Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 30, 1851, Image 3

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From Odr Daily Exchanges.
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 21.—This afternoon a
aaene occurred in Indiana State Convention, which'
Is not over creditable to that body. The subject
under consideration was the proposition to appoint
three commissioners to revise and modify the
laws, and to reform the mode of practise at law.—
Many bard things were said against the legal pro
fession generally, and Mr. ]lover, a delegate from
Posey (who is a lawyer,) said he could put his
finger on three men in the convention who expec
ted to be appointed the commissioners. Some
one called out "Name them ;" and a member sit
ting near Mr. Hovey called out "Kent."
Mr. Kent then rose, much excited, and called
Mr. Hovey a "cowherd ;" whereupon Mr. Hovey
advanced to Mr. Kent's seat, and struck him a
blow in the eye. Both parties were immediately
ordered into custody, and a long explanation took
place amid great excitement. Finally, apologies
were made, and, by a vote of the Convention the
reporters were requested to smother the Whole
Waautirorotr, Jan. 22.—The American Colo
nization Society met in this city last evening.—
Hon. Henry Clay presided, and made an eloquent
Mess.. Latrobe and Stanton, and Re, Mr.
Fuller, also made speeches. President Fillmore
many members of the Cabinet and a number of
ladies were present. The Society is in a most
Prosperous condition.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.—Gen. Jacobs, of Ten
nessee, is here, and will take the place of First As
sistant Postmaster General, Tice Major Hobble,
ALBANY, Jan. 24.—The Albany Evening Jour
nal, issued this afternoon, contains a letter from
Dr. Beecher, stating that Reuben Dunbar had con
fessed the murder .of the Lester children. The
confession will be published shortly after the exe
PITTSIMIGH, Jan. 24.—A number of persons
have been arrested in Allegheny City, on suspi
cion of being extensively engaged in counterfeiting.
The proof against them is said to be very positive.
Nair YORK, Jan. 35,
No news yet of the Atlantic, but there is every
confidence that she is safe. There is, however,
touch anxiety about her.
ALBANY, Jan. 25.
The New York Legislature have agreed to bal.
let for U. S. Senator on the 4th of February next
BALTIMORE, Jan. 25.—The Express Office ofl
Adams & Co., at Richmond, was entered on Wed
nesday night and robbed of notes and drafts to the
amount of $1,600. The robbery was effected by i
blowing open the safe with powder. A package
containing $5OO, was overlooked by the thieves.
About a dozen prisioners have made their escape
from the Ellicott Mills Jail. Two have since been
arrested. There were several negro stealers.
The Legislature has .w been in session nearly
three weeks, and the most important business has
undoubtedly been brought to the attention of the
members. A very large number of private bills
have been introduced and reported, but none, with
the exception of the Reading railroad hills, of spe
vial interest; and one of these, the bill of Mr.
Simpson, to pre4nt the company from declaring
and paying dividend until the debts which fell due
last winter be paid, is rendered unimportant by
the actual declaration and payment of a dividend
since tl:e bill was introduced.
The public bills of particular interest to be acted
upon, are, the one to divide the State into Judicial
districts, and fix the salaries of the judges, and
the one to establish a free baking system. These
will undoubtedly occupy considerable time, or we
could with confidence count upon a short session.
still it is not believed the session will be long.
Mr. Muhlenberg has introduced a measure into
the Senate, which appears to us to be wise. It
is to publish annually two columns of the acts one
to contain the acts of a public nature to be dis
tributed to the Judges and public officers as is now
done; and the other to contain only private acts,
such as concern individuals, municipal and other
corporations, These last to be officially published
but not distributed unless purchased by parties who
want them. As it now is our annual volume of
Laws is cumbersome, and a large proportion of it
not of interest to the public. The proposition of
Mr. Muhlenberg will obviate the necessity of fre
quent Digests, which burden the profession and the
There aro but few applications for bank charters
or for change of charters already granted. Should
the Free banking law pass it will work a renora
tion of our banking system.
There are a few divorce bills which have been
introduced, but none of them of public interest.—
These were all disposed of last winter.
The session bids fair to be a pleasant one, to the
members, and without that excess of party spirit
which has characterized some of the past years.—
The feeling is favorable to the protection of the
interests of the State, with a gradual hut generous
progression in improvements and reforms. The
men of talent in both Houses are liberal in their
tievre, and we believe all the branches of the gov
ernment are likely to co-operate to advance the
welfare of the people.—Pa Telegraph.
