reid; R. C. Walker, Wm. Haslett, G. V.. Lawrence, Beni. Malone, P. B. Savory, G. H. Hart, J. J. Cunningham, J. S. Bowen, D. H. B. Brower, T. J. Bighorn, Jno. M'Cluskey,- George Mowry, B. Robertson, B. A. Sheafler, A. Robertson, John M'Lcan, Christian Myers, Wm. Evans, Win. M'Sherry, Jacob Nissley, James Carothers, Wm. B. Smith, R. A. M'Murtrie, ' Thos. Van Horne, A. W. Blaine, James Fitte, Thos. Dungan, Samuel Hamilton, Robt. Baldwin, David Maclay, James Cowden, J. S. Struthers, S. It. McCune, C. J. Hunsucker. Harrisburg, Mardi 5. 1851." One fitct should be know to begin with. It was written and signed before the metnbers went to Washington, by all but one or two. Now why was this card. signed and published? The friends of Gen; Scott liere saw that those who were not his friends were Industrious in their efforts to strangle, as premature, every movement of his friends—and to save him from his "ene mies in. the roar," it was important that concert of action should be secured. Here were assembled many of his friends; and they not only had the right, but it was their duty to consult. That con sultation was had, and as the result, they " res.- pectfully suggest to the friends of Gen. Scott through out the State to meet and consult together." Now let me ask what is there " impudent,' officious and offensive," in that. May I not be permitted to ask in this place, if the writer of the article in the "Journal" had consulted with Gen. Scott's friends, would they have counselled the insinuation con tained in it, that Gen. Scott may be charged with having been a party to it. Whigs have ever favored the doctrine that the people should always be "consulted," in every movement; and that no one man is justified iu as suming to himself the censorship or dictatorship. Consultation alone secures efficient concert in ac tion. Do your county politicians consider them selves, "impudent,' officious and offensive," when they meet and consult, and Wise the call ing of meetings of the people, and sign thethselves " many citizens," instead of putting their names to the "pla-card." They come to your town to at tend Court—but they also meet and "suggest" the calling of mass meetings—and who is unwise enough to call it dictation. Have the members of, the Legislature done any more 7 No ! not even so much es that ! They have only suggested to the ' people to consult as to the expediency and proprie ty of action. Is it unjust to say that those who denounce such a suggestion, must be desirous of keeping the people quiet, and "out of the ring," until they put the ball in motion in their oum tray. Theft must be an obtuseness, or a perverseness of, intellect, in any man who asserts that this card implies dictation to the people. Your readers and yourself, will excuse this part of my letter. The interests of Gen. Scott demand ed it at my hands, and all onto judge whether any true friend of Gen. Scott should take offence at the " card" which the writer of the article admits agrees in Pltrpose with the wisheS of khe 'people. - The Legislature is, as- usual, doing little else than passing local acts. In the House last week the project of Mr. Penimait, to establish an Edu cational Departitent, was discussed, and finally was passed through second reading. The title of this bill should be changed to "an act to increase the expenses of the School Department, and appoint and pay a political travelling agent... It provides for a School Superintendent and State Librarian, and increases tbe-experises of the School Depart ment more than $1,200, per annum, direetly—be li - sides much more which must necessarily grow out of it—and provides a fund of $5OO to pay a trav elling emissary to peddle politics throughout the State. And this officer, thus created, the present Legislature .desire to elect themselves, to enter upon his duties this summer, —they want his ser vices in the coming campaign. Now what is ex traordinary about the passage of this hill as far as it has progressed, is that many Whigs voted for it. Although not n single Petition from the peo ple has asked any such change. Nor have there been any complainta against the practical work ings of the present organization of the School Department. The constituents of Messrs. Smith and Wenne were not misrepresented by them; and let me say here that there are no more firm, consistent and faithful representatives of a Whig constituency in that Hall. An effort was made to run the State into more turnpike stock speculation,—but it failed. The bill providing for a new organization of the Improvement System was agitated in the House on Thursday. The bill provides for the establish ment of a Superintendent, and abolishes the Canal Board. After having been discussed during one whole session it was indefinitely postponed; and what is again very strange, many of our Whig friends voted for the postponement. In the Senate, the Free Banking Bill has been dui subject of 'null discussion, and was finally (passed *Tough mend reading. It is now eos• ceded en aliakiTaiani;lii piss the Senate.