WE - 11'ERN L%ND AGENCY. A Land A4eiit at Lasalle, 11- iniois, 1143 oponela 6 eaerat Lint Agciucy for au.l Sortueru lliitiois, and Southern Was amain, where ho will attend to the purchase and ale of lutprovei and Uniinprovel Lands, payment of Tales, Location of Mexican Land Warrants, Making selections for those who may be entitled to Bounty Lands under the late act of Congress, and to all birsineSs connected with a general Land Agency. Hens • co:npletol arrangements whereby per sons wishing to procure lands in this fertile and rapidly improving portion of the %Vest, can do so as the loathe, tin price uf 61,25 per acre, without the expense and risk of traveiting there, any per eon war, may pay to my Agout, James Maguire, St H.uuingaos, lime sum of two hundred dollars, will have ono quarter section (160 acres) entered In their wows ? (or as they may direct). fur which they will receive the patent from the general Land o.lice at Washingtoh city, iu their sane, clear of all charges. 8 wise ictory security will lie given for all perform ances slimy num:nut for the ref m.ling of the am ,tint of the pare ma•asi with 6 per cent., at Lae expiration oftive years, to any person who city then be dis atisfied with the location. Tne c anal from Coi,ago to ',sale, nt the head of Ste.am-boat Navigation on tee Iliinois River, the Railroad from Chicago to Galena, which is flue in process of construction, and the Railroad fro:n Caicago to Rock island, on the Mississippi river, now complete 1 to Aurora, seine 30 miles wait of Cnie will pass through this country from East to West, and the great Central Railroad from adenu to the mouth of tile OM, river, pans ies through it from North to South, fur the con struction of which the late Congress appropriated a large anoint of Intl, tnerehy securing, beyond AtuSt, its apse lv com,iletiun ; and there is no doubt ia tae mind of any person well lammed. upon the sietiect, but Caic igo viii be connected with ail the Atlantic Cities by dt diroad, in the course of from two to four years from thin time, thereby enabling families to emigrate to t sic country in the short 111)400 of from tame to four days, front any portion of the East, withott the tilt of trace ling by steam boat. Persons wi to proem.° ile4rable homes for thenvelves and families, will do well to make application soon, as the amount of public hands is lire;ted, and is being taken up timidly by actual Polders. Any information de inn!, can be obtained from buo Fzeusa, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. REFERENCES Keenan & BROTLIER, Mill Creek, Huntingdon County, Pa. M Loans & DORSET, Huntingdon, Pa. S. S. BLAIR, EN., Hollidaysburg, Pa. still Letters connected with the buliness may be :sad to A. CAMPBELL, Peru P. 0. La salle Cu., Illinois. Oat. 29, 1850.-3 m. GREAT Improvement in Dagaerreotypeing! TAN LOAN & CO., No. 118, Chesnut street, Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in Weir art, enabled themselves to take pictures at on *AM with great certainty—as well in stormy tra.uher—which are justly pronounced by Artists ant SCietitie !nen, UNRIVALLED, for depth of Who and softness of light and shade. By working themselves, thov not only produce pictures which Are GOOD AI)N CHEAP!! but by tier the beet teed chetre,st which can be produced at any other establishment. Their charge fur pictures in hand tome improved cases, range from ONE DOLLAR to three dollars, depending on the size of the pic ture, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at taw est tolishments, for pictures of equal size— hat of inferior quality. Their GALLERY OF Pon ceases, consisting of some hundreds, embraces a collection of DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS worthy the attention of visitors to their rooms, which are OPEN AT ALL TIMES. The collection whiCh thoy had depo,ited •ihibition of the Ftinklin Institute, was cut Iy snrrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who were loud in their praise of tists' skill. Ta guard against every of mistake, tile) guarantee every picture e hest ma teriels, and unless it is entirel2, actory to the Sato n3r. SO CEIAIiGE IS M. E. ea r Mum visiting the city call'at their rooms, Whetner you wish a 1) sguerreotype or not. The laclmission is free, and you will he pleased with your visit. Dou't forget the number, 118 Chesnut West, a few doors below Fourth. Pailalelphit, Nov. 19, 1850. NSFF & KILLER ALWAYS AHEAD! Pram grant amount of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and D'ancy Articles, sold daily it NEFF & MILLER'S, is the best cri lance that they sell the most fashionable, best antipheapest in Harting ion, and that the princiige.fff dealing with all upon fair terms, gives satisfaction. r iev are TEII I)AY opening the Lar gest and Best Assortment Of WATCH ., and Jewet.rtv, &c., ever brought to Hunting don. and see them. They only ask asm advance on cost for goods, and not two prices, as at otter place`.. ,01 goods sold WARRAXTED TO DE Al EE , 113E3ExrEo. Don't forget the cheap corner. Nov. 5. 