Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 27, 1851, Image 3

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All Petsons Knowing tnernselves to have un
settled accounts with Dorsey & Maguire will
please call and settle the seine between this anti
the 15th of March next, and save further
Huntingdon, February 27,1851.
Tavern License.
TO the Hon. George Taylor, President, and
his Associates, Judges of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of the Peace for the County of Hunt
ingdon, the Petition of Henry Selfridge respect
fully sheweth :
That your petitioner occupies a commodious
house, situated at APAlevay's Fort, Jackson
township, which is well calculated for a public
house of Entertainment, and from its neighbor- ,
hood and situation is suitable as well as neces
sary for toe accommodation of the public and
the entertainment of strangers end travellers.
That he is well provided with stabling for
horses, and all conveniences necessary l'or the
entertainment of strangers and travellers.—
That he has occupied the said house es a Li
censed lon for two years last past, and is desi-
Taos of continuing the same. Ile therefore re
spectfully prays the Court to grant him a
License to keep an Inn or Public House of
Entertainment there, and your Petitioner will
M'Alevay's Fort, Feb. 27, 1851.-3 t.
We, the undersigned, citizsns of Jackson
township aforesaid, heing personally acquaint
ed with Henry Selfridge, the above named pe
titioner, and also having a knowledge of the
house for which the license is prayed, do here
by certify that such house is necessary to ac
commodate anti entertain strangers and travel
lers, that he is n person of good reputation for
honesty and temperance, and that he is well
provided with house room and conveniences
for lodging and accommodating strangers and
travellers. We, therefore, beg leave to recom
mend him for a license, agreeably to his peti
William Cummins, Daniel Barr,
Robert Willson, Welby A noe,
Robert Barr, Samuel Mitchell,
William Sassaman, Samuel Bickel!,
David Mitchell, Robt. Mcßurney,
Gabriel Barr, Joseph Hunter,
John S. MeManigill.
Constantly on hand and
HERRINGS, fur sale by
AND SIDES, Market Street Wharf,
Philad'a, Feb. 27, 1851.-3 m.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Oa FRIDAY, Marten 21, 1851.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale,
by public vendee or outcry, on the premises,
on Friday, the 21st day of March, 1851, the
following described piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Union township, Huntingdon county,
containing 200 Acres, or less, adjoining lands
of John Chilcote on the north, Abraham Wright
on the west, Henry Dell on the south,
and lands
now occupied on the east by Amos Smith, on
which is erected a story-and-a-half log House
and Kitchen, and cabin Barn, a small Orchard,
about 50 acres cleared thereon.
TERMS OF SALE.-Oue hull of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
and the residue one year thereafter, to be secu
red by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M. F. CAMPHELI, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Feb, 20, 1850.—ts.
Tomkios' British Plate Powder.
F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying
Silver, Silver Plated Ware,
German Silver ,
Albata Plate,
Britannia Ware, And all white Metals.
The undersigned have received from the pa
tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these
preparations for the United States. The Plate
Powder has been most extensively , used for a
number of years in Great Britain, and is now
used by most of the manufacturers of silver and
other wares In New York and Philadelphia ;
likewise by nearly all respectable families and
hotel proprietors in the Union.
WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers,
23} South Second street, Philadelphia.
For sale at T. X. SimosToN's Store, Hunting
don, Pa.
Cheap Hardware.
M. BT-lEHLER & BRO., No. 195 Market
street, Philadelphia, 2 doors below sth street,
offer for sale, HARDWARE in all its varie
ties, at low prices. Cull and see before you
buy. Look for the Red Lettered Mill Saw.
Philad. Feb. 20, 1851.-3 m.
Take Notice.
BY virtue of a Writ of Partition or Valua
tion, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Hun
tingdon County, I will hold an Inquest to make
partition or valuation of the real estate of which
Charles Brotherline, deed, seized, situated in
Henderson township, in said county, on the
premises, on Monday, the 25th day of March
next, when and where nil concerned may attend.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Feb. 13, 1551.-3 t.
Take Notice.
BY virtue of a Writ of Partition or Valua
tion, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Hun
ingdon County, I will hold an Inquest to make
partition or valuation of the real estate of which
Samuel Long, deed, seized, situated in Walker
township in said county, on the premises, on
Tuesday, the 2.ith day of March next, when
and where all concerned muy attend.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Feb. 13, 1851.-3 t.
No. 41 South Second Street, Phiadelphia.
