Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 31, 1850, Image 3

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    materials, and nO far as their product, may be ne
cessary fof other nations, excliatige tiMI in their
lONA ealunble form, for under the present system
thq gold übtahled front our mines, will rants Il e ex
hausted in paying for. excessive importations.
.. With a profound conviction of their truth I re
peat the opinion and words of my predecessor on
this vital subject in his annual communication to
Negress at the last session: "All history shows
that where are the workshops of the world, there
must bo the marts of the world, and the heart of
wealth, commerce, rind power."
It has bean•shown by the experience of several
Years, that the average rate of ditties imposed by
the present revenue law's is about twenty-three per
cent. upon the foreign value of our imports, inclu
ding frowns well us dutiable goods.
During the last fiscal year we imported of for
eign nitychandise, including specie, $178,310,318 ;
and we exported, of domestic products, foreign
goals,. and specie, $151,808,720, leaving a bal
/MCC against us of $26,247,598.
A large proportion of this balance hits doubtless
been paid by oar domestic stocks, whirl, find a
ready:sale nt this time in European markets.—
These last, however, as they only postpone a pres
ent payment in coin, cannot be expected to liqui
date similar balance for coming years, even if it
were the wish• of the Government to - create a large
foreign debt of this kind. The impolicy of such a
measure will not he qttestioned, and it is doubt
less the true interest of the country to avoid it.
In regulating our commerce with foreign nations,
we are therefore compelled to take, as the true ha
sis of safe importation from all countries, the ain't
of our own products,. which we may reasonably
calculate may find it Market abroad.
It is certain that the increased ability of this
country to consume lbreign goods, will at this time
safely admit a larger importation than in runner
years, yet the experience of the last year has
shown that our imports have been greatly beyond
our exports, which last must be regarded as the
true measure of our ability to consume for any
given number of years.
If open the large importations of the past year
the increase . slionld continue at the mune retio as
that of the past quarter, which as already stated,
is. n
$18,000,000, the aggregate amount for the cur
rent lineal year ending Mb Jnno, 1851, will not
fall much short of $220,000,000. A survey of the
markets of the world, it is believed, furnished no
reason to expect that our exportations will exceed
those of last year, which we have seen were a
fraction less than 152 millions. This would leave
on trade of the fiscal year, with foreigh countries,
an alarming balance, which could not Mil to be
felt in result fatal to all branches of business at
home, and highly injurious to the revenue of suc
ceeding years.
These considerations, forced by the existing
state of things npon the earnest at tintion of this
Department, are submitted to the wisdom of Con
gress, in the belief that they present reasons of the
inost imperative character . for a modification of the
Present revenue laws. The large prospective im
portations should be cheek-et] by a higher rate of
duties, so as to bring their aggregate :lumina with
in the limit of our capability to pay. If the ex
ports of the , host year define that limit, then . our
imports for the ensuing year should not greatly
exceed $122,000,000. It is believed, however,
that we may calculate safely upon an export of
gold, for several years to come, of at least from
ten to fifteen millions annually, exclusive of what
goes abroad, direct from California, without any
detrimental abet upon the currency or business
ofour people. The supply of this metal from our
own mines may at present be estimated at $50,-
000,000 annually., including that sent directly from
California to other countries, and this supply, it is
believed, will not be likely to deminish in amount
for the next two or three years.
If, then, we can afford to spare the above
amount of the precious metals in paying of foreign
merchandise, it may be fairly assumed that our ex
ports, including all articles, will be about!
one hundred and sixty-five millions, supposing al
ways the trade of the world to , remain unaffected
by any disturbing causes. In the opinion of this
Department it would be unsafe to assume an
amount of imports as a basismpon which to levy
ditties for revenue beyond this latter sum.
If the present rates ofiluties be applied to that
amount, we should receive from customs, only
$35,950,000, and the amount of revenue required
for thepresent and succeeding years would fall
short of the estimates for the current year by a
fraction over seven millions.
It cannot be doubted that a rate of duty higher
on many articles thou that paid by the present
law might be established without atiheting injuri
ously the revenue. The extrordinary 'influx of
foreign merchandise for the last year and the tir,t
quarter of the present one must be regarded us
conclusive proof that an increase of duties so as to
advance the amount of revenue seven millions on
the same amount of imports is entirely practicable.
That such increase will be found necessary to
the demands of the treasury, is believed to be be
yond doubt, unless Congress shall discontinue ma
ny of the objects of expenditure which origina
ted in our recent territorial acquisitions, and this,
in the opinion of the Department, would be equal
ly impolite and nujost.
