Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 17, 1850, Image 3

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    ffir The State House now .building at Colum-
Vus the capitol of. Ohlri is to be 304 feet long by
184 wider - Thphelght 2t: tFT gall to : the top of
the blocking course will be 62 feet; to the top of
the rotunda, 140 feet. A great part of the labor
upon the edifice is done by convicts. When com
pleted, it will be one of the handsomest structures
in the United States.
Hoy TO AVOID A COLD.—Mayhew, in his book
on "Popular Education," mentions that an emi
nent physician, with whom he had talked oil the
subject, declared himself convinced that one of the
most effectual methods of warding offs cold, when
exposed to wet feet or otherwise, is to take fre
quent and deep inhalations of air.
TAXING THE NORTII.—The Governor of Vir
ginia, in his message, recommends ft tax upon all
products of non-slaveholding States offered for
sale in Virginia.
On the sth inst., by the Rev. J. B. Williams !
of Huntingdon Co. Pa.
On the 2d inst., by Rev. Dr. Do Witt of Har
risburg, Dr. WILLIAM J. HENDERSON, of Hun
tingdon, to Bliss MARY CHURCH, of Cumberland
county, Pa.
At Otis residence in Cass township, on Saturday
the Bth irtist. , JO/TS CIIII.COTE, sr., en aged and
highly respectable citizen of said township.
On Sunday the 15th instant, in Henderson town
ship, WILLIAM Ponrzn, aged shout 86 years.
On Wednesday the I IthDec.lBso, in this bor
ough, TIIO3fAS Mimi Ewe, aged about 27 years.
At a meeting of Juniata Lodge No. 117, I. 0.
0. F., held in their Hull on Thursday the 12th
instant, at 2} o'clock, P. M., the following resolu
tions reported by a committee appointed at a pre
vious meeting were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That this Lodge have heard with deep
regret of the decease of their late brother TnosLts
51.txxnewa—that by the dispensation of Divine
Providence, the order has lost a most worthy, ear
nest and devoted member, and that in offering our
condolence to die relatives and friends, who in this
and a far-off land, will mourn his early death, we
but express the genuine and heartfelt sorrow of the
Association to which we belong.:
Resolved, That as a Mark of respect to the mem
ory of our late Brother, the members of this Lodge
will attend his funeral at the residence of his Aunt
Mrs. Davis, in the borough of Huntingdon, iu pro
.ressice, wearing the usual badge of mourning—
and that these proceedings be published and a copy
sent to his friends.
I). BUOY, P. G.
11. W. MILLER,
rItILADELPIIIA, Dee. 7, 1850.
The inquiry for Flour is limited, and the only
sales reported arc small lots for city constimption
at $4.75a4.6gi for common and select brands, and
$5,12ia5, 50 for extra. In Rye'Flour and Corn
Meal no transactions; the former is in demand at
$3,50 but the latter is dull at $2,75 per bbl. There
is a moderate inquiry for Wheat and prices ure
steady ; sales of 3000 bushels good white nt 111 lc.,
including a choice lot at 112ic., and red at 105 c.
per bushel. A sale of 1000 bushels Rye at 72c.
Corn is in limited demand; sales of 2a300 bushels
sew yellow at 55n56c. Oats arc in demand at for
mer rates. Whiskey—Demand limited and prices
of bbls. and hhds arc unsettled.
Philadelphia Rates of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks- • paq.eltanon, P.!
Pittsburg, par Chambersbarg,
Germantown pail Gettysburg, , 1
Chester County,• • • • pailMuldleton,
Delaware Conn ty, • • • par Carlisle, 1
Montgomery Co., • • • pat Harrisburg 1
,Northumberland • • • • par Honesdale, l ,,
Col. Bridge Co., • • • • par Wyoming psi
Reading par Erie Bank, 1
Lancaster, . par Waynesburg, 1
Doylestown par Schuylkill Haven, • • • pai
Easton par Vest 13rAnch pal
Bucks County, par, Rcli et' Notes 1J
Brownsville pm, '. " new issue • 1
Pottsvillepari State Scrip, 1
Washington,i.Pittsburg City Serip• • 1!
York, 11Alleghcay City, 2(
Danville. parlAllegheny County, • • • 2(
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the following named persons have settled their
accounts in the Register's office at Huntingdon,
and that the said accounts will be presented for
confirmation and allowance at an Orphan's Court,
to be held at Huntingdon, in and tor the county of
Huntingdon, on Wednesday 15th day of January
next, to wit:
1. 'Joshua Green, administrator of James Logan,
late of Barree township, dec'd.
