The Seventh Census. The population of the United States in 1850 has been considerably overrated by most of the esti mates of the present year. The total population of the United States on the lot of,inne, 1950, was about 29,000,000 ; showing en increase during the preceding ten years of a little less than 5,000,000 or about SG per cont. The number of represents tivoa is fixed by law at 233; so that the ratio of Representation is likely to ho under rather than over 94,000. The representation of the several States under the new census will compare with that under the present as follows: States Caws '4O '5O Ohio 21 21 intliana 10 11' Illinois 7 9 Michigan 9 4 Wisconsin 3 3 lowa 2 2 Kentucky 10 9 Tennesneo 11 10 Missouri 5 7 Arkansas 1 2 Louisiana 4 4 Alabama 7 7 Texas 2 2 California 2 2 &WM. C.vawr '44.1 'SO Maine 7 6 N. Rameshfro 4 3 kLamachnsetts 10 11 Rhode Nand 2 2 Connettient 4 4 Vermont 4 3 New York 34 93 New Jeriev 5 5 Penngylvania 24 25 Delaware 1 1 Maryland 6 6 VirMnia 15 13 N. Carolina 9 8 Georscia 8 9 Florida 1 1 Total, Of course, until the census returns arc complete no calculation can he absolutely relied on, hut the above is very nearly correct. The following list in said to exhibit correctly the order in which the several States stand in point of population, according to the present census 1 New York 2 Pennsylvania 3 Ohio, 4 Virginia, 5 Indiana, 6 Tennessee, 7 Kentucky, 8 Massachusetts, 9 Georgia, 10 N. Carolina 11 Illinois, 12 Alabama, 13 Missouri, 14 S. Carolina, 15 Maine, 16 MiSSisSippi, 17 Maryland, 18 Louisiana, 19 New Jersey, 20 Michigan, 21 Conneticut, 22 N. Hampshire, 23 Vermont, 24 Wisconsin, 25 Arkansas, 26 Texas, 27 lowa, 28 California, 29 Rhode Island, 30 Delaware, 31 Florida. MICIIIO Alf SENATOR.-The Legislature of Michigan have re-elected Gm. Cass to the Uni ted States Senate for six years from the 4th of March next. The Death of Hem. The reported lleatli of Bent in Turkey is corn firmed by letters from Allcppo. Bem's sickness was neither very long or ;mink, ; a month before his death he was riding out. Some slight at tacks of fever gave him no anxiety; and he could not be persuaded to take any medicine until three or four days before his death. Ile was buried with military honors, a thing unusual in Turkey. The English and French Consuls attended the funeral. He was 56 years old. Distressing Accident. At Richmond, on Wednesday evening, while the public guard was firing a salute, the horses attached to a buggy, containing Col. Tostus and another member of the Virginia Legislature, took fright, tiii.owing the gentlemen out and slightly in juring them. The horses kept ahead, and dashing on the payment, ran over Mr. Join; RUTllunronD and Miss BETSY COLES, injuring the former slightly, but breaking the collar•hone and two ribs of the latter lady, and causing other serious in juries. 65 'A violent storm of wind and rain passed over Cambridge (Md.) on Monday afternoon last. It swept nearly every thing beibre, it, uprooting trees, laying fent.; flat, unroofing several houses, among which was the court house, of a tin roof, which had been on about four years, and one end of the dwelling of Dr. Wm. H. Muse was blown in besides a number of sheds, stables, &c. were blown to pieces. Counterfeit Half Dollars. Spurious half dollars, to a considerable amount, tune been put in circulation in some of the cities of the West. They are of the emission of 1643, tolerably well excuted, though, upon close ex amination, the face of the female will be found im perfect. They are lighter than the genuine, and have the letter C on the revers 6 which the gen uine have not. MARRIED. On Tuesday 25th of February, by the Rev. David Williams, Mr. SAMUEL D. GORNELTAS. of Brady Township, to Miss. REnzecA SULILMAN of Union Township. all of this county. On the 4th inst., nt the residence of Dr. D. Houtz, by the Rev. George l'Aliott; Mr. GEORGE WALKER to Mrs. JANE CLAUJJOUGO, all of Alex andria, in this county. DIED. At the residence of her son-in-law Major Da vid M'tf,rtrie in this place. on Friday last, Mrs. JANE .510CoNNELL, relict of the late John McCon nell, in the 78th year of her age. The deceased was favorably known to a large circle of friends. It will ho consolatory to her serviving relatives to learn that her last illness which was lingering and painful, was alleviated by the utmost kindness and attention. She lived and died a