BY JAS. CLARK. From the Harrisburg Daily American The Parting. BY HENRY D. o'nEtux. Sweet Kathleen I love you; now do not believe, This heart was ore formed to wrong or deceive, Nor think that though absent I'll ever forget, These haunts so endearing, where often we met. That murmuring stream at the foot of yon hill, This glen, or the cot, or the old country mill, Or that vale below, where nature has formed An Eden, with shrubs and flowers adorned. What palace that rears its proud turrets on high, What spot on this earth or beneath the blue sky, Can equal this scene, where both nature and art, Have blended their powers, fresh charms to impart? Where the song of the lark, uprising in air, Is heard in the morn as lie springs from his lair, Where the hints carol in tones of delight, And the woods echo music from morning to night. Sweet Kathleen you know net how hard 'tis to part From the home of your childhood so dear to the heart ; The friends that you love, and the maid you adore, Or the parents that fear they'll see you no more. But cheer up, my Kathleen, and never despair; Chase from thy features these tokens of care ; Though strange scenes may banish all my regret, The land of my birth I shall never forget. I'll think of that cot near a murmuring stream; Of this home so loved, and then I shall dream, Of one who in sorrow now stands by my side, 3tly Kathleen, mavourneen, my own blushing bride. • The Wine Cup. DT SIRS. C. M. SAWYER. Dash down the sparkling cup ! its gleam, Like the pale corpse-light o'er the tomb, Is but a false, deceitful beam, To luso thee onward to thy doom. The sparkling gleam will fade away, And round thy lost, bewildered feet, 'Mid darkness, terror, and dismay, The ghastly shapes of death ill meet. Dash down the cup ! a poi o sleeps In every drop thy lips would drain, To make thy life-blood seethe and leap, A fiery flood, through every vein— A Eery flood that will efface, By slow degrees thy god-like mind, 'Till, 'mid its ashes, not a trace Of reason shall be left behind. Dash down the cup ! a serpent starts, Beneath the flowers that crown its brim, Whose deadly fangs will strike thy heart, And make thy lulling eye grow dim; Before whose hot and maddening breath— Afore fatal than the sitnuon blast— Thy manhood in unlionorcd death, Will sink a worthless wreck at last. Dish down the cup! thy father stands, And pleads in accents deep and low, Thine anguished mother clasps her hands, With quivering lips and wordless woe. They who have borne thee on their breast, And shielded thee through many a year; Oh, would'st thou make their bosoms blest, Their life a joy—their pleading hear ! Dash down the cup ! thy young wife kneels; Mr eyes, whose tears have often gushed, Aad turned, with mute and soft appeal, Upon thy babe, in slumber hushed. Didst thou not woo her in thy youth With many a fond and solemn row t Oh, turn again, and all her truth And love shall be rewarded now! Dash down the cup ! and on thy brow, Though darkened o'er with many a stain, Thy manhood's light so feeble now, Shall bright and steady, burn again. Thy strength shall, like the fabled bird, From its own ashes upward spring! And fountains in thy breast be stirred, Whose waters living joys shall bring! Take the Papers. 'Tie sweet, on winter's night at home, To sit by fire and tapers; lint ab ! it is wiser thing, By far, to read the papers. Won't you take the papers ? Can't you take the papers? The joys of earth are little worth, Unless you take the papers. Maidens wanting lovers true, You must take the papers. Strains who would not idly woo, You must take the papers. Won't you take the papers I Can't you take the papers? Love's joys below you'll never know, Unless you take the papers. " Commit() is an irregular active transitive verb, indicative mood, present tense, third person, singular number, and agrees with—it agrees with all the old maids and girls in town, don't it I" Why is an ignorant Judge like necessity ? Why because he knows no law. Mori , is like the crimson blush on a maiden's eheek—for the more you strive to conceal lt, the more discernable it is. There are Many shining qualities in the mind lesrq, btu. few an talnabl• me flitarmioit ntmlbm4 Finished Education Gibbon truly says that the best and most im portant part of every man's education, is that which he gives himself. Many of our youth, of both sexes, feel that their education is finished when their school days are over. No idea can be more destructive to the progress of true improvement. Our