A rite. Yon 1111. SINKING Fl:Nl3.—The Phila
delphia Ledger says that Judge Sharswood gave
a verdict in favor of the Commonwealth against
the United States Bank for $1,203,750. With
costs and interest, in round numbers, $1,300,000.
The suit was brought to recover the hundred
thousand dollars annually, which the Bank, by
its charter, agreed to pay as a bonus to the School
Fund for twenty years. The suit will, of course,
be carried to the Supreme Court, and will, no
doubt, be warmly contested, as there will be an
effort to make this judgement take precedence oar
the assignments. For the poor ghsrehelders there
mime bat little hope.
WIRD TO Warm—About three weeks since two
ehilskr enn es4l t onging to a man named Brown, for
m er at the Globe Hotel, Exmouth, the
one fintr4ed the other five years old, were sent
by the nftliher, who kept a mangle, after a basket
of dotter:and were met on the Way by some boys
one of whom had on a most hideous looking mask.
The boy seeing the children frightened, ran after
them, repeating some gibberish, which frightened
thecermore, and having followed them until they
tumid the corner, of the street, transferred the
mask to another boy, who managed again to come
in contact with the poor children, who returned
home instantly, when their parents, seeing them so
pale and trembling very much, inquired what the
matter was, which they explained as well at they
could. The shock, however, was so great that
they never recovered, and their health declined
daily. The one died three weeks after, and the
other died tome days later. Each of them in his
illness often exclaimed : "He is coming !" "I
see him !" "There he is !" with other like ex
pressions.—Exeter Gazette.
On Thursday, the 16th, by Rev. L. P. Hawes,
110N, both of Henderson township.
On Tuesday the 21st inst., by Rev. David Wil
liams, Mr. PETER FRAZIER • HESSLER of Mill
of Brady township ; all of this county.
By Rev. W. R. Mills, on Thursday, January
2314, Mr. Jonx FLEMING to Mi. REBECCA DA
vmsow, both of the borough of Alexandria.
PITILADRLPIII.4, Jan 27, 1851.
The FLOUR market is dull. Standard brands
are held at $4 62i per barrel but there is no export
demand. The demand for city consumption is
limited at $4 69 ass 37i for common and extra
brands, and $5 50 as 6 for fancy Western and New
RYE FLOUR has declined to $3 371.
Court MEAL—We quote at $2874 per barrel.
GRAlN—Theme is rather more inquiry for
and prices arc steady. Sales of prime
Pennsylvania, in store, at $1 05, and some at $1
a $1 04 for ordinary and fair quality.
CORN is in fair demand for shipment, hut the
receipts continue small. Sales of 4000 bushels
new Yellow at 624 cents, afloat, and 60 cents in
WHISKEY iS dull and lower. Barrels arc held
at 241 and hhds at 231 cents.
Flour—Sales at 800 IM.s. Howard Street Flour
at $4 561. Nothing doing in city mills.
Grain steady. Sales of red wheat, good to prime
100 a 103 ets.; white 104 a 115 ets. Corn firmer
—sales yellow 60 a 62 cts. and white at 66 a 67 cts.
Oats 47 cts. Bye 72 cents.
Provisions 6m.—prices unchanged and ■ales
Grocery Market steady—prices unchanged.
Whiskey 25 a 26 in hhds. and Ws.
