Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 17, 1850, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, Dec. 17, 1840.
Tern " HUNTINGTON JOURNAL" it published at
the following rates, viz:
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,74
If paid during the year, ' 2,00
If paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,50
To Clubs of fire or more, in advance, • • • 1,30
Tnx above Terms will he adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken for a less period than
nix months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
Cir Want of help, indisposition of the editor,
£c., has delayed the issue of our paper, and is our
excuse for all deficiencies.
eirThanks to lion. S. Cstvue, fur public
eirrhanksgiving day was generally observed
by our citizens. All places of business were clos
ed, and public worship attended to in the Church-
Marble Works.
Mr. R. G. STEWART has removed his Marble
Works to the brick building in the rear of the
residence of Hon. James Gwin, near Johnston's
Hotel. The Marble used at this establishment is
of the best quality, and the workmanship very
superior. We commend the establishment to pub
lic favor.
The Poor House.
The Commissioners to select a site for a Coun
ty Poor House, re-assembled ire this place on Sat
urday last. After a protracted sitting, extending
into the night, the farm belonging to WILLIAM B.
LIAR, in Shirley township, and adjoining Shir
leysbnrg, was agreed upon. This farm contains,
we are informed two hundred acres, with good
improvements thereon. The land is represented
to be of excellent quality, and in a high state of
ettltivation. The price to be paid for this farm is
$8,500. Tho crop in the ground goes with the
farm. The location of this property is by no
means central, but in the struggle between the
different farms proposed, we suppose the Com
missioners did the best they could.
eir'We are requested hl• the President of the
Board, to state that a general meeting of the Com
missiouers will he held 'in this town on the 30th
New Apogee Postage.
Tie New York Tribune, a high-toned and hon
orable paper, looks upon this subject in the true
tight, and speaks upon it in a manner which enti
ties it to the thanks of its country cotemporarics.
The Tribune says :
One cent per printed sheet, weighing not more
than two ounces when mailed, is probably a very
fair general rate ; but there should be a muchlow
sr rate for Country Newspapers—that is, for all
periodicals conveyed less than forty miles. We
think teu cents per annum as the postage of a
Weekly, twenty of a Semi-Weekly, thirty for a
Tri-Weekly, and sixty for a Daily—to be paid for
a full year in advance—would be . fair rates for all
journals conveyed not more than forty miles from
their respective places of publication. We be
lieve such rates would be most advantageous, yet
but justly so, to the Country Press, which is now
unduly crowded by the city journals. The Week
ly Tribune, for instance, now pays seventy-eight
cents in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, &c.,
while the journals printed in the very countries
were taken, pay fifty-two; this is too little differ
ence : but to reduce ours to fifty-two and leave the
focal journals subject to the soma rate, would ag
gravate the injustice. Ore cent per copy, paya
ble gnarterl• in advance, for every newspaper
sent more than forty miles, and ten cents per year,
payable annually it s advance, for every Weekly
transmitted less than forty miles, with correspond
ing raps for papers printed oftener than once a
week, would be just shout right.
The above is a merited rebuke to the Postmas
ter General for his illiberality to the Counts•
Press. In his report the interests of the City pa
pets are alone cared for. lie wants the papers
which circulate principally in the county in which
they are printed, to pay the same postage for be
ing carried ono mile, as he would charge his city
favorites for one thousand or more miles. Now,
flor one part, we cannot see what any of our coun
try cotemporaries are putting Mr. Postmaster Hall
and his report about. We cure nothing about his
being a Whig. We go with all our force against
every public man, no matter which party he be
longs to, who goes against us. If this is not done,
what use is there in holding Editorial Conven
tions? To meet in solemn conclave, as a frater
nity, and resolve to "play Ned" with every poli
tician who will not go for doing justice to the
Country Press, in the matter of postage, then ad
tonrn and go home and puff every prominent mon,
belonging to our respective parties, no smatter
what course he takes on the subject, only vendors
ws ridiculous. Nothing can he aeconaplished in
thin way. We must stand up for our rights. The
suggestions of the Tribune, if adopted, would sat
isfy no, and we think them the best that have
been made public. They have equity on their
side, cud if supported by the Country Press gen
erally, might be adapted. What say you breth
ifirSAETALN'A MAGAZINE, for January, has
Sven furnished us by IL W. Smith, of the Hunt
ingdon Book Store. It is a suberb number. The
*mints possess groat literary excellence, and the
engravings with which it is adorned, are truely
"The Mother's Pet," is worth the
price of one copy. This Magazine can be got at
Smith's at twenty-five cents per copy or $2 50
per year, free of postage.
tre - Gonir's and Gsauau's bLactazirma for
January have been received. They both fully
euatain their 131/73 rejuitittiona. Godey says lie
gannet be equalled, and Graham, very confident.