education is never finished till we arc in our graves. The dis cipline acquired in college or in school is given to ' us only that we may be better able afterwards to educate ourselves. We have only then crossed the threshold of a course of improvement that must last us our lifetime. Such discipline is im portant ; indeed, it is absolutely essential, to start us aright in the life-toil before us ; but to suppose that it completes all that must be done for our in tellectual or moral welfare, is absurd. The best part of a man's education is then to come, and upon the manner in which each one uses for him self the arrangetnents made fur him in his early life, will depend the character of his future. Much, too, is said about man's mind having reached ma turity, and that he needs no more discipline or education. A false idea, productive of much mischief to real mental improvement. There is no period in the history of the mind, in which it is incapable of any farther progress, as long as the body retains its health. No man, who lived to the age of sixty, in the constant employment of his mental faculties, but sees that he is every day acquiring greater powers, a greater control over what he does know, and an accumulation of new ideas. It is never too late in life to learn. A Knocking Story. The following is too good to be lost. A western paper says it is a fact, and it should be read wher ever the spiritual manifestations have created an excitement. It is thus told : Among the subjects of this excitement was a simple man of middle ago, whose humps of mar vellousness and reverence were equally large. Ile was of course superstitiously religious, and the knockings, of which he had taken every occasion to be a witness, impressed him with the utmost The man's wife, however, was a very different kind of being. She scouted the " spirits," laugh ed at her husband, and took every occasion to rally hint upon what she deemed his special weak ness. One morning, after the "old man" had been out to hear the knocking, the remembrance of which had stolen away a night's rest, he arose early, as was his wont, to make a fire. The wife was awake awl determined to have some fun. So raising herself on her elbow, she regarded her husband, who, not more than half dressed, kneel ed at the stove, and abstractedly poked among the •ashe, The wife applied her knuckles to the head board of the bed :—Rap-rap-rap ! The victim started, with his hair on end, and peeped anxiously over the store. Rap-rap-rap ! Be began to tremble, and faltored—" Is this a spirit 1" Rap-rap-rap ! " Does the spirit wish to bold communication with me ?" Rap-rap-rap ! "art thou on an errand of mere; V' Rap-rap-rap ! •' Spirit. what wilt thou hare me do I" "Make up that fire, you old tool," shouted his wife, with mingled mirth, anger, and disgust, the trembling husband turned round and saw the saucy creature calmly regarding him, with eyes that entirely overshadowed the fear of spirits. He was mum.—Springfield Repub. A Dutchman's Divorce. A Philadelphia friend, who writes a story as well as he tells one, which is a rare art, sends us, among other., the suhjoined:— "A certain genuine Deutscher in this city has distinguished himself of late years by very remar kable actions, bat nothing richer than the follow ing:—Resolving to be divorced from his his wife, he put the case into the hands of an eminent law yer, and departed for the South, where ho was ab sent for a year. On returning, he walked into the legal den,' and with head bolt upright, gravely inqutred ' How doesh it co mit for diforce pe tween me and mine wife l" Why really, Mein herr, I haven't been able to do much during your absence, but now you're back, we'll go ahead.' Yaw; den be so gout as to inform me rot to ex penses might have peen ven de diforce viii pn concluded 1' man of law, after calculating and summing up the items, informed hint that the ' damage' would probably amount to two hundred and fifty dollars when the divorce should be ob tained. ' Very well, den,' replied Meinherr, ' I would ask you, if to save do expenses and spare do droubles, it would not pe pest to squash de whole proceedings—for mine tire is tecult.