2. Joshua Green, administrator of Thomas Gwin
late of Barret, township, deed.
g. Joseph Reed, administratorof Hannah Ander
son, late of West township, dec'd.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Register.
Register's Office
Huntingdon, Dec. 14, 1850.
T O travel in the Southern, Middle or Northern
States. Steady employtnent will be given for
a number of years to respectable young men of bus-
Mess habits and possessed of a good common miti
gation and gentlemanly address: Such young men
would find it greatly to their advantage, as it will
stftbrd an opportunity to see a large portion of the
.country, and at the same time earn, besides all ex
penses, from $3OO to $5OO a year. Some Agents
have earned double that amount. Much depends
upon ability to net, perseverance and economy, it
being a pleasant business. Those who desire fur
ther information can obtain the muse by addres
pinfilettin, Dec. 17, 1850 . MONK.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of AdminiStration have been gran
ted to the undersigned upon the estate of
AMON LOVELL, late of Cass township,
deceased. All persons knowing themselves in
debted are requested to make immediate pay
sent, and those having claims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
lee. I MA Administratrix.
Pithlle Sale.
T N pursuance of lost Will and Testament of
1 Samuel Stec), Esq. deceased, willhe offered for
sale on Wednesday the 22d day January next, at
the Court House in the borough of Ilunting,don,
the undivided half of one hutidied and forty-five
acres of land the name of John Mc-
Clelland, situate in Henderson township, adjoin
ing lands of James Girin, J. McCartney Sankey,
James Steel and others, on which the r e is about
fifteen acres cleated. A large proportion of said
tract of land is well timbered and valuable on ac
count of its contiguity to the Central Rail Road,
end borough of Huntingdon being only two miles
distant from the latter place.
TER3ll3.—One third of purchase money on the
first day of April next, and the other two thirds
thereof in equal annual payments with interest
front first day April 1851, payable annually, to be
secured by (Kinds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Executors of Samuel Steel, deceased.
Dec. 17, 185 U.
Tavern License.
To the Honorable the Judges of The Court of
Quarter Sessions, &c., of nuntingdon county,
at January Terrn, A. D. 1851
The petition of Sample Fleming, of the town
ship of Porter, in the county of Buntingdon, res
pectfully represents That your petitioner is de
sirous of keeping a public inn or tavern in the
house he now occupies, being in the township above
named, cast of the town of Alexandria, unit at
the forks of the road leading to the Central rail
road at Petersburg : That he has provided him
self with necessaries for the accommodation of
strangers and travellers, and therefore prays your
honors to grant him a license to keep a public
house of entertninment in said house, .d he will
Dec. 17, 1850..
We the subscribers, citizens of the township of
Porter, in the county of Huntingdon, do certify
that the tavern prayed for above by Sample Men-
Mg, is necessary for the accommodation of the
' public and the entertainment of strangers and trav
ellers : that the said applicant is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and other conveniences for the accom
inodation of strangers and travellers.
Nelson, jr. Francis Conner,
Jolni B. Tussey, Charles McCormick,
Daniel S. Whittaker, Jacob P. Baker,
John Piper, sr, • Robert Cunningham,
Mordecai Isenberg, Adam Letierd,
John Heckendorn, 11. B. Cunningham,
Collins Ramer, Enoch Isenberg,
James Gardner, J. K. Hyle,
John Gemmill, William Laird, jr.
Joseph Work.
Tavern License.
r 0 the honorable the Judges of the Court of
,Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the
county of Huntingdon :
The petition of Wesley P. Green of the bo
rough of Birmingham, respectfully represents:
That he has rented that well known brick Tavern
stand situate on the corner of Market and Com
merce street's its the borough aforesaid, and lately
occupied as such by William Butts : that he is
well provided with stabling for horses and other
conveniences necessary fur the entertainment and
accommodation of strangers, and travellers.'• He
therefore respectfully prays your honors to grant
him n license to keep a .public inn or tavern in
said house. And he will ever pray, Ste.
Dcc. 17, 1830.]
We the undersigned, citizens of the Borough of
Birmingham, do hereby certify that W. P. Green,
the above named applicant, is of good repute for,
honesty and temperance, and that lie is well pro
vided with house room and eoluenienees for the
lodging and accommodation of strangers and trav
ellers: and:that such inn is necessary to seemm•
modato and entertain strangers and travellers.