From die foregoing considerations, the Depart
ment would submit the following modifications of
our present revenue laws
I. A elumge in the present ad valorem system.
which should impose specific duties upon tinkles
to which suvli duties may he safely applied, with
home valuations upon all such as arc necessarily
subject to ad valorem rates.
11. If the principle of specific duties shall not he
adapted, that the home valuation, instmd of the
foreign, should then be applied to all imports sub
ject to ad valorem duties. •
111. If neither of the foregoing changes shall he
ea - night proper, then it is deemed highly stereos,
ry that the present rates of duties should he increas
ed on the great variety of articles which it will he
found could bear such increase with else most salu
tary effects upon both trade mud revenue.
Either of the two first modifications suggested
above would undoubtedly correct many of the ine
qualities of the present system, place all importers,
whether purchasers or manufheturers on etpull
grounds in respect to valuations for ah•, guard
the revenue against the flagrant frauds which are so
easily perpetrated under ,xisting laws, and insure
stability lull permanent increase of the revenue.—
They aro therefore earnestiv commended to the
favorable consideration of Congress.
In any system it is believed that experience has
settled the true policy to he pursued in several
particulars which eater into our system ofrevenue
laws. Among these arc, that all raw material
should be admitted at a muderaut rote of duty,
When assessed at all, that all nonenumerated ami
des should be assessed at higher rates ofduty than
the average of manufactured articles, and that all
articles composed of the same material should pay
in general the same rates of duty.
In order to insure uniformity in the business of
the custom-houses, and equality its the valuntios
tinder any system, I earnestly recommend the
creation of a corps of appraisers at large, whose
duty it shall be to visit the principal ports of entry
in the United States from time to time, with pow
er to correct improper retentions and prescribe
rules fur local appraisers.
The amount of coinage at the mint in Philadel
phia during the mouth just past has exceeded flair
millions of dollars ; and, if the experiments. now
progressing under the authority of Congres4 - fur
wan a new process of assaying should equal the
expectations whim have been formed respecting
it, the capabilities of that establishment will be ex
tended to the coinage of eight millions monthly;
and with the branch mint at New Orleans, will be
fully able to furnish coin, without any unreasona
bledelay, for all the future probable receipts of
gold dust nud bullion. In order, however, to fa
cilitate business transactions, Mr. Corwin recom
mends that.Cougres authorise the Tmisitry De-
Alent to receive all gold autl silver bullion in
tended for recoiling°, and so soon as it could be
assayed and the correct value of it assertained,
that mint certificates should be issued for the same,
in convenient NUM at the option of the owners
which certificates sliould be made receivable ilr
all dues to the United States, the Government be
ing at the expense of conveying such bullion to
the mint for coinage.
Revenue of the Commonwealth for
Ist o.
We present below, from the annual. report of
the Auditor General, a stunmary of the receipts
and expenditures at the State Treasury, from the
first day of December, 1849, to the thirtieth day
of November, 1650, both days inclusive:
Lends, $16,373 58
Auction commissions, 18,673 75
Auction dillies, - 44,898 22
Tax on bank dividends, 153,877 14
Tax on corporation stocks, 136,510 14
Tax on reel and personal estate, 1,317,821 55
Tavern licenses, 107,427 49
Retailers' licenses, 171,062 56
rollers' licenses, 2,525 85
Brokers' licenses, ' 10,228 73
'Theatre, circus..' menagerie licenses, 2,384 50
Distillery and brewery licenses, 4,2(13 91
Billion! saloon, bowling saloon, and
ten-pin alley licenses, 3,045 81
Eating house, beer house, and res-
tain 7 ant licenses,
6,530 97
Patent medicine licenses, 2,633 04
Pamphlet laws, 345 58
Militia fines, 12,953 73
Foreign insurance agencies, 2,760 83
Tax on writs, wills, deeds, &c., 45,409 47
Tax on certain officers, 14,047 21
Collateral inheritance tax, 102,295 07
Canal and railroad tolls, 1,713,848 16
Canal fines, sale of old materials, &c. 6,953 64
Tax on enrollment of laws, 10,270 00
Premiums on charters, 89,292 21
Tax on loans, 119,356 30
Loans, 270,000 00
Interest on loans, 13,721 27
Dividends on turnpike and bridge
stocks, 2,460 00
Sales of turnpike stocks, 13,685 44
Accrued interest, 3,678 82
Refunded cash, 13,278 61
lees of the public offices, 3,687 20
l'enns.Ovanin State Lunatic Hospital, 177 08
111.6celltuteous, 1,740 33
$4,438,131 51
Balance in the Treasury,
December 1, 1849, 926,207 24
Unavailable deposit° in
the Bank of the U. S. 280,000 00
$5,644,338 75
This is a large revenue for a single State; and
as it amounts to consider:,lc more than the ordi
nary expenses of the poverunald, much or the
surplus going into the sinking fund devised and
perfected by the recommendation of Gov. John
ston, a gleam is east upon the futi,e, showing the
prospeet.of the certain extinguishment of the
State debt within a reasonable time.
