Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 30, 1851, Image 2

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41,0422 1
Thursday Morning, Jan. 30, 1851.
Olt "lIVNTINGDOIf JOURNAL" is published at
•s following rates, Tin:
If paid in advance, per annum, 111,15
If paid during the year, 2,00
If paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • • 1,50
Tisit above Terms will he adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will he taken for a less period than
six months, and no paper will he discontinued un-
Al all arrearages ars paid, unless at the option of
re publisher.
Is oar authorized agent in Philadelphia, New
Tork and Baltimore, to receive advertisements.
aad any persons in those cities wishing to adver
ts, in our columns,; will please call on him.
A Change.
Gr Hereafter the " Journal" will be published
T'llursday morning in place of Tuesday as here
tofore. We make this change for the benefit of
•nr readers. The present arrangement of the
nails win enable us, by this change, to give later
new., as we almost invariably receive the imp°,
tact news in the early part of the week. The
Trough Creek packages will be mailed on Wed
nesday evening, and will convey to our numerous
tribscribers in that region the very latest intelli
fir We have been prevented by indivposition,
from giving our paper much attention this week.
Tea ViZATIIER.—We have had a week
most extraordinary mild weather.7lt was much
more like April than January.".:We do not recol
lect experiencing so much warm weather at one
time in mid winter since January 1843, when we
think there was a weePor ten days very similar
so what we have just passed through. It has left
no however, and we now have, at the present
writing (Tuesday, Jan. 28,) cloudy, damp weath
er. Well, well, we can't expect all ounshinc in
We world.
General Ticket Law.
Petitions hone been presented by our represen
tatives in favor of the extension of the law allow
ing the citizens to vote for all officers on a single
ticked, to the county of Huntingdon. We hope
the law may he extended, as it would save voters
a great deal of trouble.
J. T. SCOTT hat been appointed an non. See
teary of the American'ArflUnion,:New York.
At his store may be teen a fine lot of Engra ,
tags, Etchings, Bulletins, &c., Just received from
the Art Union, which he will take pleasure in ex
hibiting to persons wishing to become members.
Every subscriberlof five dollars is a member for
the year. and entitled to all its privileges. Early
payment of fees of membership is desirable, as
the engravings, bulletins, re ~ &c., are issued
to this members inithe order galsubscript ion.
Prom the Lewistown Gazette, that a lady from
Union county, at the late term of Court in Mifflin
taunt', obtained a.verdict against a Mr. Martin
of $i,72.5 damages, fora breach of promice. 'rhe
lady's nem is not given. Some gentlemen would
be less liabie to disappoint her now, if Martin
pays up.
Fire in Lewistown.
A Are broke out in Lewistown, at 7 o'clock on
Friday evening last, in the house of Wm. Giffin,
kept as a tavern, and owned by D. Fichthorn.—
It took Are from the drum of the sto , e, in an up
per story, The loss is supposed to be about
twelve or fifteen hundred dollars.
Fire in Hollidaysburg.
The "Reyister" of last week, says :—" At
about 2 o'clock on Friday morning last, our citi
•ens were again aroused by the cry of fire, occa
sioned by the burning of a stable belonging to
Mr. G. L. Lloyd, in the rear of the store of
Messrs. Lloyd & Hemphill. It was a brick build
ing, and fortunately did not contain much com
buotiblo material. The fire, however, could not
be arrested until it had destroyed all hut the brick
walls, consuming with the rest, an excellent milch
cow, the property of Mr. Lloyd. It was fired by
VI incendiary.
Attempt to Break Jail.
We learn from the Hollidaysburg Register, that
Dairy, who is in prison charged with the murder
of Gorsuch, and Hutchison, under sentence of
death for the murder of Edmunson, made an un
successful attempt to break jail last week. The
appartment they occupied was lined with sheet-iron
fastened to the ceiling and sides with nails driven
through it into the planks. When discovered they
had drawn nearly all the nails in one of the sheets,
and then returned thesis to their places so as to
leave no traces of their work. This they succee- ,
cle.d in doing by means of a nail they had somehow
etcured, the one end of which they had sharpened
el at to enable them to insert it under the heads
of the nails on the sheeting and so prize them out.