Beef cattle—offerings at the scales to-day reach
ed 800 head-50 of which were left over ; 300 driv
en to Philadelphia, and balance sold to city butch
ers. Prices ranging from $2,50 to 13,75 per 100
Ito. on hoof, equal to 5,1 a 7,25 nett, and averaging
3,121 gross. Ilogs—sales brisk at $5,75 per 100
Philadelphia Rates of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks • • parlLebanon, par
Pittsburg, parlChambersburg, i
Chester County, • • • • par Middleton,
Delaware Comity, • • • par Carlisle,
Montgomery C 0.,• • • par Harrisburg
Northumberland • • • • par Honesdale, 11
Col. Bridge Co., •• • • par Wyoming •• • ......p ar
Reading par Erie Bank, 11
Lancaster, par Waynesburg, 11
Doylestown par Schuylkill Haven, • • • par
Easton par West Branch par
Bucks County, pal Relief Notes 1 i
Brownsville par 1 . new issue •1 i
Pottsville par State Scrip, 4
Washington, Pittsburg City Scrip • • 15
York, II A Ilegheny City, 20
Danville. pa Allegheny County, • • •20
Now COUNTERFEITS.-Counterfeit notes are
daily multiplying, scarcely a day passing that some
new and better divined fraud is not exposed. On
Friday the police of Philadelphia arrested a man
by the name of Daniel Tarr, and found at his
house, secreted away in a bottle, eight different
descriptions of counterfeits, amounting in all to
some three thousand dollars. There were tens of
the Northumberland Bank ; tens of the Miners'
Bank at Pottsville ; fives of the Lebanon Bank ;
fives of the Bank of Delaware ; fives of the Bank
of the Valley of Virginia; fives of the Harris-,
burg Bank ; threes of the Delaware City Bank ;
and twos of the Farmers' Bank of Lancaster.—
These last named are " Relief" issues, and the
whole hatch are said to be well executed. Some
of the counterfeits named have been noticed be- I
fore, and there is scarcely • doubt that they have
been widely distributed for circulation. The pub
lic, and especially small dealers, should keep a
sharp lookout, as it is almost impossible for the
press to furnish descriptions of the many attempt
ed frauds as fast as they appear.
fives have made their appearance ou this bank,
hut they arc so wretchedly executed that the most
careless examiner must detect theta. The words
"Lebanon Bank" are crooked.
terfeit 5 Relief issue, on the Lancaster Bank, is
in circulation. The following description of it
we find in Thompson's Bank Note Reporter: "Ss,
good imitation of genuine relief notes—vignette
State House with figure 5 on a medallion head
each side of it—medallion head and three figure
s's on each end—some of the letters of ' LaneKs
ter' touch the medallion on the lea of the vig
nette—not so in the genuine." This is a danger
ous counterfeit—look out for it.
gerous counterfeit upon the Notes of the Harris
burg Bank, has just been detected, It is describ
ed as follows;—l's, re-issue, relief, letter A.
These notes are most admirably done, and are
exceedingly difficult to detect. Appear to he a
very fine lithograph. The delicate lines that are
so distinct on the medallions of the genuine, are
in the counterfeit irregular, thick, and the spaces
between nearly filled op with ink instead of being
open. The centre vignette is almost without a
defect. The margins are not so perfect. The
letters in the word Clerk" are not of the same
size as in the genuine. The " Co. in " Dan
'forth. Underwood & Co., New York. joins "New
York ;" in the good note there is ormeiderable
era!n l.etwc.en the words..
DY Virtue 80 oundry writs ot Vend. Expense,
D to me directed, will be exposed to 'ale, on
FRIDAY, the iieth of February, 1801, at the
Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, at
10 o'clock, A. M., the following described
property, vis
All the defendant'. right, title and interest to
the following described property, the name be
ing the Juniata Forge and Rolling Mill and lands
belonging thereto.
Ot; tract of land situated in West township,
in the county of Huntingdon, surveyed on a
warrant to Ciatrlea Evans, containing four hun
dred and thirty-one acres and eighty perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to David Evans, contain
ing four hundred and one acres and fifty-two
• One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Cadwallader Evans,
containing four hundred and five acres and nine
ty-seven perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Ebenezer Branam,
containing four hundred and forty-one acres and
eighty-one perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to John Sharer, contain
ing one hundred and eighty acres and fifty-four
One other tract of land situate is Porter
township, surveyed on a warrant to John Shoen
berger, containing lan bundredand eighty-eight
One other tract of land situate in the same
township, surveyed on a warrant to Peter Shorn
berger, containing two hundred and nineteen
acres and one hundred and forty-five perches.
One other tract situate in West township,
surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Long, con
taining two hundredand sixty-six acres and forty
One other tract situate in Henderson town
ship, surveyed on a warrant to David Jackson,
containing hundred and thirty-five acres
and twenty-five perches.
One other tract situate in West township,
surveyed on a warrant to James Stokes, con
taining four hundred and eight acres and one
hundred and three perches.
One other tract situate in Porter township,
surveyed on a warrant to Peter Swine, contain
ing two hundred and seventy-five acres.