$1,458,799 74
Public Improvements,
:Tenses of government,
gra . thiitics,
Chnritttble inAitut ions:
2ornmon schools,
Commissioneis of sinking fund, 318,864 03
Interest on loans,
Guarantied interest,
Domestic creditors,
Damages on the piddle works, 23068 34
Special commissioners, 2,254 03
State Library, 1,000 00
Public buildings and grounds, 1,002 78
Eastern reservoir of Penn'a canal, 1,947 00
Weigh-lock at Bench Haven, 168 00
I7se of patented rights, 3,000 00
Penitentiaries. 19,283 79
I louse of Range, 6,000 00
COHN' eying fugitives, . 100 00
Nicholson lands, 195 75
.‘inendments to the Constitution, 2,500 Ott
Escheats, 1,740 53
Alnitetnent of State tax, 43,525 04
lle-issning relief notes, 10,940 00
Counsel fees and commissions, 5,934 15
Aliseellaneous, 8,180 44
$4,569,053 94
Balance in Treasury,
Nov. ao, 1850, avai
lable, $754,252 81
Depreciated funds in
Treasury, unavail
able, 41,032 00
Deposit° in Bank of
United States, una
vailable, 280,40 00
--- 1,075,284 81
$5,644,3:38 75
Mot at an Execution in Minois.
PEoluA, 111., lice. 19. 1850.
Our city was again thrown into much excite+
meet to-day. The execution of Brown and Will
iams, for the murder of Mr. Hewett, was to have
taken place yesterday, but by order faun the Gov
ernor, received on Wednesday, it was extended to
the 15th ofJanuary next. This not being gener
ally known nor credited, large masses of people of
this and ajoining counties assembled to witness
the execution, and being disappointed in their ex
pectations, a portion of them resolved that the
permits should be executed forthwith, and urged
on by exciting speeches, they got possess:on of the
scatlbld from the jail yard, and erected it iu the
street, in front of the jail.
They then effected an entrance by jerking the
'looms and locks ; told proceeded with crowbars,.
mantling and other impletnents, to the cells where
they met with resistance from Brown, who al
though shackled, as soon as the cells wore opened,
stepped out into the hall, disarmed a few of the
mobburs by taking from them the crowbars and
scantling, barred his cell of the inside, and defied
them. He broke the mauling over the mobbers
and gave them other striking illustrations of his
entire disapproval of such unlawful proceedings.—
The prisoners were again secured iu the cats, and
betbre dark the crowd dispersed.
Thus resulted, what at first all supposed would
he it most tragical and disgraceful nithir. The
mob fell back, and a few of onecitizens dropping
in at this conjuncture, prevented further violence.
TIM ReceNT SNOW STOR3L—The snow in the
State of Maine now lies front 25 to 30 inches in
depth through the whole State. In I'mland it
lies about 25 inches in depth, and considerably
drifted. The highways in New Ilampshire are so
blocked up as to be nearly impassible. Thu storm
extended west and north to Montreal, l',,,trdo, and
sections more remote. On lake Erie , • !,‘ was.
very severe, and it is supposed that many vessels
were lost or driven ashore. In Buffalo Ihe roofs
of several buildings were broken iti by the Snow.
I /II Ttu,day thq :Nth liv Rev.
W. li. Mills. Mr. LE.wis MEnnorrn to Miss Euz-
Awril thieuEn, both of this p 1.,.
Dit the some dny, by the sonie, in Huntingdon,
D. STEWART Eulorr, Esq. to Miss Ewes Mus-
SElt, both of Lewistown.
In this borough on the 24th inst.. by Rev. E.
On Wednesday evening, the 25th inst., by Rev.
W. R. Mills, Dr... 1. Fey WILSON to Miss NANCY
Mantuan . , both of this county.
On the 24th inst., by Rev. J. F. Mesick, Rev.
1. C. Point., Professor of Natural Science in
Marshal College, to Miss Sue►N KurixEL of Har
1 2 111LADELPHLt, Dec. 28, 1850.
The Flour market continues in the same state of
inactivity which has characterised it for several
weeks past. The inspections this week have ma
terially fallen of, and common shipping brands are
offered at $4,62i per bid without finding purcha
sers. The sales for city consumption continues
limited within the range of yesterday's quotation.
nye Flour is steady at $3,50, and Corn Meal at
$2,75 per bbl. There is a very little Wheat ollbr
ing and the demand is limited. A small sale of
good red at $1,04 per bushel. We quote white at
$l,ll tt $1,12. The last sale of Rye was at 70 cts.