But unfortunately for them, they broke the head
off one of the nails, which the vigilant eye of the
Sheriff observed, and upon examination their whole
work was discovered.
tice from the Hon. Henry M. Fuller, chairman,
requests a meeting of the Whig State Central
Committee, at Coverly's Hotel, in Harrisburg,
on Tuesday evening , the 4th of February, for the
purpose of fixing the time and place of holding
the State Convention to nominate candidates fur
GorenGr, Judges, &e.
air Tuts prom . nont candidate for the honor of
representing New Jersey in the United State• Se
nses, ere JON, A. Twosere,x, FAN., and Goyim
awe V*444,-..
Correspondence of the .Uunti,gdort J , urnal.
Letter from Harrisburg.
HARRISBURO, Jan. ii, 1851
DZAR my letter of Out week I arl
leeted to say that Gen. Packer had reported a
Bill, districting the State for the election of Judges.
I do not send you a copy of the Bill now, as I
deem it more important to lay it before your read
ers ; when it shall under consideration, I will
send it ; then your readers will be able to follow
it through its arnendations, if it receives any.
The Agricultural Convention excites much in
terest; awl flinch WAS said and done to show that
the recommendation of Governor Johnston, " to
create an Agricultural Department connected with
the State Government," is of vital importance to
the farming interests. Gov. Johnston has shown
by every act of his administration that he takes a
wise and statesmanlike view of the real wants of
our citizens. It certainly must he gratifying to
!lira to see the honest and patriotic of all parties,
thus giving their aid to secure to our tax-paying
farmers, some direct benefit from legislation, as
recommended by him.
Tariff Resolutions have again been offered in
the legislature. You will see, I doubt not, an ef
fort on the part of the progeny of the "J. K.
Kane letter," to keep up their Use position in re
gard to protection. The election of Brodhead es
U. S. Senator, fore-shadows such a result—the
promise is to the ear,—to the heart all is trickery
and falsehood. Will the people be longer cheat
ed? We shall see.
On Thursday, Mr. Mulilenberg read in his
place, in the Senate, the following resoli.tion:
Resolved, That the late settlement of the ques
tions at issue between the Northern and Southern
members of this confederacy, meets with the ap
proval of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and
that it reflects the highest honor upon the true pa
triots who originated and supported those meas
ures of comp umi , e, which have prevented an at
tempt to dissolve the Union.
Rewired, That the aforesaid measures, corn
monly known as the compromise act, should be
looked upon as a solemn contract between the
Northern and Southern states, upon the proper
performance of which the fate of the Union is de
pendant, and that no attempt to interfere with any
portion of the said contract should be entertain
ed for a moment.
Here, then, you will see, that several Bills,
which were passed at the last session )f Congress,
known as the several fragments of the Compro
mise Bill, are treated as if they were all hut one
Bill—an entire contract—notwithstanding the fact
that they could not pass, as a whole, but were in
reality killed, because they were treated as de
pendent measures, and were finally passed as in
dependent measures. Yet these resolutions assume
that the measures are one act, and one contract,
between the Northern and Southern States.
Wo should like to know if the free men of your
county recognize such!a contract, and nre willing
to have their mouths sealed, and their ballot-boxes
destroyed, so far as an expression of their opinions
on this subject is concerned.
llarrisburg has again bean enlivened by the
workings of the Fugitive Slave Law. On Friday
of last week ~Commissioner M'Callister had the
privilege of securing another Ten Dollar fee. as
the bounty for a poor negro's scalp. There is not
touch game of that kind to be caught here, yet the
hunters succeed occasionally in trapping one. In
this last case, the durky and the ten dollcto were
both secured without any " noise or confusion."
Talking of negroes—that puts me in mind of
another thing. On the Satan day, Mr. Guernsey,
in the Senate, from the Judiciary Committee, re
ported a Bill, repealing utrtain sections of the
Kidnapping Law of 1847, aid' a recommendation
that it be negatived. An effort will be made to
repeal that law—which was passed by the De
mocre, and received the signature of the pith
stir ; and the would be democrats of the
day,!will he very zealous for its repeal. For my
part, I cannot see why, and I must wait until the
topic is argued, then I can write understandingly.