OW conducted by Thomas White, son of its
late proprietor, at ow Old Stand, where
Dealers will at all timerbrhd a stock of Foreign
and Domestic Straw, Lore, Fancy, Crape and
Silk BONNETS, Panama, Palm Leaf, and eve
ry variety of Straw HATS, and Artificial
Flowers unequalltd by any other for extent
or beauty of manufacture, and at very low
prices, having facilities for producing these
goods possessed by no other establishment.
To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he
would tender his grateful acknowledgments for
their kind approval of the business system of
this house, and begs to assure them that no ef
forts on his part shall be wanting, to merit a
continuance of their liberal patronage. They
will still be greeted with the same old familiar
faces, who will at 11.11 times endeavour to exe
cute their commissions with fidelity and prompt
ness. [Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1851.-3 m.
DRIED Beef and cheese for sale at the cheap
Grocery and confectionary establishment
of Joan X. etesetilvhann.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
1 will sell, at private sale, all that warn.
ssowrs TRACT or Laos, situate in Henderson
Township, about live miles from Huntingdon,
now ocrepi•vd by Jacob Knepp, Ir., containing
about 2T5 acres and allowance, about 125 acres
of which are cleared and in a gond state ol cul
tivation. There are a good apple orchard of
select fruit and other choice fruit trees in prime
bearing order, an excellent timothy meadow,
several never failing springs of water, a double
log barn with frame overshot, and a double
house, part log and part frame, on the premises.
The convenience of this land to the Canal,
nail Read, Tenon Ittirtrt, Church, School
Honor, and Black.roaill Shop, render it worthy
the notice of persons wishing a comfortable
home. All the land is susceptible of cultiva
tion, lies peculiarly protected from the winter
storms, and the woodland is heavily timbered.
The fences being in good order, the land not
over-worked, and a good portion in clover, lit.
the expense need be incurred to commence far•
ming ns soon as possession is taken.
This land will be sold at a bargain and the
terms made reasonable, on account of my ne
nessary absence, and possession given on the
lot day of April next. Hon. James Owin, Esq.,
of Huntingdon, is authorized by me to make
sale, &c. JNO. ARma A GE.
Feb. 13, ISsl.—tf.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Of Real Estate of JOHN W. MYTON, deed.
BY virtue of ans order of the Orphans'
Court of HuntingdWeoutity, will he sold at pub
lic sale, on Saturday .the 15th day of March,
1851, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at Ennisville
in Jackson township, the following described
property, lute of John W. Myton, deed, viz :
A lot or.piece of ground situate in Shantytown,
Berme township, containing about three acres, he
the gam more or less, and having a two story log
house thereon erected.
Also, a lot of ground in the village of Sauls
burg, on the east side of the street, adjoining a
lot in possession of John M'Crum, with no build
ings thereon.
Also, a lot of ground in Ennisville, Jackson
township, adjoining other lands of said deceased,
with a frame house and blacksmith shop thereon
Also, a lot of ground in Ennisville, adjoining a
lot of George Rohrer, with a house and cabinet
maker's shop thereon erected.
Also, a small lot of ground at M'Eleavey's Fort
in Jackson township, adjoining the mill dam of
Robert Barr, with a small frame house thereon
Also, a tract or parcel of land in Jackson tp.,
said county, containing about thirty acres, being
principally timber land, with a log house thereon
erected, and about ono acre cleared, adjoining
lands of Stem and others.
Also, a tract of land in Jackson township, ad
joining linnisrille, containing about fifty acres,
and adjoining lands of James Stewart, Joseph
Osborn and others, with a two story frame house,
bank barn and other buildings thereon erected, all
of which is cleared and in a good state of eultiva.
'Pettus OF SALE.-One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the side, and
the remaining half in one year thereafter with in
terest to be secured by the bonds and mortgages
of the purchaser or purchaSers.
By the Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. 0. C.
S.\ M 1 . 1.11. 1). mrrox,
WILLIAM :‘ll - I'ON,
Feb. 6. 1851.—ts.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon County, will be exposed to pub
lic sale on the premises, on Saturday the Bth
day of March next, 1851, the following des
cribed real estate, lute the property of Richard
Plowman, deceased. Two certain unimprov
ed tracts of land, situate in Union township,
Huntingdon county; one thereof eontaining
filly acres, more or less, adjoining lands of
John Grove on the West, the Juniata river on
the East, arid Rubert McNeal on the South.—
The other thereof containing thirty-seven acres,
he the same more or less '
adjoining lands of
' Thomas Irvin on the South and Robert McNeal
or the West. The above land lies near the
Pennsylvania Rail Road.