Corn is in drained, and the advance noted yester
day, hits been fully maintained.. Bales of new yel
low at 61 rents for prime dry, and 58 a 59 cents for
damp. In Oats no transactions have been repor
ted. The Cotton market continues quiet and pri
ces are unchanged. Whiskey is in fair request at
eta in hrls and 25} cents 111 1111 d,
Philadelphia Rates of Discomfit.
Philadelphia Banks• •par Lebanon, par
Pittsburg, • par Chambersburg,
Germantown par Gettysburg,
Chester County,• • • •par Middleton,
Delaware County,• • • par Carlisle, ;
Montgomery C 0.,• • •par Harrisburg
Northumberland • • • •par Honesdale, 1 . 1
Col. Bridge C 0.,. • • •par Wyoming par
Reading par Erie Bank, I
Lancaster, pail Waynesburg, y li
Doylestown par Selniylk ill Haven,• • •par
Easton par West Branch par
Bucks ('unity, par Relief Notes I.
Brownsville par " " new issuc• 1. 3
Pottsville par State Scrip,
Washhigton, Pittsburg City Scrip• •15
York, :i Allegheny City, 20
1 Danville. par Allegheny County,• • • 20
. . : ..
1,206,207 24
M. STRAUS, informs the public that he in•
tends to leave for California in the spring, and
that he will sell his present large stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Hots, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
&c., at cost, and below cost. He has a
very large stock of Clothing which should be
examined by every body in want of a goad snit.
He also has a very large assortment of Calicos,
which will be sold very cheap. Call soon.
N. B. All persons indebted to the subscri
ber are requested to make payment on or before
the first of February next, as after that day my
books will be piaced in the hands of a Justice
of the Peace. M. 'STRAUS.
Huntingdon, Dee. 31, 1830.—lap.
Election Notice. ,
'262;899 7I
16:282 25
17,277 91
62;267 85
213,728 49
8,150 19
2,004.714 31
32,500 00
6,387 41
The Stockholders of the Juniata Bridge Com
pany in Huntingdon county, are hereby notified
that the annual election liar one President, six
Mtmagers, one Secretary and Treasurer for the
ensuing year, will be held at the house of Chris
tian Costa, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
Tuesday the 11th day of January next, between
the hours of two and six o'clock, P. M.
JAMES G WIN, Secretary. •
_ .
- .
Dec. 21, 1850.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Os Fain/r, JANUARY . 10, 1821.
virtue.of an order of the Orphans' Court of
LP 11 tint ingdon comity, will be exposed to sale,
by public vendor or outcry, on the premises,
on Friday, the 10th day of January, 1851, the
following described piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Union township, Huntingdon county,
containing 9,00 Acres, or less, adjoining lands
of John Chilcote on the north, Abraham Wright
on the west,.Henry Dell on the south, and lands
now occupied on the cast by Amos Smith, on
which is erected a story-and-a-half log House
and Kitchen, and cabin Barn, a small Orchard,
about 50 acres cleared thereon.
TEILMS or• SALE. -One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
and the residue one year thereafter, to be secu
red by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. ht. F. CAmentcw., Clerk.
Attendance given by
Dee. 10, 1810.—ts.
TFIE great ammmt of wATeIiES, Cl,( ICES,
JEWELRY, and Fancy Articles, sold daily
at Nero M 11,1,171:,. is the best evidence that
they sell the mot til:himutble, best and cheapest
h i 11 i ntin g d,m, 110,1 : , ,at the principle of dealing
with all upon fair term, gives satisfaction.
65"I'hey are THIS DAY opening the Lar
gest and Beat Assortment of WATCII•
no and .lEw Sw., ever brought to Hunting
don. Gall and see them. They only ask a small
udvtalcc on cost tar goods, and not two prices, as
at other places.
Cr All goods ~,141 WARRANTED TO RE AS no
PRI,ENTED. DOll% forget the cheap corner.
Notice i, hereby given to all persons concerned
that the Milo, ing mooed persons have settled thmr
account in the Register's office at Huntim;don,
and Mat the said &Tonic., will lie presented for
confirmation mid allowance at an Orphan's Court,
to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of
Huntingdon, on Wednesday 15th day of January
next, to wit:
I. Joshua Green, administrator of James Logan,
Into of Barre° township, deed.
2. Joshua Green, administrator of Thomas Gain
late of Barree township, deed.
t. Joseph Reed, adniiiiist ra tor of Hannah Ander
son, late of West township, r:ee'd.
