THE JOURNAL. •OBREOT PREWIPLRB--RUPPORTED BY TRUTH, HUNTINGDON, PA, Thursday Morning, Jan. 16, ISSI. TERMS OF PUBLICATION: Tin "Ifulrncouom Jouiu(AL" is published at 116, following rates, viz t If paid in advance, per annum, 01,75 If paid during the year, 200 If paid after the expiration of the year,. • 2y50 To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • .1,50 Tax ahoy. Terms will be adhered to in all cones. NO subscription will be taken for a less period than six months, and no paper will he discontinued all arrearagcs are paid, unless at the option of Om publisher. V. B. PALMER Is our authorized agent in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, to receive advertisements, and any persons in those cities wishing to adver ties in our columns, will please call on him. ' A Change. sa- Hereafter the " Journal" will be published on Thursday morning in place of Tuesday as here tofore. We make this change for the benefit of ear readers. The present arrangement of the mails will enable us, by this change, to give later tows, as we almost invariably receive the impor tant news in the early part of the week. The Trough Creek packages will be mailed on Wed sesday evening, and will convey to our numerous subscribers in that region the very latest intelli gence. The Court for this county commenced its ees- Alen at this place, on Monday last. We have received the two first numbers of else " Brant Jornscat.." It is got up in fine style, end edited with decided ability. We wish it sue- ea The a CLINTON Taint:NE" has passed into the hands of Mr. R. W. Rorttnocx. Adam Greer, Esq., is the retiring editor. We wish Mr. Bothrock success in his undertaking. ffir " Tits OPAL," is the name of anew month ly publication, at the New York State Asylum for She Insane, in Utica. The matter for the paper Se mostly furnished by patients of the Institution. Terms 50 cents per annum, payable in advance. 66-We are informed by one of our subscribers at East Dame, that no Journals were received at that Post Office last week. We can only say that we mailed the Shaver's Creek packages on Wed today night, containing the Governor's Message, expecting that our subscribers in that quarter would get them the following day. The fault is with the Post Masters, and we hope they will be Sore careful in future. tom"' No one can read the exposition of the financial condition of our Commonwealth without pleasure—the direct and undeniable con itequence of the wise and economical example sot ly Francis B. Shunk." What does the Foamy/maims mean when it uses lath language as the above, in reviewing the Gov ernor's Message ? What part of the policy of the present Administration was ever recommended or practised by a democratic Administration for the last twenty-five years? Within that time the Whigs have had the ad ministration of the Government but for two terms. Prior to the election of Gov. Johnston, a State debt had been incurred amounting to over $40,000,000, and no democratic administration proposed any measure for its liquidation. They *ere wont to take great credit to themselves, in deed, for being able to meet the interest on the debt as it became due, which they did the last year of their administration, by the aid of a loan of $50,000; which loan was provided for and paid daring the first year of the present Whig Admin istration. This Administration has also recom mended a scheme, which, being carried into effect, has actually decreased the State debt some hund reds of thousands of dollars, and which measures, if persisted in, will liquidate the State debt in less than thirty years. The Pennsylvanian and is party know all this ; Int they will endeavor to make the people believe, that, somehow or other, we are indebted to "the 'rise and economical example set by Francis R. !Munk," or in other .words, to the democratic party, for our present prosperous condition. Bargain and Sale. The Free Boilers and Democrats of old Mas oachusettst it scents, have finally consummated their Bargain, The coalition, according to the Few York Tribune, is a complete and most thor ough abandonment of principles fur office, of country for spoils, and of honor for victory. The segotiations were completed at the Boston State Home, on Monday night, the GO instant, in can on., and the terms of the contract for this new "partition of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts" are as follows: " The Democrats are to have the Governor, the Lieut. Governor, the State