Is it not a little strange that those very persons
who are complair.:ng the loudest about agitation,
are keeping it up
A short session is anticipated by sonic; there
is but little to do. The Judicial District Bill is
the only one of much importance, after the Free
nking Law is disposed of; and I presume that
soon be, as the cunning locotocos are, many
of them, going for it. They see that it is a meas
ure that will suit the interests of the people, and
they are anxious to steal some of our Whig thun
der. Last year it was killed by their opposition;
now they wish to be considered its friends.
On yesterday Mr. Muldenberg, of the Senate,
made a report from the select committee, upon
the subject of the preservation of the interesting
and valuable nomuscripts connected with the ear
ly history of our State. The report is able, and
reflects great credit upon its author, and the com
mittee. It is accompanied by a Bill making pro
•ision for carrying out the recommendation of the
Governor on this subject. I am willing, after
this, to forget the folly of the Senator last session,
in reviling that good man, Penn.
The lueofocos are in tribulation, by reason of
Gov. Johnston's successful eftbrts to reduce the
State debt, and they are resorting to their old
vocation, to deceive. You will find in the tat!,
American of rt:e h.‘,l, an excellent Article upon'
the subject. It should be published in every honest
paper in the State.
You and your readers must excuse the desulto
ry character of may letters. They are but odds
and ends, hastily gathered up, and strung together
without much order or connection.
United States Senators.
The Legislature of Missouri, succeeded on
Wednesday last, on the fortieth ballot, in electing
Mr. Dorm the Whig candidate, U. S. Senator
for six years from the fourth of March next. The
vote stood—Geyer (Whig) 80, Benton (Loco) 55,
Strong-fellow (anti-Benton) 18 centering 6.
This is an important gain for the Whigs.
JAMES A. BATARD, (Loco) was elected U. S.
Senator by the Legislature of Delmore, by a ma
jority of two, on the seventh ballot. The Locus
have eight on joint ballot.
The Massachusetts Legislature have hal seven
unsuccessful ballotings for U. S. Senator up to
Thursday noon. The candidates aro Sumner
(Free Soil) and Winthrop, (Whig.) the election
hoe I.cem rasttpoo cif for two wok!.
Ilt , tlttl to Gen. Scott, by the Legis
lature of Virginia.
The legislature of Virginia, at its last session,
voted gold medal to Gen. Wiwnixim
SCOTT, for his services during the late Mexican
war. The medal has just been completed, and the
Governor of Virginia has appointed a committee
from the members of the present Legislature to
make the presentation. This beautiful memento
of Virginia's munificent gratitude to ber favorite
son, which is represented as being one of the most
exquisite specimens of American art ever manu
factured, is thus described :
The medal is 3} inches in diameter, five-six
teenths of an inch thick, and is of course very mas
sive and rich. On one side is an admirable life
like bust of the General, with the words "Winfield
Scutt" in capitals above. The bust stands upon
an oblong pedestal—flanked by two noble eagles,
sprigs of laurel, and oak touching their wings—a
number of flags, (two rnexican banners among
them,) guns, pikes, mortars and field-pieces for
ming an appropriate back ground. On the pedes
tal is the following inscription : "The common
wealth of Virginia presents this medal to Major
General Winfield Scott, as a memorial of her ad
miration for the great and distinguished services
of her sun, whilst commander in chief of the Ameri
can Armies in the war with Mexico, 1647." On
the reverse side in the centre stands a beautiful
fluted column, with “11312" on the base and “1848"
on the capital. A spread, holding an olive branch
in its mouth, is on its top—and the column is en
twined with leaves of laurel, inscribed with the
words "Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras,
Churubusco, Del Ray, Chapultepce, Mexico."—
Above the column are the words "Fecit Quad
Cogitavit ;" below "From 1 , irginia," and an es
cutcheon with the coat of arms of the State. In
the back ground are the principal buildings in or
near the city of Mexico, the Castle of San Juan
(as we take it,) with the peculiar and strikingly
peaked mountains, batteries at work, Rte.—the
whole encircled by a very rich wreath of laurel
and oak intertwined. The medal is one of great
beauty and magnificence, and do, great credit to
the exquisite skill and taste or Mr. C. C. Wright
an old soldier under Gen. 53011, sod now of New
From California.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2I.—A. M.