One other tract situate in . Henderson town
ship, surveyed on a warrant to Josiah W. Gibbs,
containing three hundred and twenty-three
acres and twenty-three perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Jonathan Lane, con
taining three hundred and fifty-two acres and
sixty-two perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Thomas H. Leifer,
contaming , fifty acres.
One other tract situate in West township,
surveyed on a warrant to Daniel Gratius, con
taining one hundred and nineteen porches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Peter Shoenberger,
containing one hundred and live acres and nine
ty-two perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to David Stevens, con
taining three hundred and sixty-four acres and
one hundred and thirteen perches.
One other tract situate in the same towhship,
surveyed on a warrant to Felix Miller, contain
ing three hundred and eir:hty•nine acres and one
hundred and twenty-six perches.
One other tract In the same township, sur
veyed on a warrant to John Cadwallader, con
taining four hundred and twenty-one acres and
thirty•one perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Nicholas Green, con
-1....e,tee.i ...I fifty ..... .e 1
. . .
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to John Martin, contain
ing three hundred and seventy-nine acres and
seventy-seven peaches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to Edward Rickets, con
taining three hundred and eighty-five acres and
one hundred and ten perches.
One other tract situate in the same township,
surveyed on a warrant to John Simpson, con
taining three hundred and ninety nine acres and
twenty-three perches.
One other tract situate in the Fame township.
surveyed on a warrant to Samuel Anderson.
containin t fourteen act ee and one hundred and
thirty-one perches. . . . .
And one other tract situate in the same town
, ship, survey.d on a warrant to Peter Shoenber
ger, containing one hundred and twenty acres.
The above dencribed lan la having thereon
erected Juniata Forge and is i iag 3trll , togeth
er with Dwelling Houses, Odlees, and other im
alavements convenient for works '
- .Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the prop-rty of Edwin F. Shoonberger.
Terms of sale, one fourth of the purchase
money to be paid as bid otf, other wise the pur
chaser or purcasers, will be required to pay 15
per cent on the amount hid, for thiappointment
•f sale, and the property will be set up for sale
the following day.
On the premises, on Friday, the 28th day
of February, 1851, the following described real
estate, viz: all defendant's riglit, title and in
terest in and to all those two lots of ground,sit
uate in the borough of Huntingdon, being 200
feet in length and 50 feet in width each, having
thereon crested a Two Story log House, and •
frame Stable,
a well of water, end other im
provements, bounded on the South by Wash
ington street, on the East by St. Clair street,
on the North by Charles street, and on the West
by a lot of M:rhael Claughbaugh.
Seized, takes in execution and to besold as the
property of Edward Hawkins.
_ .
On the premises, on Friday, the 28th day of
February, 1951, the following described real
estate, viz all defendant's right, title and in
terest in and to all those two lots of ground,
situate in the borough of Alexandria, Hunting
don county, bounded on the East by a lot of
William Brown, on the West by a lot of Jacob
Baker's, having thereon erected a Two Story
weatherboarded House, and a Kitchen plastered
inside and painted white on the outside, togeth- i
er with.the appurtenances and improvements
belonging thereto.
Seized, taken in execution and tribe sold as the
prop..rty of William Burk, with notice to :erre
ten,,nts. WM. B. ZEIGLER,
Huntingdon, Jan. 30, 1851.] Sheriff'.
COUNTY SURVEYOR,-01fiee at his resi
dence, about one mile from the borough of Al
exandria, on the road lending to Woodcock Val
ley. He will at all times be prepared to attend
to business in the line of his profession.
Jan. 30, 1831.—tf.
Mvsvenr.—The Cincinnati Gazette, of last
week says :—We were informed yesterday that a
few days ago a very imposing and costly tomb
stone, designated for the remains of the lamented
President Harrison, had been landed at North
Bend. The family, u we learn, have not the
slightest knowledge of the parties from whom it
New Arrangement.
THE subscriber has purchased the entire inter
est of K G. STEWART, in the Huntingdon Mar
ble Works, and would respectfully announce that
he has on hand a large and well assorted lot of
of MARBLE, which he offers to the citizens
of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices
which cannot fail to suit all who may want either
STONES, or any work usually done in an estab
lishment of this kind. Persons wishing any work '
in his line, woulddo well to give the subscriber a
call as he is determined not to be outdone by any'
other establishment, either in material or work
manship, on the Juniata.