Terms of sale, one half the purchase money
to be paid on co nfirmation of the sale, and the
residue in one year thereafter with interest to
be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the
purchaser. By the Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance will be given by
1 Feb. 13, 1851.-4t.] Administrators.
New Stock of ‘Vatcffs, Jewelry, &c.,
It Philadelphia Prices.
J. T. SCOTT has just opened a new and ele
gant assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
&c., which he is enabled to sell arks very !m
-eat cask prices.
An excellent workman is constantly employ
ed, who devotes his whole time to repairing
and cleaning all kinds of Watches and Clocks.
All work done promptly and warranted for one
year. . [ja.-23—tf.
Administrator's Notice.
Eatate of SAMUEL HOUCK, late of Tod tp.,
Huntingdon county, deeenseil o
Letters of Administration having b rantei]
to the undersigned on the estate of suit creased,
all pereps towing themselves indebted will
pleace ifilke immediate payment, and those hay.
big claims will please present them to
Feb. 6. 1851
IVanted at the Alexandria Foundry.
but married men and good workmen need apply.
Good wages will be given.
Alexandria, Feb. 6, ISM.
Cr Hollidaysburg papers insert for One month,
and charge this office.
To the creditors of James Sample.
ALL persons interested are hereby notified that
the Trust account of Hugh Alexander and Joseph
Vance, assignees of James Sample of Berme_
(now Jackson) township, has been filed in the
office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Huntingdon cougli, and that the
same will be presented to the saWcourt for con
firmation on the second Monday in April next ;
at which time the same will be allowed by the said
court, unless cause be shown why it should not be
allowed. TIIEO. H. OHEMER,
Feb. 6, 1851
CORN BROOMS, Constantly on
PAINTED BUCKETS, hand at Manufac-
CEDAR WARE, Wren' prim by
mama'. BRUSHES, 111 N. 3rd street,
TWINES & CORDAGE, 3 doors below
WOODEN WARE, &c., &c. Philadelphia.
Feb. a. 1631.
Administrators' Notice.
LETTERS of administration have this Mut
been granted to the subscribers upon the EStatet
of JACOB S. MATTERN, late of Franklin
township, deceased. All persons knowing
themselves indebted ure requested to make i
mediate payment, and those having claims
requested to present them properly authenti
ad for settlement.
Jan. 23,
Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon County, will be exposed to xinti 3
lie sale,
on the premises, on Saturday the tat
day of March next, 1851, the following describ
ed real estate, late the estate of Jacob Wagon
er, deceased, situated in Jackson township
in Huntingdon county, containing thirty-seven
acres one hundred and two perches and allow
ance, be the same more or less, adjoining lands
of John Mork, Cornelius Davis, deceased, and
Terms of sale, one half of the purchase
money to be paid on , confirmation of sale, and
the residue in one year thereafter with interest.
By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Feb. 13, 1851.,.-3t.
The Great COVGII
Many years of experience, and more than a hundred
Theuenuel Cores of Coueutnptive Cotupleilits, have
proved to the undoubted sittinfaction of ell persona who
have become acquainted with , this wander/al remedy, that it
Is /greatly mi 1101. 1 .10 1 ., because it in soothing end healing,
tontmore certain to cure Consumption of the
Lungs, than any other flontetly to Mu world. We know,
however, that it is said by some that Consumption can not
be cured. lie that the opinion of the many or tho few, we
shall out attempt to argue with such. but this we will my,
cod do assert as a fact, which can he proved is thonuands
of cases ' that this medicine has mired Coughs and dn
a.. wh ich, before the cures were efected, were called real
Consumption, sad width were attended with symptoms
that c 00.., dud, end were in nil respects like the symptoms
of these who die, and when dead are cold to have died with
that NMI disease Consumption. This Balsam has cured
thousands of psalms who were said to be hopelessly afflict
ed—who had hard, dry, racking (;maths—Pains In the
Ificenat, Side, and licsok—Dilllculty of Brenthlng
Ps/10ra Erestoration—Unlit Dever— Nigh4Sweals—and
wasting ewer of the Flesh and Blood. Persona
having such complaints have les .'n cared after it was odd
they maid net lire a week longer. This Medicine dm
cured some who were supposed to be In a dylutt mate,
bob by the use of this remedy, they 1,01% , lives and enjoy
good health.