1850. NEFF & MILLER. RARE AND EXCELLENT! oriCOTT'S CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW- L.. 1 EMIT are gig otr rapidly, at the low rates el waicti he sells. His stuck is new, large and well selected, and people find it advantageous to 1611 with him betas making purchases elsewhere. Woe. 12, 100. "STAND FROM UNDER:" FOR fear you wilt be crushed by the avalanche of Fall and winter Goods which J. b W. SAX lON nave just received and opened for public inip:ction and perchase, at their store in thntinlilo.i, so celebrated for their cheapnese timi variety. The erow.ls assembling at their stern da:ly, are only equailed by the numbers air.htly ru.hinz for seats at a Jenny Lind Cllacart: We have better and cheaper 03314 thou can 1,. foun I at any other establish ment in the country. If you don't believe this assertion, "just drop in, you won't intru le," and verify it by exam i n i ng qua l i ti es and prices. To ennm 'rate in detail ail the articles we have for sale. would oocupy too much spare in the piper, to the exclusion of "marrispzes," al.vays so interestin4 to tiv+ fairer portion of our nu customers. We will mention but a few. We have For the Ladies, (first in our es teem, and ..first in the hearts of their country. rnsn,") Long Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Silks, Trench Merino, Alpacas, Bonnet Ribbon, Cash-' mere de Lan-s, Jenny Lind Cloth, Ladies' and Children's gun, &c. with every desirable srticl• of DRESS GOODS. Lit lies will not forget that their de isartrront is confined to the store on the corner, apposite Conte Hotel. BouTs AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. A. spiral , ' assortm , rat of the above article. GROCERIES. of which we have the very bast, and will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine for yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and 4 groat many ether articles ton numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash ae enuntry produce. car We will receive and store Grain, also, and pro' the highest market prices, and it is ad mitted by all to lie the most convenient place to fettled Graia in and about town. J. 4.W. IArTO)7. lON'eplietn",'oo. VIC 110.. MILN%VOOD ACADEMY. ICIOARDINty SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. 611.10 K Gar, HUNTINGDON COUNT V, PA.— Rev. J. T. .111 - Ginnes,....4. M., and J. H. M"nne3, 4. Principals. The Gi l Session will commence on the first Wednesday of November, 1850, to continue five mouths.— The course of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher classes in College, or for the stu dies of a profession, and the active business of life. The Academy building is new, commo dious, and in every way adapted to the accom molation oi a large number of boarders. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness, and the moral and religious character of the snr rounding community. It is easy of access, be ing on the stage route connecting Cliambersburg with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry. Tarots PER SESSION.—For Orthography, Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso phy, A.trormmy, Physiology, Chemistry, &c., $8; Mathematics. Greek and Lat. languages, ;512; French arid G•irman, each $5. Boarding, exclusive of feel arra light, $1.25 per week.— For reference, or further particulars, address JAMES Y. 32'GINNES. Shade Gap, Oct. 15, 1850. LATE AND IMPORTANT NEWS! o•Now the burly burly's done, Now the battle's lust and won." T"E“noise and contusion” attendant nos the election, having subsided, the public will now have time to visit the PEOPLE'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, which has just been supplied with the largest, most b• uutiful, and cheapest assortment of 14.1k1A1U1 7114111 E CLOTIIIIMA ever brought to Himtingdon, consist'. in part of Dress and. Frock Coats, Overcoats and Cloaks, Sack Coats, Pants and Vests of the latest and richest patterns. The remarkably LOW PRICES at which Clothing can and will be sold at the People's Cheap Store, cannot fail to attract purchasers. THE FANCY DEPARTMENT embraces every variety of Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, hosiery, Caps,Umbrellas. Flannel Shirts and !drawers, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c. REGULAR CUSTOM WORK attended to as usual. A large assortment of beautiful Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings constantly on hand, at the PEOPLE'S CHEAP STORE, which will be made up to order, at short notice, and in the of,workmanship. daEAT 'INDUCEMENTg ore offered to purchasers. Those who visit SNYDER'S estate lishment, and examine his magnificent stock of Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade, will be convinced that it is the interest of every man, who studies Economy, or who values his appear ance in society, to purchase his Clothing at the Psoef.E's CHEAP &roam. O come, come away, No longer delay, 'Tis time to prepare for the Fall. Some thick clothing bay, For cool weather is nigh, $o repair to SN ynEit's Cheap Hall! Good Clothing you'll find, That's just to your mind, And canoe as good Clothing can be. Then corn+ one and all, To the People's Cheap Hall, And purchase good clothing of me. JACOB SNYDER Huntingdon, Oct. 15, ISM LATEST ARRIVAL I GEORGE GWIN has just received and opened the largest and most splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever offered to the people of Huntingdon county, and is prepared to sell at such remarkably LOW PRICES as must