Iy merle that he' stands .at the bead of American
liagasinee. We cannot decide between them,
lust would Teens/intend every family to take one
e the other. Ternm the same - $3 per annum
hr a 2ugle
Congress is not expected to do much until after
the Hollithtys. The President's message has been
referred to the appropriate committees, without de
bate, except a speech from Mr. Giddings, to which
very properly, no one made any reply.
On the 12th inst., Mr. iI.SAIIPTON, of Pittsburg,
gave notice of his intention to introduce a bill.gran
ting a portion of the public lands to Pennsylvania
to aid in constructing the Pennsylvania Railroad,
the Pittsburg end' Connelsville road, and the Ohio
and Pennsylvania road. The bill proposes to grant
3,000,000 of acres to the State, to be distributed
among the above named roads asfullows.:--2,0041,-
000 to the Pennsylvania road ; 500,000 to the Pitts
burg and Conuellsville rout?, and 500,000 to the
Ohio and Pennsylvania road. The Governor, or
persons to be by hint appointed, is to select, with
the approbation of the Secretary of the yerior,
the lands to be granted, out of any lands sulject to
private entry now or hereafter to be surveyed, and
to expose the same to sale, applying the proceeds,
after deducting expenses of selection and sale, to
the payment of stock to be subscribed by the Gov
ernor, on behalf of the State, to the several roads
named, and all dividends arising on said stock are
to be paid over to the State Treasurer for appro
priation to the Common School Fund of Pennsyl-
Fires in Hollidaysburg..
Some time since, letters were sent to several of
the Citizens of Hollidaysburg, informing them that
their houses would be burnt. By the last Holli
daysburg papers we learn that attempts have been
made, to carry out these horrible threats. The
Register of Wednesday last soya:
"On Monday evening last, between 9 and 10
o'clock, the citizens of our town were thrown into
commotion by the cry of Fire! originating from
the discovery of an attempt to. fire a Stable in
Strawberry alley, belonging to Mr. Henry Learner.
•Pe was- sninlned however, before any injury was
done. But between 11 and , 12 o'clock the alarm
ing cry was again sent nth and soon the same Sta
ble was enveloped in flames beyond the control of
human effbrt. The mow contained a considerable
quantity of hay and straw, and a strong breeze lim
ned the flames, which were soon communicated to
two Stables on the oppositeside of the alley,which
afforded additional food for the devastating ele
ment. At this stage of the fire it presented nmost
fearful prospect. The wind blew burning embers
like flakes of snow to the roofs of the adjacent
buildings, which, however, by a kind Providence,
and the exertions of the people, were prevented
from taking fire. The three Stables burned were
the property of Mr. Learner. A Wood house, ad
joining one of the Stables, belonging to Mr. Rob
ert Lytle was also burned. The loss we have
heard estimated at about $7OO.
The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incen
EUIVAIM But., fur many years a resident of
this county and generally known, fell into the lock
in froNt of the collector's office on Saturday eve
ning last, and before assistance could be rendered
him, the breath of life had departed ! One account
states that he left his shop, adjoining the collec
tor's office, for the purpose of crossing to the store
on the opposite side of the canal, and in conse
qttence of the darkness missed his footing; anoth
has it that the wind blew his hat off, and he fell in
in his effort to recover it. The body was recov
ered in a short time, and an inquest held on it by
Coroner Davis, which returned a verdict of death
by accidental drowning. The deceased was prob
ably about 50 years of age, a shoemaker by trade
laud a most excellent workman.--Leuistown Gaz.
The Tariff.