—Knick grbocker. Accident in a Church. The Blairsville Apalaehian gives an account of a distressing accident recently occurred in a Meth odist Protestant Church at Reynoldsville, Jefferson county, during "Quarterly Meeting," as we learn from the Jetfersonian. When an invitation was given to persons to come forward for prayer, a Loge number presented themselves, and the con gregation pressed forward to see the proceedings, when the joint under the floor gave way, sod about one hundred and fifty persons, men, women and children, were precipitated into the collar, in a heap with a glowing stove in the centre. Several wore injured more or lesa—four being badly burned.— fhre , iree .144. HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1851. The Pirate. • Eighteen years ago, the ship I command was dancing over the waves on a mission of mercy.— Laden by the generous —,ntributions of a New England city, she was h. ncrl to the Cape de Verds with bread for the faruin, ,tricken and dying.— Brighter skies never gladencd the sailor's heart than those which bent over us, pleasanter gales never filled the sails of the sea journeyer, than those which sped to the haven whore we would be ; "and now may God have the ship in his holy keep ing," the prayer that concluded the old English bill of landing was heard and granted, we felt as we trod on the deck of the stout craft, whose er rand was to succor the destitute. We were all in high spirits, forward in the fore castle, and aft in the cabin. Sailors, who so often are hungry, liable at any moment to he put on short allowance and compelled at times to fast en tirely, know better than the landsmen how to pity those whom flunine threatens. Jack has ready sympathy for tl.c man who has no buscuit In his locker. It was now the fourteenth day out—just in the first gray of morning—that the mate aroused me with the starling intelligence that a suspicious ves sel was in sight. With the first ray of light, the vigilant officer had descrilied her and she was so near as to be made out with a glass. I was on deck in an instant. The first glance at the strange ship almost dis pelled the fear the mate's alarm had occasioned. " She's no slave, captain." " Why do you think so ?" " Because there are guns on her deck instead of water casks." " I did not say she had a cargo of slaves in," I replied. Then why does she carry so many guns on deck 7 If without a cargo her guns should be be low; if with one, there should be more guns on deck. If that aint a pirate, never believe me again ." As if to put an end to our speculations and clear up the mystery, the snsp:cious craft began to spread. more canvass, and as she gathered away with the freshing breeze, they ran up to the foremast a flag, whirls when it reached the truck, uushook its folds to the wind. On the white ground we saw the terrible insignia, of the free-booter, the death's head and cross bones, painted in diabolical black. "I thought so," said Mr. Larkin, quietly, "and the ship has no guns." " What arms have you, Mr. Larkin ?" I asked. " An old horse-pistol, with the luck out of or der."' And I have only an old fowling piece and a pair of pistols. I tear these fellows will make their own terms with us." " Yes cut our throats," replied the mate walk ing forward. We made all the sail we possibly could, but fif teen minutes satisfied me that escape was impossi ble. The report of a gun from the pirate, and a shot whistling over us, speedily brought us to.— The pirate came quietly along, like a panther, which sure of its prey, was in no great hurry to seize it. The moment he catne within speaking distance, he hailed and ordered me to launch a boat and come on board. We got the quarter-boat and I was about to jump into her, and pay my re ' spects to the ',Miens, when Mr. Larkin asked leave to go. " If they want the captain, said he, "let them send for him. I'll see if the mate won't answer .es well. pHs had scarcely put his foot on deck of the pi rate, when he again appeared on the rail, and de scended to the boat which began to pull back.— Almost at the same instant, a launch was thrown over the rail, into which twenty savage looking rascals, armed to the teeth, sprang and pulled to wards us. Ten minutes alLerwards they were on board of toy vessel, and began clearing away the main hatch. The hider, a swarthy fellow, whose square com pact body indioated strength, and whose eyes, black and hazy, and half concealed by the lids, ex pressed cruelty and cunning, approached the cab in hatch, where I stood, and addressed me in tol erable English : " Are you captain of this vessel 1" " Yes," I replied. " What's your cargo t" " Flour." " Where from 1" " Boston." "Whore to 1" " Cape de Verde." " Why, they are starring there," he said, open• ing his eyes and looking full at me. " Yes, and the flour in my