induce everybody to buy. His s been selected with great care, wit apness and good quality, and co Cloths of all kinds, French, cAsameres,4Centuck y Jeans, eed dabs, Vestings, Flannels, an774lllllllPirand a variety of cotton goods for summer wear; Mouslin de Laines, Alpaccas, French Lawns and Scarfs, Shawkoand Handker chiefs, Merinos, Calicoes of tbrnewest styles and at low prices, Earlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams snd Balzorines, French and Irish Linens, Bed Ticking's, Sheetings, &c. Honing heretofore been honored by a large patronage from 111,,,Ladios, he tots procured the most elegant impartment of Ladre.e' Dross Goods ever brought to the interior of the State. Also Boots, Shoos, Ilats, Caps, Groceries, Queens ware, and a great variety of goods of all kinds. In short he is prepared to offer Gr.at Bargains to those who favor him with their custom. All are invited to call and judge for themselves.— It aff,;rds him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all times. Qom' All kiwis of country produce taken in exchange for goods Oct. 13, 1850 GEO. UWIN, • SCOTT TIUUMPHANT I QPLENDIJ) stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices. Just received at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store, three doors west of T. Read & Son's store. The public are respectfully solicited to call and see. GLASGOW & STEEL, Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufacturers. THE undersigned are now associated in the above businesq, in the old stand hereto ore occupied by Win. Glasgow, in Main street, near ly opposite the store of T. Read & Son. Every thing in their line will be furnisl.ed on the shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to suit all. They manufacture the most of their work themselves, and can therefore assure the public- that every article will be made in the beet and m ist durable manner. R7' A large assortment of superior S AD- D LnS, It ADY MADE, always on hand. CC?' Hides, and country produce, generally, tak..n in exchange lot work. Wit. Gintsoow returns thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes that his old patrons will continue to patronize WM. GLAS . GOW, WM. J. STEEL. the new far. Afistuat 27, 1810 MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. THE snhseribfor will sell, at private sale, the MERCHANT MILL AND FARM now oc cupied by Samuel Hockenberry, in Wells town ship, Fulton (formerly Bedford) county. The MILL was erected only a few years ago; has three run of stones, a twenty foot over shot water wheel, and has all tile modern improvements. The whole of the machinery being in complete order. The FARM consists of 90 Acres, about one half of which is cleared and in cultivation. As the undersigned resides at a distance from this property, and his engagements will nut admit of his givingit proper attention, he will sell it at A BARGAIN, and make the payments easy—say one-fourth or one-third in hand, and the balance in from nix to ten annual payments. Possession given on the let of April next. Fur further particulars call on the snbscriber, in Mercersburg, Franklin county; G. W. B. Sipe, near the premises, or Wm. Dorris, Esq., Hunt ingdon. JAMES Q. cAnsoN. Mercershurg, Noy. 19, 1850. 'Centre Democrat" insert until arst et yo.n.re, tint. ont Awe. thin Aloe. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. THE subscribe , wishes to inform the public I. in general, that he is now Inlly prepared to do Caatiims of all kinds, and will keep on hand a General Assortment of Castings, I I consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight, Parlor, Ten-plate. Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns nut before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A general assortment of Hollow-ware castings, consisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, • Pans,.&c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wagon Boxes, Shed and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Honing Mill and Forge castings, Window Giates for cellars, Lintles and sills kat houses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; _also Sweg Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve ry article in our line on the most reasonable terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of co.- try produce and old metal in exchange ior cast- Mg, The Foundry is situated at the Southern . end of - Huntingdon, along tiie canal. 137 - Castings of all kinds will be kept at the shop of Wm. B. Zeigler, as formerly, at N. E. comer of Market Square, Huntingdon. C2'All orders addressed to R. C. M . Gill will be promptly attended to. . . . IL C. WGILL, Huntingdon, May 29, 1350. NEW FEATURE! Cl RAND EXil I BITION l —Admittance Free! r Lovers of the beautiful should not fail to cull immediately at the store of Dorsey & Ma guire; who have just received a splendid assort tnent of new arid cheap Goods, which they are offering, as usual, at very low prices. Their stock comprises everything that the wants.of the people require, and is made up, in putt, of the roost extensive vsriety of Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Dress Gools, Hoots, Shoes, Hats and- Caps, Hard War es Queensware, Groceries, &e. We neither wish to boast or deceive, ini re gard to the superior quality or the low prices of our goods, and hence invite the public to come and examine for themselves. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. June 4, 1850. DORSEY & MAGUIRE. THOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, Blair county. Lancaster county DAVID NI'MURTRIE, WILLIAM GLeim, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county JAMES GARDNER, RlCH'''. it. B RYAN , Blair county. Lancaster county Central Penn'a. Ranking [Louse, (AF.I3ItIAN, GLEIM ~. CO.- Office on Alle lj ~ h euy street, a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact busi. n.ss. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de posites received, payable on demand. K. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, lB5O . SADDLES AND HARNESS. D UMBA UGH & CO., respectfully inform the 1) public that they are prepared to carry on in all its various brunches, Saddle and Harness Making, and are ready to furnish their custom ers with all kinds of Valices, Trunks, and car pet butts,Plush, Hogakin, and Tub Side Saddles (from th cheapest to the best.) Also Shatter Saddies, wagon and carriage Harness, Bridles, collars, whips &c. LEATHER.—Having a Tannery in the im mediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are pry,- pared to furnish all who favor theni with their custom, at their saddle and harness shop, with Leather of all kinds, of superior quality and fin ish, which will be isposed of cheap for cash or country produce. The highest price in trade paid for beef and calf hides, bark, &c. Huntingdon, May 29, 1850. ly. MAP AND GOOD WATCHES, WELRY AND SILVER WARE, at the J Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 35, North Third Street. _ Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 caret ascs, $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches, full eweled, $lO and over ; Silver Lepine, jeweled, sll and over; Silver Quartier Watches, $5 to $10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2; Gold Pencils, warranted, $1 and over. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des cription of Jewelry in like proportion. He would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon county, that he has enlarged his establishment, and greatly increased his already extensive stock of good., which he now offers for sale at such prices that will strike terror to all competitors. Cull and see me; I will charge you nothing for looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors North of our friend llirst's City Hotel. Tilos. READ, Jr. No. 55, North Third Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1830. FOR SALE. A' valuable farm and tract of land situate on 11 the Big Aughwick Creek, in Huntingdon county, containing by the official draft 227 acres, but by subsequent re-surveys has been found to contain a large excess over the official quantity, originally surveyed is pursuance of a warrant in the name of David Franks, and is now in the occupancy of Simon Gratz. A good part of the tract is improved bottom land of first rate quali ty, and is well worth the attention of persons wishing to purchase a good form. It is but about one and a half miles from Orbisonia, four miles from Slitrle.ysburg—within about eight miles from the Pennsylvania Canal and the same dis tance from the Pennsylvania Rail Road and is in the immediate neighborhood of several Iron Works. For further information and particulars, apply to Miles & Dorris, Attorneys at Law in the Borough of Huntingdon. J. GEO. MILES, Attorney in fact for Joseph Gratz and Jacob Gratz, Trustees for the heirs of Michael Gratz, deed. July 23. 1850. CLOCKS! CLOCKS CLOCKS! T N any quantity, and of all the various patterns I the market affords, may be obtained at No. 53 North 3if Street, six doors north of the City Hotel, at the Manufacturers lowest cash prices. Clocks purchased at the above establishment may he depended upon as lying good and dura ble time keepers, or the money refunded in ease of the failure of any Clock to p,rform according to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is the time, and here is the place for bargains, and although I do not pretend to sell Clocks for less than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does not admit of complaint on the part of the closest buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell ex elusivoly fur cash THOS. READ, Jr. No. 55, North Third Street, Philadelphia Sept. 10, 1850 -tr. Millinery and Fancy Store. R S SA RA II KULP, from Philadelphia, respectfully informs the Ladies, that she has opened a store in the Borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite Couts' Hotel, for the sale of Bonnets, Trimmings and Fancy articles.— She invites the Ladies to call at her establishs meat, and examine her stock. Her Bonnetsare of the latest fashion. AlsO, bleaching and pra ising done as reasonable terms and at rhort no **, lt, 1•110.