The Lancaster Union says: Notwithstanding
the able manner in which the President has poin
ted out the evils which exist in the present tariff
—notwithstanding the startling fact that the coun
try is running into debt under theexistingsystem,
the greatest opposition will be manifested by the
opponents of home industry, to the admirable sug
gestions contained in the message upon the sub
ject of a change in the tariff. Pennsylvania has
not been true to herself and to her own interest,
and if her manufactures continue to suffer—if her
workshops are closed and her fires extinguished,
she must blame herself. The lesson will be a bit
ter one, and she is likely from present appearances
to enjoy it. If it had not been for the votes of her
Lccofoco representatives last session, the tariff
would have been so modified, ere this, as to have
affioded a proper remuneration to the operatives.
" :"'We had intended to call on Col. M'-
autt.c, of the Juniata Sentinel, about Christmas
time, to marshal the editorial forces hereabouts,
and march to Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg on
the railroad, then and there to make our brethren
fight out their disputes at once in a regular pitch
ed battle—or else treat to turkey and oysters; hut
as the spirit of rebellion against the editorial con
vention's resolution has been softened down,,we'll
have to defer oar visit to some more fitting oppor
'tunity.',—Leuistown Gazette.
We plead not guilty to the chitrge contained in
the above, bat would nevertheless be well pleased
to Iplve a visit from a the editorial forces" of
Lewistiw•n and Milllintown. 'We will gladlystand
our share of the " treat" too, for we have no
doubt something warm would taste good to our
brethren of the above mentioned places this cold
inclement weather
" Hope you won't burst your trowscrs, Cob"—
We're down! Wo acknowledge our inability
to compete with the classic beauty, to say nothing
of the inimitable wit of the above sentence:
tlEr, MeCAar, who recently opened an oyster Sa
loon in the basement of the Elephant Store, gave
an oyster supper a short time since, to which he
' politely invited us. We could not attend on the
interesting occasion, but learn from those who
did, that the oysters served up were large and de
licious, and everything else in good taste and
style. McCan gets his oysters in the shell, and
hence can furnish them to his customers entirely
fresh. We couunend his establishment to public
'urThe "Daily San" is one °Me very best
newspopers published in Philadelphia. We arc
pleased to leant that it is in such a flourishing
condition. All such noble fellows ns WALLACE,
the editor, should prosper. The 5.04 is sent to
at $1 pej mum, doily.
California a Whig State !
At the first election in California the vote was
very small and the result Locofocoish. Immedi
ately the cry rung through the State that Califbr-
Dia was Locofoco to the core. The boast seems
to have been premature, however.—A letter dated
San Francisco, Oct. 31, 1850, published in the
Philadelphia Nardi American of Tuesday, holds the
following decided language in reference to the pol
itics of the new State :
"There need be no apprehension whether Cali
fornia will be a Whig State—for she is ono already.
There is a majority in the Legislature of nine on
joint ballot, which will secure us a United States
Senator. This result has been brought about by
the persevering efforts of James M. Crane, the ed
itor of the California Courier, who, it is now gen
erally conceded, will be the person selected by the
Whigs to till Col. Fremont's place. The Whigs
of the Atlantic States . havo reason to feel proud of
Mr. Crane for his gallant efforts in securing this
superb Whig triumph against such odds. This
event has struck the Locofocos with consternation.
Well have they been paid off."
BUSINESS BEFORE Comonees.—Among the lin
portant topics before Congress arc the following:— •
The reduction of the postage to two cent(-pre
paid--on all letters, and the tree transmission of 1 1
The construction of a railroad to the Pacific, on
Whitney's plan.
The opening of a good wagon road to Califor
The sale of the mineral lands of California.
The establishment of a mint in California.
The establishment of n mint in New York.
The signing of the Nicaragua treaty now before
Ile Senate.
Report of the Secretary of war.
The report of Hon. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary
of War, is also a comparatively brief document,
being a plain perspicuous and continuous statement
almost a narrative of affairs appertaining to the ar
my and the military defence of the country, with
few figures and no intricate tables. It will be read
with equal facility and interest..
The aggregate strength of the army, as at pres
ent established by law, is 12,326 officers and men.