Christian in the full enjoyment of a blessed immortality, THE MARKETS. PHILADELPIV March 1, 1851. Flour, Common brands are held at $1,50 per barrel, hut there is little or no export demand, and only a few hundred barrels have been disposed ot, including better brands .d extra for city con sumption, at $4,561 a 5,12 1 1 and fancy brands at higher rates. In Rye Flour and Corn Meal there is nothing doing. In Wheat we have heard of no transactions. Corn continues in limited request. Sales of a a 4,000 hushels at 60 cents, afloat. Oats are dull. No sales reported. In Groceries they is a better feeling. Sales of 150 hhds Cuba and New Orleans Sugar at si a 6+ cents per lb, on time, and some Cuba Molasses at about 20 cents. Bacon is in good demand at full rates. Pork and lard are held higher, and most of the stock of the latter is not offered in the market at present. i i iiti;kay—Salee of hbie at 24 and Itiit , at 21i a 29 mut* i MONEY MATMRS. Philadelphia H; CORRECTE Philadelphia Banks • • pa. Pittaburt„ psi Germantown pa Chester County,• • • • pal Delaware Count •• • C0 .. ..... a: Montgomery ~ • pa Northumberland • • • • pa: Col. Bridge Co., • • • • pal Reading pa. Lancaster, Doylestown pa Easton pa: Backe County, pa' Brownsville pa Pottsville pa Lebanon, par Chambersburg, t Gettysburg, Middleton, Carlisle, Harrisburg I ionesdale, 11 Wyoming per Erie Bank, 1 Waynesburg li Schuylkill darem• • • • par West Branch ..... • •par Relief Notes I " " new issue] State Scrip, Pittsburg City Scrip• •I lAllegheny, City, 20 Allegheny County,• • •/10 Wa9hington, Danrille, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Booksellers, Country nTorchants and Teachers. TrE Respectfully request the attention of all dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELLANE— OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW SHADEs, to our su perior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertaining to our business. 231 233 A long - and active Prpeiienre warrants us in saying that we can offer inducements to pur. chasers, EQUALLED UT FEW-EXCELLED SO NONE. We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business ' believing it an experi ment is made, it will be found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to continue operating with us. Our stark is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the wants of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade generally. Orders by mail or otherwise despatched promptly and at the lowest rates known in any market. 0:7" The highest price riven for RAGS in rash. PECK & BLISS, North East Corner of Third & Arch sts. PRILADELPAIA. Philad's, March 6,18.51.—1 in. Tavern License. TO the Honorable Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, &c., of Huntingdon county, at April Term, 1851. Tie petition of A. Johnston, of the Borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, respectfully represents:—That he is provided with house room and stabling, and necessary accommodations for keeping a house of public entertainment, at the house now occupied by himself in said Borough. He therefore prays your Honours to grant him a License to eolith, IIP to keep a house of entertainment in said place, for the ensuing year, and, as in duty bound, will even prny. A. JOHNSTON. March 6, 18r.1.-3t, We, the undersigned, eitizens of the Borough of Huntingdon, do hereby certify that the above named petitioner, A. Johnston, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house loom for the accommoda tion of travellers, and that the Inn or Tavern proposed to he kept is necessary to accommo date the public, and entertain strangers and travellers. Wm. H. Peightal, C. S. Meek, P. C. Swoop, John A. King, Gwin, John Flenner, Wm. Rothrock, T. K. Simonton Win. 1. Stppl, T. B.Miner, Tavern License. TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county, at April Sessions, Mit. The Petition of Thomas Wallace, of the Bo rough of Huntingdon, in the said county, re spectfully sheweth :—That he still occupies and keeps, in said Borough, that old and well estab lished tavern house, known as the Washington Hotel, and is desirous of continuing to keep a public house therein. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a License to keep a public house at the place aforesaid for the ensuing year, and he will pray, are. THOMAS WALLACE. March 6,1851.