Treasurer, five inem len of the Executive Connell, and the United States' Senator for the short term. The Free Sonars take the Senator fur the long term, the Secretary of State, the Auditor, four Councilors, and the Sergeant-at-Arms." According to the above apportionment, the Democrats in caucus on the Sth instant, agreed to rapport Charles Sumner, Free Soil, for the long term of United States' Senator—by GO to 6 about 30 being absent. The Democrats hare also nominated Robert Benton', Jr., for the short term in the United States' Senate. The Free Boilers have acquiesc ed in the nomination. The Boston Courier says, the political Price Current of the day ought to give this arrangement the moat prominent place among its items. The principles which have been trucked off at this tale, may he described as only " from fair to mid. thing," but so large a lot of the article has sel dom been carted to market once. As to the pir ates that made the trade, mei Mgr tfty—latnib Ord may ft tat Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal. Letter from Harrisburg. HAnnisuunn, Jan. 14,1851 TEA JOURNAL:—Up to this time the all ab sorbing topic, among members and out-riders, is the election of a United States' Senator. No legislation of any importance, has yet taken place. On Thursday evening last, the Whigs of the two Houses met in caucus and nominated Governor Johnston as their candidate for U. S. Senator. The Governor, however, declined the nomination, as will be seen by the published correspondence. Ou Friday afternoon, the Legislature went in a body to Philadelphia, for the purpose of attend ing, on the following day, the dinner given by the city in honor of the arrival of the steam-ship, City of Glasgow. This movement on the part of the members, left the borers without any occupa tion for a day or two. On Monday morning the members returned to Harrisburg, and the boring on the Senator ques tion commenced in good earnest. The candidates are all on the ground, in person, electioneering for themselves. In the afternoon, the Locofocos met in caucus, and had eight unsuccessful ballots or a candidate for U. S. Senator. In the evening the caucus re-assembled and, on She 12th ballot, nominated Richard Brodhead, of Northampton county, as their candidate for the post. There were 67 members in attendance—a majority of all the members of the General As sembly. The following is the Tote on the Ath, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th ballots, Bth. 9th. 10th. I 1 th. 12th. 17 22 24 28 34 17 16 17 21 24 19 14 13 12 4 7 6 5 5 5 7 7 7 Brodhead, Woodward, Black, Plummer, Foster, This nomination took everybody by surprise. Brodhead had not been seriously spoken of as a candidate. All supposed that either Judge Black or Judge Woodward would receive the nomina tion. There is just now quite a stir in political circles. Those who looked more wise than their fellows a few hours ago, are quite common men now. All the snug little private arrangements are spoiled, and in short, everybody seems to be heat by this "accidental' nomination of Brodhead.— Cameron has given up all hope, and the impt;es sion is that Brodhead will be elected on the first j ballot. The Whigs met in caucus last evening, and after some discussion, determined to make no nomination for U. S. Senator, for the present. Under all the circumstances, it was thought ad visable that the members should remain untram meled, and free to act, either in or out of caucus, as circumstances may hereafter determine. This morning the Cameron men are moving about briskly, to see if something cannot be done to prevent the election of Brodhead, and secure the success of their favorite. The chances look slim enough. The hour of 12 o'clock has at length arrived, and the two Houses have assembled in Conven tion. On the first ballot RICHARD BRODHEAD received seventh-five votes, being all the Locofocos present. The Whigs scattered their votes. And thus ends the " long agony." Brodhead is con ceded on all hands to be unfit for the post which he has secured. Wx. B. SMITH and SETH B. McCote, rsqrs., the Representatives from Huntington and Blair, are rapidly learning their duties here, and are very industrious and attentive to business. I pre dict they will make useful members. Major RAYMOND, of the Blair County Whig, has been one of the lucky applicants in the Sen ate,.as will he seen by the list of officers. The Major, we learn, received thirteen votes in caucus out of sixteen. This is quite a flattering