It is estimated that the number of men actually in
Service and fit fur duty, from deaths, discharges,
desertions, sickness, and other casualties, falls short
of the legal organization on au average of front 30
to 40 per cent.; so that the above number would
represent an effective force of only from 7,400 to
8,700 men. Of the whole number 7,796 are sta
tioned in or are under orders for Texas, New Mex
ico, California, and Oregon; leaving only 4,520
in all the rest of the States and Territories.
The Secretary urges the necessity of employing
a cavalry fa,e to curb the mounted Indians of
Texas and New Mexico; and suggests the adop
tion of some system, dictated equally by policy and
humanity, for reclaiming the whole unfortunate
race, by inducing them to abandon their wander
ing and predatory life, to live in villages, and re
sort to agricultural pursuits for subsistence. The
statement of the enormous cost of transporting
pork and flour for the use of the troops in Now
Mexico affords a strong evidence of the benefit
which therepnblic would derive, in a mere peen
' Mary light, from restoring peace and security to the
herdsman and husbandman of a territory, "a large
portion of which is susceptible of producing crops
of grain, and nearly all of which is well adapted to
Report of the Secretary of the Navy.
The report of WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, Secretary
of the Navy, is of considerable length, and is elmr
acterized by clearness and ability. We take from
the North American the lidlowing abstract of its
main features:
The report gives an account of the opperntions
of the six different spnadrous into which the ships
in commission arc devided.
It is remarked that occasional instances of Brit
ish interference with vessels hearing our Nag on
the African coast have occurred, hut that in each
ease explanations and apologies have been made
to our officers on that station, and the reports there
of transmitted to the government.
The Secretary says that our flag has been re
spected on every sea, and that the interests of
commerce have been secure andel-its protection.—
The Navy consists of 7 ships of the line, 1 recce, 12
frigates, 21 sloops of war, 4 brigs, 2 schooners,
5 steam frigates 3 steamers of the first class 6 steam
ers of less than first class, and 5 store ships. The
ships in commission arc l razes, 6 frigates 15 sloops
of war, 4 brigs, 2 schooners (coast survey,)2 steam
frigates, 1 steamer of the first class, 21ess than first
class, 3 ships of the lino as receiving ships 1 steam
er do., and 1 sloop do. Four ships of the line and
a frigates are on the stocks in process of construc
tion, the work suspended. Besides these, there
pre the mail steamships on the Now York and
Liverpool and New York and emigres lines, liable
to naval duty in case of necessity.
The Secretary notices the improvements going
on in the Navy Yards in Philadelphia and other
places ; states that he has invited proposals for the
constructoin of a dry dock in the Pack ; says that
the stores on hand in the various yards amount to
$2,600,000 in value; and discusses the ques
tions of reducing the number of yards, which he
declines recommending at present, and depending
on private contracts for the construction of ships.
Tho existing person of the Navy embraces 68
captains, 97 commanders, 327 lieutenants, 68 our
;Notts, 37 passed assistant surgeons, 43 assist. it
surgeons, 64 pursuers, 24 chaplains, 12 professors
of mathematics; I I masters in the lieu of promo
tion, 464 passed and other midshipmen, and 7,500
petty officers, seamen, landsmen, boys, etc. The
Secetury says that this system of officers is unslispe
ly and di.pmportioned, there being n great vispari
ty between the head and the subordinate parts, and
he recommends a reduction in the three higher
grades. The report discusses a variety of other
questions respecting the organization soul distribu
tion of the service, all of which are worthy of at
tention, but can only be properly appreciated by a
reference to the Report.
The Pittsburg American of Saturday afternoon
says:—Six coaches started this morning with 54
passengers to Hollidaysh o every stage having its
full compliment. This was the first day the six
lines advertised by W. Morehead, Esq., the active
agent of the enterprising company, started on this
Hon. Wst. H. BIMELL.—It is certainly a re
markable fact, which wo find stated in the Illinois
State Register, that the lion. Wm. H. Bissell,
now representing the first Congressional district of
Illinois, being a candidete in the same district at
the election lately held foritepresentatives to the
next Congress, was elected without oppositoin co
reining every vote, to the number of twelve thou
sand nine hundred and fOrty'ollo !
From the Hollidaysburg Register.
United States ,lienator.