This Itninitm is rarefy a vegetable compound. it ts
plemant to take, and never does in,nry in .y stage of dhe
slum or under any circumstances. It eltbcta its wonderful
end almost mimicpl auto 11l urea by Purifying, Strength
ening, and Invluorating the whole ageism —by equali
sing the eireulation, awl producing it healthy action—thus
flail/log Cofigh—soothing the Pt erverd—and aiding and
facilitating Itxpectoratiou. it Cures the following di.
COUGHS and Colds, Bronehitii, Asthma, Spitting of Rued,
Bleeding al the tangs, rains in the Them', Side, and Chest
Nervousness, Niyht Sweat, ralpitatian nj the Hemet, and WI
FK.IIA WEA KN EMS ES and Complaints wising
terefrorn, Chofen3 Inttuntipt,&.
' Fi"IFO;Fr;;? lina — liWiiiC • illiTr; of Cures, ire our
reintgialefo and Handbilia—ull uur Ageufe bare them
giro uwoy.
For sale by T. X. Stito,ertyg, Huntingdon; J
N. Swoopc, Alexandria; J. Lots, Shirleysburg.
J. & J. Kelly Burnt Cabin; James Kelly, Santa
Fe ;andy Merchants and Druggists genncralty.
All orde . rs must be addressed iiclYallace & Co
304 Broadway, Sew York. Jan. 30, 1851.
Farm for Sale.
The subscriber olfiers his farm at private
sale, situate in Woodcock Valley, Hopewell
township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands
of Daniel Brumbaugh, Leonard Weaver, and
others, containing 224 acres, more or less,about
100 acres cleared and in a tolerable good state
of cultivation, 20 acres of which is meadow;
most of the remainder is well timbered, a con
siderable part of which is locust and chestnut;
considerable of the timber land is tillable, and
there are several springs of never failing water
on the premises, with an apple orchard and
other fruit trees, part of which beat choice
fruit. The buildings are, a large frame bank
barn, log dwelling house, stone spring house,
frame shop, and a saw mill. Apply to the sub
scriber on the premises.
Dec. 2 I, 1820.—tf.]
1:17" Hollidaysburg "Register," "Whig,.
and "Standard," publish until otherwiseorder•
ed, and charge this office.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Conti
of Huntingdon County, I will expose to Pub•
lie Sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the
4th day of March next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
the following described REAL ESTATE, late
the property of MICHAEL WALLACE, de•
ceased, viz:—
All that piece, parcel or tract of land situ
ate on the Little Juniata River, in the town
ships Of Morris and Franklin, in said county,
adjoining lands of Samuel P. Wallace, Benj.
F. Wallace, of the heirs of Robert P. Wallace,
lands of Dorsey's heirs, and lands of A:exander
Stewart, containing about FIFTY acres, be the
same more or less, having thereon erected the
Union Furnace, a four story Grist Mill, a
Dwelling House, Store, Blacksmith Shop, a
number of Tenant Houses, and other out build
ings. On this property is one of the best water
powers in the county t it is situated upon the
Pennsylvania Railroad, and offers facilities For
improvements and increase of business,present
eil by but few points upon the road.
Terms of Sale—one third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale ;
one third in one year thereafter with interest
from confirmation of sale; one third to be paid
to the heirs at the death of the widow, the in
terest upon it to be paid to the widow annually
during her life. JOHN PORTER,
Jan. 30, 1851.—is—St.] Trustee.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the
Court of Common Pieas of Huntingdon county,
to distribute the proceeds of the sale of the
personal property of Abner Isenhower to
and among those entitled to the same, will at
tend for that pursose at his office, in the borough
of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 25th day of Feb
ruary next, where and when ell persons inter
ested oily attend. JACOB MILLER,
Huntingdon, Jan. 30, 1851.—at.) Auditor.
Extra Family Flour,
OT the celebrated Crownover Brand, for solo by
- . _
— ALSO, superior Mackei 7 el — ni;Q;;;ll7Tow
"Every day brings something new" to this pop
ular establishment, in the way of rich and rare
goods, and as evergbvtly deals there, we are sur
prised that all their relations do not follow suit,
Another arrival hourly expected of Boots and
Shoes, Bay State Long Shawls, Puramattas, Bro
cades, &c. &c. [Dec. 10.