M. F. CA MPLIELL, Register.
Register's Othee,
Huntingdon, Dce. 14,11;50.
O travel ill the Southern, Middle or Northern
States. Steady employment will be given for
a number of years to respectable young men of bus
tles& habits and possessed of a good common edu
cation and gentlemanly whims. Such young men
would find it greatly to their advantage, as it will
atfoed an opportunity to see a large portion of the
country, and at the same time e a rn, besides all ex
penses, front $3OO to $5OO a year. Some Agents
have earned double that amount. Much depends
upon ability to -act, perseverance awl economy, it
being a pleasaut.hushiess.. Those who desirofur
. titer informutlop eau obtatu the canto liv addle,
sim„ //o. t mit, J1A.:01.1.
Philadelphia, Dec. 17, 1850.
Farm for Sale.
The subscriber offiers his farm at private
sale, situate in Woodcock Valley, Ilopewell
township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lauds
of Daniel Brumbaugh, Leonard Weaver, and
others, containing '221 acres, more or less,about
100 acres cleared and in a tolerable good state
of cultivation, 20 acres of which is meadow;
most of the remainder is well timbered, a con
siderable part of which is locast and chestnut;
considerable of the timber land is tillable, and
there are several springs of never failing water
on the prerriises, with an apple orchard and
other fruit trees, part of which beat choice
fruit. The buildings are, a large frame bank
barn, log dwelling house, stone.spring house,
frame shop, and a saw mill. Apply to the sub
scriber on the premises.
Dec. 21, 1820.—tf.]
27 }lollidaysburg "Register," "
and " Standard," publish until otherwise order
ed, and charge this office.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of ELEANOR HENDF.RSON, deed.
MOTICE is htreby given, that Letters Tes
tamentary have been granted to the under
signed upon the estate of ELEANoit IIF.NIsERSON,
deceased, late of Porter township, Huntingdon
county. A II persons knowing themselves indebt
ed are requested to make immediate payment,
and all those having claims will please present
them for settlement.
JAMES IRVIN, Executor.
Barree Forge, Dec. 2 , 4, 1850.]
P. S. Gen. S. Miles will act for me on the
premises nt Barree Forge. J. I.
Sealed Proposals will be received by the un
dersigned, Commissioners, at their office, in
linutingdou, until 2 o'clock P. M. of Thursday,
the 19th day of January next, for the erection
of a Bridge across the Mill Race of George
Eby, Shirley Township, opposite the bridge
built across the Au,gliwick creek.
Also for putting up sand or lime stone steps
between the columns in front of the Court
House, and taking up and relaying the pave
ment from the steps to the fence.
County Commissioners.
Dec. 24, ISso,—lt.]
Sheriff's Sale.
In pursuance of a writ of Vend. Exp. to me
directed, I will expose to sale at public vendor,
at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting
don, on Monday the 13th day of January, 1811,
at 10 o'clock A. M., the following real estate,
seized and taken as the property of John Goos
horn, viz:—
All the defer.dant's (John Gooshorn's) right,
title and interest in and to that certain tract or
parcel of laud situated in Tell township, Hunt
ingdon county, containing about 30 acres, more
or less, adjoining lands of Samuel Book, William
Gooshorn, and others, baying thereon two log
houses, a log grist mill with two pair of stones ;
all of said hinds cleared.
Also, all the 'defendant's right and title in
and to all that certain tract of land lying along
Shade 11P.M:tin, containing 25 or 50 acres; no
improvement; adjoining George Gaoshorn'l
heirs. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Dee. 21, 1850.
WHEREAS by a precept to me directed, dated
at Huntingdon, the 23rd day of Nov. A.
D. 1850, under the hands and seals of the Hon.
George Taylor, President of the Court of Com
mon Please, Oyer and Terminer, and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn
sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and
Cambria, and the Hon. James Gwin and JOhn
Ste Wart, his associates, Judges of the county of
Huntingdon, justices assign,l, appointed, to hear
try and determine all and every indictments made
or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by
the laws of the State are made capital or le/onies
of death and other offences, crimes and misde
meanors, which have been or shall hereafter be
committed or perpetrated fur crimes aforesaid
—I ant commanded to make public proclamation
throughout my whole baliwick that a Conrt of
Oyer and Terminer, of Common Please and
Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the
second Monday (and 13th day) of January)
next, and those who will prosecute the said pris
oners lie then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace.
Coroners and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper persons, at 10
o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records,
inquisitions, examinations and remembrances,'
to do those things which to their silken respect
fully appertain.
Dated st Huntingdon the !nth day of Dec. in
the year of our Lord 1850, and the 74th year
of American Independence.