—tf: THE AMERICAN OIL. THE celebrated American Oil has been in use 1 long enough to test its powers. It is rec ommended as one of the best, if not the very best medicine for the cure of Rheumatism, Icy sipeles, Tetter, Toothache, Cramps, Spasms, cholic, burns and scalds, bowel complaints, quincy. croup and sore throat, intlamatton, &c. Read the following certificate 111, - ;TisacoN, March 11, 1850 For the benefit of sufferers like we and oth ers, I do freely declare the following facts have suPred more or less for twenty years with the most desperate Rheumatism, and also for 18 years at times with must desperate pain in the stomach, which at times seemed to expand as if it would burst; also for many years I was ter• ribly troubled with cramps in my legs—indeed I can't describe slimy sufferings for so long time. I could do no business for the last ten years, nor had I a single good night's Oven for the last five years. I never eould lied any relief worth mentioning, until last November ; when I met with the Extract of Anterican Oil, and to my nu little surprise I got relieved of all in a short time tied to this day. I respectfully in vite all who choose to call and see use upon the matter; such.l can tell much more. I can say it has dare wonders on others around me in va rious complaints. If ever an. article was put out honestly, this is one. I know it sells rap idly here. No family in the land will be with out it when they once know its use. JOUN BUUBAUGU iIusTINGD.;, March 11, 1850, I do hereby certify to the following facts.;— That I have stiti;ired for live years past 'with pain in my back, spine and kidnies, and never received any relief but by bleeding, for a few days only. Last Novembei I got a bottle of the Extract of American Oil, I used it inward ly, and to-my surprise it removed the complaint in a short time. From what I have seen and heard of its wondrous ettbcts upon others indes perate cases, I can freely recommend it, and be lieve it to be worthull the humbugs in the land, and do believe it will do all for what it is so highly recommended. C. Cocrrs. LEwisTowm, March 1850, I never before gave a certificate, but this I give with a clear conscience for the benefit of sufferers like myself. I suffered with the Ery sipelas or St. Antony's Fire, mixed with Tot ter, so pronounced by my doctor, for 12 years. The suffering I endured is beyond description. At times all my hair came off my head. During this time I had no relief for snore than a few days at a time. Last October 1 got a bottle of the Extract of American Oil, used it inwardly and outwardly, and to my great astonishment and my neighbors, I got clear of it in a short time, and to this time I have noticed its won drous effects on other desperate complaints. I do assure my friends and the public that it is indeed a vvonde-ful thing for many complaints. I invite all whochoose to visit me inLewistown. My maiden name was Nancy Magarky, now Widow Noner VINES. 05' The American Oil is for sale by A. S. HARRISON, Huntingdon, General Agent for Huntingdon county. Those who wish a supply of the medicine will call on him. Also for sale by Samuel Elvey, Alexandria, Huntindon county; Catharine Hart, Lewis town, Mifflin county; John B. Given, M'Con nelstown; Daniel Decker, M'Veytown; Mays S. Harrison, Shirltisburg. . [Aug. 20.—1 y. Encourage Your Owu Mechanics: lAWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully announce to the public, that they are now carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at the old stand for merly occupied by Adams & Bout, a few doors west of the Presbyterian church, where they are now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bureau dies, Rockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage making, of the very best kind of material, and in the latest and most approved style. fliey have on hand now several Buggies and Rockaways, finished in the latest style. They have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to call and examine their work and materials, and judge for themselves, as they intend to make good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns Isis thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at tention to business, to merit a continuance of the same, under the new firm. We have some sec ond hand work which is of n good quality, which we will sell right. Give us a call. We will sell low for cash. Hanting.lon, Aug. 13, 1850. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six mil north of liollidaysburg,and about°ae mile nortfflll west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 2 tat day of May, the for in said Tows will be upon to the public for sale. It is well kninvn that the Pennsylvania Rail Read Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. ...„ The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, bring to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Maehiniits and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. For further information ripply to C. 11. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. MeMURTRIE, Hollidaysburg. June :1 1840—tf. BOOK AND STATIONARY DEPOT. rialiE subscriber informs the citizens of Hun t tin don and vicinity, that he has removed to the room formerly occupied by Wm. & 13. E. M'Murtrie, as a store, nearly opposite WlCin. ney's Hotel, and having mode arrangements with the Philadelphia merchants, to have constantly on hand, upon commission, the following gen eral assortment Blank Books, consisting of Ledgers and Day Books, Receipt, Pass Books, and Justices Dock ets. Also every description of writing and deed paper, white and colored pasteboard, plain and perforated bristol board, tissue paper,&e. Deeds, black, blue and re Inks, ink powder, quills, wafers, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand boxes, lead pencils, india rubber, water colors, slates and slate pencils. School Books of every description, of late e ditions, kept constantly on hand. large Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles and Tes taments, hymn, psalm and prayer books. Fancy Note Paper and Envelops, of every variety, albums, portfolios, pocket-books, an nuals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax, visiting cards, bead purses, pe knives and ev ery variety of fancy goods. Novels, song books, music books and instru• menu, miscellaneous works, A,. Perfumery, consisting of extracts for hand kerchiefs, snaps, shaving cream, cologne, ke. A ko Segars of the choicest brands, an assort ment of snp.rior chewing Tobacco, Rec. March 211, 1550. HORACE W. SMITH. DR. .1. D. NTONEROAD, HAVING located permanently at Mill Creek, offers his professional services to that com munity. All calls trusted to his oars wiN resolve Leto otsitort atteittiro. r i. ' "•'• $A,` Ai o k . aAo.e;inter ,Th:...'east revetS 111; IbraiA of „1 1 ,;; <•..:Tfise4tes:; :-- - •, . - ' • ‘-4514- t 'it I ts . ei e ,p. 4 ,71 , 79.7 1 3 , 'f ks7r. is :IS excellittitcompoupl, which ni , ver tails . - - • 1 in the cure of Fever and Ague, is for sale by the proprietor's agents, THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon; L. G. Kasscaa, Mill Creek; J. H. STEINEII. Water Sir , et. Ems' WHAT IS via mad-rim wrra MR Doc Tort What is the cause of this sallow complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste in the month? Such is the inquiry, and such ' the symptoma of many a sufferer. It is the liver which is affected, and the Cholagogue is the remedy, always successful in curing , it.— , Try it, and judge for yourselves. For stile by the above named agents. 02 - Barran. rum THAN mire. 51 , I AM TO Bt tortured from day to day with this horrible gun, exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has become a burden to him, from the racking par oxysms of an int.rmirtant, ant whoseconlidence in human aid is destroyed by the failure of rem edies to produce the promised relief. Such has been the situation of thousands who are nowje juicing in all the blessings of health, from the use of Dr. Osgood's Indian Cholagogue. 1,, no instance does it fail to effect a speedy and per manent care. For sale above named agents. 'How few who think aright among the thinking few ; How many never think, bat only think they do.' "Btrp,sentiment implied in the above ex• elamation is on no subject more fully eximplifi ea than on that of health. But few hive, it a sinule thought, and fewer still reflect span it with the observation and good sense which mat tern of minor consentienre receive. AR ohßer Satins teaches. the let that Dr. Osurind's Indian Cholavutue is 0 never foiling remedy in Fever and Attue, runt venue would surely indicate its prompt and imm••diate use. For sale by the a. bove named auents. [July 0, 1850. [- ip i - -1 , (-;_ - ,. i . --, , - , ln toz ft, ~, t., ~1- 2 .l.l._::litsiiii,, ' li'' THE 11utir EX I HAORDINARY MEDI CINE IN THE WORLD. OVER two hundred and fifty thou'sand persons U cured of various diseases, within the last two years - . It cures Scrofula, Stubborn Clcers, Effects of Mercury, Fever Sores, Erysipela,, Rheumatism, Consumption, General Debility, Costiveness, Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy and Gout, Ringworms, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Cancers and Tumors. CO , The great beauty of this medicine is, that it never injures the constitution, and is always beneficial, even to the must delicate, and is the only medicine ever discovered that creates new, pure and rich blood, and that reaches the bone. Thousands are ready to testify to its missy vir tues. GREAT SPITING AND SUMMER MEDICINE.-Ev ery person should take a bottle spring and fall, to regulate the system and drive out all impu rities. TAKE cum OP YOUR CHILDREN. -One bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Extract of Sarsaparilla' will cleanse the system or a child. READ TUX ElnuzNcn. This is to certify that my child was afflicted with a horrible disease in the face, (which re sisted the efforts of my family physician,) and was entirely cured by half a bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Wiwax Woon. Thiiontown, Fayette co. Pa., July 3, 1830. This is to certify that we have sold Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla for many years, and consider it a very valuable medicine, many cures having been effeeted in our vicinity. A young, man by the name of Westley Rothrock, of this place, was cured of the Scrofula, (having large lumps in his neck,) by thenqe ofone bottle. Tiros. READ & Son. Huntimolon, Pa., July 3, MO. NOTICE.—The public are notified that Dr. S. P. Townsend's Extract or Sarsaparilla will in future be manufactured under the direction of James R. Chilton, Chemist, whose name, in connection with that of Dr. S. P. Townsend, will be noon each bottle, to prevent fraud. Sold Wholassie and Rat:dint 125 Chestnut St. lad., by JENKINS & SIIAW, sole Auests ennsylvania, to whom all orders and appli ions for Auencies should be addressed. And by ICtos. READ & SON, Hwaingdon ; CHAS. Rini, Lewistown; READ & 11'ILDT'FF, Ctssville. _ [Aug. 13, 1830.