COUNTY SURVEYOR,—OftIee at his resi
dence, about one mile from the borough of Al
exandria, on the road leading to Woodcock Val
ley. He will at all times be prepared to attend
to business in the line of his profession.
Jan. 30, lBbl.—tf.
D .
Y Virtue of s undry writs of Vend. Exponas,
to me directed, will be exposed to sale, on
FRI D IY, the 29th of February. 1851, at the
Court *use in the borough of Huntingdon, at
o? •k, A. M., the following described
operty; viz:—
All the defendant's right, title and interest to
e following described property, the same be
g the Juniata Forge and Rolling Mill and lands
belonging thereto.
One tract of land situated in West township,
in the county of Huntingdon, surveyed on a
warrant to Charles Evans, containing four hun
dred and thirty-one acres and eighty perches.
One other tract situate in thesame township,
surveyed on a warrant to David Evans, contain- 1
ing four hundred and one acres and fifty-two ,
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Cadwallader Evans,
containing four hundred and five acres and nine
ty-seven perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Ebenezer Branam,
containing four hundred and forty-one,acres and
eighty-one perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to John Sharer,-contain
ing one hundred and eighty acres and filly-four
One other tract of land situate in Porter
township, surveyed on a warrant to John Shorn
berger, containing one hundred and eighty-eight
One other tract of land situate in the some
township, surveyed on a warrant to Peter Shoen
berger, containing two hundred and nineteen
acres and one hundred and forty-five perches.
One other tract situate in West township,
surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Long, con
taining two hundred andsixty-six acresand forty
. - -
One other tract situate in Henderson town
ship, surveyed on a warrant to David Jackson,
containing - hundred and thirty-five acres
and twenty-five perches.
One other tract situate in West township,
surveyed on a warrant to James Stokes, con
taining four hundred and eight acres and one
hundred and three perches.
One other tract situate in Porter township,
surveyed on a warrant to Peter Swine, contain
ing two hundred and seventy-five acres.
One other tract situate in Henderson town
ship, surveyed on a warrant to Josiah W. Gibbs,
containin g three hundred and twenty-three
acres and twenty-threeperches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Jonathan Lane, con
taining three hundred and fifty-two acres and
sixty-two perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Thomas H. Leifer,
containing fifty acres.
One other tract situate in West township,
surveyed on a warrant to Daniel Grafius, con
taining one hundred and nineteen perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Peter Shoenberger,
containing one hundred and live acres and nine
tv-two perches.
. . .
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to David Stevens, con
taining three hundred and sixty-four acres and
one hundred and thirteen perches.
One other tract situate in the same towhshtp,
surveyed on a warrant to Felix Miller, contain
ing three hundred and eighty-nine acres and one
hundred and twenty-six perches.
One other tract In the same township, sur
veyed on a warrant to John Cadwallader, con•
Wiling four hundred and twenty-one acres and
thirty-one perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Nicholas. Green, con
taining four hundred and fifty acres and fifteen
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to John Martin, contain
ing three hundred and seventy-nine acres and
seventy-seven perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Edward Rickets, con
taining three hundred and eighty-five acres and
one hundred and ten perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to John Simpson, con
taining three hundred and ninety nine acres and
twenty-three perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Samuel Anderson,
containing fourteen acres and one hundred and
thirty-one perches.
And one other tract situate in the same town
ship, surveyed on a warrant to Peter Shoenber
ger, containing one hundred and twenty acres.
The above described lands having thereon
erected Juniata Forge and Rolling Mill, togeth
er with Dwelling Houses, Offices, and other im
provements convenient for the works, &c.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Edwin F. Shoenberger.
On the premises, on Friday, the 28th day
of February, 1851, the following described real
estate, viz: all defendant's right, title and in
terest in and to all those two lots of ground,sit
nate in the borough of Huntingdon, being 200
feet in length and 00 feet in width each, having
thereon erected a Two Story log House, and a
frame Stable, a well of water, and other im
provements, bounded on the South by Wash
ington street, on the East by St. Clair street,
on the North by Mifflin street, and on the West
by a lot of Michael Clatighbaugh.
Seized, taken in execution and to besold as the
property of Edmund Hawkins.
On the premises, on Thursday, the 27th of
February, 1851, the following described real
estate, viz all defendant's right, title and in
terest in and to all those two lots of ground,
situate in the borough of Alexandria, Hunting
don county, bounded on the East by a lot of
William Brown, on the West by a lot of Jacob
Baker's, having thereon erected a Two Story
weatherboarded House, and a Kitchen plastered
inside and painted white on the outside, togeth
er with the appurtenances and improvements
belonging thereto.