—: Its fate in the House is however problematical. I think* it will fail. The order has gone forth, to Loco Foeoism to oppose it as a clangerottsWhig measure, which, if the Whigs succeed in passing, must convince the people that Governor Johnston and hilt friends have originated and carried through a system of Banking which centres' then against losses from the present Monopoly system. This they fear, and to avoid its effects, they will labor unremittingly to defeat it. I hope, however, that honest men enough may be found in the House to ,carryand thus secuteto the people of our !.Stilte lie advantages and securities. The Montour county annexation question has not 'YeifieeitTaken np in the Senate, although the anxious faces of the "outsiders" show that they are determined; 011 both sides. That Old acquaintance; the Wetherill divorce case, is quietly creeping areund in the Hall, and out of it. Occasionally it' raises its heatb in. some new place. Whether it will dare to show itself fairly before tire people spin I cabnot say. The "reasons" for ltS passage, are now said. to be "plenty eibitickberries." It cannot pass or lam mistaken. Yours, • " Imprudent" is the word in the MS. The error appears in about one-fourth of the edition; in the remaitaTer ft was corrected.—Compositor. Political Secrets Revealed--Polk and Tyler. A bitter personal controversy has been in pro gress for some months past, between Thomas Rit chie, of the Washington Union, and J. C. Rives, of the Washington Globe, during which some curious facts have been brought to light by the lat ter. One branch of the quarrel grew out of the transfer of the old organ into the hands of Ritchie through the interference and agency of Tyler and Polk, after it was rendered probable that the lat ter would be elected to the Presidency in 1841. Mr. Rives publishes letters from Gen. Jackson to Blair, (Mr. Rives' former partner,) showing that he exerted all his influence to prevent Mr. Polk from repudiating his old organ and bring Ritchie to Washington. But it seems that Polk was very early committed to the course lie took by pledges to Tyler, the latter being anxious that the official organ should not make itself toe industrious in overhauling matters connected with the free ex penditure of money for partizan purposes under his administration, and the former being quite as solicitous to engage in his behalf the support of Tyler aid his adherents. Gen. Jackson therefore failed to prevent the consummation of the arrange ment, and as soon as he was satisfied that he must fail, he advised Blair to sell, but to take good care that be had ample security for the payment of the money. Gen. Jackson knew enough about news papers to satisfy him that none of the parties to the proposed arrangement could raise $50,000 for starting a new organ. Tyler and Polk were also aware of this that, but by a little collision, they could divert from the treasury the necessary amount, and by calling for it at conveniently dis tant periods and in small amounts, thus indirectly loaning it for private purposes without interest, Mr. Ritchie• would be enabled to go along very smoothly. The way this "fair business transac tion" was carried out was as follows: $50,000 of the public' money was drawn from the govern ' meta deposite at Philadelphia oar the *dr Novem ber 1844, and transferred to the Middletown Bank in this State, from whence. Mr. Rives alleges, it passed to the persons who muck the purchase of Blair and Rives, and started the present Wash ington Union. The amount was repaid as fellows In Juno 1845, $5000; the baktnee in 1845, in in stalments of five, ten, and fifteen thousand. The interest on this sum amounts to something like $lO,OOO, which was given to Mr. Ritchie, while the Government was borrowing money to carry on the Mexican war ! Mr. Ritchie denies any knowl edge of the collusion between Tyler and Polk.