-3 t. The subscribers, ,iti;ens of the Borough of Huntingdon, in said county, do certify that the Inn or Tavern above mentioned is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain stran gers and travellers,and that the petitioner above named is of gond repute for honesty tad tempe rance, end is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommo dation of strangers and travellers. William A. Saxton, Chas. A. Newingham, Geo. Jackson, Gee. A. Steel, John Whittaker, Wm. Drennen, William Snare, C. S. Black, Thus. Fisher, John 11. Easton, Geo. G win, Louis Schneider. Tavern License. TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Huntingdon. The Petition of Alexander Carmcm, of the Borough of Huntingdon, respectfully sheweth That he still occupies the house kept by him as en Inn or Tavern, on Met ket or Hill street, in the Borough of Huntingdon, for mariar ears past,—That he it well provided wit Ouse room, and other conveniences for the accom modation dt strangers and travellers, and that he is desirous of continuing for the ensuing year to keep an Inn or Tavern in said house. lle therefore prays your Honors to grant him a License for said purpose ; and he will pray, &c. ALEX. CA RMON. March 6,1851--3 t. We, the undersigned, citizens of the Borough of Huntingdon, do certify that we are well ac quainted with Alexander Cerium', the above named petitioner, that he is a man of good re pute for honesty and temperance, and !hat he is well provided with house room and other conveniences for the nivommoduflon of stran gers and travellers, and such Inn or Tavern as proposed to he kept is necessary to accommo date the public and entertain strangers and travellers. E. C. Summers, J. J. Bumbuiw,h, Thos. Campbell, John N. Prowlle, Geo. A. Steel, John Flenner, Head Quarters FOR Groceries and Confectionaries. —Jons P 4. CUNNINGHAM has just received a choice stock of Groceries, confect or, ries, &e. lie re. spectfully invites his customers and the public to come and examine his assortment. [itp 23. Are you Insured 1 F not, insure your property at once in the Clllll I herlaud Valley Mutual Insurance Company. Apply tso 9110. W. Brass, Agent, Bridgeport, P. TO the Honorable Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon County, the Petition of William Wilson respectfully she M eth . tes of Discount. That lie has taken the house in Warriors mark, Huntingdon county, and is well provid ed with house room and other convenience. for the accommodation of Strangers and Travel lera, &c. He therefore wishes and hopes your Honors will grant him a license to keep an Inn or Tavern in the said placc,andh? .... will ever pray, lc, WILLIAM WILSON March 6, 18G1.-3t. We, the undersigned, cititens of the town ship in which the above Inn or Tavern is pray ed for, and is proposed to be kept, do certify, that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accom modate the public, end to entertain Strangers and Travellers, and that the said William Wil son, applying therefor, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and other conveniences for the accommodation of Strangers and Travellers. James Simpson, Michael trunk, Jacob Wifant, William Wray, Isaac Thompson, John Bretton, Wm. Thompson, A. Renner, James C. Wallace, R. 1.. Sackett, Robt. Henderson, Henry Bretton, Peter H. Burket, David Diller, Samuel Culp. TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the comity of Huntingdon. The Petition of Samuel Steffy, of the village of Stevensville, Juckbon township, Hunting don county, respectfully represents :—That your petitioner is desirous of keeping a public Inn or Tavern in the house he now occupies, being in the township above named.—That he has provided himself with necessaries for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and therefore prays your Honors to grant him a License to keep a house of public entertain ment in said house, and he will ever pray. SAMUEL STEFFY. March 6,1831.-3 t. • The undersigned, citizens of Jackson town ship, in the county of Huntingdon, do certify that the tavern prayed for above by Samuel Steffy, is necessary for the accommodation of strangers sod travellers. That the above pe titioner is of good repute for honesty and tem perance, and is well provided with house room and other conveniences for strangers and trav ellers. John Greer, George Wilson, Gforge Wilson, William Walborn, Georg• Rudy, Samuel Rudy, John Roily, sr., Henry Walborn, Robert Wilson, Simon Walborn, George Steffy, Robt. Wilson, jr., Nicholas Rudy, Michael Rutterman, TO the Honorable Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county, at the April Term, 1851. 