.A. P. Owens, David. Human,
Win. W. Mies. William 11. Bible,
J. G. Fortran, James Temple,
Thompson Mettle'', Potter Woods,
J. W. Jones, Isaiah Woods,
C. J. Hirst, A. P. Kinny,
John 'Phoning.
iT ORACE V. small will furnish the prin
cipal Magar.ines, (including Harper's, Ora
ham, &c.,) at $2 50 per turnout, thereby saving no
Small sum as there is no postage to be paid.
[Dee. 10, 1850.
Extra Faintly lEllaur,
O 1 ? the celebrated Crownover 13rinul, for sale by
_ PEIGIITAI. 1: lloccs.
— ALSO, superior Mackerel at loe
rates. •
Every day brings something new" to this pop
ular establishment, in the way of rich and rare
goods, and as ereiwbody deals there, we are sur
prised thm all their relations do not follow suit.
Another arrival hourly expected of Boots and
Shoes, Bay State Long Shawls, Paramattas, Bro
cades, &c. &c. [Dee. 10.
Are' you Insured?
IF not, insure your property•nt once in the Cum
berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company.
Apply to GEO. W. SPEEII, Agent,
l3ridgeport, Pa.
Km GLOVES, of a new and superior style,
for sale by STEER & JitONS i
Dee. 10,-2t.] Bridgeport, Pa.
6 1" e Superior Cloth, for Overcoats, for solo by
Sruutt & bums,
Dee. 10,-2t] Bridgeport, Pa.
B LANKETS, of every quality, for sale by
Dei, 10,-21 Bridgeport, Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
rinlE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of lituitiogdon County, to
ascertain and report leins against the real estate of
Philip F. Shoop, late of Tell township, dec'd,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that
he will attend to the duties of his said appointment
on Saturday, the 4th day of January next, at 1
o'clock, P. M., at his office in the borough of
Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested
may attend. .10111.S1 REED, Auditor.
Dec. 10, 1850.-4 t
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of GEORGE GARNER, Dee'd.
T TERS of Administration have been gran
ted to the undersigned upon the estate of
GEORGE GARNER, late of Penn township,
Huntingdon county, dec'd. All persons know
ing themselves indebted are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will please present them for settlement.
Dec. 10, 1850.-3 t. Administrators.
THE. subscriber will offer at public sale, in
the village of Shade Gap, on Wednesday,
the 18th of December, iS.SO, the well known
TAVERN STAND now in the tenure of Henry
Crouse. The buildings are large and commodi
ous, with the necessary stabling' and out houses.
Terms of sale easy to suit the purchaser. If
not sold on that day, it will then be offered for
rent at public outcry.
Shads sap, Dec. 10, 1930.--ta.
Real Estate at Public Sale.
WILL be exposed to public sale, on the pre
mises, in the Borough of Alexandria, in
Huntingdon county, on Thursday, the 20'.h of
December, 1830, the following real estate, late
the property of John Scott, dec'd., viz
Ist.—A CORNER LOT extending from Main
street to the Juriata river, having thereon erec
ted a two story log house, weatherboard front,
and a back building plastered; and the well
known TANNERY which has been carried on
for upwards of 30 years ' with an excellent run
of custom. The lot runs from the bridge cross
ing the river, and is the most favorable location
in the Borough for business. The shops are two
story logagg frame, and also a frame bark-mill
house. TYFre are three handlers, two bates,
and one lime in the beim shop, twenty-six lay
away Vats, two double latches, and one pool.—
In the currying shop is a large and splendidly',
finished stone table, which will be sold with the
premises. Bark can be gotten in abundance,
and the facilities fur reaching market are such,
that leather ran at all times be converted into
cash in the city, and this offers a good opportu
nity for any person wishing to invest in this now
profitable business.
Oil—Lot No. 51 in the plan of said town,
situate on Second street, on the public square,
having thereon a two story FRAME PLAST
3tl.—Lot No. 7 in the new town plot, front
ing on the canal, having thereon a two story
frame plastered DWELLING HOUSE, kitchen,
and a large frame stable. _ _
I:lg — Te . rms made known on day of sale.
Dec. 10, 1830.—ts.
Valuable Real Estate at Public Sale.
WILL be offered at public sole, on Tuesday,
the 14th day of January next, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, the fol
lowing described TRACT OF LAND, in Hen
derson township, in said county, containing
Three Hundred Acres be the same more
or less, adjoining lands of J ohn Silknitter on
the east, Rolland Evans on the south, William
Coutch on the north, and Bell on the west,
having thereon erected a two story square Log
DWELLING 110 USE, and a cabin Barn, with
a never-failing spring of water at the door, fifty
ncres of which are cleared, with a thriving AP
PLE ORCHARD thereon. A large portion of
the remainder is well set with White and Yel
low PINE TIMBER. Murray's Run passes
through said land, on which there is a good site
for a SAW MILL, rendering it, on the whole,
a desirable property for a man: of enterprise
with some capital.