Cir Shop in the brick building in the rear of
tte reeidence of Judge Gwin, near Johniton's
The subscriber will collect all accounts
due the firm and pay all debts of the same, the
accounts being left in his hands.
re JO IDI G. STeWART will continue to act as
agent for the concern.
Runtingdon, Jan. 23, 1851.-3 m.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon County, I will expose to Pub
lic Sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the
4th day of March next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
the following described REAL ESTATE, late
the property of MICHAEL WALLACE, de
ceased, viz
All that piece, parcel or tract of land situ
ate on the Little Juniata River, in the town
ships of Morris and Franklin, in said county,
adjoining lands of Samuel P. Wallace,Benj.
F. Wallace, of the heirs of Robert P. Wallace,
lands of ,Dorsey's heirs, and lands of A exaniler
Stewart, containing about FIFTY acres, be the
same more or less, having thereon erected the
Union. Furnace, a tour story Grist Mill, a
Dwelling House, Store, Blacksmith Shop, a
number of Tenant Houses, and other out build
ings. On this property is one of the best water
powers in the county; it is situated upon the
Pennsylvania Railroad, and offers facilities for
improvements and increase of business,present
ed by but few points upon the road.
Terms of Sale—one third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale ;
one third in one year thereafter with interest
ft om confirmation of sale; one third to be paid
to the heirs at the death of the widow, the in
terest upon it to be paid to the widow annually
during her life. JOHN PORTER,
Jan. 30, 1851.—ts-st.] Trustee.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the
Court of Common Picas of Huntingdon county,
to distribute the proceeds isf the sale of the
personal property of Abner Isenhower to
and among those entitled to the same, will at
tend for that pursose at his office, in the borough
of Huntingdon, on Friday, the 25th day of Feb
ruary next, where and when all persons inter
ested my attend. JACOI3 MILLER,
Huntingdon, Jan. 30, 1851.-6 t.) A uditor.
1113 AIL PlIC" Pig
The Greatest
111 TII. wnoLt Woa.!
tV• Pria $1 per liottte, or Si. llattlo for U.
It Is now put up In QUART BOTTLES, of the
mune poorer anebniedical fffin, as when in mall bottles.
Each Large bottle contains SIXTV.EWUIR POSES,
and the medic/01one are so Straney Conerufroted
tlyat only Om, Tobteeposufsl is required at a Illlette—three
I t l etteliitiOnOt;7; ItTn ' irlitla i eriParte i t!tVirti
Wets, because there is required of thin a lee. gessuillty
aty! dose. _ . _ .
Tho Brent Supe.vvtty of thi. Blood Purifier over all
other medicines, consist. in • greet measure In its por
miming as ft port or ft. compound. the Pootgriel Medical
VI of some Scarce and Rare
Indian Roots and Barks,
which no other medicine postmeme.. Theme ere the rooster,
Seim Purifier. of the Mood that were ever known to
either Indurn or iekite gonn.end theme being eminpeandwi with
the ofrongtµcontentrated r.xtraets of
Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock,
mite till. Vegetable Humes, tint only the Free..
Blood Purtger, but Ithlo, a el...epee methane by
germ' odd, then any other. It le ehasper, beetle. tlge
',meaty of it dint may Igo houcht for One Oull , tr will him
much longer, end will cure Tr/ Times more Blood.
dieenre, then One MM., worth of soy other medicine.
Yur undouhted proof of the Curer of
Scrofuli, Fever-Sores,
Sel4.tireid, Erysipelas, Salt-Rheum, Rheumatism, Syphilis.
treptione, Pimples on one Fam, I.lver•Coinulsiintos,
i • 111,41X1,7, Caneeroas Ulcer, Cositi is, Sure
tr..l):lPePisin, Pouts in the Side, ifreteel, Runes. and
PA lilPli n lYg . :,TriLl'aizzLeßx;DAT),..i are U.
glee away.
For sale by T. K. RIMONTON, Huntingdon ; J
N. Swope, Alexandria; J. Lutz, Shirleyshurg.
.1. & J. Kelly Burnt Cahill; James Kelly, Santa
Fe; and by Merchants and Druggists gennerally.
All orders must he addressed to Wallace & Co.,
304 Broadway, New York. Jan. 30, 1851.
Stray Horse
CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber,
in Walker township, Huntingdon county, on
Monday the 6th of January, inst., a Rhone
Horse. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges and take
him away, or he will be sold to pay for his
keeping, accordin g
Jan. 30, :851.-3t.
New Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Sic.,
At Philadelphia Prices.
J. T. SCOTT has just opened a new and ele
gant assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
&c., which he is enabled to sell at the very !cv
eat cash p .
An excellent workman is constantly employ
ed, who devotes his whole time to repairing
and cleaning all kinds of Watches and Clocks.
All wort: done promptly and warranted for one
year. [ja.-23—tf.
The co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers under the name of Speer
& irons, has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. The hooks and accounts will be set
tled by Gro. W. Spear, who will carry on the
business, as heretofore, at the g. Bridgport
Store." GF.O. W. SPEER,
Jai. I, 11101.—nl.
Administrators' Notice.
LETTERS of administration have this day
been granted to the auhaeribers upon the Estate
of JACOB S. MATTERN, late of Franklin
township, deceased. All persons knowing
themselves indebted are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims are
requested to present them properly authenticat
ed for settlement.
fen. El, t573.--It.•
n EMAINING in the Post Office at Hunting.
.lA, dun, January I, 1851.
Baker Samuel, Molsen Wm.,
Bell Thonias, Menelis Hugh,
' Bacon Septirnas, Moore T.,
Brown Caroline, Moore Jos. P.,
Burk Bridget, Myers Wm.,
Burns Lawrence, biltool S.,
Beaver John, Weeny George,
Bender Peter, M'Cracken Henry,
Beyer Miss Elisabeth J. M'Cormick Patrick,
Brewster Jno., Myton Wm.,
Boyle Jame.. Matson 0. A.,
Miller Thomas,
C Maize Elias,
Cummerford Francis, M'Cabe Francis,
Combed Robert E. M'Nerny Michael,
Cury W. Esq., M'Carty Wm.,
Clark Jno., M'Craig 114•bert,
Chamberlains James, Munch's Bernard,
Carts Thomas,
Couch David, P
Cain Miss Miranda, Parker & Smith,
Campbell Philip, Port Levi '
Carle Adam, Pomeroy Theodore,
Coden Jacob, Patterson Win. A.
Cutlery Patrick, Peightell Jane E.,
Casey Wm., Palmer Christian.
Cominerford Jno.
Campbell Mr. A., R
Chandler 0. W., Bowman Ezekiah,
Reifsnyder Francis IL,
D Richards Jacob,
Doyle Alex. A., Repot, D.,
Boston Thomas, 2 Ramsey Jame..
Davenport W. & T.
Davis Jim. C., S
Daugherty Catharine, Smith Peter,
Dunton Miss Rosamond, Smith Mr.,
Bop Sarah, Stall Jim. 4
Snyder Daniel,
F Shindel & Bell,
Fcttorly J. I'., Smith Sarah J.,
Fry Joseph, Snyder Lewis,
Furgeson Maj. Samuel, Styles Nathan I).,
Free! James, Smith H. 8.,
Snyder Susanna,
G Smith Jno. Esq.,
Grant J. A., Smith Edmund, Esq.,
Gailbaugh Jacob, 2 Swayter Lewis, 2
Geer G. W., Scbults Rachel,
Grub Martha, Smith Wm. 8.,
Good Miss Kate, Selitee Nancy,
Gruver Joseph, Steinman Solomon,
Griffith Jesse,Shade Christian,
Griffith Josep h, Stewart T. F.,
Gorman James, Stewart Andrew.
If T
Harman John, Thomas Jno. Prorn,
Ilazzlett James, Town Miss Lara,
Harris Rowland, Thomas Jno.,
Hick Joshua. Travis James,
Templeton James,
J Thompson Phebe,
Jeffry Capt. S. H., Towne Juo.
Jones Benjamin, 2
Jenks Thos:, V & W
Isett E. 8., Vandevander Peter,
Waddle Juo.,
K & L Williams Jim:,
Kupp Henry S. 2 Westbrook Amon,
Keeler F. B. Esq., Walters Harvey,
• Kraus Frederick, Wallace Edward,
Kiler George, Williams Rebecca,
Lowry Robert. Walls Henry It.,
Wright Lyndonia.
Persons enquiring for letters on the above list,
will please say they are advertised.
Cciff' Two cents in addition to the regular post
age charged on advertised letters.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed to dis
tribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's side of the
real and personal property of EDWIN F.