-6 m. acETAR lAINFKILLER CO" TIIE WONDER OF THE AGE. ,co INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL. REMELT.-. A great discovery and valuable Medici.. Every fern. ily should. have a Dottie in cases of sudden sick ness. It cures Cholera, Bowel Complaints, Di &art., Cholic, Fever and Agn6 Rheumatism, Piles, Pain in the Head, Dyspepsia, Bruises, Burns, &e. READ ?DR EVIDENCE This certifies that I have for beteral months used Mr. Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer in my family in several cases for which it is recom mended,- and find it a very useful family medi cine. A. BanNiio, Pastor of the 2,1 Baptist church, Pall River. Tisumtv, Martha's Vineyard. This may certify that I have used Davis' Pain Killer with great success, m cases of cholera infantum, common bowel complaints, bronchitis, coughs, colds, &c., and would cheerfully recom mend it us a valuable thirdly medicine. JAME; C. BOOMER, Pastor of the Baptist Church. -Friend Davi., :—This may certify that t still use the Puin Killer in my family. My health has been so good for three or four months past, that I have but little or no use for it, and would still recommend it to the public. --.- - - RICHARD S. - PECKHAM. Fall River, 2d month, 17th, 1615. For sale by JENKINS & SII AW, 125 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. General Wholesale Agents for Eastern Penn sylvania, to whom all orders and applications for Auencies from Eastern Pennsylvania should be addressed. And by T UOM AS RRAD & SON ' Iluntiniolon COA Ri.ns R 11'7, Lewistown, and Reran & Arfi, DUFF, Casiville. [Aug. 13, 1810.-6 m. "Music Haiti Charms," 4.7,9irrii has just received, at the Huntingdon Beak Store, a choice assortment of MUSIC BOXES, VIOLINS, ACCORDEANS and GUI TARS, with Preceptors. TM, instruments are of a superior quality, stud produce a "concord of sweet sounds" that fall upon the ear "Like the sweet south noon a hawk el violets, Ilithneleas mid giving 64er." MARRIAGE : WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY. TILE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY! MANY and many a wife endure. years of bodily suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate and help less, embittering her life, that of her hosband, and hazarding the future welfare of her children, twitting. from cause. which, if known, would have spared thew suffering, the anguish to the wife, and to the bur band embarrassments and pecuniary difficultlye hav ing their origin in the mind being weighed down end harassed in conaequent;e of the sicknees of the com panion of hie bosom. flow importent that the coulell should he known to every with, to every husband, Mutt the dreadful: and harrowing consequenens to the health and hop. pine's of both may be avoided I Life is too short end health too precious to admit any portion of the one to be spent willtout the full enjoyment of the other: The timely possession of a little work entitled as follows hart been the means of saving the health sad the life of thousand., a. over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND copies have been sold since the first edition was is sued. The author hee been induced to advertise it by the urgent and pressing request of those vrho have been indebted to its publication for all they hold dpar (that all may have an opportunity of obtaining it). and who have favored him with thommuds of letters of encomium, some of which aro annexed to the adver tiseruent. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, PROWSOI o■ DISC•SES OF WOI,IIII. To•enlireh Edition. 18mo., pp 250. !',ice, $l.OO. THIS WORK IS INTENDED ESPECIAL• LY FOR THE 111..41iie IE D, or those contempla. dog tnarriage,as it discloses important secrets which shoal.] be known to them particularly. Here, every female—the wife, the , mother—the 3ne either bedding into womanhood, or the one in ,he decline of years, in whom nature contemplates an important change—con discover the CRIMP, SyMp coma, and the twist efficient remedies and most cer tain mode of cure, in every complaint to whin!) her sex is subject. Thu revelations contained in its pages hnve proved a blessing to thousands, as the unman ruble letters received by the author (which he is permitted by time writers to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. Extract of a Letter from a Gealtrmanin Dayton, 0. DAYTON. " DR. A. M. MAUttICEAU—My Dr:11. ' The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' fur which I enclosed oue dollar to your address, corns safely to hand. I would not have troubled you with these few lines, but that I n o t impelled by a sense of gratitude, for myself nod wife, to give utterance to our sincere and emotions. My wife has been perceptibly siukiug for some three years or more, in conammence of tier great e guieli and auflbrine some months belbre and during confinement; every succeesive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life iu im minent danger, and which wan. on the last occasion. despaired of. 1 supposed that this state of thiums