MR. Joaet:-Tne election of U. States Sena
tor, by the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, is
being somewhat discussed, in several lending pa
pers belonging to the two great parties in the
State. As the Democratic press points with HOMO
degree of certainty to man upon whom the De
mocracy will in all probability unite as the candi
date for the U. S. Senate, the Whigs should he
casting about among the many "good and true
men" in their party, fur a candidate to whom: 'the
full and unanimous Whig vote should be given fur
U. States Senator.
Several distinguished Whigs have already' been
named, the brilliancy of whose talents and qulifl
cations would reflect credit and honor on the State
and Nation ; stud the election of any one of whom
would be a proud triumph for the Whigs ofPenu
sylvania. To the many names 'greedy suggested,
in connection with the election of U. States Sena
tor, we woold respectively commend to the con
sideration of the Whig party, our able member of
Congress, the Hon. SAMUEL CALVIN. Mr.
Calvin is emphatically the architect of his name
and time. Starting in life, without any of the
aids of fortune or influential fronds, he has by M-
I domitahle energy and proper direction of talents of
a high ostler, placed himself in a commanding posi
tion as a Member of the Bar and as a bold and
able advocate of Whig principles and measures.--
Mr. Calvins' honesty of purpose, extensive attain
ments as a scholar and lawyer, and thorough coin
prehension and correct appreciation of the inter
ests of the people, render him eminently qualified
for the discharge of the important duties devolv
ing on a member of the U. States Senate.
Although a new member of the present Congres s
Mr. Calvin's conduct during die lust session in
relation to the great question of protection to do
mestic industry, has gathered around hint a host
of warm and admiring friends in Pennsylvania,
and his able speech in favor of some modification
of the Tariff of 1846, distinguished him as a Penn-
sylvanian, Inning at heart the welfare and pros
perity of his native State.
Foreign News.
The stetnner America arrived at Haliffix on
Wednesday morning with one week's later lICWA
from Europe. The Anti-Popery feeling in Eng
land is growing stronger, and measures are about
to be introduced into Parliament to deprive the
Catholic clergy of their titles by making it a penal
offence to hold them. The established Church in
England appears to be too stt ong for the Pope, and
the feeling excited against the latter may lead to
measures which will undo much of the work which
else liberality of the British Parliament in recent
years has effected in favor of the Catholic portion
of the population of Great Britain. The i»telli
genre from Germany has the same aspect, threat
ening the peace of Europe, but in spite of the King
of Prussia's course, the whole difficulty, it seems
to be expected, will end only in threatening move
ments, and Europe will not be plunged into a war
at present from tltis cause. Vic condition of things
however is , somewpitt critical; and further hostali
ties between dig Prussian and Bavarian troops,
which have occurred, may so foment the war spir
it already rife in Prussia that it trill he difficult to
allay it without a decided appeal to arms. The,
German question grows more complicated and'
more interesting each day. Its soltttiou concerns
all Europe.
Somebody, we don't know who, says there is a
class of men in every community who go about
with vinegar films, growling because somebody
feels above them, or because they are not appreci
ated us they should be, and who have a constant
quarrel with their destiny. These men, usually,
have made a very grave mistake in the estimate
of their abilities, or are unmitigated asses. In
either case, they are unfortunate. Wherever this
fault finding with one's condition or position oc
curs, there is always a want of self-respect. If
people despise you, do not tell of it all over town.
Ifyuu are smart, show it. Do something, and keels
doing. If you are aright down clever fellow, wash
the wormwood off your face, and show your good
still by your deeds. Then, it people feel above
you, go straight off and feel above them. If they
turn up their noses because you are a mechanic or
a farmer, or a shop boy, turn yours up a, notch
highef..; gap; swell when they puss you in ,the
streeOn'enTv ourself, and if this does not "fetch
them?' cum:lade very good-naturedly that they
are unworthy your acquaintance, andpity them fbr
missing such a capital chance to get into good so
Soaity never estimates a man at what he im
agines himself to be. lie must show himself to
be possessed of self-respect, independence, energy
to will and to do, and a good sound heart. These
qualities and possessions will "put him through."