1 The undersigned petitioner, n citizen of Union township, Huntingdon county, having prepared himself with houseroom, bedding and stabling and every thing necessary for the accommoda tion of travellers and strangers, prays your Honors to grant him a License, and he, as in duty bound, will ever pray. ZACHARIAH PHEASANT. March 6, 1851.-31. We, the undersigned, citizens of Union town ship, Huntingdon county, do hereby certify that Mr. Pheasants, the above petitioner, is of good repute for honesty and sobriety, and in every way qualified to keep a house of public enter tainment. Ilenj. F. Glasgow, Daniel Bumgartner, Simeon Wright, Levi Wright, John D. florin, John Grove, Sr., Moses Swope, Zechariah Bonin, Levi W. Pheasant, Enoch Chilcote, Henry Pheasant, Q. A. Taylor, James E.Glasgow, Isace Helmer, Jacob 11. Miller, Jacob Foust. las. Maguire, Benj. Snare. TO the Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, now composing and holding the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the said Coun ty. The Petition of Samuel Coen, of the township of Barree, in the said county, respect fully sheweth : That he occupies a house in the town of Salsbury, in the said township, which has here tofore been used and occupied as a public house of Entertainment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a public house therein, he therefore prays your Honors to grant him a . License to keep a public house at the place aforesaid for the ensuing year, and he will ever pray. SAMUEL COEN. March 6,1851.-3 t. Wm. H. Peightal, The subscribers, citizens of the township of Berree, in the county of Huntingdon, recom mend the above petitioner, and certify that the Inn or Tavern above mentioned is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers or travellers, and that the petitioner above named is of good repute for honesty and tem perance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging andaccommo dation of strangers and traevliers. John Harper, Jacob F. Schnee, A ndrew Crownover, Job Slack, George Bell, Stephen Randolph, James Fernest, Geo. W. Chisholm, Samuel Henry, Wm. J. Franks, Jacob Hallman, George Slack, Jim. Creasman. Estate of lINJA NI IN JOHNSTON, late of Wamorsmark township, Hunlingdon county, deceased. Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of mid deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated to JAMES CLARK, Birmingham, JOHN J. MATTHIAS, Tyrone Forges, Executors. March 6, 16:11.-6t. T. B. Miller, C. Cows, Wm. Drennen, C. A .Nev.incham, John narklpr, Wm. A. Saxton. Administrators' Notice. LETTERS of administration having been E ranted to the qubserther upon the Estate of JOHN BUMGARDNER, late of Union township, deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having. claims are requested to present them properly authenticat ed for settlement. March 6, 16:51.-6t. SCOTT TRIUMPHANT ! CiPLENDII) stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, 10 and JEWELRY, nt Philadelphia prices. , Just received at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store, three doors west of T. Read & Son's store. The public are respectful* *elicited to tall sod am Tavern License. Tavern License. Tavern License. Tavern License. Executors' Notice. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Administrator. _ C. CUESEDROUGU ek CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16, SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PRO— VISIONS, have constantly on hand an assort meat of DRIED and PICKLED FISH, &c., viz: I Mackerel, Codfish, Hams, flutter, Salmon, Beef, Sides, Pails, Shad, Pork, Shoulders, &a. &e. Herrings, Lard, Cheese, Philad'a, March 6,1811.-3 m. JOSEPH 11. lINTDMIR'S Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse. No. 218, N. 3rd St., Philadelphia. OUNTRY Storekeepers and Tobacconists C in general, coining to the city to purchase their spring supply, will do well to call and ex amine my goods. I have on hand a large stock of Leaf Tobacco, and a complete assortment of SNUFFS, MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, and SEGARS, which I can sell wholesale and retail as low as any other house in the city.