— In reply to this denial, Mr. Rives says— " The solution is, that Mr. Ritchie, knowing that the money giveirby Mr. Cameron was not his own, might well say that lie did nut furnish it; whilst the other, knowing that he had been guilty of con verting the public funds to a private use, could say with truth that that part of the first instalment for the Globe came out of his pocket. Still, I must say there is an equivocation between them, as in the case of the two men mentioned by Asop; ono took the moat from the butcher's stall and gave it to the other to hide under his cloak; when taxed with the felony, the taker declared that be had not it, and his accomplice protested that he did not take it." , These revelations throw light upon the political manoeuvres of the past, and show to what use the people's money is sometimes put by the leaders and law-givers of modern democracy.. British iron. The steamer John J. Crittenden, brought up to Beaver, latetly, 150 tons of railroad iron for the Ohio and Pennsylviufia Railroad. This is the first instalment of 3,000 tons contracted for by the corn puny in England, which is to be received from Liv erpool via New Orleans and the Mississppi and Ohio rivers. This importation is a sad comment on the character of American legislation. It is made in the face of the that that the workmen dis place vast quantities of the ore of the same metal in grading the road; yet under the operations of free trade, this is rendered worthless, whilst mil lions are sent abroad to build up foreign monopo lists, to pay foreign labor, and pay foreign farmers for the beef, butter, cabbage, potatoes, &c., used in its manufacture and actually imported into this country in the shape of iron No nation can en joy permanent properity that pursues such a poli cy. it is inconsistent with common sense and ev ery principle of reason. wir The man who would systematically and wilfully set about cheating a printer, would com mit highway robbery upon a crying baby, and rob it of its gingerbread—take the last bit of hoe-cake from a staaving negro—rob a church of counter feit pennies—lick the butter off a blind negro's "flitter"—pawn the false whiskers of a dandy for a drink of liquor—skin a tode for its hide—and take the clothes off a scarecrow, to make a respec table appearance in society. sfir The Manufacture of salt has been commen ced at the newly located town of %Vest Columbia, ou the Ohio ricer, in Mason county Va. About 11 , 0 barrels Mt, turned ont A Great Letter from Webster, The following letter from the lion. Daniel Web ster will, with a brief preface, explain itself. Col. James Tappan, a venerable citizen of Gloucester, Mass., now 84 years of age, recently addressed a letter to Mr. Webster, reminding him thlit more than sixty Years ago, be (Mr. W.) was one of Isis pupils, When he tanglii school at New Salisbury. The Gloucester News publishes Mr. Webster's prompt answer to his old friend and early teacher, and remarks :—"We doubt if any letter that Mr. Webster has written to public hodies, or any of the thousand great and noble acts of his life, reflect' more credit upon him than this kind letter and generous gift to his aged and unfortunate old schoolmaster." In which sentiment every man with a heart will cordially agree. What a quiet and unintended rebake of those who would make him out to be a man corrupt at heart and uhfitith fill to his pithlie duties. The letter, theme it makes uo allusion to the fact, contained aOO note. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26, 1851 MASTER TAPPAN—I thank you for your letter, and am rejoiced to hear that you are yet among the living. I remember you perfectly well as a teacher in my infant years. I suppose my mother must have taught roe to read very early, as I have never been able to recollect the time when I could not rend the Bible. I think Master Chase was my earliest schoolmaster—propahly when I was there or four years old. Then came Master Tap pau. You boarded at our house, and sometimes, I think, in the family of Mr. Benjamin Sandborn, our neighbor, the lame man: Most of those whom you know in "New Salisbury" have goes to their graves. Mr. John Sandborn, the son of Benjamin, is yet living, and is about your age. Mr. John Colby, who married my eldest sister Susana, is also living. On the "North Road" is Mr. Benja min Huston, and on the "South Road" is Mr. Benjamin I'ettingall. I think of none else among the living whom you would probably remember. You have indeed led a checkered life. I hope you have been able to bear prosperity with meek ness and adversity with patience. These things are all ordered for us, far better than we could or der them for ourselves. Wo may pray for our dai ly bread; we may pray for the forgiveness of sins; we may pray to lie kept from temptation, and that the