vote. We congratulate the Major on his success. Gas has been introduced into this borough, and on last evening, for the first time, the principal Hotels, Stores, and some private houses, were lighted up. The weather is delightful A Letter. We give below the letter of Gov. Johnston, to the Whig caucus, declining being a candidate for the United States' Senatorship. We think the Governor's views honorable and patriotic, and are glad that he has set the example of a statesman preferring duty to political advancement. Such men are safe and efficient servants of the people, and deserve the support of their constituencies. llAlumni:no, Jan. 9, 1851, 10 o'clock, P. M. To the lion.. the Whig Members of the General Assembly GENTLEMEN :—Accept my cordial thanks for the expression of confidence and friendship im plied in the nomination for the office of United States' Senator so kindly tendered to me. This additional evidence of the continued attachment of political friends is duly appreciated, and will be most gratefully remembered. It is my duty to make a prompt and unqualified declination of the position, which your nomina tion would assign me. In 1848, the people of Pennsylvania conferred upon me for the term of three years, the office of Governor. Before the election, pledges were given, and by the acceptance of the office renew ed, that my entire energies of body and mind, should be devoted to the faithful performance of the duties of Chief Magistrate, and that the pro motion of the interests and welfare of my con stituents should be alone the object of ambition. Regarding the obligation of these pledges, I could not conscientiously abandon my present position. Under any and all circumstances, my fellow citizens may rely with confident assurance that to the extent of my ability, the ditties of the office which they have bestowed, shall be faithfully dis- charged. Repeating the expression of heartfelt thankful- ness for the kindness manifested, and with assur ancess of sincere regard and esteem for each of the members of your cancus, I remain truly, your obedient servant, VIM. F. JOHNSTON. STATE TEMTERANCE CONVENTION.—The Ceo. eral Convention of the State Temperance Socie ty meets at Ilarrisburg, on Thur,day, the 22nd instant. It is raid that strenuous efforts will be made to have the present License laws materially twien4r.4. Legal Reform. The subject of a revision of our forms of legal practice and pleading, will be brought to the at tention of the Legislature at an early day, and we sincerely trust the session will not be suffered to close without the adoption of measures calms ' lated to bring about a speedy and thorough re form. The working of the new code which has now been in operation in the State of New York for two years, has proved in the. highest degree satisfactory. 13y this code the old forms of action and pleading aro abolished, and a uniform system of procedure is established, in all cases, both of legal and equitable cognizance. The antiquated forms, technical distinctions and sensless jargon of the old system, are cleared away, and notu•ith shmding the natural opposition of those who had been trained under the old system, the result has been in a high degree satisfactory. The subject has attracted much attention in England. At a lute meeting of the " Law Amendment Society," in London, Mr. D. D. Field, one of the commis sioners by whom the New York code was prepar ed, and through whose unwearied exertions the reform was effected, was called upon to address the meeting in explanation of its provisions. his remarks were received with great favor, both by the members of the Society, and by the public press ; and for his own agency in bringing about the reform he was much and deservedly compli mented. The code has since been discussed at length in the London papers. The Weekly News publishes the principal parts of it, and styles it a " master-piece of legal reform." The Times en dorses it to the fullest extent.—Daily News. Semi-Bituminous Coal. Mr. Collins, proprietor of the Ocean steamship, has written a letter to the President of the Dau phin and Susquehanna Coal Company, confirm ing the result of other experiments, which have proved that the coal from the Dauphin mines is better for ocean steam navigation than any other American coal. The Company hope to have about 200,000 tons in the market next year. We understand that Mr. Collins has offered to con tract with the company, for the use of his line of Atlantic steamers, at $7 50 per ton, delivered at the city of New York. This puts our semi-bitu ' minous coal decidedly ahead of any other in the country.