— Do not forget to call at JOSEPH 11. SNYDER'S, No. 218, N. 3rd at. (3 doors below Callow hill,) at the sign of the large Indian Chief. N. B. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to, on the moat reasonable terms. Philad'a, March 6,1851.-3 m. NOTICE All persons Knowing themselves to have un settled accounts with Dorsey & Maguire will please call and settle the same between Ibis and the 14th of March next, and save further trouble. Huntingdon, February 27,1851. Tavern License. TO the Hon. George Taylor, President, and his Associates, Judges of the Court or Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Hunt ingdon, :he Petition of Henry Selfridge respect fully sheweth 1 hat your petitioner occupies a commodious house, situated at M'Alevay's Fort, Jackson township, which is well calculated torn public house of Entertainment, and from its neighbor-. hood and situation is suitable as well as neces sary for tne accommodation of the public and the entertainment of strangers and travellers. That he is well provided with stabling for horses, and all conveniences necessary for the entertainment of strangers and travellers.— That he has occupied the said house AS a Li censed Inn for two years last past, and is desi rous of continuing the same. He therefore re spectfully prays the Court to grant him a License to keep an Inn or Puhl.c House of Entertainment there, and your Petitioner will prep, &c. HENRY SELFRIDGE. M'Alevay's Fort, Feb. 27, 18.51.-3 t. We, the undersigned, citizens of Jackson township aforesaid, being personally acquaint ed with Henry Selfridge, the above named pe titioner, and also having a knowledge of the house for which the license is prayed, do here by certify that such house is necessary to ac commodate and entertain strangers and travel lers, that he is a p^rson of good reputation for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house room and conveniences for lodging, and accommodating strangers and travellers. We,thererore, beg leave to recom mend him for a license, agreeably to his peti tion. William Cummins, Daniel Barr, Robert Willson, Welby Angle, Robert Barr, Samuel Mitchell, William Sassaman„ Samuel Bickel', David Mitchell, Robt.Meßurney, Gabriel Barr, Joseph Hunter, John S. MeManigill. Orphans' Court Sale. ON FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1851. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, on Friday, the 21st day of March, 1851, the following described piece or parcel of land, sit uate in Union township, Huntingdon county, containing 200 Acres, or less, adjoining lands of John Chilcote on the north, Abraham Wright on the west, Henry Dell on the south, and lands now occupied on the east by Amos Smith, on which is erected a story-and-a-half log House and Kitchen, and cabin Barn, a small Orchard, about 50 acres cleared thereon. TERMS OF SAt.s..—Oue hallo( the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue one year thereafter, to be secu red by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance given by ENOCH CHILCOTE, Adm'r. Feb, 20, IBoo.—ts. Tomkins' British Plate Powder. F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying Silver Plated Ware, German Silver, Albata Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metals. The undersigned have received from the pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these preparations for the United States. The Plate Powder has been most extensively used for a number of years in Great Britain, arid is now used by most of the manufacturers ofsilver and other wares In New York and Philadelphia; likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. WM. TOMICINS, & CO., Manufacturers, 23i South Second street, Philadelphia. For sale at T. K. SIMONTON'S Store, Hunting don, Pa. Cheap Hardware. M. BUEHLER & BRO., No. 195 Market street, Philadelphia, 2 doors below sth street, offer for sale, HARDWARE in all its varie ties, at low prices. Call and see before you buy. Look for the Red Lettered Mill Saw. Philad. Feb. 20. 1851.-3 m. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on hand and SALMON, for sale by HERRINGS, J. PALMER & Co., PORK, Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES, PHILADELPHIA SIIoULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE. Philad'a, Feb. 27, 113 ,1.