kingdom of God may come in us, and in all men; and his will everywhere be done. Beyond this we hardly know for what good to supplicate the Divine Mercy. Our Heavenly Father know eth what wo have need of better than we know ourselves, and we are sure that Ills eye and Ills loving kindness are upon , us, and at•ouud us every moment: I thank you again, my good old master, for your kind letter, which has awakened many sleeping recollections; and, with all good wishes, I remain, Your friend' and pupil, DANIEL WEBSTER. Mr. James Tappan; The Manure of the Tariff. On the eve of the adjournment of Congress , a number of test votes were had on the Tariff ques tion, all of which failed. It was presented in a variety of forms, and last of all Mr. Stevens offer ed the subjoined bill; which failed by a majority ofl about 14. All the Southern Whigs, except four honorable men, voted with the Anti-Tariff party. Ithas now evidently become the determination of the South, without distinction of party, to cripple the North by destroying her mining and manufac turing interests. An Ad to modffy the Act of 30th .Tune. 1846, reda clog the duty on imports; and to prevent frauds on the Revenue. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States in Congress as sembleda—That from and after thirty days from the passage of this Act, the duties imposed by the Act of 30th July, 1846, entitled "An Act reducing the duty on imports and for other purposes" shall be levied on goods, wares. and merchandise im ported into the United States, agreeably to the av erage value which similar articles bore in Boston, Providence, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston and New Orleans on the day said Act took effect, to be ascertained and fixed tinder• the• direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. SEC. 2. Whenever any manufactured article is imported on which a less duty is chargeable by existing laws than is chaged on the raw material of which it is in whole or in part composed, such article shall be charged ten per cent. ad valorem more than is chargabk on any part of the raw ma terial of which it is composed. SEC. 3. Tin in plates, unmanufactured, shall be free of duty. Brandy and other spirits distillep from grain shall pay two hundred per cent. duty ; the duties on window glass and linseed oil shall be thirty per cent. SEC. 4. The duties upon all cordage and yarns composed wholy or in part of hemp or grass, upon all manufactures composed wholly or in part of sheep's wool; and upon all refined sugars, shall be respectively ten per cent. and valorem, over and above the rate of duty Now assessed by law on hemp and sheep's wool. SEC. 5. Articles of foreign manufacture, and packages of such articles bearing any names, brands or marks purporting to he the names, brands or marks of manufactures resident in the United States are hereby absolutely prohibited to be imported. tivrnAtsx.—During a late session of the Mis souri Legislature, one of the anti-Benton members offered a resolution ordering the removal of the portrait of Senator Benton from the State Capitol. Another member offered a resolution, declaring that T. H. Benton is unworthy to represent Mis souri, irrespective of party, and that the State be ing misrepresented, the joint session would not ad journ until a proper successor should be selected, or until the sth of March. Decided to be out of order. iFir Th e Massachusetts House of Representa tives, on Monday by a very large vote, passed a resolve offering 810,000 to any one who will dis cover a remedy for the potato rot; the discovery to be tested by a practice of five years. The questions of land Limitation and Home stead Exemption have been postponed by the Le gislature of Now Jersey till its next session, in ftrflar t* reperrls a karma to dimea them fully. Humiliating, if True. The London correspondent of the North A mon-- can, gives the following piece of information, which, ifcorrect, is enough to make every Arrieri cmcfeel indignant at the course pursued by the' British to maintain a polio!