The steamers Cherokee and Prometheus arri
ved here this morning with dates from San Fran
cisco to the 16th inst., being two weeks later—
Sacramento City to the loth Dec., and Kingston
to the 13th inst. The Cherokee brings one and a
quarter million of gold, and the Prometheus abou•
half a million. Nearly all the New York passen
gers on the Isthmus are in the Cherokee. The
Prometheus has 240 passengers.
Tile San Francisco [herald thinks that the chan
ces of Colonel Fremont for the Senatorship to the
United States are very doubtful and quite desper
ate. The friends of Mr. Weller are very sanguine
of success. The matter, however, is in much
Snow had fallen to the depth of several inches
at Nevada prior to the 15th December.
A party, consisting of forty seven Americans,
lad been attacked by the Indians beyond Mariposa
Hill, and all of them killed.
'Die Stockton Journal records a collision in the
vicinity of Mokneltimc, between sixteen Ameri
cans and a party of Indians. Quito a fierce ski,
miso took place and a largo number of Indian.
weere killed.
The Military, under the command of Col.
I . Z.,s;ers at Plneerville, has been disbanded.
Goad continues to be found in
The health of San Francisco and other cities has
greatly improved.
The cholera has nearly disappeared.
The notorious Capt. P. 11. French, arrived at
San Francisco from Greganas.
Another tire had occurred in San Francisco
which destroyed about $lOO,OOO worth of prop
The markets at San Francisco and else-where
were over stocked. Western flour $l5, Mesa
Beef $l5. Pork do. $2O. Prime do. $l6. Oth
er articles of produce generally were dull, and a
downward tendency. General news unimportant.
Singular Discovery of Stolen Jew-
elry at Pottsville.
We learn from the Miner's Journal, at Pottsville
that on Thursday of last -seek, while some chil
dren were at play upon the hillside, near Fishhook
half a mile from Pottsville, one of the 'mintier dis
covered a small string fastened to a bush ; his cu
riosity being awakened, the string was seized, and
Mier pulling at it, he found that it became detach
ed from some object beneath the snow. Upon an
examination of the string, several gold rings were
found upon it, and a slight search enabled them to
discover an old stocking or drawer-leg, with SPV
ernd hundred dollars worth of unfinished gold rings,
pencils, chains, &c. In the vicinity another string
WAS found, fastened in the same manlier, but len
ding off in a different direction, to the end of which
there was also a large amount of jewelry, also un
finished. The Pottsville Journal thinks these ar
ticles came front some large manufacturing house
in Philadelphia or New York, and the spoil hidden
beneath the snow by the party committing the
theft, and the spot designated by the small strings
so as to enable them to regain their spoils at a fu
ture day. Perhaps the robbery of Mr. Bard's store
in Arch street, Phila. on Friday night, Jan. 10,
may have something to do with this di,overy.
Counterfeiters Arrested.
Five women were arrestc,i in New York last
week charged with passing counterfeit bills on the
Miner's Bank of Pottsville, Pa. They said they
belonged to Philadelphia, and they had about
$5OO in good money about them, which had evi
dently been taken in exchange for counterfeits.—
Twu men were arrested at the same time, charged
with being connected with the gang.
Hon. HENRY DODGE 11 , 1115:011 Tuesday last re
elected United States Senator from Wisconsin for
six years, from the 4th March next.
fir Nei,ndez, chief of 1,500 rebels in Ortjac, ,
Mexico, had captured several villages and put the
municipal fathers to death. The rebels had not
been put dews, as per last accounts.
Members of Congress Dictating to
the People.