-.9m, CORN BROOMS, Constantly on PAINTED BUCKETS, hand at Mannfac- CEDAR WARE, turers' prices by WILLOW BASKETS, M. &J. M. ROWE BRISTLE BRUSHES, 111 N. 3rd street, TWINES & CORDAGE, 3 doors below MATS, MATCHES, Race st. WOODEN WARE, &c., &e., Philadelphia. Feb. 6. 1851. WILLIAM CHRISTY, COUNTY SURVEYOR,-01fire at his resi dence, about one mile from the borough of Al exandria, on the road leading to Woodcock Val ley. He will at all times be prepared to attend to business in the line of his profession. Jan. 30, ltiat.—tf. DANIEL AFRICA, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . -015es in Main ow" Hnntinriew, Pet. WRITE'S BONNET MANUFACTORY. No. 41 South Second Street, Phintielphia. NOW conducted by Thomas White, son of its late proprietor, at the Old Stand, where Dealers will at all times find a stock of For , •ign and Dom.stie Straw, Lace, Fancy, Crape and Silk BONNETS, Panama, Palm Leaf, and eve ry variety of Straw HATS, and Artificial Flowers unequall,d hy any other for extent or beauty of manufacture, and at very low prices, having facilities for producing these goods possessed by no other establishment. To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he would tender his grateful acknowledgments for their kind approval of the business system of this house. arid begs to ensure them that no ef forts on his part shall lie wanting, to merit continuance of their liberal patronage. They will still be greeted with the same old &tallier faces, who will at all times endeavour to exe cute their comtrsje.lons with fidelity and prompt ness. [Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1831.-3 m. Valuable Farm for Sale. 1 will sell, at private sale, alt that WELT. KNOWN TNACT OF LAND, situate in Henderson Township, about five miles from Huntingdon, now occupied by Jacob Knepp, Jr., containing about 221 acres and allowance, about 123 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cul tivation. There are a good apple orchard of select fruit and other choice fruit trees in prime bearing order, an excellent timothy meadow, several never failing springs of water, a double log barn with frame overshot, and a double house, part log and part frame, on the premises. The convenience of this land to the Canal, Rail Road, Town IVrarba, Ch rcJ., School 110 ,,, e, and Blacksmith Shop, render it worthy the notice of persons wishing a comfortable home. All the land is susceptible of cultiva tion. lies peculiarly protected from the winter storms, and the woodland is heavily timbered. The fences being in gond order, the land not over-worked, and a good portion in clover, lit tle expense need be incurred to commence far ming as aonn as posses:i. is taken. • . . . This land will be sold it a bargain and the terms made reasonable, on aeeonnt of my tie nessary absence, and possession g.von on the Ist day of April next. Hon. James Givin, Esq., of Huntingdon, is authorized by ,ne to mak , sale, he. JNO. ARMIT AGE. Feb. 13, 1811.—tf. Orphans' Court Sale. Of Real Estate of JOHN W. MYTON, deed. BY virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county. will be sold at pub lic sale, on Saturday the 15th day of March, 1851, at 10 o'clock in the tbrenoon, at Entiiscille in Jackson township, the following described property, late of John \V. Nlyton, deed, viz : A lot or piece of ground situate in Shantytown, Barree township, containing about three acres, he the 814M0 more or less, and having a two story log house thereon erected. Also, a lot of ground in the village of Souls burg, on the east side of the street, adjoining g lot in possession of John M'Crum, with no build ings thereon. Also, a lot of ground in Ennisville, Jackson township, adjoining other lands of said deceased, with a frame house and blacksmith shop thereon erected. Also, a lot of ground in Ennisville, adjoining a lot of George Rohrer, with a house and cabinet maker's shop thereon erected. Also, a sniall lot of ground at WEleavey's Fort in Jackson tuwn,hip, adjoining the mill dam of Robert Barr, with a small frame house thereon erected. Also, n tract or parcel of land in Jackson tp., said county, containing about thirty acres, being principally timber land, with a log house thereon erected, and about one acre cleared, adjoining lands of Stem and others. Also, a tract of land in Jackson township, ad joining Ennisville, containing about fifty acres, • and adjoining lands of James Stewart, Joseph Osborn and others, with a two story frame house, bank barn and other buildings thereon erected, all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultiva tion. TERMS OF SALE.