Seized, taken In execution and tube sold as the
property of William Burk, with notice to terre
Terms of sale, one fourth of the purchase
money to be paid as bid off, otherwise the pur
chaser or purcasers, will be required to pay 15
per cent on the amount bid, for disappointment
ofsale, and the property will be set up for sale
the following day.
Huntingdon, Jan. 30, 1851.] Sheriff.
To the creditors of Blair & Madden.
' ALL persons interested are hereby notified that
the Trust account of Thomas E. (*bison, Thom
as W. Neely, Esq., and Robert Madden, assignees
of Brice Blair and William Madden, has been
filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and
that the same will be presented to the said court
on the second Monday in April next for confirma
tion; at which time the same will be allowed by
the said court, unless cause be shown why it should
not be allowed, TIIEO. H. CHEMER,
Peb. 6, Ism.
Of the County of Huntingdon from the 11th day
of January, A. D., 1850, up to and including
the 11th day of January, A. 1)., 1851:
Amount in Treasury at last settle
ment, received from Isaac Neff,
Treasurer, $1.836 75
1842 Josiah Clossin, Antis, 29 81
1847 Thomas W. Neely, Dublin, 7 50
" John H. Stonebraker, Franklin, 40 00
1848 Daniel J. Logan, Cromwell, 8 00
a John Conrad, Franklin, 162 25
" William M'Garvey, Shirley, 6 56
" Mordecai 'Chi'cote, Tod, 16 00
1849 John Stewing, (manor) Berme, 424 28
" John Stever, Cass, 55 14
" Michael Stein, Cromwell, 134 90
a James Neely, Dublin, 103 29
" Daniel Conrad, Franklin, 185 00
" Daniel Bumbaugh, Hopewell, 165 67
" John Jackson, Jackson, 85 95
" John Davis, Morris, 398 94
" Benjamin Leas, Shirley, 502 87
" Jacob Baker, Springfield, 108 70
" David Hackedom, Tell, 87 03
" Henry Elias, Tod, 166 00
" Jacob IL Miller, Union, 9 45
" John Thompson, jr., Walker, 168 99
" Peter Grimier, Esq., Warriorsmark, 93 20
" George Wilson, West, 264 36
" Daniel Clirfman, Clay, 122 75
1850 Samuel Henry, Same, 401 00
" Jesse Yocum, (Ridge).Brady, 300 00
" David Stever, Cass ' 186 00
" Kenzie L. Greene, Clay, 107 50
" David Burket, Cromwell, 100 87
" William Appelhy, Dublin, 145 00
" John L. Travis, Franklin, 800 00
" James D. Hight, Henderson, 816 06
" David Mountain, Hopewell, 130 00
" Ilenry Lee, Jackson, 673 51
" Peter Shaffer, Morris, 250 00
" William Dean, Esq., Penn, 251 50
" John Bisben, Porter, 600 00
a Samuel Bowman, Shirley, 675 00
a Henry Cremer, Springfield, 25 00
" Abraham Begin, Tell, 222 37
" James M'Clum, Tod, 118 00
" William Pheasant, Union, 128 00
" William B. White, Walker, 420 00
" Benj. Hutchison, Warriorsmark, 750 37
" John Hewit, West, 825 00
Amount received of County tax on Un
seated lands, 228 33
ce ci School tax, 50.'0
u di Road " 88 22
Amount of tines and Jury fees of 1850,
received from 51, Crownover,
Esq., late Sheriff, 103 00
Amount received of M. Crownover,
Esq., his note and interest, 197 07
Amount of redemption money on un
seated lands, received since last
settlement, 116 60
Attorney General and others on crim
prosecutions, $548 07
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Cryer,
Tipstaifs, &c., 2,827 03
Constables making returns, advertis
ing Spring Elections, &c.,
696264 68
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elec
tions, 485 89
Sundry persons, premiums on wild
cats and foxes, 357 37
Road and 13ridge.Viewers, 244 00
Inquisitions on dead bodies, 53 68
Commissioners, Joshua Greenland in
full of 1849, 9 00
41 KIM on ac't of 1850, 102 00
" ' William 'Hutchison in
full of 1849, 54 00
.. Same on ac't of 1850, 31 00
14 Isaac I'eightal in full
of 1849, 21 00
CS Same on ac't of 1850, 30 00
Auditors William Ramsey, 9 00
" James Gillam, 750
' 6 Thomas Fisher, 750
J. Smyth Read in full as Clerk to the
'Commissioners and Auditors for
1849, 300 00
Same on account of 1850, 75 00
John Reed, Esq., in full of his salary
as counsel for Commissioners
for 1849, 10 00
Same on account of 1850, 35 00
For a Press and Seal for Commission
ers' office, freight, &c., 31 08
Sundry persons for merchandise for C.