—llarrisbary Daily .Itnevican. We would remark, in connection with the above, that there is an excellent and very extensive do posite of semi-bituminous coal, within about six teen miles of this place, and that the ground be tween Huntingdon and the mine is such, that a railroad may be laid at a very moderate expense, the grading for the whole length being very light. Dinner to Capt. Matthews. The dinner to Captain Matthews, of the steam er City of Glasgow, which came off at the Chi nese Saloon, in Philadelphia, was a splendid entertainment. The Bill of Fare consisted of five courses, besides a choice selection of wines from the best stock in the city. More than eight hundred persons are said to have been present. Gov. Johnston, and about a hundred and twenty of the State officers and members of the Legisla ture were in attendance. Everything went off' happily and pleasantly. Boundary Line Settled. The disputed boundary line between the Staten of Missouri and lowa has been settled in the Su promo Court at Washington, by a decision adverse to the latter. This decision confirms the boun dary previously established between the two States, by Commissioners appointed for that pur pose, and declares that it shall in future be the true line between the States. It is said also that this decision of the Supreme Court will elect Mr. Bowman, Whig, to Congress, from the fourth District of Missouri, Hon. Willard Y. Hall, dem ocrat, who holds the certificate of election, being superseded, he having been elected by votes re ceived from the territory which, according to this decision, belongs to the State of lowa.—Ex. JUNIATA, Cir The indefatigable Mr. Asa Whitney is lec turing in Washington on his project of a Railroad to the Pacific. His lectures are said to be highly satisfactory and prove the feasibility of his plan. An economical Administration, seems to be the purpose of President Fillmore ; the country will rejoice, that instead of loans and an increase of national debt, already sufficiently large, he recom mends retrenchments, and provisions for the de 'mends upon the treasury out of the current reve nues. The expenses of government, will neces sarily increase with the increase of territory and the expansion of our settlements. To provide fur them by a resort to loans, and especially to pay off the debt incurred by the administration of Mr. Polk, by a repetition of borrowing, would be the worst conceivable policy. What the country wants is, a simple economical administration. with I a husbanding of resources, and a confinement of the annual expenditures within the receipts, and such the President is laboring to effect. Congress should aid him in carrying out so laudable a pur pose.—Brogford Democrat. gEr The Secretary of the Treasury shows that the Mexican War, with the payments under the Treaty of Peace, amounts to $217,175,575 89. "And this," he adds, "does not include many claims presented and to be presented, arising in directly from the war; their great variety forbid ding even an approximation, either as to number or amount." Valparaiso Railroad Provision has been made by the Ghillie!' Gov ernment for the survey of a railroad route from Valparaiso on the coast, to Santiago, the capitol of the State, under the direction of Mr. Camp bell, of New York, one of the engineers of the Copiapo railroad. Engines of the Pa. Railroad. The Locomotive engines belonging to the Penn sylvania railroad company are perhaps some ofthe handsomest to be found in the country; and to those fond of looking at beautiful machinery, the Engine House of the Company is worth a visit. The company have spared no expense in equip leg their road with Engines and Cars. The En gines and Machine Shop are under the manage ment of Mr. Lee Piney, a gentleman well calcula ted for the post, a practical machienisty and t wor king MIT, LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. TUESDAY, Jan. 7, SENATE.