-One half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the remaining half in no year thereafter with in terest to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser or purchasers. By the Court, * M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk, 0. C. SAMUEL I). MYTON, WILLIAM MYTON, JAMES STEWART, Adminith °tors. _ _ _ Feb. 6, 1851.—ts. Administrator's Notice. Eatnte of SAMUEL HOUCK, late of Tod tp., Huntingdon county, deceased. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of said deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted will plcaee make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will please present them to SOLOMON HOUCK, Atha', Feb. 6. 1851. Wanted at the Alexandria Foundry. A MOULDER and BLACKSMITH. None but married men and good workmen need apply. Good wages will be given. ROBERT GRAMS. Alexandria, Feb. 6, 1851. air Hollidaysburg papers insert for one month, and charge this office. NOTICE To the creditors of James Sample. ALL persons interested are hereby notified that the Trust account of Hugh Alexander and Joseph Vance, assignees of James Sample of Barren (now Jackson) township, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Huntingdon county, and that the same will be presented to the said court for con firmation on the second Monday in April next ; at which time the same will be allowed by the said court, unless cause he shown wh v it should not be allowed. THEO. H. OREMER, Prothonotary. Feb. 6, 1851. Take Notice. BY virtue of a Writ of Partition or Valua tion, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Hun tingdon County. I will hold an Inquest to make partition or valuation of the real estate of which Charles Brotherline, deed, seized, situated in Henderson township, in said county, on the premises, on Monday, the 25th day of March next, when and where all concerned may attend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Feb. 13, 1851.-3 t. Take Notice. BY virtue of a Writ of Partition or Valua tion, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Hun imuloti County, I will hold an Inquest to make partition or valuation of the real estate of which Samuel Long, dec'd, seized, situated in Walker township in said county, on the premises. on Tuesday, the 25th day of March next, when and where all concerned may attend. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Feb. 13, 11351.-3 t. TIMED Beef and cheese for sale at the cheap V Grocery and confectionary establishment et .Isiot X. CmgotiingiCine, Farm for Sale. The subscriber ollicrs his limn tit prat sale, situate in Woodcock Vall y township, Hunt inedou coyly. nd rt. of Daniel Ilrunibuit,h, 1,013111 others, containing U 24 acre, n or. 1. - lOU acres cleared and in a tolerable pea' of cultivation, 20 aeres of WI ici ,s n , most of the remtund, is well t mburcd. siderahle part of which is locust and cl.eutt,ut I considerable of the timber land is tilluble. and there are several springs of never failing %tater on the premises, with an apple orchard and other frnit trees, part of which heat rl Oita fruit. The buil.linr.s are, a large frame bunk barn, log dwelling house, stone lirlll , g 1.01/Fr, frame shop, and a sew mill. Apply to the sub scriber en the premises. 3011 W PLUMMER Dec. 21, 2820.—tf.) 0:7" Hollidaysburg " Register," a Vil•ig," and a Standard," publish until otherwise order ed, and charge this office. Orphans' Wirt gate. BY virtue of anorder of the Orphans' Court of Iluntinedon County, I will expose to Full lie Sale, on the prenuaes, on TUESDAY. the 4th day of March next, at I t o'clock, A . the following described REAL ESTATE, trio the property of .V:ICHAEL WALLACE, ce. ceased, viz:— All that piece, parcel or trart of land situ ate on the Little Juniata River, in the town ships of Morris and Franklin, 111 9114 COULIV, adjoining lands of t. , atritiel Y. F. Wallace, of the heirs of Robert P. Wal:ace, lands of Dorsey's heir., and loals of A:exiddler Stewart, iontaining Ain't FIFTY acres, be tl e same more or less, having thereon ere, ted the Union Furnae.i, a four story Grist Mill, a Dwelling House, Store, Blacksmith SI op, a number of Tenant Houres,and nth, out build ings. On tlii= property is one of the best water powers in the county; it is situated up,di the Pennsylvania Railroad, and offers fired t:es for improvements and increase of bui‘iness,present• stl by but f.w points upon the rout!. Tenni of Salr—one tlitrd 0 , the purchase. money to be paid on confirmation nf ti e sale; one third in one year therertiter 9•ith interest Uom confirmation of sale; one third tube raid to the heirs nt the death of the 'don. tte in. terest npeli it to be paid to the widow areuall7 daring her I fe. JOHN POIVIT Jan. 30, IS3l.