House and Jail, 48 49
John J. Clyde, re-binding dockets and
for blank books, 66 50
Costs of suit, Huntingdon county vs.
Blair county, 31 01
Mary Gibson, sweeping and scrubbing
Court House, &c., 20 00
Jane Reim, washing for co. prisoners, 20 00
For cushions for court room, 9 75
John Ker, Esq., for wood for Court
House and Jail, 80 00
J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., auditing the
accounts of Prothonotary, Reg
ister & Recorder, &c., for 1849, 19 00
For repairs to C. House and Jail, 16 25
T. IL Cretner, Esq., Prot'y and Clk.
Q. Sessions fees and furnish
ing stationery for Courts, &c., 223 66
Amount allowed collectors of 1847 for
notes on the Bank of Lewis
town, collected in payment of
taxes of said year and during
said year, 36 62
Dr. Jacob ilettlann, ttiedieine and at,
tentlance to county prisoners 8 75
Daniel Africa, Esq., costs on sundry
snits to collect licenses, &c., 14 67
W. H. King, care and attention given
to Court House In 18415, 6 00
Ground Rent on Court House lots, 4 00
For conl for Court House, 110 62
Senatorial, Congressional and Rcpt.
sentative Return Judges, 11 40
Sundry Supervisors' road tax on un
seated lands, 69 14
Sundry School Trens's school tax on
tame, 72 16
Sundry parsons interest on co. bonds, 300 75
County printing, James Clark 116 75
" William Leecis, 9t 00
Part of Judgment, Nicholas Hewit va.
Huntingdon county, 700 00
County bonds to William Walker, 1,108 37
M. Crownover, Esq., late Shedd; for
summoning Jurors, boarding
prisoners, and conveying con
victs to the Penitentiary for
1850, 334 86
Poor House Commissioners, 42 00
Sundry persons, refunded taxes and
costs of laud sold at Treasur
er's sale, 62 91
Sundry persons, redemption money of
unseated lands sold by Treas., 116 60
Cost of advertising several tracts of
unseated land, directed by the
Commissioners not to be sold, 8 50
Costs, &c., of Treasurer's Deed to
Commissioners for Ground Rts.
in borough of Alexandria, 7 15
Costs of Treas. Deed to M. Crowns
ver, Esq., directed by Commis
sioners not to he delivered, 4 00 1
Bridges, Eli Harris & .John Potts, on
account of bridge across the'
Aughwick creek, Shirley tp., 1,100 00
" John Robertson in full of the
bridge at Drake's Peer., 314 00
Bridges, J. & 0. Coplin, on account
of bridge at Grayspore and
S. P. Wallace & G. W. Pat
ten ill full of bridge at Union
Treasurer's conuniseion on $23,072 16
at If per cent.,
Balance iu the Treasury,
In testimony of am correctness of the aboVis
account we hare hereunto set our hands this 11th
day of January, A. D., 1851.
. ,
Auesi, J. Sitirru READ, Clerk.
We, the undersigned, Auditors of the County
of Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we have
examined the orders of the Commissioners of said
county, and the receipts for the same, for and
during the past year, end find a balance in the
Treasury of Sixteen Hundred and Fifteen Dol
lars and Forty-nine cents.
Given under our hands this 11th day of .11131:1
ary, A. D. 1851. WM. RAM SEY,
William Dorris, Treasurer of the Huntingdon
Academy, in account with said Institution.
To balance due on settlement before,
the county Auditors, January
6th, 1846,
To cash received of sundry persons for
Tuition up to 20th Oct. 1847,
To amount of rent received of Sump-
el W. Mifflin,
To amotptofrent receired of Rov.
H. Heekerman,
To amount of rent received of J. A.
, By cash paid Eliasor
" " 9, By cash paid Recor
cleY—recording Deeds,
1847,- Jan. IS, By cash paid T. 11.