WM. 13. ZEIGLER,.Sh'if.
December 21, 1850.
HEREAS, by a precept to me directed by the
VV Judges of the Common Pleas of the coon.
ty of Huntingdon, bearing test, the 23rd of Nov ,
1850, 1 am commanded to make Public Procla
mation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a
court of Common Picas, will he hold at the Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3d
Monday (and 20th day) of Jan., A. D., 1851,
for the trial of alt issues in said Court, which
remains undetermined before the said Judges,
when and where all jurors, witnesses and suit
ors, in the trial of all issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon the' 4th of December, in the
year of our Lord 1850, and the 74th year of
American Independence.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
December 21, 1550.
Tat - elll License.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the
County of Huntingdon, at January Term, A. D,
Tile Petition of John Stahl, of the village or
Shaffersville, Morris Townsbit, in the Coun
ty aforosaid, humbly showetit : That your Peti
tioner hath provided himself with materials for
the accommodation of strangers, travellers and
others, at his dwelling house in the County
aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be
pleased to grant him a license to keep a Public
House of Entertainment. And your petitioner,
as in duty bound, will ever pray.
Dec. 21, 1850.]
We the subicribers f citizens of the
Township and County aiere.eid, do certify that
the above petitioner is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided
with house-room and conveniences for the ac
commodation of strangers, travellers and others,
and that the said public house of entertainment
is necessary.
Robert Kinkead, Emma) Walls,
Casper Waight, Jarub llornish,
Samuel Mannish, Alexander itt'Clintick,
Job Plymptun, Joseph Law,
Min Fox, - - Joseph Sheller,
SaoMel Crawford,. • Michael Smith,
Peter Shaper, ' John Renner.
Tavern License.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon County, Janu
ary Term, A. D. 1851.
The petition of George Householder, of the
Township of Penn, in the County of Hunting
don, represents : That your petitioner is desir
ous of keeping a phblic inn or tavern, in the
house he now occupies, being in the township
above named. That he has provided himself
with necessaries for the accommodation of stran
gets and travellers, and therefore prays your
Honors to grant him a license to keep a house
of public entertainment in said house, and he
will ever pray.
_ _
Dec. 24, 1850.
The undersigned, citizens of Penn Township,
in the County of Huntingdon, do certify that
the tavern prayed for above by George House
holder is necessary for the accommodation of
the public and the entertainment of strangers
and travellers; that the said applicant is of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room and other colleen
iences for the accommodation of strangers and
James L. Hunt, B. Grove,
Jacob Prough, S. H. Grove,
13. C. Lytle, 13. Hoover,
Daniel Grove, Wm. Davis,
Jacob B. Grove, Isaac Hoovers,
Philip Garner.
Tavern License.
TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court or
Quarter Sessions, &e.of Huntingdon county,
at January Tern, A. I). 1 , 851 :
. - .
The petit'mt of sample Fleming, of the town
ship of Porter, in the county of Huntingdon, res
poor:lllv represents: That your petitioner is de
sirous of keeping a public inn or tavern in the
house lie now occupies, being in the township above
named; east of the town of Alexandria, and at
the forks of the road leading to the Central rail
road nt Petersburg: That he has provided him
self with necessaries for the accommodation of
strangers and travellers, end therefore prays your
honors to grant him a license to keep a public
house of entertainment in said house, and he will
pray, &e. SAMPLE .FLEMING.
Dec. 17, 1850..
We the subscribers, citizens of the township of
Porter, in the county of Huntingdon, do certify
that the taverb prayed for above by Sample Flem
ing, is necessary tbr the accommodation of the
piddle and the entertainment of strangers and trav
ellers : that the said applicant is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, tel is well provided with
bouao room and other convenient:es for the accom
modation or stran g ers and travellers.
John Nelson, Jr. Francis Conner,
John It. Tussey, Charles McCormick,
Daniel S. Whittaker, Jacob I'. linker,
John Piper, sr, Robert Cunningham,
Mordecai Isenberg, Adam T.effertl,
John lleckendorn, H. B. Cunningham,
Collins lhuuor, Enoch Isenbarg,
James Gardner, .1. K. Hyle,
John Gemmill, Williams Laird, jr.
Joseph Work.
Tavern License.
po the Honorable the .Judges of the Court of
I . Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the
county of Huntingdon :
'rim petition of Wesley P. Green of the be
11,1gli of Birmingham, respectfully represents:
That he has rented that well known brit..., Tavern
stand situate on the corner of Market and Com
merce streets in the borough aforesaid, and lately
-occupied as such by William Butts: that lie is
we ll provided with stabling lhr !WKS and other
conveniences accessary for the entertainment and
accommodation of strangers and travellers. He
therefbre respectliilly prays your honors to grant
him a license to keep a public inn or tavern in
said house. And he will ever pray, &e,
1 1 Dee. 17, 1850.]
i , .