vessel was freely giv en by good Christians to feed those starving peo ple." The rascal continued his deliberate gaze a mo ment then turned towards his men, and in a rough commanding tone, spoke a few words in Spanish which I could not make out. The men looked up in astonishment, and then withdrew to the side, where they stood gazing cautiously toward their captain, fur such was my interrogator. He thrust his hand behind hint and walked quickly to and fro for five minutes, then turning to me, he said sharp ly— " You Americans.are all heretics—why should you fiend flour to sturvineeatholies !" " Because they are our fellow ine4, and their Saviour, is our Saviour, I answered, asion4lted at the conduct 'ad's luau. " If you lie to me," lie cried with startling fierce, ness, "if you lie to me, I'll nail you down to your own deck ! Is the cargo the gilt of your country men to the wretched and stiu•vingi" "I'll pro , * it to yon by my papal.," I alma- " I don't want to see your papers," he replied ; swear by the Saviour, whose name you have pro nounced. A. he spoke, he crossed himself de voutly. " I swear by the holy Trinity, I returned solemn• The pirate lifted his cap, and bent his head do ♦outly whin I mentioned the Trinity. Be stood still; with head bent over, while one might mod erately have counted fifty. When lie raised , him self up, it seemed to mo there was less ferocity in his countenance. Ills eyes were no longer half closed, but open, clear in their depths. I looked steadily at him. " Captain," said he courteously, "can you sup ply me with twu or three casks of water ?" I gave the order and the water was lowered in to the boat. A word from him sent his cut-throats over the side, but he lingered behind, and after moment's hesitation as though he half repented of his resolution, and was almost ashamed of what he was doing, he approached the with his hand exten ded : " God bless you," lie exclaimed, as he felt my grasp, "and send you where the starring are pray ing fur bread." The next moment he was gone. It is very probable that the piratical rascal was afterwards hung, us he no doubt deserved to be. But how ever terrible his flue, I am sure that from his heart, seared and callous with crime, and self desecrat ed, there burst forth a little warm glimmer of light which mitigated somewhat the desolation, and re lieved, though it could not entirely dispel the gloom of his dying hour. Profane and - Vulgar Language. Swearing, whichformerly pervaded every rank of society, is now to be chiefly found in a very low and uninstructed class; it is, in fact, a vulgar and proscribed mode of speech. Nevertheless, it is still used occasionally by persons of nu humble rank, especially by the young, though chiefly for:, the purpose of giving an emphasis to speech, or' perhaps simply to give token of a redundancy of spirit., and a high state of excitement. Tu those who are guilty of it for these reasons, it is only necessary to point out, that no well-informed per son can be at the least lost, with the genuine words of the English language, to express all le gitimate ideas and feelings, and that to use either profane or slang words, is at the least, the indica tion of a low taste and inferior understanding. A direct, pure, manly use of our native language, is ip object which sill may cultivate in a greater or to dcgreo ; and we have invariably observed, through life, that the most virtuous persons are the most exempt from the use of meAm and ridic ulous phraseology and monkey tricks of all kinds. Legerdemain The London Spectator thus speaks of the tricks performed by a celebrated Juggler now in that metropolis Among other incomprehensible doings he boils four plucked pigeons in a kettle full of water sus pended over a tire and perfectly issolated, and out fly four living birds from an empty vessel; he re turns to their owners a score of handkerchiefs, washed and ironed, that a moment before lay soaking wet in a pail, and he produces no end of hoquets, out of an old bat, that he stamps upon, and turns inside out, each pressure or squeeze of the hand being fidlowed by a fresh supply of bunches of sweet smelling flowers from the old battered hat. A young lady near us lent her straw bonnet and was horrified at seeing it crushed up into a ball ; but to her great relief; it appeared hanging on the top of the poseenium, and being brought down by a pistol shot, she found it quite undamaged. A handful of gold watches are hung to the back or the stage, and presently