Let every man attend to his proper business and
members of Congress attend to their paid for du
ties of making laws for the nation, and abstain
from making Presidents. We learn from the
Washington journals of yesterday, that the follow
paper is in circulation there for signatures among
the members:
" The undersigned, members of the Thirty-first
Congress of the United States, believing that a re
newal of sectional controversy upon the subject of
slavery would be both dangerous to the Union and
destructive of its objects, and seeing no mode by
which such controversy can lie avoided except by
a strict adherence to the settlement thereof effected
by the Compromise Acts passed at the last session
of Congress, no HEREBY DECLARE their intention
to maintain the said settlement inviolate, and to
resist all attempts to repeal or alter the acts afore
said, unless by the general consent of the friends
of the measures, and to remedy such evils, if nay
as time and experience may develope. And, for
the purpose of making this resolution effective,
they FURTHER DECLARE that they will not support
for the office of President or of Vice President, or
of Senator or of Representatives in Congress, or
as member of a State Legislature, any man, of
whatever party, who is not known to he opposed
to the disturbance of the settlement aforesaid, and
to the renewal, in any fogs, of agitation upon the
subject of slavery."
The signing of any such paper, in their official
character, by members of Congress, is impertinent
to the objects for which they were sent to 'Wash
ington. We, the people expect our servants,
whom we pay liberally, to attend to our interests,
anti await the expression of our opinions upon the
repeal or alteration of the Fugitive Slave Law.—
Our breath made them, members of Congress, and
our breath can unmake them ; they ars but mere
weak mortals, who look funny enough when
brought into near contact. To say that as "mem
bees of Congress" they will not support, for the
office of President, Vice-President, Senator, Rep
resentative in Congress, or Member of Legislature
any man who is not known to be opposed to the
disturbance of the Fugitive Slave Law, is a piece
of arrogant assumption, which has not been wit
nessed in our country, since Ring Cattsus, in the
person of WILLux H. CRAWFORD, was dethron
ed. We will have nothing which looks like a re
vival of the iron political rule that Congress, until
the year 1824, exercised over the politics of our
country. We will not have public opi n i on no d
popular action forestalled by members of Con
gress. There are barely two hundred and eighty
odd of them all told, and they issue their bull of
excommunication with as much gravity as if Pope
Pius had fulminated it front the Vatican. What
are their votes to effect—they are but a drop in
the vast ocean of public opinions—a grain of sand
in the millions of acres which comprise our great
confederacy. ! And yet they "declare" and "fur
ther declare" that they will tie up their action and
permit 110 expostulations from the people to affect
their future legislation. This is the supreme of
folly ! Congress has surly assumed the cap and
There are but about five poor weeks of the'pre
sent SCSSiOR left, in which to do work requiring as
many mouths of calm deliberation. We find the
precious time fritted away—rasrtirans m,nor,•-
uvriug to out general each other—one party afraid
and the other not daring to suggest any specific
action fur brood, national reform—bills sleeping in
committees in the soporific company of their dull
members, and all the requirements of the country.
at large neglected by unfaithful stewards; we find
these things and are shocked and insulted by such
exhibitions of partizan scheming as the one to
which we have referred. Attend to your business,
Messieurs Congressmen, and the people will attend
to theirs ! We want none of your interference and
!tone of your dictation, as to the course we shail
take in electing our Representatives. An individ
uals, you may act as you now officially ndeclare,"
but we tell you there will be a strict accountability
demanded of your public acts. When the proper
time arrives, the people will nominate such repre
sentatives for themselves in the National or State
councils, as they see proper, and if you Jeep your
advice until it is called for, you may perchance
keep your seats in Congress longer.