Was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At thin time Mow about two months) I heard your book highly spoken of. on containing some matters reaching my ease. On its receipt and perusal, I can not express to you the relief it alorded my distresaed mind and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, ost learning that the great diacovery of M. M. Deets meaux provided n remedy. It opened a pmapect to me which I little conceived was posnible. No Beau niary consideration can ever repay the obligations I. am under to you for having been the means of its parting to as the matter. contained in' The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' But for this, ere another year would have passed over my head, in all human probability my wife would have been in her grave, and my children left motherless." .E.rtntrg from a Letter. Competence and Healtoh. L ANCABTF.II, PA Oet 24, 1144 T. "MT Draft Pitt: I know you will have the kind ness to bear with me in encrontiting upon your time, while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife) the obligations we feel ourselves under to yon in ha. log merle known rennin matters, rontnined in your most invaluable ftf weird Woman's Private Medical Companion.' It l:ne been worth its weight• in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will see Vint I can not do so too warmly, when 7 inform you of the extent tow hid: I have, through it, bees benefited. I will state my situation when I olds ined ,your book through the merest curiosity I look upon nas one of the most Ihrtunate events of my life. I bed been married some ten years, and was the father of seven children. I was long strugeling unreamingly to the end that I might gain a moderate competency, but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left me about where I was at the beginning of each year; and that only, with the omit stinted emits)), salt. cing with barely the necesserleo of life. F inally, this constant effort woo beginning to lino. it: etreCt upon my health I f•lt less capable to endure its commit *nee, on bile I felt the necessity of perseverance. "This eittilitelit, uneemitie struggle on my part WU imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi. lion of my wife !with oren•io:al intermission) lief six years, much of the time eotifined to her bed, and a course incapable of tithing the charge still manses. ment of household affairs. Ho. comlition anise from causes of which I was ignorant. 01:! what world I have given had I the six years to live over meant I What would my wife hove given whose been spored the loam days eel still longer nights prostrate on a bed of siclines.4!— all of which would have been avoided, had I then seen a copy of ' Tot M MKIHCAI, Pram a Physician. DAM: ER OUS DELIVERIES, OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C. H ow nwov ere suffering from obstruction or irreg. ulnritirs peculiar to the female System , which demi., their health, tho effects of which they Ira iennront, owl fn. which their delicacy forbid. attekiug medical advice! How ninny stiller from protopsas uteri (rolling of the womb), or from I/um...dims (weak. neat, debility, he., be )! blow many are itivoristant agony l'or many mouths preentlfim conlinement ! Hove many have difficult if not daneernus deliveries, and whose live. are Jeoporded clueing such time, will bind in its ages the means of prevention, antelioratieth and re lief) Extract .froni a Letter. To those just ➢lurricd,—" Bud I known!" " PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 29, 1847. Da. A. M. MAV RICF.AU t Had I known or Oa in portant metre. treated of in 'The Married Woman', Private Medical Cranormion' tome yearn ago low much *leery I might have evened ! I have autrered yearn from (rouse. which you point out in your hunk, Kitirout knowing whet to do. I obtained a copy Wand my cane treated of. I trent every female will avail herself of the iulormation contained in itv pages.. Letters ere doily received of this clinracter, ones °unary to present To those yet. unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or perhaps hesitating is Co the propriety of incurring the responsibilities attendant noon it, the Importance of being possessed of the re Vein thins con Wiled in these tinges, so intimately involving their future happiness, can not be Appreciated. It is, of ',nurse, imprecticable to convey more Cully the various subjects treated of, as they ere of a na. Lure strictly Intended for the marriLL•d, or those con. templating marringo; neither is eltecessarv, It is every one's duty to become possessed of knowl edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth. er, or a sister, may be subject, can be obviated. IS' cower will be rent by 11101 free of Portage to the Pm-Thu*4er, nr On the receipt or One Dollar, THE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM. PA NION" is sent ( moiled free) to any pert of the United States. All letters must be post.ptid lexcepa those containine a remittance), and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAUR ICEAU, Box P 224. New York City. Publishing Office, No. 1.9 Liberty et.. New York. Over 20,000 Conies have been sent by MAIL within three mouths with perfect sith4y a nd new wady. EGP" ' Por outdo 1/7 fl RASA W. WITA