WllO blames a man for feeling above those who
are mean enough to go around, like babies, telling
how people abuse them, and whinning because so
ciety will not take theist by the collar and drag
them into decency.
ear Tura LAUGE GLASS EDIFICE: erecting in
'London for the World's Fair, is fast progressing
towards completion. Two thousand mon are em
ployed upon it. Its length will lie 2000 feet, and
its breadth 408 feet, covering 20 acres of ground,
mid being of a height sufficient to embrace under
its roof some of the high forest trees of Hyde Park.
The structure is carried on in traverse sections
of 24 feet each, east and west, extending across the
width of the building north and south. Commen
cing at each extremity, and working towards the
centre, -two parties of 130 men. respectively, add
two sections of 24 feet per day, tLns advancing 96
feet per day across the entire breadth.
A Goon Ret.r..—TheEdltor of the Pottstown
Ledgerfliinks that every subscriber to a paper
should make it an unfailing rule . to pay his clues
regularly once a year. They arc then paid without
being felt, but when they'are left to accumulate for
years, they amount to a once that is not so willing
ly paid. The . Ledger man expresses our views
Pneeina.Ncr's MEtoimiri Sourn.—'flie Charles
ton News, commenting upon the President's mes
sage, says that Mr. FIL,LMORN is singularly eva
sive and cautions in relation tpthe slavery c055,-
tine, and proceeds to lecture him for delending'the
compromin meit,ure,
Truths Eloquently Expressed.
ward Everett, 6,390 'likable to attend the Mits
sachusetts Whig State Convention at Worcester,
on Tuesday week, write; a letter to the Cony.-
' lion full of good advice. We give an extract
The almost certain erect of organizing a third
party—mainly resting on one idea—is to endan
ger many great interests, for the doubtful pros
pects to promote one, certain to lead to arrange
ments which, whatever their momentary advan
tage, can scarcely be justified on general princi
ples. Where the third party is in its nature geo
graphical and sectional, it strikes of course at the
principles of the Union. Whatever reason may
have seemed to exist two years ago for a separate
organization, must be admitted at the present
time to have lost much of its force. Of the terri
tory supposed to be in danger, California, by far
the largest and most important part, is already
brought into the family of the States, under a con
stitution framed by herself, and excluding slavery.
Now Mexico has framed n similar constitution.—
She has not yet been admitted, but she is sure to
come in when she is found to have the requisite
population. The fact just mentioned, with others
bearing on this point, nake it as certain en any
future event can be, that she will come in as a
free State t the same remark may be made of the
intervening region between New Mexico and
Calitbrnia. It is principally settled from the New
England and Middle States, and from Great Bri
tain, and as a practical question, no one will, I
think, suppose that there is the slightest danger
that the inhabitants of Utah will be a elaveholding
stated by correspondents at Washington that the
reply of President Fillmore and of Mr. Webster to
Governor Seabrook's demand, why so many U.
S. troops were concentrated at Fort Moultrie, has
been received, and creates a sensation. The Pre
sident replies, in substance, that this is a question
which the Governor or Legislature of South Caro
iina has no right to put—that by the Constitution
he is Commander-in -Chief, and hiss a eonstitu.
tional right to dispose of the U. S. forces in bar
racks, when he considers it best for the public in
terests. As he is not responsible to State authori
ty for his action, he respeetrifily declines answer-.
big the inquiry. This is It very proper reply,
though State pride may receive a shock by it.—
The State should not, however, make impertinent
the main subject of comment in the English pa
pers. London had added to its already numerous
pronuncimitentos, during the week ending Nov.
30th, by a great outburst at Guildhall. Scotland
is also stirring. Resolutions, denouncing the Pope
ns the man of sin, were passed in the General As
sembly in the Scottish capital with acclamation.
It has been announced officially that her Majesty
receives with great satisfaction all addresses pre
sented to her against the late bull of the Pope.—
Mr. Hume, a liberal member of Parliament, ridi
cules the idea of the clergy of the Church of Eng
land pretending to be alarmed at the proceedings
of the Catholics, and declares that the Church has
much more to fear front the Anti-State Church
Societies, whom this movement will strengthen;
than front the Pope's ball.—Ledytr.