Creincr, advertsing,
" Sep. 23, By cash paid J. 11.
1846, Feb. 7;
W. Magnin's,
,4 Nov. 17, By cash paid same,
1848, Jan. 4, By casts paid John
_ . .
l/ougherti, ad v'tsing,
June 24, By malt paid ibr
pumps, t.,
By balance iu the hands of Treasurer,
$13,891 99
We, the undersigned, Auditors of the County
of Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we have
examined the accounts of William Denis, Treas
urer of the Huntington Academy, from the lath
day of January, A. D. 1846, to the 9th day of
January, A. D. 1851, both days inclusive, and
find the above account as stated to be correct, and
do approve the same.
Given under our hands at the Commissioners'
Office, in the borough of Huntingdon, this 11th
January, 1851. WM. RAMSEY,
K. L. GREEN, Audityrir
Attu; J. Smrru READ, Clerk.
County Tax.
List of outstanding balances due 11th Jan., 1851,
by the following Collectors:-
1840 S. Robinson, Allegheny, $466 33
1846 Charles Cowden, Barree, 29 01
" Jaunt, Kough, Porter. 352 08
1847 Lemuel Green, Cass, 17 46
" Thomas W. Neely Dublin, 12 50
" tJohn H. Stunebraker, Franklin, 144 39
William B. Smith, Jackson, 24 58
1848 Daniel J. LogamrCromwell, 13 59
" Conrad Curfman, Cass, 300
" #John Conrad, Franklin, 25 53
" William M'Garvey, Shirley, 87 85
" Robert Madden, Springfield, 28 40
a Mordecai Chileote, Tod, 26 14
Levi Smith, Union, 9 60
1849 John Stewart, Barree, 75 20
' 6 James Neely, Dublin, 99
" Daniel Coursed, Franklin, 119 26
" °John Do , is, Morris, 9 53
" tHenry Elias ? Tod, 45 48
" Daniel Cullman, Clay, 681
1850 fSainuel Henry, Barren, 404 95
" *Jesse Yocum, Brady, 137 91
66 fDavid Stever, Cass, 30 31
6 ' Kenzie L. Green, Clay, 74 90
" David Burket, Cromwell, 324 50
" William Appolby, Dublin, 127 72
" John L. Travis, Franklin, 233 99
" James D. Hight, Henderson, 431 68
" tDavid Mountain, Hopewell, 163 55
" tPeter Shaffer, Morris, 394 85
" t William Dean, Penn, 210 18
" tJohn Bisben, Porter, 520 34
" tSatnttel Bowman,Shirley, 209 75
" tHemy Cremer, pringfield, 123 02
" Abraham }legit:, Tell, 25 95
" tJames M'Lain, Tod, 203 54
" •IVillium Pheasant, Union, 72 06
" tWillium B. White, Walker, 339 66
" 'Benj. Hutchison, Warriorsmark, 14 37
" tJobn Ilewit, West, 536 27
56,077 43
• Since paid in full. f Since paid in part.
llt appears by Mr. Conrad's duplicate that 25
dollars of the above amount had been paid to the
former Treasurer and not credited on the county
books ; the remaining 55 cents has been paid since
settlement. J. A. DOYLE, Tn..
(liven under our hands, 11th Jan., A. D. 1851.
FPM. nuTein SON,
New Arrangement.
THE subscriber has purchased the entire inter
est of H. G. STEWART, in the Huntingdon Mar
-1 lac Works, and would respectfully announce that
he has on hand a large and well assorted lot of
of MARBLE, which ho offers to the citizens
of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices
which cannot fail to suit all who may want either
STONES, or any work usually done in an estab
lishment of this kind. Persons wishing auy work
in his line, would do well to give the subscriber a
call as he is determined not to be outdone by any
other establishment, either iu 'naturist or work►
mauship, on the Juniata.
eir Shop in the brick building in the rear of
the residence of Judge Gain, near Johnston's
Iff" The subscriber will collect all accounts
duo the firm and pay all debts of the name, %h
accounts being left in his hands.
CrJOIIN G. STEWAIST will continue to act as
agent for the concern.
Huntingdon, Jan. 23, 1851.-3 m.
rUSTICE OF THE PtgAif. E.—Office in Nun
Aries, Huntingdon,
237 72
300 00
359 58
1,615 45
513,891 99
$3 01'
103 00
81 20
30 00
123 00
$342 27
$3 37i
100 00
27 00
24 90
184 37
$342 27