' -• We the'rmdersigned, citizens of the Borough of
Birmingham, it,, hereby certify that W. P. tirecu,
the above named applicant, is of good reptile thr
honesty and temperance, and that he is moil KO
ri.led with house room and conveniences tar the
lodgingand accommodation of strangers and trav
ellers and that such inn is necessary to accom
modate and entertain strangers and travellers.
A. P. Owens, David Homan,
Wm. W. Miles. Wiilinm H. Bible,
J. C. Forma, James Temple,
Thompson Mettler!, Potter W00d9,.
J. W. Jones, Isaiah Woods,
C. J. Hirst, A. P. hinny,
John Human.
Public Sale.
pursuance of but Will and Testament of'
1. Steel, Esq—dereasod, walla) offered Ihr
sale on Wednesday the 22d day January next, et
the Court !louse in the borough of Buntingdmt,
the undivided half of one hundred and forty-live'
acres of land surveyed in the name of John :114,
Clelland, situate in Ileaderson township, adjoin
ing lands of James Ciwin, J. McCartney Sankey,.
joules Steel and others, on which them is about
fifteen nerve cleared. A large proportion of said
tract of land is well timbered anti valuable on .
count of its contignity to the Central Rail Road,
and borough of lituttingdon being only.twu miles
distant fnun the latter place.
Tnnms.—One third of purchase money on the
first day of April next, 1111,1 the other two thirds
thereof in equal annual payments whit interest'
from first day April 1851, payable annually, to be
secured by bonds and mort g a g e of the purchaser.
Executors of Samuel Steel, deceased.
Dec. 17, 18501
HORA CE Ni'..3l7l'll;llllurnish the prin
cipal Magazines, (including Harper's, Gra
ham, &c.,) at $2 50 per annum, thereby saving no
small sum as there is no postage to be paid.
[Dec. 10, 1850.
Extra Family Flour,
n F the celebrated CroweD v .e i t o . , l , l TA rat i td i T i r s o( tile as by
— ALSO, superior AfackZuei atunitsul;ll;Tow
"Every dad - bring, something new" to this Lie:p
ular estahlklinient, in the war of rich and rare
goods ' and as ere/yin - 4y deals there, we are sar .
prised that all their relations do not fur,, suit
Another arrival hourly expected of Boots and
Shoes, Bay State Long Shawls, Parinnatta. a , Bro
cades, &c. &C. Moe. to.
Are you insured ?
Iv not, insure your property at once in tie Coin.
berland Volley Mutual tr,surance Company,
Apply to Guo.. W. SnEnu,
Bridgeport, Pa.
AdrotOistrato.r's Notice.
T ETTEI Hof Administration have boon gran-
Lr tod, to the undersigned upon the estate of
ANION LOVELL, late of Cass township,
deceased. All persons knowing themselves is
debted are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 21. 1,10.1 Administratrix.
A DAMS & Co. hove established en Express
IV Office: in Ituitingdon, in ehnrge of flora,
Smith, at tlid Hunt if ILTll..Doolt Store. All
paultawle.leftlwitkiiint will birA refufty attend.
ed to. [June .1, 1650.
majtErAL & BOGGS,
HAVE just received another tremendous ad
dition to their previotei heavy stock. They
have everything now that is required tosuit the
wants of this community.
Splendid Excelsior De Lulus, at
12/ cis. per yard.
Superb Pararnatta Cloths, at 62j cts.
Unequalled Brocades, at all prices.
Rich Irish Poplins, at 50 and 75 ets.
Calicoes, from 3 to 12h cts.
French Oiled Ginghams, at ti/j ct .
Damask de Lairs, richly figured, at 25 cts.
Real Conestoga Sheetings, 9 i cts.
Oriental and Bay State Shawls, at all prices.
Heavy Yard wide Mullins, at 6 and 8 ets.
Real "Jane Lind" Cloths, at 12i.
Sutittettu, at 37, 50, G 2 and 75 et,
T weeds at 25, 31 and 37 cts.
Hardware, Queensware, Boots &
Shoes, Paints, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, at their
former low prices.
' .