Awful Calamity.
last Saturday night a house occupied by an old
:•gentleman, his wife and daughter, by the name of
Dick, in Carlisle, was destroyed by fire, and the
three perished in the flames. The fire broke out
about midnight, aml had made such progress when
first discovered that all effort was in vain. After
the fire was extinguished the remains of the three
bodies were found iunoung the ruins, bat soborri
bly burnt—to a perfect cinder—as to render them
undistinguishable. The fluidly were universally
esteemed and respected, and their awful fate has
thrown a deep gloom over the entire community.
The daughter was a young lady of about twenty
years of age.—Shippensbarg News.
ter Sessions at Harrisburg, refused a new trial to
young Milligan, who was convicted of burning the
bridge over the Susgnebauna, at Clark's Ferry.—
Ile was then sentenced to three years hard labor
in the County Prison, being the extent of the law.
FIRES IN llsoLustown, Md.—The large
stone grist mill, situated at the eastern end of Ile
gerstown, was, with two thousand bushels of wheat
and 4 or 5000 bushels of otrol, entirely consumed
by fireottlfriday night last. The fire originated
in the upper story by the friction of the elevators.
The mill was the; property of Mr. Ilass, and cost
$20,000. 'rho 'lurch says that the owners of the
mill are insured in Philadelphia for $2OOO, and
Mr. Ell &clop who carried it on, is insured in. the
Leitersburg M. 1. Company fur $5OOO. It is said
his loss is about $4OOO.
Purchase of Mount Vernon.
There is manifest propriety in the project for the
purchase of Mount Vernon by the Government,
and we are pleased to see it recommended in the
truly able report of the Secretary of the Interior in
connexion with the catablishment of an agricultu
ral bureau. In the event of the estlffilishment of
such a bureau, which we trust to size speedily ac
complished, a model farin in the vicinity of the me
tropolis, under the direction of the bureau, would
prove an auxiliary in illustrating the best modes
of culture ; and should such a view meet the fa
vorable consideration of Congress, Mr. Stuart sug
gests that Mount Venton, whose soil was once till
ed by the hands, and is now 'consecrated by the
dust, 01' the Father of his . . Cduntry, and which
should properly belong to the nation, might, with
great propriety, become under its auspices, u mod
el limn to illustrate the progress of that pursuit to
which he wits so much 'devoted. Whatever may
be the action of Congress, we ore sure the heart
of the whole American people will respond affirm
atively to this suggestion. It would ensure pro
tection and permanence to the many relies which
are now objects of so much interest, and would ad
*nimbly comport with the regard pc all entertain
for whatever is associated with the memory of
Washington.--4)arly News.
A ship-huildor wits once asked what he thought
of Mr. Whitefield. " Think !" lie replied ;
tell you, sir, every Sunday that I go to my parish
church, I, emt build a ship from stein to stern, un
der the sermon; but were It o save my soul, un
der Mr. W., I could not buy a single plunk."
Wages In Ireland.
We copy the following form tho London
Tittles :
. At the petty sessions, lately held at Kan
turk, Ireland, an Irish farmer, Green by name,.
was summoned by one of his laborers for the
sum of one shilling and sixpence, which, we
might suppose, represented a day's work. It
appeared, however, that it was claimed for
three week's work. done at the rate of one
penny per diem during harvest time-.for
eighteen days, eighteen pence. There was
no dispute about the fact of the labor having
been performed, the farmer's reluctance be
ing grounded on the exorbitant character of
the demand. Mr. Green declared that he
should never have thought of engaging a
statvpling like the complainant Walsh at
that money, when he could get the best men
in the country for as little. ien:mid bring a
witness to prove that the wages really cove
nanted for were one halfpenny per week: it
was purely a commercial question; he had
made a bargain, as he averred, in accordance
with the state of the labor market in that lo
cality, taking into consideration the capaci
ties of Walsh; he considered that a bargain•
was a bargain, and ought to be kept; final-Iy r
he tendered three half pence as the amount
of the legitimate claim.—Astonnded by such
an offer, the magistrates demanded of Walsh
what he had obtained in the way of food
from his employer. They received for an
swer as follows:—"Whilst I was with him I
was obliged to be up in the morning about
4 o'clook, to let the cows out of :he sleeping
field, and remain herding them until the oth
er men would come to their work, and used
then to be obliged to work with them all
day, and get nothing for my support but a
bit of dry Indian gruel. They used to give
milk to the pigs and calves befcre my face,
but would not give me a drop." Under
these circumstances, the magistrates gave
orders for the payment of the more exorbi
tant sum of one penny per day, not, however,.
without renewed objections on the part of
Mr. Green, who stoutly maintained thejus
tice and the sacredness of his bargain.