-The Senate met At 3 o'clock in the af ternoon, and had five unsuccessful ballots for Spea ker. Mr. McCaslin received the unanimous Loco vote. The Whig vote was scattered. On the fifth ballot McCaslin received 15 votes; Konigmacher, (Whig) S. The rest were scattering. It required 17 to elect. Failing to effect a choice, the Senate adjourned after the fifth ballot. In the evening the Whigs of the Senate met in caucus and agreed to support Benjamin Matthias of Philadelphia, for Speaker. horse —The House mot at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. All the members present except Mr. Seouller of Cumberland, and Mr. Church, of the same county who died since his election. Mr. Fcgely moved to go into an election for Speaker. Agreed to, and the vote stood. John Cessna, of Bedford (Loco) 59 Geo. H. Hart, Phila. (Whig) 37 Mr. Cessna, who was of course declared elect ed, made a neat speech on taking the chair—the customary oaths were taken—the usual committees appointed to inform the Senate and Governor that the House was organized, &c. A committee of five was appointed to report upon the expediency of publishing a daily report of proceedings; another committee of five was chosen to prepare rules, and a bill read in place by Mr. Simpson, entitled "Fur ther supplement to the act authorizing the incorpo ration of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany," which was referred to a select committde of five. The death of Mr. Church was then an- flounced, a eulogy upon the deceased pronounced by Mr. Haldeman, the customary resolutions pas sed and the House adjourned. IVED:4ESDAY, Jan. 8. SENATE.—The Senate met and proceeded with the balloting for Speaker. On the seventh ballot the vote stood Benjamin Matthias, of Phil. (Whig) 16 Maxwell M'Ca.alin (Loco) 12 Mr. Matthias was declared duly elected and was conducted to the Chair, when he addressed the Senate in a few neat and pertinent remarks. The usual oaths were then administered and commit tees appointed to wait on the Governor and House to inform the co• ordinate branches of their organ ization. Mr. Crabh read in his place a bill authorizing the Philadelphia College of Medicine to borrow money, which was read a second and third time and passed finally. Mr. Buckalew read a bill entitled a further sup plement to the act to incorporate a company to build a bridge over the Susquehanna at Danville, which also passed its several readings. Several other bills were read, when the Secretary of the Commonwealth was announced with the annual message of the Governor, with accompanying doc uments, which were read. A resolution relative to the death of Mr. Church, of the House, was then passed, and the Senate adjourned. Hoc se.—ln the House, on motion of Mr. Leet, amended by Mr. Killingcr, a committee of one from each judicial district was appointed, to consider the propriety of diminishing the number ofjudicial districts, of increasing the salaries of the President Judges, and to apportion the State into Judicial Districts accordingly. The Ilouse then proceeded to the election of a Clerk, and on the first ballot the vote stood William Jack (Loco) David Fleming (Whig) Mr. Jack was of course declared elected. Mr. Jackson then offered a preamble and resolution commemorative of the day-Bth of Jan.—which were adopted and the House adjourned after first adopting a resolution to adjourn front Friday to Monday. A communication was laid before each house by the Speakers, inviting the members to the steam ship celebration in Philadelphia on Saturday.— The invitation was accepted. The members of both Houses, including the Governor and Heads of Departments will no doubt be in attendance. THURSDAY. Jan. O. In the Senate nominations were made for Clerk and assistant Clerk. A resolution was pastel fix ing on Tuesday neat for the election of a United States Senator, in place of Dr. Sturgeon. Hotise.—ln the House Michael D. Kelly, was elected Sergeant at Arms. C. C. Hemphill and J. A. Cummings appointed Assistant Clerks. Jacob Coleman, of "Old Barks," was elected door-keep er, and Peter Aurand Messenger. Nominations were made in both branches for U. S. Senator. Among the names on the Whig side we notice those of Wm. F. Johnston, A. E. Brown Townsend Haines, Thaddeus Stevens, James Pol lock, John Sergeant, and others. The names of Locos in connection with the office are legion.— The most prominent are Gen. Cameron, Judge. Woodward, Dr. Sturgeon, Jeremiah S. Black, Wilson M'Candless, &c. Messrs. William Strong and J. Glancy Jones, of Beading, are also on the list. FRIDAY, Jan. 10. SENATE.