SHOEN BERGER, will attend for that purpose
at his office in Huntingdon, on FRIDAY, the
21st day of February next, at one o'clock,
P. M. JOHN REED, Auditor.
Jan. 23, 1851.—1 t.
We are requested to notify purchasers of the
large sales of Cloaks, Overcoats, Business,
Frock and Sack Coats, Prnts, Vests, Shirts,
Drawers arid Under Shirts, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Sboea, Gum and Overshoes, Trunks, Carpet
Hags, Umbrellas, &c. &c. The sale to be at
B. &. W. Sneer's Store, Huntingdon, and to
commence now and continue from this date.
The goods ere new, fine, and well suited for
Town and Country use, and to be sold ver‘s low
for cash, by B. & W. SNARE.
Jan. R.
Administrator's Notice.
ETTERs or Administration have this day'
4 been granted to the undersigned, upon the
estate or DANIEL MONTGOMERY, Into of
Cass township, deceased. Notice is hereby
given to all persons knowing themselves
ed, to make immediate payment, and those nay
ing claims will present them, properly authen
ticated, for settlement.
Jan. 9,1851.--6 L Admint trators.
M. STRAUS, informs the public that he in;
tends to leave for California in the spring, and
that he will sell his prevent large stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoee,
&c., &c., at coat, anal below cost. He has a
very large stock of Clothing which should be
examined by every body in want of a goat suit.
He also has a very large assortment of Calicos,
which wilt be sold very cheap. Call soon.
N. B. All persons indebted to the subscri
ber are requested to make payment on or before
the first of February next, as after that day my
books will be placed in the hands of a Justice
of the Peace. M. STRAUS.
Huntingdon, Dec. 3t, 1850.—lap.
MO travel in the Southern, Middle or Northern
States. Steady employment will he given for
a number of years to respectable young men of has
ness habits and possessed of a good common edu
cation and gentlemanly address. Such young men
would find it greatly to their advantage, as it will
afford an opportunity to see a large portion of the
country, and at the same time earn, besides all ex
penses, from $3OO to $5OO a year. Some Agents
have earned double that amount. Much depends
upon ability to act, perseverance and economy, it
being a pleasant business. Those who desire f , , r ,
titer information can obtain the same by nO,d res .
sing, post paid, JACOB M.:ONK.
Philadelphia, Dee. 17, 1850.
JUSTICE OF THE FEA.i.:E.-08ice in Maim
Wee*, Huntingdon,
IOFFEE, Tea, sugar and Spices.—A fresh
V supply just opened and for sale at Cusuisar-
AtI4N'S Grocery and conhetionary store.
Read Quarters
FDR Groceries and Confectionaries.—Jons
M. C UNN INGRAM bats juat received a choice
stock of Groceries, confectionaries, &c. He re
spectfully invitee-iris customers and the public
Its some sad examine hie snertnient. tap tial.
at ,
r,. ,
: ,t,,,,,,,,
_,O ~, 4,,tej i
r i 1
, (
' SAfteltaer
HA 'WE Auto received another trerneLdous act.
11 dition to their previouv heavy stock. They
have everything no% Hint ra reyu.ri•u insult i.el
Watits of this community.
Splendid Execlbior De Latins, at
cab. per ) U.
_ -
Superb Paranidtta Clutha, at 62i ets.
Unequalled brocades, at all prices.
Rich Irish Poplins, at 56 and 75 cts.
Calicoes, lions 8 to 1,2 i cia.
French Oiled Gallatin., at Ll et.
Damask de Lains, richly figured, at 25 mt.
Real Conestoga Sheet.ngs, tit cts.
Oriental and Hay State Shawls, at ali prices
Heavy Yard wide Muslins, at 6 and 8 ets.
Real "Jane Lind" Cloths, pit 12i.
S.tinvtts, at 37, 511, 62 and 75 els.
Tweeds at 25, 31 and 37 its.
Hardware, Queensware, Boots 84,
Shoes, Paints, Drugs and Dye Stun's, at their
lormer low prices.
lnlectl, everything can be bad at this popular
Bazar, 24 per cent. lower than else.
where, and all that is required to convince th•
community that the “ELEBIIANT" is the
place (or cheap and good goods, is for them to
call, when an examination will satisfy tlu m
that money can be saved by patronizing this es.