TERMS or SALE.—One half of the purchase
money to he paid in hand, the balance in two
eillennnal payments, with interest, to be se
'by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
Surviving Executrix of Sarah Cole, deed.
Dec. 10, 1850.—t5.,
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of .1011 N YOtTilf, Deed.
THE undersigned Auditors, appointed to dis
tribute the money in the hands of Andrew
S. Harrison, Administrator of JOHN YOCUM,
late of Walker township, dec'd., will meet for
that purpose, at the office of John Reed, Esq.,
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the
28th of December,lsso, at 10 o'clock, A. M.:
when and where al persons interested can at
tend, if they scepropel.
. - . .
THOS. FISHER, • Auditors.
Dec. 10, 1850.-31.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY Y virtue of an order of 'the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale, by public vendue or outcry, on the prem
ises, on Saturday, the 4th day of January, 1851,
the following described piece or parcel of land,'
situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon coun
ty, containing 37 acres 102 perches, and allow
ances, be the same more or less, adjoining lands
late of Josiah Ball, dec., Cornelius Davis, dec.,
and John Marsh and others, on which is erected
a log house and stable, and about ten acres clear
ed thereon.
TERMS or SALE.-One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
the residue one year thereafter, to be secured by
the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M. F. Csarum.t, Clerk.
Attendance given by
GEORGE KOPS, Administrator.
Dec. 10, 1850.—t9.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale,
by public vendee or outcry, on the premises,
on Friday, the 10th day of January, 1851, the
following described piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Union township, Huntingdon county,
containing 200 Acres; or Tess, adjoining lands
of John Chilcote on the north, Abraham Wright
on the west, Henry Dell on the south, and lands
now occupied on the east by Amos Smith, on
which is erected a story-and-a-half log House
and Kitchen, and cabin Barn, a small Orchard,
about 10 acres cleared thereon.
TERMS OF • SALE.-One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
and the residue one year thereafter, to be secu
red by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M. F. Csairuati., Clerk.
Attendance given by
Dec. 10, 1850.—ts.
Estate of LEONARD STEFFER, Dee'd.
THE heirs of Leonard Steffer, late of Jackson
township, Huntingdon county, deceased, are
hereby notified, that in pursuance of a writ of
Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Or
phans' Court of said county, an Inquest to make
partition and valuation of the real estate of the
said deceased, will be held on the 2d day of
January 1851, on the premises, situate in .;aelc
son and Barree townships in said county.
WM. B. ZEIULER, Sheriff.
December 3,1830.-3 t.
Santa Fe Warehouse.
FOR SALE, OR RENT, a large Warehouse
and Store-room, dwelling house and stable,
also a Tavern stand, situate at Mount Union,
Huntingdon county, all now doing a good busi
ness, and likely to increase, it being the nearest
point for a large portion of Huntingdon and Bed
ford counties to get their produce on the canal
and railroad. Possession given on the first of
April next. Apply to the subscriber in Hill
December 3, 1850.—pd.
13:7 - ilollitiaysburg Register insert, to amount
of $l, and charge this ollice.
DAMS & Co, have established an Express
A . Office in Huntingdon , in charge of Roma
% Smith, at the Huntingdon Book Stork. .All
packages left with him will be carefully att,end•
ed o.[Juno 4, 18.30.
THE subseriser will offer for sale, on Saturday
the 21st of December, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a
LOT 01? GROUND, situated in Sbaffersville,
Morris township, Huntingdon county, on which is
erected two excellent DWELLING HOUSES,
the one being a new two story STONE HOUSE,
the other a one and a half story frame house.—
Any person wishing to examine the property, can
do so by calling on Robert Kinkead, Esq., who
resides on the premises.
An indisputs:ble title will be given and terms of
sale made known on day of sale by
Nov. 26, 1850.
STRAYS.—Come to the residence of the sub
scriber, about the Ist of October, a BRINDLE
STEER, with a white forehead, supposed to he
about a year and a half old. They are about one
age, with a piece off the loft car, and a alit in the
right car. The owner igrequested to come lbr
ward, prove property, pay charges and take them
away, otherwise they will be disposed of accord
ing to law. GEORGE A. BEATON.
Nov. 26, 1850.
ABRAILtaI CRESSWELL In the. Court of Corn
mon Pleas of Hunting
vs. don county.