reappear hanging from the branches of a plant that bad just been watered and placed under a heated cover for the produ cing of this sort of golden fruit; bunches of keys that seemed not to be out of sight are found at mehed to the root of a plant in u flower pot ; and a head with goggle eyes, at a summons of a pistol shut thrust out a bunch of rings at the tip of its tongue, and states with two gold watches fin• rye balls, thought one would have sworn that both rings and watches were under certain covers. But perhaps one of the completest puzzles is the pouring, successively of black and red wine. and st.,:oning champagne from the identical black bottle that we have just before seen filled with water; this and the dripping for hoquets in the old hat, are dune in the very faces of the specta tors, and the bottle when emptied of its contents, 1 . is broken and a silk handkerchief is found in It. A couple of lemons are handed the company and one of them on being cut, is found to contain an egg, which being broken, yields a walnut, that when cracked, discloses a ring belonging to one of the audience. If those feats seem wondrous in telling, they are far more inexplicable in the do ing, for you feel what cannot be indited sufficient ly in a brief description, the seeming impossibili ty of them. The illusion is perfect; you see things vanish under your eyes, and behold them in another place, while yet they appear whore they were before. TIIE WORLD' PAIR.—The Secretary of the Na vy hus informed the Executive Committee that the frigate St. Lawrence has been ordered iu readiness to transport to the London Exhibition the articles of American production de:igned to be sent thither. It is expected she will be in readiness for the voyage during the early part of next month, when she will set sail fur London. or How is it proved Noah did not come first out of the ark t Be,:ante the Bible asp, he osme LArre, • (j /9 _OA Oinr/1111, Market for selling young Women. Every year, at the feast of St: Peter, which comes WI in the latter days of June, the peasan try of the district (13ihar,) meet together at a certain place, for the purpose of a general fair.— This fair has a very peculiar interest fur the young men and the young maidens, for it is there that, whilst purchasing household utensils- and tinnily necessaries, they choose fdr themselves partners, and comlnde marriages. The parents bring in !Mr marriageable daughters, with each one her little dower accompanying her, loaded up in a small cart. This dower is, of course, proportion ate ;o the lowly condition of these mountaineers —some sheep, sometimes a few hogs, or even chickens. These girls are attired in their best, or what pieces of gold or silver they may possess are strung upon a string and neatly attached to the braids of their hair. Thus fitted out, every girl who desires to find a husband betakes herself to the fair. She quits the house of herfather, perhaps forever, and bids her mother adieu quite ignorant of what roof is to shelter her, or what fate awaits her at her jour ' ney's end. As to her Mamie, it is in the little cart that attends her. The object of her journey is never mistaken, nobody wonders at it, nor is there occasion for a public officer to make record of deed. On the other hand, the youths who wish to procure themselves wives, hasten to the fuir arrayed in the very best skin garments their chest contains. These savage looking chaps, who would be quite enough to make our young ladies run and hide themselves, proceed with a great deal of interest and zest to inspect the fair moun tain lasses that aro bro't thither by their fathers and their uncles, casting many side glances and wishful looks toward the captive merchandise.— Ile gives his fancy a free rein, and when he finds one that seems to claim his preference, he at once addresses the parents, asks what they have given her, and asks what price they have set up on the "lot" so exposed fur sale--at the same time stating his own property and standing. If the parents ask too much, these gallant "boys" make their own offer, which, if it does not suit the other to agree to, the fond lover passes to seek some other. We may suppose that the proud young men always keep a "tup-eye" open to the correspon dence of loveliness upon one band, and the size of the dower upon the other. At last be finds sue for whom be is willing to give the price, and a loud clapping of the hands together announces to 'the bystanders that the bargain is complete.