We do not wish to be understood, as raising an
objection to the principles involved in the Cungres
sional circular. We go to the "ultima Thule" in
opposing the election of any man to office who in
for reviving any agitation looking to a breach of
the compromise of the Constitution, or the disrup
ting of pacific relations between the integral States
of our great unit confederacy. But we look with
jealousy upon any attempt of Congress to encroach
upon our popular prerogatives, and shall resist all
impertinent interference on its part, with the pri
mary movements of the people towards the selec
tion of candidates for the Presidency and other of
ficers. The evils which once resulted from these
oligarchical cabals, are still remembered in bitter
ness; they were purged away by the elevation of
ANDREW JACKSON to the Chief Magistracy, with
out the intervention of a Congressional caucus, and
we trust they will never again be permitted to ger
minate in our country. And, therefore, we end
as we began. Let Congressmen attend to their
own business, and leave the prerogatives of the
People to be enjoyed, unmolested, by the People.
—Daily Sun.
MAMMOTH nocB.—The Reading papers give
a list of nine hogs recently killed in that city,
weighing in the aggregate 4851 pounds, and av
eraging 539 pounds each. These are monster
specimens of the Ppreine species not often to be
met with, and bard to be heat.
New Fusm.—A locomotive engine is tieing
built near New York . , which is to be a novelty.—
Nothing but alcohol is to be used for heating the
boiler. It is constructed upon a principle hereto
fore untried, but it is expected to he entirely suc
cessful in its operation. It is built for the Eric
Railroad, and it will be tested ou that road next
week. We hope, with the Tribune, it may sue
, ceed, for we have never heard of a more suitable
way of using up the fluid designed to be used.
Ihe Canal Commissioners have ordered
the Canal to be ready for navigation on the 15th
February ! The clerk of the weather, who has
tome say so in this matter, is yet to bear from,
and will probably Tetri any garb proceeding.—
Pennsylvania Ageless Usual Con.
A Convention of Delegates representing the
Farming interests of the various counties of this
State, met in the Court House, at Harrisburg, on
Tuesday morning, the 21st instant, and was orga
nized temporarily by the appointment of Gen.
TAstss Invite, of Centre, President, and E. E.
Kinser, Secretary. A committee of one from
each Congressional district was appointed to nomi
nate permanent officers. This committee after
conferring, unanimously agreed to tender the of
fice of President to Gov. Was. F. JOHNSTON, and
the appointment was accordingly tendered to the
Governor, who to avoid misrepresentation of any
kind, and prevent misconstruction of the purposes
of the Convention, felt it his duty to respectfully
decline the proposed honor. The committee then
nominated Hon. GEO. W. WOODWARD, Presi
dent, with a Vice President from each Congres
sional district. The Convention then adjourned
to meet in the capital at 2 o'clock, P. M.
In the afternoon, Judge Ilavka, of Lancaster,
from a select committee, reported a Constitution
for the organization of a Pennsylvania State Ag
ricultural Society, as follows :
The name of this Society shall he " The Penn
sylvania State Agricultural Society."
The objects of the Society are to foster and im
prove agriculture, horticulture and the domestic
household arts.
Suc. 1. The Society shall consist of all such
persons as shall signify to the Executive Commit
tee their wish to become members, and shall pay
to the Treasurer, on signing the Constitution of
the Society, not less than $l, and an annual con
tribution of the same amount; and also of hono
rary and corresponding members. The officers
of County Agricultural Societies in this State, •r
delegations therefrom, shall be members ex-o.tfic;o
of this Society.
The payment of $2O shall constitute life mem
bership, and exempt the members so contributing
front all annual payments.
Sec. 2. The officers of the Society shall he a
President, a Vice President from each Congres
sional district, three-fourths of whom shall he
practical farmers or horticulturalists ; a Treasur
er; a Corresponding Secretary; a Recording Sec
retary ; u Lffirarian ; an Agricultural Chemist and
Geologist, and such other assistants as the Socie
ty may find essential to the transaction of its busi
ness ; an Executive Committee, consisting of the
above named officers and five additional members.
Sac. 3. The President shall have a general
superintendence of all the atlisirs of the society;
in case of the death, illness or inability of the
President to perform the duties of his office, the
Executive Committee shall select a Vice Presi
dent to act in his stead, who shall have the same
power and perform the same duties, as the Presi
dent, until the next annual election.