—On motion, the nominations for can didates for the United States Senate were re-open ed, when General W. Larimer, and A. W. Loomis were nominated. The annual statement of the Delaware and Hud son Canal Company was laid before the Senate by Speaker Matthias. On motion that in order to afford the Senators an opportunity to accept the invitation to the recep tion dinner, to be given to Capt. Mathews, of the "City of Glasgow" steamer, to be given in your city to morrow—When the Senate adjourns, it ad journs over to Atonality. Prevailed. Two messages from the Governor were received. The Senate then proceeded to the election offi cers, which resulted as follows: Clerk—Samuel W. Pearson. Assistant Clerk—John M. Sullivan. Transcribing Clerk—ll. I'. McClay, George Raymond and Isaac 11. MeCauslcy. Sergeant-at-Arms, William S. Milliner. Assistants, William P. Brady and Owen Mania. Doorkeeper, George F. Rheinhart. Assistants, John R. Rickel and John M. Moore. Messengers, Andrew Young and Edward D. Evans. A number of appointments by the Governor were confirmed, when the Senate adjourned over Ito Monday. Rolm or REPRESENTATIVEB.—A bill for the repeal of certain laws in this State, relative to the re-capture of fugitive slaves. Also, ono to repeal the charter of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company. Also, a supplement to three hundred dollars ex emption act; a supplement to the act incorporating the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, and a num ber of other bills were presented. Mr. Penniman read a hill to incorporate the City of Philadelphia, with enlarged boundaries. Re ferred to the members from the city and county. On motion the House adjourned. Senate Standing Committees. On Monday last, the Speaker of the Senate an nounced the following as the Standing Committees ' of the Senate Finance—Messrs. Brook, Crabb, Konigmacher, M'Caslin, Muldcnberg, Myers and Packer. Judiciary—Messrs. Walker, Crabb, Guernsey, M'Murtrie and Muhlenberg. Corporations—Messrs. Savory, Brooke, Fernon, Fridley, Frick, Lawrence. Internal illiprovements—Messrs Packer, Brooke, Forsyth, Ives, Malone, Stine, Carothers. Agriculture—Messrs Malone,Bailey, Carothers, Fulton, Mycis. Estates and Escheats—Messrs. Guernsey, Buck alew, Hugus, M'Murtrie, Sanderson. Eduention—Messrs. Hasten, Buckalew, Fermi, ' Hoge, Sanderson. Banks—Messrs. Crabb, Fridley, Ives, Robert son, Savory, Walker, Shinier. ExeCutive Nominations— Messrs. Stine, Guern sey, Hugus, M'Murtrie, Walker. Private Claims—Messrs. Lawrence, Brooke, Forsyth, Robertson, Agriculture—Messrs. Malone, Carothers, Myers Fulton, Bailey. Accounts—Messrs. Forsyth, Haslett, Hoge, Jones, Konignineher. Compare Bills—Messrs. Frick, Bailey, Caro thers, Sanderson, Jones. Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Myers, Carson, Cunningham, Fermin, Jones. Militia—Messrs. M'Caslin, Cunningham, Pack er, Shinier, Stine. P 01160115 mid Gratuities—Messrs. Cunningham, Carson, Hoge, Jones, Shinier. \'ire and Immortality—Messrs. Curoth... - 2, Car son, Sanderson. Election Districts—Messrs. Carson, Haslett, Hugus, Robertson, Ives. Public Buildings—Messrs. Konigmacher,Buck- Mew, Malone, Muldenberg, Fulton. Bonds and Bridges—Messrs. Konigmaeher, Buckalew, Malone, Muhlenberg, Fulton. Library—Messrs. Lawrence, Stine, Savory. President Fillmore% Message in Eu. rope. The annual message of President Fillmore is published at length and largely commented on by the London papers. The Times devotes to it the leading article in three successive days. This paper thus begines its disquisitions " The lust mistress of an Executive chicfpresen ted to the world was that of Louis Napoleon, who only the other day was in lodgings in King street, St. James', but who now, by the expulsion of an elected king, presides over the fortunes of France. The address which this morning occupies so many of these columns is from Milliard Fillmore, former ly a:linen draper's shopman, and now, by the death of his superior, the Federal head of the United States of America. A century ago, in the days of Louis XV, and George 11., the wildest imagina tion could not have foreshadowed two such docu ments, two such personages, two such trains of events as have placed them where they are. If it was then somewhat less improbable that seemlier of British colonies should win their independence and form a Federal Union than that the grandson of a then existing advocate in Corsica should be .the President of a French Republic, on the other hand the Message of the American President is on the whole a greater, a more comprehensive, and more significant marvel. The Message of the French President seemed to exhibit hint as healing the wounds and consoling the griefs of an ancient and distracted monarchy ; as allaying its tumults and repairing its resources, and its much occupied in mending the past as in planning the future.