Writ de Partition de
rpnE said Hardman Philips, and all other per
sons interested, are hereby notified, that in
pursuance of a writ de partitione facienda, issu
ed out of the said Court, and to me directed, I
will on WsoNEsesv, the Bth day of January next.
take with me twelve free, honest, and lawful
men of my bailiwick, upon that certain tract of
land situate in West township, in the said coun
ty, bounded by Shaver's creek, and lands now
or late of John Crawford, Jacob Neff, Benjamin
Brubaker, J. Nell; and the Frankstown branch
of the Juniata river, surveyed on a warrant
granted to Samuel Anderson, bearing date the
9th April, 1781, and then and there, as in the
said writ commanded, the said tract of land with
the appurtenances ; having respect to the true
value thereof, into two equal parts cause to•be
parted and divided; and one equal part of the
said tract of land, (the whole into two equal
parts to be parted and divided) unto the said
Abraham Cresswell, and the remaining one e
qual part of the said tract of land, (the whole
into two equal parts to be parted and divided)
unto the said Hardman Philips, to be held by
them in severalty, will then and there be as
signed and delivered according to the command
of the said writ, and the laws of this Common
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Nov. 26, 1850.-6 t.
THE subscriber will sell, nt priVnte sale, the
Al PAW lANT mu, AND FARM now oc-
copied by Samuel Hockenberry, in Wells to;;;-
ship, Fulton (formerly Bedford) county.
The MILL was erected only a few years ago;
has three rim of stones, a twenty foot over shut
water wheel, and has all the modern improvements.
The whole of the machinery being in complete
TheFARM consists of 90 Acres, about one
calf of which is elearol and in cultivation.
As the undersigned resides at a distance front
,property, and his engagements will not admit
or his giving it proper attention, he will sell it at
A UAIMIAIN, and make the payments easy-say
on&fourth or one-third in hand, and the balance
in from six to ten annual payments. Possession
given on the Ist of April next.
For further particulars call on the subscriber, in
Mereersburg, Franklin county; G. W.". 113.. Sipe,
near the premises, or Wm. Dorris, Esq., Hunt
ingdon. JAMES 0. CARSON.
Mercersburg, Nov. 19, 1850
Cr "Centre Democrat" insert Until first Of
January, 1951, and charge this office.
T HE great amount of WATCHES, CLOCKS,
JEWELRY, and Fancy Articles, sold • daily
at NEFF & MiLLEE's, is the best evidence
. that
they sell the most fashionable,'best and cheapest
in Huntingdon, and that the principle of dealing
with all upon fair terms, gives satisfaction':
Cr They are THIS DAY opening the Lar
gest and Best Assortment of WATCH-,
ER and JEWELRY, &c., ever brought to Hunting
dou. Call and see them. They unlyask a small
advance on cost for goods, and not two prices, as
at other places.
Cr All goods. sold WARRANTED TO BR AS RE
PRESENTED. Don't forget the cheap corner.
Nov. 5, 1850. NEFF & MILLER.
rpIIE subscriber has just returned front the city,
where ho purchased a large and well assorted
lot of MARBLE, which he °Ors to the citizens
of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices
which cannot fail to suit all who may want either
STONES, or any work nasally done in an estab
lishment of this kind. Persons wishing anywork
in his line, would do well to give the Subscriber a
cull, as he is determined not to be outdone by, one
other establishment, cutter in material or work
manship, on the Juniata.
l ir Shop in the brick building in the rear of
the residence of Judge Grin, near Johnston's
Huntingdon, Nov. 19, 1850.-3 m.
Improvement in llagnerreotypeing
vAN imAN co., No. 118, Chesnut street,
V Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in
their art, enabled themselves to taka pictures at
all times, with great certainty—as well in.stonny
as clear weather—which are justly pronounced' by
artists auti eiietitig men,,
.for depth of
. .
tone and softness of light stud shade. 'By working
themselves, they.not only produce pictures which
ire Go( II) AND CIIEAI' I I but by fur the beet
and cheapest which CUR be produced at any other
establishment. 'Their charge for pictures in hand
some improved cases, rangt; from ONF. DOLLAR
to three dollars, depending ou the size of the pic
ture, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at
other establishments, for pictures of equal size—
hut of interior quality. Their liAl,LE111; OF POR
TRAITS, CUllsiStilig of souse hundreds, ebracei a
collection of 1)1STINta:1811ED A.III m ERICANS
worthy the :mention of visitors to their rooms,
which are OPEN ATAlort TIMES.