• in this country which,. while it is advancing their interests, is striking e• death blow t, oars: "We tell the American govern net and the American peoplw, and see tell them truly, that very large supseriptions hays, been and are at present, going on among our free-traders (hondominttite. ded) to remit to the United States to buy opposi tion, (they say they have forty-eight members in Congress at commend) to their government, on the proposed judicious alteration in their tariff. We warn them of Oda. We say nothing of the cacao sod the men who have recourse to sueltdrsgrace- Cul means to gain an end, (is British trade to be maintained thutt—hat flee trade rendered such a course necessary?)nor of the low compliment Wei they pay to American Democratic intellect, for it is in this particular section of the population that they place confidence to aid them," The charge, that the British have "forty-eight members of Congress at their cortunand," is almost' too startling to be true; but when we reflect that: when the Tariff of '46 was being enacted, the British had their agents in the American capitol, exhibiting their goods—showing how much cheap er they could manufacture them than we—and ur ging Congress to pass such a tariff bill as would promote their interests—we have some grounds for giving the truth of the above a favorable con sideration. The British exerted their whole influ• ence to have the law passed, and it is not surpri sing that titer should endeavor to prevent its re peal. A sad state of things, indeed, when we cannot legislate without the interference of the British. The United States is a world within it self, and its Congress, in legislating for its inter ests, should do so regardless of the "disagreeable effect it may have upon public opinion In Eng land." The town of Parras, Mexico, was recently cap tured by a large party of Indians, who committed the greatest atrocities. The departments of Du rango, Coahuila and Chihuahua, have been over run by savages, and vast numbers of cattle have been destroyed and captives carried off. TILE VntoINIA ELECTIONS POSTPOSID.-Thil Legislature of Virginia, on Thursday, passed an act providing for the submission of the new Con stitution to the people on the 4th Thursday in Au gust, and for the postponement of all the elections, both for Congress and the State Legislature, until the 4th Thursday in Octobei next.. THE WASHINGTON UNION.-The announce ment has been made that Mr. RITCHIE, has sold out his "sole Democratic organ for $30,000 to Aannuty JACKSON DONELSON, of Tennesse, late Minister to Germany, and the adopted son of Old Hickory." MOUNT Vans:cm—The. Alexandria Gazette says:—' We observe that the bill for establishing an asylum for infirm and invalid soldiers has passed Congress. If Mount Vernon is selected as the site, what snore noble guard could the tomb of Washington lows than the old soldiers of the Re public.—Ws suggest the subject for reflection.' DEEM In Marklesburg on Sunday the 9th inst., Mr. ADAM GARNER, aged 27 years 11 months and 23 days. Society has lint one of its brightest ornaments, and friendship a true votary. As a husband and father he was kind an indulgent, possessed of erery endearing principle to make those around him, happy; but he has goes the way of all flesh.— Peace be to his ashes Oh rest in pence, though spirit rest, Reclining on thy Saviour's breast, Where true enjoyment 'a found, Where love and peace abound. Yes, thou art crown'd in glory now, The wreath of Victory's on thy brow, By far a richer gem, Than grace a monach'e diadem. Dedicated through friendship. MONEY MATTERS. Philadelphia Dates of Discount. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Philadelphia Banks • par Lebanon, • pa Pittsburg pat Chambersbnrg, Germantown, • par Gettysburg, Chester Comity • • • • par Middleton, , Delaware County. • • par Carlisle, Montgomery Co. • • • par Harrisburg Northumberland '• • • par Honesdale, 1 Col. Bridge Co par Wyoming P. Reading par Erie Bank, Lancaster, • • ...... par Waynesburg, I; Doylestown par Schuylkill Haven, • • • pa: Easton par West Branch pa Bucks County par Relief Notes 1, Brownsville par " " new issue •1 , Pottsville par State Scrip, Washington 3 Pittsburg City Scrip • • 1! York i Allegheny City, 21 Danville par Allegheny County,• • •2i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Administrators' Notice. Estate of JAMES TRAVIS, lute of Franklin township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated to . . JOHN L. TRAVIS, G. T. TRAVIS, Administrators. Franklin township, March 20, 1851.-6 t.• NEW SOODS! First Arrival this Spring! I IVTORE NEW GOODS are expected this der 11 11 at the ELEPHANT," consisting in part of Conestoga Sheetings, at the old price. Bleached & unbleached Muslins from 3 to 121 a. Splendid Ruby Calicos. Carpet Chain, all colors. Liricaster Gingham., 12i cents per yard, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Mackerel, &e., &c., all of which will be sold at the usual low rates which have sendered the g , ELEPHANT" Tux Store of the county. WILLIAM H. PEIGHTAL. Wonting:lett, Uarth 11, 181/1.-rf.