— What it heavy blow this mist lie fur sotne lazy ri val who has not decided quick enough, who is halting and considering whether will suit him, and whether she is as lov lished iu household matters as ar hers.— However, the deed is do gaiu is completed, and forthwith the you ~, girl (poor girl !) preceds also to clasp the hand of her future husband. What a moment of interest and anxie ty to her ! The destiny of her life is sealed by this rude clasp of the hand. In this she as much as says, "Yes, I will be yours fur life, and I con sent to partake of your joys and your troubles, to follow you through weal and through wo !" The families of the betrothed pair then sur round them, otlbring their congratulations, and at once, without delay, the priest who is on the ground fur the occasion, pronounces the nuptial benediction. The young woman presses the part ing hand of the family who have reared her, but of which she is no longer a part---mounts the cart of her new husband, whom but a low hours be fore she never so much as knew, and escorted by her dower, is conducted to the house thencefor ward to be her home. The Hungarian government have long tried, but its vain, to suppress these fairs for young girls. Positive orders have been given, that they should no longer take place, but such is the force of long established custom, united to the ne cessities of this pastoral race, that all such orders have been disregarded, The fair still continues and every year such cavalcades as we have des cribed may be seen descending into the plains of Kalmasa, there to barter of 'the precious jewels of the household tree, as though they were senseless beeves or mere produce of the soil. STUMBLING lionsEs.—lt is a general, but very mistaken notion that the safety of a roadster de pends upon his lifting his forefent high from the ground, whereas it all depends on the manner in which he places them down upon it. The high est goers are often the most unsafe; and there are thousands of instances of horses being very near the ground and never snaking a trip. It is how ever, a well established fact, that if the form of a horse's shoulder, and the consequent position of the fore-leg, enables hint to put his foot to the ground flat, nth the heel down, his lifting the foot high is not at all necessary, whereas, on the out er hand, if, by any improper position of the leg, issuing out of a short, upright, ill-formed shoul der, the toe touches the ground first, and as it were, digs into it ; no matter how high such a horse may lift his leg, in any of his paces he will be liable to stumble.—Essay on Horses. Pithy Sentences. Gravity is the ballast of the soul. Learning bath gained most by those books which the printers have lost. He shall he immortal who liveth till he be stoned by one without fault. Is there no way to bring home a wandering sheep but by worrying him to death. Contentment consistoth not In adding mare fuel but in taking away sonic lire. Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl-eksio of all ths virtnes,--Dr. FWier. VOL. XVI.---NO. 3. As Good as the nest. If the followiug. story,' related by TuN as corm , pondent of the New Orleans Picayune, will As heist urn few buttons E und make seine of our rea ders laugh till the tears come in their eyes, we don't know what will "About the year 1832-3, there lived a family of some note on the Guadalupe river, in testern Texas. Among, them were several young ladies of the upper tendom of those dove—sensible, hand. some looking creatures—happy as larks and - 11- ways full of bin. It happened that among theffif teen or twenty young men residing in that section, there was one, by name C., a surly-fired, grizzly haired, grinning, ehutfy, and moon-eyed chap, who became wofialy smitten with the must chartujug of the aforesaid young ladies,-and who, of the buckskins its the wilds of 'Prune, was most unlike , ly to be a successful diplomatist in matters wherein the gentler sex were to be consulted, won and wed. C.'s visits became less and less like angels', first once a south, then doubling twice a. month, once a week, and soon, "said the old man," the ambler. spitting, fellow was almost every day forcing Isis company on Miss Betty. M , n4iokes salter expense followed, of course, and else 4-sol ved, after suffering under them for some time, to get clear of her admirer, or quit the rancho herself. Ass opportunity offered on else Sabbath followlng. It being the water melon season, and Betty's fat ., er having a fine supply, all the youngsters for miles around, assembled there on the holy day to feast un melons. C. was prominent in the circle, till, in the afternoon, Betty held private interviews with the other young mess, and arranged that C. should lie decoyed from the house and frightened by the cry of Indians from some of his comrades, which it was thought would wound his pride and drive him away. Fire young men, with C., walked out.