— The document now before us is eminently prospec tive and hopeful. It is full of new opportunities, creative energy, and expanding empire. The days of Washington, Franklin and Madison are already ancient in the attests cf a Republic which within five years has established its now undisputed sway rom the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande and front ocean to ocean, and within three years has planted a wealthy and populous State on the shores of the pacific. The Morning Cronide rates Mr. Fillmore for not being a free Free Trader, but slips in the following sentence among its criticisms " Compared with the ignoble immortality of President Tyler's addresses, and with the unprin cipled violence of Mr. Polk, the unassuming and even corteous language of Mr. Fillmore towards States which, like Portugal have been embroiled within the Union, will stamp its author as a politi cian immeasurably advanced in some respects be yowl the recent level of American Presidents." • The Doily News too, though astonished at fin ding the "exploded humbug" put forth in so sen sible a paper, does such justice as this to the au-, thor of the Message "President Fillmore's message to Congress is characteristic of the man. It is the composition of one who has attained the position he holds in his party and in the State by substantial hard work, by the confidence he has inspired in his tact, judg ment, and practical good sense, not by showy dec lamation. It is temperate in language, perspicuous in conception and arrangement. From some of its views we utterly dissent, as narrow and antiquated but it is at document such as could emanate from no one but an experienced statesman who sees clearly within the range of his mental vision, though that range may be somewhat of the narrowest." Census of Philadelphia. The Plailaulelphia papers contain the full returns of the city, as follows : Population. Houses. Families, Old Philadelphia 121,417 16,272 22,178 Northern Liberties 47,223 6,854 6,056 Spring Garden 58,895 9,150 11,501 Kensington 46,776 7,555 9,006 Southwark 88,799 6,451 7,589 Aloyainensing 26,979 4,096 5,269 Suburban I.listriets 68,956 10,824 11,786 409,045 61,202 72,365 The population of 1840 was 258,037—showing an increase in ten years of 151.008. Philadelphia is perhaps the sixth city in the world in point of population, and has nearly as many inhabitants as St. Petersburg had in 1840, (476,000) which is the fourth city in Europe in population. State Treasurer's Report. The report ofJohn M. Bickel, Esq. State Treas urer, though brief, we are compelled still farther to abridge. The means of the Treasury during the financial year ending the 30th November, wore suf- Scent to meet all legal demands. The amount of revenue from all sources was $4,438,131 51; to which is to be added the balance in the Treasury on the 30th November; 1849, to wit; $926,207 24, (less $41,032 of depreciated paper,) making together $5,323,300 75. Thu expendittfres ware inctudindtlic interest on the public $4,569,073,94 t having an available balance on the 30th Novem ber, 1850, of $754,252 81. He says : With a revenue annually augmenting, as the property, real and personal, of the Commonwealth is increasing in value, we have every reason to look forward to the future with encouraging hope that Pennsylvania will not only be able, from the present revenue laws if rigidly and properly enfor ced; and if no unnecessary appropriation be made; to pay the interest upon the public debt regularly as it falls due, but that before many years shall elapse, the debt itself may be so far diminished as that the net yield front the public improvement of the State will pay the interest. This point once reached, and if the net setting apart certain reve nues, and pledging it to the payment of the State debt, commonly called the "Sinking Fund Act," shall be continued in force, the people of our State may then confidently hope to be relieved from the taxes now necessarily imposed upon them. From the completion of the railroads and canals of the State to the present time, Pennsylvania haa been steadily increasing its population, commer cial importance and wealth; and whilst we are taxed to pay for improvements, we should bear in mind the facilities afforded by theist in the cheap and safe conveyance of produce and merchandise to market, and the generally beneficial regulation of its price and value. These arc among the ad vantages derived from