Tho collection winch they bad deposited in the
exhibition of the Franklin Institute, was constant
ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who
were loud in thew praise of the artists' skill.
'ro gourd against every possibility of mistake,
they guarantee every picture to be of the best ma
terials, end unless it is entirely satisfactory to the
customer, NO (MARGE IS MADE.
a When visiting the city cull at their rooms,
whether you wish a Daguerreotype or not. The .
admission is the, and you Will be pleased with
your visit. Don't beget the number, 118 Chesnut
street, a few doors 'below Fourth.
Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1850.
ELRY are going nff rapidly, at the low rates
at which ho•sells. • Ms stack is new, lam, pnd
well selected, and people find it adviunageoak to
cell with him before making purchases elsewhere.
Nor. 12, IPSO.
( 1 ,-9 ;t r,
- ty,
HAVE just received another tremendous ad
dittos to their previous heavy stock. They
have everything now that is required to suit the
wants of this community.
Splendid Exceliior De Lains, at
124 cts. per yard.
Superb Paramatta Cloths, at 02i cts.
Unequalled Brocades, at all prices.
Rich Irish Poplins, at 56 and 75 cts.
Calicoes, from 3 to 12i cts.
French Oiled Ginghams, at ttli ct.
Damask de Lains, richly figured, at 25 cts.
Real Conestoga Meetings, 9i cts.
Oriental and Bay State Shawls, at all prices,
Heavy Yard wide Muslins, at 6 and 8 ets.
Real "Jane Lind , ' Cloths, at 121.
Satinetts, at 37, 50, 62 and 75 eta.
Tweeds at 25, 31 and 37 eta.
Hardware, Queensware, Boots &
Shoes, Paints, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, at their
former low prices.
. .
Indeed, everything can be had at this popular
Bazar, 25 per cent. lower than eke
where, and all that is required to convince the
community that the "ELEPHANT" is the
place for cheap and good goods, is for them to
call, when an examination will satisfy them
that money can be saved by patronizing this es
Nov. 5, 1850.
A CAMPBELL, Land Agent at Lasalle,
• linois, has opened atgeneral Laud Agency for
Middle and Northern Illinois, and Southern Wis
consin, where he will attend to the purchase and
sale of Improved and Un improved Lands; payment
of Taxes,•Location of Mexican Land Warrants,
malting selections for those who may be entitled to
Bounty Lands under the late act of Congress, and
generally to all huslneis connected with a general
Land Agency.
H ar k, completed arrangements whereby per
sons willing to procure inn& in this fertile and
rapidly improving portion of the West, can do so
At the minim nn price of $1,25 per acre, without
the expense and risk of travelling there, any per
son who may pay to my Agent, James Maguire,
at Huntingdon, the sum of two hundred dollars,
will have ono quarter section (160 acres) entered
in their mune ? (or ns they may direct) ; for which
they will receive the patent from the general Land
°thee at Washington city, in their name, clear of
all charges.
According to existing laws those lends are not tax
able for 5 years from the date of thc entry. Sat
isfactory security will he given fo r all performances
on my part, and for the refunding of the amount
of the purchase, with 6 per mt., at the expiration
of five years, to any person who may then be dia
satisfied with the location.
The canal from Chicago to Lasalle, at the bead
of Steam-boat Navigation on the Illinois River,
the Railroutlfrom Chicago to Galena, which is
now in process of construction, and tho Railroad
from Chicago to Ruck Island, on the Mississippi
river, now completed to Aurora, sumo 30 miles
west of Chicago, will pass through this country
from East to West, and the great Central Railroad
from Galena to the mouth of the Ohio river, pass
es through it from North to South, for the con
struction of which the late Congress appropriated
a large amount of land, thereby securing, beyond
doubt, its speedy completion;; and there is no doubt
in the mind of any person well informed upon the
suNeet, but Chicago will be connected with alLthe
Atlantic Cities by Railroad, in the course of from.
two to four yearaufrointhis:tiniti, thereby enabling
finnilics to emigrate to this country in the short
space of from three to four days, from any portion
of the East, without the risk of travelling by steam
bout. Persons wishing to procure desirable homes
the themselves and families, will do well to make
application soon, as the amount of public lands is
limited, and is being taken up tepidly by actual
Any information desired, can be obtained from
I*Am; Pianist,, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa.
KESSLIat & Buorpun; .Mill Creek, Huntingdon
Comity, Ps.
ltLtouttsi & DORSET, Huntingdon, Pa.
S. S. BLAIR, Esq., llollidaphurg, Pa.
tulrLetters connected, wit the ha,iness may he
e.:r sed to A. CAMPBELL, Peru I'. 0. La
sidle Co., Illinois.