—is-st.] Trustee. Auditor's Nc lice. THE undorsixnod, appo•tited Auditor by the Court of Common Pien or Hut t ngdon county, to distribute the procwds of the sale of the personal proporty of A ',tier I•eithower to and atnontt those entitlod to the smme, will at tend tar that purso4n at hin nflioe. in the limough of Huntingdon, on TtioFtlayi the 25th day of Feb ruary next, whore and whon all ofq,oup inter ostßd mey attend. JACOB MILLFR, Huntingdon, Jan. 10, 1851.--ft.] Auditor. HUNTINGDON MARBLE WORKS, New Arrangement. THE subscriber lee paellas.' the entire inter est of R. G. Sr EII'APT, if tl e Hnntirption Mar ble Works, and would resrectfully announce that ke has nn hand a large and well molted lot of' of MARBLE, which he °tiers to the eititens of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at vices which cannot fail to suit all who may went eh) or MONUMENTS, TOMBS, BEAD AND TGOT STONES, or any work usually dare in an Cftgh lishment of this kind. Persons wishing any work I I in his line, would do well to give the subscriher a call as he is determined not to be outdone by any lather establishment. either in material or work manship. on the Juniata. Sbnp in the brick building in the rear of the residence of Judge Gwin, near Johnston's Hotel. Cr The suh a criher will collect nil nreownts due the firm and pay all debts of the same, the accounts being left in his hands. IS'donti G. STEwAnT will continue to act as agent for the concern. GEORGE BELL. Huntingdon, Jnn. 23, 1851.-3 m. Orphans' Court Sale: BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, will be exposed to pub lic sale on the premises, on Saturday the Bth day of March next, Mil, the following des cribed real estate, late the propel ty of Richard Plowman, deceased. Two certain unimprov. ed tracts of land, situate in Union township, Huntingdon county; one thereof containing fifty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Grove on the West, the Juniata river on the East, and Robert McNeal on the South.-- The other thereof containing thirty-seven acres, be the same more or less , adjoining Lords of Thomas Irvin on the South and Robert McNeal or the West. The above land Les n. ar the Pennsylvania Rail Road. Terms of sale ' one half the purchase money to be paid on con firmation of the Nile, and the residue in one year thereafter with interest to be sec.ired by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL,CIerk. Attendance will be given by E. L. PLOWMAN. WASH. BUCHANAN, Feb. 13, 1851.-4t.] Adminigtrators LATEST ARRIVAL. New Stork of Watches, Jewelry, &c,, At Philadelphia Prices. .1. I'. SCOTT has just opened a new and ele• pant assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., which he is enabled to sell at the very !ow• est cosh prices. An excellent workman is constantly employ. ed, who devotes his whole time to repa'ring and cleaning all kinds of Watches and Clocks. All work done promptly and warranted for one year. . (a.-23—tf. NOTICE To the creditors of Blair & Madden. ALL persons interested are hereby notified that the Trust account of Thomas E. Orbison, Thom as W. Neely Esq., and Robert Madden, assitmece of Brice BVtir and William Madden, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and that the seine will he presented to the said court on the second Monday in April next for confirma tion ; at which time the same will be allowed by the said court. unless cause he shown why it should not be allowed. THEO. H. CREMER, ProQ onota r y. Fib. 6, 1851 Extra Family Flour. OF the celebrated Crownog er Brand. for gale by PETOOTAL & BOOM. ALSO, superior Mackerel at unusually 1017 MUM " Every day hringa something new" to this pop• nlar estahlisl.ment, in the way of rich and rrra goods, and as ererybock deals there, , ro err sus prixed that all their relations do not follow Pll t. Another arrival hourly expected of Boots and Shoes, Bay State Long Shawls, Paramattas, Bra.- Udell Lk, Am Moo. 10 I,