our internal improvement, for the construction of which the State debt was incurred. These advantages, and the general en linneement of the value of real estate, properly ap preciated, are snore than adequate to the taxes im posed. The benefits have been wide-spread and generally felt by every business interest of the com munity—the merchant, the farmer and the mane fheturer." The amount of relief notes issued by the seve ral banks of the Commonwealth under the act of 4th May 1841, was $2,220,263, in notes of one, two and five dollars. Of this amount, there has been cancelled and destroyed the sum of $2,114,- 101; leaving a balance in circulation of $106,164. Of this stun, however, $30,000 have been set apart for cancellation ; thus reducing the actual circula tion to $76,164 of the original issue. Many of these notes had become so torn and defaced as to be illegible. The Legislature, therefore, by the act of 10th April, 1849, authorized the several banks which had issued notes under the act of 4th of May, 1841, to re-issue notes of like denomina tion with the notes originally issued. The re-is sue was to be made under the direction of the State Treasurer, and agreeably to the prescribed conditions of the act, the amount of notes re-is ' sued was $577,000. The paper of this re-issue, however, being bad, the State Treasurer caused a renewal of the re-issue to be made, and of the renewed re-issue $1,500,000 have been received at the Treasury, and arrangements made to con tinue the renewal as necessity may require. The Treasurer recommends that some better system be devised for the more economical sad prompt collection of the revenue and also that the revenues set apart to the formation of a sink ing fund should be continued. We quote from the report again and to the end: " The following is an estimate of the revenue and expenditures for the fiscal year ending No vember 30, 1851 : Revenue from all sources, $4,353,300 00 Expenditures, 4,270,500 00 To which ndd balance in Treasn• ry on 30th November, 1850, Estimated balance in Treasury 30th November, 1851, $837,052 81 " This may be relied upon as nearly accurate, and it is confidently hoped will be fully realized. The receipts from the tax on real and personal estate is estimated higher than usual, for the rea son that the general increase in the value of prop erty will be fully realized the present year, as the Revenue Commissioners will meet iu February next fur the purpose of adjusting and equalizing the assessments. Should no disasters occur to our public works, it is believed the estimates fret:- that source will be found nearly correct. " The abatement which has heretofore been al lowed to counties for prompt payment of their quota of taxes respectively, as authorized by the act of 25th April, 1844, is as follows, viz:-- 1845 $17,685 89 1846 83,455 74 1847 40,369 57 1848 41,522 11 1849 45,508 45 1850 43,525 06 "The good effects of this law attest the sound policy of it. But it may be worthy of cousidera timt whether the premium allowed, being 5 per cent., night nut safely he reduced to three per centum, or graduated so as to allow, say four per cent., when the amount shall exceed $25,000, and three per cent. on all sums exceeding $25,000. " On the first of August last, the excess in the Treasury, after the payment of the interest thou clue, was $437,046 66. This sutn being so much greater than was anticipated and wanted at tho time, induces the suggestions which I have made, "Our financial condition is encouraging; and with just and rigid economy in every department of the government, Pennsylvania can never be tu default in meeting promptly every obligation ) thus sustaining leer credit and honor." A Present to Henry Clay. - --- - We learn from the National Intelligencer that a splendid wrought watch, seal, and key, have been presented to the lion. UM CLAY, by Messrs. Peckham, Dennis & Co., Manufacturing Jewellers, of New York. The seal is made of gold, and alter the design of the beautiful picture entitled "Henry Clay at Aablantl.'"This picture, it will be remem bered, represents the distinguished statesman sit ting beneath a tree, with hat and cane in baud, and his favorite dog sitting by his side. All of which is most faithfully carried out by the designers of this delicate piece of workmantatip. The base of the seal is formed of a handsome cornelian stone. The Kev represents a brokeu branch of a trio, and harmonirce well with tho design.--Ban. American. 382,800 00 754,252 81