Indeed, everything can be had at this popular
Bazar, !Miler cent. lower than else—
where, and all that is required to convince the
community that the "ELEPHANT" is the
place for cheap and good goods; is for them to
call, when au examination will satisfy them
that money can be saved by patronizing this es
Nov. 4i, 18.50.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale, by nublic vendue or outcry, on the prem
ises, on Saturday, the 4th day of january, 1051,
the following described piece or parcel of land,
situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon coun
ty, containing 37 acres 102 perches, and allow
ances, be. the same more or less, adjoining lands
late of Josiah Ball, dec., Cornell - Davis, dec.,
and John Marsh and others, on - which is erected
a log house and stable, and about ten acres clear
ed thereon..
TEl:3li OF SAr,r...-One ball' of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
the residue one year thereafter, to be secured by
the bonds and mortza,e of the purchaser.'
By the Court. " M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by '
GEORGE KOPS, Administrator.
Dec. 10, 1850.-0.
A CAMPBELL, Land Agent at Lasalle, lI
IA • linok, has openedageneral Land Agency for
Middle and Northern Illinois, and Southern Wis
consin, where he will attend to the purchase and
sale of Improved and Unimproved Lands;papnent
of Taxes, Loetttion of
.Mexiean Laud .Warrants,
makiag selections for those who may be entitled to
Bounty Look under the late net of Congress, and
generally to all busincss connected with a general
Load Agency.
Having completed arrangements whereby per
sons wishing to procure .lands in this fertile and
rapidly improving portion of the West, Call do so
at the minimum price of $1,25 per acre, without
the expense and risk of travelling thore, any per
son who may pay - to my Agent, James Maguire,
at Huntingdon, the stun of two hundred dollars,
will have one quarter section '(la acres) entered
in their name, (or as they mar direct) for which
they will receive the patent toil the general Land
011iee at Washington city, in their name, clear of
all charges.
. .
Satisiitetoty security willbe given for all perform
ances on my pnrt,and for the ref und ink: finite amount
of the purchase, with 6 per cent., at the expiration
of five years, to any portion who may then be dis
satisfied wit h the !oration.
The canal from Chicago to Lasalle, at the head
of Steam-bout _Navigation on the Illinois 'River;
the Railroad from Chicago to . Galena, which is
now in proeesS of construction, and the Railroad
front Chicago to Ruck island; on the Mississippi
river, now completed to Aurora, some 30 miler
west of Chicago, will pass through this country
from East to VI eat, and the great Central Raiirond
from (..iuletm to the mouth of the Ohio river, pass
es through it from North to South, fur Ws- non
strmtion of which the late Congress appropriated
a large tOnotint of laud, thereby-seeming, beyond
dealt, its speedy completion; and there is uo doubt
is tl,c mind cif any 'ammo well infonaut" upon tiro
,ohjeet, lad Chic:v.l,in conneeted with till tho
Atlantic Chic, L•: Railroad, in the course of from
two to lbun ye.u, from - this time, thereby enabling
families to emigrate to this oottotrydwthe short
slm: of front dace to four doz.., from any portion
of the East, without the risk of travelling by steam
bout.. Persons wishing to procure desirable homes
tbr themselves and do well to mukd
application noon, as the' amount of public lauds is
limited, and is being taken up tepidly by actual
Any information desired, can Lc obtaingd from
ISAAC Esq., Itamingthni, Pa.
KEsst.t:tt & DRCaliElt, Mill Croak, Iluntingtlon
County, Pa. •
s. S. lit,Ant, Esq.; HolV.iiysburtt, Pa.
Letttirs connertei) with the business maybe
addressed to A. CAMPBELL, Pet•tt P. 0. Ltv.
sane Co., Illinois.
Oct. 29, 185,`,._3,„.
Al*:,,to. of GEORGE GARNER, bec'El.
T laTERS of Administration have been gran
ted to the undersigned upon the estate of
GEORGE GARNER,. late of Penn township,
Huntingdon county, ilec'd. All perions know
ing themselves indebted are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will please present them for settlement.
Dec. 10, 18:.i0.-3t. Administrators.
Valuable Property at Private Sale.
THE subscriber will sell his farm at private
sale, situated in Kisliacoquillas valley, about
three miles west of Allenville, adjoining lands
of C. & Daniel Yoder, Samuel King and other.,
containing 112 acres, about 125 acres of which
is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.—
The remainder is well timbered. The improve
ments urea large two story Stone Douse, good
Log Barn, good Spring at the door, good Spring
llouie, and all other necessary out-buildings.— , -
A first rate Apple Orchard of choice fruit, and
only six mites from thel'a, Canal and Central
Railroad. This farm is laid 01l in fifteen fields,
with rustling water in every field, and a running,
stream through the barn yard. This 'farm will
be sold reasocable, as the subscriber is desirous
of emigrating to the west.
Oct. '22, 1850. JACOB MUSSER.
• •
• • • ADANTIET, AfictlCA,
street, Huntingdon, Pa.