Vice PreJidents. It shall be their duty to take
charge of the affairs of the Association in their
several districts ; to advance all its objects ; to
call upon Farmers, to report as to the condition of
Agriculture in their neighborhood ; to ask for in
formation as to the modes of cultivation adopted
by different farmers ; and as far as in their power,
to make known the resources of their districts ;
the nature of its soil; its geological character,
and all such matters as may interest farmers in
every part of the State.
The Treasurer shall keep an account of all the
moneys paid into his hands, and shall only pay
bills, when audited and approved by the Execu
tive committee; each order fur payment must he
signed by the President or the Chairman of the
Executive committee.
Corresponding Secretary. The duty of this offi
cer shall be to write a correspondence with all
persons interested in Agriculture, whether in the
State of Pennsylvania or elsewhere, but especial
ly with our Consuls in foreign countries, that new
seeds, vegetables or live stock, may be introduc
ed, and their fitness fur cultivation soil propaga
tion in our climate be tested. At each stated
locating of the Society, he shall read his corres
pondence—which shall, either the whole or such
us may be selected by the Society, form n
"Mon of the transactions. Ha shall also corres
pond with the President, or other officers of each
State Society in the United States, at least twice
in a year, for the purposes of combined and mu
tual action, and to be informed of the result and
progress of each others efforts ; also, to invite
mechanics to forward models or implements for
examination and via.
The Recording Secretary shell keep the minutes
of the Society, and of the Executive Committee.
At the close of each year, he shall prepare tor
' publication such parts of the minutes and trans
actions of the Society, us may be designated.
The Librarian shall take charge of all ',As,
pamphlets, &e., belonging to the Society, and shall
act as curator to preserve secds, implements, or
whatever property the Society may possess.
. -
The Executive Committee shall transact the busi
ness of the Society generally, Roil shall superin
tend and direct the publication of such of die re
ports and transactions as they may deem proper,
and shall designate the dines and places fur annual
exhibitions, regulate the expenditure, examine all
accounts, and keep such general charge of the af
fairs of the Society as may best promote Its inter
ests. They shall select their own Chairman, and
meet monthly ; five members shall form a quorum.
They shall call special meetings of the Society
when necessary.
Sec. 4. The Society shall meet annually on
the third Tuesday of January, at Harrisburg,
when all the officers of the Society shall he elect
ed by ballot fur the ensuing year. nod until anoth
er election. They shall also hold a general meet
ing at the time of the annual exhibition, and
special meetings whenever convoked by the Ex
ecutive Committee. Fifteen members shall form
a quorum fur the transaction of business, but no
member in arrears shall be entitled to the privi
leges of the Society.
Sac. 5. This constitution may be altered or
amended at the annual meetings in January, by a
Tote of two-thirds of the members in attendance.
A spirited discussion ensued upon the adoption
of the proposed Constitution, which was kept up
during the aftarneou and evening. It wee tiuelly
eclerted by a ensniuntrt Tory.
On Wednesday afternoon the Convention again
re•assenmbled in the Hall of the House, when th•
State Society was organized by the election of the
Hon. FREDERICK WATTS, of Cumberland, Presi
dent, with twenty-tow Vice Presidents, represent
ing each Congressional district, a Corresponding
and a Recording Secretary, a Librarian, an Agri
cultural Chemist and Geologist, an Executive
Committee consisting of five members, and a
Treasurer. A menruriai to the Legislature set
! tiug forth the object of the Convention and pray
ing for aid, was then submitted by Judge Wood
ward, and a series of resolutions passed at an
evening session, after which the Convention al.
journed sine die.
The followiog is the Memorial adopted:—
Or a Convention held at Harrisburg on the 22n4
and 23d days of January, 1851, respeetively
That a large number of citizens of the Com
monwealth, having come together at the sent of
the State Government, formed themselves into a
convention for the purpose of better deliberation.
They represented every section of the State.—
Their objects were patriotic, and their views were
altogether free front selfish influences. Devoted
to the best interests of the great Commonwealth
to which they have the happiness to belong, and
anxiously desirous to promote them, they adopt
ed the outline of a plan fur the encouragement and
advancement of agriculture in Pennsylvania. As
a practical art and useful science, it is peculiarly
adapted to the condition and habits of the people,
and is identified with the prosperity of the State.