— A bathe in the river, 300 yards distant, was pro posed by one and stenciled by several. Of course, poor C. was in. • " They went down to the ford near the melon patch and began undressing. In the meantime, eight or ten others with guns laid gone down un der cover of the bank, and secreted . themselves along the path front the bathing place to the house. The company with C. were in fine glee, and in going down spoke of the recent outrages of the In dians, there increased boldness, &c., thus exciting the anti-combative bumps of C. to the highest pitch. "Now boys," said one, "who shall Im the first to dive in that 'ere pool, elt ?" "I will," said C., "be-gosh ain't I first with the gals? course lam first here." Off went coats, shoeS, Tants, &e. Just as C. had dolled every t!;ing, l.rat•iirt.; short, red flannel shirt—bang! bring! bang!— Who-wo-yeti ! Bang ! went two, three, thur guns —loud and shrill ruse t Indian ell in theydenso brush, and under talk. "Olt Lord 1,1 ton a dead man, boy ant ..lames Simpson. "My leg is broken. Olt;'save me !"ied George Wil liams. "Run for life, men !'Run for Mercy's sake, run !" Jttek Parsons, "one of my eyet is out and both arms broken !" all being sa;tl in an in stant; when—do you see that red blaze along the path? Look a moment—what velocity! That jagged hair all straight out behind—that's C. a streaking it fur the house, shirt nod allsee him about the corner of the field, by the thicket--bang bang ! went halt a dozen pieces—louder than ever ruse the hideous war cry. "Oh, Lord !" grunted C., redoubling his speed—the red blaze 'getting larger—bunches of his busby hair dropping out tut he "spread himself;"—see him leap the yard fence high in the air, red shirt, and all ! The porch was full of luOics—off went two or three more pieces— C. glanced at the ladies, then at his short 1. , q1 shirt. "Run for your life, C.," screamed Betty, "the house is fun of Indians! father's dead, tittl broth er Sant woundedd run, speed!" In the twinkling of an eye C. was out of the yard; to.d supposing the Promises surrounded, oli lie shot, the red blaze mere brilliant than ever, and striking directly into. a thick, thorny bottom, he reached and steam the river; and although it was near sunset, R. got into a settlement fifty miles distant to breakfast next morning, still retaining the sleeves and collar of his red shirt, and reported all the family, visitors, &e., among the slain. As for himself; lie said he taught as long as lighting would do tut): good. It is unnecessary to inform you, dear Pic, wheth er or not Betty was ever troubled with , C. alter that snap. THE MAN AT 114.01.—What a man's home in his whole life will be, as a general rule; and the mineiples, the ideas, the plans, the motives, the hopes and fears which govern him there, and con stitute the atmosphere of his dwelling, will go out with him into all his intercourse and business. Hall is well at home, we need nut watch him in the market. If he is a true man there, he Is a man everywhere. if wise and prudent there, he will not need to be made any more a "man of the world." If he can succeed in redeeming life's mot familiar scenes from dullness and improfita bleuess, the world abroad will be all fresh and full of ontortainment. If he he not a (lull, familiar stranger in hiy home, he will find him=elf at home wherever he goes. If there be independence of physical comforts, and abundance of mental, mor el, and social resources in one's'ng, there will be no unnecessary anxiety, no feverish hurry, no narrow drudgery hi one's busine,s abroad.— One will work cheerfully for 'small profits, if he be rich in the love and society of his home: - Ef dis contented there, he will be discontented every where. So long as the fire of love burrs brightly on the family altar, he will not be frozen by the selfishness of the world. Marriage is not likt,the hid IL lynittus, +holly olear,withoutclouds. IifIIICIU 44Q ightiugalgif which sing only some monihs * the spring, but eiMinionly are silent when they have hitched their egg as if their mirth were turned. isle e ear. fir' .s,