This conduct of the Irish farmer affords a
clue, if we do not greatly mistake, to the hor
rible social condition of Ireland.
I census returns already received from seven.
teen states of the Union, show an increase of
population since 1840, of 3,130,898, which,
added to the aggregate population ten years
ago, of 17,093,353, would alone, make now
20,224,251. Estimating the increase in oth
er states by the same ratio, the aggregate
population of the nation in June last, may be
put down at not less than 24,000,000. or an
increase of nearly seven millions in the last
ten years.
In some of the states the increase has been
very rapid, in others quite inconsiderable.—
In Maine they have 612,000, being an In
crease in ten years of 110,207, or over twenty
per cent, Massachusetts has 1,000,000, be
ing an increase of 220 , 172, also upwards of
twenty per cent. Cannecticut has 386,000,
or an advance" of 65,985, also upwards of
twenty per cent. Pennsylvania has 2,300 1 -
000 showing an increase of 575,96'1, .or over
. per cent. Ohio has 2,200,000
showing an increase of 670,73 g, or over for
ty per cent. Wisconsin has 350,000; she
had but 30,000 ten years ago.
The District of Columbia, on the other
hand, has gained but 7,000. She has now
50,000, or less than twelve per cent. increase;
North Carolina has 800,000, being an in
crease of 46,581, or only about six per cent.
' South Carolina has only 638,099, being an
increase of only 41,701—less that eight . per
cent. We have returns from only one other
soutern state, that is Georgia , , the population
of which is now 1,000,000, showing an in
crease of 308,608„ or about forty-five per
The ratio of increase in the whole Union,
estimated from the returns received of seven
teen states, is about thirty per cent. That of
Georgia is fifteen per cent ahead of the avei--
age. that of South Carolina is twenty-two,
and North Carolina twenty-tout per cent. be
low the average. In the notthern state.
heard from, the rate of increase is uniformly
over twenty per 'cont.—New York Evening
THE BOUNTY LAND LAW--We learn from
the Pension Office, says the National Intel
ligencer, that in answer to various inquiries
relative to the Bounty Land Act of September
28, 1859, decisions have been made as fel
lows :
1. That where the service has been ren
dered by a substitute, he is the person en
titled to the benefit, and not his employer.-
2. That the widow of a soldier who has ren
dered the service requireby law is entitled
to bounty land, provided she was a widow at
the passage of the law, although she may
have been married several times; or although
her marriage to the officer or soldier may
have taken place after he left the, service;
but if not a widow when the law passed, the
benefit of the act insures to the minor shil
dren of the deceased soldier. 3. That no
person who has received or is entitled .to
bounty land under a prior law is entitled to
the benefit of the act of the 28th of Septem
ber, 1850. 4. That no soldier is entitled "to
inure than one warrant under this act, id
though he may have served several terms;
hut, where a soldier has served several terrns,
ho will receive a warrant for the greatest
quantity of land to which the several terms
consolidated will entitle him. 5. In all ca.
Ises where any portion of the marine corps in
' the several wars referred to in the act of - the
28th of September, 1850, i were embodied
with the army in the field, and performed
service as a portion of the line of the army,
the marines who so served. if they served this
time required by law, and were honorably
discharged, are entitled to land. No setunpn,
nor any other person belonging to the navy
proper, is entitled to land. And no teams
ter or artificer is entitled to land. Poisons
who were engaged in the removal of thu
Cherokees from Georgia in 1836, or in remo
ving Indians at any time, are not entitlecl to
D•111rs. Partington gives it as her pri
vate opinion that "Pearce's Bill" is the moat
popular man in all Texas. She has just been
reading the papers and finds that he ,has
beaten his opponent by an- overwhelm ing majority. "I t is not to be wondered, at,
however,'.' philosopltiiees the. old lady "as
,GeneratSentiment, one of the most hi,en
tial men in the state, WB5 enlisted Wpi be