It is susceptible ef being brought home to the
pursuits of the great majority of the people, and
of contributing to the advantages of all.
While as individuals, your memorialists are
ready to make every exertion for the attainment
of the great object which brought them together,
they are too well satisfied that their efforts must
he fruitless, and their hopes, however ardent, must
end in disappointment, unless they could receive
the official countenance of your honorable bod
ies. Your memorialists knowing that for all
good purposes there is strength in union, have
cordially united themselves together. They are
animated with a belief that the spirit which has
led to the undertaking, nod which cherishes a
trust in the accomplishment of it, will not Ml
but that it will continue to inspire them until the
scheme, which they feel to be praiseworthy, shall
be crowned with success. Yet they know that the
extensive and public undertaking which they rep
resent, mast be founded on public support.
Your memorialists respectfully appeal to the
Legislature of the Commonwealth as the imme
diate representatives of the people of the Corn
monwealth fur that support. Without it, they
would be constrained to abandon their design.—
With it, their design cannot fail to prosper.
A constitution has been framed chiefly nrcn
the model of the constitution of similar societies
already established in sister States. The results
which have been reached elsewhere, are convin
cing proofs of the propriety of the individual effort,
and of the wisdom mad sound policy of Legisla
tive encouragement. State Agricultural Societies
are prosperous and beneficial wherever they have
been formed. It is believed that no interruption
has been found in their career. It is certnin, that
they have given birth to improvements in many
departments of Agricultural science, and practi
cal utility, equal to the moat anxious hopes of
their founders. It is no less certain that the sa
gacious policy of the Legislative bodies, which
have spread over them the mantle of the law, has
been recompensed by an irrease of prospority and
an expansion of the various elements of greatners
and wealth, which are the just aims of sovereign
States. In giving encouragement to agricultural
societies our State Commonwealths did but imi
tate wise examples set by other countries. Our
OWII great Commonwealth cannot err in profiting
by the light of melt wide spread and unfailing
The constitution framed by this convention, is
respectively submittal as a basis fur legislative
action. It will be acceptable in such form and
with such details, as your honorable bodies
shall consider worthy of being introduced.—The
convention, knowing the necessity of a charter
for the effectual existence of the society, respect
fully prays fur an enactment in the shape the
Legislature may deem best and appoye.
As an incident to Legislative protceton,
:Mary assistance is respectfully asked. Individual
funds will be contributed, it is hoped, not relue
tantly or in small measure. If the effort shall
succeed, other sources of contribution through
the medium of the operations of the Society will
be found. Its energies however must be crippled,
and its existence would be brief, if the Common
wealth did not lend available assistance by the
appropriatlun of money. The resources of our
State, as yet but imperfectly developed will, it is
confidently hoped receive for this undertaking an
impulse that will not lie arrested in the course
of ages. The soil is prolific in great varlety, and
endless extent of wealth. Of dimensions, scarce
ly less than those of any of the older members of
the Union t in population, second only to one;
in situation central, sod surrounded by prosper-
Ong soverneignties generously emulous of each
others prosperity, combined efforts of individual
enterprise nail Legislative wisdom end liberality
alone are wanting to give to Pennsylvania the dig
nified and commending position designed for bee
by nature, and pointed out by tbo unerring finger
of Provideuee.
Your memorialists reephctfully pray that a char
ter of incorporation may be grahted to the ''Penn
Sylvania State Agricultural Society," Ly legisla
tive enactment, and that such appropriation may
he made for its relief and assistance ae to your
honorable bodies may seem just.
And your memorialists will ever pray, and so
Harrisburg, Jan, 23, 1851.
GovEttison RAMPEY, of Minnesota had retru
ed to St. l'aul, on the 21st ult., from a visit to the
upper country. The Chippewa Indians were re
ported to he suffering severely for want of provis
ions, and the bad quality of what they had. Dis
ease was rile among them, and not lees than nne
hundred and eizty-eeren r 4 the tribe had perished
within a thrert shalt.