Oct. 29, 1550.-7-31 n.
Valuable Property at Private bale.
THE subscriber will sell his farm at private
sale, situated in Kishacoquillas valley, about
three miles west of Allenville, adjoining lands
of C. & Daniel Yoder, Samuel King and others,
containing 142 acres, about 123 acres of which
is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.—
The remainder is well timbered. The improve
ments are a large two story Stone House, good
Log Barn, good Spring at the door, good Spring
House, and all other necessary out-buildings.—
A first rate Apple Orchard of choice fruit, and
only six miles from the Pa. Canal and Central
Railroad. This farm is laid off in fifteen fields,
with running water in every field, and a running
stream through the barn yard. This farm will.
be sold censorable, as the subscriber is desirous
of emigrating to the Ives , .
Oct. 22, 1810. JACOB MUSSER.
Valuable Property at Private Sale.
TUB subscriber offers at private sale, the fol
lowing described valuable Farms and Timber
Land, situated in Kishaeoquillas Valley , Mifflin
comity, in., ono of the richest Agricultural valleys
in the State of Pennsylvania.
No. 1, contains 120 Aeres of first rate
Limestone land, in good state of cultivation, with
a Brick House, Frame Barn, and other buildings
thereon erected.
No. 2, contains -82 Acres, with a House,
Barn and Saw Mill thereon emted. A beautiful
Orchard of fruit trees, and a never failing well of
water atthe door.
No. 3, contains 280 Acres, with Muse,
Darn, and two tenant Houses thereon erected.—
About 40 acres cleared, and the rest well timbered.
No. 4, is , a tract of beautiful and valuable
The above valuable property will be sold whole
or in lots to suit purchase s. For further particu
lars, terms, &c., address the subscriber, at Allen
villo, county, Pa.
Nov. 19, 1850.-3t.—p4.
THE CROWDS who daily visit the splendid es
toblishment of NEFF & MILLER, say that
they have the very tot a ed cheapest assortment of
WATCHES & JEWELRY in town. Their stock
is nuriyalled, and front the low rates at which they
sell, they aro beyond the- reach of competitiou.
Nov. 12,.£810. -
LONG SHAWLS,. a superior article, for sale by
Srtaat & ho t%
Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Sic.
AT the lowest prices for cash.—Pure White Lead
at $2 ier keg. Flaxseed Oil at $1 per gal.—
Spirits of '1 urpentine at 50 cts. per gal. Putty at
61 Ct. per pound. Whiting at 3 eta. per pound.
Litharge at 10 eta. per lb.
'fa boxes Windsor GLASS, from 8410 to 294
30, assorted qualities.
8 dozen Paint Brushes and Sash Tools.
100 lbs. GLUE, 100 lbs. Red Lead,
50 " Chrome Yellow, 100 ," Venitian lied,
50 " " Green, 25 " Terra Cons,
25 " Plain Green, 25 " Sugar of Lead,
10 " F,n. Vermillion, 25 " Spanish Brown.
With en assortment of all kinds of Paints, &c.,
suitable for Painters, Housebuilders, &c., which
are warranted of good quality, always on hand at
Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1850.
Vernon Air-tight Cooking Stoves.
X havejust received three sizes of these high
ly celebrated Premium Cooking Stoves, put •
entcd in 1850, which is considered by all to be in
valuable mice economy of fuel, and can do as much
work as the largest sized Hathaway Stove, at the
low price of $l6 to $25 with Kitchen Companioncomplete, with Tin and Hollow-ware, at $l6
Norton's Minerva Stove at $l5 a $18; Nos. 2 a
3 Air-tight parlor Stoves at $5, $6 a $7,50, the
handsomest pattern in use. Cast irnu Stoves, $9
to $10; 7, 9 a 10 plate Stoves, $3,50 to $lO.
As we wish to close out our stock of Stoves,
we will sell, for cash, bargains.
Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1850.
Solar Lard Lamps.
/1111.1RCII ES, Public Buildings; &c., can be
(.iied with Solar Lard Lamps of any styleund .
quality, as low as can be purchased in Philadel
phia, warranted to give satisfaction, or be return
ed within It reasonable time.
14 pair Lard Lamps, new and fashionable styles.
8 " Hanging " "
6 o Nth, It
6 " Hanging Lamps, for Camphene.
6 " Side
2 dozon Lamps for burning Fluid, with an as
sortment of Chimneys, Shades &Fixtures, Globes,
Wicks, &o. Rt F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1850.