Nov. 5, 1850.
Valuable Property at Irritate Sale.
THE subscriber will sell his farm at private
sale, situated in Kishacoquil las valley, about
three miles west of Allenville, adjoining lands
of C. FT Daniel Yoder, Samuel King and others,
containing :42 acres, about 125 acres or which
is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.—
The remainder is well timbered. The improve
ments are a large two story Stone 'louse, good
Log Barn, good Spring at the door, gond Spring
House, and all other necessary out•buildings.—
A first rate Apple Orchard of arrive fruit, and
only sin miles from the Pa, Canal and Central
Railroad. This form is laid 01l in fifteen fields,
with running water in every field, and a running
stream through the barn yard. This farm will
be sold TensoTable, as the subscriber is desirous
of emigrating to the %yes , .
Oct. 22, 1850. JACOB NIUSSER.
Farm for Sale.
The subscriber others his farm at private
sale, situate in Woodcock Valley, Hopewell
township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands
of Daniel Brumbaugh, Leonard Weaver, and
others, containing 221 acres, more or less,about
100 acres cleared and in a tolerable good state
of cultivation, 20 acres of which is meadow;
most of the remainder is well timbered, a con
siderable part of which is locust and chestnut ;
considerable of the timber land is tillable, sod
there are several springs of never failing water
on the premises,with an apple orchard and
other fruit trees, part of which beat cl aiee
fruit. Thu buildings are, a large frame honk
barn, log dwelling house, stone spring bows,
frame shop, and a saw mill, Apply to the sub
scriber on the premises.
Dec. 21, 1820.—tf.]
117 Hollidaysburg tt Regist er ," <,
and " Standard," nihilist) until otherwise order
ed, and charge this office.
Exectirres Notice.
Estate of ELEANOR lIENDERSON, dee'd.
OTICF: is hereby given, that Letters Tea.
tamentary have. been granted . to the under.
signed upon the estate of ELFANOR HENI•EIMIN O
deceased. hoe of Porter township, 1111,0110os
eounly. Al', persons knowing themselves indebt
e'l ore r':•quested to make immediate pa} mint,
and al', those having claims will please present
the'.n for settlement.
JAMES IRVIN, Executor.
Barree Forge, Dee. 21, 185(1.1
P. S Gen. S. Miles will set for me on the
premises at Barrie Forge. J. I.
Administrator's Notice
Estate of GEORGE GARNER, Dee'd.
T ET T ERs ol Administration have been gram•
ted to the undersusnetl Num the astute of
GEORGE GARNER. lute of Penn township,
Huntingdon county, Ilre'd. All parsons know
ing themselves indebted are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will please present them for settlement.
Dec. 10, 1850.-3 t. Administrators.
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTERS of Adminintration have been gran
ted to the undersigned upon the estate of
AMON LOVELL, late of Cans township,
deceased. All persons knowing themselves in
debted are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present them
properly autheqicated for settlement.
_ .............
LOS 1:
Doe. 21, 11!20, c LOY 1: L
220.] Administrotrix.
Extra Family Flour,
OF the celebrated Crownover Brand, for sale by
l'Elourk t , & Boons.
ALSO, superior Mackerel tt unusually low
"Every day brings somet',l ng stew" to this pop
ular establishment, in the, way of rich and rare
goods, and as e rrrYboth. / deals there, we are sur
prised that all their ~ o f „t i o ns d o not follo„. suit.
Another arrival:nourly expected of Boots and
Shoes, Bay S l Long Shawls, Puramattas, Bro.
codes, &c. &
[Dee. 10.
ED Beef and cheese for sale at the cheep
p,Grocery and confectionary establishment
of John M. Cunningham.
LTORACE W. SMITH will furnish the prin.
cipal Magazines, (including Harper's, Gra
ham, &c.,) at $2 50 per annum, thereby saving au
small sum as there is no postage to be paid.
[Dec. 10, 1850,
Are you Insured ?
T 1 not, insure your property at once in the Cum•
I becloud Valley Mutual Insurance Company.
Apply to Gao. W. SPEER, Apent,
Bridgeport, Pa.
ADAMS & Co. have established an Express
Office in Huntingdon, in charge of Horae•
W. Smith, at the Huntingdon Book Store. All
packages loft with him will be carefully atter+
Id ie. [Jere 4, We,