Leather and Shoe Finding Store.
ISLAVE always on hand a large and well assort
-I- cd stock of all kinds of Morocco Binding and
Lining Skins, Rip, Upper, Sole, French and coon
try Calf Skins, Pegs, Shoe Kitt, &c. to be sold
lower than the lowest, by
Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
A MOST beautiful assortmont of Tea and TA.
blo Cutlery—the most beautiful ever offered
here—Ballard's Ivory handle setts of 51 pieces ;
Ivory do.; Desert knives, a new and good article,
low for cash, at
Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
ROCK and Sporting Powder, Safety Fuse for
blasting, at
Nov. 5, 1850,
I RON of varions sizes, at 3 and si ets. per lb. at Nov. 5. F. G. FaAnoiscus'A.
IfILASS ! GLASS!! GLASS!!! of aU sixes at
%A lowest cash prices, by
Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. FltarlelßOUS.
laieS'lol3„relsfu, r Sp c i as ke h s, a a t t $4,25, and perhaps e
Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. Famzciscrs'a.
r[ILN, Block, ditto, Spelter, Zinc, Rivets, Iron
-1. Wire, from 6to 25, always on hand, at
Nov. 5, 1850, , F. G. FRANCISOUtefi.
VAMPIIENB,• Oil, and Burning Fluid, of best
quality, always for sain t pure and fresh, by
Nov. 5. F. G. FRANCACCS.
200 Packages Saddlery, at reduced prices.
100 packages Coach Ware. The largest
assortment of these goods always on hand.
Nov. 5. F. G. Fairsctscus.
THIS nourishing institution is situated in 'Nal
-1 carom Valley, Juniata county, Pa., eight mites
south-west of Miillintown, and sax miles front the
Perryville station on the Penn'a. Railroad: •
It has been in successful operation for more tham
twelve years, and is believed to be equal to any
Actulemy in the State in affording facilities to
young men for acquiring a thorough academical
education, either for business or for college. lie-
ing situated in a very pleasant neighborhood in
the country, the pupils are removed from thoso
temptations to idleness, dissipation and vice, which
are the bane of similar institutions in town; and
the whole surrounding vicinity will vie with any
place in the State for healthfulness, and for the
hiyh tone of morality pervading the community.
The buildings, recently, have been greatly im
proved, and are orge, appropriate and commodi
ous, constructed according to the latest and most
approved models of school architecture ; and are
believed to combine all the essential requisites for
the advantage and convenience of both learnerand
teacher. Pupils from a distance are required to
board in the Academy with the Principals; but It
it is desired by the parents, good boarding may be
obtained in the neighborhood.
For Boarding, (per week,)
Washing, (per quarter, of 11 w eeks,) 1,40
For Bed, (per quarter of 11 weeks,) 1,00
For Incidental, " 25
For Tuition in Latin, Greek, and Mathematics,
(per quarter,) $6,00
Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric,
Political Economy, Book-keeping, Bot
any, History, &c. Ice., 4,50
Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography,
Reading, Writing, &e., (per qunrtor,)• • • •3,00
Light, Books and Stationery are found by the
Pupil, and may be obtained at the stores in the
neighborhood. There are no extra charges what
The acadethical year is divided into two sessions
of 22 weeks each ; and each session into two quar
ters of 11 weeks each. ifir One quarter must fin
paid in advance, when the Pupil enters; and all
bills must be paid off before he leaves the Academy
otherwise seven per cent. on the whole bill for the
quarter will be shied. No deduction for absence
during the quarter, unless caused by sickness.
The Principals have both been constantly enga
ged in teaching, for upwards of twelve years, And
can furnish the vary best testimonials, both of
their own scholarship and ability, and also of the
thoroughness, esteem and accuracy of their mod° of
teacbtr,,, , , They will both give their exclusive and
undivided attention to their pupils, and will also Do
assisted by othet competent instructors; and they
therefore hope to enjoy the confidence of the pub
lic, and to merit and receive is liberal share of
Tho Vacations occur in April and October.
There is also a Private Boiirding House belong
ing to the Academy, at which several young men
may board themselves at about half the above rates.
Address all communications (post paid) to the
"Academia P. 0."
Tuscarora Valley, Juniata CO., Pn., I
November 5,1850.-9 t. 5
N. ll.—Pupils from a distance can always And
a ready conveyance from Mifflin or Perryville up
to the Academy, by applying to any of the llotels
in either place.
CI ARSAPARILLA, a fine article ,
Wl : Bal.:at
0 Marks' Confeetionarr. tPley I 1 .
, P,25